def postReportChallenge(chalID): if not (chalID in challenges.idToKey): return {"results": "Challenge not found!"} userName = mainFileContent = str( base64.b64encode(request.values["usercontent"].encode("utf-8")), "utf-8") reportMessage = request.values["message"] inputFilesContent = "" try: inputFilesContent = str( base64.b64encode(request.values["files"].encode("utf-8")), "utf-8") except: pass db.unlockChallenge(userName, chalID, getClientIPAddress()) db.insertReport(userName, chalID, reportMessage, mainFileContent, inputFilesContent, "", getClientIPAddress()) return {"results": "Thank you! We will have a look into it."}
def postSendAll(chalID): if not (chalID in challenges.idToKey): return {"results": "Challenge not found!"} userName = userIP = getClientIPAddress() db.unlockChallenge(userName, chalID, userIP) cfg = copy.deepcopy(challenges.getChalConfig(chalID)) userData = json.loads(request.values["userfiles"]) r = challenges.evalChalFromDirStruct(userName, userIP, chalID, userData) feedback = cfg.get( "feedback", "collect") # by default collect feedback from player on the challenge # set feedback to "skip" in challenges.yaml to skip this step return { "results": r["result"], "log-results": r["logger"], "solve": r["solve"], "feedback": feedback }
def challengeRoot(chalID): userName = ipAddress = getClientIPAddress() #db.addChalCache(userName,chalID,"xxx") if chalID in challenges.idToKey: cfg = challenges.getChalConfig(chalID) rootFile = cfg["root_file"] db.unlockChallenge(userName, chalID, ipAddress) db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "ENTRY", "visit challenge", "", ipAddress) if cfg["root"] == "template": # programming challenges isAdmin = db.isUserAdmin(userName) return render_template(rootFile, cfg=cfg, hbTimer=heartBeat, isAdmin=isAdmin) elif cfg["root"] == "challenge": # multiple choice questions chalDir = cfg["directory"] tplFile = os.path.join(chalDir, rootFile) tpl = open(tplFile, "r").read() t = Template(tpl) isAdmin = db.isUserAdmin(userName) return t.render({ "cfg": cfg, "hbTimer": heartBeat, "chalID": chalID, "isAdmin": isAdmin }) else: return genericError else: p(chalID) p(challenges.idToKey) db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "ENTRY", "unkown challenge", "", ipAddress) return genericError
def postSend(chalID): if not (chalID in challenges.idToKey): return {"results": "Challenge not found!"} userName = userIP = getClientIPAddress() db.unlockChallenge(userName, chalID, userIP) cfg = copy.deepcopy(challenges.getChalConfig(chalID)) mainFileContent = request.values["usercontent"] #print("----mainFileContent----------------------") #print(mainFileContent) #print("-----------------------------------------") inputFileContent = "" try: inputFileContent = request.values["inputfile"] #print("~~~~inputFileContent~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") #print(inputFileContent) #print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") except: pass (result, d, tcDir) = challenges.evalChalFromString(userName, chalID, mainFileContent, inputFileContent) chalLogLines = challenges.collectChallengeEvalLogs(tcDir) chalLog = [] for s in chalLogLines: chalLog.append(escape(s)) chalLog = "<br>".join(chalLog) failMsg = None failPrio = None tag = None if result == False: try: for e in d: if d[e]["pass"] == "FAIL": newPrio = int(d[e]["nr"]) if None == failPrio: failPrio = newPrio failMsg = d[e]["msg"] tag = d[e]["x"] else: if newPrio < failPrio: failPrio = newPrio failMsg = d[e]["msg"] tag = d[e]["x"] if failMsg: hintHtml = "" if tag in challenges.allTags: myTag = challenges.allTags[tag] tagDesc = myTag["description"] hintHtml = tagDesc.format(**myTag) db.addHintTag(userName, chalID, tag, hintHtml, getClientIPAddress()) if False: # Toggle this to test a new tag myTag = challenges.allTags["TEST_TAG"] tagDesc = myTag["description"] hintHtml = tagDesc.format(**myTag) #print("HINT:",hintHtml) db.addHintTag(userName, chalID, "TEST_TAG", hintHtml, getClientIPAddress()) db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "FAIL", failMsg, tcDir, getClientIPAddress()) return {"results": failMsg, "log-results": chalLog} else: msg = "Oops! please contact one of the coaches" db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "OOPS", msg, tcDir, getClientIPAddress()) return {"results": msg, "log-results": chalLog} except: pass #p(d) msg = "Oops! - where did the failed result go to?" db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "OOPS", msg, tcDir, getClientIPAddress()) return {"results": msg, "log-results": chalLog} else: flag = str(cfg["flag"]) db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "SOLVE", flag, tcDir, getClientIPAddress()) return { "results": "Well done, here is your flag: " + flag, "log-results": chalLog }
def challengeFile(chalID, fileName): userName = if chalID in challenges.idToKey: cfg = copy.deepcopy(challenges.getChalConfig(chalID)) else: return genericError if request.method == 'GET': #print("Try allow_get...") try: allowHtml = cfg["allow_get"] except: allowHtml = "" allowHtml = allowHtml.split(",") #print("allow: ",allowHtml) if fileName in allowHtml: chalDir = cfg["directory"] fileName = os.path.join(chalDir, fileName) return send_file(fileName) else: return genericError _postValuesAsDict = request.values.to_dict(flat=False) postValuesAsDict = {} # ugly hack... for k in _postValuesAsDict: newK = "".join("_".join(k.split("[")).split("]")) postValuesAsDict[newK] = _postValuesAsDict[k] postValuesAsDict = utils.processPost(postValuesAsDict) limitFile = int(cfg["limitFile"]) if ("limitFile" in cfg) else 0 db.unlockChallenge(userName, chalID, getClientIPAddress()) if limitFile > 0: n = db.getChalNrTimes(userName, chalID) if (n >= limitFile): return "Limit exceeded" db.incChalNrTimes(userName, chalID, getClientIPAddress()) allowPost = "" try: allowPost = cfg["allow_post"] except: allowPost = "" allowPost = allowPost.split(",") #print("Try allow_post...") if fileName in allowPost: chalDir = cfg["directory"] tplFile = os.path.join(chalDir, fileName) tpl = open(tplFile, "r").read() t = Template(tpl) try: cfg["unlock_codes"] = cfg["unlock_codes"].split(",") except Exception as e: cfg["unlock_codes"] = [] html = t.render({ "post": postValuesAsDict, "cfg": cfg, "chalID": chalID }) #print("Rendered HTML") #print(html) #print("") # if we can find the flag in the HTML code, then the challenge was solved if["flag"], html): db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "SOLVE", "", "", getClientIPAddress()) # if we can find this comment in the code, it means that we have failed the challenge if"<!-- FAIL -->", html): db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "FAIL", "", "", getClientIPAddress()) return html #print("Try unlock_post...") allowPostUnlock = "" try: allowPostUnlock = cfg["unlock_post"].split(",") except: allowPostUnlock = [] try: unlockCodes = cfg["unlock_codes"].split(",") except: unlockCodes = [] if not (len(allowPostUnlock) == len(unlockCodes)): return "Inconsistent length of unlock codes" postUnlock = dict(zip(allowPostUnlock, unlockCodes)) if fileName in allowPostUnlock: chalUnlocks = db.getChallengeUnlockFiles(userName) flagFound = False for u in chalUnlocks: if (u["chalID"] == chalID) and (u["unlockCode"] == postUnlock[fileName]): #print("FOUND") chalDir = cfg["directory"] tplFile = os.path.join(chalDir, fileName) tpl = open(tplFile, "r").read() t = Template(tpl) try: cfg["unlock_codes"] = cfg["unlock_codes"].split(",") except Exception as e: cfg["unlock_codes"] = [] p(postValuesAsDict) html = t.render({ "post": postValuesAsDict, "cfg": cfg, "chalID": chalID }) #print("Rendered HTML") #print(html) #print("") # if we can find the flag in the HTML code, then the challenge was solved if["flag"], html): db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "SOLVE", "", "", getClientIPAddress()) # if we can find this comment in the code, it means that we have failed the challenge if"<!-- FAIL -->", html): db.addInteraction(userName, chalID, "FAIL", "", "", getClientIPAddress()) return html return "ERROR: a team of highly trained monkeys was just dispatched to ignore your request" else: return genericError