def flush_methods(self, methods: Dict[str, List[MetricsBean]], key: str, saver: Saver): m = methods.pop(key, None) if m is not None: saver.add_method_to_csv(key, m) else: print('Unexpected key entry: ' + key)
def mine_methods(self, start_commit: str, stop_commit: str, filter_methods: Set[str] = None, filter_files: Set[str] = None) -> int: methods = {} # Dict[str, List[MinerBean]] commits_to_analyze = -1 print('Mining: ' + self.repo_path) gr = GitRepository(self.repo_path) # Redefine start and stop commits print('Adjust start and stop commits.') first_commit = start_commit if start_commit is None: first_commit = gr.get_head().hash last_commit = stop_commit # Print start and stop commits info c1 = gr.get_commit(first_commit) print('Start: {} Author date: {} Committer date: {}'.format( c1.hash, c1.author_date, c1.committer_date)) c2 = gr.get_commit(last_commit) print('Stop: {} Author date: {} Committer date: {}'.format( c2.hash, c2.author_date, c2.committer_date)) # Unnecessary in production # Count commits to analyze print('Retrieve commits to analyze.') commits = [] for commit in RepositoryMining(self.repo_path, from_commit=first_commit, to_commit=last_commit, reversed_order=True).traverse_commits(): commits.append(commit) print('{}) {} {}'.format(len(commits), commit.hash, commit.author_date)) commits_to_analyze = len(commits) # Open CSV file and write header saver = Saver(self.csv_file) saver.create_csv_file() saver.print_csv_header() # Traverse commits and calculate metrics commit_count = 0 # for commit in RepositoryMining(self.repo_path, from_commit=first_commit, to_commit=last_commit, reversed_order=True, only_modifications_with_file_types=self.allowed_extensions).traverse_commits(): for commit in RepositoryMining(self.repo_path, from_commit=first_commit, to_commit=last_commit, reversed_order=True).traverse_commits(): buggy = True if commit.hash in self.bic_commits else False fix = True if commit.hash in self.fix_commits else False mod_analyzed_count = 0 count_files_per_commit = len(commit.modifications) for mod in commit.modifications: # Filter out unnecessary files if filter_files is None or mod.new_path in filter_files: if mod.filename.endswith(tuple(self.allowed_extensions)): mod_analyzed_count += 1 # Update key entry on rename if mod.change_type is ModificationType.RENAME: methods = self.update_keys(methods, mod.new_path, mod.old_path) if filter_files is not None: filter_files.add(mod.old_path) count_methods_per_file = len(mod.methods) for method in mod.methods: key = self.get_unique_key(mod.new_path, mod.old_path, # For unwanted keys prevent metric calculation if filter_methods is None or key in filter_methods: lines = mod.diff_parsed method_metrics = MethodMetrics( mod.source_code, method.start_line, method.end_line, lines, buggy, fix) m_touched = method_metrics.is_touched() m_fix = method_metrics.is_fix() m_buggy = method_metrics.is_buggy() mb = MetricsBean( commit.hash, commit.author_date, mod.new_path,, method.start_line,, count_files_per_commit, mod.added, mod.removed, mod.nloc, mod.complexity, mod.token_count, count_methods_per_file, method_metrics.get_added_lines(), method_metrics.get_removed_lines(), method.nloc, method.complexity, method.token_count, buggy, fix, method_metrics.get_number_of_lines(), method.fan_in, method.fan_out, method.general_fan_out, len(method.parameters),, m_touched, m_fix, m_buggy) # Append new bean if key not in methods: methods[key] = [] methods.get(key, []).append(mb) # Going back in the past ADD is the moment in which the a file, consequently a method, is added therefore it can be removed from the disc and flushed into the CSV to save RAM if mod.change_type is ModificationType.ADD: self.flush_methods(methods, key, saver) commit_count += 1 print( 'Methods: {:>8} | Commit {:>6}/{:<6} {} Date: {} Mods: {:>4}/{:<4} | Bug: {} Fix: {}' .format(len(methods), commit_count, commits_to_analyze, commit.hash, commit.author_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), len(commit.modifications), mod_analyzed_count, buggy, fix)) for key, value in methods.items(): saver.add_method_to_csv(key, value) saver.close_csv_file() print('Mining ended') return commit_count