Esempio n. 1
def compute_recon_power_spectrum(fishcast,z,b=-1.,b2=-1.,bs=-1.,N=None):
   Returns the reconstructed power spectrum, following Stephen's paper.
   if b == -1.: b = compute_b(fishcast,z)
   if b2 == -1: b2 = 8*(b-1)/21
   if bs == -1: bs = -2*(b-1)/7
   noise = 1/compute_n(fishcast,z)
   if fishcast.experiment.HI: noise = castorinaPn(z)
   if N is None: N = 1/compute_n(fishcast,z)
   f = fishcast.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor_f(z) 
   bL1 = b-1.
   bL2 = b2-8*(b-1)/21
   bLs = bs+2*(b-1)/7
   K,MU = fishcast.k,
   h = fishcast.params['h']
   klin = np.logspace(np.log10(min(K)),np.log10(max(K)),fishcast.Nk)
   mulin = MU.reshape((fishcast.Nk,fishcast.Nmu))[0,:]
   plin = np.array([fishcast.cosmo.pk_cb_lin(k*h,z)*h**3. for k in klin])
   zelda = Zeldovich_Recon(klin,plin,R=15,N=2000,jn=5)

   kSparse,p0ktable,p2ktable,p4ktable = zelda.make_pltable(f,ngauss=3,kmin=min(K),kmax=max(K),nk=200,method='RecSym')
   bias_factors = np.array([1, bL1, bL1**2, bL2, bL1*bL2, bL2**2, bLs, bL1*bLs, bL2*bLs, bLs**2,0,0,0])
   p0Sparse = np.sum(p0ktable*bias_factors, axis=1)
   p2Sparse = np.sum(p2ktable*bias_factors, axis=1)
   p4Sparse = np.sum(p4ktable*bias_factors, axis=1)
   p0,p2,p4 = Spline(kSparse,p0Sparse)(klin),Spline(kSparse,p2Sparse)(klin),Spline(kSparse,p4Sparse)(klin)
   l0,l2,l4 = legendre(0),legendre(2),legendre(4)
   Pk = lambda mu: p0*l0(mu) + p2*l2(mu) + p4*l4(mu)
   result = np.array([Pk(mu) for mu in mulin]).T
   return result.flatten() + N
Esempio n. 2
def read_from_h5(file_name, **kwargs):
    """Read data from an H5 file in LVC format"""
    import re
    import h5py
    from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as Spline

    phase_re = re.compile('phase_l(?P<ell>.*)_m(?P<m>.*)')
    amp_re = re.compile('amp_l(?P<ell>.*)_m(?P<m>.*)')
    with h5py.File(file_name) as f:
        t = f['NRtimes'][:]
        ell_m = np.array([[int(match['ell']), int(match['m'])] for key in f for match in [phase_re.match(key)] if match])
        ell_min = np.min(ell_m[:, 0])
        ell_max = np.max(ell_m[:, 0])
        data = np.empty((t.size, sf.LM_total_size(ell_min, ell_max)), dtype=complex)
        for ell in range(ell_min, ell_max+1):
            for m in range(-ell, ell+1):
                amp = Spline(f['amp_l{0}_m{1}/X'.format(ell, m)][:],
                             f['amp_l{0}_m{1}/Y'.format(ell, m)][:],
                             k=int(f['amp_l{0}_m{1}/deg'.format(ell, m)][()]))(t)
                phase = Spline(f['phase_l{0}_m{1}/X'.format(ell, m)][:],
                               f['phase_l{0}_m{1}/Y'.format(ell, m)][:],
                               k=int(f['phase_l{0}_m{1}/deg'.format(ell, m)][()]))(t)
                data[:, sf.LM_index(ell, m, ell_min)] = amp * np.exp(1j * phase)
        if 'auxiliary-info' in f and 'history.txt' in f['auxiliary-info']:
            history = ("### " + f['auxiliary-info/history.txt'][()].decode().replace('\n', '\n### ')).split('\n')
            history = [""]
        constructor_statement = "scri.LVC.read_from_h5('{0}')".format(file_name)
        w = WaveformModes(t=t, data=data, ell_min=ell_min, ell_max=ell_max,
                          frameType=Inertial, dataType=h,
                          history=history, constructor_statement=constructor_statement,
                          r_is_scaled_out=True, m_is_scaled_out=True)

    return w
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self):
     super(RBBTable, self).__init__()
     self.df = pd.read_hdf(
         os.path.join(fu.codepath, 'data', 't_to_norm_rad.hdf'), 'df')
     self.table_temps = self.df.index.values.astype('float')
     self.t2rad = {}
     self.rad2t = {}
     # the radiances for abs(T) < 3 K are 0 for channels 3-5 which means that during the
     # backward lookup of radiance to T, the 0 radiance can not be looked up functionally
     # (it's now a relation and not a function anymore). This makes the Spline interpolator
     # ignore the negative part which I cannot afford.
     # The work-around is to interpolate from T -3 to 3 (which are impossibly close to 0
     # anyway for channels 3-5), ignoring all 0 values for T in [-2..2]
     sliced = self.df.ix[abs(self.df.index) > 2]
     for ch in range(3, 10):
         # store the Spline interpolators in dictionary, 1 per channel
         self.t2rad[ch] = Spline(self.table_temps, self.df[ch], s=0.0, k=1)
         # for channels 3-5, take the data without the values around 0:
         if ch < 6:
             data = sliced[ch]
             temps = sliced.index.values.astype('float')
             data = self.df[ch]
             temps = self.table_temps
         # store the Spline interpolators in dictionary, 1 per channel
         self.rad2t[ch] = Spline(data, temps, s=0.0, k=1)
Esempio n. 4
    def _setup_chi(self):

        chival = self.provider.get_comoving_radial_distance(self.zarray)
        zatchi = Spline(chival, self.zarray)
        chiatz = Spline(self.zarray, chival)

        chimin = np.min(chival) + 1.e-5
        chimax = np.max(chival)
        chival = np.linspace(chimin, chimax, self.Nchi)
        zval = zatchi(chival)
        chistar = \
        chivalp = \
            np.array(list(map(lambda x: np.linspace(x, chistar, self.Nchi_mag), chival)))
        chivalp = chivalp.transpose()[0]
        zvalp = zatchi(chivalp)

        chi_result = {
            'zatchi': zatchi,
            'chiatz': chiatz,
            'chival': chival,
            'zval': zval,
            'chivalp': chivalp,
            'zvalp': zvalp

        return chi_result
def iteration_step(den):
    """Performs one iteration of the Kohn-Sham cycle (see DFT cheat sheet)."""
    # -- Step 1: build effective Kohn-Sham potential --
    # determine w(r) via Poisson's equation for initial or mixed density
    w, r = solve_poisson(den)
    # find hom.sol. w_hom(r) = a*r to match BC w(r_max) = q_tot = z
    beta = (z - w[-1]) / r[-1]
    w += beta * r
    print("[INFO] using w_hom(r) with beta = {:.4f}".format(beta))
    # interpolate directly Hartree potential since we don't need w(r) anymore
    # and include a Hartree-Fock-like exchange of -1/2 * Hartree potential
    vh = Spline(r, 0.5 * w / r)

    def veff(r):
        """Effective Kohn-Sham potential --> compare with DFT cheat sheet."""
        vext = -z / r
        return vh(r) + vext

    # -- Step 2: solve single-particle Schrödinger-like equation --
    # integration returns (u(r_i), r_i) --> u(r_0) = solver(E)[0][0]
    en = newton(lambda en0: solve_rseq(en0, veff)[0][0], -2.0, maxiter=50)
    # integrate again using the correct energy
    u, r = solve_rseq(en, veff)
    # normalize u^2 to 1 regardless of z-value since psi(r) = Y_00 * u(r) / r
    norm = trapz(u ** 2, r)
    u /= np.sqrt(norm)
    print("[INFO] normalizing |u(r)|^2 from {:.3g} to 1".format(norm))

    # -- Step 3: construct and interpolate new density --
    den_new = Spline(r, z * u ** 2)

    # -- Step 4: compute total energy
    etot = energy_functional(den_new, vh, en)

    return etot, den_new
Esempio n. 6
def calc_sig_dist_spline(x,

    #now sigma clip
    sbool = np.ones(x.shape, dtype='bool')
    for i in range(n_iter):
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        tx = Spline(x[sbool],
                    xref[sbool] - x[sbool],
        ty = Spline(x[sbool],
                    yref[sbool] - y[sbool],
        xout = tx.ev(x, y)
        yout = ty.ev(x, y)
        dx = xref - xout - x
        dy = yref - yout - y
        xcen = np.mean(dx[sbool])
        xsig = np.std(dx[sbool])
        ycen = np.mean(dy[sbool])
        ysig = np.std(dy[sbool])
        sbool_temp = (dx > xcen - sig_clip * xsig) * (
            dx < xcen + sig_clip * xsig) * (dy > ycen - sig_clip * ysig) * (
                dy < ycen + sig_clip * ysig)
        if i != n_iter - 1:
            sbool = sbool_temp * sbool
        print 'trimmed ', len(sbool) - np.sum(sbool), '  stars'
        if plot:
            print 'number of residuals outside of -5,5', np.sum((dx > 5) +
                                                                (dx < -5) +
                                                                (dy < -5) +
                                                                (dy > 5))
            plt.hist(dx, bins=100, range=(-5, 5))
            plt.title('X residual to fit')
            plt.hist(dy, bins=100, range=(-5, 5))
            plt.title('Y residual to fit')

    if not ret_bool:
        return tx, ty, dx, dy
        return tx, ty, dx, dy, sbool
Esempio n. 7
def make_bao_plot(fname):
    """Does the work of making the BAO figure."""
    zlist = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
    clist = ['b', 'c', 'g', 'm', 'r']
    # Now make the figure.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6, 3.0), sharey=True)
    ii, jj = 0, 0
    for zz, col in zip(zlist, clist):
        # Read the data from file.
        aa = 1.0 / (1.0 + zz)
        pkd = np.loadtxt(dpath + "HI_bias_{:06.4f}.txt".format(aa))[1:, :]

        # Now read linear theory and put it on the same grid.
        lin = np.loadtxt("../../data/pklin_{:06.4f}.txt".format(aa))
        dk = pkd[1, 0] - pkd[0, 0]
        kk = np.linspace(pkd[0, 0] - dk / 2, pkd[-1, 0] + dk / 2, 5000)
        tmp = np.interp(kk, lin[:, 0], lin[:, 1])
        lin = np.zeros_like(pkd)
        for i in range(pkd.shape[0]):
            lin[i, 0] = pkd[i, 0]
            ww = np.nonzero((kk > pkd[i, 0] - dk / 2)
                            & (kk < pkd[i, 0] + dk / 2))
            lin[i, 1] = np.sum(kk[ww]**2 * tmp[ww]) / np.sum(kk[ww]**2)
        # Take out the broad band.
        if False:  # Use smoothing spline as broad-band/no-wiggle.
            knots = np.arange(0.05, 0.5, 0.05)
            ss = Spline(pkd[:, 0], pkd[:, 1], t=knots)
            rat = pkd[:, 1] / ss(pkd[:, 0])
        else:  # Use Savitsky-Golay filter for no-wiggle.
            ss = savgol_filter(pkd[:, 1], 7, polyorder=2)
            rat = pkd[:, 1] / ss
        if False:  # Use smoothing spline as broad-band/no-wiggle.
            ss = Spline(pkd[:, 0], lin, t=knots)
            rat = lin / ss(pkd[:, 0])
        else:  # Use Savitsky-Golay filter for no-wiggle.
            ss = savgol_filter(lin[:, 1], 7, polyorder=2)
            rat = lin[:, 1] / ss
        ax[ii].plot(pkd[:, 0], rat + 0.2 * (jj // 2), col + ':')
        ii = (ii + 1) % 2
        jj = jj + 1
    # Tidy up the plot.
    for ii in range(ax.size):
        ax[ii].legend(ncol=2, framealpha=0.5)
        ax[ii].set_xlim(0.05, 0.4)
        ax[ii].set_ylim(0.75, 1.5)
    # Put on some more labels.
    ax[0].set_xlabel(r'$k\quad [h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}]$')
    ax[1].set_xlabel(r'$k\quad [h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}]$')
    ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$P(k)/P_{\rm nw}(k)$+offset')
    # and finish up.
Esempio n. 8
def make_calib_plot():
    """Does the work of making the calibration figure."""
    # Now make the figure.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6, 2.5))
    # The left hand panel is DLA bias vs. redshift.
    bDLA = np.loadtxt("boss_bDLA.txt")
    ax[0].errorbar(bDLA[:, 0], bDLA[:, 1], yerr=bDLA[:, 2], fmt='o')
    # The N-body results.
    bb = np.loadtxt("HI_bias_vs_z_fid.txt")
    ax[0].plot(bb[:, 0], bb[:, 2], 'md')
    ss = Spline(bb[::-1, 0], bb[::-1, 2])
    ax[0].plot(np.linspace(1.5, 3.5, 100), ss(np.linspace(1.5, 3.5, 100)),
    # Tidy up.
    ax[0].set_xlim(1.95, 3.25)
    ax[0].set_ylim(1, 3)
    # The right hand panel is OmegaHI vs. z.
    # Read in the data and convert to "normal" OmegaHI convention.
    dd = np.loadtxt("omega_HI_obs.txt")
    Ez = np.sqrt(0.3 * (1 + dd[:, 0])**3 + 0.7)
    # Plot the fit line.
    zz = np.linspace(0, 7, 100)
    Ez = np.sqrt(0.3 * (1 + zz)**3 + 0.7)
    ax[1].plot(zz, 4e-4 * (1 + zz)**0.6 / Ez**2, 'k-')
    # Now plot the simulation points.
    dd = np.loadtxt("omega_HI_sim.txt")
    ######################dd[:,1] *= 3e5*(1+(3.5/dd[:,0])**6) / 2e9
    ax[1].plot(dd[:, 0], dd[:, 1], 'md')
    ss = Spline(dd[:, 0], dd[:, 1])
    ax[1].plot(np.linspace(2, 6, 100), ss(np.linspace(2, 6, 100)), 'm--')
    # Tidy up the plot.
    ax[1].set_xlim(1, 6.25)
    ax[1].set_ylim(4e-6, 3e-4)
    # Put on some more labels.
    # and finish up.
Esempio n. 9
File: Progetto: emsig/emg3d
    def interpolate(self, fdata):
        """Interpolate from computed data to required data.


        fdata : ndarray
            Frequency-domain data corresponding to ``freq_compute``.

        full_data : ndarray
            Frequency-domain data corresponding to ``freq_required``.


        # Pre-allocate result.
        out = np.zeros(self.freq_required.size, dtype=np.complex128)

        # 1. Interpolate between fmin and fmax.

        # If freq_coarse is not exactly freq_required, we use cubic spline to
        # interpolate from fmin to fmax.
        if self.freq_coarse.size != self.freq_required.size:

            int_real = Spline(np.log(self.freq_compute),
            int_imag = Spline(np.log(self.freq_compute),

            out[self.ifreq_interpolate] = int_real + 1j * int_imag

        # If they are the same, just fill in the data.
            out[self.ifreq_interpolate] = fdata

        # 2. Extrapolate from freq_required.min to fmin using PCHIP.

        # 2.a Extend freq_required/data by adding a point at 1e-100 Hz with
        # - same real part as lowest computed frequency and
        # - zero imaginary part.
        freq_ext = np.r_[1e-100, self.freq_compute]
        data_ext = np.r_[fdata[0].real - 1e-100j, fdata]

        # 2.b Actual 'extrapolation' (now an interpolation).
        ext_real = Pchip(freq_ext, data_ext.real)(self.freq_extrapolate)
        ext_imag = Pchip(freq_ext, data_ext.imag)(self.freq_extrapolate)

        out[self.ifreq_extrapolate] = ext_real + 1j * ext_imag

        return out
Esempio n. 10
def read_from_h5(file_name, **kwargs):
    """Read data from an H5 file in LVC format"""
    import re
    import h5py
    from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as Spline

    phase_re = re.compile("phase_l(?P<ell>.*)_m(?P<m>.*)")
    amp_re = re.compile("amp_l(?P<ell>.*)_m(?P<m>.*)")

    with h5py.File(file_name, "r") as f:
        t = f["NRtimes"][:]
        ell_m = np.array([[int(match["ell"]),
                           int(match["m"])] for key in f
                          for match in [phase_re.match(key)] if match])
        ell_min = np.min(ell_m[:, 0])
        ell_max = np.max(ell_m[:, 0])
        data = np.empty((t.size, sf.LM_total_size(ell_min, ell_max)),
        for ell in range(ell_min, ell_max + 1):
            for m in range(-ell, ell + 1):
                amp = Spline(f[f"amp_l{ell}_m{m}/X"][:],
                phase = Spline(f[f"phase_l{ell}_m{m}/X"][:],
                     sf.LM_index(ell, m, ell_min)] = amp * np.exp(1j * phase)
        if "auxiliary-info" in f and "history.txt" in f["auxiliary-info"]:
            history = ("### " +
                           "\n", "\n### ")).split("\n")
            history = [""]
        constructor_statement = f"scri.LVC.read_from_h5('{file_name}')"
        w = WaveformModes(

    return w
Esempio n. 11
def make_bao_plot():
    """Does the work of making the BAO figure."""
    zlist = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
    clist = ['b', 'c', 'g', 'm', 'r']
    # Now make the figure.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6, 3.0), sharey=True)
    ii, jj = 0, 0
    for zz, col in zip(zlist, clist):
        # Read the data from file.
        aa = 1.0 / (1.0 + zz)
        pkd = np.loadtxt("HI_pks_1d_{:06.4f}.txt".format(aa))
        # Now read linear theory and put it on the same grid -- currently
        # not accounting for finite bin width.
        lin = np.loadtxt("pklin_{:06.4f}.txt".format(aa))
        lin = np.interp(pkd[:, 0], lin[:, 0], lin[:, 1])
        # Take out the broad band.
        if False:  # Use smoothing spline as broad-band/no-wiggle.
            knots = np.arange(0.05, 0.5, 0.05)
            ss = Spline(pkd[:, 0], pkd[:, 1], t=knots)
            rat = pkd[:, 1] / ss(pkd[:, 0])
        else:  # Use Savitsky-Golay filter for no-wiggle.
            ss = savgol_filter(pkd[:, 1], 7, polyorder=2)
            rat = pkd[:, 1] / ss
        if False:  # Use smoothing spline as broad-band/no-wiggle.
            ss = Spline(pkd[:, 0], lin, t=knots)
            rat = lin / ss(pkd[:, 0])
        else:  # Use Savitsky-Golay filter for no-wiggle.
            ss = savgol_filter(lin, 7, polyorder=2)
            rat = lin / ss
        ax[ii].plot(pkd[:, 0], rat + 0.2 * (jj // 2), col + ':')
        ii = (ii + 1) % 2
        jj = jj + 1
    # Tidy up the plot.
    for ii in range(ax.size):
        ax[ii].legend(ncol=2, framealpha=0.5)
        ax[ii].set_xlim(0.05, 0.4)
        ax[ii].set_ylim(0.75, 1.5)
    # Put on some more labels.
    ax[0].set_xlabel(r'$k\quad [h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}]$')
    ax[1].set_xlabel(r'$k\quad [h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}]$')
    ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$P(k)/P_{\rm nw}(k)$+offset')
    # and finish up.
Esempio n. 12
def smooth_function_from_coordinates(
        y,  # coordinates of some curve
        sample_fraction=1.0,  # fraction of x,y points used for resampling
        spline_smoothing=4,  # degree of spline (1 gives piecewise linear)
    Given a set of coordinates in the `x` and `y` arrays, create a
    smooth function from these coordinates by 1) resampling n
    uniformly distributed points by linear interpolation of the `x`
    and `y` coordinates, where n is given by `sample_fraction` times
    the length of `x`; and 2) interpolating the resampled points by
    a smooth spline, where `spline_smoothing` is an integer holding
    the degree of the piecewise polynomial pieces of the spline
    (0 and 1 gives a piecewise linear function, 2 and higher gives
    splines of that order). Return the smooth function as a
    Python function of x, together with the (uniformly distributed)
    resampled points on which the smooth function is based.
    # Construct linear interpolator of data points
    from Scientific.Functions.Interpolation \
         import InterpolatingFunction
    linear = InterpolatingFunction([x], y)
    # Resample
    xp = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], sample_fraction * len(x))
    yp = np.array([linear(xi) for xi in xp])
    # Spline smoothing or linear interpolation, based on (xp,yp)
    if spline_smoothing >= 2:
        from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as Spline
        function = Spline(xp, yp, s=0, k=spline_smoothing)
        function = InterpolatingFunction([xp], yp)
    return function, xp, yp
def main():
    print("| Ass.5.2: Self-consistent loop for the helium atom |")

    print("[INIT] parameter settings for this run:")
    print("       electrons:       {}".format(z))
    print("       step size h:     {}".format(h))
    print("       minimum r:       {}".format(tmin))
    print("       maximum r:       {}".format(tmax))
    print("       grid pts:        {}".format(nsteps))
    print("       dense grid pts:  {}".format(nsteps_dense))
    print("       max. iterations: {}".format(itermax))
    print("       convergence dE:  {}".format(etol))
    print("       mixing alpha:    {}".format(amix))
    print("       initial density: {}".format(init_density))

    # -- Step 0: initialize density with exact H-atom-like density --
    if init_density == "H-atom":
        den_init = lambda r: z * z ** 3 * r * np.exp(-2 * z * r)  # noqa
    # -- alternatively initialize density with random numbers --
    elif init_density == "random":
        den_init = lambda r: random.randrange(0, 2)  # noqa
        raise ValueError("unknown initial density setting")

    # init loop variables
    den_mix = den_old = den_init
    etot_old = 0
    iterstep = 0

    # Kohn-Sham cycle: repeat until convergence is achieved
    while True:
        iterstep += 1
        print("\n\n[ITER] starting {}. iteration step".format(iterstep))

        # -- Steps 1 to 4: solve Kohn-Sham equations and find total energy --
        etot_new, den_new = iteration_step(den_mix)
        ediff = abs(etot_new - etot_old)
        print("[INFO] energy difference dE = {:.3e} Ha".format(ediff))

        # -- Step 5: check for convergence --
        if iterstep >= itermax and ediff > etol:
            print("\n[STOP] could not achieve convergence in 20 iterations\n")
        elif ediff > etol:
            # -- Step 6: mix densities for faster convergence --
            r = np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nsteps_dense)
            den_mix = Spline(r, amix * den_new(r) + (1 - amix) * den_old(r))
            den_old = den_new
            etot_old = etot_new
            print("\n[STOP] convergence achieved in", iterstep, "steps\n")
            print("|     >>> final total energy <<<     |")
            print("|                                    |")
            print("|     E[n] = E_s[n] - E_H(SIC)[n]    |")
            print("|          = {:.4f} Ha              |".format(etot_new))
Esempio n. 14
    def Compute_Linear_Covariance(self, comoving):
        if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):                
  'Computation of prior covariance started')
        Covariance=np.zeros((np.size(comoving), np.size(comoving)))

        k = np.linspace(10**(-5), 10, 10**6)
        size = len(k)//2
        Pk = self.Plin(k)
        fourier_coeff = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(Pk)[0:size+1])
        frqs = np.linspace(0, 0.1*size, size+1)
        cf_lin = Spline(frqs, fourier_coeff)
        diff=np.zeros((np.size(comoving), np.size(comoving)))
        for i in range(np.size(comoving)):
            for j in range(np.size(comoving)):
                diff[i, j]=np.abs(comoving[i]-comoving[j])
        Covariance /= Covariance[0, 0]

        if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):                
  'Prior Covariance computed')  

        return Covariance
Esempio n. 15
 def update_transfer(self, path_transfer, column=None):
     transfer_function = camb2nbodykit(path_transfer, column=column)
     transfer_function /= self.max
     scales = camb2nbodykit(path_transfer, column=0)
     self.transfer_function = Spline(scales, transfer_function)
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self, cosmo, redshift, transfer, path_transfer=None, column=None):
        assert transfer in TRANSFERS
        self.transfer = transfer
        if self.transfer == 'CAMB':
            transfer_function = camb2nbodykit(path_transfer, column=column)
            self.max = np.max(transfer_function)
            transfer_function /= self.max
            scales = camb2nbodykit(path_transfer, column=0)
            self.transfer_function = Spline(scales, transfer_function)

             # set cosmology values
            self._sigma8 = cosmo.sigma8
            self.n_s = cosmo.n_s
            self.W_T = lambda x: 3/x**3 * (np.sin(x) - x * np.cos(x))
            growth = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(redshift)

            # normalize to proper sigma8
            self._norm = 1
            self._norm = (self._sigma8 / self._sigma_r(8.))**2 * growth**2

            self.power_spectrum = cosmology.LinearPower(cosmo, redshift, transfer=self.transfer)
Esempio n. 17
def calculate_full_load(full_load_speeds, full_load_powers, idle_engine_speed):
    Calculates the full load curve.

    :param full_load_speeds:
        T1 map speed vector [RPM].
    :type full_load_speeds: numpy.array

    :param full_load_powers:
        T1 map power vector [kW].
    :type full_load_powers: numpy.array

    :param idle_engine_speed:
        Engine speed idle median and std [RPM].
    :type idle_engine_speed: (float, float)

        Vehicle full load curve, Maximum power [kW], Rated engine speed [RPM].
    :rtype: (scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline, float, float)

    pn = np.array((full_load_speeds, full_load_powers))
    max_speed_at_max_power, max_power = pn[:, np.argmax(pn[1])]
    pn[1] /= max_power
    idle = idle_engine_speed[0]
    pn[0] = (pn[0] - idle) / (max_speed_at_max_power - idle)

    return Spline(*pn, ext=3), max_power, max_speed_at_max_power
Esempio n. 18
def redshift_from_distance(cosmo, lg_num_sample=5):
    """Invert redshift-to-distance relationship of a cosmological model
    to redshift-from-distance.

    This is useful when the Alcock--Paczynski effect needs to be included
    in modelling.  Only valid for redshift between 1.e-3 and 100.

    cosmo : :class:`nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology`
        Cosmological model.
    lg_num_sample : float, optional
        Base-10 logarithm of the number of redshift points to sample
        the comoving distance as a function of redshift (default
        is 5, i.e. 100000 samle points).

        Redshift-from-distance function.

    Z_LOG_RANGE = (-3, 2)

    z_samples = np.logspace(*Z_LOG_RANGE, num=10**lg_num_sample)
    r_samples = cosmo.comoving_distance(z_samples)

    return Spline(r_samples, z_samples, ext='raise')
Esempio n. 19
def spline(x, y, x_eval=None, weights=None, smooth=None):
    """Smoothing spline fit.

    The fit and smoothness depend on (i) number of samples, (ii) variance and
    (iii) error of each data point.

    x, y : array-like
        The data to fit: y(x).
    x_eval : array-like, optional
        The points to evaluate the fitted spline. If not given, then the spline
        is evaluated on the same original x's.
    weights : array-like
        Array with 1/std of each data point. Note: to reflect the 
        heterokedasticity use 1/moving-window-std as weight values.
    smooth : float, optional
        Smoothing parameter. If weights are given, then s = len(weights).

    ind, = np.where((~np.isnan(x)) & (~np.isnan(y)))
    x2, y2 = x[ind], y[ind]
    if weights is not None:
        weights = weights[ind]
    if x_eval is None:
        x_eval = x
    return Spline(x2, y2, w=weights, s=smooth)(x_eval)
Esempio n. 20
def calculate_service_battery_currents_v1(service_battery_capacity, times,
    Calculate the service battery current vector [A].

    :param service_battery_capacity:
        Service battery capacity [Ah].
    :type service_battery_capacity: float

    :param times:
        Time vector [s].
    :type times: numpy.array

    :param service_battery_state_of_charges:
        State of charge of the service battery [%].
    :type service_battery_state_of_charges: numpy.array

        Service battery current vector [A].
    :rtype: numpy.array
    from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as Spline
    soc = service_battery_state_of_charges
    ib = Spline(times, soc, w=np.tile(10, times.shape[0])).derivative()(times)
    return ib * (service_battery_capacity * 36.0)
Esempio n. 21
def normalize(energy, veff):
    """integrating with calculated energy eigenvalue and normalization"""
    u, r = solve_rad_seq(energy, veff)
    u_spline = Spline(r, u * u)
    norm = trapezoidal(u_spline, r[0], r[-1])
    u2 = u * u / norm
    return u2, r, norm
def gaussian_poly_extrap(kout, kint, pint, frac = 1):
    Extrapolates beyond the end of kint by a damped polynomial in kint (i.e. Hermite).
    Does nothing on the low k end.
    The extrapolation form is
    (A + B k) * exp(- k^2/k0^2) where k0 is taken to be some fraction (1) of the
    final element of kint.
    # Solve for the coefficients
    k1, k2 = kint[-2], kint[-1]
    p1, p2 = pint[-2], pint[-1]
    k0 = frac * k2
    B = (p2 * np.exp(k2**2/k0**2) - p1 * np.exp(k1**2/k0**2)) / (k2 - k1)
    A = p2 * np.exp(k2**2/k0**2) - B * k2
    # Interpolate/extrapolate
    ret = np.zeros_like(kout)
    extrap_iis = (kout > k2)
    ret[~extrap_iis] = Spline(kint,pint)(kout[~extrap_iis])
    ret[extrap_iis] = ( (A + B*kout) * np.exp(-kout**2/k0**2) )[extrap_iis]
    return ret
Esempio n. 23
    def interpolate_bb_temps(self):
        """Interpolating the BB H/K temperatures all over the dataframe.

        This is necessary, as the frequency of the measurements is too low to have
        meaningful mean values during the BB-views. Also, bb_2_temps are measured so
        rarely that there might not be at all a measurement during a bb-view.
        # just a shortcutting reference
        df = self.df

        # bb_1_temp is much more often sampled than bb_2_temp
        bb1temps = df.bb_1_temp.dropna()
        bb2temps = df.bb_2_temp.dropna()

        # converting to float because the fitting libraries want to have floats
        all_times = df.index.values.astype('float64')

        # loop over both temperature arrays [D.R.Y. principle!]
        # the number of data points in bb1temps are much higher, but for
        # consistency we should interpolate both the same way.
        for bbtemp in [bb1temps, bb2temps]:
            # converting the time series to floats for interpolation
            ind = bbtemp.index.values.astype('float64')

            # s=0.0 means I do not allow distance from measured points for the spline
            # k=1 means that it will be a local-linear fitted spline between points

            # create interpolator function
            temp_interpolator = Spline(ind, bbtemp, s=0.0, k=1)

            # get new temperatures at all_times
            df[ + '_interp'] = temp_interpolator(all_times)
Esempio n. 24
def main():
    print("| Ass.5.1: Hartree energy for H-atom GS density |")

    print("[INFO] using h = {} for numerically solving ODEs".format(h))

    # use secant method for finding the root in u_0(E)
    # integration returns (u(r_i), r_i) --> u(r_0) = solver(E)[0][0]
    root = newton(lambda en0: solve_rseq(en0)[0][0], -2.0)
    print("[INFO] found energy eigenvalue @ E = {:.5f} Ha".format(root))
    # integrate again using the correct energy
    u, r = solve_rseq(root)

    # normalize u**2 to 1
    norm = trapz(u ** 2, r)
    u /= np.sqrt(norm)
    print("[INFO] normalizing |u(r)|^2 from {:.5f} to 1".format(norm))
    # interpolate normalized u(r) using B-splines
    u_spl = Spline(r, u)

    # determine w(r) via Poisson's equation for single-orbital density n_s(r)
    w, r = solve_poisson(u_spl)
    # find hom.sol. w_hom(r) = a*r to match BC w(r_max) = q_tot = 1 for H-atom
    beta = (1 - w[-1]) / r[-1]
    w += beta * r
    print("[INFO] adding w_hom(r) = b * r  -->  b = {:.4f}".format(beta))
    w_spl = Spline(r, w)
    v_spl = Spline(r, w / r)

    # compute Hartree energy (verify integration interval choice in plot later)
    eh = 0.5 * trapz(w_spl(r) / r * u_spl(r) ** 2, r)
    print("[INFO] Hartree energy: {:.5f} Ha".format(eh))

    # compare numerical vs. exact Hartree potential energy function
    w_exact = lambda r: -(r + 1) * np.exp(-2 * r) + 1  # noqa
    v_exact = lambda r: w_exact(r) / r  # noqa
    plt.plot(r, w_spl(r), lw=2, ls="--", label=r"$w(r)$ num")
    plt.plot(r, v_spl(r), lw=2, ls="--", label=r"$v(r)$ num")
    plt.plot(r, w_exact(r), lw=3, alpha=0.5, label=r"$w(r)$ exact")
    plt.plot(r, v_exact(r), lw=3, alpha=0.5, label=r"$v(r)$ exact")
    # integrand from Hartree energy --> integrating up to r=10 is sufficient
    label = r"$v(r) \, |u(r)|^2$"
    plt.plot(r, v_spl(r) * u_spl(r) ** 2, alpha=0.5, lw=3, label=label)
    plt.xlabel("r in Bohr")
    plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, shadow=True)
Esempio n. 25
def _interp(r, y, nr):
    from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as Spline
    n = len(r)
    if n == 0:
        return np.nan * nr
    elif n == 1:
        return (y / r) * nr
        return Spline(r, y / r, k=1)(nr) * nr
Esempio n. 26
def smooth_spline(data, key, k, smooth):
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as Spline

    span = max(data[key]) - min(data[key])
    y = np.array(data[key])
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, num=len(y), endpoint=False)
    spl = Spline(x, y, k=k, s=smooth * span * k)
    return spl
Esempio n. 27
def hotqcd_e3p_T4(T, *args, **kwargs):
    Evaluate the trace anomaly (e-3p)/T^4 for the HotQCD EOS.
    See Eq. (5) in

        (e-3p)/T^4 = T * d/dT(p/T^4)

    # numerically differentiate via interpolating spline
    spl = Spline(T, hotqcd_p_T4(T, *args, **kwargs))
    return T * spl(T, nu=1)
Esempio n. 28
    def interpolate_caldata_worker(self, offset_times, bbcal_times, all_times):

        sdata = get_data_columns(self.df)

        # create 2 new pd.DataFrames to hold the interpolated gains and offsets
        offsets_interp = pd.DataFrame(index=sdata.index)
        gains_interp = pd.DataFrame(index=sdata.index)

        for det in thermal_detectors:
            # change k for the kind of fit you want
            s_offset = Spline(offset_times,
            s_gain = Spline(bbcal_times,
            offsets_interp[det] = s_offset(all_times)
            gains_interp[det] = s_gain(all_times)

        return offsets_interp, gains_interp
Esempio n. 29
def get_full_load(ignition_type):
    Returns vehicle full load curve.

    :param ignition_type:
        Engine ignition type (positive or compression).
    :type ignition_type: str

        Vehicle normalized full load curve.
    :rtype: scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

    return Spline(*dfl.functions.get_full_load.FULL_LOAD[ignition_type], ext=3)
Esempio n. 30
 def compute_xi_real(self, rr, b1, b2, bs, b3, alpha, alpha_v, alpha_s0,
                     alpha_s2, s2fog):
     Compute the real-space correlation function at rr.
     # This is just the zeroth moment:
     xieft = self.ximatter + b1*self.xitable[:,1] + b1**2*self.xitable[:,2]\
     + b2*self.xitable[:,3] + b1*b2*self.xitable[:,4]\
     + b2**2 * self.xitable[:,5]\
     + bs*self.xitable[:,6] + b1*bs*self.xitable[:,7]\
     + b2*bs*self.xitable[:,8]\
     + bs**2*self.xitable[:,9] + b3*self.xitable[:,10]\
     + b1*b3*self.xitable[:,11] + alpha*self.xict
     xir = Spline(self.rint, xieft)(rr)
     return xir