Esempio n. 1
 def graph(self, **kargs):
     g = [
         'digraph "pipe" {',
         "\tnode [shape=rectangle];",
     for p in self.active_pipes:
         g.append('\t"%i" [label="%s"];' % (id(p),
     g.append("\tedge [color=blue, arrowhead=vee];")
     for p in self.active_pipes:
         for q in p.sinks:
             g.append('\t"%i" -> "%i";' % (id(p), id(q)))
     g.append("\tedge [color=purple, arrowhead=veevee];")
     for p in self.active_pipes:
         for q in p.high_sinks:
             g.append('\t"%i" -> "%i";' % (id(p), id(q)))
     g.append("\tedge [color=red, arrowhead=diamond];")
     for p in self.active_pipes:
         for q in p.trigger_sinks:
             g.append('\t"%i" -> "%i";' % (id(p), id(q)))
     graph = "\n".join(g)
     do_graph(graph, **kargs)
Esempio n. 2
 def _make_graph(self, other_keys=[], **kargs):
     nodes = [(k, self[k]) for k in self.iterkeys()]
     oids = [self[k] for k in self.iterkeys()]
     for k in other_keys:
         if k not in oids:
             nodes.append(self.oidname(k), k)
     s = 'digraph "mib" {\n\trankdir=LR;\n\n'
     for k, o in nodes:
         s += '\t"%s" [ label="%s"  ];\n' % (o, k)
     s += "\n"
     for k, o in nodes:
         parent, remainder = self._findroot(o[:-1])
         remainder = remainder[1:] + o[-1]
         if parent != ".":
             parent = self[parent]
         s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s"];\n' % (parent, o, remainder)
     s += "}\n"
     do_graph(s, **kargs)
Esempio n. 3
 def _make_graph(self, other_keys=[], **kargs):
     nodes = [(k,self[k]) for k in self.keys()]
     oids = [self[k] for k in self.keys()]
     for k in other_keys:
         if k not in oids:
     s = 'digraph "mib" {\n\trankdir=LR;\n\n'
     for k,o in nodes:
         s += '\t"%s" [ label="%s"  ];\n' % (o,k)
     s += "\n"
     for k,o in nodes:
         parent,remainder = self._findroot(o[:-1])
         remainder = remainder[1:]+o[-1]
         if parent != ".":
             parent = self[parent]
         s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s"];\n' % (parent, o,remainder)
     s += "}\n"
     do_graph(s, **kargs)
Esempio n. 4
    def conversations(
        getsrcdst=None,  # type: Optional[Callable[[Packet], Tuple[Any, ...]]]  # noqa: E501
        **kargs  # type: Any
        # type: (...) -> Any
        """Graphes a conversations between sources and destinations and display it
        (using graphviz and imagemagick)

        :param getsrcdst: a function that takes an element of the list and
            returns the source, the destination and optionally
            a label. By default, returns the IP source and
            destination from IP and ARP layers
        :param type: output type (svg, ps, gif, jpg, etc.), passed to dot's
            "-T" option
        :param target: filename or redirect. Defaults pipe to Imagemagick's
            display program
        :param prog: which graphviz program to use
        if getsrcdst is None:

            def _getsrcdst(pkt):
                # type: (Packet) -> Tuple[str, str]
                """Extract src and dst addresses"""
                if 'IP' in pkt:
                    return (pkt['IP'].src, pkt['IP'].dst)
                if 'IPv6' in pkt:
                    return (pkt['IPv6'].src, pkt['IPv6'].dst)
                if 'ARP' in pkt:
                    return (pkt['ARP'].psrc, pkt['ARP'].pdst)
                raise TypeError()

            getsrcdst = _getsrcdst
        conv = {}  # type: Dict[Tuple[Any, ...], Any]
        for p in self.res:
            p = self._elt2pkt(p)
                c = getsrcdst(p)
            except Exception:
                # No warning here: it's OK that getsrcdst() raises an
                # exception, since it might be, for example, a
                # function that expects a specific layer in each
                # packet. The try/except approach is faster and
                # considered more Pythonic than adding tests.
            if len(c) == 3:
                conv.setdefault(c[:2], set()).add(c[2])
                conv[c] = conv.get(c, 0) + 1
        gr = 'digraph "conv" {\n'
        for (s, d), l in six.iteritems(conv):
            gr += '\t "%s" -> "%s" [label="%s"]\n' % (s, d, ', '.join(
                str(x) for x in l) if isinstance(l, set) else l)
        gr += "}\n"
        return do_graph(gr, **kargs)
Esempio n. 5
 def _make_graph(self, other_keys=None, **kargs):
     if other_keys is None:
         other_keys = []
     nodes = [(self[key], key) for key in self.iterkeys()]
     oids = set(self.iterkeys())
     for k in other_keys:
         if k not in oids:
             nodes.append(self.oidname(k), k)
     s = 'digraph "mib" {\n\trankdir=LR;\n\n'
     for k, o in nodes:
         s += '\t"%s" [ label="%s"  ];\n' % (o, k)
     s += "\n"
     for k, o in nodes:
         parent, parent_key, remainder = self._findroot(o[:-1])
         remainder = remainder[1:] + o[-1]
         if parent != ".":
             parent = parent_key
         s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s"];\n' % (parent, o, remainder)
     s += "}\n"
     do_graph(s, **kargs)
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: commial/scapy
 def _make_graph(self, other_keys=None, **kargs):
     if other_keys is None:
         other_keys = []
     nodes = [(self[k], k) for k in six.iterkeys(self)]
     oids = self.keys()
     for k in other_keys:
         if k not in oids:
             nodes.append(self.oidname(k), k)
     s = 'digraph "mib" {\n\trankdir=LR;\n\n'
     for k, o in nodes:
         s += '\t"%s" [ label="%s"  ];\n' % (o, k)
     s += "\n"
     for k, o in nodes:
         parent, parent_key, remainder = self._findroot(o[:-1])
         remainder = remainder[1:] + o[-1]
         if parent != ".":
             parent = parent_key
         s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s"];\n' % (parent, o, remainder)
     s += "}\n"
     do_graph(s, **kargs)
Esempio n. 7
 def graph(self, **kargs):
     g = ['digraph "pipe" {', "\tnode [shape=rectangle];", ]
     for p in self.active_pipes:
         g.append('\t"%i" [label="%s"];' % (id(p),
     g.append("\tedge [color=blue, arrowhead=vee];")
     for p in self.active_pipes:
         for q in p.sinks:
             g.append('\t"%i" -> "%i";' % (id(p), id(q)))
     g.append("\tedge [color=purple, arrowhead=veevee];")
     for p in self.active_pipes:
         for q in p.high_sinks:
             g.append('\t"%i" -> "%i";' % (id(p), id(q)))
     g.append("\tedge [color=red, arrowhead=diamond];")
     for p in self.active_pipes:
         for q in p.trigger_sinks:
             g.append('\t"%i" -> "%i";' % (id(p), id(q)))
     graph = "\n".join(g)
     do_graph(graph, **kargs)
Esempio n. 8
    def graph(self, **kargs):
        s = 'digraph "%s" {\n' % self.__class__.__name__

        se = ""  # Keep initial nodes at the beginning for better rendering
        for st in six.itervalues(self.states):
            if st.atmt_initial:
                se = (
                    '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=blue, shape=box, root=true];\n'
                    % st.atmt_state) + se  # noqa: E501
            elif st.atmt_final:
                se += '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=green, shape=octagon ];\n' % st.atmt_state  # noqa: E501
            elif st.atmt_error:
                se += '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=red, shape=octagon ];\n' % st.atmt_state  # noqa: E501
        s += se

        for st in six.itervalues(self.states):
            for n in st.atmt_origfunc.__code__.co_names + st.atmt_origfunc.__code__.co_consts:  # noqa: E501
                if n in self.states:
                    s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [ color=green ];\n' % (
                        st.atmt_state, n)  # noqa: E501

        for c, k, v in (
            [("purple", k, v)
             for k, v in self.conditions.items()] +  # noqa: E501
            [("red", k, v)
             for k, v in self.recv_conditions.items()] +  # noqa: E501
            [("orange", k, v) for k, v in self.ioevents.items()]):
            for f in v:
                for n in f.__code__.co_names + f.__code__.co_consts:
                    if n in self.states:
                        line = f.atmt_condname
                        for x in self.actions[f.atmt_condname]:
                            line += "\\l>[%s]" % x.__name__
                        s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s", color=%s];\n' % (
                            k, n, line, c)  # noqa: E501
        for k, v in six.iteritems(self.timeout):
            for t, f in v:
                if f is None:
                for n in f.__code__.co_names + f.__code__.co_consts:
                    if n in self.states:
                        line = "%s/%.1fs" % (f.atmt_condname, t)
                        for x in self.actions[f.atmt_condname]:
                            line += "\\l>[%s]" % x.__name__
                        s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s",color=blue];\n' % (
                            k, n, line)  # noqa: E501
        s += "}\n"
        return do_graph(s, **kargs)
Esempio n. 9
 def conversations(self, getsrcdst=None, **kargs):
     """Graphes a conversations between sources and destinations and display it
     (using graphviz and imagemagick)
     getsrcdst: a function that takes an element of the list and
                returns the source, the destination and optionally
                a label. By default, returns the IP source and
                destination from IP and ARP layers
     type: output type (svg, ps, gif, jpg, etc.), passed to dot's "-T" option  # noqa: E501
     target: filename or redirect. Defaults pipe to Imagemagick's display program  # noqa: E501
     prog: which graphviz program to use"""
     if getsrcdst is None:
         def getsrcdst(pkt):
             """Extract src and dst addresses"""
             if 'IP' in pkt:
                 return (pkt['IP'].src, pkt['IP'].dst)
             if 'IPv6' in pkt:
                 return (pkt['IPv6'].src, pkt['IPv6'].dst)
             if 'ARP' in pkt:
                 return (pkt['ARP'].psrc, pkt['ARP'].pdst)
             raise TypeError()
     conv = {}
     for p in self.res:
         p = self._elt2pkt(p)
             c = getsrcdst(p)
             # No warning here: it's OK that getsrcdst() raises an
             # exception, since it might be, for example, a
             # function that expects a specific layer in each
             # packet. The try/except approach is faster and
             # considered more Pythonic than adding tests.
         if len(c) == 3:
             conv.setdefault(c[:2], set()).add(c[2])
             conv[c] = conv.get(c, 0) + 1
     gr = 'digraph "conv" {\n'
     for (s, d), l in six.iteritems(conv):
         gr += '\t "%s" -> "%s" [label="%s"]\n' % (
             s, d, ', '.join(str(x) for x in l) if isinstance(l, set) else l
     gr += "}\n"
     return do_graph(gr, **kargs)
Esempio n. 10
    def graph(self, **kargs):
        s = 'digraph "%s" {\n'  % self.__class__.__name__
        se = "" # Keep initial nodes at the begining for better rendering
        for st in six.itervalues(self.states):
            if st.atmt_initial:
                se = ('\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=blue, shape=box, root=true];\n' % st.atmt_state)+se
            elif st.atmt_final:
                se += '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=green, shape=octagon ];\n' % st.atmt_state
            elif st.atmt_error:
                se += '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=red, shape=octagon ];\n' % st.atmt_state
        s += se

        for st in six.itervalues(self.states):
            for n in st.atmt_origfunc.__code__.co_names+st.atmt_origfunc.__code__.co_consts:
                if n in self.states:
                    s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [ color=green ];\n' % (st.atmt_state,n)

        for c,k,v in ([("purple",k,v) for k,v in self.conditions.items()]+
                      [("red",k,v) for k,v in self.recv_conditions.items()]+
                      [("orange",k,v) for k,v in self.ioevents.items()]):
            for f in v:
                for n in f.__code__.co_names+f.__code__.co_consts:
                    if n in self.states:
                        l = f.atmt_condname
                        for x in self.actions[f.atmt_condname]:
                            l += "\\l>[%s]" % x.__name__
                        s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s", color=%s];\n' % (k,n,l,c)
        for k,v in six.iteritems(self.timeout):
            for t,f in v:
                if f is None:
                for n in f.__code__.co_names+f.__code__.co_consts:
                    if n in self.states:
                        l = "%s/%.1fs" % (f.atmt_condname,t)                        
                        for x in self.actions[f.atmt_condname]:
                            l += "\\l>[%s]" % x.__name__
                        s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s",color=blue];\n' % (k,n,l)
        s += "}\n"
        return do_graph(s, **kargs)
Esempio n. 11
    def afterglow(self, src=None, event=None, dst=None, **kargs):
        """Experimental clone attempt of
        each datum is reduced as src -> event -> dst and the data are graphed.
        by default we have IP.src -> IP.dport -> IP.dst"""
        if src is None:
            src = lambda x: x['IP'].src
        if event is None:
            event = lambda x: x['IP'].dport
        if dst is None:
            dst = lambda x: x['IP'].dst
        sl = {}
        el = {}
        dl = {}
        for i in self.res:
                s, e, d = src(i), event(i), dst(i)
                if s in sl:
                    n, l = sl[s]
                    n += 1
                    if e not in l:
                    sl[s] = (n, l)
                    sl[s] = (1, [e])
                if e in el:
                    n, l = el[e]
                    n += 1
                    if d not in l:
                    el[e] = (n, l)
                    el[e] = (1, [d])
                dl[d] = dl.get(d, 0) + 1

        import math

        def normalize(n):
            return 2 + math.log(n) / 4.0

        def minmax(x):
            m, M = reduce(lambda a, b: (min(a[0], b[0]), max(a[1], b[1])),
                          ((a, a) for a in x))
            if m == M:
                m = 0
            if M == 0:
                M = 1
            return m, M

        mins, maxs = minmax(x for x, _ in six.itervalues(sl))
        mine, maxe = minmax(x for x, _ in six.itervalues(el))
        mind, maxd = minmax(six.itervalues(dl))

        gr = 'digraph "afterglow" {\n\tedge [len=2.5];\n'

        gr += "# src nodes\n"
        for s in sl:
            n, l = sl[s]
            n = 1 + float(n - mins) / (maxs - mins)
            gr += '"src.%s" [label = "%s", shape=box, fillcolor="#FF0000", style=filled, fixedsize=1, height=%.2f,width=%.2f];\n' % (
                repr(s), repr(s), n, n)
        gr += "# event nodes\n"
        for e in el:
            n, l = el[e]
            n = n = 1 + float(n - mine) / (maxe - mine)
            gr += '"evt.%s" [label = "%s", shape=circle, fillcolor="#00FFFF", style=filled, fixedsize=1, height=%.2f, width=%.2f];\n' % (
                repr(e), repr(e), n, n)
        for d in dl:
            n = dl[d]
            n = n = 1 + float(n - mind) / (maxd - mind)
            gr += '"dst.%s" [label = "%s", shape=triangle, fillcolor="#0000ff", style=filled, fixedsize=1, height=%.2f, width=%.2f];\n' % (
                repr(d), repr(d), n, n)

        gr += "###\n"
        for s in sl:
            n, l = sl[s]
            for e in l:
                gr += ' "src.%s" -> "evt.%s";\n' % (repr(s), repr(e))
        for e in el:
            n, l = el[e]
            for d in l:
                gr += ' "evt.%s" -> "dst.%s";\n' % (repr(e), repr(d))

        gr += "}"
        return do_graph(gr, **kargs)
Esempio n. 12
 def graph(self, **kargs):
     s = self.build_graph()
     return do_graph(s, **kargs)
Esempio n. 13
    def afterglow(
            src=None,  # type: Optional[Callable[[_Inner], Any]]
            event=None,  # type: Optional[Callable[[_Inner], Any]]
            dst=None,  # type: Optional[Callable[[_Inner], Any]]
            **kargs  # type: Any
        # type: (...) -> Any
        """Experimental clone attempt of
        each datum is reduced as src -> event -> dst and the data are graphed.
        by default we have IP.src -> IP.dport -> IP.dst"""
        if src is None:
            src = lambda *x: x[0]['IP'].src
        if event is None:
            event = lambda *x: x[0]['IP'].dport
        if dst is None:
            dst = lambda *x: x[0]['IP'].dst
        sl = {}  # type: Dict[Any, Tuple[Union[float, int], List[Any]]]
        el = {}  # type: Dict[Any, Tuple[Union[float, int], List[Any]]]
        dl = {}  # type: Dict[Any, int]
        for i in self.res:
                s, e, d = src(i), event(i), dst(i)
                if s in sl:
                    n, lst = sl[s]
                    n += 1
                    if e not in lst:
                    sl[s] = (n, lst)
                    sl[s] = (1, [e])
                if e in el:
                    n, lst = el[e]
                    n += 1
                    if d not in lst:
                    el[e] = (n, lst)
                    el[e] = (1, [d])
                dl[d] = dl.get(d, 0) + 1
            except Exception:

        def minmax(x):
            # type: (Any) -> Tuple[int, int]
            m, M = reduce(lambda a, b: (min(a[0], b[0]), max(a[1], b[1])),
                          ((a, a) for a in x))
            if m == M:
                m = 0
            if M == 0:
                M = 1
            return m, M

        mins, maxs = minmax(x for x, _ in six.itervalues(sl))
        mine, maxe = minmax(x for x, _ in six.itervalues(el))
        mind, maxd = minmax(six.itervalues(dl))

        gr = 'digraph "afterglow" {\n\tedge [len=2.5];\n'

        gr += "# src nodes\n"
        for s in sl:
            n, _ = sl[s]
            n = 1 + float(n - mins) / (maxs - mins)
            gr += '"src.%s" [label = "%s", shape=box, fillcolor="#FF0000", style=filled, fixedsize=1, height=%.2f,width=%.2f];\n' % (
                repr(s), repr(s), n, n)  # noqa: E501
        gr += "# event nodes\n"
        for e in el:
            n, _ = el[e]
            n = 1 + float(n - mine) / (maxe - mine)
            gr += '"evt.%s" [label = "%s", shape=circle, fillcolor="#00FFFF", style=filled, fixedsize=1, height=%.2f, width=%.2f];\n' % (
                repr(e), repr(e), n, n)  # noqa: E501
        for d in dl:
            n = dl[d]
            n = 1 + float(n - mind) / (maxd - mind)
            gr += '"dst.%s" [label = "%s", shape=triangle, fillcolor="#0000ff", style=filled, fixedsize=1, height=%.2f, width=%.2f];\n' % (
                repr(d), repr(d), n, n)  # noqa: E501

        gr += "###\n"
        for s in sl:
            n, lst1 = sl[s]
            for e in lst1:
                gr += ' "src.%s" -> "evt.%s";\n' % (repr(s), repr(e))
        for e in el:
            n, lst2 = el[e]
            for d in lst2:
                gr += ' "evt.%s" -> "dst.%s";\n' % (repr(e), repr(d))

        gr += "}"
        return do_graph(gr, **kargs)
Esempio n. 14
    def afterglow(self, src=None, event=None, dst=None, **kargs):
        """Experimental clone attempt of
        each datum is reduced as src -> event -> dst and the data are graphed.
        by default we have IP.src -> IP.dport -> IP.dst"""
        if src is None:
            src = lambda x: x['IP'].src
        if event is None:
            event = lambda x: x['IP'].dport
        if dst is None:
            dst = lambda x: x['IP'].dst
        sl = {}
        el = {}
        dl = {}
        for i in self.res:
                s,e,d = src(i),event(i),dst(i)
                if s in sl:
                    n,l = sl[s]
                    n += 1
                    if e not in l:
                    sl[s] = (n,l)
                    sl[s] = (1,[e])
                if e in el:
                    n,l = el[e]
                    if d not in l:
                    el[e] = (n,l)
                    el[e] = (1,[d])
                dl[d] = dl.get(d,0)+1

        import math
        def normalize(n):
            return 2+math.log(n)/4.0

        def minmax(x):
            m, M = reduce(lambda a, b: (min(a[0], b[0]), max(a[1], b[1])),
                          ((a, a) for a in x))
            if m == M:
                m = 0
            if M == 0:
                M = 1
            return m, M

        mins, maxs = minmax(x for x, _ in sl.itervalues())
        mine, maxe = minmax(x for x, _ in el.itervalues())
        mind, maxd = minmax(dl.itervalues())
        gr = 'digraph "afterglow" {\n\tedge [len=2.5];\n'

        gr += "# src nodes\n"
        for s in sl:
            n,l = sl[s]; n = 1+float(n-mins)/(maxs-mins)
            gr += '"src.%s" [label = "%s", shape=box, fillcolor="#FF0000", style=filled, fixedsize=1, height=%.2f,width=%.2f];\n' % (repr(s),repr(s),n,n)
        gr += "# event nodes\n"
        for e in el:
            n,l = el[e]; n = n = 1+float(n-mine)/(maxe-mine)
            gr += '"evt.%s" [label = "%s", shape=circle, fillcolor="#00FFFF", style=filled, fixedsize=1, height=%.2f, width=%.2f];\n' % (repr(e),repr(e),n,n)
        for d in dl:
            n = dl[d]; n = n = 1+float(n-mind)/(maxd-mind)
            gr += '"dst.%s" [label = "%s", shape=triangle, fillcolor="#0000ff", style=filled, fixedsize=1, height=%.2f, width=%.2f];\n' % (repr(d),repr(d),n,n)

        gr += "###\n"
        for s in sl:
            n,l = sl[s]
            for e in l:
                gr += ' "src.%s" -> "evt.%s";\n' % (repr(s),repr(e)) 
        for e in el:
            n,l = el[e]
            for d in l:
                gr += ' "evt.%s" -> "dst.%s";\n' % (repr(e),repr(d)) 
        gr += "}"
        return do_graph(gr, **kargs)
Esempio n. 15
 def graph(self, **kargs):
     # type: (Any) -> Optional[str]
     s = self.build_graph()
     return do_graph(s, **kargs)