Esempio n. 1
def read_universal_counts(feature_names, state_names, file, file_type, feature_states_file):
    """ This is a helper function to import global counts of each category of each feature,
        which then define dirichlet distributions that are used as a prior for p_global.
            feature_names(dict): the features names (internal and external)
            state_names(dict): the category names (internal and external)
            file (str): The file location of the pseudocounts for the prior
            file_type (str): Two options:
                                ´counts_file´: The counts are given in aggregate form (per features states)
                                ´features_file´: Counts need to be extracted from a features file.
            feature_states_file (str): The csv file containing the possible state values per feature.

            dict, str: The counts for each state in each feature and a log string.

    # Read the global counts from csv
    if file_type == 'counts_file':
        counts, feature_names_file, state_names_file = read_feature_occurrence_from_csv(file, feature_states_file)
        _, _, features, feature_names_file, state_names_file, *_ = read_features_from_csv(file, feature_states_file)
        counts = np.sum(features, axis=0)

    # # #  Sanity checks  # # #

    # ´counts´ matrix has the right shape
    n_features = len(feature_names_file['external'])
    n_states = max(len(f_states) for f_states in state_names_file['external'])
    assert counts.shape == (n_features, n_states)

    # Are the data count data?
    if not all(float(y).is_integer() for y in np.nditer(counts)):
        out = f"The data in {file} must be count data."
        raise ValueError(out)

    # Same number of features?
    assert len(feature_names['external']) == len(feature_names_file['external'])
    assert len(feature_names['internal']) == len(feature_names_file['internal'])

    # Same feature names?
    for f in range(len(feature_names['external'])):
        assert feature_names['external'][f] == feature_names_file['external'][f]
        assert feature_names['internal'][f] == feature_names_file['internal'][f]

    # Same number of categories?
    assert len(state_names['external']) == len(state_names_file['external'])
    assert len(state_names['internal']) == len(state_names_file['internal'])

    # Same category names?
    for f in range(len(state_names['external'])):
        assert state_names['external'][f] == state_names_file['external'][f]
        assert feature_names['internal'][f] == feature_names_file['internal'][f]

    # Return with log message
    log = f"Read universal counts from {file}"
    return counts, log
Esempio n. 2
def read_inheritance_counts(family_names, feature_names, state_names, files,
                            file_type, feature_states_file):
    """ This is a helper function to import the counts of each feature in the families,
    which define dirichlet distributions that are used as prior for p_family.

        family_names(dict): the names of the families (internal and external)
        feature_names(dict): the features names (internal and external)
        state_names(dict): the category names (internal and external
        files(dict): path to the file locations
        file_type (str): Two options:
                            ´counts_file´: The counts are given in aggregate form (per features states)
                            ´features_file´: Counts need to be extracted from a features file.

        feature_states_file (str): The csv file containing the possible state values per feature.
        dict, list: The dirichlet distribution per family for each category in each feature, and the categories
    n_families = len(family_names['external'])
    n_features = len(feature_names['external'])
    n_states = max([len(s) for s in state_names['external']])
    counts_all = np.zeros([n_families, n_features, n_states])
    log = str()

    for fam_idx in range(n_families):
        fam_name = family_names['external'][fam_idx]

        if fam_name not in files:
            log += f"No prior information for {fam_name}. Uniform prior used instead.\n"

        # Load counts for family ´fam_name´
        file = files[fam_name]

        if file_type == 'counts_file':
            counts, feature_names_file, state_names_file = read_feature_occurrence_from_csv(
                file, feature_states_file)
            _, _, features, feature_names_file, state_names_file, *_ = read_features_from_csv(
                file, feature_states_file)
            counts = np.sum(features, axis=0)

        counts_all[fam_idx, :, :] = counts
        log += f"Read counts for {fam_name} from {file}\n"

        # # #  Sanity checks  # # #

        if not all(float(y).is_integer() for y in np.nditer(counts)):
            out = f"The data in {file} must be count data."
            raise ValueError(out)

        if len(feature_names['external']) != len(feature_names_file['external']) or \
                len(feature_names['internal']) != len(feature_names_file['internal']):
            out = "Different number of features in " + str(
                file) + " as in features."
            raise ValueError(out)

        for f in range(0, len(feature_names['external'])):
            if feature_names['external'][f] != feature_names_file['external'][
                out = "The external feature " + str(f+1) + " in " + str(file) \
                      + " differs from the one used in features."
                raise ValueError(out)
            if feature_names['internal'][f] != feature_names_file['internal'][
                out = "The internal feature name " + str(f+1) + " in " + str(file) \
                      + " differs from the one used in features."
                raise ValueError(out)

        if len(state_names['external']) != len(state_names_file['external']) or \
                len(state_names['internal']) != len(state_names_file['internal']):
            out = "Different number of features in " + str(
                file) + " as in features."
            raise ValueError(out)

        for f in range(0, len(state_names['external'])):
            if state_names['external'][f] != state_names_file['external'][f]:
                out = "The external category names for feature " + str(f+1) + " in " + str(file) \
                      + " differ from those used in features."
                raise ValueError(out)

            if feature_names['internal'][f] != feature_names_file['internal'][
                out = "The internal category names for " + str(f+1) + " in " + str(file) \
                      + " differ from those used in features."
                raise ValueError(out)

    return counts_all.astype(int), log