Esempio n. 1
def test_functional_destinations(conf, cb, rl, persistent_launch_tor):
    good_destination = Destination('', 1024, False)
    bad_destination = Destination('https://example.example', 1024, False)

    session = requests_utils.make_session(persistent_launch_tor, 10)
    # Choose a relay that is not an exit
    relay = [r for r in rl.relays if r.nickname == 'relay1mbyteMAB'][0]
    # Choose an exit, for this test it does not matter the bandwidth
    helper = rl.exits_not_bad_allowing_port(bad_destination.port)[0]
    circuit_path = [relay.fingerprint, helper.fingerprint]
    # Build a circuit.
    circuit_id, _ = cb.build_circuit(circuit_path)

    # fail three times in a row
    is_usable, response = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
        bad_destination, circuit_id, session, persistent_launch_tor, 1024)
    is_usable, response = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
        bad_destination, circuit_id, session, persistent_launch_tor, 1024)
    is_usable, response = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
        bad_destination, circuit_id, session, persistent_launch_tor, 1024)

    destination_list = DestinationList(conf,
                                       [good_destination, bad_destination], cb,
                                       rl, persistent_launch_tor)
    functional_destinations = destination_list.functional_destinations
    assert [good_destination] == functional_destinations
Esempio n. 2
def test_connect_to_destination_over_circuit_fail(persistent_launch_tor, dests,
                                                  cb, rl):
    bad_destination = Destination('https://example.example', 1024, False)
    session = requests_utils.make_session(persistent_launch_tor, 10)
    # Choose a relay that is not an exit
    relay = [r for r in rl.relays if r.nickname == 'relay1mbyteMAB'][0]
    # Choose an exit, for this test it does not matter the bandwidth
    helper = rl.exits_not_bad_allowing_port(bad_destination.port)[0]
    circuit_path = [relay.fingerprint, helper.fingerprint]
    # Build a circuit.
    circuit_id, _ = cb.build_circuit(circuit_path)
    # Perform "usability test"
    is_usable, response = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
        bad_destination, circuit_id, session, persistent_launch_tor, 1024)
    assert is_usable is False

    # because it is the first time it fails, failures aren't count
    assert bad_destination.is_functional()

    # fail three times in a row
    is_usable, response = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
        bad_destination, circuit_id, session, persistent_launch_tor, 1024)
    is_usable, response = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
        bad_destination, circuit_id, session, persistent_launch_tor, 1024)
    assert not bad_destination.is_functional()
Esempio n. 3
def test_make_session(conf, persistent_launch_tor, dests):
    uuid_str = str(uuid.uuid4())
    settings.init_http_headers(conf.get('scanner', 'nickname'), uuid_str,
    session = requests_utils.make_session(
        persistent_launch_tor, conf.getfloat('general', 'http_timeout'))
    assert session._timeout == conf.getfloat('general', 'http_timeout')

    # Because there is not an stream attached to a circuit, this will timeout.
    response = None
        response = session.get(, verify=False)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout:
    assert response is None
Esempio n. 4
 def _perform_usability_test(self):
     log.debug('Perform usability tests')
     cont = self._cont
     timeout = self._usability_test_timeout
     session = requests_utils.make_session(cont, timeout)
     usable_dests = []
     for dest in self._all_dests:
         possible_exits = [
             e for e in self._rl.exits
             if e.can_exit_to(dest.hostname, dest.port)
         # Keep the fastest 10% of exits, or 3, whichever is larger
         num_keep = int(max(3, len(possible_exits) * 0.1))
         possible_exits = sorted(possible_exits,
                                 key=lambda e: e.bandwidth,
         exits = possible_exits[0:num_keep]
         if len(exits) < 1:
             log.warning("There are no exits to perform usability tests.")
         # Try three times to build a circuit to test this destination
         circ_id = None
         for _ in range(0, 3):
             # Pick a random exit
             exit = self._rng.choice(exits)
             circ_id = self._cb.build_circuit([None, exit.fingerprint])
             if circ_id:
         if not circ_id:
                 'Unable to build a circuit to test the usability '
                 'of %s. Assuming it isn\'t usable.', dest.url)
         log.debug('Built circ %s %s to test usability of %s', circ_id,
                   stem_utils.circuit_str(cont, circ_id), dest.url)
         is_usable, data = dest.is_usable(circ_id, session, cont)
         if not is_usable:
         assert is_usable
         log.debug('%s seems usable so we will keep it', dest.url)
     self._usable_dests = usable_dests
     self._last_usability_test = time.time()
Esempio n. 5
def test_connect_to_destination_over_circuit_success(persistent_launch_tor,
                                                     dests, cb, rl):
    destination =
    session = requests_utils.make_session(persistent_launch_tor, 10)
    # Choose a relay that is not an exit
    relay = [r for r in rl.relays if r.nickname == 'relay1mbyteMAB'][0]
    # Choose an exit, for this test it does not matter the bandwidth
    helper = rl.exits_not_bad_allowing_port(destination.port)[0]
    circuit_path = [relay.fingerprint, helper.fingerprint]
    # build a circuit
    circuit_id, _ = cb.build_circuit(circuit_path)
    # Perform "usability test"
    is_usable, response = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
        destination, circuit_id, session, persistent_launch_tor, 1024)
    assert is_usable is True
    assert 'content_length' in response
    assert destination.is_functional()
Esempio n. 6
def measure_relay(args, conf, destinations, cb, rl, relay):
    Select a Web server, a relay to build the circuit,
    build the circuit and measure the bandwidth of the given relay.

    :return Result: a measurement Result object

    log.debug('Measuring %s %s', relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint)
    our_nick = conf['scanner']['nickname']
    s = requests_utils.make_session(cb.controller,
                                    conf.getfloat('general', 'http_timeout'))
    # Probably because the scanner is stopping.
    if s is None:
        if settings.end_event.is_set():
            return None
            # In future refactor this should be returned from the make_session
            reason = "Unable to get proxies."
            log.debug(reason + ' to measure %s %s', relay.nickname,
            return [
                ResultError(relay, [], '', our_nick, msg=reason),
    # Pick a destionation
    dest =
    # When there're no any functional destinations.
    if not dest:
        # NOTE: When there're still functional destinations but only one of
        # them fail, the error will be included in `ResultErrorStream`.
        # Since this is being executed in a thread, the scanner can not
        # be stop here, but the `end_event` signal can be set so that the
        # main thread stop the scanner.
        # It might be useful to store the fact that the destinations fail,
        # so store here the error, and set the signal once the error is stored
        # (in `resultump`).
        log.critical("There are not any functional destinations.\n"
                     "It is recommended to set several destinations so that "
                     "the scanner can continue if one fails.")
        reason = "No functional destinations"
        # Resultdump will set end_event after storing the error
        return [
            ResultErrorDestination(relay, [], '', our_nick, msg=reason),

    # Pick a relay to help us measure the given relay. If the given relay is an
    # exit, then pick a non-exit. Otherwise pick an exit.
    # Instead of ensuring that the relay can exit to all IPs, try first with
    # the relay as an exit, if it can exit to some IPs.
    if relay.is_exit_not_bad_allowing_port(dest.port):
        r = create_path_relay(relay, dest, rl, cb, relay_as_entry=False)
        r = create_path_relay(relay, dest, rl, cb)
    # When `error_no_helper` is triggered because a helper is not found, what
    # can happen in test networks with very few relays, it returns a list with
    # the error.
    if len(r) == 1:
        return r
    circ_fps, nicknames, exit_policy = r

    # Build the circuit
    circ_id, reason = cb.build_circuit(circ_fps)

    # If the circuit failed to get created, bad luck, it will be created again
    # with other helper.
    # Here we won't have the case that an exit tried to build the circuit as
    # entry and failed (#40029), cause not checking that it can exit all IPs.
    if not circ_id:
        return error_no_circuit(circ_fps, nicknames, reason, relay, dest,
    log.debug('Built circuit with path %s (%s) to measure %s (%s)', circ_fps,
              nicknames, relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname)
    # Make a connection to the destination
    is_usable, usable_data = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
        dest, circ_id, s, cb.controller, dest._max_dl)

    # In the case that the relay was used as an exit, but could not exit
    # to the Web server, try again using it as entry, to avoid that it would
    # always fail when there's only one Web server.
    if not is_usable and \
            "Exit %s (%s) that can't exit all ips, with exit policy %s, failed"
            " to connect to %s via circuit %s (%s). Reason: %s. Trying again "
            "with it as entry.", relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname,
            exit_policy, dest.url, circ_fps, nicknames, usable_data)
        r = create_path_relay(relay, dest, rl, cb)
        if len(r) == 1:
            return r
        circ_fps, nicknames, exit_policy = r
        circ_id, reason = cb.build_circuit(circ_fps)
        if not circ_id:
                "Exit %s (%s) that can't exit all ips, failed to create "
                " circuit as entry: %s (%s).", relay.fingerprint,
                relay.nickname, circ_fps, nicknames)
            return error_no_circuit(circ_fps, nicknames, reason, relay, dest,

        log.debug('Built circuit with path %s (%s) to measure %s (%s)',
                  circ_fps, nicknames, relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname)
        is_usable, usable_data = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
            dest, circ_id, s, cb.controller, dest._max_dl)
    if not is_usable:
            'Failed to connect to %s to measure %s (%s) via circuit '
            '%s (%s). Exit policy: %s. Reason: %s.', dest.url,
            relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname, circ_fps, nicknames,
            exit_policy, usable_data)
        return [
    assert is_usable
    assert 'content_length' in usable_data
    # FIRST: measure RTT
    rtts, reason = measure_rtt_to_server(s, conf, dest,
    if rtts is None:
            'Unable to measure RTT for %s (%s) to %s via circuit '
            '%s (%s): %s', relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname, dest.url,
            circ_fps, nicknames, reason)
        return [
    # SECOND: measure bandwidth
    bw_results, reason = measure_bandwidth_to_server(
        s, conf, dest, usable_data['content_length'])
    if bw_results is None:
            'Failed to measure %s (%s) via circuit %s (%s) to %s. Exit'
            ' policy: %s. Reason: %s.', relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname,
            circ_fps, nicknames, dest.url, exit_policy, reason)
        return [
    # Finally: store result
    log.debug('Success measurement for %s (%s) via circuit %s (%s) to %s',
              relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname, circ_fps, nicknames, dest.url)
    return [
        ResultSuccess(rtts, bw_results, relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick),
Esempio n. 7
def measure_relay(args, conf, destinations, cb, rl, relay):
    s = requests_utils.make_session(cb.controller,
                                    conf.getfloat('general', 'http_timeout'))
    # Pick a destionation
    dest =
    if not dest:
        log.warning('Unable to get destination to measure %s %s',
                    relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8])
        return None
    # Pick an exit
    exits = rl.exits_can_exit_to(dest.hostname, dest.port)
    exits = [e for e in exits if e.fingerprint != relay.fingerprint]
    exits = stem_utils.only_relays_with_bandwidth(
        min_bw=round(relay.bandwidth * 1.25),
        max_bw=max(round(relay.bandwidth * 2.00), 100))
    if len(exits) < 1:
        log.warning('No available exits to help measure %s %s', relay.nickname,
        # TODO: Return ResultError of some sort
        return None
    exit = rng.choice(exits)
    # Build the circuit
    log.debug('We selected exit %s %s (cw=%d) to help measure %s %s (cw=%d)',
              exit.nickname, exit.fingerprint[0:8], exit.bandwidth,
              relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8], relay.bandwidth)
    our_nick = conf['scanner']['nickname']
    circ_fps = [relay.fingerprint, exit.fingerprint]
    circ_id = cb.build_circuit(circ_fps)
    if not circ_id:
        log.warning('Could not build circuit involving %s', relay.nickname)
        msg = 'Unable to complete circuit'
        return [
            ResultErrorCircuit(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick, msg=msg),
    log.debug('Built circ %s %s for relay %s %s', circ_id,
              stem_utils.circuit_str(cb.controller, circ_id), relay.nickname,
    # Make a connection to the destionation webserver and make sure it can
    # still help us measure
    is_usable, usable_data = dest.is_usable(circ_id, s, cb.controller)
    if not is_usable:
            'When measuring %s %s the destination seemed to have '
            'stopped being usable: %s', relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8],
        # TODO: Return a different/new type of ResultError?
        msg = 'The destination seemed to have stopped being usable'
        return [
            ResultErrorStream(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick, msg=msg),
    assert is_usable
    assert 'content_length' in usable_data
    # FIRST: measure RTT
    rtts = measure_rtt_to_server(s, conf, dest, usable_data['content_length'])
    if rtts is None:
        log.warning('Unable to measure RTT to %s via relay %s %s', dest.url,
                    relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8])
        # TODO: Return a different/new type of ResultError?
        msg = 'Something bad happened while measuring RTTs'
        return [
            ResultErrorStream(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick, msg=msg),
    # SECOND: measure bandwidth
    bw_results = measure_bandwidth_to_server(s, conf, dest,
    if bw_results is None:
        log.warning('Unable to measure bandwidth to %s via relay %s %s',
                    dest.url, relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8])
        # TODO: Return a different/new type of ResultError?
        msg = 'Something bad happened while measuring bandwidth'
        return [
            ResultErrorStream(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick, msg=msg),
    # Finally: store result
    return [
        ResultSuccess(rtts, bw_results, relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick),
Esempio n. 8
def measure_relay(args, conf, destinations, cb, rl, relay):
    s = requests_utils.make_session(cb.controller,
                                    conf.getfloat('general', 'http_timeout'))
    # Pick a destionation
    dest =
    if not dest:
        log.warning('Unable to get destination to measure %s %s',
                    relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8])
        return None
    # Pick a relay to help us measure the given relay. If the given relay is an
    # exit, then pick a non-exit. Otherwise pick an exit.
    helper = None
    circ_fps = None
    if relay.can_exit_to(dest.hostname, dest.port) and \
            relay not in rl.bad_exits:
        helper = _pick_ideal_second_hop(relay,
        if helper:
            circ_fps = [helper.fingerprint, relay.fingerprint]
        helper = _pick_ideal_second_hop(relay,
        if helper:
            circ_fps = [relay.fingerprint, helper.fingerprint]
    if not helper:
        # TODO: Return ResultError of some sort
        log.warning('Unable to pick a 2nd hop to help measure %s %s',
                    relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8])
        return None
    assert helper
    assert circ_fps is not None and len(circ_fps) == 2
    # Build the circuit
    our_nick = conf['scanner']['nickname']
    circ_id = cb.build_circuit(circ_fps)
    if not circ_id:
        log.warning('Could not build circuit involving %s', relay.nickname)
        msg = 'Unable to complete circuit'
        return [
            ResultErrorCircuit(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick, msg=msg),
    log.debug('Built circ %s %s for relay %s %s', circ_id,
              stem_utils.circuit_str(cb.controller, circ_id), relay.nickname,
    # Make a connection to the destionation webserver and make sure it can
    # still help us measure
    is_usable, usable_data = dest.is_usable(circ_id, s, cb.controller)
    if not is_usable:
            'When measuring %s %s the destination seemed to have '
            'stopped being usable: %s', relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8],
        # TODO: Return a different/new type of ResultError?
        msg = 'The destination seemed to have stopped being usable'
        return [
            ResultErrorStream(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick, msg=msg),
    assert is_usable
    assert 'content_length' in usable_data
    # FIRST: measure RTT
    rtts = measure_rtt_to_server(s, conf, dest, usable_data['content_length'])
    if rtts is None:
        log.warning('Unable to measure RTT to %s via relay %s %s', dest.url,
                    relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8])
        # TODO: Return a different/new type of ResultError?
        msg = 'Something bad happened while measuring RTTs'
        return [
            ResultErrorStream(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick, msg=msg),
    # SECOND: measure bandwidth
    bw_results = measure_bandwidth_to_server(s, conf, dest,
    if bw_results is None:
        log.warning('Unable to measure bandwidth to %s via relay %s %s',
                    dest.url, relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint[0:8])
        # TODO: Return a different/new type of ResultError?
        msg = 'Something bad happened while measuring bandwidth'
        return [
            ResultErrorStream(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick, msg=msg),
    # Finally: store result
    return [
        ResultSuccess(rtts, bw_results, relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick),
Esempio n. 9
def measure_relay(args, conf, destinations, cb, rl, relay):
    Select a Web server, a relay to build the circuit,
    build the circuit and measure the bandwidth of the given relay.

    :return Result: a measurement Result object

    log.debug('Measuring %s %s', relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint)
    our_nick = conf['scanner']['nickname']
    s = requests_utils.make_session(
        cb.controller, conf.getfloat('general', 'http_timeout'))
    # Probably because the scanner is stopping.
    if s is None:
        if settings.end_event.is_set():
            return None
            # In future refactor this should be returned from the make_session
            reason = "Unable to get proxies."
            log.debug(reason + ' to measure %s %s',
                      relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint)
            return [
                ResultError(relay, [], '', our_nick,
    # Pick a destionation
    dest =
    # When there're no any functional destinations.
    if not dest:
        # NOTE: When there're still functional destinations but only one of
        # them fail, the error will be included in `ResultErrorStream`.
        # Since this is being executed in a thread, the scanner can not
        # be stop here, but the `end_event` signal can be set so that the
        # main thread stop the scanner.
        # It might be useful to store the fact that the destinations fail,
        # so store here the error, and set the signal once the error is stored
        # (in `resultump`).
        log.critical("There are not any functional destinations.\n"
                     "It is recommended to set several destinations so that "
                     "the scanner can continue if one fails.")
        reason = "No functional destinations"
        # Resultdump will set end_event after storing the error
        return [
            ResultErrorDestination(relay, [], '', our_nick, msg=reason),

    # Pick a relay to help us measure the given relay. If the given relay is an
    # exit, then pick a non-exit. Otherwise pick an exit.
    helper = None
    circ_fps = None
    if relay.is_exit_not_bad_allowing_port(dest.port):
        helper = _pick_ideal_second_hop(
            relay, dest, rl, cb.controller, is_exit=False)
        if helper:
            circ_fps = [helper.fingerprint, relay.fingerprint]
            # stored for debugging
            nicknames = [helper.nickname, relay.nickname]
        helper = _pick_ideal_second_hop(
            relay, dest, rl, cb.controller, is_exit=True)
        if helper:
            circ_fps = [relay.fingerprint, helper.fingerprint]
            nicknames = [relay.nickname, helper.nickname]
    if not helper:
        reason = 'Unable to select a second relay'
        log.debug(reason + ' to help measure %s (%s)',
                  relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname)
        return [
            ResultErrorSecondRelay(relay, [], dest.url, our_nick,

    # Build the circuit
    circ_id, reason = cb.build_circuit(circ_fps)
    if not circ_id:
        log.debug('Could not build circuit with path %s (%s): %s ',
                  circ_fps, nicknames, reason)
        return [
            ResultErrorCircuit(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick,
    log.debug('Built circuit with path %s (%s) to measure %s (%s)',
              circ_fps, nicknames, relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname)
    # Make a connection to the destination
    is_usable, usable_data = connect_to_destination_over_circuit(
        dest, circ_id, s, cb.controller, dest._max_dl)
    if not is_usable:
        log.debug('Destination %s unusable via circuit %s (%s), %s',
                  dest.url, circ_fps, nicknames, usable_data)
        return [
            ResultErrorStream(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick,
    assert is_usable
    assert 'content_length' in usable_data
    # FIRST: measure RTT
    rtts, reason = measure_rtt_to_server(s, conf, dest,
    if rtts is None:
        log.debug('Unable to measure RTT for %s (%s) to %s via circuit '
                  '%s (%s): %s', relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname,
                  dest.url, circ_fps, nicknames, reason)
        return [
            ResultErrorStream(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick,
    # SECOND: measure bandwidth
    bw_results, reason = measure_bandwidth_to_server(
        s, conf, dest, usable_data['content_length'])
    if bw_results is None:
        log.debug('Unable to measure bandwidth for %s (%s) to %s via circuit '
                  '%s (%s): %s', relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname,
                  dest.url, circ_fps, nicknames, reason)
        return [
            ResultErrorStream(relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick,
    # Finally: store result
    log.debug('Success measurement for %s (%s) via circuit %s (%s) to %s',
              relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname, circ_fps, nicknames, dest.url)
    return [
        ResultSuccess(rtts, bw_results, relay, circ_fps, dest.url, our_nick),