Esempio n. 1
	def cmd_disableRegulation(self,the_command):
		'''disables temperature regulation, important to run before quitting'''
		b = sb.SetTemperatureRegulationParams()
		b.regulation = 0
		b.ccdSetpoint = 1000
		a = sb.QueryTemperatureStatusResults()

		#A-D unit conversion	
		v1 = 4096.0/b.ccdSetpoint
		v2 = 10.0/(v1-1.0)
		setPointC = int(25.0 - 25.0 *((np.log(v2/3.0))/0.943906))
		v3 = 4096.0/a.ccdThermistor
		v4 = 10.0/(v3-1.0)
		TempC = 25.0 - 25.0 *((np.log(v4/3.0))/0.943906)
		TempC_round = round(TempC, 2)

		#associates the binary output of the refulation variable with on or off for the purposes of printing
		if b.regulation == 1 : reg = 'on'
		elif b.regulation == 0 : reg = 'off'

		return 'regulation = ' +str(reg) +'\n power = '+str(a.power) + '\n CCD set point (A/D) = '\
		    + str(a.ccdSetpoint) + ', CCD set point (C) = ' + str(setPointC)+'\n current CCD temp (A/D) = '\
		    + str(a.ccdThermistor) + ', current CCD temp (C)' + str(TempC_round)+ '\n'
Esempio n. 2
	def cmd_setTemperature(self,the_command):
		'''this command sets the temperature of the imaging CCD, input is in degrees C.'''
		commands = str.split(the_command)
		if len(commands) < 2 : return 'error: no input value'
		b = sb.SetTemperatureRegulationParams()
		b.regulation = 1
		#tests input validity, if not an integer value then input is rejected
		try: tempC = int(commands[1])
		except Exception: return 'invalid input (Please input an integer value in degrees C)'
		#Converts the degrees C input into A-D units, A-D units are interpretted and used by the driver
		v1 = (3.0 * np.exp((0.943906 * (25.0 -tempC))/25.0))
		temp = int(4096.0/((10.0/v1) + 1.0))
		b.ccdSetpoint = temp
		#calls the querey temperature command to check current CCD status
		a = sb.QueryTemperatureStatusResults()
		#converts thermistor value and setpoint to degrees C
		SPa = a.ccdThermistor
		v2 = 4096.0/SPa	
		v3 = 10.0/(v2-1.0)
		ccdThermistorC = 25.0 - 25.0 *((np.log(v3/3.0))/0.943906)
		ccdThermistorC_rounded = round(ccdThermistorC, 2)
		#associates the binary output of the refulation variable with on or off for the purposes of printing
		if b.regulation == 1 : reg = 'on'
		elif b.regulation == 0 : reg = 'off'
		#prints useful values to screen
		return ' regulation = ' +str(reg) +'\n power = '+str(a.power) + '\n CCD set point (A/D) = '\
		    + str(a.ccdSetpoint) + ', CCD set point (C) = ' + str(tempC)+'\n current CCD temp (A/D) = '\
		    + str(a.ccdThermistor) + ', current CCD temp (C) = ' + str(ccdThermistorC_rounded) +'\n'
Esempio n. 3
    def getTemperature(self, ccd=True):
	@returns: a tuple with (is cooling enabled, current cooling power (0-100), setpoint temperature, current ccd temperature)

        # USB based cameras have only one thermistor on the top of the CCD
        # Ambient thermistor value will be always 25.0 oC

        # ccdSetPoint value will be always equal to ambient thermistor
        # when regulation not enabled (not documented)

        qtsr = udrv.QueryTemperatureStatusResults()

        self._cmd(udrv.CC_QUERY_TEMPERATURE_STATUS, None, qtsr)

        return (qtsr.enabled, (qtsr.power / 255.0) * 100.0,
                TemperatureSetPoint.toDegrees(qtsr.ccdSetpoint, "ccd"),
                TemperatureSetPoint.toDegrees(qtsr.ccdThermistor, "ccd"))
Esempio n. 4
	def cmd_checkTemperature(self,the_command):
		'''This command checks the temperature at the time it is run'''
		a = sb.QueryTemperatureStatusResults()
		#A-D unit conversion
		SP = a.ccdSetpoint
		v1 = 4096.0/SP
		v2 = 10.0/(v1-1.0)
		setPointC = int(25.0 - 25.0 *((np.log(v2/3.0))/0.943906))
		v3 = 4096.0/a.ccdThermistor
		v4 = 10.0/(v3-1.0)
		TempC = 25.0 - 25.0 *((np.log(v4/3.0))/0.943906)
		TempC_rounded = round(TempC, 2)

	      	#associates the binary output of the refulation variable with on or off for the purposes of printing
		if a.enabled == 1 : reg = 'on'
		elif a.enabled == 0 : reg = 'off'
		#prints useful values
		return 'regulation = ' +str(reg) +'\n power = '+str(a.power) + '\n CCD set point (A/D) = ' \
		    + str(a.ccdSetpoint) + ', CCD set point (C) = ' + str(setPointC)+'\n current CCD temp (A/D) = ' \
		    + str(a.ccdThermistor) + ', current CCD temp (C)' + str(TempC_rounded) + '\n'
Esempio n. 5
	def capture(self,exposureTime,shutter,fileInput,imtype='Light'):
		#This command checks the temperature at the time it is run
		a = sb.QueryTemperatureStatusResults()
		#A-D unit conversion
		SP = a.ccdSetpoint
		v1 = 4096.0/SP
		v2 = 10.0/(v1-1.0)
		setPointC = int(25.0 - 25.0 *((np.log(v2/3.0))/0.943906))
		v3 = 4096.0/a.ccdThermistor
		v4 = 10.0/(v3-1.0)
		TempC = 25.0 - 25.0 *((np.log(v4/3.0))/0.943906)
		TempC_rounded = round(TempC, 2)
	      	#associates the binary output of the refulation variable with on or off for the purposes of printing
		if a.enabled == 1 : reg = 'on'
		elif a.enabled == 0 : reg = 'off'
		#Get CCD Parameters, this is required for later during readout
		p = sb.GetCCDInfoParams()
		p.request = 0
		r = sb.GetCCDInfoResults0()
		self.width = r.readoutInfo[0].width
		self.height = r.readoutInfo[0].height
		#This is because the spectrograph camera does not return the correct width and height from GetCCDInfoParams, but returns 1000x1000
		#This is probably ok since it is unlikely we will ever have a camera with 1000x1000 pixels exactly.
		if self.height==1000 and self.width==1000:
			self.width = 3352
			self.height = 2532
		self.gain = hex(r.readoutInfo[0].gain)
		#Start the Exposure
		self.startTime = time.time()
		p = sb.StartExposureParams()
		p.ccd = 0
		p.exposureTime = int(exposureTime * 100)
		# anti blooming gate, currently untouched (ABG shut off)
		p.abgState = 0 

		#sets up file name
		filename= fileInput.partition('.fits')[0]
		#calls checking functions	

		#sets the shutter to open or closed.
		print ' shutter: ' + str(shutter) + '\n file: ' + str(self.fullpath) + '\n exposure: ' + str(exposureTime) + ' seconds' 
		if shutter == 'open': shutter_status = 1
		elif shutter == 'closed':shutter_status = 2
		p.openShutter = shutter_status
		p = sb.QueryCommandStatusParams()
		p.command = sb.CC_START_EXPOSURE
		r = sb.QueryCommandStatusResults()
		r.status = 0