Esempio n. 1
    def miller(self, psinorm=None, rova=None, omt_factor=None):
        Calculate Miller quantities.

            psinorm (float, default 0.8):
                psi-norm for Miller quantities (overrides rova)
            rova (float, default None):
                r/a for Miller quantities (ignored if psinorm evals to True)
            omt_factor (float, default 0.2):
                sets omt = omp * omt_factor
                and omn = omp * (1-omt_factor)

            dictionary with Miller quantities and reference values
            for GENE simulation

        output = {}

        if psinorm is None and rova is None:
            psinorm = 0.8

        if omt_factor is None:
            omt_factor = 0.2

        # r and psi splines
        psi_grid_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs, self.psi_grid,, s=self.s)
        r_min_spl = US(self.psi_grid, self.r_minor_fs,, s=self.s)

        if psinorm:
            print('using `psinorm`, ignoring `rova`')
            self.psinorm = psinorm
            psi_poi = self.psinorm * (self.psisep - self.psiax) + self.psiax
            r_poi = r_min_spl(psi_poi)[()]
            self.rova = r_poi / self.a_lcfs
            print('using `rova`, ignoring `psinorm`')
            self.rova = rova
            r_poi = self.rova * self.a_lcfs  # r = r/a * a; FS minor radius
            psi_poi = psi_grid_spl(r_poi)[()]  # psi at FS
            self.psinorm = (psi_poi - self.psiax) / (self.psisep - self.psiax
                                                     )  # psi-norm at FS

        output['gfile'] = self.gfile
        output['psinorm'] = self.psinorm
        output['rova'] = self.rova

        R0_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs, self.R_major_fs,, s=self.s)
        R0_poi = R0_spl(r_poi)[()]  # R_maj of FS
        q_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs, self.qpsi_fs,, s=self.s)
        #q_spl_psi = US(self.psi_grid,   self.qpsi_fs,, s=self.s)
        q_poi = q_spl(r_poi)[()]
        drdpsi_poi = float(r_min_spl.derivatives(psi_poi)[1])
        eps_poi = r_poi / R0_poi
        if not self.quiet:
            print('\n*** Flux surfance ***')
            print('r_min/a = {:.3f}'.format(self.rova))
            print('psinorm = {:.3f}'.format(self.psinorm))
            print('r_min = {:.3f} m'.format(r_poi))
            print('R_maj = {:.3f} m'.format(R0_poi))
            print('eps = {:.3f}'.format(eps_poi))
            print('q = {:.3f}'.format(q_poi))
            print('psi = {:.3e} Wb/rad'.format(psi_poi))
            print('dr/dpsi = {:.3g} m/(Wb/rad)'.format(drdpsi_poi))

        F_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs, self.F_fs,, s=self.s)
        F_poi = F_spl(r_poi)[()]  # F of FS
        Bref_poi = F_poi / R0_poi
        p_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs, self.p_fs,, s=self.s)
        p_poi = p_spl(r_poi)[()]
        t_poi = self.ti
        n_poi = p_poi / (t_poi * 1e3 * 1.602e-19) / 1e19
        output['Lref'] = self.a_lcfs
        output['Bref'] = Bref_poi
        output['pref'] = p_poi
        output['Tref'] = t_poi
        output['nref'] = n_poi
        beta = 403.e-5 * n_poi * self.ti / (Bref_poi**2)
        coll = 2.3031e-5 * (24-np.log(np.sqrt(n_poi*1e13)/(1e3*t_poi))) \
                    * self.a_lcfs * n_poi / (t_poi**2)
        output['beta'] = beta
        output['coll'] = coll
        if not self.quiet:
            print('\n*** Reference values ***')
            print('Lref = {:.3g} m ! for Lref=a convention'.format(
            print('Bref = {:.3g} T'.format(Bref_poi))
            print('pref = {:.3g} Pa'.format(p_poi))
            print('Tref = {:.3g} keV'.format(t_poi))
            print('nref = {:.3g} 1e19/m^3'.format(n_poi))
            print('beta = {:.3g}'.format(beta))
            print('coll = {:.3g}'.format(coll))

        pprime_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs, self.pprime_fs,, s=1e-4)
        pprime_poi = pprime_spl(r_poi)[()]
        pm_poi = Bref_poi**2 / (2 * 4 * 3.14e-7)
        dpdr_poi = pprime_poi / drdpsi_poi
        dpdx_pm = -dpdr_poi / pm_poi
        omp_poi = -(self.a_lcfs / p_poi) * dpdr_poi
        output['dpdx_pm'] = dpdx_pm
        output['omp'] = omp_poi
        if not self.quiet:
            print('\n*** Pressure gradients ***')
            print('dp/dpsi      = {:.3g} Pa/(Wb/rad)'.format(pprime_poi))
            print('p_m = 2mu/Bref**2 = {:.3g} Pa'.format(pm_poi))
            print('-(dp/dr)/p_m      = {:.3g} 1/m'.format(dpdx_pm))
            print('omp = a/p * dp/dr = {:.3g} ! with Lref=a'.format(omp_poi))

        omt = omp_poi * omt_factor
        omn = omp_poi * (1 - omt_factor)
        output['omt'] = omt
        output['omt_factor'] = omt_factor
        output['omn'] = omn
        if not self.quiet:
            print('\n*** Temp/dens gradients ***')
            print('omt_factor = {:.3g}'.format(omt_factor))
            print('omt = a/T * dT/dr = {:.3g}'.format(omt))
            print('omn = a/n * dn/dr = {:.3g}'.format(omn))

        sgstart = self.nw // 10
        subgrid = np.arange(sgstart, self.nw)
        nsg = subgrid.size

        # calc symmetric R/Z on psi/theta grid
        kappa = np.empty(nsg)
        delta = np.empty(nsg)
        zeta = np.empty(nsg)
        drR = np.empty(nsg)
        amhd = np.empty(nsg)
        bp = np.empty(nsg)
        bt = np.empty(nsg)
        b = np.empty(nsg)
        theta_tmp = np.linspace(-2. * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * self.ntheta - 1)
        stencil_width = self.ntheta // 10
        for i, isg in enumerate(subgrid):
            R_extended = np.empty(2 * self.ntheta - 1)
            Z_extended = np.empty(2 * self.ntheta - 1)
            R_extended[0:(self.ntheta - 1) //
                       2] = self.R_ftgrid[isg, (self.ntheta + 1) // 2:-1]
            R_extended[(self.ntheta - 1) // 2:(3 * self.ntheta - 3) //
                       2] = self.R_ftgrid[isg, :-1]
            R_extended[(3 * self.ntheta - 3) //
                       2:] = self.R_ftgrid[isg, 0:(self.ntheta + 3) // 2]
            Z_extended[0:(self.ntheta - 1) //
                       2] = self.Z_ftgrid[isg, (self.ntheta + 1) // 2:-1]
            Z_extended[(self.ntheta - 1) // 2:(3 * self.ntheta - 3) //
                       2] = self.Z_ftgrid[isg, :-1]
            Z_extended[(3 * self.ntheta - 3) //
                       2:] = self.Z_ftgrid[isg, 0:(self.ntheta + 3) // 2]
            theta_mod_ext = np.arctan2(Z_extended - self.Z_avg_fs[isg],
                                       R_extended - self.R_major_fs[isg])
            # introduce 2pi shifts to theta_mod_ext
            for ind in range(self.ntheta):
                if theta_mod_ext[ind + 1] < 0. \
                and theta_mod_ext[ind] > 0. \
                and abs(theta_mod_ext[ind + 1] - theta_mod_ext[ind]) > np.pi:
                    lshift_ind = ind
                if theta_mod_ext[-ind - 1] > 0. \
                and theta_mod_ext[-ind] < 0. \
                and abs(theta_mod_ext[-ind - 1] - theta_mod_ext[-ind]) > np.pi:
                    rshift_ind = ind
            theta_mod_ext[-rshift_ind:] += 2. * np.pi
            theta_mod_ext[:lshift_ind + 1] -= 2. * np.pi
            theta_int = interp1d(theta_mod_ext, theta_tmp,
            R_int = interp1d(theta_mod_ext, R_extended,
            Z_int = interp1d(theta_mod_ext, Z_extended,
            R_tm = R_int(self.theta_grid)
            Z_tm = Z_int(self.theta_grid)

            Z_sym = 0.5 * (Z_tm[:] - Z_tm[::-1]) + self.Z_avg_fs[isg]
            R_sym = 0.5 * (R_tm[:] + R_tm[::-1])
            delta_ul = np.empty(2)
            for o in range(2):
                if o:
                    ind = np.argmax(Z_sym)
                    section = np.arange(ind + stencil_width // 2,
                                        ind - stencil_width // 2, -1)
                    ind = np.argmin(Z_sym)
                    section = np.arange(ind - stencil_width // 2,
                                        ind + stencil_width // 2)
                x = R_sym[section]
                y = Z_sym[section]
                y_int = interp1d(x, y,
                x_fine = np.linspace(np.amin(x), np.amax(x),
                                     stencil_width * 100)
                y_fine = y_int(x_fine)
                if o:
                    x_at_extremum = x_fine[np.argmax(y_fine)]
                    Z_max = np.amax(y_fine)
                    x_at_extremum = x_fine[np.argmin(y_fine)]
                    Z_min = np.amin(y_fine)
                delta_ul[o] = (self.R_major_fs[isg] - x_at_extremum) \
                    / self.r_minor_fs[isg]
            kappa[i] = (Z_max - Z_min) / 2. / self.r_minor_fs[isg]
            delta[i] = delta_ul.mean()
            # calc zeta
            zeta_arr = np.empty(4)
            for o in range(4):
                if o == 0:
                    val = np.pi / 4
                    searchval = np.cos(val + np.arcsin(delta[i]) / np.sqrt(2))
                    searcharr = (R_sym -
                                 self.R_major_fs[isg]) / self.r_minor_fs[isg]
                elif o == 1:
                    val = 3 * np.pi / 4
                    searchval = np.cos(val + np.arcsin(delta[i]) / np.sqrt(2))
                    searcharr = (R_sym -
                                 self.R_major_fs[isg]) / self.r_minor_fs[isg]
                elif o == 2:
                    val = -np.pi / 4
                    searchval = np.cos(val - np.arcsin(delta[i]) / np.sqrt(2))
                    searcharr = (R_sym -
                                 self.R_major_fs[isg]) / self.r_minor_fs[isg]
                elif o == 3:
                    val = -3 * np.pi / 4
                    searchval = np.cos(val - np.arcsin(delta[i]) / np.sqrt(2))
                    searcharr = (R_sym -
                                 self.R_major_fs[isg]) / self.r_minor_fs[isg]
                    raise ValueError('out of range')
                if o in [0, 1]:
                    searcharr2 = searcharr[self.ntheta // 2:]
                    ind = self._find(searchval, searcharr2) + self.ntheta // 2
                    searcharr2 = searcharr[0:self.ntheta // 2]
                    ind = self._find(searchval, searcharr2)
                section = np.arange(ind - stencil_width // 2,
                                    ind + stencil_width // 2)
                theta_sec = self.theta_grid[section]
                if o in [0, 1]:
                    theta_int = interp1d(-searcharr[section],
                    theta_of_interest = theta_int(-searchval)
                    theta_int = interp1d(searcharr[section],
                    theta_of_interest = theta_int(searchval)
                Z_sec = Z_sym[section]
                Z_sec_int = interp1d(theta_sec, Z_sec,
                Z_val = Z_sec_int(theta_of_interest)
                zeta_arg = (Z_val - self.Z_avg_fs[isg]
                            ) / kappa[i] / self.r_minor_fs[isg]
                if abs(zeta_arg) >= 1:
                    zeta_arg = 0.999999 * np.sign(zeta_arg)
                zeta_arr[o] = np.arcsin(zeta_arg)
            zeta_arr[1] = np.pi - zeta_arr[1]
            zeta_arr[3] = -np.pi - zeta_arr[3]
            zeta[i] = 0.25 * (np.pi + zeta_arr[0] - zeta_arr[1] - zeta_arr[2] +
            # calc dr/dR, amhd, and derivs
            amhd[i] = -self.qpsi_fs[isg]**2 * self.R_major_fs[isg] * self.pprime_fs[isg] * \
                8 * np.pi * 1e-7 / Bref_poi**2 / \
            drR[i] = R0_spl.derivatives(self.r_minor_fs[isg])[1]
            R = self.R_major_fs[isg] + self.r_minor_fs[isg]
            Z = self.Z_avg_fs[isg]
            Br = -self.psi_spl(Z, R, dx=1, dy=0) / R
            Bz = self.psi_spl(Z, R, dx=0, dy=1) / R
            bp[i] = np.sqrt(Br**2 + Bz**2)
            bt[i] = self.F_fs[isg] / R
            b[i] = np.sqrt(bp[i]**2 + bt[i]**2)

        amhd_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs[sgstart:], amhd,, s=1e-3)
        drR_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs[sgstart:], drR,, s=self.s)
        b_spl = US(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], b,, s=self.s)

        # calc derivatives for kappa, delta, zeta
        s_kappa = np.empty(nsg)
        s_delta = np.empty(nsg)
        s_zeta = np.empty(nsg)
        kappa_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs[sgstart:], kappa,, s=self.s)
        delta_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs[sgstart:], delta,, s=self.s)
        zeta_spl = US(self.r_minor_fs[sgstart:], zeta,, s=self.s)
        for i, isg in enumerate(subgrid):
            s_kappa[i] = kappa_spl.derivatives(self.r_minor_fs[isg])[1] \
                                 * self.r_minor_fs[isg] / kappa[i]
            s_delta[i] = delta_spl.derivatives(self.r_minor_fs[isg])[1] \
                                    * self.r_minor_fs[isg] / np.sqrt(1 - delta[i]**2)
            s_zeta[i] = zeta_spl.derivatives(self.r_minor_fs[isg])[1] \
                                * self.r_minor_fs[isg]
        output['trpeps'] = eps_poi
        output['q0'] = q_poi
        output['shat'] = (r_poi / q_poi) * q_spl.derivatives(r_poi)[1]
        output['amhd'] = amhd_spl(r_poi)[()]
        output['drR'] = drR_spl(r_poi)[()]
        output['kappa'] = kappa_spl(r_poi)[()]
        output['s_kappa'] = kappa_spl.derivatives(
            r_poi)[1] * r_poi / kappa_spl(r_poi)[()]
        output['delta'] = delta_spl(r_poi)[()]
        output['s_delta'] = delta_spl.derivatives(r_poi)[1] * r_poi \
                                        / np.sqrt(1 - delta_spl(r_poi)[()]**2)
        output['zeta'] = zeta_spl(r_poi)[()]
        output['s_zeta'] = zeta_spl.derivatives(r_poi)[1] * r_poi
        output['minor_r'] = 1.0
        output['major_R'] = R0_poi / self.a_lcfs

        if not self.quiet:
                '\n\nShaping parameters for flux surface r=%9.5g, r/a=%9.5g:' %
                (r_poi, self.rova))
            print('Copy the following block into a GENE parameters file:\n')
            print('trpeps  = %9.5g' % (eps_poi))
            print('q0      = %9.5g' % q_poi)
            print('shat    = %9.5g !(defined as r/q*dq_dr)' % (r_poi / q_poi \
                                     * q_spl.derivatives(r_poi)[1]))
            print('amhd    = %9.5g' % amhd_spl(r_poi))
            print('drR     = %9.5g' % drR_spl(r_poi))
            print('kappa   = %9.5g' % kappa_spl(r_poi))
            print('s_kappa = %9.5g' % (kappa_spl.derivatives(r_poi)[1] \
                                       * r_poi / kappa_spl(r_poi)))
            print('delta   = %9.5g' % delta_spl(r_poi))
            print('s_delta = %9.5g' % (delta_spl.derivatives(r_poi)[1] \
                                       * r_poi / np.sqrt(1 - delta_spl(r_poi)**2)))
            print('zeta    = %9.5g' % zeta_spl(r_poi))
            print('s_zeta  = %9.5g' % (zeta_spl.derivatives(r_poi)[1] * r_poi))
            print('minor_r = %9.5g' % (1.0))
            print('major_R = %9.5g' % (R0_poi / self.a_lcfs))

        if self.plot:
            plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8))
            plt.subplot(4, 2, 1)
            plt.plot(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], kappa)
            plt.ylabel(r'$\kappa$', fontsize=14)

            plt.subplot(4, 2, 2)
            plt.plot(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], s_kappa)
            plt.ylabel(r'$s_\kappa$', fontsize=14)

            plt.subplot(4, 2, 3)
            plt.plot(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], delta)
            plt.ylabel(r'$\delta$', fontsize=14)

            plt.subplot(4, 2, 4)
            plt.plot(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], s_delta)
            plt.ylabel(r'$s_\delta$', fontsize=14)

            plt.subplot(4, 2, 5)
            plt.plot(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], zeta)
            plt.ylabel(r'$\zeta$', fontsize=14)

            plt.subplot(4, 2, 6)
            plt.plot(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], s_zeta)
            plt.ylabel(r'$s_\zeta$', fontsize=14)

            plt.subplot(4, 2, 7)
            plt.plot(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], b)
            plt.plot(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], bp)
            plt.plot(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], bt)
            plt.ylabel(r'|B|', fontsize=14)

            plt.subplot(4, 2, 8)
                     b_spl(self.psinorm_grid[sgstart:], nu=1))
            plt.title('|B| deriv.')
            plt.ylabel(r'$d|B|/d\Psi_N$', fontsize=14)

            for ax in plt.gcf().axes:
                ax.set_xlabel(r'$\Psi_N$', fontsize=14)
                ax.axvline(self.psinorm, 0, 1, ls='--', color='k', lw=2)

        return output
Esempio n. 2
    qpsi_lowres[i * 5:i * 5 + n_entries] = [
        float(eqdsk_lowres[i + start_line][j * entrylength:(j + 1) *
        for j in range(n_entries)
start_line = i + start_line + 1

#linear grid of psi, on which all 1D fields are defined
linpsi_lowres = linspace(psiax_lowres, psisep_lowres, nw_lowres)
#create rho_tor_lowres grid
x_fine_lowres = linspace(psiax_lowres, psisep_lowres, nw_lowres * 10)
phi_fine_lowres = empty((nw_lowres * 10), dtype=float)
phi_fine_lowres[0] = 0.
#spline of q for rhotor grid
interpol_order = 3
q_spl_psi_lowres = US(linpsi_lowres, qpsi_lowres, k=interpol_order, s=1e-5)

for i in range(1, nw_lowres * 10):
    x = x_fine_lowres[:i + 1]
    y = q_spl_psi_lowres(x)
    phi_fine_lowres[i] = trapz(y, x)
rho_tor_fine_lowres = sqrt(phi_fine_lowres / phi_fine_lowres[-1])
rho_tor_spl_lowres = US(x_fine_lowres,
rho_tor_lowres = empty(nw_lowres, dtype=float)
for i in range(nw_lowres):
    rho_tor_lowres[i] = rho_tor_spl_lowres(linpsi_lowres[i])

rho_pol_fine_lowres = np.zeros(len(x_fine_lowres))
Esempio n. 3
    n_entries = len(eqdsk[i + start_line]) / entrylength
    qpsi[i * 5:i * 5 + n_entries] = [
        float(eqdsk[i + start_line][j * entrylength:(j + 1) * entrylength])
        for j in range(n_entries)
start_line = i + start_line + 1

#linear grid of psi, on which all 1D fields are defined
linpsi = linspace(psiax, psisep, nw)
#create rho_tor grid
x_fine = linspace(psiax, psisep, nw * 10)
phi_fine = empty((nw * 10), dtype=float)
phi_fine[0] = 0.
#spline of q for rhotor grid
interpol_order = 3
q_spl_psi = US(linpsi, qpsi, k=interpol_order, s=1e-5)

for i in range(1, nw * 10):
    x = x_fine[:i + 1]
    y = q_spl_psi(x)
    phi_fine[i] = trapz(y, x)
rho_tor_fine = sqrt(phi_fine / phi_fine[-1])
rho_tor_spl = US(x_fine, rho_tor_fine, k=interpol_order, s=1e-5)
rho_tor = empty(nw, dtype=float)
for i in range(nw):
    rho_tor[i] = rho_tor_spl(linpsi[i])

rho_pol_fine = np.zeros(len(x_fine))
for i in range(len(x_fine)):
    rho_pol_fine[i] = sqrt((x_fine[i] - psiax) / (psisep - psiax))
Esempio n. 4
def model_read(fname,LOGGS,IntInds):
    '''Routine to read in the YREC models and create a coarser grid.
    fname = the location of the YREC track.
    LOGGS = every logg value where a grid point is desired.
    IntInds = all of the indices in the YREC file that we wish to capure.
    ## Collect the rows that we want to use for our downsampled grid.
	logg_is = find_loggs(fname,LOGGS)

	## Some models will be empty...for some reason. If you encounter this, just
    ## return a string, which will be be interpreted as "do not make model."
	if len(logg_is) == 0:
		return 'fail!'

	## Make a vector for saving active values.
	active = []
	## Create empty vectors to save the interpolation products.
	TEFFS = []
	for II in IntInds:
		vars()['ALL_'+str(II[0])+'_'+str(II[1])] = []

    ## Run back through the file to collect the desired rows. In actuality,
    ## we will read the four rows surrounded the desired logg point and 
    ## interpolate cubically between them.
	with open(fname) as f:
		for j, line in enumerate(f):
			## First check if any new triggers have gone off.
			if j+2 in logg_is: ## yes!!
				## Collect the index of this number.
				k = str(logg_is.index(j+2))
				## Make the new storage vectors for logg, teff, and others.
				vars()['gravs_'+k] = []
				vars()['teffs_'+k] = []
				for II in IntInds:
					vars()[str(II[0])+'_'+str(II[1])+'_'+k] = []
				## Make this index active.

			## Check if any counters have reached 0. If so, do the
			## interpolation, and save the results.
			if j-2 in logg_is:
				## Determine how many points can be interpolated
				## from this vector.
				k = str(logg_is.index(j-2))
				num = logg_is.count(j-2)
				## Do the interpolation for each in turn.
				for n in xrange(num):
					## Collect the vectors.
					gravs = vars()['gravs_'+k][::-1]
					teffs = vars()['teffs_'+k][::-1]
					## Interpolate to Teff. Make sure to use LOGGS[k+n], to
					## account for the possibility of multiple interpolations
					## with the same vectors.
					TEFF = US(gravs[::-1],teffs[::-1],k=3,s=0)(LOGGS[int(k)+n])
					## Interpolate to the other variables.
					for II in IntInds:
						vect = vars()[str(II[0])+'_'+str(II[1])+'_'+k][::-1]
						#print IntInds.index(II), gravs,vect
						Val = US(gravs,vect,k=3,s=0)(LOGGS[int(k)+n])
				## Make this index inactive.
				del active[active.index(k)]

			## Check if we have any active indicies. If so, read the
			## values out of the line, and same them to vectors.
			if len(active) > 0:
				for k in active:
					for II in IntInds:
						i1, i2 = II[0], II[1]
						name = str(i1)+'_'+str(i2)+'_'+k

			## Check if we've reached the end. If so, quit.
			if len(TEFFS) == len(logg_is): break

	## Return a vector of vectors.
	AllReturn = []
	for II in IntInds:
		VECT = vars()['ALL_'+str(II[0])+'_'+str(II[1])]
	return AllReturn
Esempio n. 5
R_ped = interp(psip_n_obmp, R_obmp, psi_ped)
Bp_ped = interp(psip_n_obmp, B_pol, psi_ped)
omega_tor = Er_ped / R_ped / Bp_ped
rhot_ped = rho_tor_spl(psi_ped * (psisep - psiax) + psiax)

omega_tor_full = interp(rhot_ped, omega_tor, rhot0)


rhot1 = np.linspace(rhot_ped[0], rhot_ped[-1], 300)
omega_tor_spl = US(rhot_ped, omega_tor)
q_ped = interp(psip_n, qpsi, psi_ped)
te_ped = interp(psi0, te, psi_ped)
q_rhot_spl = US(rhot_ped, q_ped)
te_rhot_spl = US(rhot_ped, te_ped)

omega_t = np.sqrt(te_rhot_spl(rhot1) * 1E3 * e / M) / a
plt.plot(rhot1, omega_t, '+-', label='omega_t')

Er_rhot_spl = US(rhot_ped, Er_ped)
Bt_ped = interp(psip_n_obmp, B_tor, psi_ped)
B_ped = np.sqrt(Bt_ped**2 + Bp_ped**2)
B_rhot_spl = US(rhot_ped, B_ped)
Esempio n. 6
#spline hill climb algo

import pymongo
import numpy as np
import datetime
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as US

#database config settings
connection = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost:27017')
db = connection.StockMarketDB
col = db.hourlyStatistics  #this is where you select the table (to be redone)

prices = []
time = []

for doc in col.find().sort('date', pymongo.ASCENDING):

xaxis = np.linspace(0, lin(time), 1)

spl = US(time, prices)

##Useful loop for debugging
#for i in range(1,len(prices)):
#   print(prices[i])
#   print(timep[i])
Esempio n. 7
def setup_xarray(scan_list, scan_list2, scan_range, scan_range2, log, log2,
                 precis, precis2, scan_type):
    if scan_type == '1d':
        #for scanning a predefined list of numbers
        if scan_list != []:
            #interpolate to prescribed length
            l1_spl = US(range(len(scan_list)), scan_list)
            XARRAY = l1_spl(np.linspace(0, len(scan_list) - 1, precis))
            X2ARRAY = None

            #for having a second simultaneously varying variable
            if scan_list2 != []:
                #interpolate to prescribed length
                l2_spl = US(scan_list, scan_list2)
                X2ARRAY = l2_spl(XARRAY)

        #log- or linearly spaced 1d scan
        if (scan_list == [] and scan_list2 == []):
            X2ARRAY = None  #np.empty(1,dtype=np.float)
            if log:
                XARRAY = np.logspace(np.log10(scan_range[0]),
                                     np.log10(scan_range[1]), precis)
                XARRAY = np.linspace(scan_range[0], scan_range[1], precis)
    elif scan_type == '2d':
        #for scanning a predefined list of numbers
        if scan_list != []:
            #interpolate to prescribed length
            l1_spl = US(range(len(scan_list)), scan_list)
            XARRAY = np.tile(
                                   len(scan_list) - 1, precis)),

            #for having a second simultaneously varying variable
            if scan_list2 != []:
                #interpolate to prescribed length
                l2_spl = US(scan_list, scan_list2)
                X2ARRAY = np.repeat(l2_spl(XARRAY), precis)
                exit('Error: need to specify two scan_lists for 2d scan!')

        #log- or linearly spaced 2d scan
        if (scan_list == [] and scan_list2 == []):
            if log:
                XARRAY = np.tile(
                                np.log10(scan_range[1]), precis),
                XARRAY = np.tile(
                    np.linspace(scan_range[0], scan_range[1], precis),
            if log2:
                X2ARRAY = np.repeat(
                                np.log10(scan_range2[1]), precis2),
                X2ARRAY = np.repeat(
                    np.linspace(scan_range2[0], scan_range2[1], precis2),
    return XARRAY, X2ARRAY