Esempio n. 1
condition, depending on the ``lag`` optional parameter.
By default, the ``lag`` parameter is calculated as the time difference between
the first month of the ENSO indicator reference (or October, if the ENSO indicator
does not have any reference season) and the ``starting_month`` parameter.
For example, if ``starting_month`` is 4 (April) and the reference season runs from
October to December included, the lag will be 6 months, and each water year will be
associated with the ENSO conditions prevailing the previous October.

In both cases, the colors corresponding to each ENSO conditions are available
through the :data:`ENSOcolors` dictionary.

Let us replot the previous FDCs with ENSO information.
First, we need to associate an ENSO indicator to the series.

ONI = enso.load_oni()
series = enso.set_ensoindicator(series, ONI)
We can now create a new figure and a new plot.

fig = cpl.figure()
cpl.plot_fdc(series, enso=True, marker='o')
cpl.plot_fdc(series, enso=True, starting_month=4)
.. image:: athens_fdc_enso.*

import numpy as np
import scikits.hydroclimpy as hydro
import scikits.hydroclimpy.enso as enso
import as usgs
import scikits.hydroclimpy.plotlib as cpl

ONI = enso.load_oni()
series = usgs.load_usgs_flows('02217770').fill_missing_dates()
series = enso.set_ensoindicator(series, ONI)

fig = cpl.figure()
fsp = fig.add_subplot(111)
cpl.plot_fdc(series, plot_enso=True, marker='o', markersize=6, ax=fsp)
cpl.plot_fdc(series, plot_enso=True, starting_month=4, ax=fsp)
fsp.set_ylabel("Flows (cfs)", fontweight='bold')
fig.suptitle("Flow duration curve for the North Oconee River at Athens, GA",
             fontweight="bold", fontsize=12)

def dump_seasonal_averages(observations, dbname="coaps.sqlite",
                           period="monthly", ensostr="ONI"):
    Dump seasonal averages of observations in a SQLite database.

    The database is named following the template ``avg%(observations)s.sdb``.
    For each season, there are four tables named following the template 
    Each table has N+1 columns: 
        * Station COOP ID (format ``COOP%06i``)
        * ENSO indicator (used to define the phase): in ('ONI', 'JMAI', 'MEI')
        * ENSO phase : in ('A', 'C', 'N', 'W')
        * N values for each season

    observations: string
        String representing the observations to store.
    period : ('M', 'NDJ', 'DJF', 'JFM'), optional
        String representing the seasons. 
        Use 'M' for monthly, 'DJF' for 'DJF,MAM,JJA,SON'...
    ensostr : ('ONI', 'JMAI', 'MEI'), optional
        String representing the ENSO indicator to define ENSO phases
    seasons = dict(monthly=['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN',
                            'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC', ],
                   JFM=['JFM', 'AMJ', 'JAS', 'OND'],
                   DJF=['DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'],
                   NDJ=['NDJ', 'FMA', 'MJJ', 'ASO'])

    # Get the seasonal frequency
    period = period.upper()
    period_to_freq = dict(M=hydro._c.FR_MTH,
        freq = period_to_freq[period]
    except KeyError:
        errmsg = "Invalid period '%s': should be in %s."
        raise ValueError(errmsg % (period, period_to_freq.keys()))

    # Get the names of the fields
    # fieldslist = ["COOPID text primary key", "ENSOI text", "phase text"]
    fieldslist = ["id integer primary key autoincrement",
                  "COOPID text", "ENSOI text", "phase text"]
    if period in ("M", "MONTHLY"):
        period = "monthly"
    fieldslist += ["%s real" % _ for _ in seasons[period]]
    nbfields = len(fieldslist)

    # Get the conversion function:
    if freq == hydro._c.FR_MTH:
        conversion_func = None
        if observations == 'rain':
            conversion_func = ma.sum
            conversion_func = ma.mean

    # Load the ENSO information
    ensostr = ensostr.upper()
    if ensostr == 'ONI':
        ENSO = enso.load_oni()
    elif ensostr == 'JMAI':
        ENSO = enso.load_jma()
    elif ensostr == 'MEI':
        raise NotImplementedError
        errmsg = "Invalid ENSO indicator '%s': should be in ('ONI','JMAI','MEI')"
        raise ValueError(errmsg % ensostr)

    # Get the monthly series from the datatable and set the ENSO indicator
    tbname = "series_monthly_%s" % observations
    monthly = sql.tsfromsqlite(dbname, tbname, freq="M")
    monthly = enso.set_ensoindicator(monthly, ENSO)

    # Define dictionaries storing the averages
    avg_r = {}
    # Loop on the stations
    for station in monthly.dtype.names:
	    # Get the current station
        current = monthly[station]
        # Get the season
        seasonal = current.convert(freq, func=conversion_func)
        if (observations == "rain") and (freq != hydro._c.FR_MTH):
            mask = hydro.time_series(current.mask, dates=current.dates)
            seasonal.mask = mask.convert(freq, func=ma.sum)
        # Get the values per phase
        coopid = station[-6:]
        avg_r[(coopid, ensostr, 'A')] = seasonal.convert("A").mean(0)
        avg_r[(coopid, ensostr, 'C')] = seasonal.cold.convert("A").mean(0)
        avg_r[(coopid, ensostr, 'N')] = seasonal.neutral.convert("A").mean(0)
        avg_r[(coopid, ensostr, 'W')] = seasonal.warm.convert("A").mean(0)

    # Get the database name
    detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES
    connection = sqlite3.connect(dbname, detect_types=detect_types)
    # Define the creation/insertion lines
    tbname = "averages_%(period)s_%(observations)s" % locals()
    createstr = "create table %s (%s)" % (tbname, ", ".join(fieldslist))
    insertstr_template = "insert into %s values (%s)"
    insertstr = insertstr_template % (tbname, ", ".join(['?']*nbfields))
    # Create the table
    except sqlite3.OperationalError:
    # Define a generator for the values
    generator = ([None, ] + list(k) + list(v.astype(np.object).filled((None,)))
                 for (k, v) in avg_r.items())
    connection.executemany(insertstr, generator)
Esempio n. 4
mrainfall = rainfall.convert('M',func=ma.sum)
arainfall = mrainfall.convert('A')
assert(arainfall.shape == (64, 12))

monthly_means = arainfall.mean(axis=0).round(1)
print monthly_means
"""   [ 115.9  112.4  130.8   94.1   99.4  103.5  122.3   90.2   94.5   77.8
         92.7   98.6]"""

ONI = enso.load_oni()
print ONI.dates[[0,-1]]
"""   [Jan-1950 Dec-2008]"""

mrainfall = enso.set_ensoindicator(mrainfall, ONI)
print type(mrainfall)
assert(isinstance(mrainfall, enso.ClimateSeries))
print mrainfall.ensoindicator.dates[[0,-1]]
"""   [Jan-1944 Dec-2007]"""

mrainfall_2K = mrainfall[(mrainfall.year == 2000)]
print mrainfall_2K.cold
"""[113.792 50.546 86.614 43.18 54.864 50.292 -- -- -- 5.842 106.68 87.884]"""
print mrainfall_2K.neutral
"""[-- -- -- -- -- -- 85.344 93.218 122.174 -- -- --]"""
print mrainfall_2K.warm
"""[-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --]"""

mdtype = [('cold', float), ('neutral', float), ('warm', float),