Esempio n. 1
def test_findnearest():

    indf, xf = sd.find_nearest([10, 15, 12, 20, 14, 33], [32, 12.01])
    assert_allclose(indf, [5, 2])
    assert_allclose(xf, [33., 12.])

    indf, xf = sd.find_nearest(
        (datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 12), datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 11)),
        datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 11, 30))
    assert_equal(indf, 0)
    assert_equal(xf, datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 12))
Esempio n. 2
def test_findnearest():

    indf, xf = sd.find_nearest([10, 15, 12, 20, 14, 33], [32, 12.01])
    assert (indf == [5, 2]).all()
    assert xf == approx([33.0, 12.0])

    indf, xf = sd.find_nearest(
        (datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 12), datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 11)),
        datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 11, 30),
    assert indf == 0
    assert xf == datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 12)
Esempio n. 3
def optical(vidfn,calfn,treq,terror_cam):
    quick-n-dirty load of optical data to corroborate with other tle and ncdf data
    #data, rawFrameInd,finf = goRead(vidfn,xyPix=(512,512),xyBin=(1,1), ut1Req=T,kineticraw=1/fps,startUTC=tstart)
    treq -= timedelta(seconds=terror_cam)

    treq = forceutc(treq)
    treq = treq.timestamp()

    vidfn = Path(vidfn).expanduser()
    if not vidfn.suffix == '.h5':
        raise IOError('{} needs to be HST HDF5 file'.format(vidfn))

    with h5py.File(str(vidfn),'r',libver='latest') as f:
        tcam = f['ut1_unix']
        i = find_nearest(tcam,treq)[0]
        if i==0 or i==tcam.size-1:
            logging.critical('requested time {} at or past edge of camera time {}'.format(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(treq),datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tcam[i])))

        tcam = f['ut1_unix'][i]
        img = f['rawimg'][i,...]
        llacam = f['sensorloc'].value
#%% map pixels to sky
    calfn = Path(calfn).expanduser()
    with h5py.File(str(calfn),'r',libver='latest') as f:
        az = f['/az'].value
        el = f['/el'].value

    return img, tcam, llacam, az,el
Esempio n. 4
def runglowaurora(params: dict, z_km: np.ndarray = None) -> xarray.Dataset:
    """ Runs Fortran GLOW program and collects results in friendly arrays with metadata. """
    # %% (-2) check/process user inputs
    assert isinstance(params['flux'], (float, int, np.ndarray))
    assert isinstance(params['E0'], (float, int))
    assert isinstance(params['t0'], (datetime, str))
    assert isinstance(params['glat'], (float, int))
    assert isinstance(params['glon'], (float, int))
    # %% (-1) if no manual f10.7 and ap, autoload by date
    if not 'f107a' in params or params['f107a'] is None:
        if getApF107 is None:
            raise ImportError(GRIDERR)
        f107Ap = getApF107(params['t0'])
        params['f107a'] = params['f107p'] = f107Ap['f107s'].item()
        params['f107'] = f107Ap['f107'].item()
        params['Ap'] = (f107Ap['Ap'].item(), ) * 7

# %% flux grid / date
    eflux = np.atleast_1d(params['flux'])

    yeardoy, utsec = datetime2yeardoy(params['t0'])[:2]
    # %% (0) define altitude grid [km]

    # FIXME: dynamic grid
    z_km = np.array(
        list(range(80, 110, 1)) + [110., 111.5, 113., 114.5] +
        list(range(116, 136, 2)) +
        [137., 140., 144., 148., 153., 158., 164., 170] + list(
            chain(range(176, 204, 7), range(205, 253, 8), range(254, 299, 9),
                  range(300, 650, 10))))

    if z_km is None:
        if glowalt is not None:
            z_km = glowalt()
            raise ImportError(GRIDERR)

# %% (1) setup flux at top of ionosphere
    ener, dE = glowfort.egrid()

    if eflux.size == 1:
            'generating maxwellian input differential number flux spectrum')
        # maxwellian input PhiTop at top of ionosphere
        phitop = glowfort.maxt(eflux,
    elif eflux.size > 1:  # eigenprofile generation, one non-zero bin at a time'running in eigenprofile mode')
        # FIXME should we interpolate instead? Maybe not, as long as we're consistent ref. Semeter 2006
        e0ind = find_nearest(ener, params['e0'])[0]
        phitop = np.zeros_like(ener)
        phitop[e0ind] = ener[e0ind]  # value in glow grid closest to zett grid
        return ValueError(
            'I do not understand your electron flux input. Should be scalar or vector'

    phi = np.stack((ener, dE, phitop), 1)  # Nalt x 3
    assert phi.shape[1] == 3
    # %% (2) msis,iri,glow model
        params['glon'] % 360,
    # %% (3) collect outputs

    lamb = [
        3371, 4278, 5200, 5577, 6300, 7320, 10400, 3466, 7774, 8446, 3726,
        'LBH', 1356, 1493, 1304
    ]  # same for ZETA and ZCETA
    ions = [
        'nO+(2P)', 'nO+(2D)', 'nO+(4S)', 'nN+', 'nN2+', 'nO2+', 'nNO+', 'nO',
        'nO2', 'nN2', 'nNO'
    neut = ['O', 'O2', 'N2']

    sim = xarray.Dataset()
    # %%  array of volume emission rates at each altitude; cm-3 s-1:
    sim['zeta'] = xarray.DataArray(glowfort.cglow.zeta.T,
                                   dims=['z_km', 'wavelength_nm'],
                                       'z_km': z_km,
                                       'wavelength_nm': lamb
    # %% array of contributions to each v.e.r at each alt; cm-3 s-1   Nalt x Nwavelength x Nprocess
    sim['zceta'] = xarray.DataArray(
        glowfort.cglow.zceta.T,  # See Glow.txt.
        dims=['z_km', 'wavelength_nm', 'process'],
            'z_km': z_km,
            'wavelength_nm': lamb,
            'process': range(glowfort.cglow.zceta.T.shape[2])
    # %% electron impact ionization rates calculated by ETRANS; cm-3 s-1
    sim['sion'] = xarray.DataArray(glowfort.cglow.sion.T,
                                   dims=['z_km', 'neutral_species'],
                                       'z_km': z_km,
                                       'neutral_species': neut
    # %% total photoionization rate at each altitude, cm-3 s-1
    sim['tpi'] = xarray.DataArray(glowfort.cglow.tpi,
                                  coords={'z_km': z_km})
    # %% total electron impact ionization rate at each altitude, cm-3 s-1
    sim['tei'] = xarray.DataArray(glowfort.cglow.tei,
                                  coords={'z_km': z_km})
    # %% PESPEC photoelectron production rate at energy, altitude; cm-3 s-1
    sim['pespec'] = xarray.DataArray(glowfort.cglow.pespec.T,
                                     dims=['z_km', 'eV'],
                                         'z_km': z_km,
                                         'eV': ener

    #    sim['photIon'] = xarray.DataArray(np.hstack((photI[:,None],ImpI[:,None],ecalc[:,None],ion)),
    #                               dims=['z_km','type'],
    #                               coords={'z_km':z_km,
    #                                'type':['photoIoniz','eImpactIoniz','ne']+products})
    #    sim['isr'] = xarray.DataArray(isr,
    #                          dims=['z_km','param'],
    #                          coords={'z_km':z_km,'param':['ne','Te','Ti']})
    #    sim['phitop'] = xarray.DataArray(phi[:,2],
    #                           dims=['eV'],
    #                           coords={'eV':phi[:,0]})
    sim.attrs['sza'] = np.degrees(glowfort.cglow.sza)
    #    sim['tez'] = xarray.DataArray(glowfort.cglow.tez,
    #                           dims=['z_km'], coords={'z_km':z_km})

    # %% production and loss rates
    #    prate = prate.T; lrate=lrate.T #fortran to C ordering 2x170x20, only first 12 columns are used
    #    #column labels by inspection of fortran/gchem.f staring after "DO 150 I=1,JMAX" (thanks Stan!)
    #    sim['prates'] = xarray.DataArray(prate[1,:,:12], #columns 12:20 are identically zero
    #                      dims=['z_km','reaction'],
    #                      coords={'z_km':z_km,
    #                              'reaction':['O+(2P)','O+(2D)','O+(4S)','N+','N2+','O2+','NO+',
    #                                 'N2(A)','N(2P)','N(2D)','O(1S)','O(1D)']}
    #                    )
    #    sim['lrates'] = xarray.DataArray(lrate[1,:,:12], #columns 12:20 are identically zero
    #                      dims=['z_km','reaction'],
    #                      coords={'z_km':z_km,
    #                        'reaction':['O+(2P)','O+(2D)','O+(4S)','N+','N2+','O2+','NO+',
    #                                 'N2(A)','N(2P)','N(2D)','O(1S)','O(1D)']}
    #                    )
    #    sim['sion'] = xarray.DataArray(glowfort.cglow.sion,
    #                         dims=['gas','z_km'],
    #                         coords={'gas':['O','O2','N2'],
    #                                 'z_km':z_km})

    return sim
Esempio n. 5
def main():
    print(sd.find_nearest([10, 15, 12, 20, 14, 33], [32, 12.01]))

    print(INCORRECTRESULT_using_bisect([10, 15, 12, 20, 14, 33], [32, 12.01]))
Esempio n. 6
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from bisect import bisect
import sciencedates as sd

def INCORRECTRESULT_using_bisect(x, X0):  # pragma: no cover
    X0 = np.atleast_1d(X0)
    ind = [bisect(x, x0) for x0 in X0]

    x = np.asanyarray(x)
    return np.asanyarray(ind), x[ind]

print(sd.find_nearest([10, 15, 12, 20, 14, 33], [32, 12.01]))

print(INCORRECTRESULT_using_bisect([10, 15, 12, 20, 14, 33], [32, 12.01]))