Esempio n. 1
    def decoder(self, pkt, keyText):
        """Take a packet with [Dot11WEP] and apply RC4 to get the [LLC]"""
        ## Re-use the IV for comparative purposes
        # <class 'bytes'>
        # b'z\x00\x00\x124Vx\x90'
        # print('DECODING')
        # print([pkt[Dot11WEP].iv])
        # print(str([pkt[Dot11WEP].iv]))
        # print(type(pkt[Dot11WEP].iv))
        iVal = pkt[Dot11WEP].iv
        # print(iVal)
        # print(keyText)
        seed = self.seedGen(iVal, keyText)

        ## Remove the FCS so that we maintain packet size
        pload =[Dot11WEP],

        ## Return the stream, iv and seed
        # print('\n\n\n')
        # print(type(pload))
        # print('\n')
        # print(pload)
        # print('\n\n\n')
        # print(type(seed))
        # print(seed)
        return rc4(Dot11WEP(pload).wepdata, seed), iVal, seed
Esempio n. 2
    def decoder(self, pkt, keyText):
        """Take a packet with [Dot11WEP] and apply RC4 to get the [LLC]"""
        ## Re-use the IV for comparative purposes
        iVal = pkt[Dot11WEP].iv
        seed = self.seedGen(iVal, keyText)

        ## Remove the FCS so that we maintain packet size
        pload =[Dot11WEP],

        ## Return the stream, iv and seed
        return rc4(Dot11WEP(pload).wepdata, seed), iVal, seed
Esempio n. 3
    def enBuilder(self, pkt, stream, iVal):

        ## Remove the LLC layer
        del pkt[LLC]

        ## Add the Dot11WEP layer
        encodedPacket = pkt / Dot11WEP(iv=iVal, keyid=0, wepdata=stream)

        ## Flip FCField bits accordingly
        if encodedPacket[Dot11].FCfield == 1:
            encodedPacket[Dot11].FCfield = 65
        elif encodedPacket[Dot11].FCfield == 2:
            encodedPacket[Dot11].FCfield = 66

        ## Add the ICV
        #encodedPacket[Dot11WEP].icv = int([Dot11])[0:-4]) & 0xffffffff)), 16)
        encodedPacket[Dot11WEP].icv = int(
  [Dot11], end=-4), 16)
        return encodedPacket
for i in range(3):
    # Warning : afin de tester, message non divisible par 3 peut avoir des pertes d'informations
    fragmentSize = int(len(message) / 3)
    # Découpe le message en fragments
    fragmentMessage = message[fragmentSize * i:fragmentSize * (i + 1)]
    # Calcul de l'ICV du fragment actuel
    icv = zlib.crc32(fragmentMessage).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')

    # On chiffre le fragment + icv.
    seed = iv + key
    cipher = RC4(seed, streaming=False)
    encrypted_message = cipher.crypt(fragmentMessage + icv)

    # On crée un nouveau packet avec les bonnes valeurs.
    wepdata = encrypted_message[:-4]
    encrypted_icv = int.from_bytes(encrypted_message[-4:], byteorder='big')
    # Si ce n'est pas le dernier fragment (!= 2) l'on rajout MF (More Fragments) à notre frame Dot11
    if i != 2:
        pck = RadioTap() / Dot11(type='Data',
                                 FCfield='to-DS+protected+MF') / Dot11WEP(
                                     iv=iv, wepdata=wepdata, icv=encrypted_icv)
        pck = RadioTap() / Dot11(type='Data',
                                 FCfield='to-DS+protected') / Dot11WEP(
                                     iv=iv, wepdata=wepdata, icv=encrypted_icv)

    pck.SC = i
    # On ajoute le fragment dans une capture pcap.
    wrpcap('ex3.cap', pck, append=True)
Esempio n. 5
from zlib import crc32

# Cle wep AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
key = b'\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa'
iv = get_random_bytes(3)

# Meme message que ex1 pour tester
message = bytes.fromhex(

# rc4 seed est composé de IV+clé
seed = iv + key

# Calcul de l'ICV du message
icv = crc32(message).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')

# Les données a chiffrer c'est le message et l'ICV
message_to_encrypt = message + icv

# chiffrement rc4
cipher = RC4(seed, streaming=False)
encrypted_data = cipher.crypt(message_to_encrypt)

# On extrait l'ICV chiffré (4 dernier byte)
encrypted_icv = int.from_bytes(encrypted_data[-4:], byteorder='big')
# On creer notre paquet WEP
packet = RadioTap() / Dot11(type='Data', FCfield='to-DS+protected') / Dot11WEP(
    iv=iv, wepdata=encrypted_data[:-4], icv=encrypted_icv)

wrpcap('task2.cap', packet, append=True)
# Calcul de l'ICV du message
count = 0
for i, message in enumerate(messages):

    # Creation de l'ICV a l'aide d'un CRC32
    icv = crc32(message).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')

    # Les données a chiffrer sont le message et l'ICV
    message_to_encrypt = message + icv

    # chiffrement rc4
    cipher = RC4(seed, streaming=False)
    encrypted_data = cipher.crypt(message_to_encrypt)

    # On extrait l'ICV chiffré (4 dernier byte)
    encrypted_icv = int.from_bytes(encrypted_data[-4:], byteorder='big')

    # On regarde si c'est notre dernier paquet, si c'est le cas on ne met pas le flag MF (more fragment)
    flags = ""
    if i != len(messages) - 1:
        flags = "to-DS+protected+MF"
        flags = "to-DS+protected"

    # On creer notre paquet WEP
    packet = RadioTap() / Dot11(type='Data', FCfield=flags) / Dot11WEP(
        iv=iv, wepdata=encrypted_data[:-4], icv=encrypted_icv)
    # On donne le numéro de paquet
    packet.SC = i
    wrpcap('task3.cap', packet, append=True)
from rc4 import RC4
from scapy.all import *
from scapy.layers.dot11 import RadioTap, Dot11, Dot11WEP
Manually encrypt a WEP message using a given WEP key and IV.
The packet is created from scratch with scapy, it is not read from the arp.cap file.

iv = b'\x0cM\\'  # IV du packet ARP fourni
key = b'\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa'

# On crée un nouveau message et on calcule son ICV.
message = b'hello_world!'
icv = zlib.crc32(message).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')

# On chiffre le message + icv.
seed = iv + key
cipher = RC4(seed, streaming=False)
encrypted_message = cipher.crypt(message + icv)

# On crée un nouveau packet avec les bonnes valeurs.
wepdata = encrypted_message[:-4]
encrypted_icv = int.from_bytes(encrypted_message[-4:], byteorder='big')
pck = RadioTap() / Dot11(type='Data', FCfield='to-DS+protected') / Dot11WEP(
    iv=iv, wepdata=wepdata, icv=encrypted_icv)

# On écrit le packet dans une nouvelle capture pcap.
wrpcap('ex2.cap', pck, append=False)