Esempio n. 1
class OFPTableStats(Packet):

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return b"", s

    name = "OFP_TABLE_STATS"
    fields_desc = [ByteField("table_id", 0),
                   X3BytesField("pad", 0),
                   StrFixedLenField("name", "", 32),
                   FlagsField("wildcards1", 0x003, 12, ["DL_VLAN_PCP",
                   BitField("nw_dst_mask", 63, 6),        # 32 would be enough
                   BitField("nw_src_mask", 63, 6),
                   FlagsField("wildcards2", 0xff, 8, ["IN_PORT",
                   IntField("max_entries", 0),
                   IntField("active_count", 0),
                   LongField("lookup_count", 0),
                   LongField("matched_count", 0)]
Esempio n. 2
class SAPHDBSegment(PacketNoPadded):
    """SAP HANA SQL Command Network Protocol Segment

    This packet represents a segment within a HDB packet.

    The segment header is comprised of 24 byte, being the first 13 bytes always the same fields and the remaining 11
    bytes depend on the segment kind field.
    name = "SAP HANA SQL Command Network Protocol Segment"
    fields_desc = [
        # Segment length needs to be calculated counting the segment header
        FieldLenField("segmentlength", None, length_of="parts", fmt="<i", adjust=lambda x, l:l+24),
        LESignedIntField("segmentofs", 0),
        FieldLenField("noofparts", None, count_of="parts", fmt="<h"),
        LESignedShortField("segmentno", 1),
        EnumField("segmentkind", 1, hdb_segmentkind_values, fmt="<b"),
        ConditionalField(EnumField("messagetype", 0, hdb_message_type_values, fmt="<b"), hdb_segment_is_request),
        ConditionalField(LESignedByteField("commit", 0), hdb_segment_is_request),
        ConditionalField(LESignedByteField("commandoptions", 0), hdb_segment_is_request),
        ConditionalField(LongField("reserved1", 0), hdb_segment_is_request),
        ConditionalField(ByteField("reserved2", 0), hdb_segment_is_reply),
        ConditionalField(EnumField("functioncode", 0, hdb_function_code_values, fmt="<h"), hdb_segment_is_reply),
        ConditionalField(LongField("reserved3", 0), hdb_segment_is_reply),
        ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("reserved4", None, 11), lambda pkt: not (hdb_segment_is_reply(pkt) or hdb_segment_is_request(pkt))),
        PacketListField("parts", None, SAPHDBPart, count_from=lambda x: x.noofparts),
Esempio n. 3
class Fattr3(Packet):
    name = 'File Attributes'
    fields_desc = [
        IntEnumField('type', 0, ftype3),
        OIntField('mode', 0),
        IntField('nlink', 0),
        IntField('uid', 0),
        IntField('gid', 0),
        LongField('size', 0),
        LongField('used', 0),
        FieldListField('rdev', [0, 0],
                       IntField('', None),
                       count_from=lambda x: 2),
        XLongField('fsid', 0),
        XLongField('fileid', 0),
        IntField('atime_s', 0),
        IntField('atime_ns', 0),
        IntField('mtime_s', 0),
        IntField('mtime_ns', 0),
        IntField('ctime_s', 0),
        IntField('ctime_ns', 0)

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return '', s
Esempio n. 4
class OFPFlowStats(Packet):
    name = "OFP_FLOW_STATS"
    fields_desc = [
        ShortField("length", None),
        ByteField("table_id", 0),
        XByteField("pad1", 0),
        PacketField("match", OFPMatch(), OFPMatch),
        IntField("duration_sec", 0),
        IntField("duration_nsec", 0),
        ShortField("priority", 0),
        ShortField("idle_timeout", 0),
        ShortField("hard_timeout", 0),
        XBitField("pad2", 0, 48),
        LongField("cookie", 0),
        LongField("packet_count", 0),
        LongField("byte_count", 0),
        PacketListField("actions", [],
                        length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.length - 88)

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        if self.length is None:
            tmp_len = len(p) + len(pay)
            p = struct.pack("!H", tmp_len) + p[2:]
        return p + pay

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return b"", s
Esempio n. 5
class OFPFlowStats(Packet):
    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        if self.length is None:
            l = len(p) + len(pay)
            p = struct.pack("!H", l) + p[2:]
        return p + pay

    name = "OFP_FLOW_STATS"
    fields_desc = [
        ShortField("length", None),
        ByteField("table_id", 0),
        XByteField("pad1", 0),
        PacketField("match", OFPMatch(), OFPMatch),
        IntField("duration_sec", 0),
        IntField("duration_nsec", 0),
        ShortField("priority", 0),
        ShortField("idle_timeout", 0),
        ShortField("hard_timeout", 0),
        XBitField("pad2", 0, 48),
        LongField("cookie", 0),
        LongField("packet_count", 0),
        LongField("byte_count", 0),
        ActionPacketListField("actions", [],
                              length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.length - 88)
    ]  # noqa: E501
Esempio n. 6
class READDIRPLUS_Call(Packet):
    name = 'READDIRPLUS Call'
    fields_desc = [
        PacketField('filehandle', File_Object(), File_Object),
        LongField('cookie', 0),
        LongField('verifier', 0),
        IntField('dircount', 512),
        IntField('maxcount', 4096)
Esempio n. 7
class UNLOCK_Call(Packet):
    name = 'UNLOCK Call'
    fields_desc = [
        PacketField('cookie', NLM4_Cookie(), NLM4_Cookie),
        PacketField('caller', Object_Name(), Object_Name),
        PacketField('filehandle', File_Object(), File_Object),
        PacketField('owner', Object_Name(), Object_Name),
        IntField('svid', 0),
        LongField('l_offset', 0),
        LongField('l_len', 0)
Esempio n. 8
class File_From_Dir(Packet):
    name = 'File'
    fields_desc = [
        LongField('fileid', 0),
        PacketField('filename', Object_Name(), Object_Name),
        LongField('cookie', 0),
        IntField('value_follows', 0)

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return '', s
Esempio n. 9
class OFPTStatsReplyAggregate(_ofp_header):
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
                   ByteEnumField("type", 17, ofp_type),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   IntField("xid", 0),
                   ShortEnumField("stats_type", 2, ofp_stats_types),
                   FlagsField("flags", 0, 16, []),
                   LongField("packet_count", 0),
                   LongField("byte_count", 0),
                   IntField("flow_count", 0),
                   XIntField("pad", 0)]
Esempio n. 10
class TEST_Call(Packet):
    name = 'TEST Call'
    fields_desc = [
        PacketField('cookie', NLM4_Cookie(), NLM4_Cookie),
        IntEnumField('exclusive', 0, {0: 'NO', 1: 'YES'}),
        PacketField('caller', Object_Name(), Object_Name),
        PacketField('filehandle', File_Object(), File_Object),
        PacketField('owner', Object_Name(), Object_Name),
        IntField('svid', 0),
        LongField('l_offset', 0),
        LongField('l_len', 0)
Esempio n. 11
class OFPTStatsReplyQueue(_ofp_header):
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
                   ByteEnumField("type", 17, ofp_type),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   IntField("xid", 0),
                   ShortEnumField("stats_type", 5, ofp_stats_types),
                   FlagsField("flags", 0, 16, []),
                   ShortEnumField("port_no", "NONE", ofp_port_no),
                   XShortField("pad", 0),
                   IntEnumField("queue_id", "ALL", ofp_queue),
                   LongField("tx_bytes", 0),
                   LongField("tx_packets", 0),
                   LongField("tx_errors", 0)]
Esempio n. 12
class OFPTFlowMod(_ofp_header):
    name = "OFPT_FLOW_MOD"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
        ByteEnumField("type", 14, ofp_type),
        ShortField("len", None),
        IntField("xid", 0),
        PacketField("match", OFPMatch(), OFPMatch),
        LongField("cookie", 0),
            "cmd", 0, {
                0: "OFPFC_ADD",
                1: "OFPFC_MODIFY",
                2: "OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT",
                3: "OFPFC_DELETE",
                4: "OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT"
        ShortField("idle_timeout", 0),
        ShortField("hard_timeout", 0),
        ShortField("priority", 0),
        IntEnumField("buffer_id", "NO_BUFFER", ofp_buffer),
        ShortEnumField("out_port", "NONE", ofp_port_no),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 16,
                   ["SEND_FLOW_REM", "CHECK_OVERLAP", "EMERG"]),
        PacketListField("actions", [],
                        length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len - 72)
    overload_fields = {TCP: {"sport": 6653}}
Esempio n. 13
class READDIRPLUS_Reply(Packet):
    name = 'READDIRPLUS Reply'
    fields_desc = [
        IntEnumField('status', 0, nfsstat3),
        IntField('attributes_follow', 0),
        ConditionalField(PacketField('attributes', Fattr3(), Fattr3),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.attributes_follow == 1),
        ConditionalField(LongField('verifier', 0),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
        ConditionalField(IntField('value_follows', 0),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
                next_cls_cb=lambda pkt, lst, cur, remain: File_From_Dir_Plus
                if pkt.value_follows == 1 and
                (len(lst) == 0 or cur.value_follows == 1) and len(
                    remain) > 4 else None), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
        ConditionalField(IntField('eof', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0)

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return '', s
Esempio n. 14
class IE_MEI(gtp.IE_Base):
    name = "IE MEI"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 75, IEType),
                   ShortField("length", 0),
                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
                   LongField("MEI", 0)]
Esempio n. 15
class READ_Call(Packet):
    name = 'READ Call'
    fields_desc = [
        PacketField('filehandle', File_Object(), File_Object),
        LongField('offset', 0),
        IntField('count', 0)
Esempio n. 16
class PriorityQueueG(EntityClass):
    class_id = 277
    attributes = [
        ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
        ECA(ByteField("queue_configuration_option", None), {AA.R},
            range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
        ECA(ShortField("maximum_queue_size", None), {AA.R}),
        ECA(ShortField("allocated_queue_size", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
        ECA(ShortField("discard_block_counter_reset_interval", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
        ECA(ShortField("threshold_value_for_discarded_blocks", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
        ECA(IntField("related_port", None), {AA.R}),
        ECA(ShortField("traffic_scheduler_pointer", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
        ECA(ByteField("weight", 1), {AA.R, AA.W}),
        ECA(ShortField("back_pressure_operation", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
            range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
        ECA(IntField("back_pressure_time", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
        ECA(ShortField("back_pressure_occur_queue_threshold", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
        ECA(ShortField("back_pressure_clear_queue_threshold", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
        # TODO: Custom field of 4 2-byte values would help below
        ECA(LongField("packet_drop_queue_thresholds", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
        ECA(ShortField("packet_drop_max_p", 0xFFFF), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
        ECA(ByteField("queue_drop_w_q", 9), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
        ECA(ByteField("drop_precedence_colour_marking", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
            optional=True, range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 7),
    mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
    notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
Esempio n. 17
class FSINFO_Reply(Packet):
    name = 'FSINFO Reply'
    fields_desc = [
        IntEnumField('status', 0, nfsstat3),
        IntField('attributes_follow', 0),
            PacketField('attributes', Fattr3(), Fattr3),
            lambda pkt: pkt.attributes_follow == 1
        ConditionalField(IntField('rtmax', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
        ConditionalField(IntField('rtpref', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
        ConditionalField(IntField('rtmult', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
        ConditionalField(IntField('wtmax', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
        ConditionalField(IntField('wtpref', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
        ConditionalField(IntField('wtmult', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
        ConditionalField(IntField('dtpref', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0),
            LongField('maxfilesize', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0
            IntField('timedelta_s', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0
            IntField('timedelta_ns', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0
            XIntField('properties', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.status == 0
Esempio n. 18
class MobileIPRRP(Packet):
    name = "Mobile IP Registration Reply (RFC3344)"
    fields_desc = [ByteField("code", 0),
                   ShortField("lifetime", 180),
                   IPField("homeaddr", ""),
                   IPField("haaddr", ""),
                   LongField("id", 0), ]
Esempio n. 19
class Sattr3(Packet):
    name = 'Setattr3'
    fields_desc = [
        IntEnumField('set_mode', 0, attrs_enum),
        ConditionalField(OIntField('mode', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.set_mode == 1),
        IntEnumField('set_uid', 0, attrs_enum),
        ConditionalField(IntField('uid', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.set_uid == 1),
        IntEnumField('set_gid', 0, attrs_enum),
        ConditionalField(IntField('gid', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.set_gid == 1),
        IntEnumField('set_size', 0, attrs_enum),
        ConditionalField(LongField('size', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.set_size == 1),
        IntEnumField('set_atime', 0, times_enum),
        ConditionalField(IntField('atime_s', 0),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.set_atime == 2),
        ConditionalField(IntField('atime_ns', 0),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.set_atime == 2),
        IntEnumField('set_mtime', 0, times_enum),
        ConditionalField(IntField('mtime_s', 0),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.set_mtime == 2),
        ConditionalField(IntField('mtime_ns', 0),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.set_mtime == 2)

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return '', s
Esempio n. 20
class File_From_Dir_Plus(Packet):
    name = 'File'
    fields_desc = [
        LongField('fileid', 0),
        PacketField('filename', Object_Name(), Object_Name),
        LongField('cookie', 0),
        IntField('attributes_follow', 0),
        ConditionalField(PacketField('attributes', Fattr3(), Fattr3),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.attributes_follow == 1),
        IntField('handle_follows', 0),
        ConditionalField(PacketField('filehandle', File_Object(), File_Object),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.handle_follows == 1),
        IntField('value_follows', 0)

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return '', s
Esempio n. 21
class READDIR_Call(Packet):
    name = 'READDIR Call'
    fields_desc = [
        PacketField('filehandle', File_Object(), File_Object),
        LongField('cookie', 0),
        XLongField('verifier', 0),
        IntField('count', 0)
Esempio n. 22
class MobileIPRRQ(Packet):
    name = "Mobile IP Registration Request (RFC3344)"
    fields_desc = [XByteField("flags", 0),
                   ShortField("lifetime", 180),
                   IPField("homeaddr", ""),
                   IPField("haaddr", ""),
                   IPField("coaddr", ""),
                   LongField("id", 0), ]
Esempio n. 23
class SenderInfo(Packet):
    name = "Sender info"
    fields_desc = [
        LongField('ntp_timestamp', None),
        IntField('rtp_timestamp', None),
        IntField('sender_packet_count', None),
        IntField('sender_octet_count', None)
Esempio n. 24
class AVSWLANHeader(Packet):
    """ iwpriv eth1 set_prismhdr 1 """
    name = "AVS WLAN Monitor Header"
    fields_desc = [IntField("version", 1),
                   IntField("len", 64),
                   LongField("mactime", 0),
                   LongField("hosttime", 0),
                   IntEnumField("phytype", 0, AVSWLANPhyType),
                   IntField("channel", 0),
                   IntField("datarate", 0),
                   IntField("antenna", 0),
                   IntField("priority", 0),
                   IntEnumField("ssi_type", 0, AVSWLANSSIType),
                   SignedIntField("ssi_signal", 0),
                   SignedIntField("ssi_noise", 0),
                   IntEnumField("preamble", 0, AVSWLANPreambleType),
                   IntEnumField("encoding", 0, AVSWLANEncodingType),
Esempio n. 25
class ISIS_64bitAdministrativeTagSubTlv(ISIS_GenericSubTlv):
    name = "ISIS 64-bit Administrative Tag (S)"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("type", 2, _isis_subtlv_names_2),
        FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="tags", fmt="B"),
        FieldListField("tags", [],
                       LongField("", 0),
                       count_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len // 8)
    ]  # noqa: E501
Esempio n. 26
class OFPTFlowRemoved(_ofp_header):
    name = "OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
                   ByteEnumField("type", 11, ofp_type),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   IntField("xid", 0),
                   PacketField("match", OFPMatch(), OFPMatch),
                   LongField("cookie", 0),
                   ShortField("priority", 0),
                   ByteEnumField("reason", 0, {0: "OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT",
                                               1: "OFPRR_HARD_TIMEOUT",
                                               2: "OFPRR_DELETE"}),
                   XByteField("pad1", 0),
                   IntField("duration_sec", 0),
                   IntField("duration_nsec", 0),
                   ShortField("idle_timeout", 0),
                   XShortField("pad2", 0),
                   LongField("packet_count", 0),
                   LongField("byte_count", 0)]
Esempio n. 27
class WRITE_Call(Packet):
    name = 'WRITE Call'
    fields_desc = [
        PacketField('filehandle', File_Object(), File_Object),
        LongField('offset', 0),
        IntField('count', 0),
        IntEnumField('stable', 0, {0: 'UNSTABLE', 1: 'STABLE'}),
        IntField('length', 0),
        StrLenField('contents', b'', length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.length),
        StrLenField('fill', b'', length_from=lambda pkt: (4 - pkt.length) % 4)
Esempio n. 28
class PWOSPF(Packet):
    name = "PWOSPF"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteField("version", None),
        ByteField("type", None),
        ShortField("length", None),
        IPField("routerID", None),
        IntField("areaID", None),
        ShortField("checksum", None),
        ShortField("auType", 0),
        LongField("auth", 0)
Esempio n. 29
class Pwospf(Packet):
    name = "Pwospf"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteField("version", 2),
        ByteField("type", None),
        ShortField("length", None),
        IntField("routerId", None),
        IntField("areaId", None),
        ShortField("checksum", None),
        ShortField("auType", 0),
        LongField("authentication", 0)
Esempio n. 30
class WCC_Attr(Packet):
    name = 'File Attributes'
    fields_desc = [
        LongField('size', 0),
        IntField('mtime_s', 0),
        IntField('mtime_ns', 0),
        IntField('ctime_s', 0),
        IntField('ctime_ns', 0)

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return '', s