Esempio n. 1
def NM(game, T):
    # this is the procedure I proposed to find Nash Equilibrium.
    G1 = g(game.u[0])
    G2 = g(game.u[1])
    Z2 = np.zeros(game.shape)
    A1 = game.shape[0]
    A2 = game.shape[1]
    Z2[np.random.choice(A1), np.random.choice(A2)] += 1
    for t in range(1, T + 1):
        MZ2 = marginal(Z2 / t)
        L1 = np.sum(MZ2 * G1, axis=2)
        L2 = np.sum(np.transpose(MZ2) * G2, axis=2)
        L1[L1 < 0] = 0
        L2[L2 < 0] = 0
        # The calculation is similar to CRM except that here we use the product
        # of the marginal distributions rather than the joint distribution.
        # The resultant Li is the Nash matrix where
        # Li[k,j] = z^i(j)z^{-i}(a^{-i})*[u^i(k,a^{-i}) - u^i(j,a^{-i})]
        D1 = np.diagflat(np.sum(L1, axis=0))
        D2 = np.diagflat(np.sum(L2, axis=0))
        q1 = prob(np.around(null(L1 - D1), 3))
        q2 = prob(np.around(null(L2 - D2), 3))
        Z2[np.random.choice(A1, p=q1), np.random.choice(A2, p=q2)] += 1
        #Z2 += q1.reshape(2,1)*q2
    print("strategy for player 1: \n", np.sum(Z2, axis=1)[None] / t)
    print("strategy for player 2: \n", np.sum(Z2, axis=0)[None] / t)
    print("nonpositive portion of player 1's Nash matrix\n", L1)
    print("nonpositive portion of player 2's Nash matrix\n", L2)
    return marginal(Z2 / T)
Esempio n. 2
def CRM(game, T):
    Z2 = np.zeros(game.shape)
    U1 = game.u[0]
    U2 = game.u[1]
    A1 = game.shape[0]
    A2 = game.shape[1]
    W1 = np.zeros((A1, A1))
    W2 = np.zeros((A2, A2))
    a1 = np.random.choice(A1)
    a2 = np.random.choice(A2)
    Z2[a1, a2] += 1
    update_w(W1, U1, a1, a2)
    update_w(W2, U2, a2, a1)
    for t in range(1, T + 1):
        L1 = np.clip(W1, 0, None) / t
        L2 = np.clip(W2, 0, None) / t
        D1 = np.diagflat(np.sum(L1, axis=0))
        D2 = np.diagflat(np.sum(L2, axis=0))
        q1 = np.sum(null(L1 - D1), axis=1)
        q1 /= np.sum(q1)
        q2 = np.sum(null(L2 - D2), axis=1)
        q2 /= np.sum(q2)
        a1 = np.random.choice(A1, p=q1)
        a2 = np.random.choice(A2, p=q2)
        Z2[a1, a2] += 1
        update_w(W1, U1, a1, a2)
        update_w(W2, U2, a2, a1)
    return Z2 / T
Esempio n. 3
def CRM(game, T):
    # this function runs a Universal Calibrated Regret Matching procedure as described in the paper.
    G1 = g(game.u[0])
    G2 = g(game.u[1])
    Z2 = np.zeros(game.shape)
    A1 = game.shape[0]
    A2 = game.shape[1]
    Z2[np.random.choice(A1), np.random.choice(A2)] += 1
    for t in range(1, T + 1):
        L1 = np.sum(Z2 * G1, axis=2) / t
        L2 = np.sum(np.transpose(Z2) * G2, axis=2) / t
        # the expected result is Li[k,j] = sum(prob(ej,a^{-i})[u^i(ek,a^{-i}) - u^i(ej,a^{-i}])
        # over all a^{-i}s.
        L1[L1 < 0] = 0
        L2[L2 < 0] = 0
        # Li is the lambda matrix described in the paper. It basically is
        # the nonpositive portion of the correlated regret matrix.
        D1 = np.diagflat(np.sum(L1, axis=0))
        D2 = np.diagflat(np.sum(L2, axis=0))
        # Di is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the sums of Li columns
        q1 = prob(np.around(null(L1 - D1), 3))
        q2 = prob(np.around(null(L2 - D2), 3))
        # qi is the strategy played at t+1 that satisfies the condition described
        # in the paper.
        Z2[np.random.choice(A1, p=q1), np.random.choice(A2, p=q2)] += 1
        # Z2 += q1.reshape(2,1)*q2
    print("nonpositive portion of player 1's Correlated Equilibrium matrix\n",
    print("nonpositive portion of player 2's Correlated Equilibrium matrix\n",
    return Z2 / T
Esempio n. 4
def get_phys_modes(phi, B, lambd=None, return_as_ix=False):
    n_lagr = B.shape[0]
    u_ = phi[0:-n_lagr, :]  #physical dofs
    l_ = phi[-n_lagr:, :]  #lagr dofs

    # Compatibility at interface
    mask1 = np.all((B @ u_) == 0, axis=0)

    # Equilibrium at interface
    L = null(B)
    g = -B.T @ l_
    mask2 = np.all((L.T @ g) == 0, axis=0)

    phys_ix = np.logical_and(mask1, mask1)

    if return_as_ix:
        return phys_ix
        if lambd is None:
            lambd_phys = None
            lambd_phys = lambd[phys_ix]

        phi_phys = u_[:, phys_ix]

        return lambd_phys, phi_phys
def perp_vec(vecs):
    null1 = null(vecs.T)
    m = null1.shape[1]
    rand_coeff = rand.normal(size=[m, 1])
    perp =, rand_coeff)
    perp = perp / la.norm(perp)
    return perp
Esempio n. 6
 def right_null_projector(self, get_vL=False):
     _, _, r = self.eigs()
     R_ = sw(c(self[0])@r, 0, 1)
     R = R_.reshape(-1, self.d*R_.shape[-1])
     vR = sw(null(R).reshape(self.d, R_.shape[-1], -1), 1, 2)
     pr = ncon([inv(ch(r)), vR, c(vR), inv(ch(r))], [[-2, 2], [-1, 1, 2], [-3, 1, 4], [-4, 4]])
     self.vR = vR
     if get_vR:
         return pr, vR
     return pr
Esempio n. 7
def make_frame(z):
    z = z.reshape((3, 1))
    z = z / np.linalg.norm(z)
    n = null(z.T)
    x = n[:, 0, None]
    x = x / np.linalg.norm(x)
    y = np.cross(z, x, axis=0)
    y = y / np.linalg.norm(y)
    R = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype='float32')
    R[:, 0, None] = x
    R[:, 1, None] = y
    R[:, 2, None] = z
    return R
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, nodes, elements, constraints=None, constraint_type='none', domain='3d', features=None, assemble=True):
        self.nodes = nodes
        self.elements = elements
        self.k, self.m, self.c, = None, None, None, None
        self.domain = domain
        self.dim = 2 if domain=='2d' else 3

        if set([el.domain for el in self.elements]) != set([domain]):
            raise ValueError('Element domains has to match ElDef/Part/Assembly.')
        # Constraints
        self.constraints = constraints 
        self.constraint_type = constraint_type
        self.dof_pairs = self.constraint_dof_ix()               #PATCH for compatibility with nlfe2d module
        self.gdof_ix_from_nodelabels = lambda node_labels, dof_ix: gdof_ix_from_nodelabels(self.get_node_labels(), node_labels, dof_ix=dof_ix)  #PATCH for compatibility with nlfe2d module
        if len(set(self.get_node_labels()))!=len(self.get_node_labels()):
            raise ValueError('Non-unique node labels defined.')
        if constraints is not None:
            self.B = self.compatibility_matrix()
            self.L = null(self.B)
            self.B = None
            self.L = None   
        if self.dof_pairs is not None:
            self.constrained_dofs = self.dof_pairs[self.dof_pairs[:,1]==None, 0]
            self.constrained_dofs = []
        # self.unconstrained_dofs = np.delete(np.arange(0, np.shape(self.B)[1]), self.constrained_dofs)
        if features is None:
            features = []

        self.features = features
        self.feature_mats = self.global_matrices_from_features()
        # Update global matrices and vectors

        self.c = self.feature_mats['c']

        if assemble:
Esempio n. 9
    def left_null_projector(self, get_vL=False):
        """left_null_projector:           |
                         - inv(sqrt(l)) - vL = vL- inv(sqrt(l))-
        replaces A in TDVP
        _, l, _ = self.eigs()
        L_ = sw(cT(self[0])@ch(l), 0, 1)
        L = L_.reshape(-1, self.d*L_.shape[-1])
        vL = null(L).reshape((self.d, L.shape[1]//self.d, -1))

        pr = ncon([inv(ch(l))@vL, inv(ch(l))@c(vL)], [[-1, -2, 1], [-3, -4, 1]])
        self.vL = vL
        if get_vL:
            return pr, vL
        return pr
Esempio n. 10
    def left_null_projector(self,
        """left_null_projector:           |
                         - inv(sqrt(l)) - vL = vL- inv(sqrt(l))-
        replaces A(n) in TDVP

        :param n: site
        if l is None:
            l, _ = self.get_envs(store_envs)
        if vL is None:
            L_ = sw(cT(self[n]) @ ch(l(n - 1)), 0, 1)
            L = L_.reshape(-1, self.d * L_.shape[-1])
            vL = null(L).reshape((self.d, L.shape[1] // self.d, -1))
        pr = ncon([inv(ch(l(n - 1))) @ vL,
                   inv(ch(l(n - 1))) @ c(vL)], [[-1, -2, 1], [-3, -4, 1]])
        if get_vL:
            return pr, vL
        return pr
Esempio n. 11
def enum_sliding_sticking_3d_proj(A, b, T, bt):
    info = dict()
    info['time zono'] = 0
    info['time lattice'] = 0

    cs_modes, cs_lattice, cs_info = enumerate_contact_separating_3d(A, b)
    all_modes = []
    # manifolds = system.collider.manifolds
    # n_contacts = len(manifolds)
    # points = np.zeros((3,n_contacts))
    # tangents = np.zeros((3,n_contacts,2))
    # normals = np.zeros((3,n_contacts))
    # for i in range(n_contacts):
    #     m = manifolds[i]
    #     body_A = m.shape_A
    #     if body_A.num_dofs() > 0:
    #         g_wo = body_A.get_transform_world()
    #         g_wc = m.frame_A()
    #         g_oc = SE3.inverse(g_wo) * g_wc
    #         g_oc_m = g_oc.matrix()
    #         print(g_oc_m)
    #         points[:,i] = g_oc_m[1:3,-1]
    #         normals[:, i] = g_oc_m[1:3, 2]
    #         tangents[:, i] = g_oc_m[1:3, 0:1]
    # print(points)
    # print(normals)
    # A, b = build_normal_velocity_constraints(system.collider.manifolds)
    # T, bt = build_tangential_velocity_constraints(system.collider.manifolds, num_sliding_planes)
    n_pts = A.shape[0]
    num_sliding_planes = int(T.shape[0] / n_pts)
    # A_, b_ = contacts_to_half(points, normals)
    # print('A')
    # print(A)
    # print('A_')
    # print(A_)

    #Get linearized sliding sections from number of sliding modes
    # D = np.array([[np.cos(np.pi*i/num_sliding_planes),np.sin(np.pi*i/num_sliding_planes),0] for i in range(num_sliding_planes)])
    # T = np.zeros((n_pts,num_sliding_planes,6)) # sliding plane normals
    # for i in range(n_pts):
    #     R = np.concatenate((tangents[:, i, :],normals[:, i].reshape(-1,1)), axis=1)
    #     for j in range(num_sliding_planes):
    #         T_i =,D[j])
    #         T[i,j,0:3] = T_i
    #         T[i,j,3:6] =, hat(points[:, i]))
    # T *= -1

    H = np.vstack((A, T.reshape(-1, T.shape[-1])))

    num_modes = 0
    for layer in cs_lattice.L:
        for face in layer:
            cs_mode = face.m
            mask_c = cs_mode == 'c'
            mask_s = ~mask_c
            # mask = np.hstack((mask_s, np.array([mask_c] * num_sliding_planes).T.flatten()))
            mask = np.hstack(
                (cs_mode == '0',
                 np.array([mask_c] * num_sliding_planes).T.flatten()))
            if all(mask_s):

                L = FaceLattice()
                L.L = []
                mode_sign = np.hstack((np.ones(n_pts, dtype=int),
                                       np.zeros(n_pts * num_sliding_planes,
                modes = [mode_sign]
                L.L[0][0].m = mode_sign

                nc = null(A[mask_c], np.finfo(np.float32).eps)

                if not np.all(nc.shape):
                    mode_sign = np.zeros(H.shape[0])
                    L = FaceLattice()
                    L.L = []
                    L.L[0][0].m = [mode_sign]
                    modes = [mode_sign]
                elif nc.shape[1] == 1:  # only able to move in 1 dim
                    move_direc = np.array([nc, -nc, np.zeros(nc.shape)])
                    vd =, move_direc)
                    vd[abs(vd) < 1e-6] = 0
                    mode_sign = np.sign(vd).T.squeeze()
                    mode_cs_sign = mode_sign[:, 0:n_pts]
                    feasible_ind = np.all(mode_cs_sign[:, mask_s] == 1, axis=1)
                    mode_sign = mode_sign[feasible_ind]
                    L = FaceLattice()
                    L.L = []
                    L.L[0][0].m = mode_sign
                    modes = mode_sign

                    H_proj =[mask], nc)
                    H_proj_u, idu = unique_row(H_proj)
                    # if H_proj_u.shape[0] != H_proj.shape[0]:
                    #     print('AHH')
                    # print(H_proj_u)
                    t_start = time()
                    V_all, Sign_all = zonotope_vertex(H_proj_u)
                    if len(V_all) == 0:

                    info['time zono'] += time() - t_start
                    Sign_all = Sign_all[:, idu]
                    feasible_ind = np.where(
                        np.all(Sign_all[:, 0:sum(mask_s)] == 1, axis=1))[0]
                    V = V_all[feasible_ind]
                    Sign = Sign_all[feasible_ind]
                    if not np.all(feasible_ind.shape):
                    V_uq, ind_uq = unique_row(V)
                    if not V_uq.shape[0] == V.shape[0]:
                        Sign_uq = np.zeros((V_uq.shape[0], Sign.shape[1]))
                        for i in range(V_uq.shape[0]):
                            s_all = Sign[ind_uq == i]
                            s = np.zeros((1, Sign.shape[1]))
                            if s_all.shape[0] > 1:
                                s[:, np.all(s_all == 1, axis=0)] = 1
                                s[:, np.all(s_all == -1, axis=0)] = -1
                            Sign_uq[i] = s
                        V = V_uq
                        Sign = Sign_uq

                    # Hack.
                    V = V_all
                    Sign = Sign_all

                    # sign_cells = I.sign_vectors(I.dim(), I0)
                    # idx_sc = np.where(np.all(sign_cells[:, 0:sum(mask_s)] == 1, axis=1))[0]
                    # sign_cells = sign_cells[idx_sc]
                    # idx_sc = np.lexsort(np.rot90(sign_cells))
                    # sign_cells = sign_cells[idx_sc]
                    # print(sign_cells)
                    # print('# v', len(V_all))
                    # idx_s = np.lexsort(np.rot90(Sign))
                    # print(Sign[idx_s])

                    t_start = time()
                    L = vertex2lattice(V)
                    info['time lattice'] += time() - t_start

                    mode_sign = np.zeros(
                        (Sign.shape[0], n_pts * (1 + num_sliding_planes)))
                    mode_sign[:, mask] = Sign
                    modes = get_lattice_mode(L, mode_sign)

                    print('# modes', len(modes))

            num_modes += len(modes)
            face.ss_lattice = L

    info['# faces'] = num_modes


    # np.set_printoptions(suppress=True)
    # for cs_layer in cs_lattice.L:
    #     for cs_face in cs_layer:
    #         for ss_layer in cs_face.ss_lattice.L:
    #             for ss_face in ss_layer:
    #                 if hasattr(ss_face, 'm'):
    #                     print(sample_twist_sliding_sticking(points, normals, tangentials, ss_face.m).T)
    return all_modes, cs_lattice, info
Esempio n. 12
def enumerate_contact_separating_3d(A, b):
    # Create solve info.
    info = dict()

    # Create halfspace inequalities, Ax - b <= 0.
    # A, b = build_normal_velocity_constraints(system.collider.manifolds)
    # b = np.zeros(b.shape)
    if DEBUG:

    n_pts = A.shape[0]
    info['n'] = n_pts

    # Get interior point using linear programming.
    t_lp = time()
    int_pt = int_pt_cone(A)
    info['time lp'] = time() - t_lp
    if DEBUG:
        print(int_pt, '\n', A @ int_pt)

    # Filter contact points which are always in contact.
    mask = np.zeros(n_pts, dtype=bool)
    c = np.where(np.abs(A @ int_pt) < 1e-6)[0]  # always contacting.
    mask[c] = 1
    A_c = A[mask, :]
    b_c = b[mask, :]
    A = A[~mask, :]
    b = b[~mask, :]
    if DEBUG:

    # Project into null space of contacting points.
    # [A'; A_c]x ≤ 0, A_c⋅x = 0 ⇒ x ∈ NULL(A_c)
    # let NULL(A_c) = [x0, ... , xc]
    # A'⋅NULL(A_c)x' ≤ 0
    if np.sum(mask) > 0:
        N = null(A_c, np.finfo(np.float32).eps)
        A = A @ N
        int_pt = np.linalg.lstsq(N, int_pt, None)[0]
        if DEBUG:
            print('Null A_c')
            print('new int pt')
            print(A @ int_pt)

    # Compute dual points.
    b_off = b -, int_pt)
    dual = A / b_off
    if DEBUG:
        print('b off')

    # Handle degenerate cases when d = 0 or 1.
    if np.sum(mask) == n_pts:
        cs_modes = [np.array(['c'] * n_pts)]
        lattice = FaceLattice()
        lattice.L = [[Face(range(n_pts), 0)]]
        lattice.L[0][0].m = cs_modes[0]
        return cs_modes, lattice, info
    if dual.shape[1] == 1:
        lattice = FaceLattice(M=np.ones((1, 1), int), d=1)
        dual_map = [list(np.where(~mask)[0])]
        cs_modes = lattice.csmodes(mask, dual_map)
        lattice.L = lattice.L[1:3]
        return cs_modes[1:3], lattice, info

    # Project dual points into affine space.
    dual = proj_affine(dual.T).T
    if DEBUG:
        print('proj dual')
    info['d'] = dual.shape[1]

    # Filter duplicate points.
    idx = np.lexsort(np.rot90(dual))
    dual_map = []
    dual_unique = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(idx):
        if i == 0:
            dual_unique.append(dual[idx[i], :])
            curr = dual[idx[i], :]
            last = dual_unique[-1]
            if np.linalg.norm(last - curr) < 1e-6:
                dual_unique.append(dual[idx[i], :])
        i += 1
    if DEBUG:
        print('dual map')
        print('dual unique')

    # Handle various cases.
    dual = [list(dual_unique[i]) for i in range(len(dual_unique))]
    if len(dual_unique) == 1:
        d = 0
        M = np.array([[]])
    elif len(dual_unique[0]) == 1:
        d = 1
        M = np.zeros((len(dual), 2), int)
        i_min = np.argmin(np.array(dual).flatten())
        i_max = np.argmax(np.array(dual).flatten())
        M[i_min, 0] = 1
        M[i_max, 1] = 1
        d = len(dual[0])

        # Compute dual convex hull.
        t_start = time()
        ret = pyhull.qconvex('Fv', dual)
        info['time conv'] = time() - t_start

        if DEBUG:

        # Build facet-vertex incidence matrix.
        n_facets = int(ret[0])
        M = np.zeros((len(dual), n_facets), int)
        for i in range(1, len(ret)):
            vert_set = [int(x) for x in ret[i].split(' ')][1:]
            for v in vert_set:
                M[v, i - 1] = 1

    if DEBUG:

    if DEBUG:

    # Build face lattice.
    t_start = time()
    lattice = FaceLattice(M, d)
    info['time lattice'] = time() - t_start

    # Build mode strings.
    cs_modes = lattice.csmodes(mask, dual_map)

    if DEBUG:

    info['# 0 faces'] = lattice.num_k_faces(0)
    info['# d-1 faces'] = lattice.num_k_faces(info['d'] - 1)
    info['# faces'] = lattice.num_faces()

    # Return mode strings.
    return cs_modes, lattice, info
Esempio n. 13
# RA, 2019-12-14

import qsharp
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import null_space as null

from Quantum.Simon import SampleY

Y = np.vstack([SampleY.simulate() for __ in range(10)])
Esempio n. 14
def signed_covectors(Vecs):
    #V_, signs = zonotope_vertex(Vecs)
    V, ind_V = unique_row(Vecs)
    n = V.shape[0]
    orth = sp.linalg.orth(V.T)
    d = orth.shape[1]
    if d != V.shape[1]:
        V =, orth)
    cocir = []
    for k in [d - 1]:
        combs = combinations(V, k)
        for comb in list(combs):
            c = np.array(comb)
            if np.linalg.matrix_rank(c) == d - 1:
                ns = null(c)
                vdot =, ns).reshape(-1)
                sign = np.sign(vdot)
                sign[abs(vdot) < 1e-6] = 0
    cocir = np.unique(cocir, axis=0)
    #cocir = np.vstack((cocir,-cocir))
    covec = np.zeros((0, n))
    lower = cocir
    upper = np.zeros((0, n))
    while np.any(lower == 0):
        for c_i in lower:
            for c_j in lower:
                if np.all(c_i == c_j):
                ind = np.all(np.array([c_i, c_j]) != 0, axis=0)
                if not np.all(c_i[ind] == c_j[ind]):
                ni = np.all([c_i == 0, c_j != 0], axis=0)
                nj = np.all([c_j == 0, c_i != 0], axis=0)
                cv_i = np.matlib.repmat(c_i, sum(ni), 1)
                cv_j = np.matlib.repmat(c_j, sum(nj), 1)
                id_i = np.zeros(cv_i.shape, bool)
                id_j = np.zeros(cv_j.shape, bool)
                row_i = 0
                for id in np.where(ni)[0]:
                    id_i[row_i, id] = True
                    row_i += 1
                row_i = 0
                for id in np.where(nj)[0]:
                    id_j[row_i, id] = True
                    row_i += 1
                cv_i[id_i] = c_j[ni]

                cv_j[id_j] = c_i[nj]
                # TODO: constrain the change??
                upper = np.vstack((upper, cv_i, cv_j))
        #upper = np.array(upper).reshape(-1,n)
        #upper = np.unique(np.vstack((upper,-upper)),axis=0)
        upper = np.unique(upper, axis=0)
        covec = np.vstack((covec, upper))
        lower = upper
        upper = np.zeros((0, n))

    cc = np.vstack((covec, cocir, -covec, -cocir, np.zeros(n, int)))
    cc = cc[:, ind_V]
    #cc = np.unique(np.vstack((cc,-cc)),axis=0)
    return cc
Esempio n. 15
def affine_dep(X):
    n_cols = X.shape[1]
    return null(np.concatenate((X, np.ones((1, n_cols))), axis=0))