Esempio n. 1
def median_filter(Y, r=2):
    Simple median filter. 

      Y := the input image
      r := median filter "radius".  Filter will be 2*r+1 in width/height.
    # For now, assume a single 2d image (vs a stack)
    assert (len(Y.shape) == 2)
    assert (r >= 1)

    w = 2 * r + 1  # width of kernel

    # so we can run the filter on the interior and still be centered
    # on all pixels of Y.
    Ym = mirror_edges(Y, r)

    if True:
        # This is the built-in version
        return ST.medfilt2d(Ym, w)[r:-r, r:-r]
        # a hand-rolled implementation
        Z = numpy.zeros(Y.shape)
        for row in range(Z.shape[0]):
            for col in range(Z.shape[1]):
                tile = Ym[row:row + w, col:col + w]
                assert (tile.shape[0] == w)
                assert (tile.shape[1] == w)
                Z[row, col] = numpy.median(tile)

        assert (not numpy.any(numpy.isnan(Z)))
        return Z
Esempio n. 2
def median_filter(Y, r=2):
    Simple median filter. 

      Y := the input image
      r := median filter "radius".  Filter will be 2*r+1 in width/height.
    # For now, assume a single 2d image (vs a stack)
    assert(r >= 1)

    w = 2*r+1  # width of kernel
    # so we can run the filter on the interior and still be centered
    # on all pixels of Y.
    Ym = mirror_edges(Y,r)

    if True:
        # This is the built-in version
        return ST.medfilt2d(Ym,w)[r:-r, r:-r]
        # a hand-rolled implementation
        Z = numpy.zeros(Y.shape)
        for row in range(Z.shape[0]):
            for col in range(Z.shape[1]):
                tile = Ym[row:row+w, col:col+w]
                assert(tile.shape[0] == w); 
                assert(tile.shape[1] == w)
                Z[row,col] = numpy.median(tile)

        assert(not numpy.any(numpy.isnan(Z)))
        return Z
Esempio n. 3
def median_2d(data, kernel_size=3):

    if data.ndim != 2:
        sys.exit("Only for 2D data!")

    sx, sy = shape(data)
    k2 = int(kernel_size) / 2
    if 2 * k2 == kernel_size:
        sys.exit("Kernel size must be odd!")

    result = copy(data)
    for k in range(1, k2 + 1):
        result[k:sx - k, k:sy - k] = medfilt2d(data,
                                               kernel_size=2 * k + 1)[k:sx - k,
                                                                      k:sy - k]
    return result
    def run(self):
        """ Runs the acquisition loop.
        self.display('Processing started')
        fNames,numOfFiles =self.acquire()
        self.display("%d files are found " % numOfFiles)
        self.display("ittx is %d" % self.experiment.ittx)
        itt = self.experiment.ittx
        spc = self.experiment.spacing_X
        s2nm = self.experiment.S2N_Type
        s2n = self.experiment.S2N_Value
        sclt = self.experiment.scale
        outl = self.experiment.Outlier_Filter
        jump = self.experiment.jump
#        for fileind in range(0,numOfFiles,2):
        fileind = 0
        while not self.wants_abort and fileind < numOfFiles:
            a,b = read_pair_of_images(fNames[fileind],fNames[fileind+1],([0,0,0,0]),itt,spc)
            sx,sy = a.shape
            Nfft = 2*itt
            resRows = (sx-itt)/spc+1
            resCols = (sy-itt)/spc+1
            res = zeros((resRows*resCols,5))
            counter = 0
            k = 0
#            for k in r_[0:sx-itt+1:spc]:
            while not self.wants_abort and k <= (sx-itt+1):
                self.display("\n Working on %d pixel row "  % k)
                for m in r_[0:sy-itt+1:spc]:
#                    self.display(".")
                    a2 = a[k:k+itt,m:m+itt]
                    b2 = b[k:k+itt,m:m+itt]
                    c = cross_correlate(a2,b2,Nfft) 
                    [peak1,peak2,peakx,peaky] = find_displacement(c,s2nm) # find integer displacement
                    s2n = 1
                    [peakx,peaky,s2n] = sub_pixel_velocity(c,peakx,peaky,peak1,peak2,s2n,sclt,itt)
##              Scale the pixel displacement to the velocity
                    u = (itt-peaky)*sclt
                    v = (itt-peakx)*sclt
                    x = m+itt/2
                    y = k+itt/2
                    res[counter][:] = [x,y,u, v, s2n]
                    counter += 1
                k += spc

# Write unfiltered, raw data
            row,col = shape(res)
#            writer = csv.writer(file(fNames[fileind]+'_noflt.txt','w'),dialect='excel',delimiter='\t')
            savetxt(fNames[fileind][:-4]+'_noflt.txt',res,fmt='%4.3f',delimiter=' ')

#            for i in xrange(row):
#                writer.writerow(res[i][:])

        # Find outliers
            uMag = (res[:,2]**2 + res[:,3]**2)**0.5
            limit = mean(compress(uMag!=0,uMag))*outl
            filtres = res.copy()
            u = filtres[:,2].copy()
            v = filtres[:,3].copy()
            u = choose(uMag > limit,(u,0))
            v = choose(uMag > limit, (v,0))

        # Median filter
            tmpu = fabs(ravel(medfilt2d(reshape(u,(resRows,resCols)),3)))
            tmpv = fabs(ravel(medfilt2d(reshape(v,(resRows,resCols)),3)))
            uLimit = mean(take(tmpu,nonzero(tmpu!=0))) + 3*std(take(tmpu,nonzero(tmpu!=0)))
            vLimit = mean(take(tmpv,nonzero(tmpv!=0))) + 3*std(take(tmpv,nonzero(tmpv!=0)))
            u = where(greater(tmpu,uLimit),0,u)
            v = where(greater(tmpv,vLimit),0,v)
            filtres[:,2] = u.copy()
            filtres[:,3] = v.copy()
            savetxt(fNames[fileind][:-4]+'_flt.txt',filtres,fmt='%4.3f',delimiter=' ')
            ind = nonzero(logical_and(u == 0,v == 0))
            indLoop = 0
            while size(ind[0]) > 0: # Loop until no more "holes" are found
                indLoop += 1
                self.display("Interpolation loop %d " % indLoop)
                for i in ind[0]: # find a "hole" (zero), fill with an average of 5 x 5 neighbours
                    x2 = i/resCols
                    y2 = i - x2 * resCols
                    k = r_[maximum(2,x2)-2:minimum(resCols-3,x2)+2]
                    m = r_[maximum(2,y2)-2:minimum(resRows-3,y2)+2]
                    region = sub2ind(resRows,resCols,k,m)
                    tmpu = take(u,region)
                    tmpu = take(v,region)
                    u[i] = mean(tmpu)
                    v[i] = mean(tmpv)
                ind = nonzero(logical_and(u == 0,v == 0))
            filtres[:,2] = u
            filtres[:,3] = v
            savetxt(fNames[fileind][:-4]+'.txt',filtres,fmt='%4.3f',delimiter=' ')
            fileind += 2
        j += 4
    i += 4
error_map = np.zeros((row, col))
no_ep = 0
for i in range(row):
    for j in range(col):
        if ew[i][j] == sw[i][j]:
            error_map[i][j] = 0
            error_map[i][j] = 1
            no_ep += 1
m1 = float(float(no_ep) / float((n / 4) * (m / 4)))
#applying median filter
error_map = np.array(error_map, dtype='f')
if m1 <= 0.15:
    error_map = signaltools.medfilt2d(error_map, 3)
no_step = 0
sterror_map = error_map
mterror_map = error_map
for i in range(1, int(n / 4) - 1):
    count1 = 0
    count2 = 0
    if error_map[i - 1][0] == 1:
        count1 += 1
    if error_map[i - 1][1] == 1:
        count1 += 1
    if error_map[i][1] == 1:
        count1 += 1
    if error_map[i + 1][1] == 1:
        count1 += 1
    if error_map[i + 1][0] == 1: