Esempio n. 1
def npFactorial(input_arr):
    ret = np.array([])

    for i in input_arr:
        ret = np.append(ret, smath.factorial(i))

    return ret
def posterior(x, n, p1, p2):
    Calculates the posterior probability that the probability of developing
    severe side effects falls within a specific range given the data:

    x is the number of patients that develop severe side effects
    n is the total number of patients observed
    p1 is the lower bound on the range
    p2 is the upper bound on the range
    You can assume the prior beliefs of p follow a uniform distribution
    If n is not a positive integer, raise a ValueError with the message n must
    be a positive integer
    If x is not an integer that is greater than or equal to 0, raise a
    ValueError with the message x must be an integer that is greater than or
    equal to 0
    If x is greater than n, raise a ValueError with the message x cannot be
    greater than n
    If p1 or p2 are not floats within the range [0, 1], raise a ValueError with
    the message {p} must be a float in the range [0, 1] where {p} is the
    corresponding variable
    if p2 <= p1, raise a ValueError with the message p2 must be greater than p1
    The only import you are allowed to use is from scipy import special

    Returns: the posterior probability that p is within the range [p1, p2]
    given x and n
    if not isinstance(n, int) or n <= 0:
        raise ValueError("n must be a positive integer")
    if not isinstance(x, (int, float)) or (x < 0):
        mg = "x must be an integer that is greater than or equal to 0"
        raise ValueError(mg)
    if x > n:
        raise ValueError("x cannot be greater than n")
    if not isinstance(p1, float) or p1 < 0 or p1 > 1:
        raise ValueError("p1 must be a float in the range [0, 1]")
    if not isinstance(p2, float) or p2 < 0 or p2 > 1:
        raise ValueError("p2 must be a float in the range [0, 1]")
    if p2 <= p1:
        raise ValueError("p2 must be greater than p1")

    num = (math.factorial(n+1))
    den = (math.factorial(x) * math.factorial(n - x))
    fct = num / den
    hp1 = special.hyp2f1(x+1, x-n, x+2, p1)
    hp2 = special.hyp2f1(x+1, x-n, x+2, p2)

    return fct * (((p2**(x+1))*hp2)-((p1**(x+1))*hp1))/(x+1)
def posterior(x, n, p1, p2):
        calculates the posterior probability that the probability of
        developing severe side effects falls within a specific range
        given the data

        - x is the number of patients that develop severe side effects
        - n is the total number of patients observed
        - p1 is the lower bound on the range
        - p2 is the upper bound on the range

        the prior beliefs of p follow a uniform distribution

        If n is not a positive integer, raise a ValueError
            with the message: n must be a positive integer
        If x is not an integer that is greater than or equal to 0,
            raise a ValueError with the message:
            x must be an integer that is greater than or equal to 0
        If x is greater than n, raise a ValueError with the message:
            x cannot be greater than n
        If p1 or p2 are not floats within the range [0, 1], raise a
            ValueError with the message:
            "{p} must be a float in the range [0, 1]"
            where {p} is the corresponding variable
        if p2 <= p1, raise a ValueError with the message:
            "p2 must be greater than p1"
    if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 1:
        raise ValueError("n must be a positive integer")
    if type(x) != int or x < 0:
        mg = "x must be an integer that is greater than or equal to 0"
        raise ValueError(mg)
    if x > n:
        raise ValueError("x cannot be greater than n")
    if not isinstance(p1, float) or p1 < 0 or p1 > 1:
        raise ValueError("p1 must be a float in the range [0, 1]")
    if not isinstance(p2, float) or p2 < 0 or p2 > 1:
        raise ValueError("p2 must be a float in the range [0, 1]")
    if p2 <= p1:
        raise ValueError("p2 must be greater than p1")
    y = n - x
    f = math.factorial(n + 1) / (math.factorial(x) * math.factorial(y))
    h_1 = special.hyp2f1(x + 1, x - n, x + 2, p1)
    h_2 = special.hyp2f1(x + 1, x - n, x + 2, p2)
    posterior = f * (((p2**(x + 1)) * h2) - ((p1**(x + 1)) * h1)) / (x + 1)
    return posterior
Esempio n. 4
def prob_poisson(n, mu):
    if mu <= 0 or n < 0:
        return 0
        p = 1
        for i in range(0, len(n)):
            nn = int(n[i])
            p *= (mu**nn) * math.exp(-mu) / math.factorial(nn)
        return p
Esempio n. 5
def primitive_Function(x, y, n=0):
    """Return values of the primitive function (dt. 'Stammfunktion'), see eq. 39"""
    #x, y must be scalar
    k = np.arange(n + 1)  #index variable

    ret = (-1.) * (
        smath.factorial(n) / npFactorial(n - k) * x**(n - k) / y**(k + 2.) *
        np.cos(x * y + k * np.pi / 2.)).sum()  #sum over k from 0 to n
    return ret
Esempio n. 6
def posterior(x, n, p1, p2):
html Ross p 147"""
    if type(n) is not int or n <= 0:
        raise ValueError("n must be a positive integer")
    if type(x) is not int or x < 0:
        error = "x must be an integer that is greater than or equal to 0"
        raise ValueError(error)
    if x > n:
        raise ValueError("x cannot be greater than n")
    if type(p1) is not float or p1 < 0 or p1 > 1:
        raise ValueError("p1 must be a float in the range [0, 1]")
    if type(p2) is not float or p2 < 0 or p2 > 1:
        raise ValueError("p2 must be a float in the range [0, 1]")
    if p2 <= p1:
        raise ValueError("p2 must be greater than p1")
    cnp = math.factorial(n) / (math.factorial(x) * math.factorial(n - x))
    g = special.gamma
    g1 = (g(x + 1) * g(n - x + 1)) / g(n + 2)
    ib = special.betainc
    gg = cnp * g1 * (n + 1)
    return gg * (ib(x + 1, n - x + 1, p2) - ib(x + 1, n - x + 1, p1))
Esempio n. 7
    def TA(self,
        '''Realiza um teste de aderência dadas as condições de entrada
        Para o teste, A deve conter o número de trocas, defeitos, etc, e 
        B deve conter quantas vezez essa troca ou defeito ocorreu. Note que 
        é fundamental que haja compatibilidade perfeita entre as entradas'''
        if self.A: A = self.A
        if self.B: B = self.B
        if len(A) != len(B): return print("Entradas incompatíveis")

        if mode == "poisson":
            X, N = self.calculateTA(A, B)
            Oi = B
            Chi2calc = 0
            n = 0
            Oiacc = 0
            Eiacc = 0

            # Generate the Expected number by the poisson model
            if not lamb:
                for i in range(len(A)):
                    Eiacc += np.exp(-X) * X**A[i] / math.factorial(A[i]) * N
                    Oiacc += Oi[i]

                    if i != (len(A) -
                             1) and np.exp(-X) * X**A[i + 1] / math.factorial(
                                 A[i + 1]) * N >= 5:
                        Chi2calc += (Oiacc - Eiacc)**2 / Eiacc
                        n += 1
                        Oiacc = 0
                        Eiacc = 0

                Chi2calc += (Oiacc - Eiacc)**2 / Eiacc
                n += 1

                for i in range(len(A)):
                    Eiacc += np.exp(-lamb) * lamb**A[i] / math.factorial(
                        A[i]) * N
                    Oiacc += Oi[i]

                    if i != (len(A) -
                             1) and np.exp(-X) * X**A[i + 1] / math.factorial(
                                 A[i + 1]) * N >= 5:
                        Chi2calc += (Oiacc - Eiacc)**2 / Eiacc
                        n += 1
                        Oiacc = 0
                        Eiacc = 0

                Chi2calc += (Oiacc - Eiacc)**2 / Eiacc
                n += 1
            print("Graus de Liberdade = {:.3f}".format(n - 2))

            Chi2crit = chi2.ppf(1 - self.alfa, n - 2)

            print("Chi2calc = {:.3f}".format(Chi2calc))
            print("Chi2crit = {:.3f}".format(Chi2crit))
            if Chi2calc < Chi2crit:
                print("Aceito H0")
                return True
                print("Rejeito H0")
                return False

        if mode == "normal":
            Oi = B
            Chi2calc = 0
            n = 0
            Oiacc = 0
            Eiacc = 0

            # Generate the Expected number by the poisson model

            for i in range(len(A)):
                Eiacc += (norm.cdf(A[i][0] - A[i][1])) * n
                Oiacc += Oi[i]

            Chi2calc += (Oiacc - Eiacc)**2 / Eiacc
            n += 1

            Chi2calc += (Oiacc - Eiacc)**2 / Eiacc
            n += 1
            print("Graus de Liberdade = {:.3f}".format(6))

            Chi2crit = chi2.ppf(1 - self.alfa, 6)

            print("Chi2calc = {:.3f}".format(Chi2calc))
            print("Chi2crit = {:.3f}".format(Chi2crit))
            if Chi2calc < Chi2crit:
                print("Aceito H0")
                return True
                print("Rejeito H0")
                return False