Esempio n. 1
def lsa_solve_scipy(costs):
    """Solves the LSA problem using the scipy library."""

    from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment as scipy_solve

    # scipy (1.3.3) does not support nan or inf values
    finite_costs = add_expensive_edges(costs)
    rids, cids = scipy_solve(finite_costs)
    rids, cids = _exclude_missing_edges(costs, rids, cids)
    return rids, cids
Esempio n. 2
def lsa_solve_scipy(costs):
    """Solves the LSA problem using the scipy library."""

    from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment as scipy_solve

    # Note there is an issue in scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment where
    # it runs forever if an entire row/column is infinite or nan. We therefore
    # make a copy of the distance matrix and compute a safe value that indicates
    # 'cannot assign'. Also note + 1 is necessary in below inv-dist computation
    # to make invdist bigger than max dist in case max dist is zero.

    inv = ~np.isfinite(costs)
    if inv.any():
        costs = costs.copy()
        valid = costs[~inv]
        INVDIST = 2 * valid.max() + 1 if valid.shape[0] > 0 else 1.
        costs[inv] = INVDIST

    return scipy_solve(costs)