Esempio n. 1
def domainForObject(obj, ignoredProperties):
    """Construct a Domain for the given Scenic Object"""
    domains = {}
    for prop in
        if prop in ignoredProperties:
        value = getattr(obj, prop)
        if prop in normalizedProperties:
            value = coerce(value, normalizedProperties[prop])
        # TODO improve this system... (need to get better type info in Scenic)
        if prop in specialDomainProperties and needsSampling(value):
            dom = specialDomainProperties[prop]
            dom = domainForValue(value)
        if dom is None:
            ty = underlyingType(value)
            print(f'WARNING: skipping property "{prop}" of unknown type {ty}')
            domains[prop] = dom
    # add type as additional property
    value = type(obj).__name__
    dom = domainForValue(value)
    assert dom is not None
    assert 'type' not in domains
    domains['type'] = dom
    return Struct(domains)
Esempio n. 2
def domainForValue(value):
    """Return a Domain for this type of Scenic value, when possible"""
    ty = underlyingType(value)
    if ty is float or ty is int:
        domain = scalarDomain
    elif ty is GTACarModel:
        domain = gtaModelDomain
    elif ty is WebotsCarModel:
        domain = webotsModelDomain
    elif ty is Color:
        domain = colorDomain
    elif canCoerceType(ty, Vector):
        domain = vectorDomain
    elif ty is str:
        # We can only handle strings when they come from a finite set of
        # possibilities; we heuristically detect that here.
        if isinstance(value, Options):
            domain = Categorical(*value.options)
            domain = None  # we can't ensure the domain is finite
        domain = None  # no corresponding Domain known
    if not needsSampling(value):
        # We can handle constants of unknown types, but when possible we
        # convert the value to a VerifAI type.
        value = convertToVerifaiType(value, strict=False)
        return Constant(value)
    return domain
Esempio n. 3
def spaceForScenario(scenario, ignoredProperties):
    """Construct a FeatureSpace for the given Scenic Scenario."""
    # create domains for objects
    assert scenario.egoObject is scenario.objects[0]
    doms = (domainForObject(obj, ignoredProperties)
            for obj in scenario.objects)
    objects = Struct({f'object{i}': dom for i, dom in enumerate(doms)})

    # create domains for global parameters
    paramDoms = {}
    quotedParams = {}
    for param, value in scenario.params.items():
        if param in ignoredParameters:
        dom = domainForValue(value)
        if dom is None:
            ty = underlyingType(value)
            print(f'WARNING: skipping param "{param}" of unknown type {ty}')
            if not param.isidentifier():  # munge quoted parameter names
                newparam = 'quoted_param' + str(len(quotedParams))
                quotedParams[newparam] = param
                param = newparam
            paramDoms[param] = dom
    params = Struct(paramDoms)

    space = FeatureSpace({
        'objects': Feature(objects),
        'params': Feature(params)
    return space, quotedParams
Esempio n. 4
def Beyond(pos, offset, fromPt=None):
	pos = toVector(pos, 'specifier "beyond X by Y" with X not a vector')
	dType = underlyingType(offset)
	if dType is float or dType is int:
		offset = Vector(0, offset)
	elif dType is not Vector:
		raise RuntimeParseError('specifier "beyond X by Y" with Y not a number or vector')
	if fromPt is None:
		fromPt = ego()
	fromPt = toVector(fromPt, 'specifier "beyond X by Y from Z" with Z not a vector')
	lineOfSight = fromPt.angleTo(pos)
	return Specifier('position', pos.offsetRotated(lineOfSight, offset))
Esempio n. 5
def leftSpecHelper(syntax, pos, dist, axis, toComponents, makeOffset):
	extras = set()
	dType = underlyingType(dist)
	if dType is float or dType is int:
		dx, dy = toComponents(dist)
	elif dType is Vector:
		dx, dy = dist
		raise RuntimeParseError(f'"{syntax} X by D" with D not a number or vector')
	if isinstance(pos, OrientedPoint):		# TODO too strict?
		val = lambda self: pos.relativePosition(makeOffset(self, dx, dy))
		new = DelayedArgument({axis}, val)
		pos = toVector(pos, f'specifier "{syntax} X" with X not a vector')
		val = lambda self: pos.offsetRotated(self.heading, makeOffset(self, dx, dy))
		new = DelayedArgument({axis, 'heading'}, val)
	return Specifier('position', new, optionals=extras)
Esempio n. 6
def convertToVerifaiType(value, strict=True):
    """Attempt to convert a Scenic value to a type known to Verifai"""
    ty = underlyingType(value)
    if ty is float or ty is int:
        return float(value)
    elif canCoerceType(ty, Vector):
        return tuple(coerce(value, Vector))
    elif ty is GTACarModel:
        return value
    elif ty is WebotsCarModel:
        return value
    elif ty is CarColor:
        return value
    elif strict:  # Unknown type, so give up if we're being strict
        raise RuntimeError(
            f'attempted to convert Scenic value {value} of unknown type {ty}')
        return value
Esempio n. 7
def convertToVerifaiType(value, strict=True):
    """Attempt to convert a Scenic value to a type known to VerifAI"""
    ty = underlyingType(value)
    if ty is float or ty is int:
        return float(value)
    elif ty is list or ty is tuple:
        return tuple(convertToVerifaiType(e, strict=strict) for e in value)
    elif issubclass(ty, dict) and not needsSampling(value):
        return frozendict(value)
    elif ty is GTACarModel:
        return value
    elif ty is WebotsCarModel:
        return value
    elif ty is Color:
        return value
    elif canCoerceType(ty, Vector):
        return tuple(coerce(value, Vector))
    elif strict:  # Unknown type, so give up if we're being strict
        raise RuntimeError(
            f'attempted to convert Scenic value {value} of unknown type {ty}')
        return value
Esempio n. 8
def Beyond(pos, offset, fromPt=None):
	"""The 'beyond X by Y [from Z]' polymorphic specifier.

	Specifies 'position', with no dependencies.

	Allowed forms:
		beyond <vector> by <number> [from <vector>]
		beyond <vector> by <vector> [from <vector>]

	If the 'from <vector>' is omitted, the position of ego is used.
	pos = toVector(pos, 'specifier "beyond X by Y" with X not a vector')
	dType = underlyingType(offset)
	if dType is float or dType is int:
		offset = Vector(0, offset)
	elif dType is not Vector:
		raise RuntimeParseError('specifier "beyond X by Y" with Y not a number or vector')
	if fromPt is None:
		fromPt = ego()
	fromPt = toVector(fromPt, 'specifier "beyond X by Y from Z" with Z not a vector')
	lineOfSight = fromPt.angleTo(pos)
	return Specifier('position', pos.offsetRotated(lineOfSight, offset))
Esempio n. 9
def spaceForScenario(scenario, ignoredProperties):
    """Construct a FeatureSpace for the given Scenic Scenario"""
    # create domains for objects
    assert scenario.egoObject is scenario.objects[0]
    doms = (domainForObject(obj, ignoredProperties)
            for obj in scenario.objects)
    objects = Struct({f'object{i}': dom for i, dom in enumerate(doms)})

    # create domains for global parameters
    paramDoms = {}
    for param, value in scenario.params.items():
        dom = domainForValue(value)
        if dom is None:
            ty = underlyingType(value)
            print(f'WARNING: skipping param "{param}" of unknown type {ty}')
            paramDoms[param] = dom
    params = Struct(paramDoms)

    return FeatureSpace({
        'objects': Feature(objects),
        'params': Feature(params)