Esempio n. 1
def ej2():
    def f(x): return np.exp(-x)
    subint = [4, 10, 20]  # Subintervalos
    a, b = 0, 1
    res_integral, _ = integral(f, a, b)  # Integral de f(x)
    res_trapecio = []
    err_trapecio = []
    res_pm = []
    err_pm = []
    res_simpson = []
    err_simpson = []
    i = 0
    for s in subint:
        # Resultados de usar las reglas compuestas
        res_trapecio.append(intenumcomp(f, a, b, s, "trapecio"))
        res_pm.append(intenumcomp(f, a, b, s, "pm"))
        res_simpson.append(intenumcomp(f, a, b, s, "simpson"))
        # Error que se comete al usar las reglas compuesta
        err_trapecio.append(abs(res_integral - res_trapecio[i]))
        err_pm.append(abs(res_integral - res_pm[i]))
        err_simpson.append(abs(res_integral - res_simpson[i]))
        i = i + 1
    print("Integral de f(x):", res_integral)
    print("Trapecio:", res_trapecio)
    print("Punto Medio:", res_pm)
    print("Simpson:", res_simpson)
    print("Errores absolutos del Trapecio:", err_trapecio)
    print("Errores absolutos del Punto Medio:", err_pm)
    print("Errores absolutos del Simpson:", err_simpson)
Esempio n. 2
def pendulo(l, alfa):
    # Dado una longitud en metros y una amplitud alfa
    # devuelve el periodo de un pendulo
    alfa_rad = (alfa / 180) * pi  # Transforma el alfa en radianes

    def f(x): return (1 - sin(alfa_rad/2)**2 * sin(x)**2)**(-1/2)
    i, _ = integral(f, 0, pi/2)
    g = 9.8  # 9.8 m/s²
    T = 4 * sqrt(np.divide(l, g)) * i
    return T
Esempio n. 3
def ej5():
    def fa(x): return np.exp(-x**2)

    def fb(x): return (x**2 * np.log(x + sqrt(x**2 + 1)))
    xa = np.arange(-10000, 10000)  # Si usamos [-inf, inf] exedemos el limite
    xb = np.arange(0, 2)
    ya, yb = [], []
    for ia in xa:
    for ib in xb:
    print("a) con Trapecio =", trapz(ya, xa))
    print("a) con Simpson =", simps(ya, xa))
    # Como no se pudo usar trapz y simps con intervalo infinito, usare quad
    print("a) con scipy.integrate.quad =", integral(fa, -np.inf, np.inf)[0])
    print("b) con Trapecio =", trapz(yb, xb))
    print("b) con Simpson =", simps(yb, xb))
    # En este caso no hacia falta, pero es para que se note la diferencia
    print("b) con scipy.integrate.quad =", integral(fb, 0, 2)[0])
Esempio n. 4
 def ruin_estimated_prob(self, arm):
     #x = self.successes[arm]
     #y = self.pulls[arm]-self.successes[arm]
     #b = max(1.0, self.budget)
     return beta.cdf(
         0.5, self.successes[arm] + 1,
         self.pulls[arm] - self.successes[arm] + 1) + integral(
             lambda p, x, y, b: (
                 (1 - p) / p)**b * beta.pdf(p, x + 1, y + 1), 0.5, 1.0,
             (self.successes[arm], self.pulls[arm] - self.successes[arm],
              max(1.0, self.budget)))[0]
Esempio n. 5
    def _cdf(self, x):
        '''The CDF of T = first interarrival time of a NHPP with rate function L(t)

            ``x`` (``float``): A positive number

            F_T(x) = P(T <= x)
        return 1 - exp(-integral(self.L, 0, x)[0])
Esempio n. 6
    def propensity_integral(self, state, time, delta_t):
        """Integrate propensity function from time to time+delta_t

        If the reaction is autonomous, this method returns
        self.propensity(state)*delta_t. If it is non-autonomous,
        the integral is calculated numerically. Override this method
        if the propensity function can be integrated analytically.
        (Requires scipy).
        if self.is_autonomous:
            return self.propensity(state) * delta_t
        elif delta_t == float('inf'):
            return float('inf')
            from scipy.integrate import quad as integral
            propensity = lambda t: self.propensity(state, t)
            return integral(propensity, time, time + delta_t)[0]
Esempio n. 7
def matched_filter(strain,template,N_func,dt):
    d is the windowed strain data
    A is the template
    N is the noise
    in FT space, m=conj(A)*d/N
    # Window 
    # Frequencies used
    df = 1/(dt*len(strain))
    freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(strain),dt)
    # FTs with window

    # Matched filter
    # Integrate to find halfway point
    intg = integral(np.abs(mf_ft), dx=df, initial=0)
    mid_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(intg - max(intg)/2))

    sigsq_template = np.conj(A_ft)*A_ft/N # or is it np.conj(Aft)/(Aft*N)
    sigma = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.sum(sigsq_template)*df) )
    sig_data = np.std(np.abs(mf))
    max_data = np.max(np.abs(mf))
    SNR_data = (max_data-np.mean(np.abs(mf)))/sig_data
    # Normalize to sigma=1 and shift back to zero
    return SNR, SNR_data, freq[mid_idx]
Esempio n. 8
 def calc_integral_scale(self):
     """Calculate the integral scale of the isotrope model."""
     self._integral_scale = integral(self.correlation, 0, np.inf)[0]
     return self._integral_scale
def u_n(n):
    def f_n(t):
        return f(n, t)

    return integral(f_n, 0, np.inf)[0]
def F(x):
    def f_inf(t):
        return (1 - np.cos(x * t)) / (t**2 * (1 + t**2))

    return integral(f_inf, 0, np.inf)[0]
def u_n(n):
    def f_n(t):
        return f(n, t)
    return integral(f_n, 0, np.inf)[0]
def F(x):
    def f_inf(t):
        return (1 - np.cos(x * t)) / (t**2 * (1 + t**2))
    return integral(f_inf, 0, np.inf)[0]
Esempio n. 13
def Mhalos(minM, maxM, z, P, box=True):
    from scipy.integrate import quad as integral
    return integral(
        MdndlnM, np.log(minM), np.log(maxM),
        args=(z, P, box, True))[0] * BoxSize**3
Esempio n. 14
            if (len(str(a)) == 3 and str(a)[2] == "0"):
                print(" Batas Bawah      (a) :    ", int(a))
                print(" Batas Bawah      (a) :    ", a)
            if (len(str(b)) == 3 and str(b)[2] == "0"):
                print(" Batas Atas       (b) :    ", int(b))
                print(" Batas Atas       (b) :    ", b)

            if (pil == "1"):
                print(" Jumlah Pias      (n) :    ", n)
            if (pil == "2"):
                print(" Interval         (h) :    ", h)
            print("\n\nNilai Integrasinya adalah :  ", "%.6f" % integrasi)

            I = integral(f, a, b)
            result = I[0] - I[1]
            if (len(str(b)) == 3 and str(b)[2] == "0"):
            print(f"∫ {persUser} dx = {'%.4f'%I[0]} - {'%.4f'%I[1]}")
            if (len(str(a)) == 3 and str(a)[2] == "0"):
                print(a, "\n\n")
            print("\nNilai Integrasi Sejatinya :  ", "%.6f" % result, "\n\n\n")

            input("Ketik Enter untuk kembali ke menu ...")
Esempio n. 15
 def _pdf(self, x):
     return self.L(x) * exp(-integral(self.L, 0, x)[0])
Esempio n. 16
	z:      float, m; axial location. z=0 is the midplane
	q':     float, kW/m; linear power at that location
    return Q1REF * exp(-ALPHA * (z / L + 0.5)) * cos(pi / L * z)

print("A = {:.2f}, \t B = {:.1f}".format(A, B))
mdot = G * ACH
print("mdot:     {:.3f} kg/s".format(mdot))
xein = (hin - hf) / hfg
print("Xe,in:    {:.3f}".format(xein))
# Numerically solve for the onset of nucleate boiling
f = lambda z: integral(q1, -L / 2, z)[0] / (mdot * hfg) + xein
zonb = fsolve(f, 0.0)[0]
print("zonb:     {:.3f} m ({:.2f} m from inlet)".format(zonb, L / 2 + zonb))

# Finally, find the critical power ratio
# Critical power is the point where the Hench-Gillis correlation for X_cr meets
# the X_e curve. CPR is the factor times q1(z) necessary to make that occur.
zrange = linspace(zonb, L / 2, NPOINTS)
xcr_vals = array([hench_gillis(z - zonb) for z in zrange])

def _xe(cpr, z):
    _q1 = lambda _z: cpr * q1(_z)
    qdot = integral(_q1, zonb, z)[0]
    h = hf + 1.5E3 * qdot / (mdot * hfg)
    #print(h, h-hf, hf)
Esempio n. 17
SPXe_data = loadtxt("xe_stopping_power_NIST.dat")
SPXe_func = interpolate(SPXe_data[:,0],SPXe_data[:,1]*rho, kind="cubic")

E  = lambda p: ( p**2 + 0.511**2 )**0.5
P3 = lambda E: ( E**2 - 0.511**2 )**0.5
sigma = lambda p: 13.6*E(p)/p**2 * 0.01**0.5 * (1+0.038*log(0.01) )

for i in range(1):
    E0    = 2.5 + 0.511
    xyzE  = [Vector4(0.,0.,0.,0.)]
    u     = Vector3(0.,0.,1.)
    while E0>0.511:
        p  = P3(E0)
        dE = min(0.01, E0-0.511); E0 -= dE
        dS = integral( lambda e: 1.0/SPXe_func(e), E0,E0+dE, limit = 1000)[0]
        du = u * dS
        xyzE.append( Vector4(-dE,*(du+xyzE[-1][1]) ) )

        sigmaMS = sigma(p)
        thetaX  = _R.Gaus(0.,sigmaMS)
        thetaY  = _R.Gaus(0.,sigmaMS)
        tanX    = tan(thetaX)
        tanY    = tan(thetaY)

        norm    = sqrt(u[0]**2 + u[1]**2)
        M       = Matrix( Vector(u[1],-u[0],0.)/norm, Vector(-u[0]*u[2],-u[1]*u[2],norm**2)/norm, u ).T() if norm else Identity(3)
        u       = Vector3(* M ** Vector3( tanX, tanY, 1 ).Unit() ).Unit()

    E, xyz = zip(*xyzE); x, y, z = zip(*xyz)
    a = Plot4D(x,y,z,E)
Esempio n. 18
def alpha(z):
    """Void fraction of the mixture on [0, L]
	z:      float, m; distance from the inlet at the bottom
    return two_phase.alpha(x(z), rhof, rhog)

def rho(z):
    """Mixture density on [0, L]
	z:      float, m; distance from the inlet at the bottom
    return two_phase.mixture_density(rhof, rhog, alpha(z))

grav = lambda z: rho(z) * 9.81
dp_grav = integral(grav, 0, L)[0]
print("\tDeltaP_grav: {:.2f} kPa".format(dp_grav / 1000))
fric = lambda z: fff / DH * G**2 / (2 * rho(z))
dp_fric = integral(fric, 0, L)[0]
print("\tDeltaP_fric: {:.2f} kPa".format(dp_fric / 1000))
dp_accl = G**2 * (1 / rhom1 - 1 / rhof)
print("\tDeltaP_accl: {:.2f} kPa".format(dp_accl / 1000))
dp_total = dp_grav + dp_fric + dp_accl
print("\t -> DeltaP: {:.2f} kPa".format(-dp_total / 1000))
Esempio n. 19
def _xe(cpr, z):
    _q1 = lambda _z: cpr * q1(_z)
    qdot = integral(_q1, zonb, z)[0]
    h = hf + 1.5E3 * qdot / (mdot * hfg)
    #print(h, h-hf, hf)
    return (h - hf) / hfg