def generateCorrelations(self,doDetrend=True): # auto correlation corefficient of u if doDetrend: ux=signal.detrend(self.ux()); uy=signal.detrend(; uz=signal.detrend(; umag=signal.detrend(self.Umag()); else: ux=self.ux();;; umag=self.Umag(); #ux=ux[-samples:-1] #uy=uy[-samples:-1] #uz=uz[-samples:-1]['r11'],['taur11'] = tt.xcorr_fft(ux, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r22'],['taur22'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uy, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r33'],['taur33'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uz, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r12'],['taur12'] = tt.xcorr_fft(ux,y=uy, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r13'],['taur13'] = tt.xcorr_fft(ux,y=uz, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r23'],['taur23'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uy,y=uz, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['rmag'],['taurmag'] = tt.xcorr_fft(umag, maxlags=None, norm='coeff') # auto correlation of u['R11'],['tauR11'] = tt.xcorr_fft(ux, maxlags=None, norm='biased')['R22'],['tauR22'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uy, maxlags=None, norm='biased')['R33'],['tauR33'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uz, maxlags=None, norm='biased')
def remt(st): ''' rmean and retrend ''' = detrend(, type='linear') = detrend(, type='constant') return st
def __init__(self, path): # convertir el archivo a objeto python self.doc2event(path) # @warning: se requieren convertir las matrices y los atributos que # tienen puntos a arrays y a atributos de estructuras respectivamenente #convertimos todos los sismos a campos de desplazamiento acelerometers_id = [76, 82, 118, 126, 146, 147] #transformar todo a campo de desplazamiento for s in self.seismograms: #guardar los datos crudos para analisis posteriores s.raw_data = # si es acelerometro if s.site_id in acelerometers_id: = sig.detrend(np.cumsum(sig.detrend(np.cumsum([ :,2:5], axis=0), axis=0), axis=0), axis=0) # si es velocimetro else: = sig.detrend(np.cumsum([:, 2:5], axis=0), axis=0) timevector = s.timevector = pd.DataFrame(, index = timevector) s.raw_data = pd.DataFrame(s.raw_data[:,2:5], index = timevector) pass
def slidingWindow(P,inX=3,outX=32,inY=3,outY=64,maxM=50,norm=True): """ Enhance the constrast Cut off extreme values and demean the image Utilize scipy convolve2d to get the mean at a given pixel Remove local mean with inner exclusion region Args: P: 2-d numpy array image inX: inner exclusion region in the x-dimension outX: length of the window in the x-dimension inY: inner exclusion region in the y-dimension outY: length of the window in the y-dimension maxM: size of the output image in the y-dimension norm: boolean to cut off extreme values Returns: Q: 2-d numpy contrast enhanced """ Q = P.copy() m, n = Q.shape Q = exposure.equalize_hist(Q.astype('Float32'), nbins = 65) Q = detrend(Q.astype('Float32'), axis = 1) Q = detrend(Q.astype('Float32'), axis = 0) Q = wiener(Q.astype('Float32'), 4) return Q[:maxM,:]
def phases_from_complex(wts, continuous=False, do_detrend=False): """Calculates phases from 1d or 2d wavelet/hilbert arrays, dim0 is time""" if len(wts.shape) == 1: #1d phasen = n.arctan2(wts.imag,wts.real) if not (continuous or do_detrend): return phasen else: phasen = make_phases_continuous(phasen) if do_detrend: phasen = detrend(phasen,axis=0) return phasen elif len(wts.shape) == 2: #2d phasen = n.arctan2(wts.imag,wts.real) if not (continuous or do_detrend): return phasen else: phasen = make_phases_continuous(phasen) if do_detrend: phasen = detrend(phasen,axis=0) return phasen else: raise ValueError("Only 1d and 2d arrays supported")
def preProcess(self, periodF0 = 0.06, deltaF_div_F0 = True, max_threshold = None, min_threshold = None, nan_to_zeros = True, detrend = False, #~ band_filter = None, gaussian_filter = None, f1 = None, f2 = None, **kargs): images = self.images if deltaF_div_F0: ind = self.t()<=self.t_start+periodF0 m0 = mean(images[ind,:,:] , axis = 0) images = (images-m0)/m0*1000. if max_threshold is not None: #~ images[images>max_threshold] = max_threshold images[images>max_threshold] = nan if min_threshold is not None: #~ images[images<min_threshold] = min_threshold images[images<min_threshold] = nan if nan_to_zeros: images[isnan(images) ] = 0. if detrend and not nan_to_zeros: m = any(isnan(images) , axis = 0) images[isnan(images) ] = 0. images = signal.detrend( images , axis = 0) images[:,m] = nan elif detrend and nan_to_zeros: images = signal.detrend( images , axis = 0) if gaussian_filter is not None: images = ndimage.gaussian_filter( images , (0 , gaussian_filter , gaussian_filter)) if f1 is not None or f2 is not None: from ..computing.filter import fft_passband_filter if f1 is None: f1=0. if f2 is None: f1=inf nq = self.sampling_rate/2. images = fft_passband_filter(images, f_low = f1/nq , f_high = f2/nq , axis = 0) return images
def preprocess(matr, prepr, Fs, fc_min, fc_max, taper_fract): """ :type matr: numpy.ndarray :param matr: time series of used stations (dim: [number of samples, number of stations]) :type prepr: integer :param prepr: type of preprocessing. 0=None, 1=bandpass filter, 2=spectral whitening :type Fs: float :param Fs: sampling rate of data streams :type fc_min, fc_max: float :param fc_min, fc_max: corner frequencies used for preprocessing :type taper_fract: float :param taper_fract: percentage of frequency band which is tapered after spectral whitening :return: preprocessed data (dim: [number of samples, number of stations]) """ if prepr == 0: data = signal.detrend(matr, axis=0) elif prepr == 1: # generate frequency vector and butterworth filter b, a = signal.butter(4, np.array([fc_min, fc_max]) / Fs * 2, btype="bandpass") # filter data and normalize it by maximum energy data = signal.filtfilt(b, a, signal.detrend(matr, axis=0), axis=0) fact = np.sqrt([0], 1)), np.sum(data**2, axis=0).reshape((1, data.shape[1])))) data = np.divide(data, fact) elif prepr == 2: nfft = nearest_powof2(matr.shape[0]) Y = np.fft.fft(matr, n=nfft, axis=0) f = np.fft.fftfreq(nfft, 1./float(Fs)) # whiten: discard all amplitude information within range fc Y_white = np.zeros(Y.shape) J = np.where((f > fc_min) & (f < fc_max)) Y_white[J, :] = np.exp(1j * np.angle(Y[J, :])) # now taper within taper_fract deltaf = (fc_max - fc_min) * taper_fract Jdebut = np.where((f > fc_min) & (f < (fc_min + deltaf))) Jfin = np.where((f > (fc_max - deltaf)) & (f < fc_max)) for ii in range(Y.shape[1]): if len(Jdebut[0]) > 1: Y_white[Jdebut, ii] = np.multiply(Y_white[Jdebut, ii], np.sin(np.pi / 2 * np.arange(0, len(Jdebut[0])) / len(Jdebut[0]))**2) if len(Jfin[0]) > 1: Y_white[Jfin, ii] = np.multiply(Y_white[Jfin, ii], np.cos(np.pi / 2 * np.arange(0, len(Jfin[0])) / len(Jfin[0]))**2) # perform inverse fft to obtain time signal # data = 2*np.real(np.fft.ifft(Y_white, n=nfft, axis=0)) data = np.fft.ifft(Y_white, n=nfft, axis=0) # normalize it by maximum energy fact = np.sqrt([0], 1)), np.sum(data**2, axis=0).reshape((1, data.shape[1])))) data = np.divide(data, fact) return data
def generateStatistics(self,doDetrend=True): ''' Generates statistics and populates member variable data. Arguments: doDetrend: detrend data bevor sigbal processing Populates the "data" python dict with with the following keys: rii: [numpy.array of shape=(?)] Auto-correlation coefficent rii. For i=1,2,3 taurii: [numpy.array of shape=(?)] Time lags for rii. For i=1,2,3 Rii: [numpy.array of shape=(?)] Auto-correlation Rii. For i=1,2,3 tauRii: [numpy.array of shape=(?)] Time lags for Rii. For i=1,2,3 uifrq: [numpy.array of shape=(?)] u1 in frequency domain. For i=1,2,3 uiamp: [numpy.array of shape=(?)] amplitude of u1 in frequency domain. For i=1,2,3 Seiifrq:[numpy.array of shape=(?)] Frequencies for energy spectrum Seii. For i=1,2,3 Seii: [numpy.array of shape=(?)] Energy spectrum Seii derived from Rii. For i=1,2,3 ''' # auto correlation corefficient of u if doDetrend: ux=signal.detrend(self.ux()); uy=signal.detrend(; uz=signal.detrend(; umag=signal.detrend(self.Umag()); else: ux=self.ux();;; umag=self.Umag(); #ux=ux[-samples:-1] #uy=uy[-samples:-1] #uz=uz[-samples:-1]['r11'],['taur11'] = tt.xcorr_fft(ux, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r22'],['taur22'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uy, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r33'],['taur33'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uz, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r12'],['taur12'] = tt.xcorr_fft(ux,y=uy, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r13'],['taur13'] = tt.xcorr_fft(ux,y=uz, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r23'],['taur23'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uy,y=uz, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['rmag'],['taurmag'] = tt.xcorr_fft(umag, maxlags=None, norm='coeff') # auto correlation of u['R11'],['tauR11'] = tt.xcorr_fft(ux, maxlags=None, norm='none')['R22'],['tauR22'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uy, maxlags=None, norm='none')['R33'],['tauR33'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uz, maxlags=None, norm='none') #u in frequency domain['u1frq'],['u1amp'] = tt.dofft(sig=ux,['frq'])['u2frq'],['u2amp'] = tt.dofft(sig=uy,['frq'])['u3frq'],['u3amp'] = tt.dofft(sig=uz,['frq']) #Time energy sectrum Se11 (mean: Rii in frequency domain...)['Se11frq'],['Se11'] = tt.dofft(['R11'],['frq'])['Se22frq'],['Se22'] = tt.dofft(['R22'],['frq'])['Se33frq'],['Se33'] = tt.dofft(['R33'],['frq'])
def ts_ft(data, name): data /= np.max(np.abs(data), axis=0) plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(ma.mean(ma.mean(data, 2), 1)) plt.axis('tight') plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(signal.detrend(ma.mean(ma.mean(data, 2), 1), axis=0)) plt.axis('tight') plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(np.log(np.fft.rfft(ma.mean(ma.mean(signal.detrend(data, axis=0), 2), 1)))[0:365]) plt.axis('tight') plt.savefig(FIGDIR+'time_freq_'+name+'.png') plt.close('all')
def summarize_timeseries(functional_path, masks_path, summary): if type(summary) is not dict: summary = {'method': summary} masks_img = [nb.load(mask_path) for mask_path in masks_path] mask = np.sum(np.array([ mask_img.get_data() for mask_img in masks_img ]), axis=0) > 0.0 if mask.sum() == 0: raise Exception( "The provided mask does not contains voxels. " "Please check if mask is being eroded and if the segmentation worked correctly." ) functional_img = nb.load(functional_path) masked_functional = functional_img.get_data()[mask] regressors = np.zeros(masked_functional.shape[-1]) if summary['method'] == 'Mean': regressors = masked_functional.mean(0) if summary['method'] == 'NormMean': masked_functional /= np.linalg.norm(masked_functional, 2) regressors = np.nan_to_num(masked_functional).mean(0) if summary['method'] == 'DetrendNormMean': masked_functional = \ signal.detrend(masked_functional, type='linear').T masked_functional /= np.linalg.norm(masked_functional, 2) regressors = np.nan_to_num(masked_functional).mean(0) if summary['method'] in ['DetrendPC', 'PC']: if summary['method'] == 'DetrendPC': Y = signal.detrend(masked_functional, type='linear').T else: Y = masked_functional.T Yc = Y - np.tile(Y.mean(0), (Y.shape[0], 1)) Yc = np.nan_to_num(Yc / np.tile(np.array(Y.std(0)).reshape(1,Y.shape[1]), (Y.shape[0],1))) U, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(Yc) regressors = U[:, 0:summary['components']] output_file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'summary_regressors.1D') np.savetxt(output_file_path, regressors, fmt='%.18f') return output_file_path
def standardize(X,stdtype='column'): """Standardizes a two dimensional input matrix X, by either row or column. Resulting matrix will have row or column mean 0 and row or column std. dev. equal to 1.0.""" if len(X.shape) > 2: print 'ERROR: standardize() not defines for matrices that are not two-dimenional' return if stdtype == 'column': F = signal.detrend(X,type='constant',axis=0) F = F/std(F,axis=0) else: F = signal.detrend(X.T,type='constant',axis=0) F = F/std(F,axis=0) F = F.T return F
def generateAutoCorrelations(self,doDetrend=True): # auto correlation corefficient of u if doDetrend: ux=signal.detrend(self.ux()); uy=signal.detrend(; uz=signal.detrend(; else: ux=self.ux();;;['r11'],['taur11'] = tt.xcorr_fft(ux, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r22'],['taur22'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uy, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')['r33'],['taur33'] = tt.xcorr_fft(uz, maxlags=None, norm='coeff')
def deriv2_of_horiz_bands(img, hband_size): """For each horizontal band in image, calculate second derivatives of pixel densities. Divide the image into horizontal bands with each band consisting of hband_size scanlines. For each band, sum the pixels in the vertical direction. Return the second difference of the summation in the corresponding result row, as well as the detrended sums divided by the standard deviation of the sums for each band. """ #FIXME: a partial band at the bottom of the image is ignored img_height, img_width = img.shape[:2] n_bands = img_height / hband_size d2 = np.empty((n_bands, img_width-2)) detr = np.empty((n_bands, img_width)) for sl_index in range(n_bands): window_top = sl_index*hband_size band = img[window_top:window_top+hband_size,...] sum_ = band.sum(axis=0) d2[sl_index,...] = np.diff(sum_, n=2) dd = -signal.detrend(sum_) detr[sl_index,...] = dd / dd.std() return np.pad(d2, ((0,0), (1,1)), 'edge'), detr
def enframe(x, win, inc): """ Splits the vector up into (overlapping) frames beginning at increments of inc. Each frame is multiplied by the window win(). The length of the frames is given by the length of the window win(). The centre of frame I is x((I-1)*inc+(length(win)+1)/2) for I=1,2,... :param x: signal to split in frames :param win: window multiplied to each frame, length determines frame length :param inc: increment to shift frames, in samples :return f: output matrix, each frame occupies one row :return length, no_win: length of each frame in samples, number of frames """ nx = len(x) nwin = len(win) if (nwin == 1): length = win else: # length = next_pow_2(nwin) length = nwin nf = int(fix((nx - length + inc) // inc)) # f = np.zeros((nf, length)) indf = inc * np.arange(nf) inds = np.arange(length) + 1 f = x[(np.transpose(np.vstack([indf] * length)) + np.vstack([inds] * nf)) - 1] if (nwin > 1): w = np.transpose(win) f = f * np.vstack([w] * nf) f = signal.detrend(f, type='constant') no_win, _ = f.shape return f, length, no_win
def decode_efm(): """ Decode EFM from STDIN, assuming it's a 28Mhz 8bit raw stream """ datao = np.fromstring(, dtype=np.uint8).astype(np.int16) datao = sps.detrend(datao, type='constant') # Remove DC datao = auto_gain(datao, 10000, 'pre-filter') # Expand before filtering, since we'll lose much of signal otherwise low_pass = sps.butter(4, 1.75 / FREQ_MHZ, btype='lowpass') # Low pass at 1.75 Mhz datao = sps.lfilter(low_pass[0], low_pass[1], datao) high_pass = sps.butter(4, 0.01333 / FREQ_MHZ, btype='highpass') # High pass at 13.333 khz datao = sps.lfilter(high_pass[0], high_pass[1], datao) # This is too slow, need to work out a way to do it in scipy de_emphasis_filter = biquad_filter(-1.8617006585639506, 0.8706642683920058, 0.947680874725466, -1.8659578411373265, 0.9187262110931641) datao = np.fromiter(run_filter(de_emphasis_filter, datao), np.int16) # De-emph - 26db below 500khz # Could tie edge_pll and run_filter together as generators, but we want to see the filter output bit_gen = edge_pll(datao, EFM_PIXEL_RATE) # This is a ultra-naive PLL that returns a bit-stream of 1 = edge, 0 = no-edge try: while 1: run_until_start_code(bit_gen) eat_three_bits(bit_gen) process_efm_frame(bit_gen, 31) # 31 14 bit EFM codes in a frame except StopIteration: printerr('Hit the end of the bitstream') datao = np.clip(datao, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) sys.stdout.write(datao.tostring())
def _iter_contrasts(n_subjects, factor_levels, effect_picks): """ Aux Function: Setup contrasts """ sc, sy, = [], [] # prepare computation of Kronecker products for n_levels in factor_levels: # for each factor append # 1) column vector of length == number of levels, # 2) square matrix with diagonal == number of levels # main + interaction effects for contrasts sc.append([np.ones([n_levels, 1]), detrend(np.eye(n_levels), type='constant')]) # main + interaction effects for component means sy.append([np.ones([n_levels, 1]) / n_levels, np.eye(n_levels)]) # XXX component means not returned at the moment for (c1, c2, c3) in defaults_twoway_rm['iter_contrasts'][effect_picks]: # c1 selects the first factors' level in the column vector # c3 selects the actual factor # c2 selects either its column vector or diag matrix c_ = np.kron(sc[0][c1], sc[c3][c2]) # for 3 way anova accumulation of c_ across factors required df1 = matrix_rank(c_) df2 = df1 * (n_subjects - 1) yield c_, df1, df2
def test_detrend_external_nd_0(self): x = np.arange(20, dtype=np.float64) + 0.04 x = x.reshape((2,1,10)) x = np.rollaxis(x, 2, 0) f, p = csd(x, x, nperseg=10, axis=0, detrend=lambda seg: signal.detrend(seg, axis=0, type='l')) assert_allclose(p, np.zeros_like(p), atol=1e-15)
def multitaper_spectrogram(data, spec_params): data = _change_row_to_column(data) fs = spec_params.fs nfft = spec_params.nfft nstep = spec_params.nstep shift = spec_params.shift nblocks = _get_nblocks(len(data), shift, nstep) nfreqs = spec_params.nfreqs if spec_params.trial_avg: Ch = data.shape[1] S = np.zeros((nblocks, nfreqs, Ch)) else: S = np.zeros((nblocks, nfreqs)) for idx in xrange(nblocks): datawin = signal.detrend( data[idx * nstep:idx * nstep + shift], type == 'constant') if idx < 2: N = len(datawin) taps = _dpsschk(spec_params.tapers, N, fs) J = _mtfftc(datawin, taps, nfft, fs)[ spec_params.findx, :] s = np.mean((np.multiply(np.conj(J), J)), axis=1).squeeze() if spec_params.trial_avg: s = np.mean(s, axis=1).squeeze() S[idx, :] = s spect = S.squeeze() return spect
def sources_to_nifti(CHECKPOINT, MASKMAT, BASENIFTI, ONAME, savepath, voxels, win): bnifti = load_image(BASENIFTI) mask = loadmat(MASKMAT)['mask'] model = np.load(CHECKPOINT) # Numpy array of sources from Infomax ICA for i in range(len(model)): # Goes component by component W = model[i,:].reshape([voxels,win]) f = zeros(len(mask)) idx = where(mask==1) data = zeros((bnifti.shape[0],bnifti.shape[1],bnifti.shape[2],W.shape[1])) f[idx[0].tolist()] = detrend(W)/std(W) for j in range(0,W.shape[1]): data[:,:,:,j] = reshape(f,(bnifti.shape[0],bnifti.shape[1],bnifti.shape[2] ), order='F') img = Image.from_image(bnifti,data=data) os.chdir(savepath) fn = ONAME + "%s.nii" % (str(i)) # Where result should be saved and under what name save_image(img,fn)
def detrend(A,args,params): """ Remove trend from data Remove the trend from the time series data in `A`. Several methods are \\ possible. The method is specified as the value of the `type` keyword in the argument dictionary `args`. Possible `types` of detrending: -`constant` or `demean`: substract mean of traces -`linear`: substract a least squares fitted linear trend form the data :type A: numpy.ndarray :param A: time series data with time oriented along the first \\ dimension (columns) :type args: dictionary :param args: the only used keyword is `type` :type params: dictionary :param params: not used here :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: detrended time series data """ # for compatibility with obspy if args['type'] == 'demean': args['type'] = 'constant' if args['type'] == 'detrend': args['type'] = 'linear' A = signal.detrend(A,axis=0,type=args['type']) return A
def _run_interface(self,runtime): """ linear detrending """ print("Linear detrending") print("=================") # Output from previous preprocessing step ref_path = self.inputs.in_file # Load data dataimg = nib.load( ref_path ) data = dataimg.get_data() tp = data.shape[3] # GLM: regress out nuisance covariates new_data_det = data.copy() gm = nib.load(self.inputs.gm_file[0]).get_data().astype( np.uint32 ) for index,value in np.ndenumerate( gm ): if value == 0: continue Ydet = signal.detrend(data[index[0],index[1],index[2],:].reshape(tp,1), axis=0) new_data_det[index[0],index[1],index[2],:] = Ydet[:,0] img = nib.Nifti1Image(new_data_det, dataimg.get_affine(), dataimg.get_header()), os.path.abspath('fMRI_detrending.nii.gz')) print("[ DONE ]") return runtime
def spec(T, axis=0): '''Combined detrending, windowing and real-valued FFT over axis. Usually, the FFT is preceded by a detrending and windowing to reduce edge effects. This function performs the detrending, windowing and real-valued FFT. Parameters ---------- T : ndarray Tensor containing data to be detrended. axis : int, optional Specifies the axis over which the spectrum is calculated. Returns ------- out: ndarray Array similar to `T` where the time dimension is replace with it's frequency spectrum. See also: --------- windows : extract windows from continuous data. spec_weight : filter in the frequency domain. ''' T = signal.detrend(T, axis=axis) win = np.hanning(T.shape[axis]) win.shape = (np.where(np.arange(T.ndim) == axis, -1, 1)) return np.fft.rfft(T * win, axis=axis)
def psd1d(hh = None,dx = 1.,tap = 0.05, detrend = True): hh = hh-numpy.mean(hh) nx = numpy.shape(hh)[0] if detrend: hh = signal.detrend(hh) if tap>0: ntaper = * nx + 0.5) taper = numpy.zeros(nx)+1. taper[:ntaper] = numpy.cos(numpy.arange(ntaper)/(ntaper-1.)*pi/2+3*pi/2) taper[-ntaper:] = numpy.cos(-numpy.arange(-ntaper+1,1)/(ntaper-1.)*pi/2+3*pi/2) hh = hh*taper ss = fft(hh) if nx % 2 != 0 : nx-=1 ff = numpy.arange(1,nx/2-1)/(nx*dx) PSD = 2*dx/(nx)*numpy.abs(ss[1:int(nx/2)-1])**2 return ff, PSD
def process_traces(self, s, h): """ Performs data processing operations on traces """ # remove linear trend s = _signal.detrend(s) # mute if PAR.MUTE: vel = PAR.MUTESLOPE off = PAR.MUTECONST inn = PAR.MUTEINNER # mute early arrivals s = smute(s, h, vel, off, inn, constant_spacing=False) # mute late arrivals vel = PAR.MUTESLOPE_BTM s = smutelow(s, h, vel, off, inn, constant_spacing=False) # filter data if PAR.FREQLO and PAR.FREQHI: s = sbandpass(s, h, PAR.FREQLO, PAR.FREQHI) # scale all traces by a single value (norm) if PAR.NORMALIZE_ALL: sum_norm = np.linalg.norm(s, ord=2) if sum_norm > 0: s /= sum_norm return s
def detrend4d(para): """docs Parameters ---------- para : Contributions ------------- Date : Author : Reviewer : """ intnorm_file = para[0][0] mask_file = para[0][1] imgseries = load(intnorm_file) mask = load(mask_file) voxel_timecourses = imgseries.get_data() m = np.nonzero(mask.get_data()) for a in range(len(m[1])): voxel_timecourses[m[0][a],m[1][a],m[2][a]] = detrend(voxel_timecourses[m[0][a],m[1][a],m[2][a]], type='linear') = voxel_timecourses outfile = para[0][0] + '_dt.nii.gz' imgseries.to_filename(outfile) return outfile
def smooth(X, tr=1.5, ub=0.10, lb=0.001): """Smooth columns in X. Parameters: ----------- X - a 2d array with features in cols tr - the repetition time or sampling (in seconds) ub - upper bound of the band pass (Hz/2*tr) lb - lower bound of the band pass (Hz/2*tr) Note: ---- Smoothing is a linear detrend followed by a bandpass filter from 0.0625-0.15 Hz """ # Linear detrend Xf = signal.detrend(X, axis=0, type="linear", bp=0) # Band pass ts = nt.TimeSeries(Xf.transpose(), sampling_interval=tr) Xf = nt.analysis.FilterAnalyzer(ts, ub=ub, lb=lb) ## ub and lb selected after some experimentation ## with the simiulated accumulator data ## ub=0.10, lb=0.001) Xf = Xf.transpose() ## TimeSeries assumes last axis is time, and we need ## the first axis to be time. return Xf
def test_dft_3d_dask(self, dask): """Test the discrete Fourier transform on 3D dask array data""" N=16 da = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(N,N,N), dims=['time','x','y'], coords={'time':range(N),'x':range(N), 'y':range(N)} ) if dask: da = da.chunk({'time': 1}) daft = xrft.dft(da, dim=['x','y'], shift=False) npt.assert_almost_equal(daft.values, np.fft.fftn(da.chunk({'time': 1}).values, axes=[1,2]) ) da = da.chunk({'x': 1}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): xrft.dft(da, dim=['x']) da = da.chunk({'time':N}) daft = xrft.dft(da, dim=['time'], shift=False, detrend='linear') da_prime = sps.detrend(da, axis=0) npt.assert_almost_equal(daft.values, np.fft.fftn(da_prime, axes=[0]) )
def calc_compcor_components(data, nComponents, wm_sigs, csf_sigs): import scipy.signal as signal wmcsf_sigs = np.vstack((wm_sigs, csf_sigs)).astype("float32") # filter out any voxels whose variance equals 0 print "Removing zero variance components" wmcsf_sigs = wmcsf_sigs[wmcsf_sigs.std(1) != 0, :] if wmcsf_sigs.shape.count(0): print "No wm or csf signals left after removing those with zero variance" raise IndexError print "Detrending and centering data" Y = signal.detrend(wmcsf_sigs, axis=1, type="linear").T Yc = Y - np.tile(Y.mean(0), (Y.shape[0], 1)) Yc = Yc / np.tile(np.array(Y.std(0)).reshape(1, Y.shape[1]), (Y.shape[0], 1)) print Yc.dtype print "Calculating SVD decomposition of Y*Y'" # U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(Yc) # U, S, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(Yc) U, S, Vh = scipy.sparse.linalg.svds(Yc) return U[:, :nComponents]
def __call__(self, tvec, acc, gyro, mag): # Get the inclination measurements horRef = np.cross(self.sagittalDir, self.vertRefDir) (tauK, yinc) = inclination(acc, self.vertRefDir, horRef, self.g, self.gThreshold) # Integrate the projected zero-mean gyro data w = detrend(, self.sagittalDir), type='constant') wint = cumtrapz(w, tvec) wint = np.insert(wint, 0, wint[0]) # translate the angle (add constant offset) to best match inclination # measurements # phi[tauK] = wint[tauK] + offset = yinc # 1*offset = yinc - wint[tauK] # offset = 1' * (yinc - wint[tauK])/len(tauK) phi = wint + np.mean(yinc - wint[tauK]) self.phi = phi self.yinc = np.column_stack( (tvec[tauK], yinc)) self.tvec = tvec self.gyrodta = gyro self.accdta = acc # Return a Quaternion array return [quat.QuaternionFromAxis(self.sagittalDir, phi_) for phi_ in self.phi]
def applyMeth(self, x, fMeth): """Apply the methods x : array signal fMeth : list of methods -> 3D array of the transform signal """ npts, ntrial = x.shape nFce = len(fMeth) xf = n.zeros((nFce, npts, ntrial)) # Detrend the signal : if self.dtrd: x = detrend(x, axis=0) # Apply methods : for k in range(0, nFce): # For each frequency in the tuple xf[k, ...] = fMeth[k](x) # Correction for the wavelet (due to the wavelet width): if (self.method == 'wavelet') and (self.wltCorr is not None): w = 3*self.wltWidth xf[:, 0:w, :] = xf[:, w+1:2*w+1, :] xf[:, npts-w:npts, :] = xf[:, npts-2*w-1:npts-w-1, :] return xf
def main(parser): # print(bcolors.HEADER + "*** Conduction Velocity Analyzer ***" + bcolors.ENDC) # on windows cmd colors don't work print('\n***************************************') print('*** Conduction Velocity Analyzer ******') print('\n***************************************') # parse arguments args = parser.parse_args() txt_path = args.input_filepath[0] # extract filename and directory path filename = os.path.basename(txt_path) folderpath = os.path.dirname(txt_path) # extract experiment parameters from filename and print info to console burst, param = extract_info(filename, _print=True) # create excel file wb, sheet, out_path, n_col_sheet_block = prepare_excel_wb( folderpath, filename, burst, param) # read OM tracks values values = np.loadtxt(txt_path, dtype=np.float, usecols=(0, 1, 2)) param[pKeys.exp_duration] = values.shape[0] / param[pKeys.frame_rate] print("- Duration of record : {} ms".format(param[pKeys.exp_duration])) # split timing, roi1 (apex) and roi2 (base) values full_ms, full_apex, full_base = values[:, 0], values[:, 1], values[:, 2] ''' ===== [ START ANALISIS ] ===== - for each burst ''' for (i_burst, b) in enumerate(burst): print('\n\n********* Analyzing Burst at {}Hz *********'.format( b[bKeys.freq_stim])) # extract ramp ms = full_ms[b[bKeys.start_ms]:b[bKeys.stop_ms]] apex = full_apex[b[bKeys.start_ms]:b[bKeys.stop_ms]] base = full_base[b[bKeys.start_ms]:b[bKeys.stop_ms]] # plot_signals(apex, base, title="Ramp at {}Hz".format(b[keys.freq_stim])) # detrend signals apex_flat = sign.detrend(apex, type='linear') base_flat = sign.detrend(base, type='linear') # plot original and flattened # plot_signals(apex, base, title="Original Tracks") # plot_signals(apex_flat, base_flat, title="Detrended Tracks") # if selected, apply median filter and plot results if param[pKeys.rank] is not 0: apex_filt = sign.medfilt(apex_flat, kernel_size=param[pKeys.rank]) base_filt = sign.medfilt(base_flat, kernel_size=param[pKeys.rank]) # plot_signals(apex_filt, base_filt, title="Filtered Tracks (rank = {})".format(param[keys.rank])) # ENSURE TO USE THE RIGHT SIGNAL (filtered or only flattened) (apex_sgn, base_sgn) = (apex_filt, base_filt) if param[pKeys.rank] is not 0 else (apex_flat, base_flat) ''' ===== [ FIND PEAKS, PERIODS and SELECT AP TO ANALYZE ] ===== ''' # find peaks - restituisce (x, y) dei picchi # -> io passo il segnale invertito (perchè usa il 'max') # impongo che i picchi siano distanti fra loro almeno più di 2/3 del periodo # e prendo solo la x (tempo): [0]-> prendi solo la x del picco a_peaks = sign.find_peaks(-apex_sgn, distance=(2 / 3) * b[bKeys.AP_duration])[0] b_peaks = sign.find_peaks(-base_sgn, distance=(2 / 3) * b[bKeys.AP_duration])[0] # plotto i segnali con picchi e durate dei periodi plot_signals_with_peaks([apex_sgn, base_sgn], [a_peaks, b_peaks], ['Apex', 'Base'], "Ramp at {}Hz".format(b[bKeys.freq_stim]), _enum_peaks=True, _plot_intervals=True, frame_rate=param[pKeys.frame_rate]) # stima durata di ogni AP da differenza picchi consecutivi nell'apice print("- Control of stimulation frequency in the apex signal... ") AP_periods = np.diff(a_peaks) / param[pKeys.frame_rate] freq_stim_estimated = 1 / np.mean(AP_periods / 1000) print("-- Stimulation Frequency obtained: {0:0.1f}Hz".format( freq_stim_estimated)) # user can select which potentials use to estimmate mean conduction velocity selection = input( "\n***AP selection to estimate mean current velocity.\n" " Insert AP indexex between spaces. Example:\n" " 0 2 3 5 7 8 9 [<- then press 'Enter'].\n" " Please, enter your selection here and the press 'Enter': \n") # extract selected indexes ap_selected_idx = selection.split(' ') print('- AP selected for Conduction Velocity Estimation: ') for l in ap_selected_idx: print(l, end='°, ') ''' ===== [ ANALYZE EACH ACTION POTENTIALS TO FIND DELAY APEX-BASE ] ===== ''' # USE INTERPOLATION AND CROSS-CORRELATION TO ESTIMATE DELAY # from selected AP potentials # Idea: per ogni picco, prendo l'intorno giusto per selezionare il potenziale d'azione, # interpolo, calcolo delay usando il picco della cross-correlazione e poi medio tutti i delay cv_list = list() # list of conduction velocity extracted for each AP # for each AP selected for (i_spike, spike_num) in enumerate( np.asarray(ap_selected_idx).astype( # calculate extremes of selected action potential signal t1, t2 =[bKeys.AP_duration] * spike_num), b[bKeys.AP_duration] * (spike_num + 1)) ms_sel = ms[t1:t2] # time base_sel = base_sgn[t1:t2] # base apex_sel = apex_sgn[t1:t2] # apex # interpolo i due segnali di fattore 0.2 (come su LabView) dt = 0.2 # calcolo funzione di interpolazione delle due tracce f_apex = interpolate.interp1d(ms_sel, apex_sel) f_base = interpolate.interp1d(ms_sel, base_sel) # creo nuovo asse temporale ms_res = np.arange(ms_sel[0], ms_sel[-1], dt) # resample signals using interpolation functions calculated above apex_res = f_apex(ms_res) base_res = f_base(ms_res) # estimate delay by cross-correlation max values delay_ms = lag_finder_in_ms(apex_res, base_res, 1000 / dt) # estimate and save conduction velocity cv = param[pKeys.ROI_distance_mm] / delay_ms cv_list.append(cv) # write spike_num and cv sheet.write(i_spike + 7, (i_burst * (n_col_sheet_block + 1)) + 1, "{}".format(int(spike_num))) sheet.write(i_spike + 7, (i_burst * (n_col_sheet_block + 1)) + 2, "{0:0.3f}".format(cv)) # estimate mean and std. error avg = np.mean(np.asarray(cv_list)) sem = stats.sem(np.asarray(cv_list)) # write mean and std. error into excel file sheet.write(17, (i_burst * (n_col_sheet_block + 1)) + 2, "{0:0.3f}".format(avg)) sheet.write(18, (i_burst * (n_col_sheet_block + 1)) + 2, "{0:0.3f}".format(sem)) # print results and average print("*** RESULTS:") print("- Conduction velocities in m/s:") for cv in cv_list: print("-- {0:0.3f} m/s".format(cv)) print("\n- Average Conduction velocity: ", end='') print("-- {0:0.3f} +- {1:0.3f} m/s".format(avg, sem)) # save excel file print('\nOutput saved in:') print(out_path) print( ' --------- Conduction Velocity Analyzer: Process finished. ---------\n' )
def _nuisanceRegression(subj, run, inputdata, outputdir, model='24pXaCompCorXVolterra', spikeReg=False, zscore=False, nproc=8): """ This function runs nuisance regression on the Glasser Parcels (360) on a single subjects run Will only regress out noise parameters given the model choice (see below for model options) Input parameters: subj : subject number as a string run : task run outputdir: Directory for GLM output, as an h5 file (each run will be contained within each h5) model : model choices for linear regression. Models include: 1. 24pXaCompCorXVolterra [default] Variant from Ciric et al. 2017. Includes (64 regressors total): - Movement parameters (6 directions; x, y, z displacement, and 3 rotations) and their derivatives, and their quadratics (24 regressors) - aCompCor (5 white matter and 5 ventricle components) and their derivatives, and their quadratics (40 regressors) 2. 18p (the legacy default) Includes (18 regressors total): - Movement parameters (6 directions) and their derivatives (12 regressors) - Global signal and its derivative (2 regressors) - White matter signal and its derivative (2 regressors) - Ventricles signal and its derivative (2 regressors) 3. 16pNoGSR (the legacy default, without GSR) Includes (16 regressors total): - Movement parameters (6 directions) and their derivatives (12 regressors) - White matter signal and its derivative (2 regressors) - Ventricles signal and its derivative (2 regressors) 4. 12pXaCompCor (Typical motion regression, but using CompCor (noGSR)) Includes (32 regressors total): - Movement parameters (6 directions) and their derivatives (12 regressors) - aCompCor (5 white matter and 5 ventricle components) and their derivatives (no quadratics; 20 regressors) 5. 36p (State-of-the-art, according to Ciric et al. 2017) Includes (36 regressors total - same as legacy, but with quadratics): - Movement parameters (6 directions) and their derivatives and quadratics (24 regressors) - Global signal and its derivative and both quadratics (4 regressors) - White matter signal and its derivative and both quadratics (4 regressors) - Ventricles signal and its derivative (4 regressors) spikeReg : spike regression (Satterthwaite et al. 2013) [True/False] Note, inclusion of this will add additional set of regressors, which is custom for each subject/run zscore : Normalize data (across time) prior to fitting regression nproc = number of processes to use via multiprocessing """ data = inputdata tMask = np.ones((data.shape[1], )) tMask[:framesToSkip] = 0 # Skip frames data = data[:, framesToSkip:] # Demean each run data = signal.detrend(data, axis=1, type='constant') # Detrend each run data = signal.detrend(data, axis=1, type='linear') tMask = np.asarray(tMask, dtype=bool) nROIs = data.shape[0] # Load nuisance regressors for this data h5f = h5py.File(nuis_reg_dir + subj + '_nuisanceRegressors.h5', 'r') if model == '24pXaCompCorXVolterra': # Motion parameters + derivatives motion_parameters = h5f[run]['motionParams'][:].copy() motion_parameters_deriv = h5f[run]['motionParams_deriv'][:].copy() # WM aCompCor + derivatives aCompCor_WM = h5f[run]['aCompCor_WM'][:].copy() aCompCor_WM_deriv = h5f[run]['aCompCor_WM_deriv'][:].copy() # Ventricles aCompCor + derivatives aCompCor_ventricles = h5f[run]['aCompCor_ventricles'][:].copy() aCompCor_ventricles_deriv = h5f[run][ 'aCompCor_ventricles_deriv'][:].copy() # Create nuisance regressors design matrix nuisanceRegressors = np.hstack( (motion_parameters, motion_parameters_deriv, aCompCor_WM, aCompCor_WM_deriv, aCompCor_ventricles, aCompCor_ventricles_deriv)) quadraticRegressors = nuisanceRegressors**2 nuisanceRegressors = np.hstack( (nuisanceRegressors, quadraticRegressors)) elif model == '18p': # Motion parameters + derivatives motion_parameters = h5f[run]['motionParams'][:].copy() motion_parameters_deriv = h5f[run]['motionParams_deriv'][:].copy() # Global signal + derivatives global_signal = h5f[run]['global_signal'][:].copy() global_signal_deriv = h5f[run]['global_signal_deriv'][:].copy() # white matter signal + derivatives wm_signal = h5f[run]['wm_signal'][:].copy() wm_signal_deriv = h5f[run]['wm_signal_deriv'][:].copy() # ventricle signal + derivatives ventricle_signal = h5f[run]['ventricle_signal'][:].copy() ventricle_signal_deriv = h5f[run]['ventricle_signal_deriv'][:].copy() # Create nuisance regressors design matrix tmp = np.vstack( (global_signal, global_signal_deriv, wm_signal, wm_signal_deriv, ventricle_signal, ventricle_signal_deriv )).T # Need to vstack, since these are 1d arrays nuisanceRegressors = np.hstack( (motion_parameters, motion_parameters_deriv, tmp)) elif model == '16pNoGSR': # Motion parameters + derivatives motion_parameters = h5f[run]['motionParams'][:].copy() motion_parameters_deriv = h5f[run]['motionParams_deriv'][:].copy() # white matter signal + derivatives wm_signal = h5f[run]['wm_signal'][:].copy() wm_signal_deriv = h5f[run]['wm_signal_deriv'][:].copy() # ventricle signal + derivatives ventricle_signal = h5f[run]['ventricle_signal'][:].copy() ventricle_signal_deriv = h5f[run]['ventricle_signal_deriv'][:].copy() # Create nuisance regressors design matrix tmp = np.vstack((wm_signal, wm_signal_deriv, ventricle_signal, ventricle_signal_deriv )).T # Need to vstack, since these are 1d arrays nuisanceRegressors = np.hstack( (motion_parameters, motion_parameters_deriv, tmp)) elif model == '12pXaCompCor': # Motion parameters + derivatives motion_parameters = h5f[run]['motionParams'][:].copy() motion_parameters_deriv = h5f[run]['motionParams_deriv'][:].copy() # WM aCompCor + derivatives aCompCor_WM = h5f[run]['aCompCor_WM'][:].copy() aCompCor_WM_deriv = h5f[run]['aCompCor_WM_deriv'][:].copy() # Ventricles aCompCor + derivatives aCompCor_ventricles = h5f[run]['aCompCor_ventricles'][:].copy() aCompCor_ventricles_deriv = h5f[run][ 'aCompCor_ventricles_deriv'][:].copy() # Create nuisance regressors design matrix nuisanceRegressors = np.hstack( (motion_parameters, motion_parameters_deriv, aCompCor_WM, aCompCor_WM_deriv, aCompCor_ventricles, aCompCor_ventricles_deriv)) elif model == '36p': # Motion parameters + derivatives motion_parameters = h5f[run]['motionParams'][:].copy() motion_parameters_deriv = h5f[run]['motionParams_deriv'][:].copy() # Global signal + derivatives global_signal = h5f[run]['global_signal'][:].copy() global_signal_deriv = h5f[run]['global_signal_deriv'][:].copy() # white matter signal + derivatives wm_signal = h5f[run]['wm_signal'][:].copy() wm_signal_deriv = h5f[run]['wm_signal_deriv'][:].copy() # ventricle signal + derivatives ventricle_signal = h5f[run]['ventricle_signal'][:].copy() ventricle_signal_deriv = h5f[run]['ventricle_signal_deriv'][:].copy() # Create nuisance regressors design matrix tmp = np.vstack( (global_signal, global_signal_deriv, wm_signal, wm_signal_deriv, ventricle_signal, ventricle_signal_deriv )).T # Need to vstack, since these are 1d arrays nuisanceRegressors = np.hstack( (motion_parameters, motion_parameters_deriv, tmp)) quadraticRegressors = nuisanceRegressors**2 nuisanceRegressors = np.hstack( (nuisanceRegressors, quadraticRegressors)) if spikeReg: # Obtain motion spikes try: motion_spikes = h5f[run]['motionSpikes'][:].copy() nuisanceRegressors = np.hstack((nuisanceRegressors, motion_spikes)) except: print 'Spike regression option was chosen... but no motion spikes for subj', subj, '| run', run, '!' # Update the model name - to keep track of different model types for output naming model = model + '_spikeReg' if zscore: model = model + '_zscore' h5f.close() # Skip first 5 frames of nuisanceRegressors, too nuisanceRegressors = nuisanceRegressors[framesToSkip:, :].copy() betas, resid = regression.regression(data.T, nuisanceRegressors, constant=True) betas = betas.T # Exclude nuisance regressors residual_ts = resid.T if zscore: residual_ts = stats.zscore(residual_ts, axis=1) outname1 = run + '/nuisanceReg_resid_' + model outname2 = run + '/nuisanceReg_betas_' + model outputfilename = outputdir + subj + '_glmOutput_data.h5' h5f = h5py.File(outputfilename, 'a') try: h5f.create_dataset(outname1, data=residual_ts) h5f.create_dataset(outname2, data=betas) except: del h5f[outname1], h5f[outname2] h5f.create_dataset(outname1, data=residual_ts) h5f.create_dataset(outname2, data=betas) h5f.close()
def linear_detrend(self): """Remove linear trend from `values`""" self.values = detrend(self.values, type="linear") self._setattr("proc_linear_detrend") return self
def _calc_norm_affine(affines, use_differences, brain_pts=None): """Calculates the maximum overall displacement of the midpoints of the faces of a cube due to translation and rotation. Parameters ---------- affines : list of [4 x 4] affine matrices use_differences : boolean brain_pts : [4 x n_points] of coordinates Returns ------- norm : at each time point displacement : euclidean distance (mm) of displacement at each coordinate """ if brain_pts is None: respos = np.diag([70, 70, 75]) resneg = np.diag([-70, -110, -45]) all_pts = np.vstack((np.hstack((respos, resneg)), np.ones((1, 6)))) displacement = None else: all_pts = brain_pts n_pts = all_pts.size - all_pts.shape[1] newpos = np.zeros((len(affines), n_pts)) if brain_pts is not None: displacement = np.zeros((len(affines), int(n_pts / 3))) for i, affine in enumerate(affines): newpos[i, :] =, all_pts)[0:3, :].ravel() if brain_pts is not None: displacement[i, :] = np.sqrt( np.sum( np.power( np.reshape(newpos[i, :], (3, all_pts.shape[1])) - all_pts[0:3, :], 2, ), axis=0, ) ) # np.savez('displacement.npz', newpos=newpos, pts=all_pts) normdata = np.zeros(len(affines)) if use_differences: newpos = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1, n_pts)), np.diff(newpos, n=1, axis=0)), axis=0 ) for i in range(newpos.shape[0]): normdata[i] = np.max( np.sqrt( np.sum( np.reshape( np.power(np.abs(newpos[i, :]), 2), (3, all_pts.shape[1]) ), axis=0, ) ) ) else: from scipy.signal import detrend newpos = np.abs(detrend(newpos, axis=0, type="constant")) normdata = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(newpos, 2), axis=1)) return normdata, displacement
def __demean_filter(self): # Compute the mean using a sliding window filtered = sig.detrend(self.__data_buffer) self.__data_buffer = filtered return
def update(): global specmax_curr, specmin_curr, specmax_hist, specmin_hist, fft_prev, fft_hist, redfreq, redwidth, bluefreq, bluewidth, counter, history # get last data last_index = ft_input.getHeader().nSamples begsample = (last_index - window) endsample = (last_index - 1) data = ft_input.getData([begsample, endsample]) if debug > 0: print("reading from sample %d to %d" % (begsample, endsample)) # demean and detrend data before filtering to reduce edge artefacts and center timecourse data = detrend(data, axis=0) # taper data taper = np.hanning(len(data)) data = data * taper[:, np.newaxis] # shift data to next sample history = np.roll(history, 1, axis=2) for ichan in range(numchannel): channr = int(chanarray[ichan]) # estimate FFT at current moment, apply some temporal smoothing fft_temp = abs(fft(data[:, channr])) fft_curr[ichan] = fft_temp * lrate + fft_prev[ichan] * (1 - lrate) fft_prev[ichan] = fft_curr[ichan] # update FFT history with current estimate history[ichan, :, numhistory - 1] = fft_temp fft_hist = np.nanmean(history, axis=2) # user-selected frequency band arguments_freqrange = patch.getfloat('arguments', 'freqrange', multiple=True) freqrange = np.greater(freqaxis, arguments_freqrange[0]) & np.less_equal( freqaxis, arguments_freqrange[1]) # update panels spect_curr[ichan].setData(freqaxis[freqrange], fft_curr[ichan][freqrange]) spect_hist[ichan].setData(freqaxis[freqrange], fft_hist[ichan][freqrange]) # adapt the vertical scale to the running mean of min/max specmax_curr[ichan] = float(specmax_curr[ichan]) * ( 1 - lrate) + lrate * max(fft_curr[ichan][freqrange]) specmin_curr[ichan] = float(specmin_curr[ichan]) * ( 1 - lrate) + lrate * min(fft_curr[ichan][freqrange]) specmax_hist[ichan] = float(specmax_hist[ichan]) * ( 1 - lrate) + lrate * max(fft_hist[ichan][freqrange]) specmin_hist[ichan] = float(specmin_hist[ichan]) * ( 1 - lrate) + lrate * min(fft_hist[ichan][freqrange]) freqplot_curr[ichan].setXRange(arguments_freqrange[0], arguments_freqrange[1]) freqplot_hist[ichan].setXRange(arguments_freqrange[0], arguments_freqrange[1]) freqplot_curr[ichan].setYRange(specmin_curr[ichan], specmax_curr[ichan]) freqplot_hist[ichan].setYRange(specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]) # update plotted lines redfreq = patch.getfloat('input', 'redfreq', default=10. / arguments_freqrange[1]) redfreq = EEGsynth.rescale(redfreq, slope=scale_red, offset=offset_red) * arguments_freqrange[1] redwidth = patch.getfloat('input', 'redwidth', default=1. / arguments_freqrange[1]) redwidth = EEGsynth.rescale(redwidth, slope=scale_red, offset=offset_red) * arguments_freqrange[1] bluefreq = patch.getfloat('input', 'bluefreq', default=20. / arguments_freqrange[1]) bluefreq = EEGsynth.rescale( bluefreq, slope=scale_blue, offset=offset_blue) * arguments_freqrange[1] bluewidth = patch.getfloat('input', 'bluewidth', default=4. / arguments_freqrange[1]) bluewidth = EEGsynth.rescale( bluewidth, slope=scale_blue, offset=offset_blue) * arguments_freqrange[1] if showred: redleft_curr[ichan].setData( x=[redfreq - redwidth, redfreq - redwidth], y=[specmin_curr[ichan], specmax_curr[ichan]]) redright_curr[ichan].setData( x=[redfreq + redwidth, redfreq + redwidth], y=[specmin_curr[ichan], specmax_curr[ichan]]) if showblue: blueleft_curr[ichan].setData( x=[bluefreq - bluewidth, bluefreq - bluewidth], y=[specmin_curr[ichan], specmax_curr[ichan]]) blueright_curr[ichan].setData( x=[bluefreq + bluewidth, bluefreq + bluewidth], y=[specmin_curr[ichan], specmax_curr[ichan]]) if showred: redleft_hist[ichan].setData( x=[redfreq - redwidth, redfreq - redwidth], y=[specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]]) redright_hist[ichan].setData( x=[redfreq + redwidth, redfreq + redwidth], y=[specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]]) if showblue: blueleft_hist[ichan].setData( x=[bluefreq - bluewidth, bluefreq - bluewidth], y=[specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]]) blueright_hist[ichan].setData( x=[bluefreq + bluewidth, bluefreq + bluewidth], y=[specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]]) # update labels at plotted lines if showred: text_redleft.setText('%0.1f' % (redfreq - redwidth)) text_redleft.setPos(redfreq - redwidth, specmax_curr[0]) text_redright.setText('%0.1f' % (redfreq + redwidth)) text_redright.setPos(redfreq + redwidth, specmax_curr[0]) else: text_redleft.setText("") text_redright.setText("") if showblue: text_blueleft.setText('%0.1f' % (bluefreq - bluewidth)) text_blueleft.setPos(bluefreq - bluewidth, specmax_curr[0]) text_blueright.setText('%0.1f' % (bluefreq + bluewidth)) text_blueright.setPos(bluefreq + bluewidth, specmax_curr[0]) else: text_blueleft.setText("") text_blueright.setText("") if showred: text_redleft_hist.setText('%0.1f' % (redfreq - redwidth)) text_redleft_hist.setPos(redfreq - redwidth, specmax_hist[0]) text_redright_hist.setText('%0.1f' % (redfreq + redwidth)) text_redright_hist.setPos(redfreq + redwidth, specmax_hist[0]) else: text_redleft_hist.setText("") text_redright_hist.setText("") if showblue: text_blueleft_hist.setText('%0.1f' % (bluefreq - bluewidth)) text_blueleft_hist.setPos(bluefreq - bluewidth, specmax_hist[0]) text_blueright_hist.setText('%0.1f' % (bluefreq + bluewidth)) text_blueright_hist.setPos(bluefreq + bluewidth, specmax_hist[0]) else: text_blueleft_hist.setText("") text_blueright_hist.setText("") key = "%s.%s.%s" % (prefix, 'redband', 'low') patch.setvalue(key, redfreq - redwidth) key = "%s.%s.%s" % (prefix, 'redband', 'high') patch.setvalue(key, redfreq + redwidth) key = "%s.%s.%s" % (prefix, 'blueband', 'low') patch.setvalue(key, bluefreq - bluewidth) key = "%s.%s.%s" % (prefix, 'blueband', 'high') patch.setvalue(key, bluefreq + bluewidth)
def compute_wavelets_tremor(lats, lons, radius_tremor, wavelet, J): """ """ # Read tremor files (A. Wech) data_2009 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2009-08-06T00 00 00-2009-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2009['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2009['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2010 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2010-01-01T00 00 00-2010-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2010['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2010['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2011 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2011-01-01T00 00 00-2011-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2011['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2011['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2012 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2012-01-01T00 00 00-2012-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2012['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2012['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2013 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2013-01-01T00 00 00-2013-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2013['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2013['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2014 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2014-01-01T00 00 00-2014-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2014['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2014['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2015 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2015-01-01T00 00 00-2015-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2015['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2015['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2016 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2016-01-01T00 00 00-2016-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2016['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2016['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2017 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2017-01-01T00 00 00-2017-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2017['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2017['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2018 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2018-01-01T00 00 00-2018-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2018['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2018['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2019 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2019-01-01T00 00 00-2019-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2019['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2019['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2020 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2020-01-01T00 00 00-2020-12-31T23 59 59.csv') data_2020['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2020['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data_2021 = pd.read_csv('../data/tremor/tremor_events-2021-01-01T00 00 00-2021-04-29T23 59 59.csv') data_2021['time '] = pd.to_datetime(data_2020['time '], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data = pd.concat([data_2009, data_2010, data_2011, data_2012, data_2013, \ data_2014, data_2015, data_2016, data_2017, data_2018, data_2019, \ data_2020, data_2021]) data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # To convert lat/lon into kilometers a = 6378.136 e = 0.006694470 # Time vector time = pickle.load(open('tmp/time.pkl', 'rb')) # Loop on latitude and longitude for index, (lat, lon) in enumerate(zip(lats, lons)): # Keep only tremor in a given radius dx = (pi / 180.0) * a * cos(lat * pi / 180.0) / sqrt(1.0 - e * e * \ sin(lat * pi / 180.0) * sin(lat * pi / 180.0)) dy = (3.6 * pi / 648.0) * a * (1.0 - e * e) / ((1.0 - e * e * \ sin(lat * pi / 180.0) * sin(lat * pi / 180.0)) ** 1.5) x = dx * (data['lon'] - lon) y = dy * (data['lat'] - lat) distance = np.sqrt(np.power(x, 2.0) + np.power(y, 2.0)) data['distance'] = distance tremor = data.loc[data['distance'] <= radius_tremor].copy() tremor.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Convert tremor time nt = len(tremor) time_tremor = np.zeros(nt) for i in range(0, nt): year = tremor['time '].loc[i].year month = tremor['time '].loc[i].month day = tremor['time '].loc[i].day hour = tremor['time '].loc[i].hour minute = tremor['time '].loc[i].minute second = tremor['time '].loc[i].second time_tremor[i] = date.ymdhms2day(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) # Interpolate tremor = np.interp(time, np.sort(time_tremor), (1.0 / nt) * np.arange(0, len(time_tremor))) # Start figure params = {'xtick.labelsize':24, 'ytick.labelsize':24} pylab.rcParams.update(params) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(60, 5 * (J + 3))) # First method: Detrending tremor_detrend = detrend(tremor) # MODWT (W, V) = pyramid(tremor_detrend, wavelet, J) (D, S) = get_DS(tremor_detrend, W, wavelet, J) # Save wavelets # pickle.dump([time, tremor_detrend, W, V, D, S], \ # open('tmp/tremor_' + str(index) + '.pkl', 'wb')) maxD = max([np.max(Dj) for Dj in D]) minD = min([np.min(Dj) for Dj in D]) # Plot data plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (J + 1, 0)) plt.plot(time, tremor_detrend, 'k', label='Data') plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) # Plot details for j in range(0, J): plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (J - j, 0)) plt.plot(time, D[j], 'k', label='D' + str(j + 1)) plt.ylim(minD, maxD) plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) # Plot smooth plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (0, 0)) plt.plot(time, S[J], 'k', label='S' + str(J)) plt.ylim(minD, maxD) plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) plt.title('Detrended data', fontsize=24) # Second method: Moving average (5 days) ma_filter = np.repeat(1, 5) / 5 tremor_averaged_5 = tremor[:-4] - np.convolve(tremor, ma_filter, 'valid') # MODWT (W, V) = pyramid(tremor_averaged_5, wavelet, J) (D, S) = get_DS(tremor_averaged_5, W, wavelet, J) maxD = max([np.max(Dj) for Dj in D]) minD = min([np.min(Dj) for Dj in D]) # Plot data plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (J + 1, 1)) plt.plot(time[:-4], tremor_averaged_5, 'k', label='Data') plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) # Plot details for j in range(0, J): plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (J - j, 1)) plt.plot(time[:-4], D[j], 'k', label='D' + str(j + 1)) plt.ylim(minD, maxD) plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) # Plot smooth plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (0, 1)) plt.plot(time[:-4], S[J], 'k', label='S' + str(J)) plt.ylim(minD, maxD) plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) plt.title('Moving average (5 days)', fontsize=24) # Second method: Moving average (15 days) ma_filter = np.repeat(1, 15) / 15 tremor_averaged_15 = tremor[:-14] - np.convolve(tremor, ma_filter, 'valid') # MODWT (W, V) = pyramid(tremor_averaged_15, wavelet, J) (D, S) = get_DS(tremor_averaged_15, W, wavelet, J) maxD = max([np.max(Dj) for Dj in D]) minD = min([np.min(Dj) for Dj in D]) # Plot data plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (J + 1, 2)) plt.plot(time[:-14], tremor_averaged_15, 'k', label='Data') plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) # Plot details for j in range(0, J): plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (J - j, 2)) plt.plot(time[:-14], D[j], 'k', label='D' + str(j + 1)) plt.ylim(minD, maxD) plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) # Plot smooth plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (0, 2)) plt.plot(time[:-14], S[J], 'k', label='S' + str(J)) plt.ylim(minD, maxD) plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) plt.title('Moving average (15 days)', fontsize=24) # Third method: Low-pass filter param1, param2 = butter(4, 0.1, btype='low') tremor_filtered = tremor - lfilter(param1, param2, tremor) # MODWT (W, V) = pyramid(tremor_filtered, wavelet, J) (D, S) = get_DS(tremor_filtered, W, wavelet, J) maxD = max([np.max(Dj) for Dj in D]) minD = min([np.min(Dj) for Dj in D]) # Plot data plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (J + 1, 3)) plt.plot(time, tremor_filtered, 'k', label='Data') plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) # Plot details for j in range(0, J): plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (J - j, 3)) plt.plot(time, D[j], 'k', label='D' + str(j + 1)) plt.ylim(minD, maxD) plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) # Plot smooth plt.subplot2grid((J + 2, 4), (0, 3)) plt.plot(time, S[J], 'k', label='S' + str(J)) plt.ylim(minD, maxD) plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=14) plt.title('Low-pass filter', fontsize=24) # Save figure plt.savefig('tremor_' + str(index) + '.pdf', format='pdf') plt.close(1) if __name__ == '__main__': station_file = '../data/PANGA/stations.txt' tremor_file = '../data/tremor/mbbp_cat_d_forHeidi' radius_GPS = 50 radius_tremor = 50 direction = 'lon' dataset = 'cleaned' wavelet = 'LA8' J = 8 slowness = np.arange(-0.1, 0.105, 0.005) lats = [47.20000, 47.30000, 47.40000, 47.50000, 47.60000, 47.70000, \ 47.80000, 47.90000, 48.00000, 48.10000, 48.20000, 48.30000, 48.40000, \ 48.50000, 48.60000, 48.70000] lons = [-122.74294, -122.73912, -122.75036, -122.77612, -122.81591, \ -122.86920, -122.93549, -123.01425, -123.10498, -123.20716, \ -123.32028, -123.44381, -123.57726, -123.72011, -123.87183, \ -124.03193] tmin_GPS = 2017.28 tmax_GPS = 2018.28 tmin_tremor = 2017.75 tmax_tremor = 2017.81 lonmin = -125.4 lonmax = -121.4 latmin = 46.3 latmax = 49.6 j = 4 compute_wavelets_tremor(lats, lons, radius_tremor, wavelet, J)
DS_tempg = xr.open_dataset("") da_tempg = DS_tempg.temperature_anomaly #local climate DS_cli = xr.open_dataset("") DS_cli = DS_cli.sel(time=slice('1981-01-01', '2012-12-31'), longitude=slice(-150, 0), latitude=slice(60, -60)) #US-shape da_cli_us = mask_shape_border(DS_cli, 'gadm36_USA_0.shp').t2m da_cli_us_mean = (da_cli_us.to_dataframe().groupby(['time' ]).mean()).to_xarray().t2m da_cli_us_mean = da_cli_us_mean - 273.15 #detrend mean_temp = da_cli_us_mean.mean() da_cli_us_det = xr.DataArray(signal.detrend(da_cli_us_mean, axis=0), dims=da_cli_us_mean.dims, coords=da_cli_us_mean.coords, attrs=da_cli_us_mean.attrs) + mean_temp # Climate for each month monthDict = { 1: 'Jan', 2: 'Feb', 3: 'Mar', 4: 'Apr', 5: 'May', 6: 'Jun', 7: 'Jul', 8: 'Aug', 9: 'Sep', 10: 'Oct',
from scipy import signal from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter, DayLocator, MonthLocator from scipy import optimize today = start = (today.year - 1, today.month, quotes = quotes_historical_yahoo("QQQ", start, today) quotes = np.array(quotes) dates = quotes.T[0] qqq = quotes.T[4] y = signal.detrend(qqq) alldays = DayLocator() months = MonthLocator() month_formatter = DateFormatter("%b %Y") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(alldays) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(month_formatter) amps = np.abs(fftpack.fftshift(fftpack.rfft(y))) amps[amps < amps.max()] = 0
def update(): global specmax, specmin, specmax_hist, specmin_hist, FFT_old, FFT_hist, redfreq, redwidth, bluefreq, bluewidth, counter, history # get last data last_index = ft_input.getHeader().nSamples begsample = (last_index - window) endsample = (last_index - 1) data = ft_input.getData([begsample, endsample]) print "reading from sample %d to %d" % (begsample, endsample) # demean and detrend data before filtering to reduce edge artefacts and center timecourse # data = data - np.sum(data, axis=0)/float(len(data)) data = detrend(data, axis=0) # Notch filter - DOES NOT WORK # data = notch_filter(data, 10, hdr_input.fSample, 30) # taper data taper = np.hanning(len(data)) data = data * taper[:, np.newaxis] # shift data to next sample history = np.roll(history, 1, axis=2) for ichan in range(numchannel): channr = int(chanarray[ichan]) # current FFT with smoothing FFT_temp = abs(fft(data[:, int(chanarray[ichan])])) FFT[ichan] = FFT_temp * lrate + FFT_old[ichan] * (1 - lrate) FFT_old[ichan] = FFT[ichan] # update history with current FFT history[ichan, :, numhistory - 1] = FFT_temp FFT_hist = np.nanmean(history, axis=2) # user-selected frequency band arguments_freqrange = patch.getstring('arguments', 'freqrange').split("-") arguments_freqrange = [float(s) for s in arguments_freqrange] freqrange = np.greater(freqaxis, arguments_freqrange[0]) & np.less_equal( freqaxis, arguments_freqrange[1]) # update panels spect[ichan].setData(freqaxis[freqrange], FFT[ichan][freqrange]) spect_hist[ichan].setData(freqaxis[freqrange], FFT_hist[ichan][freqrange]) # adapt the vertical scale to the running mean of max specmax[ichan] = float(specmax[ichan]) * (1 - lrate) + lrate * max( FFT[ichan][freqrange]) specmin[ichan] = float(specmin[ichan]) * (1 - lrate) + lrate * min( FFT[ichan][freqrange]) specmax_hist[ichan] = float(specmax_hist[ichan]) * ( 1 - lrate) + lrate * max(FFT_hist[ichan][freqrange]) specmin_hist[ichan] = float(specmin_hist[ichan]) * ( 1 - lrate) + lrate * min(FFT_hist[ichan][freqrange]) freqplot[ichan].setYRange(specmin[ichan], specmax[ichan]) freqplot_hist[ichan].setYRange(specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]) # update plotted lines redfreq = patch.getfloat('input', 'redfreq', default=10. / arguments_freqrange[1]) redfreq = EEGsynth.rescale(redfreq, slope=scalered, offset=offsetred) * arguments_freqrange[1] redwidth = patch.getfloat('input', 'redwidth', default=1. / arguments_freqrange[1]) redwidth = EEGsynth.rescale(redwidth, slope=scalered, offset=offsetred) * arguments_freqrange[1] bluefreq = patch.getfloat('input', 'bluefreq', default=20. / arguments_freqrange[1]) bluefreq = EEGsynth.rescale(bluefreq, slope=scaleblue, offset=offsetblue) * arguments_freqrange[1] bluewidth = patch.getfloat('input', 'bluewidth', default=4. / arguments_freqrange[1]) bluewidth = EEGsynth.rescale( bluewidth, slope=scaleblue, offset=offsetblue) * arguments_freqrange[1] redleft[ichan].setData(x=[redfreq - redwidth, redfreq - redwidth], y=[specmin[ichan], specmax[ichan]]) redright[ichan].setData(x=[redfreq + redwidth, redfreq + redwidth], y=[specmin[ichan], specmax[ichan]]) blueleft[ichan].setData(x=[bluefreq - bluewidth, bluefreq - bluewidth], y=[specmin[ichan], specmax[ichan]]) blueright[ichan].setData( x=[bluefreq + bluewidth, bluefreq + bluewidth], y=[specmin[ichan], specmax[ichan]]) redleft_hist[ichan].setData( x=[redfreq - redwidth, redfreq - redwidth], y=[specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]]) redright_hist[ichan].setData( x=[redfreq + redwidth, redfreq + redwidth], y=[specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]]) blueleft_hist[ichan].setData( x=[bluefreq - bluewidth, bluefreq - bluewidth], y=[specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]]) blueright_hist[ichan].setData( x=[bluefreq + bluewidth, bluefreq + bluewidth], y=[specmin_hist[ichan], specmax_hist[ichan]]) # update labels at plotted lines text_redleft.setText('%0.1f' % (redfreq - redwidth)) text_redleft.setPos(redfreq - redwidth, specmax[0]) text_redright.setText('%0.1f' % (redfreq + redwidth)) text_redright.setPos(redfreq + redwidth, specmax[0]) text_blueleft.setText('%0.1f' % (bluefreq - bluewidth)) text_blueleft.setPos(bluefreq - bluewidth, specmax[0]) text_blueright.setText('%0.1f' % (bluefreq + bluewidth)) text_blueright.setPos(bluefreq + bluewidth, specmax[0]) text_redleft_hist.setText('%0.1f' % (redfreq - redwidth)) text_redleft_hist.setPos(redfreq - redwidth, specmax_hist[0]) text_redright_hist.setText('%0.1f' % (redfreq + redwidth)) text_redright_hist.setPos(redfreq + redwidth, specmax_hist[0]) text_blueleft_hist.setText('%0.1f' % (bluefreq - bluewidth)) text_blueleft_hist.setPos(bluefreq - bluewidth, specmax_hist[0]) text_blueright_hist.setText('%0.1f' % (bluefreq + bluewidth)) text_blueright_hist.setPos(bluefreq + bluewidth, specmax_hist[0]) key = "%s.%s.%s" % (patch.getstring('output', 'prefix'), 'redband', 'low') r.set(key, redfreq - redwidth) key = "%s.%s.%s" % (patch.getstring('output', 'prefix'), 'redband', 'high') r.set(key, redfreq + redwidth) key = "%s.%s.%s" % (patch.getstring('output', 'prefix'), 'blueband', 'low') r.set(key, bluefreq - bluewidth) key = "%s.%s.%s" % (patch.getstring('output', 'prefix'), 'blueband', 'high') r.set(key, bluefreq + bluewidth)
def get_results(self): """Execute API calls to the timeseries data and tweet data we need for analysis. Perform analysis as we go because we often need results for next steps.""" ###################### # (1) Get the timeline ######################"retrieving timeline counts") results_timeseries = Results(self.user, self.password, self.stream_url, self.options.paged, self.options.output_file_path, pt_filter=self.options.filter, max_results=int(self.options.max), start=self.options.start, end=self.options.end, count_bucket=self.options.count_bucket, show_query=self.options.query) # sort by date res_timeseries = sorted(results_timeseries.get_time_series(), key=itemgetter(0)) # if we only have one activity, probably don't do all of this if len(res_timeseries) <= 1: raise ValueError( "You've only pulled {} Tweets. time series analysis isn't what you want." .format(len(res_timeseries))) # calculate total time interval span time_min_date = min(res_timeseries, key=itemgetter(2))[2] time_max_date = max(res_timeseries, key=itemgetter(2))[2] time_min = float(calendar.timegm(time_min_date.timetuple())) time_max = float(calendar.timegm(time_max_date.timetuple())) time_span = time_max - time_min logging.debug("time_min = {}, time_max = {}, time_span = {}".format( time_min, time_max, time_span)) # create a simple object to hold our data ts = TimeSeries() ts.dates = [] ts.x = [] ts.counts = [] # load and format data for i in res_timeseries: ts.dates.append(i[2]) ts.counts.append(float(i[1])) # create a independent variable in interval [0.0,1.0] ts.x.append((calendar.timegm( datetime.datetime.strptime(i[0], DATE_FMT).timetuple()) - time_min) / time_span)"read {} time items from search API".format(len( ts.dates))) if len(ts.dates) < 35: logging.warn( "peak detection with with fewer than ~35 points is unreliable!" ) logging.debug('dates: ' + ','.join(map(str, ts.dates[:10])) + "...") logging.debug('counts: ' + ','.join(map(str, ts.counts[:10])) + "...") logging.debug('indep var: ' + ','.join(map(str, ts.x[:10])) + "...") ###################### # (1.1) Get a second timeline? ###################### if self.options.second_filter is not None:"retrieving second timeline counts") results_timeseries = Results( self.user, self.password, self.stream_url, self.options.paged, self.options.output_file_path, pt_filter=self.options.second_filter, max_results=int(self.options.max), start=self.options.start, end=self.options.end, count_bucket=self.options.count_bucket, show_query=self.options.query) # sort by date second_res_timeseries = sorted( results_timeseries.get_time_series(), key=itemgetter(0)) if len(second_res_timeseries) != len(res_timeseries): logging.error("time series of different sizes not allowed") else: ts.second_counts = [] # load and format data for i in second_res_timeseries: ts.second_counts.append(float(i[1]))"read {} time items from search API".format( len(ts.second_counts))) logging.debug('second counts: ' + ','.join(map(str, ts.second_counts[:10])) + "...") ###################### # (2) Detrend and remove prominent period ######################"detrending timeline counts") no_trend = signal.detrend(np.array(ts.counts)) # determine period of data df = (ts.dates[1] - ts.dates[0]).total_seconds() if df == 86400: # day counts, average over week n_buckets = 7 n_avgs = {i: [] for i in range(n_buckets)} for t, c in zip(ts.dates, no_trend): n_avgs[t.weekday()].append(c) elif df == 3600: # hour counts, average over day n_buckets = 24 n_avgs = {i: [] for i in range(n_buckets)} for t, c in zip(ts.dates, no_trend): n_avgs[t.hour].append(c) elif df == 60: # minute counts; average over day n_buckets = 24 * 60 n_avgs = {i: [] for i in range(n_buckets)} for t, c in zip(ts.dates, no_trend): n_avgs[t.minute].append(c) else: sys.stderr.write("Weird interval problem! Exiting.\n") logging.error("Weird interval problem! Exiting.\n") sys.exit()"averaging over periods of {} buckets".format(n_buckets)) # remove upper outliers from averages df_avg_all = {i: np.average(n_avgs[i]) for i in range(n_buckets)} logging.debug("bucket averages: {}".format(','.join( map(str, [df_avg_all[i] for i in df_avg_all])))) n_avgs_remove_outliers = { i: [ j for j in n_avgs[i] if abs(j - df_avg_all[i]) / df_avg_all[i] < (1. + OUTLIER_FRAC) ] for i in range(n_buckets) } df_avg = { i: np.average(n_avgs_remove_outliers[i]) for i in range(n_buckets) } logging.debug("bucket averages w/o outliers: {}".format(','.join( map(str, [df_avg[i] for i in df_avg])))) # flatten cycle ts.counts_no_cycle_trend = np.array([ no_trend[i] - df_avg[ts.dates[i].hour] for i in range(len(ts.counts)) ]) logging.debug('no trend: ' + ','.join(map(str, ts.counts_no_cycle_trend[:10])) + "...") ###################### # (3) Moving average ###################### ts.moving = np.convolve(ts.counts, np.ones((N_MOVING, )) / N_MOVING, mode='valid') logging.debug('moving ({}): '.format(N_MOVING) + ','.join(map(str, ts.moving[:10])) + "...") ###################### # (4) Peak detection ###################### peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(ts.counts_no_cycle_trend, np.arange(MIN_PEAK_WIDTH, MAX_PEAK_WIDTH), min_snr=MIN_SNR) n_peaks = min(MAX_N_PEAKS, len(peakind)) logging.debug('peaks ({}): '.format(n_peaks) + ','.join(map(str, peakind))) logging.debug('peaks ({}): '.format(n_peaks) + ','.join(map(str, [ts.dates[i] for i in peakind]))) # top peaks determined by peak volume, better way? # peak detector algorithm: # * middle of peak (of unknown width) # * finds peaks up to MAX_PEAK_WIDTH wide # # algorithm for geting peak start, peak and end parameters: # find max, find fwhm, # find start, step past peak, keep track of volume and peak height, # stop at end of period or when timeseries turns upward peaks = [] for i in peakind: # find the first max in the possible window i_start = max(0, i - SEARCH_PEAK_WIDTH) i_finish = min(len(ts.counts) - 1, i + SEARCH_PEAK_WIDTH) p_max = max(ts.counts[i_start:i_finish]) h_max = p_max / 2. # i_max not center i_max = i_start + ts.counts[i_start:i_finish].index(p_max) i_start, i_finish = i_max, i_max # start at peak, and go back and forward to find start and end while i_start >= 1: if (ts.counts[i_start - 1] <= h_max or ts.counts[i_start - 1] >= ts.counts[i_start] or i_start - 1 <= 0): break i_start -= 1 while i_finish < len(ts.counts) - 1: if (ts.counts[i_finish + 1] <= h_max or ts.counts[i_finish + 1] >= ts.counts[i_finish] or i_finish + 1 >= len(ts.counts)): break i_finish += 1 # i is center of peak so balance window delta_i = max(1, i - i_start) if i_finish - i > delta_i: delta_i = i_finish - i # final est of start and finish i_finish = min(len(ts.counts) - 1, i + delta_i) i_start = max(0, i - delta_i) p_volume = sum(ts.counts[i_start:i_finish]) peaks.append([ i, p_volume, (i, i_start, i_max, i_finish, h_max, p_max, p_volume, ts.dates[i_start], ts.dates[i_max], ts.dates[i_finish]) ]) # top n_peaks by volume top_peaks = sorted(peaks, key=itemgetter(1))[-n_peaks:] # re-sort peaks by date ts.top_peaks = sorted(top_peaks, key=itemgetter(0)) logging.debug('top peaks ({}): '.format(len(ts.top_peaks)) + ','.join(map(str, ts.top_peaks[:4])) + "...") ###################### # (5) high/low frequency ###################### ts.cycle, ts.trend = sm.tsa.filters.hpfilter(np.array(ts.counts)) logging.debug('cycle: ' + ','.join(map(str, ts.cycle[:10])) + "...") logging.debug('trend: ' + ','.join(map(str, ts.trend[:10])) + "...") ###################### # (6) n-grams for top peaks ###################### ts.topics = [] if self.options.get_topics:"retrieving tweets for peak topics") for a in ts.top_peaks: # start at peak ds = datetime.datetime.strftime(a[2][8], DATE_FMT2) # estimate how long to get TWEET_SAMPLE tweets # a[1][5] is max tweets per period if a[2][5] > 0: est_periods = float(TWEET_SAMPLE) / a[2][5] else: logging.warn( "peak with zero max tweets ({}), setting est_periods to 1" .format(a)) est_periods = 1 # df comes from above, in seconds # time resolution is hours est_time = max(int(est_periods * df), 60) logging.debug("est_periods={}, est_time={}".format( est_periods, est_time)) # if a[2][8] + datetime.timedelta(seconds=est_time) < a[2][9]: de = datetime.datetime.strftime( a[2][8] + datetime.timedelta(seconds=est_time), DATE_FMT2) elif a[2][8] < a[2][9]: de = datetime.datetime.strftime(a[2][9], DATE_FMT2) else: de = datetime.datetime.strftime( a[2][8] + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60), DATE_FMT2) "retreive data for peak index={} in date range [{},{}]". format(a[0], ds, de)) res = Results(self.user, self.password, self.stream_url, self.options.paged, self.options.output_file_path, pt_filter=self.options.filter, max_results=int(self.options.max), start=ds, end=de, count_bucket=None, show_query=self.options.query, hard_max=TWEET_SAMPLE)"retrieved {} records".format(len(res))) n_grams_counts = list( res.get_top_grams(n=self.token_list_size)) ts.topics.append(n_grams_counts) logging.debug('n_grams for peak index={}: '.format(a[0]) + ','.join( map(str, [ i[4].encode("utf-8", "ignore") for i in n_grams_counts ][:10])) + "...") return ts
def absolute_sdm(obs_cube, mod_cube, sce_cubes, *args, **kwargs): """ apply absolute scaled distribution mapping to all scenario cubes assuming a normal distributed parameter Args: * obs_cube (:class:`iris.cube.Cube`): the observational data * mod_cube (:class:`iris.cube.Cube`): the model data at the reference period * sce_cubes (:class:`iris.cube.CubeList`): the scenario data that shall be corrected Kwargs: * cdf_threshold (float): limit of the cdf-values (default: .99999) """ from scipy.stats import norm from scipy.signal import detrend cdf_threshold = kwargs.get('cdf_threshold', .99999) obs_cube_mask = cell_iterator = np.nditer([0], flags=['multi_index']) while not cell_iterator.finished: index_list = list(cell_iterator.multi_index) cell_iterator.iternext() index_list.insert(0, 0) index = tuple(index_list) if obs_cube_mask.any() and obs_cube_mask[index]: continue index_list[0] = slice(0, None, 1) index = tuple(index_list) # consider only cells with valid observational data obs_data =[index] mod_data =[index] obs_len = len(obs_data) mod_len = len(mod_data) obs_mean = obs_data.mean() mod_mean = mod_data.mean() # detrend the data obs_detrended = detrend(obs_data) mod_detrended = detrend(mod_data) obs_norm = mod_norm = obs_cdf = norm.cdf(np.sort(obs_detrended), *obs_norm) mod_cdf = norm.cdf(np.sort(mod_detrended), *mod_norm) obs_cdf = np.maximum(np.minimum(obs_cdf, cdf_threshold), 1 - cdf_threshold) mod_cdf = np.maximum(np.minimum(mod_cdf, cdf_threshold), 1 - cdf_threshold) for sce_cube in sce_cubes: sce_data = sce_cube[index].data sce_len = len(sce_data) sce_mean = sce_data.mean() sce_detrended = detrend(sce_data) sce_diff = sce_data - sce_detrended sce_argsort = np.argsort(sce_detrended) sce_norm = sce_cdf = norm.cdf(np.sort(sce_detrended), *sce_norm) sce_cdf = np.maximum(np.minimum(sce_cdf, cdf_threshold), 1 - cdf_threshold) # interpolate cdf-values for obs and mod to the length of the # scenario obs_cdf_intpol = np.interp(np.linspace(1, obs_len, sce_len), np.linspace(1, obs_len, obs_len), obs_cdf) mod_cdf_intpol = np.interp(np.linspace(1, mod_len, sce_len), np.linspace(1, mod_len, mod_len), mod_cdf) # adapt the observation cdfs # split the tails of the cdfs around the center obs_cdf_shift = obs_cdf_intpol - .5 mod_cdf_shift = mod_cdf_intpol - .5 sce_cdf_shift = sce_cdf - .5 obs_inverse = 1. / (.5 - np.abs(obs_cdf_shift)) mod_inverse = 1. / (.5 - np.abs(mod_cdf_shift)) sce_inverse = 1. / (.5 - np.abs(sce_cdf_shift)) adapted_cdf = np.sign(obs_cdf_shift) * ( 1. - 1. / (obs_inverse * sce_inverse / mod_inverse)) adapted_cdf[adapted_cdf < 0] += 1. adapted_cdf = np.maximum(np.minimum(adapted_cdf, cdf_threshold), 1 - cdf_threshold) xvals = norm.ppf(np.sort(adapted_cdf), *obs_norm) \ + obs_norm[-1] / mod_norm[-1] \ * (norm.ppf(sce_cdf, *sce_norm) - norm.ppf(sce_cdf, *mod_norm)) xvals -= xvals.mean() xvals += obs_mean + (sce_mean - mod_mean) correction = np.zeros(sce_len) correction[sce_argsort] = xvals correction += sce_diff - sce_mean[index] = correction
#Load the silizon data fname = 'D:/Data/default_fname_%3d.fits' % si_num si_data = np.squeeze(fits.getdata(fname)) fname = 'D:/Data/default_fname_%3d.fits' % atm_num atm_data = np.squeeze(fits.getdata(fname)) c = 2.99792458e11 #[mm/s] F_max = c / (4 * dx * np.cos(12.2 * np.pi / 180) * np.cos(5.78 / 2. * np.pi / 180) * 1e12) #[THz] Fs = F_max / 2 * np.linspace(0, 1, 1598 / 2) trans = [] for i in range(40): si = detrend(si_data[:, i]) si_ind = np.argmax(np.abs(si)) si_nsteps = np.min((si_ind, len(si) - si_ind)) si = np.roll(si[si_ind - si_nsteps:si_ind + si_nsteps], si_nsteps) si_pos = np.roll(pos[si_ind - si_nsteps:si_ind + si_nsteps], si_nsteps) si_fft = np.fft.fft(si) si_phi = np.angle(si_fft) si_amplitude = np.abs(si_fft)**2 si_fft_corr = si_fft.real * np.cos(si_phi) + si_fft.imag * np.sin(si_phi) si_psd = np.abs(si_fft_corr[:len(si_fft) / 2])**2 #Load the atmosphere data atm = detrend(np.average(fits.getdata(fname), axis=(0, 2))) * scale_atm
def _detect_outliers_core(self, imgfile, motionfile, runidx, cwd=None): """ Core routine for detecting outliers """ from scipy import signal if not cwd: cwd = os.getcwd() # read in functional image if isinstance(imgfile, (str, bytes)): nim = load(imgfile, mmap=NUMPY_MMAP) elif isinstance(imgfile, list): if len(imgfile) == 1: nim = load(imgfile[0], mmap=NUMPY_MMAP) else: images = [load(f, mmap=NUMPY_MMAP) for f in imgfile] nim = funcs.concat_images(images) # compute global intensity signal (x, y, z, timepoints) = nim.shape data = nim.get_data() affine = nim.affine g = np.zeros((timepoints, 1)) masktype = self.inputs.mask_type if masktype == "spm_global": # spm_global like calculation iflogger.debug("art: using spm global") intersect_mask = self.inputs.intersect_mask if intersect_mask: mask = np.ones((x, y, z), dtype=bool) for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] # Use an SPM like approach mask_tmp = vol > (np.nanmean(vol) / self.inputs.global_threshold) mask = mask * mask_tmp for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] g[t0] = np.nanmean(vol[mask]) if len(find_indices(mask)) < (, y, z)) / 10): intersect_mask = False g = np.zeros((timepoints, 1)) if not intersect_mask:"not intersect_mask is True") mask = np.zeros((x, y, z, timepoints)) for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] mask_tmp = vol > (np.nanmean(vol) / self.inputs.global_threshold) mask[:, :, :, t0] = mask_tmp g[t0] = np.nansum(vol * mask_tmp) / np.nansum(mask_tmp) elif masktype == "file": # uses a mask image to determine intensity maskimg = load(self.inputs.mask_file, mmap=NUMPY_MMAP) mask = maskimg.get_data() affine = maskimg.affine mask = mask > 0.5 for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] g[t0] = np.nanmean(vol[mask]) elif masktype == "thresh": # uses a fixed signal threshold for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] mask = vol > self.inputs.mask_threshold g[t0] = np.nanmean(vol[mask]) else: mask = np.ones((x, y, z)) g = np.nanmean(data[mask > 0, :], 1) # compute normalized intensity values gz = signal.detrend(g, axis=0) # detrend the signal if self.inputs.use_differences[1]: gz = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, 1)), np.diff(gz, n=1, axis=0)), axis=0) gz = (gz - np.mean(gz)) / np.std(gz) # normalize the detrended signal iidx = find_indices(abs(gz) > self.inputs.zintensity_threshold) # read in motion parameters mc_in = np.loadtxt(motionfile) mc = deepcopy(mc_in) ( artifactfile, intensityfile, statsfile, normfile, plotfile, displacementfile, maskfile, ) = self._get_output_filenames(imgfile, cwd) mask_img = Nifti1Image(mask.astype(np.uint8), affine) mask_img.to_filename(maskfile) if self.inputs.use_norm: brain_pts = None if self.inputs.bound_by_brainmask: voxel_coords = np.nonzero(mask) coords = np.vstack( (voxel_coords[0], np.vstack((voxel_coords[1], voxel_coords[2]))) ).T brain_pts = affine, np.hstack((coords, np.ones((coords.shape[0], 1)))).T ) # calculate the norm of the motion parameters normval, displacement = _calc_norm( mc, self.inputs.use_differences[0], self.inputs.parameter_source, brain_pts=brain_pts, ) tidx = find_indices(normval > self.inputs.norm_threshold) ridx = find_indices(normval < 0) if displacement is not None: dmap = np.zeros((x, y, z, timepoints), dtype=np.float) for i in range(timepoints): dmap[ voxel_coords[0], voxel_coords[1], voxel_coords[2], i ] = displacement[i, :] dimg = Nifti1Image(dmap, affine) dimg.to_filename(displacementfile) else: if self.inputs.use_differences[0]: mc = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1, 6)), np.diff(mc_in, n=1, axis=0)), axis=0 ) traval = mc[:, 0:3] # translation parameters (mm) rotval = mc[:, 3:6] # rotation parameters (rad) tidx = find_indices( np.sum(abs(traval) > self.inputs.translation_threshold, 1) > 0 ) ridx = find_indices( np.sum(abs(rotval) > self.inputs.rotation_threshold, 1) > 0 ) outliers = np.unique(np.union1d(iidx, np.union1d(tidx, ridx))) # write output to outputfile np.savetxt(artifactfile, outliers, fmt=b"%d", delimiter=" ") np.savetxt(intensityfile, g, fmt=b"%.2f", delimiter=" ") if self.inputs.use_norm: np.savetxt(normfile, normval, fmt=b"%.4f", delimiter=" ") if isdefined(self.inputs.save_plot) and self.inputs.save_plot: import matplotlib matplotlib.use(config.get("execution", "matplotlib_backend")) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() if isdefined(self.inputs.use_norm) and self.inputs.use_norm: plt.subplot(211) else: plt.subplot(311) self._plot_outliers_with_wave(gz, iidx, "Intensity") if isdefined(self.inputs.use_norm) and self.inputs.use_norm: plt.subplot(212) self._plot_outliers_with_wave( normval, np.union1d(tidx, ridx), "Norm (mm)" ) else: diff = "" if self.inputs.use_differences[0]: diff = "diff" plt.subplot(312) self._plot_outliers_with_wave(traval, tidx, "Translation (mm)" + diff) plt.subplot(313) self._plot_outliers_with_wave(rotval, ridx, "Rotation (rad)" + diff) plt.savefig(plotfile) plt.close(fig) motion_outliers = np.union1d(tidx, ridx) stats = [ {"motion_file": motionfile, "functional_file": imgfile}, { "common_outliers": len(np.intersect1d(iidx, motion_outliers)), "intensity_outliers": len(np.setdiff1d(iidx, motion_outliers)), "motion_outliers": len(np.setdiff1d(motion_outliers, iidx)), }, { "motion": [ {"using differences": self.inputs.use_differences[0]}, { "mean": np.mean(mc_in, axis=0).tolist(), "min": np.min(mc_in, axis=0).tolist(), "max": np.max(mc_in, axis=0).tolist(), "std": np.std(mc_in, axis=0).tolist(), }, ] }, { "intensity": [ {"using differences": self.inputs.use_differences[1]}, { "mean": np.mean(gz, axis=0).tolist(), "min": np.min(gz, axis=0).tolist(), "max": np.max(gz, axis=0).tolist(), "std": np.std(gz, axis=0).tolist(), }, ] }, ] if self.inputs.use_norm: stats.insert( 3, { "motion_norm": { "mean": np.mean(normval, axis=0).tolist(), "min": np.min(normval, axis=0).tolist(), "max": np.max(normval, axis=0).tolist(), "std": np.std(normval, axis=0).tolist(), } }, ) save_json(statsfile, stats)
def calculate_complex_cross_coherence(time_series, epoch_length, segment_length, segment_shift, window_function, average_segments, subtract_epoch_average, zeropad, detrend_ts, max_freq, npat): """ # type: (TimeSeries, float, float, float, str, bool, bool, int, bool, float, float) -> ComplexCoherenceSpectrum Calculate the FFT, Cross Coherence and Complex Coherence of time_series broken into (possibly) epochs and segments of length `epoch_length` and `segment_length` respectively, filtered by `window_function`. Parameters __________ time_series : TimeSeries The timeseries for which the CrossCoherence and ComplexCoherence is to be computed. epoch_length : float In general for lengthy EEG recordings (~30 min), the timeseries are divided into equally sized segments (~ 20-40s). These contain the event that is to be characterized by means of the cross coherence. Additionally each epoch block will be further divided into segments to which the FFT will be applied. segment_length : float The segment length determines the frequency resolution of the resulting power spectra -- longer windows produce finer frequency resolution. segment_shift : float Time length by which neighboring segments are shifted. e.g. `segment shift` = `segment_length` / 2 means 50% overlapping segments. window_function : str Windowing functions can be applied before the FFT is performed. average_segments : bool Flag. If `True`, compute the mean Cross Spectrum across segments. subtract_epoch_average: bool Flag. If `True` and if the number of epochs is > 1, you can optionally subtract the mean across epochs before computing the complex coherence. zeropad : int Adds `n` zeros at the end of each segment and at the end of window_function. It is not yet functional. detrend_ts : bool Flag. If `True` removes linear trend along the time dimension before applying FFT. max_freq : float Maximum frequency points (e.g. 32., 64., 128.) represented in the output. Default is segment_length / 2 + 1. npat : float This attribute appears to be related to an input projection matrix... Which is not yet implemented. """ # self.time_series.trait["data"].log_debug(owner=cls_attr_name) tpts =[0] time_series_length = tpts * time_series.sample_period if len( > 2: time_series_data = numpy.squeeze( ( # Divide time-series into epochs, no overlapping if epoch_length > 0.0: nepochs = int(numpy.floor(time_series_length / epoch_length)) epoch_tpts = int(epoch_length / time_series.sample_period) time_series_length = epoch_length tpts = epoch_tpts else: epoch_length = time_series_length nepochs = int(numpy.ceil(time_series_length / epoch_length)) # Segment time-series, overlapping if necessary nseg = int(numpy.floor(time_series_length / segment_length)) if nseg > 1: seg_tpts = int(segment_length / time_series.sample_period) seg_shift_tpts = int(segment_shift / time_series.sample_period) nseg = int(numpy.floor((tpts - seg_tpts) / seg_shift_tpts) + 1) else: segment_length = time_series_length seg_tpts = time_series_data.shape[0] # Frequency nfreq = int( numpy.min([max_freq, numpy.floor((seg_tpts + zeropad) / 2.0) + 1])) resulted_shape, av_result_shape = complex_coherence_result_shape(, max_freq, epoch_length, segment_length, segment_shift, time_series.sample_period, zeropad, average_segments) cs = numpy.zeros(resulted_shape, dtype=numpy.complex128) av = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros(av_result_shape, dtype=numpy.complex128)) coh = numpy.zeros(resulted_shape, dtype=numpy.complex128) # Apply windowing function if window_function is not None: if window_function not in SUPPORTED_WINDOWING_FUNCTIONS: log.error("Windowing function is: %s" % window_function) log.error("Must be in: %s" % str(SUPPORTED_WINDOWING_FUNCTIONS)) window_func = eval("".join(("numpy.", window_function))) win = window_func(seg_tpts) window_mask = (numpy.kron(numpy.ones((time_series_data.shape[1], 1)), win)).T nave = 0 for j in numpy.arange(nepochs): data = time_series_data[j * epoch_tpts:(j + 1) * epoch_tpts, :] for i in numpy.arange(nseg): # average over all segments; ts = data[i * seg_shift_tpts:i * seg_shift_tpts + seg_tpts, :] if detrend_ts: ts = sp_signal.detrend(ts, axis=0) datalocfft = numpy.fft.fft(ts * window_mask, axis=0) datalocfft = numpy.matrix(datalocfft) for f in numpy.arange(nfreq): # for all frequencies if npat == 1: if not average_segments: cs[:, :, f, i] += numpy.conjugate( datalocfft[f, :].conj().T * datalocfft[f, :]) av[:, f, i] += numpy.conjugate(datalocfft[f, :].conj().T) else: cs[:, :, f] += numpy.conjugate( datalocfft[f, :].conj().T * datalocfft[f, :]) av[:, f] += numpy.conjugate(datalocfft[f, :].conj().T) else: if not average_segments: cs[:, :, f, j, i] = numpy.conjugate( datalocfft[f, :].conj().T * datalocfft[f, :]) av[:, f, j, i] = numpy.conjugate(datalocfft[f, :].conj().T) else: cs[:, :, f, j] += numpy.conjugate( datalocfft[f, :].conj().T * datalocfft[f, :]) av[:, f, j] += numpy.conjugate(datalocfft[f, :].conj().T) del datalocfft nave += 1.0 # End of FORs if not average_segments: cs = cs / nave av = av / nave else: nave = nave * nseg cs = cs / nave av = av / nave # Subtract average for f in numpy.arange(nfreq): if subtract_epoch_average: if npat == 1: if not average_segments: for i in numpy.arange(nseg): cs[:, :, f, i] = cs[:, :, f, i] - av[:, f, i] * av[:, f, i].conj().T else: cs[:, :, f] = cs[:, :, f] - av[:, f] * av[:, f].conj().T else: if not average_segments: for i in numpy.arange(nseg): for j in numpy.arange(nepochs): cs[:, :, f, j, i] = cs[:, :, f, j, i] - av[:, f, j, i] * av[:, f, j, i].conj().T else: for j in numpy.arange(nepochs): cs[:, :, f, j] = cs[:, :, f, j] - av[:, f, j] * av[:, f, j].conj().T # Compute Complex Coherence ndim = len(cs.shape) if ndim == 3: for i in numpy.arange(cs.shape[2]): temp = numpy.matrix(cs[:, :, i]) coh[:, :, i] = cs[:, :, i] / numpy.sqrt( temp.diagonal().conj().T * temp.diagonal()) elif ndim == 4: for i in numpy.arange(cs.shape[2]): for j in numpy.arange(cs.shape[3]): temp = numpy.matrix(numpy.squeeze(cs[:, :, i, j])) coh[:, :, i, j] = temp / numpy.sqrt( temp.diagonal().conj().T * temp.diagonal().T) log.debug("result") log.debug(narray_describe(cs)) spectra = spectral.ComplexCoherenceSpectrum( source=time_series, array_data=coh, cross_spectrum=cs, epoch_length=epoch_length, segment_length=segment_length, windowing_function=window_function) return spectra
lnm_cntrl = np.array(lnm)[::-1] lnm_per = np.array(x_lnm)[::-1] hr = / 3600.) mn = - hr * 3600) / 60.) sec = time_diff - hr * 3600 - mn * 60 print "Loaded ", hr, " hr ", mn, " min ", sec, " sec of waveform data." print "It will analyze ", total_win - 1, " windows of ", time_win, " sec length" ax = plt.gca() for i in xrange(total_win - 1): sys.stdout.write("Processing %d window\r" % (i)) sys.stdout.flush() amp = [] data_slice = 0 data_slice = station[0].slice(t_start + i * time_shift, t_start + (i * time_shift + time_win)).copy() data_slice = sg.detrend( num = np.size(data_slice) n_total = np.power(2, + 1) if num > 0: taper = np.hanning(np.size(data_slice)) data_slice = (data_slice - np.mean(data_slice)) * taper amp = np.fft.rfft(data_slice - np.mean(data_slice) * taper, n_total) num = n_total amp = amp[0:int(num / 2) + 1] * np.conjugate(amp[0:int(num / 2) + 1]) norm = 2.0 * station[0] / float(n_total) amp = np.abs(amp[0:int(num / 2) + 1]) * norm frq = np.fft.rfftfreq(n_total, station[0] frq = frq[0:int(num / 2) + 1] frq[1:] = 1. / frq[1:] frq[0] = time_win
def run(self, tf, dt, c1, c2): np.random.seed(62) """ Run a simulation """ n, m, k = self.n, self.m, self.k # Total simulation time simTime = int(tf / dt) # Returns the three synaptic connections kernels W12, W21, W22, delays = self.build_kernels() # Compute delays by dividing distances by axonal velocity delays12 = np.floor(delays[0] / c2) delays21 = np.floor(delays[1] / c1) delays22 = np.floor(delays[2] / c2) maxDelay = int( max(delays12[0].max(), delays21[0].max(), delays22[0].max())) # Set the initial conditions and the history self.initial_conditions(simTime) # Initialize the cortical and striatal inputs Cx = 0.5 Str = 0.4 # Presynaptic activities pre12, pre21, pre22 = np.empty((m, )), np.empty((m, )), np.empty((m, )) # Simulation for i in range(maxDelay, simTime): # Take into account the history of rate for each neuron according # to its axonal delay for idxi, ii in enumerate(range(m)): mysum = 0.0 for jj in range(k, n): mysum += (W12[ii, jj] * self.X2[i - delays12[ii, jj], jj]) * self.dx pre12[idxi] = mysum for idxi, ii in enumerate(range(k, n)): mysum = 0.0 for jj in range(0, m): mysum += (W21[ii, jj] * self.X1[i - delays21[ii, jj], jj]) * self.dx pre21[idxi] = mysum for idxi, ii in enumerate(range(k, n)): mysum = 0.0 for jj in range(k, n): mysum += (W22[ii, jj] * self.X2[i - delays22[ii, jj], jj]) * self.dx pre22[idxi] = mysum # Forward Euler step self.X1[i, :m] = ( self.X1[i - 1, :m] + (-self.X1[i - 1, :m] + self.S1(-pre12 + Cx)) * dt / self.tau1) self.X2[i, k:] = ( self.X2[i - 1, k:] + (-self.X2[i - 1, k:] + self.S2(pre21 - pre22 - Str)) * dt / self.tau2) dx = 1.0 / float(m) fr = self.X1.sum(axis=1) * dx / 1.0 signal = detrend(fr) windowed = signal * blackmanharris(len(signal)) f = rfft(windowed) i = np.argmax(np.abs(f)) # true_i = parabolic(np.log(np.abs(f)), i)[0] return i
utils.draw_face_roi(face_box,frame) t = np.arange(timestamps[0],timestamps[-1],1/fs) mean_colors_resampled = np.zeros((3,t.shape[0])) for color in [B,G,R]: resampled = np.interp(t,timestamps,np.array(mean_colors)[:,color]) mean_colors_resampled[color] = resampled # Perform chrominance method if mean_colors_resampled.shape[1] > window: col_c = np.zeros((3,window)) for col in [B,G,R]: col_stride = mean_colors_resampled[col,-window:]# select last samples y_ACDC = signal.detrend(col_stride/np.mean(col_stride)) col_c[col] = y_ACDC * skin_vec[col] X_chrom = col_c[R]-col_c[G] Y_chrom = col_c[R] + col_c[G] - 2* col_c[B] Xf = utils.bandpass_filter(X_chrom) Yf = utils.bandpass_filter(Y_chrom) Nx = np.std(Xf) Ny = np.std(Yf) alpha_CHROM = Nx/Ny x_stride = Xf - alpha_CHROM*Yf amplitude = np.abs( np.fft.fft(x_stride,window)[:int(window/2+1)]) normalized_amplitude = amplitude/amplitude.max() # Normalized Amplitude frequencies = np.linspace(0,fs/2,int(window/2) + 1) * 60
# Define the bed geometry h = bed_pick[line][1] bed_raw = elev - h bed = medfilt(bed_raw, 401) # RMS bed roughness ED1 = np.empty((len(bed), )) ED1[:] = np.nan for n in range(N, len(bed) - N + 1): z = bed[n - N:n + N] z = z[np.where(~np.isnan(z))] if len(z) <= 1: ED1[n] = np.nan else: z_ = detrend(z) total = 0. for i in range(len(z)): total += (z_[i])**2. ED1[n] = np.sqrt((1 / (len(z) - 1.)) * total) # Find the power reduction by Kirchoff theory g = 4 * np.pi * ED1 / lam b = (i0((g**2.) / 2.))**2. pn = np.exp(-(g**2.)) * b if line == 's5_pole_7_051': hold = 1. - pn[2723:3233] pn[2723:3233] = 1. - .1 * hold power = bed_pick[line][2]
tt1 = np.where(year_data == 1983)[0][0] tt2 = np.where(year_data == 2012)[0][-1] nYears = 2012 - 1983 + 1 # Generate predictor matrix for climate modes if sw_nomodes: # # ENSO (MEI index) # MEI = np.genfromtxt('../../data/modes/mei.combined.1871_2016') t_MEI, tmp, tmp, year_MEI, month_MEI, day_MEI, tmp = ecj.timevector( [1871, 1, 1], [2016, 12, 31]) year_MEI = year_MEI[day_MEI == 15] MEI = MEI[year_MEI >= yearStart] MEI = MEI - MEI.mean() MEI = signal.detrend(MEI) # Predictor matrix with lags Nl = 12 # Number of lead-lags which = [] X = np.zeros((len(MEI), 3 + 2 * Nl + 2)) X[:, 0] += 1 # Mean X[:, 1] = np.arange(len(MEI)) - np.arange(len(MEI)).mean() # Linear trend which.append('Mean') which.append('Trend') # Mode leads SST cnt = 1 for k in range(1, Nl + 1): cnt += 1 X[:-k, cnt] = MEI[k:] which.append('MEI') # 0-lag
def my_form_post(): shop_Id = request.form['shop_id'] week_No = request.form['week_no'] ShopID = int(shop_Id) WeekNo=int(week_No) # %matplotlib inline #plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20, 10)'ggplot') data_f = pd.read_csv('weekly sales and labour cost for all shops 2013 to 20177.csv') data = pd.read_csv('weekly sales and labour cost for all shops 2013 to 20177.csv',index_col='start_date', parse_dates=True) # shopID = input("Enter your shop id") shopID1 = ShopID # if shopID1<min(data.shop_id) or shopID1>max(data.shop_id): # print("Enter correct shop id number") # return select_model() WeekNo1=WeekNo data2 = data[['sales_id', 'shop_id', 'week_no', 'sales_amount', 'item_sold', 'transactions', 'total_tax', 'sales_status']] df1 = data2[data2.shop_id == shopID1] # input №1 df2 = df1[df1.sales_status != 0] df2.week_no.isnull().values.any() nulldetect = df1.week_no.isnull() nulldetect[nulldetect == True].index df2.week_no.loc[nulldetect == True] = 54 df2['week_no'] = df2.week_no - 2 if len(df2.week_no) > 51: dff = df2[['sales_amount']] data3 = dff.reset_index() data4 = data3 data5 = data4.rename(columns={'start_date': 'ds', 'sales_amount': 'y'}) data5.set_index('ds') data5 = data5.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).fillna(0) # y.plot() data5['y'] = np.log(data5['y']) data5.set_index('ds') model = Prophet() future = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=52, freq='w') forecast = model.predict(future) data5.set_index('ds', inplace=True) forecast.set_index('ds', inplace=True) viz_df = dff.join(forecast[['yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']], how='outer') viz_df['yhat_rescaled'] = np.exp(viz_df['yhat']) dff.index = pd.to_datetime(dff.index) # make sure our index as a datetime object connect_date = dff.index[-2] # select the 2nd to last date mask = (forecast.index > connect_date) predict_df = forecast.loc[mask] viz_df = dff.join(predict_df[['yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']], how='outer') viz_df['yhat_scaled'] = np.exp(viz_df['yhat']) ii = len(dff.sales_amount) - 1 viz_df.yhat_scaled[ii:] predicted_future_sales = pd.DataFrame(viz_df.yhat_scaled[ii:]) predicted_future_sales1 = predicted_future_sales.rename(columns={'yhat_scaled': 'future_sales'}) predicted_future_sales2 = predicted_future_sales1.reset_index() week_no = predicted_future_sales2['index'].dt.week future_sales = predicted_future_sales2['future_sales'] future_sales1 = round(future_sales, 2) start_date = predicted_future_sales2['index'] predict_data = {'future_sales': future_sales1, 'week_no': week_no, 'start_date': start_date} predict_data1 = pd.DataFrame(predict_data) predict_data2 = predict_data1.set_index('start_date') frames = [df2.sales_amount, predict_data2.future_sales] join = pd.concat(frames) detrend_sdata = signal.detrend(join) trend = join - detrend_sdata p2 = predict_data1.set_index('start_date') r = [] for jj in pd.DataFrame(df2.index.year.values).drop_duplicates().index.values: sale_year = df2.sales_amount[str(int(pd.DataFrame(df2.index.year).drop_duplicates().loc[jj]))].mean() r.append(sale_year) years = pd.DataFrame(df2.index.year).drop_duplicates().start_date.values holday = [] for t in years[0:len(years) - 1]: h = df2.sales_amount[df2.week_no >= 50][str(t)].mean() + df2.sales_amount[df2.week_no <= 3][str(int(t) + 1)].mean() holday.append(h / 2) year_last = p2.future_sales[p2.week_no >= 50][str(years[-1])].mean() + p2.future_sales[p2.week_no <= 3].mean() # 2018 holday.append(year_last / 2) N = len(r) Holiday_Means = holday All_Year_Means = r ind = np.arange(N) avg_sale=round(df2.sales_amount.mean(),2) maxSale=round(max(df2.sales_amount), 2) minSale=round(min(df2.sales_amount), 2) itemTrans=round((df2.item_sold / df2.transactions).mean(), 2) priceofitem=round((df2.sales_amount/df2.item_sold).mean(),2) avgitems=round(df2.item_sold.mean(), 2) best = pd.DataFrame(df2[['week_no', 'sales_amount']][(df2.sales_amount <= max(df2.sales_amount)) & (df2.sales_amount >= max(df2.sales_amount) - 2000)]) worst = pd.DataFrame(df2[['week_no', 'sales_amount']][(df2.sales_amount >= min(df2.sales_amount)) & (df2.sales_amount <= min(df2.sales_amount) + 1500)]) best1 = best.rename(columns={'week_no': 'Best Weeks', 'sales_amount': 'Sales'}) worst1 = worst.rename(columns={'week_no': 'Worst Weeks', 'sales_amount': 'Sales'}) result = pd.concat([best1, worst1], axis=1) # result.fillna(' ') # result['Date']=result.index.values result.insert(0, 'Date', result.index.values) result = result.fillna('-') fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 4)) ax1.plot(viz_df.sales_amount) ax1.plot(viz_df.yhat_scaled,color='green') ax1.plot(join.index, trend, color='blue', alpha=0.5, label='Trend') #ax1.plot(join.index, trend, color='blue', alpha=0.5, label='Trend') #ax1.fill_between(viz_df.index, np.exp(viz_df['yhat_upper']), np.exp(viz_df['yhat_lower']), alpha=0.5, #color='darkgray') ax1.set_title('Sales (Orange) vs Sales Forecast (Green) for shop ' + str(shopID1)) ax1.set_ylabel('Sales amount') ax1.set_xlabel('Dates') L = ax1.legend() # get the legend L.get_texts()[0].set_text('Actual Sales') # change the legend text for 1st plot L.get_texts()[1].set_text('Forecasted Sales') # change the legend text for 2nd plot graph = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig) fig, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 4)) bar_width = 0.4 opacity = 0.8 bar1 =, Holiday_Means, bar_width, opacity, label='Holidays') bar2 = + bar_width, All_Year_Means, bar_width, opacity, label='Avg sales per year') ticks = pd.DataFrame(df2.index.year).drop_duplicates().start_date.values ax2.set_ylabel('Sales_amount') ax2.set_title('Holiday weekly sales (Xmas & NY) vs Average weekly sales per year (shop #%s)' % shopID1) plt.xticks(ind+0.25,ticks) ax2.legend() graph1 = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig) fig.clf() f_sale=str(float(predict_data1.future_sales[predict_data1.week_no == WeekNo1].values[0])) f_date=str(predict_data1.start_date[predict_data1.week_no == WeekNo1].values[0])[0:10] n_week = WeekNo1 id_shop = shopID1 sale_mean=avg_sale max_sale=maxSale min_sale=minSale item_trans=itemTrans price_item=priceofitem avg_wk_itemsold=avgitems tab_week=result.to_html(index = False) else: a = df2[['sales_amount', 'shop_id', 'week_no', 'transactions', 'item_sold']] y = a.iloc[:, 0] x = a.iloc[:, 3:5] # print (df2) from sklearn import linear_model regr2 = linear_model.LinearRegression() X1 = x y1 = y, y1) y_predictions = regr2.predict(X1) y_predictions1 = pd.DataFrame(y_predictions) d = {'actual sales': y, 'predicted sales': y_predictions1} d1 = np.array(d) dates = pd.date_range(y.index[-1], periods=52, freq='W-MON', format='%Y-%m-%d') dates1 = pd.DataFrame(dates) mean_week_item = [] for i in dates.week: mean_item_sold = a.item_sold[a.week_no == i].mean() mean_week_item.append(mean_item_sold) mean_week_item1 = pd.DataFrame(mean_week_item) trans_week_item = [] for i1 in dates.week: mean_trans_sold = a.transactions[a.week_no == i1].mean() trans_week_item.append(mean_trans_sold) sales_week = [] for ii1 in dates.week: mean_sales_sold = a.sales_amount[a.week_no == ii1].mean() sales_week.append(mean_sales_sold) dd = {'date': dates, 'weeks_no': dates.week, 'sales': sales_week, 'mean_item': mean_week_item, 'mean_trans': trans_week_item} dd1 = pd.DataFrame(dd) dff1 = data_f[data_f.sales_status != 0] nulldetect = dff1.week_no.isnull() dff1.week_no.loc[nulldetect == True] = 54 dff1['week_no'] = dff1.week_no - 2 X_Cluster = dff1[['shop_id', 'sales_amount']] from sklearn.cluster import KMeans kmeans_model = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=8).fit(X_Cluster) y_hat = kmeans_model.labels_ # clusters cen = kmeans_model.cluster_centers_ y_hat1 = pd.DataFrame(y_hat) group_low_sales = X_Cluster[y_hat == 0] group_middle_sales = X_Cluster[y_hat == 2] group_high_sales = X_Cluster[y_hat == 1] fff = [] for j in X_Cluster.shop_id: dfdf = X_Cluster.sales_amount[X_Cluster.shop_id == j].mean() fff.append(dfdf) f3 = pd.DataFrame(X_Cluster.shop_id.drop_duplicates()) f4 = pd.DataFrame(fff) f5 = f4.drop_duplicates() f3['salle'] = f5.values # from sklearn.cluster import KMeans Xx2 = f3[['shop_id', 'salle']] kmeans_model2 = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=8).fit(Xx2) y_hat2 = kmeans_model2.labels_ # clusters cen2 = kmeans_model2.cluster_centers_ group_middle_sales2 = Xx2[y_hat2 == 0] group_high_sales2 = Xx2[y_hat2 == 2] group_low_sales2 = Xx2[y_hat2 == 1] nullweeks = dd1.weeks_no[dd1.mean_trans.isnull() == True] if (group_low_sales2.shop_id.values == shopID1).any() == True: cx = int(group_low_sales.sales_amount[group_low_sales.shop_id == shopID1].values.mean()) trt = group_low_sales[group_low_sales.sales_amount > cx - 3000] trt2 = trt[trt.sales_amount < cx + 3000] valid_cls = dff1[['sales_amount', 'item_sold', 'transactions', 'week_no']].loc[trt2.index.values] #print("Cluster of shop %s is low sales" % shopID1) elif (group_middle_sales2.shop_id.values == shopID1).any() == True: # valid_cls=dff1[['sales_amount','item_sold','transactions','week_no']].loc[group_middle_sales.shop_id.index.values] cx = int(group_middle_sales.sales_amount[group_middle_sales.shop_id == shopID1].values.mean()) trt = group_middle_sales[group_middle_sales.sales_amount > cx - 3000] trt2 = trt[trt.sales_amount < cx + 3000] valid_cls = dff1[['sales_amount', 'item_sold', 'transactions', 'week_no']].loc[trt2.index.values] #print("Cluster of shop %s is average sales" % shopID1) elif (group_high_sales2.shop_id.values == shopID1).any() == True: # valid_cls=dff1[['sales_amount','item_sold','transactions','week_no']].loc[group_high_sales.shop_id.index.values] cx = int(group_high_sales.sales_amount[group_high_sales.shop_id == shopID1].values.mean()) trt = group_high_sales[group_high_sales.sales_amount > cx - 4000] trt2 = trt[trt.sales_amount < cx + 4000] valid_cls = dff1[['sales_amount', 'item_sold', 'transactions', 'week_no']].loc[trt2.index.values] #print("Cluster of shop %s is high sales" % shopID1) drr = valid_cls #print('Avg sales per week for whole period ', avg_sale=round(df2.sales_amount.mean(), 2) # avg sales per week for whole period # avg_items_week=round(df2.item_sold[df2.week_no==17].mean(),2)# avg items for input week #print('Avg items sold per week for whole period ', #round(df2.item_sold.mean(), 2) # avg items per week for whole period # avg_trans_week=round(df2.transactions[df2.week_no==17].mean(),2)# avg trans for input week #print('Avg trans per week for whole period ', #round(df2.transactions.mean(), 2) # avg trans per week for whole period # avg_item_per_trans=round((df2.item_sold[df2.week_no==17]/df2.transactions[df2.week_no==17]).mean(),2)#items per transactions w itemTrans=round((df2.item_sold / df2.transactions).mean(), 2) # max_w=round(max(df2.sales_amount[df2.week_no==17]),2) # min_w=round(min(df2.sales_amount[df2.week_no==17]),2) maxSale=round(max(df2.sales_amount), 2) minSale=round(min(df2.sales_amount), 2) priceofitem = round((df2.sales_amount / df2.item_sold).mean(), 2) avgitems=round(df2.item_sold.mean(), 2) best = pd.DataFrame(df2[['week_no', 'sales_amount']][(df2.sales_amount <= max(df2.sales_amount)) & (df2.sales_amount >= max(df2.sales_amount) - 2000)]) worst = pd.DataFrame(df2[['week_no', 'sales_amount']][(df2.sales_amount >= min(df2.sales_amount)) & (df2.sales_amount <= min(df2.sales_amount) + 1500)]) best1 = best.rename(columns={'week_no': 'Best Weeks', 'sales_amount': 'Sales'}) worst1 = worst.rename(columns={'week_no': 'Worst Weeks', 'sales_amount': 'Sales'}) result = pd.concat([best1, worst1], axis=1) # result.fillna(' ') # result['Date']=result.index.values result.insert(0, 'Date', result.index.values) result = result.fillna('-') # worst=df2.week_no[df2.sales_amount>min(df2.sales_amount)] #df2[['week_no', 'sales_amount']][(df2.sales_amount >= min(df2.sales_amount)) & (df2.sales_amount <= min(df2.sales_amount) + 1500)]) #df2[['week_no', 'sales_amount']][(df2.sales_amount <= max(df2.sales_amount)) & (df2.sales_amount >= max(df2.sales_amount) - 3000)]) #print('Price of trans ', round((df2.sales_amount / df2.transactions).mean(), 2)) #print('Price of item ', round((df2.sales_amount / df2.item_sold).mean(), 2)) itt = [] trr = [] sale = [] for i3 in nullweeks: item = drr.item_sold[drr.week_no == i3].mean() trans = drr.transactions[drr.week_no == i3].mean() salee = drr.sales_amount[drr.week_no == i3].mean() itt.append(item) trr.append(trans) sale.append(salee) df_insert = {'sales_amountt': sale, 'ittem': itt, 'trans': trr, 'weeks_no': nullweeks} df_insert1 = pd.DataFrame(df_insert) forecastdf = dd1.fillna({'mean_item': df_insert1.ittem, 'mean_trans': df_insert1.trans, 'sales': df_insert1.sales_amountt}) regr3 = linear_model.LinearRegression() X = forecastdf[['mean_item', 'mean_trans']] Y = forecastdf.sales, Y) y_predictionss = regr3.predict(X) y_predictionss1 = pd.DataFrame(y_predictionss) forecastdf['future_sales1'] = y_predictionss1.values f1 = forecastdf.set_index('date') frames1 = [df2.sales_amount, f1.future_sales1] join1 = pd.concat(frames1) detrend_sdata1 = signal.detrend(join1) trend1 = join1 - detrend_sdata1 r1 = [] for jj1 in pd.DataFrame(df2.index.year.values).drop_duplicates().index.values: sale_year1 = df2.sales_amount[str(int(pd.DataFrame(df2.index.year).drop_duplicates().loc[jj1]))].mean() r1.append(sale_year1) years1 = pd.DataFrame(df2.index.year).drop_duplicates().start_date.values holday1 = [] for t1 in years1[0:len(years1) - 1]: h1 = df2.sales_amount[df2.week_no >= 50][str(t1)].mean() + df2.sales_amount[df2.week_no <= 3][str(int(t1) + 1)].mean() holday1.append(h1 / 2) year_last1 = f1.future_sales1[f1.weeks_no >= 50][str(years1[-1])].mean() + f1.future_sales1[f1.weeks_no <= 3].mean() # 2018 holday1.append(year_last1 / 2) N1 = len(r1) Holiday_Means1 = holday1 All_Year_Means1 = r1 ind1 = np.arange(N1) f_sale = int(forecastdf.future_sales1[forecastdf.weeks_no == WeekNo1].values) f_date =str([forecastdf.weeks_no==WeekNo1].values[0])[0:10] n_week = WeekNo1 id_shop = shopID1 sale_mean = avg_sale max_sale = maxSale min_sale = minSale item_trans = itemTrans price_item=priceofitem avg_wk_itemsold = avgitems tab_week=result.to_html(index = False) # print(y.index) fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,4)) # dates = pd.date_range(y.index[0], periods=104, freq='W-MON',format='%Y-%m-%d') # plt.plot(y.index,y,color='blue',label="actual sales") ax3.plot(y.index, a.sales_amount, color='red', label="actual sales") ax3.plot(dates, y_predictionss1, color='green', label="forecasted sales") ax3.plot(join1.index, trend1, color='blue', alpha=0.5, label='Trend') ax3.set_title('Comparison actual and predicted sales for whole period of shop ' + str(shopID1) + '\n') ax3.set_xlabel('Weeks') ax3.set_ylabel('Sales amount') ax3.legend() graph = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig3) fig3.clf() fig4, ax4 = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,4)) bar_width1 = 0.4 opacity1 = 0.8, Holiday_Means1, bar_width1, opacity1, label='Holidays') + bar_width1, All_Year_Means1, bar_width1, opacity1, label='Avg sales per year') ax4.set_ylabel('Sales_amount') ax4.set_title('Holiday weekly sales (Xmas & NY) vs Average weekly sales per year (shop #%s)' % shopID1) plt.xticks(ind1 + 0.25, (pd.DataFrame(df2.index.year).drop_duplicates().start_date.values)) ax4.legend() graph1 = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig4) return render_template('index.html',graph1=graph1,graph=graph,data=tab_week,value9=f_date,value8=avg_wk_itemsold,value7=price_item,value6=itemTrans, value5=min_sale,value4=max_sale,value3=sale_mean, value2=id_shop,value1=n_week,value=f_sale)
def cmplxIQ_fit(paramsVec, freqs, data=None, eps=None, **kwargs): """Return complex S21 resonance model or, if data is specified, a residual. Parameters ---------- params : list-like A an ``lmfit.Parameters`` object containing (df, f0, qc, qi, gain0, gain1, gain2, pgain0, pgain1, pgain2) freqs : list-like A list of frequency points at which the model is calculated data : list-like (optional) A list of complex data in the form I + Q where I and Q are both lists of data and ``len(I) == len(Q) == len(freqs)``. If data is not passed, then the return value is the model calculated at each frequency point. eps : list-like (optional) A list of errors, one for each point in data. kwargs : dict (optional) Currently no keyword arguments are accepted. Returns ------- model or (model-data) : ``numpy.array`` If data is specified, the return is the residuals. If not, the return is the model values calculated at the frequency points. The returned array is in the form ``I + Q`` or ``residualI + residualQ``. """ #Check if the paramsVec looks like a lmfit params object. If so, unpack to list if hasattr(paramsVec, 'valuesdict'): paramsDict = paramsVec.valuesdict() paramsVec = [value for value in paramsDict.values()] #intrinsic resonator parameters df = paramsVec[0] #frequency shift due to mismatched impedances f0 = paramsVec[1] #resonant frequency qc = paramsVec[2] #coupling Q qi = paramsVec[3] #internal Q #0th, 1st, and 2nd terms in a taylor series to handle magnitude gain different than 1 gain0 = paramsVec[4] gain1 = paramsVec[5] gain2 = paramsVec[6] #0th and 1st terms in a taylor series to handle phase gain different than 1 pgain0 = paramsVec[7] pgain1 = paramsVec[8] #Need to add an if statement here to keep compatibility with older version #Will be deprecated in the future if len(paramsVec) == 12: pgain2 = paramsVec[9] #Voltage offset at mixer output. Not needed for VNA Ioffset = paramsVec[10] Qoffset = paramsVec[11] else: print( "Warning: new model also fits for quadratic phase. Setting pgain2 = 0." ) print( "If using Resonator.do_lmfit() pass kwarg: pgain2_vary = False for legacy behavior." ) pgain2 = 0 #Voltage offset at mixer output. Not needed for VNA Ioffset = paramsVec[9] Qoffset = paramsVec[10] #Make everything referenced to the shifted, unitless, reduced frequency fs = f0 + df ff = (freqs - fs) / fs #Except for the gain, which should reference the file midpoint #This is important because the baseline coefs shouldn't drift #around with changes in f0 due to power or temperature #Of course, this philosophy goes out the window if different sweeps have #different ranges. fm = freqs[int(np.round((len(freqs) - 1) / 2.0))] ffm = (freqs - fm) / fm #Calculate the total Q_0 q0 = 1. / (1. / qi + 1. / qc) #Calculate magnitude and phase gain gain = gain0 + gain1 * ffm + 0.5 * gain2 * ffm**2 pgain = np.exp(1j * (pgain0 + pgain1 * ffm + 0.5 * pgain2 * ffm**2)) #Allow for voltage offset of I and Q offset = Ioffset + 1j * Qoffset #Calculate model from params at each point in freqs modelCmplx = -gain * pgain * (1. / qi + 1j * 2.0 * (ff + df / fs)) / (1. / q0 + 1j * 2.0 * ff) + offset #Package complex data in 1D vector form modelI = np.real(modelCmplx) modelQ = np.imag(modelCmplx) model = np.concatenate((modelI, modelQ), axis=0) #Calculate eps from stdev of first 10 pts of data if not supplied if eps is None and data is not None: dataI, dataQ = np.split(data, 2) epsI = np.std(sps.detrend(dataI[0:10])) epsQ = np.std(sps.detrend(dataQ[0:10])) eps = np.concatenate((np.full_like(dataI, epsI), np.full_like(dataQ, epsQ))) #Return model or residual if data is None: return model else: return (model - data) / eps
human = int(os.path.basename(file) [:7]) ## get a person's number from file name for i in range( int(N_Origin / N) ): # 256 frames are divided by four, and the process is done every 64 frames for loop in range( HANDDATA_Num): ## four times (L1,L2,R1,R2) div_data = data[loop][ i * N:(i + 1) * N, :].T ## div_data = [L1's first 64 frames, L2's first 64 frames, R1's first 64 frames, … R2's last 64 frames] for sensor_num in range(PARAMETER_Num): # if sensor_num < From or sensor_num > To: ## if you want to use only partial feature, you can exclude here freely. # continue # if loop == 0 and i == 0: print(sensor_num) #display sensor number data_window = signal.detrend( div_data[sensor_num], type="constant" ) * window ## remove trend(constant) & apply window function F_window = np.abs( fft(data_window) / (N / 2) ) * 1 / ( sum(window) / N ) ## do FFT & get the absolute value (adjust the amplitude value) x.append( F_window[:int(N / 2)] ) ## MinMax Normalization & get the low frequency part x = np.array(x).flatten() X.append( x ) ## add x(frequency data) to list. the data consists of 32 frequency components * four (L1,L2,R1,R2) * four (divide number) * X features = 512*X dimensions y.append(int(type % 2)) ## add answer to list human_all.append(int(human)) ## make human list
try: dt_E = np.mean(np.diff(this_seis[0].times())) dt_N = np.mean(np.diff(this_seis[1].times())) dt_Z = np.mean(np.diff(this_seis[2].times())) except: continue if not (dt_E == dt_N == dt_Z and len(this_seis[0].data) == len( this_seis[1].data) == len(this_seis[2].data)): continue dt = dt_E # -------- Detrend -----------------# if change_E: this_seis[0].data = this_seis[0].data * -1 if change_N: this_seis[1].data = this_seis[1].data * -1 this_seis[0].data = detrend(this_seis[0].data, type='linear') this_seis[0].data = detrend(this_seis[0].data, type='constant') this_seis[1].data = detrend(this_seis[1].data, type='linear') this_seis[1].data = detrend(this_seis[1].data, type='constant') this_seis[2].data = detrend(this_seis[2].data, type='linear') this_seis[2].data = detrend(this_seis[2].data, type='constant') # ------- Rotate ENZ to RTZ ---------# if comp == 1 or comp == 2 or comp == 3: E = this_seis[2].data N = this_seis[1].data Z = this_seis[0].data else: E = this_seis[0].data N = this_seis[1].data Z = this_seis[2].data (this_seis[0].data, this_seis[1].data,
def dCleaner(pm_data, trend): '''Cleaning data for phasemeter glitching. Also optional detrend of data. ''' for i in range(len(pm_data)): if pm_data[i] > 5e8: pm_data[i] = 10003.798e5 - pm_data[i] if trend == True: pm_data = signal.detrend(pm_data, type='linear') return pm_data
#Q_ek_f_mean = Q_ek_f.mean(dim='time') # #Q_ek = Q_ek.where(np.abs(lats) > 0) # Compute monthly anomaly if anom_flag: Q_net_surf, Q_net_surf_clim = st.anom(Q_net_surf) thf, thf_clim = st.anom(thf) sst, sst_clim = st.anom(sst) Q_ek, Q_ek_clim = st.anom(Q_ek) #Q_ek_f,Q_ek_f_clim = st.anom(Q_ek_f) # Remove linear trend if detr: sst = sst.fillna(0.) sst = xr.DataArray(signal.detrend(sst, axis=0), dims=sst.dims, coords=sst.coords) # h = h.fillna(0.) # h = xr.DataArray(signal.detrend(h, axis=0), dims=h.dims, coords=h.coords) thf = thf.fillna(0.) thf = xr.DataArray(signal.detrend(thf, axis=0), dims=thf.dims, coords=thf.coords) Q_net_surf = Q_net_surf.fillna(0.) Q_net_surf = xr.DataArray(signal.detrend(Q_net_surf, axis=0), dims=Q_net_surf.dims, coords=Q_net_surf.coords)
### Area 1.9x2.5 grid cell [58466.1 = (278.30) * (210.083)] valyr[ti, i, j] = 58466.1 * np.cos(np.radians(lat2[i, j])) ext[ti] = np.nansum(valyr[ti, :, :]) / 1e6 ### Reshape array for [year,month] ext = np.reshape(ext, (ext.shape[0] // 12, 12)) return ext ### Calculate functions lat, lon, sic = readSIEData() lon2, lat2 = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) ext = calcExtent(sic, lat2) ### Detrend data extdt = sss.detrend(ext, axis=0, type='linear') ### Calculate zscores extdtzz = sts.zscore(extdt, axis=0) extzz = sts.zscore(ext, axis=0) ### Calculate standard deviation extstd = np.std(ext, axis=0) ### Calculate OND sea ice index extond = np.nanmean(ext[:, -3:], axis=1) extondzz = sts.zscore(extond, axis=0) iceslice05_ond = np.where(extondzz <= -0.5)[0] yearslice05_ond = years[iceslice05_ond] iceslice1_ond = np.where(extondzz <= -1.)[0] yearslice1_ond = years[iceslice1_ond]
def _createPhysiologicalNuisanceRegressors(inputname, subj, run, globalmask, wmmask, ventriclesmask, aCompCor=5): """ inputname - 4D input time series to obtain nuisance regressors run - fMRI run globalmask - whole brain mask to extract global time series wmmask - white matter mask (functional) to extract white matter time series ventriclesmask- ventricles mask (functional) to extract ventricle time series aCompCor - Create PC component time series of white matter and ventricle time series, using first n PCs """ # Load raw fMRI data (in volume space) print 'Loading raw fMRI data' fMRI4d = nib.load(inputname).get_data() ########################################################## ## Nuisance time series (Global signal, WM, and Ventricles) print 'Obtaining standard global, wm, and ventricle signals and their derivatives' # Global signal globalMask = nib.load(globalmask).get_data() globalMask = np.asarray(globalMask, dtype=bool) globaldata = fMRI4d[globalMask].copy() globaldata = signal.detrend(globaldata, axis=1, type='constant') globaldata = signal.detrend(globaldata, axis=1, type='linear') global_signal1d = np.mean(globaldata, axis=0) # White matter signal wmMask = nib.load(wmmask).get_data() wmMask = np.asarray(wmMask, dtype=bool) wmdata = fMRI4d[wmMask].copy() wmdata = signal.detrend(wmdata, axis=1, type='constant') wmdata = signal.detrend(wmdata, axis=1, type='linear') wm_signal1d = np.mean(wmdata, axis=0) # Ventricle signal ventricleMask = nib.load(ventriclesmask).get_data() ventricleMask = np.asarray(ventricleMask, dtype=bool) ventricledata = fMRI4d[ventricleMask].copy() ventricledata = signal.detrend(ventricledata, axis=1, type='constant') ventricledata = signal.detrend(ventricledata, axis=1, type='linear') ventricle_signal1d = np.mean(ventricledata, axis=0) del fMRI4d ## Create derivative time series (with backward differentiation, consistent with -derivative option) # Global signal derivative global_signal1d_deriv = np.zeros(global_signal1d.shape) global_signal1d_deriv[1:] = global_signal1d[1:] - global_signal1d[:-1] # White matter signal derivative wm_signal1d_deriv = np.zeros(wm_signal1d.shape) wm_signal1d_deriv[1:] = wm_signal1d[1:] - wm_signal1d[:-1] # Ventricle signal derivative ventricle_signal1d_deriv = np.zeros(ventricle_signal1d.shape) ventricle_signal1d_deriv[ 1:] = ventricle_signal1d[1:] - ventricle_signal1d[:-1] ## Write to h5py # Create h5py output h5f = h5py.File(nuis_reg_dir + subj + '_nuisanceRegressors.h5', 'a') try: h5f.create_dataset(run + '/global_signal', data=global_signal1d) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/global_signal_deriv', data=global_signal1d_deriv) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/wm_signal', data=wm_signal1d) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/wm_signal_deriv', data=wm_signal1d_deriv) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/ventricle_signal', data=ventricle_signal1d) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/ventricle_signal_deriv', data=ventricle_signal1d_deriv) except: del h5f[run + '/global_signal'], h5f[run + '/global_signal_deriv'], h5f[ run + '/wm_signal'], h5f[run + '/wm_signal_deriv'], h5f[ run + '/ventricle_signal'], h5f[run + '/ventricle_signal_deriv'] h5f.create_dataset(run + '/global_signal', data=global_signal1d) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/global_signal_deriv', data=global_signal1d_deriv) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/wm_signal', data=wm_signal1d) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/wm_signal_deriv', data=wm_signal1d_deriv) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/ventricle_signal', data=ventricle_signal1d) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/ventricle_signal_deriv', data=ventricle_signal1d_deriv) ########################################################## ## Obtain aCompCor regressors using first 5 components of WM and Ventricles (No GSR!) ncomponents = 5 nTRs = len(global_signal1d) print 'Obtaining aCompCor regressors and their derivatives' # WM time series wmstart = time.time() # Obtain covariance matrix, and obtain first 5 PCs of WM time series tmpcov = np.corrcoef(wmdata.T) eigenvalues, topPCs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(tmpcov, k=ncomponents, which='LM') # Now using the top n PCs aCompCor_WM = topPCs # wmend = time.time() - wmstart # print 'WM aCompCor took', wmend, 'seconds' # Ventricle time series ventstart = time.time() # Obtain covariance matrix, and obtain first 5 PCs of ventricle time series tmpcov = np.corrcoef(ventricledata.T) eigenvalues, topPCs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(tmpcov, k=ncomponents, which='LM') # Now using the top n PCs aCompCor_ventricles = topPCs # ventricletime = time.time() - ventstart # print 'Ventricle aCompCor took', ventricletime, 'seconds' # White matter signal derivative using backwards differentiation aCompCor_WM_deriv = np.zeros(aCompCor_WM.shape) aCompCor_WM_deriv[1:, :] = np.real(aCompCor_WM[1:, :]) - np.real( aCompCor_WM[:-1, :]) # Ventricle signal derivative aCompCor_ventricles_deriv = np.zeros(aCompCor_ventricles.shape) aCompCor_ventricles_deriv[1:, :] = np.real( aCompCor_ventricles[1:, :]) - np.real(aCompCor_ventricles[:-1, :]) ## Write to h5py try: h5f.create_dataset(run + '/aCompCor_WM', data=aCompCor_WM) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/aCompCor_WM_deriv', data=aCompCor_WM_deriv) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/aCompCor_ventricles', data=aCompCor_ventricles) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/aCompCor_ventricles_deriv', data=aCompCor_ventricles_deriv) except: del h5f[run + '/aCompCor_WM'], h5f[run + '/aCompCor_WM_deriv'], h5f[ run + '/aCompCor_ventricles'], h5f[run + '/aCompCor_ventricles_deriv'] h5f.create_dataset(run + '/aCompCor_WM', data=aCompCor_WM) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/aCompCor_WM_deriv', data=aCompCor_WM_deriv) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/aCompCor_ventricles', data=aCompCor_ventricles) h5f.create_dataset(run + '/aCompCor_ventricles_deriv', data=aCompCor_ventricles_deriv) ########################################################## ## Load motion parameters, and calculate motion spike regressors h5f.close()
lon_s4, lat_s4 = np.meshgrid(hgt_s4.longitude.values, hgt_s4.latitude.values) lon_erai, lat_erai = np.meshgrid(hgt_erai.longitude.values, hgt_erai.latitude.values) #seasonal means season = ['ASO', 'SON', 'OND', 'NDJ', 'DJF'] lmonth = ['Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] mm = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1] #loop over seasons, selec data and performs all composites for i in np.arange(0, 5): #hgt_erai_seas_mean = hgt_erai['z'].resample(time='QS-' + lmonth[i]).mean(dim='time',skipna=True) mes = datetime.datetime.strptime(lmonth[i], '%b').month #hgt_erai_smean = hgt_erai_seas_mean.sel(time= np.logical_and(hgt_erai_seas_mean['time.month'] == mes, hgt_erai_seas_mean['time.year']!=2002)) hgt_erai_seas_mean = hgt_erai.sel(time= np.logical_and(hgt_erai['time.month'] == mes, hgt_erai['time.year']!=2002)) hgt_erai_smean = hgt_erai_seas_mean.z.values hgt_erai_smean= np.nan_to_num(hgt_erai_smean, np.nanmean(hgt_erai_smean)) hgt_erai_smean = signal.detrend(hgt_erai_smean, axis=0, type='linear') hgt_erai_EN = np.nanmean(hgt_erai_smean[index_ninio_erai_upper.values, :, :], axis=0) SS_erai_EN = np.nanvar(hgt_erai_smean[index_ninio_erai_upper.values, :, :], axis=0) / np.sum(index_ninio_erai_upper.values) hgt_erai_LN = np.nanmean(hgt_erai_smean[index_ninio_erai_lower.values, :, :], axis=0) SS_erai_LN = np.nanvar(hgt_erai_smean[index_ninio_erai_lower.values, :, :], axis=0) / np.sum(index_ninio_erai_lower.values) hgt_erai_N = np.nanmean(hgt_erai_smean[index_ninio_erai_normal.values, :, :], axis=0) hgt_erai_WSPV = np.nanmean(hgt_erai_smean[index_PV_erai_upper.values, :, :], axis=0) SS_erai_WSPV = np.nanvar(hgt_erai_smean[index_PV_erai_upper.values, :, :], axis=0) / np.sum(index_PV_erai_upper.values) hgt_erai_SSPV = np.nanmean(hgt_erai_smean[index_PV_erai_lower.values, :, :], axis=0) SS_erai_SSPV = np.nanvar(hgt_erai_smean[index_PV_erai_lower.values, :, :], axis=0) / np.sum(index_PV_erai_lower.values) hgt_erai_NSPV = np.nanmean(hgt_erai_smean[index_PV_erai_normal.values, :, :], axis=0) #hgt_s4_smean = np.nanmean(hgt_s4.z.values[i:i + 3, :, :, :], axis=0)
def test_detrend(self, random, axis): x = random.normal(2, 1, (40, 20)) x_out = signals.detrend(x, axis=axis) x_out_scipy = scipy_signal.detrend(x, axis=axis) assert np.array_equal(x_out, x_out_scipy)