def getLaunchConfig(options): player = PlayerPreGame(getPlayer(options.player), selectedRace=options.race, observe=options.observe) ret = Config( # create game config expo=c.EXPO_SELECT[options.exp], version=options.version, ladder=getLadder(options.ladder), players=[player],, mode=c.types.GameModes(options.mode),, # or selectMap(, numObservers=options.obs, trust=True, #slaves = [], fogDisabled=options.nofog, stepSize=options.step, opponents=options.opponents.split(',') if options.opponents else [], fullscreen=not options.windowed, raw=options.raw, score=options.score, feature=options.feature, render=options.rendered, #resolution #minimap #layerwidth #replay = options.replay, #debug = options.debug, ) ret.connection # force generation of IP address and ports attributes return ret
metavar=" NAME") optionsCriteria = parser.add_argument_group('critiera used when --add') optionsCriteria.add_argument( 'criteria', nargs='*', help="remaining arguments for the specified action.") options = parser.parse_args() if options.add: terms = [a.split('=') for a in options.criteria] kwargs = {} try: # translate options.criteria into a dictionary for i, (k, v) in enumerate(terms): kwargs[ k] = v # to ensure 'i' is available for a potential error message, don't use a generator if True: print(addLadder(kwargs)) except ValueError: print( "ERROR: key '%s' must specify a value using '=' followed by a value (no whitespace)." % (terms[i][0])) elif options.get: print(getLadder(options.get)) elif options.rm: print(delLadder(options.rm)) else: for ladder in defs.values(): print("object:", ladder) for k, v in ladder.attrs.items(): print("%24s : %s" % (k, v)) if defs: print("Found %d ladder definition(s)" % (len(defs))) else: print("No ladder definitions are available.")
def main(options=None): if options == None: # if not provided, assume options are provided via command line parser = optionsParser() options = parser.parse_args() sys.argv = sys.argv[: 1] # remove all arguments to avoid problems with absl FLAGS :( try: specifiedMap = selectMap( options.mapname, excludeName=options.exclude, closestMatch=True, # force selection of at most one map **getSelectionParams(options)) except Exception as e: print(e) return outTempName = + "_%d_%d." + c.SC2_REPLAY_EXT outTemplate = os.path.join(options.replaydir, outTempName) if options.editor: bankFile = getBankFilepath( if os.path.isfile(bankFile): # this map has saved previous scenarios bankName = re.sub("\..*?$", "", os.path.basename(bankFile)) bankDir = os.path.dirname(bankFile) dirTime = re.sub("\.", "_", str(time.time())) tmpDir = os.path.join(bankDir, "%s_%s" % (bankName, dirTime)) tmpXml = os.path.join(tmpDir, c.FILE_BANKLIST) tmpName = "%s.%s" % (bankName, c.SC2_MAP_EXT) tmpMapPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, tmpName) cfg = Config() dstMapDir = cfg.installedApp.mapsDir dstMapPath = os.path.join(dstMapDir, tmpName) if os.path.isdir(tmpDir): shutil.rmtree(tmpDir) try: os.makedirs(tmpDir) shutil.copyfile( specifiedMap.path, tmpMapPath) # copy the original map file for modification with open(tmpXml, "w") as f: # generate temporary xml data f.write(c.BANK_DATA % bankName) if cfg.is64bit: mpqApp = c.PATH_MPQ_EDITOR_64BIT else: mpqApp = c.PATH_MPQ_EDITOR_32BIT cmd = c.MPQ_CMD % (mpqApp, tmpMapPath, tmpXml, c.FILE_BANKLIST) x = cmd) # modify a temporary mapfile using the mpq editor print("Loaded previously defined %s scenarios." % (bankName)) if os.path.isfile( dstMapPath ): # always ensure the destination mapfile is the modified version os.remove(dstMapPath) shutil.copyfile( tmpMapPath, dstMapPath ) # relocate the temporary map file into the maps folder tmpRecord = MapRecord(, dstMapPath, {}) launchEditor( tmpRecord ) # launch the editor using a temporary, modified map that includes the previously defined SC2Bank scenario data finally: time.sleep( options.cleandelay ) # wait for the editor to launch before removing temporary files if os.path.isdir( tmpDir ): # always remove the temporary map and XML files shutil.rmtree(tmpDir) while True: try: os.remove(dstMapPath ) # always remove the temporary map mpq file break except: time.sleep( 2 ) # continue trying until the editor closes and the deletion is successful else: launchEditor( specifiedMap) # run the editor using the game modification elif options.regression: batteries = options.test.split(",") raise NotImplementedError("TODO -- run each test battery") elif options.custom: playerNames = re.split("[,\s]+", options.players) if len(playerNames) != 2: # must specify two players for 1v1 if not options.players: playerNames = "" raise ValueError("must specify two players, but given %d: '%s'" % (len(playerNames), playerNames)) try: thisPlayer = getPlayer( playerNames[0] ) # player name stated first is expected to be this player except Exception: print("ERROR: player '%s' is not known" % playerNames[0]) return if options.race == c.RANDOM: options.race = thisPlayer.raceDefault # defer to a player's specified default race cfg = Config( themap=specifiedMap, ladder=getLadder("versentiedge"), players=[ PlayerPreGame(thisPlayer, selectedRace=c.types.SelectRaces(options.race)) ], mode=c.types.GameModes(c.MODE_1V1), opponents=playerNames[1:],, fogDisabled= True, # disable fog to be able to see, set and remove enemy units ** thisPlayer.initOptions, # ensure desired data is sent in callback ) cfg.raw = True # required to be able to set up units using debug commands #cfg.display() scenarios = getSetup(specifiedMap, options, cfg) for scenario in scenarios: epoch = int(time.time( )) # used for replay differentiation between each scenario failure = False for curLoop in range( 1, options.repeat + 1 ): # each loop of each scenario gets its own unique replay (count starting at one) outFile = outTemplate % (epoch, curLoop) launchOpts = defineLaunchOptions(scenario, outFile) failure =, cfg=cfg) if failure: break if failure: break elif options.join: raise NotImplementedError("TODO -- implement remote play") else: parser.print_help() print("ERROR: must select a main option.")