def lpKernel(N, freq):
    # Lowpass filter kernel generator
    # N is the filter half-size, must be odd
    # freq is the normalised cutoff frequency
    # Returns the filter kernel of size (2N+1,2N+1)
    num = 2 * N + 1
    result = np.zeros((num, num, 1))
    for m in range(N + 1):
        i = m + N
        im = -m + N
        for n in range(N + 1):
            j = n + N
            jm = -n + N
            if (m == 0 and n == 0):
                result[i, j] = np.pi * freq**2 / 4
                pandq = m % 2 + n % 2
                mandn = np.sqrt(m * m + n * n)
                val = (sm.factorial2(N)**4 * np.pi**pandq * freq *
                       ss.jn(1, np.pi * freq * mandn)) / (
                           2**(pandq + 1) * sm.factorial2(N + m) *
                           sm.factorial2(N - m) * sm.factorial2(N + n) *
                           sm.factorial2(N - n) * mandn)
                result[i, j] = val
                result[j, i] = val
                result[im, j] = val
                result[i, jm] = val
                result[im, jm] = val

    return result / np.sum(result)
Esempio n. 2
    def normalisation(self):
        """Calculates normalisation constant for the basis set and stores in self.normalisation once called.

        self.normalisation_memo : float

        if self.normalisation_memo is None:
            l, m, n = self.integral_exponents

            if len(self.primitive_gaussian_array) == 1:
                self.normalisation_memo = 1
                ans = 0.0
                for primitive_a, primitive_b in itertools.product(
                        self.primitive_gaussian_array, repeat=2):
                    a_1 = primitive_a.exponent
                    a_2 = primitive_b.exponent
                    c_1 = primitive_a.contraction
                    c_2 = primitive_b.contraction
                    n_1 = primitive_a.normalisation
                    n_2 = primitive_b.normalisation

                    out1 = factorial2(2 * l - 1) * factorial2(
                        2 * m - 1) * factorial2(2 * n - 1)
                    out2 = (pi / (a_1 + a_2))**(3 / 2)
                    out3 = (2 * (a_1 + a_2))**(l + m + n)
                    ans += (c_1 * c_2 * n_1 * n_2 * out1 * out2) / out3
                self.normalisation_memo = 1 / sqrt(ans)

        return self.normalisation_memo
Esempio n. 3
 def normalise(self):
     l, m, n =
     self.norm = np.sqrt(
         np.power(2, 2 * (l + m + n) + 1.5) *
         np.power(self.exps, l + m + n + 1.5) / factorial2(2 * l - 1) /
         factorial2(2 * m - 1) / factorial2(2 * n - 1) /
         np.power(np.pi, 1.5))
Esempio n. 4
def norm(ax, ay, az, aa):
    General cartesian Gaussian normalization factor.

        AX: Angular momentum lx
        AY: Angular momentum ly
        AZ: Angular momentum lz
        AA: Gaussian exponential coefficient
        N: Normalization coefficient (to be multiplied with the Gaussian)

        Handbook of Computational Chemistry
        David Cook
        Oxford University Press

    # Compute normalization coefficient
    N = (2 * aa / np.pi)**(3. / 4.)
    N *= (4 * aa)**((ax + ay + az) / 2)
    N /= np.sqrt(
        misc.factorial2(2 * ax - 1) * misc.factorial2(2 * ay - 1) *
        misc.factorial2(2 * az - 1))

    return N
Esempio n. 5
def b_mat(ind_mat):
    r""" Calculates the B coefficients from [1]_ Eq. 27.

    index_matrix : array, shape (N,3)
        ordering of the basis in x, y, z

    B : array, shape (N,)
        B coefficients for the basis

    .. [1] Ozarslan E. et. al, "Mean apparent propagator (MAP) MRI: A novel
    diffusion imaging method for mapping tissue microstructure",
    NeuroImage, 2013.

    B = np.zeros(ind_mat.shape[0])
    for i in range(ind_mat.shape[0]):
        n1, n2, n3 = ind_mat[i]
        K = int(not (n1 % 2) and not (n2 % 2) and not (n3 % 2))
        B[i] = K * np.sqrt(factorial(n1) * factorial(n2) * factorial(n3)) / (
            factorial2(n1) * factorial2(n2) * factorial2(n3))

    return B
Esempio n. 6
def norm(ax,ay,az,aa):
    General cartesian Gaussian normalization factor.

        AX: Angular momentum lx
        AY: Angular momentum ly
        AZ: Angular momentum lz
        AA: Gaussian exponential coefficient
        N: Normalization coefficient (to be multiplied with the Gaussian)

        Handbook of Computational Chemistry
        David Cook
        Oxford University Press

    # Compute normalization coefficient
    N = (2*aa/np.pi)**(3./4.)
    N *= (4*aa)**((ax+ay+az)/2)
    N /= np.sqrt( misc.factorial2(2*ax-1) * misc.factorial2(2*ay-1) * misc.factorial2(2*az-1) )

    return N
Esempio n. 7
def ellke2(k, tol=100 * eps, maxiter=100):
    """Compute complete elliptic integrals of the first kind (K) and
    second kind (E) using the series expansions."""
    # 2011-04-24 21:14 IJMC: Created

    k = np.array(k, copy=False)
    ksum = 0 * k
    kprevsum = ksum.copy()
    kresidual = ksum + 1
    #esum = 0*k
    #eprevsum = esum.copy()
    #eresidual = esum + 1
    n = 0
    sqrtpi = np.sqrt(np.pi)
    #kpow = k**0
    #ksq = k*k

    while (np.abs(kresidual) > tol).any() and n <= maxiter:
        #kpow *= (ksq)
        #print kpow==(k**(2*n))
        ksum += ((misc.factorial2(2 * n - 1) / misc.factorial2(2 * n))**
                 2) * k**(2 * n)
        #ksum += (special.gamma(n + 0.5)/special.gamma(n + 1) / sqrtpi) * k**(2*n)
        kresidual = ksum - kprevsum
        kprevsum = ksum.copy()
        n += 1
        #print n, kresidual

    return ksum * (np.pi / 2.)
Esempio n. 8
def b_mat(ind_mat):
    r""" Calculates the B coefficients from [1]_ Eq. 27.

    index_matrix : array, shape (N,3)
        ordering of the basis in x, y, z

    B : array, shape (N,)
        B coefficients for the basis

    .. [1] Ozarslan E. et. al, "Mean apparent propagator (MAP) MRI: A novel
    diffusion imaging method for mapping tissue microstructure",
    NeuroImage, 2013.

    B = np.zeros(ind_mat.shape[0])
    for i in range(ind_mat.shape[0]):
        n1, n2, n3 = ind_mat[i]
        K = int(not(n1 % 2) and not(n2 % 2) and not(n3 % 2))
        B[i] = K * np.sqrt(factorial(n1) * factorial(n2) * factorial(n3)
                           ) / (factorial2(n1) * factorial2(n2) * factorial2(n3))

    return B
def lpKernel(N, freq):
# Lowpass filter kernel generator
# N is the filter half-size, must be odd
# freq is the normalised cutoff frequency
# Returns the filter kernel of size (2N+1,2N+1)
    num = 2*N + 1
    result = np.zeros((num,num,1))
    for m in range(N+1):
        i = m+N
        im = -m+N
        for n in range(N+1):
            j = n+N
            jm = -n+N
            if (m==0 and n==0):
                result[i,j] = np.pi*freq**2/4
                pandq = m%2 + n%2
                mandn = np.sqrt(m*m+n*n)
                val = (sm.factorial2(N)**4 * np.pi**pandq * freq * ss.jn(1,np.pi * freq * mandn)) / ( 2**(pandq+1) * sm.factorial2(N+m) * sm.factorial2(N-m) * sm.factorial2(N+n) *sm.factorial2(N-n) *mandn )  
                result[i,j] = val
                result[j,i] = val
                result[im,j] = val
                result[i,jm] = val
                result[im,jm] = val
    return result/np.sum(result)
Esempio n. 10
def sph_i2n(n, z, terms=50):
    n = np.asarray(n, dtype=int)
    z = np.asarray(z)

    s1 = np.zeros(np.shape(n + z))
    for k in xrange(np.max(n + 1)):
        s = (-z**2 / 2)**k * factorial2(2 * n - 2 * k - 1) / factorial(k)
        s1[k <= n] += s[k <= n]

    s2 = np.zeros(s1.shape)
    for k in xrange(np.min(n + 1), terms):
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            s = (z**2 / 2)**k / (factorial(k) * factorial2(2 * k - 2 * n - 1))
        s2[k >= n + 1] += s[k >= n + 1]

    return (-1)**n * z**(n + 1) * s1 + z**(-n - 1) * s2
Esempio n. 11
def generate_kernel(name, *args):
    if name == 'uniform':
        K = lambda x: np.array(np.array(1/2*(np.abs(x)<=1)).T, ndmin=2).prod(0)
    elif name == 'triangular':
        K = lambda x: np.array(np.array((1-np.abs(x))*(np.abs(x)<=1)).T, ndmin=2).prod(0)
    elif name == 'epanechnikov':
        K = lambda x: np.array(np.array(3/4*(1-x**2)*(np.abs(x)<=1)).T, ndmin=2).prod(0)
    elif name == 'normal':
        K = lambda x: np.array(np.array(1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*np.exp(-x**2/2)).T, ndmin=2).prod(0)
    elif name == 'mvnormal':
        mu = args[0]
        sigma = args[1]
        s = multivariate_normal(mu, sigma)
        K = lambda x: s.pdf(x)
    elif name == 's-kernel':
        s-kernel of order r
        s = args[0]
        r = args[1]
        k_s = lambda x: np.array(factorial2(2*s+1)/(2**(s+1)*factorial(s))\
        K = lambda x: np.array(np.array(hansen_coefficient(s, r, x)*k_s(x)).T, ndmin=2).prod(0)
        print 'No such kernel found. Try another one.'
        K = ()
    return K
Esempio n. 12
 def get_initializations(self, num_pol=5, copy_fun='relu'):
     k = []
     if copy_fun == 'relu':
         for n in range(num_pol):
             if n == 0:
                 k.append(1.0 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
             elif n == 1:
                 k.append(1.0 / 2)
             elif n == 2:
                 k.append(1.0 / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi))
             elif n > 2 and n % 2 == 0:
                 #c = 1.0 * np.math.factorial(np.math.factorial(n-3))**2 / np.sqrt(2*np.pi*np.math.factorial(n))
                 c = 1.0 * factorial2(n - 3)**2 / np.sqrt(
                     2 * np.pi * np.math.factorial(n))
             elif n >= 2 and n % 2 != 0:
     return k
Esempio n. 13
def _fast_isserli(powerlist, Sigma_x):
	Get higher order mixed centralized moments of a multivariate gaussian using isserlis theorem

	This is optimized by assuming the x_i to be independent

	:math:`E[(x-\mu_x)^{k_x} (y-\mu_y)^{k_y}] = E[(x-\mu_x)^{k_x}] \cdot E [(y-\mu_y)^{k_y}]` => no need for isserli

	:param powerlist: list of powers of the random variables of the multivariate normal
	:param Sigma_x: The covariance matrix
    from scipy.misc import factorial2

    if powerlist.sum() % 2 != 0:
        #Odd order
        return 0

    for power in powerlist:
        if power % 2 != 0:
            return 0

    part = 1.0
    for i, power in enumerate(powerlist):
        part *= Sigma_x[i][i]**(power / 2)
        part *= factorial2(power - 1, exact=True)

    return part
Esempio n. 14
def sph_i2n(n, z, terms=50):
    n = np.asarray(n, dtype=int)
    z = np.asarray(z)

    s1 = np.zeros(np.shape(n + z))
    for k in xrange(np.max(n + 1)):
        s = (-z**2/2)**k * factorial2(2*n - 2*k - 1)/factorial(k)
        s1[k <= n] += s[k <= n]

    s2 = np.zeros(s1.shape)
    for k in xrange(np.min(n + 1), terms):
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            s = (z**2/2)**k/(factorial(k) * factorial2(2*k - 2*n - 1))
        s2[k >= n + 1] += s[k >= n + 1]

    return (-1)**n * z**(n + 1) * s1 + z**(-n - 1) * s2
Esempio n. 15
def radon_transform_kb( y , kb_radius , kb_degree ):
    a = kb_radius
    m = int( kb_degree )
    y[y > kb_radius] = 0.0
    p = 2 * a * np.power( 2 , m ) * misc.factorial( m ) \
        / misc.factorial2( 2*m + 1 ) * ( 1 - ( y / a )**2 ) ** ( m + 0.5 )
    return p
Esempio n. 16
def generate_kernel(name, *args):
    if name == 'uniform':
        K = lambda x: np.array(np.array(1 / 2 *
                                        (np.abs(x) <= 1)).T, ndmin=2).prod(0)
    elif name == 'triangular':
        K = lambda x: np.array(np.array((1 - np.abs(x)) * (np.abs(x) <= 1)).T,
    elif name == 'epanechnikov':
        K = lambda x: np.array(np.array(3 / 4 * (1 - x**2) *
                                        (np.abs(x) <= 1)).T,
    elif name == 'normal':
        K = lambda x: np.array(np.array(1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(-x**2 /
    elif name == 'mvnormal':
        mu = args[0]
        sigma = args[1]
        s = multivariate_normal(mu, sigma)
        K = lambda x: s.pdf(x)
    elif name == 's-kernel':
        s-kernel of order r
        s = args[0]
        r = args[1]
        k_s = lambda x: np.array(factorial2(2*s+1)/(2**(s+1)*factorial(s))\
        K = lambda x: np.array(
            np.array(hansen_coefficient(s, r, x) * k_s(x)).T, ndmin=2).prod(0)
        print 'No such kernel found. Try another one.'
        K = ()
    return K
Esempio n. 17
def _fast_isserli(powerlist,Sigma_x):
	Get higher order mixed centralized moments of a multivariate gaussian using isserlis theorem

	This is optimized by assuming the x_i to be independent

	:math:`E[(x-\mu_x)^{k_x} (y-\mu_y)^{k_y}] = E[(x-\mu_x)^{k_x}] \cdot E [(y-\mu_y)^{k_y}]` => no need for isserli

	:param powerlist: list of powers of the random variables of the multivariate normal
	:param Sigma_x: The covariance matrix
	from scipy.misc import factorial2

	if powerlist.sum() % 2 != 0:
		#Odd order
		return 0

	for power in powerlist:
		if power % 2 != 0:
			return 0

	part = 1.0
	for i,power in enumerate(powerlist):
		part *= Sigma_x[i][i]**(power/2)
		part *= factorial2(power-1, exact=True)

	return part
Esempio n. 18
    def normalisation(self):
        """Calculates normalisation constant for the primitive gaussian and stores in self.normalisation once called.

        self.normalisation_memo : float

        if self.normalisation_memo is None:
            l, m, n = self.integral_exponents
            out1 = factorial2(2 * l - 1) * factorial2(2 * m -
                                                      1) * factorial2(2 * n -
            out2 = (pi / (2 * self.exponent))**(3 / 2)
            out3 = (4 * self.exponent)**(l + m + n)
            self.normalisation_memo = 1 / sqrt((out1 * out2) / out3)
        return self.normalisation_memo
Esempio n. 19
 def dlog_bessel_j(lmax, x):
     """Calculates logarithmic derivative of the spherical bessel functions
        It returns three quantities:
          (x*d/dx log(j_l(x)),  j_l(x), the product of the first two)
        for l up to lmax
        The last entry is important for singular cases: when x is zero of bessel function. In this case
        the logarithmic derivative is diverging while j*dlog(j(x))/dx is not
     if (fabs(x) < 1e-5):
         #return [(l, x**l/misc.factorial2(2*l+1), l*x**l/misc.factorial2(2*l+1)) for l in range(lmax+1)]
         return [(l, pow(x, l) / misc.factorial2(2 * l + 1),
                  l * pow(x, l) / misc.factorial2(2 * l + 1))
                 for l in range(lmax + 1)]
         (jls, djls) = special.sph_jn(
             lmax, x)  # all jl's and derivatives for l=[0,...lmax]
         return [(x * djls[l] / jls[l], jls[l], x * djls[l])
                 for l in range(lmax + 1)]
Esempio n. 20
def sph_yn(n, z, terms=25):
    n = np.asarray(n, dtype=int)
    z = np.asarray(z)

    s1 = np.zeros(np.shape(n + z), dtype=z.dtype)  # complex if z complex
    for k in xrange(np.max(n + 1)):
        s = (z**2 / 2)**k * factorial2(2 * n - 2 * k - 1) / factorial(k)
        s1[k <= n] += s[k <= n]

    s2 = np.zeros(np.shape(s1), dtype=z.dtype)
    for k in xrange(np.min(n + 1), terms):
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            # Where k < n + 1, we get 0 from the factorials.  This leads to a
            # division by zero, but the corresponding entries are not used.
            s = (-z**2 / 2)**k / (factorial(k) * factorial2(2 * k - 2 * n - 1))
        s2[k >= n + 1] += s[k >= n + 1]

    return -1 / z**(n + 1) * s1 + (-z)**(-n - 1) * s2
Esempio n. 21
def sph_yn(n, z, terms=25):
    n = np.asarray(n, dtype=int)
    z = np.asarray(z)

    s1 = np.zeros(np.shape(n + z), dtype=z.dtype) # complex if z complex
    for k in xrange(np.max(n + 1)):
        s = (z**2/2)**k * factorial2(2*n - 2*k - 1)/factorial(k)
        s1[k <= n] += s[k <= n]

    s2 = np.zeros(np.shape(s1), dtype=z.dtype)
    for k in xrange(np.min(n + 1), terms):
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            # Where k < n + 1, we get 0 from the factorials.  This leads to a
            # division by zero, but the corresponding entries are not used.
            s = (-z**2/2)**k/(factorial(k) * factorial2(2*k - 2*n - 1))
        s2[k >= n + 1] += s[k >= n + 1]

    return -1/z**(n + 1) * s1 + (-z)**(-n - 1) * s2
Esempio n. 22
def Nrun(basisset):
    # Normalize primitive functions
    for i in range(len(basisset)):
        for j in range(len(basisset[i][5])):
            a = basisset[i][5][j][1]
            l = basisset[i][5][j][3]
            m = basisset[i][5][j][4]
            n = basisset[i][5][j][5]

            part1 = (2.0 / math.pi)**(3.0 / 4.0)
            part2 = 2.0**(l + m + n) * a**(
                (2.0 * l + 2.0 * m + 2.0 * n + 3.0) / (4.0))
            part3 = math.sqrt(
                scm.factorial2(int(2 * l - 1)) *
                scm.factorial2(int(2 * m - 1)) *
                scm.factorial2(int(2 * n - 1)))
            basisset[i][5][j][0] = part1 * ((part2) / (part3))
    # Normalize contractions
    for k in range(len(basisset)):
        if len(basisset[k][5]) != 1:
            l = basisset[k][5][0][3]
            m = basisset[k][5][0][4]
            n = basisset[k][5][0][5]
            L = l+m+n
            factor = (np.pi**(3.0/2.0)*scm.factorial2(int(2*l-1))*scm.factorial2(int(2*m-1))*scm.factorial2(int(2*n-1)))/(2.0**L)
            sum = 0
            for i in range(len(basisset[k][5])):
                for j in range(len(basisset[k][5])):
                    alphai = basisset[k][5][i][1]
                    alphaj = basisset[k][5][j][1]
                    ai     = basisset[k][5][i][2]*basisset[k][5][i][0]
                    aj     = basisset[k][5][j][2]*basisset[k][5][j][0]
                    sum += ai*aj/((alphai+alphaj)**(L+3.0/2.0))
            Nc = (factor*sum)**(-1.0/2.0)
            for i in range(len(basisset[k][5])):
                basisset[k][5][i][0] *= Nc
    return basisset
Esempio n. 23
def sin_gauss_asy_series(t, delta2, N):
    Returns the asympototic expansion of the sine folded Gaussian with variance
    delta2, by taking the power series of sine up to degree N.

    S = 0
    delta = np.sqrt(delta2)
    for k in range(N + 1):
        S += (-1)**k * (t * delta)**(2 * k + 1) / misc.factorial2(2 * k + 1)

    return (np.sqrt(2 * pi))**-1 * S
Esempio n. 24
def shore_e0(radial_order, coeff):

    ind_mat = shore_index_matrix(radial_order)

    n_elem = ind_mat.shape[0]

    s0 = 0

    for n in range(n_elem):

        n1, n2, n3 = ind_mat[n]

        if (n1 % 2 == 0) and (n2 % 2 == 0) and (n3 % 2 == 0):

            num = (np.sqrt(factorial(n1) * factorial(n2) * factorial(n3)))
            den = factorial2(n1) *  factorial2(n2) * factorial2(n3)
            s0 += (num / np.float(den))  * coeff[n]
    return s0 
Esempio n. 25
def hsphere_vol(d):
	This function computes the volume of a d dimensional hypersphere, using Monte Carlo integration. It generates N random points within the smallest cube enclosing the
	sphere, then finds the number of points that lie within the hypersphere. The volume of the hypersphere is then the ratio of points withing the hypersphere and the
	number of random points generated, times the volume of the cube.

	param d: dimension of the hypersphere
    # Calculate the value of the gamma function based on whether d is even or odd.
    if (d % 2 == 0):
        gamma_fnc = factorial(d / 2.)
        gamma_fnc = np.sqrt(2) * factorial2(d - 2) / 2.**((d - 1) / 2.)

    # Calculate the volume of the hypershpere from the analytic formula and print to screen.
    analytic_vol = np.pi**(d / 2.) / (gamma_fnc)
    print "The volume obtained from the analytic formula is: " + str(
        analytic_vol) + "."

    # Estimate the volume with samples ranging from 10 to 10^7 in steps of powers of 10.
    for i in range(1, 8):
        N = 10**i
        cube_pts = []
        sphe_pts = 0

        # Generate N*d random points within the smallest hypercube containing the hypersphere. Hypersphere has radius 1, so the hypercube has sides of length 2.
        for j in range(0, N):
            for k in range(0, d):
                pt = (2 * random.random()) - 1

        cube_pts = np.reshape(np.asarray(cube_pts), (N, d))

        # Take each random point and calculate it's length, if it is less than 1, then add 1 to the count of points that lie in the hypersphere.
        for j in range(0, N):
            length = 0
            for k in range(0, d):
                length += cube_pts[j][k]**2

            if (length <= 1):
                sphe_pts += 1

        # Caclculate volume and uncertainties of hypersphere by multiplying the ratio of points in the hypersphere to the number of points in the hypercube by the
        # volume of the hypercube.
        sphe_vol = sphe_pts * (2.0**d) / N
        err = (2.0**d) * np.sqrt(
            (float(sphe_pts) / N - (float(sphe_pts) / N)**2) / N)

        # Print result to screen.
        print "Number of Samples: " + str(N) + ", Estimated Volume of " + str(
            d) + "D sphere: " + str(sphe_vol) + " +/- " + str(
                err) + ", Number of Points in Sphere: " + str(sphe_pts)
def lpKernel(N, freq):
# Lowpass filter 1D MAXFLAT kernel generator
# N is the filter half-size, must be odd
# freq is the normalised cutoff frequency
# Returns the filter kernel of size (2N+1)
	num = 2*N + 1
	result = np.zeros((num,1))
	for n in range(N+1):
		i = n+N
		im = N-n
		if (n==0):
			result[i] = freq
			p = n%2
			val = (sm.factorial2(N)**2 * np.pi**(p-1) * np.sin(n*np.pi*freq)) / ( 2**p * n * sm.factorial2(i) * sm.factorial2(im) )  
			result[i] = val
			result[im] = val
	return result/np.sum(result)
Esempio n. 27
 def gen_R_nl(n, l, nu):
     Generates a radial eigenfunction for the Spherical
     Harmonic Oscillator. Used to speed up calculations.
     norm = sp.sqrt(
                     2**(n + 2*l + 3)*factorial(n, exact=True)*
                     nu**l/factorial2(2*n + 2*l + 1, exact=True)
     laguerre = genlaguerre(n, l + .5)
     def R_nl(r):
         return norm * r**l * sp.exp(-nu * r**2) * laguerre(2*nu*r**2)
     return R_nl
Esempio n. 28
def sph_yn_v(n, z, terms=25):
    # Doesn't handle overflow errors properly
    n = int(n)
    s1 = 0
    for k in xrange(n + 1):
        s = (z**2 / 2)**k * factorial2(2 * n - 2 * k - 1) / factorial(k)
        if np.isnan(s) or np.isinf(s):
            s1 += s

    s2 = 0
    for k in xrange(n + 1, terms):
        s = (-z**2 / 2)**k / (factorial(k) * factorial2(2 * k - 2 * n - 1))
        if np.isnan(s) or np.isinf(s):
            s2 += s

        return -1 / z**(n + 1) * s1 + (-z)**(-n - 1) * s2
    except (OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError):
        return np.nan
Esempio n. 29
def gauss_moment(delta2, m):
    Returns the nth moment of the absolute Gaussian random variable 
    (divided by 2) with variance delta2.

    delta = np.sqrt(delta2)

    if m % 2 == 0:
        b = 1 / 2
        b = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * pi)

    return b * delta**m * misc.factorial2(m - 1)
Esempio n. 30
def sph_yn_v(n, z, terms=25):
    # Doesn't handle overflow errors properly
    n = int(n)
    s1 = 0
    for k in xrange(n + 1):
        s = (z**2/2)**k * factorial2(2*n - 2*k - 1)/factorial(k)
        if np.isnan(s) or np.isinf(s):
            s1 += s

    s2 = 0
    for k in xrange(n + 1, terms):
        s = (-z**2/2)**k/(factorial(k) * factorial2(2*k - 2*n - 1))
        if np.isnan(s) or np.isinf(s):
            s2 += s

        return -1/z**(n + 1) * s1 + (-z)**(-n - 1) * s2
    except (OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError):
        return np.nan
Esempio n. 31
    def gen_R_nl(n, l, nu):
        Generates a radial eigenfunction for the Spherical
        Harmonic Oscillator. Used to speed up calculations.
        norm = sp.sqrt(
            sp.sqrt(2 * nu**3 / sp.pi) * 2**(n + 2 * l + 3) *
            factorial(n, exact=True) * nu**l /
            factorial2(2 * n + 2 * l + 1, exact=True))
        laguerre = genlaguerre(n, l + .5)

        def R_nl(r):
            return norm * r**l * sp.exp(-nu * r**2) * laguerre(2 * nu * r**2)

        return R_nl
def lpKernel(N, freq):
    # Lowpass filter 1D MAXFLAT kernel generator
    # N is the filter half-size, must be odd
    # freq is the normalised cutoff frequency
    # Returns the filter kernel of size (2N+1)
    num = 2 * N + 1
    result = np.zeros((num, 1))
    for n in range(N + 1):
        i = n + N
        im = N - n
        if (n == 0):
            result[i] = freq
            p = n % 2
            val = (sm.factorial2(N)**2 * np.pi**(p - 1) *
                   np.sin(n * np.pi * freq)) / (2**p * n * sm.factorial2(i) *
            result[i] = val
            result[im] = val
    return result / np.sum(result)
Esempio n. 33
 def get_initializations(self, num_pol=5, copy_fun='relu'):
     k = []
     if copy_fun == 'relu':
         for n in range(num_pol):
             if n == 0:
                 k.append(1.0 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
             elif n == 1:
                 k.append(1.0 / 2)
             elif n == 2:
                 k.append(1.0 / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi))
             elif n > 2 and n % 2 == 0:
                 c = 1.0 * factorial2(n - 3)**2 / np.sqrt(
                     2 * np.pi * np.math.factorial(n))
             elif n >= 2 and n % 2 != 0:
     return k
Esempio n. 34
 def t_series(self, x):
     sum = 0.0
     pow2 = 1
     for t in xrange(self.n_t):
         dt = 2 * t
         pow2 <<= 1
         powX = 1.0
         powS = 1.0
         for i in xrange(dt):
             powX *= x
             powS *= self.s
         s = (self.plog[t] * powX) /\
             (fac.factorial2(dt, exact=True) * pow2 * powS)
         if((t % 2) == 0):
             sum += s
             sum -= s
     return sum
Esempio n. 35
def trig_power_gauss2(t, n, delta2, deg=2):
    Returns the analytic power series for the integral cos(tx)*x^(2k)*rho(x) or
    sin(tx)*x^(2k+1)*rho(x), where n = 2k or n = 2k+1, from 0 to L, up to degree

    S = 0
    delta = np.sqrt(delta2)
    k = math.ceil((n - 1) / 2)
    while (2 * k + 1 - n) <= deg:
        term = (-1)**k * t**(2 * k + 1 - n) * delta**(
            2 * k + 1) / misc.factorial2(2 * k + 1)
        term *= deriv_fac(2 * k + 1, n)
        S += term
        k += 1

    sign = (-1)**(math.floor(n / 2))
    return sign * (np.sqrt(2 * pi)**-1) * S
Esempio n. 36
def Plmc(x,m,maxk):
    Plm = zeros(maxk,dtype=float)
    Plm[0] = (-1)**m*factorial2(2*m-1)*sqrt((1-x**2)**m)
    Plm[1] = x*(2*m+1)*Plm[0]
      double xl = x;
      double Pm0 = Plm(0);
      double Pm1 = Plm(1);
      for (int l=m+1; l<m+maxk-1; l++){
          double c = l-m+1.;
          double beta = (2*l+1.)*xl/c;
          double gamma = (l+m)/c;
          double Pm2 = beta*Pm1-gamma*Pm0;
          Plm(l-m+1) = Pm2;
          Pm0 = Pm1;
          Pm1 = Pm2;
    weave.inline(codep, ['Plm', 'x', 'm', 'maxk'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, compiler = 'gcc')
    return Plm
Esempio n. 37
def print_opt_prim_gauss_cart(prim_gauss_sph,fullpath,atomlabel,l):
 #creating a dictionary of primitive cartesian gaussians from the fitted spherical gaussians
 import scipy.misc as spm
 # spherical to cartesian gaussians
 #l,m)  : [ (Nlm , [( c, lx,ly,lz)])
 s2c = {
 (0, 0) :  (1/4 , [( 1, 0, 0, 0)] ) ,
 (1,-1) :  (1/4 , [( 1, 0, 1, 0)] ) ,
 (1, 0) :  (1/4 , [( 1, 0, 0, 1)] ) ,
 (1, 1) :  (1/4 , [( 1, 1, 0, 0)] ) ,
 (2,-2) :  (1/4 , [( 1, 1, 1, 0)] ) ,
 (2,-1) :  (1/4 , [( 1, 0, 1, 1)] ) ,
 (2, 0) :  (  3 , [( 2, 0, 0, 2),
                   (-1, 2, 0, 0),
                   (-1, 0, 2, 0)] ) ,
 (2, 1) :  (1/4 , [( 1, 1, 0, 1)] ) ,
 (2, 2) :  (  1 , [( 1, 2, 0, 0),
                   (-1, 0, 2, 0)] ) }
 PCG = {}
 for m in range(-l,l+1):
  Nlm, mytuple = s2c[(l,m)]
  g_tuples = []
  for counter,(d,lx,ly,lz) in enumerate(mytuple):
   factor_lm = 1/4*np.sqrt(spm.factorial2(2*l+1)/np.pi/Nlm)
   for prim_g in prim_gauss_sph: 
    g_tuples = g_tuples + [(lx, ly, lz, d*prim_g[1]*factor_lm,prim_g[0])]
   dict_field= {(l,m) : g_tuples} 

 llabel = { 0 : 's', 1 : 'p', 2 : 'd' }
 fullname = fullpath+'/'+atomlabel+'.'+llabel[l]+'.py'
 f = open(fullname,'w+')
 #f.write(atomlabel+'.'+llabel[l]+ '=' + repr(PCG) + '\n' )
 f.write('cgto=' + repr(PCG) + '\n' )
Esempio n. 38
def Sxyz(a,b,aa,bb,Ra,Rb,R):
    Compute overlap integral between two unnormalized Cartesian gaussian functions along one direction.

        A: Angular momentum along the chosen direction for Gaussian 1
        B: Angular momentum along the chosen direction for Gaussian 2
        AA: Exponential coefficient for Gaussian 1
        BB: Exponential coefficient for Gaussian 2
        RA: Coordinate (along chosen direction) of the center of Gaussian 1
        RB: Coordinate (along chosen direction) of the center of Gaussian 2
        R: Coordinate (along chosen direction) of the center of the product of the two gaussians
        S: Overlap of the two gaussians along the chosen direction

        The Mathematica Journal
        Evaluation of Gaussian Molecular Integrals
        I. Overlap Integrals
        Minhhuy Hô and Julio Manuel Hernández-Pérez

    S = 0

    for i in range(a+1):
        for j in range(b+1):
            if (i+j) % 2 == 0:
                tmp = misc.comb(a,i,exact=True)
                tmp *= misc.comb(b,j,exact=True)
                tmp *= misc.factorial2(i + j - 1,exact=True)
                tmp /= (2.*(aa+bb))**((i+j)/2.)
                tmp *= (R-Ra)**(a-i)
                tmp *= (R-Rb)**(b-j)

                S += tmp

    return S
Esempio n. 39
def Sxyz(a, b, aa, bb, Ra, Rb, R):
    Compute overlap integral between two unnormalized Cartesian gaussian functions along one direction.

        A: Angular momentum along the chosen direction for Gaussian 1
        B: Angular momentum along the chosen direction for Gaussian 2
        AA: Exponential coefficient for Gaussian 1
        BB: Exponential coefficient for Gaussian 2
        RA: Coordinate (along chosen direction) of the center of Gaussian 1
        RB: Coordinate (along chosen direction) of the center of Gaussian 2
        R: Coordinate (along chosen direction) of the center of the product of the two gaussians
        S: Overlap of the two gaussians along the chosen direction

        The Mathematica Journal
        Evaluation of Gaussian Molecular Integrals
        I. Overlap Integrals
        Minhhuy Hô and Julio Manuel Hernández-Pérez

    S = 0

    for i in range(a + 1):
        for j in range(b + 1):
            if (i + j) % 2 == 0:
                tmp = misc.comb(a, i, exact=True)
                tmp *= misc.comb(b, j, exact=True)
                tmp *= misc.factorial2(i + j - 1, exact=True)
                tmp /= (2. * (aa + bb))**((i + j) / 2.)
                tmp *= (R - Ra)**(a - i)
                tmp *= (R - Rb)**(b - j)

                S += tmp

    return S
Esempio n. 40
def R_nl(n, l, nu, r):
    norm = sp.sqrt(
        sp.sqrt(2 * nu ** 3 / sp.pi) * 2 ** (n + 2 * l + 3) * factorial(n) * nu ** l / factorial2(2 * n + 2 * l + 1)
    lagge = genlaguerre(n, l + 0.5)(2 * nu * r ** 2)
    return norm * r ** l * sp.e ** (-nu * r ** 2) * lagge
Esempio n. 41
def tt(n,m):
 import numpy as np
 import scipy.misc as spm
 return tt_expression
def s_function(l_1, l_2, a, b, g):
    s = 0
    for j in range(((l_1 + l_2) // 2) + 1):
        s += binomial_coefficient(2 * j, l_1, l_2, a, b) * (factorial2(2 * j - 1) / (2 * g)**j)
    return s
Esempio n. 43
def fact_double(x):
    """Inputs x and outputs (2x-1)!!."""
    return misc.factorial2(2*x-1, exact=True)
    #  stop = 1 # odd n
    #for i in xrange(n, stop-1, -2):
    #  result *= i
    #return result
    result = 1
    for i in xrange(n, 0, -2):
        result *= i
    return result

# =====

print "\nBegin double factorial function demo \n"

n = 3
dfact = sm.factorial2(n)
print "Double factorial of " + str(n) + " using misc.factorial2() = "
print str(dfact)
print ""

n = 4
dfact = sm.factorial2(n)
print "Double factorial of " + str(n) + " using misc.factorial2() = "
print str(dfact)
print ""

n = 4
dfact = my_double_fact(n)
print "Double factorial of " + str(n) + " using my_double_fact() = "
print str(dfact)
print ""
Esempio n. 45
 def gamma_factorial(m, n):
     return factorial(n) * factorial2(2 * m + 2 * n - 3) / (
     2.0 ** (m + 1) * factorial(m + n - 3) * factorial2(2 * n - 1))
Esempio n. 46
        raise ValueError()

def generate(func, name, maxval, vals_per_row=3):
    n = 0
    table = ""
    for i in range(maxval + 1):
        val = func(i)
        table += "%25.17e" % val
        table += ", "
        n += 1
        if n == vals_per_row:
            n = 0
            table += "\n"
    table = "double %s[] = \n{%s};" % (name, table[1:-2])
    table = table.replace("               inf", "          INFINITY")
    return table

table = [None for i in range(6)]
table[0] = generate(np.sqrt, 'sqrt_int', 300)
table[1] = generate(lambda x: 1 / np.sqrt(x), 'invsqrt_int', 300)
table[2] = generate(lambda x: factorial(x, exact=True), 'factorial', 170)
table[3] = generate(lambda x: factorial2(x, exact=True),
                    'double_factorial', 300)
table[4] = generate(hfp, 'half_factorial_pos', 340)
table[5] = generate(hfn, 'half_factorial_neg', 340)

Esempio n. 47
def _norm_moment(n):
    # moments of N(0, 1)
    return (1 - n % 2) * factorial2(n - 1)
Esempio n. 48
def _norm_moment(n):
    # moments of N(0, 1)
    return (1 - n % 2) * factorial2(n - 1)
Esempio n. 49
 def ref_xfact(m):
     return factorial2(2*m-1)/np.sqrt(factorial(2*m))
Esempio n. 50
def Ewald_lattice_sum(l, m, crystal_type='sc', N=5, alpha=np.pi):
    Accelerated lattice sums using the Ewald method from S. Adler, Physica 27,
    pp 1193-1201 (1961), equation (25) on page 1200.
    assert l >= 2
    assert crystal_type in ['sc', 'bcc', 'fcc']

    if l == 2 and m == 0:
        if crystal_type == 'sc':
            return 2.*np.pi/3.
        elif crystal_type == 'bcc':
            return 4.*np.pi/3.
        elif crystal_type == 'fcc':
            return 8.*np.pi/3.
            raise ValueError('unsupported crystal type')
        # -- Spherical coordinates of the direct-space lattice points
        spherical_coordinatesj = lattice_point_spherical_coordinates(
                    a=1., crystal_type=crystal_type, N=N
        rj, thetaj, phij = spherical_coordinatesj.T
        angular_valuesj = Ylm(l, m, thetaj, phij)

        # -- Volume of the unit cell (used later on)
        if crystal_type == 'sc':
            V = 1.
        elif crystal_type == 'bcc':
            V = 1. / 2.
        elif crystal_type == 'fcc':
            V = 1. / 4.

        # -- Spherical coordinates of the reciprocal-space lattice points
        if crystal_type == 'bcc':
            spherical_coordinatesn = lattice_point_spherical_coordinates(
                        a=4.*np.pi, crystal_type='fcc', N=N
        elif crystal_type == 'fcc':
            spherical_coordinatesn = lattice_point_spherical_coordinates(
                        a=4.*np.pi, crystal_type='bcc', N=N
        elif crystal_type == 'sc':
            spherical_coordinatesn = lattice_point_spherical_coordinates(
                        a=2.*np.pi, crystal_type='sc', N=N
            raise ValueError('unsupported crystal type')
        gn, thetan, phin = spherical_coordinatesn.T
        angular_valuesn = Ylm(l, m, thetan, phin)

        # -- now computing the lattice sum in two terms. The first is a sum over
        # the direct-space lattice while the second is a sum over the
        # reciprocal-space lattice
        lattice_sumj = np.sum(
                    angular_valuesj * (1. / rj) ** (l+1) * \
                    (1. - gammainc(l+0.5, alpha*rj**2))
        lattice_sumn = (1j)**l * 4.*np.pi / V * np.sum(
                    angular_valuesn * gn**(l-2) * (1./factorial2(2*l-1,
                        exact=False)) * np.exp(-gn**2/(4.*alpha))
        lattice_sum_value = lattice_sumj + lattice_sumn

        return lattice_sum_value
Esempio n. 51
def s_function(l_1, l_2, a, b, g):
    s = 0
    for j in range(((l_1 + l_2) // 2) + 1):
        s += binomial_coefficient(2 * j, l_1, l_2, a, b) * (factorial2(2 * j - 1) / (2 * g)**j)
    return s
Esempio n. 52
def sph_jn(n, z, terms=50):
    s = sum((-z**2/2)**k/(factorial(k) * factorial2(2*n + 2*k + 1))
            for k in xrange(terms))
    return z**n * s
def factorial2(n):
    return misc.factorial2(n, exact=True)