Esempio n. 1
def gettraj(pts):
    beziers = fitCurve(pts, 1)
    pathi = path()
    single = game()
    bz = []
    for b in beziers:
        for t in range(0, 51):
            bz.append(bezier.q(b, t / 50.0).tolist())
    bz = np.array(bz)
    pli = []
    for i in range(len(bz)):
        single = game()
        single.kx = bz[i][0] = bz[i][1]
    pathi.points = pli
    xdot = np.gradient(bz.T[0])
    ydot = np.gradient(bz.T[1])
    Xdot = [xdot, ydot]
    Xdot = np.array(Xdot)
    Xdot = Xdot.T
    pti = []
    for i in range(len(Xdot)):
        single = game()
        single.kx = Xdot[i][0] = Xdot[i][1]
    return pathi, Xdot, pti
Esempio n. 2
ppathr1n0 = rospy.Publisher('robot1n0/path', path, queue_size=20)

#traj_pub1n1 = rospy.Publisher('robot1n1/traj_vect',game, queue_size = 20)
traj_publ1n1 = rospy.Publisher('robot1n1/traj_vect_list', path, queue_size=20)
ppathr1n1 = rospy.Publisher('robot1n1/path', path, queue_size=20)

#traj_pub2n0 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n0/traj_vect',game, queue_size = 20)
traj_publ2n0 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n0/traj_vect_list', path, queue_size=20)
ppathr2n0 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n0/path', path, queue_size=20)

#traj_pub2n1 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n1/traj_vect',game, queue_size = 20)
traj_publ2n1 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n1/traj_vect_list', path, queue_size=20)
ppathr2n1 = rospy.Publisher('robot2n1/path', path, queue_size=20)

gs = 0
rpath1n0 = path()
rpath1n1 = path()
rpath2n0 = path()
rpath2n1 = path()

def rp10callback(msg):
    global flag
    global rpath1n0
    global robot1n0
    global ppathr1n0
    global traj_publ1n0
    flag = 1
    global rpath1n0
    rpath1n0 = msg
    get_traj_all(robot1n0, rpath1n0, ppathr1n0, traj_publ1n0)
Esempio n. 3
program to control robot to make it stay on the trajectory
publishes twist commands

flag = 0
bpose = Pose()
d = 0
ball = p.ball(x=0, y=0)
robot = p.robot(x=0, y=0, ball=ball)
gs = 0
r10cs = 1
r11cs = 1
r20cs = 1
r21cs = 1
r10path = path()
r11path = path()
r20path = path()
r21path = path()
r10tlist = path()
r11tlist = path()
r20tlist = path()
r21tlist = path()
rpose = [
    p.robot(x=0, y=0, ball=ball),
    p.robot(x=0, y=0, ball=ball),
    p.robot(x=0, y=0, ball=ball),
    p.robot(x=0, y=0, ball=ball)
rpath = [[], [], [], []]
rvects = [[], [], [], []]