Esempio n. 1
def IMstabilization_general(freqs, dim_Y, dim_U, cG1, B1, IMstabmargin,
    Stabilization of the internal model pair (cG1,B1) using either LQR or pole placement.

    freqs : (, N) array_like
        The (real) frequencies (w_k)_{k=0}^q of the reference and disturbance signals.
    dim_Y, dim_U : integer
        Dimensions of the output space and input space, respectively.
    cG1 : (N1, M1) array_like
        The internal model for the frequencies 'freqs' and dim_Y
    B1 : (N2, M2) array_like
        The input matrix B1 of the internal model.
    IMstabmargin : float
        The desired stability margin for the internal model.
    IMstabmethod : string
        Stabilization of the internal model using either 'LQR' or 'poleplacement'.

    K : (M1, N1) array_like
        The the stabilizing feedback K for the internal model so that cG1+B1*K is Hurwitz.

    IMstabmethodexception : Exception 
       Thrown in case the internal model stabilization method is not 'LQR' or 'poleplacement'.

    if IMstabmethod == 'LQR':
        q = np.size(freqs)
        dim_Z = 2 * q * dim_Y - (freqs[0] == 0) * dim_Y
        return -lqr(cG1 + IMstabmargin * np.eye(cG1.shape[0], cG1.shape[1]),
                    B1, 100 * np.eye(dim_Z), 0.001 * np.eye(dim_U))[0]
    elif IMstabmethod == 'poleplacement':
        # Necessary to get the same behaviour as in Matlab for
        # np.linspace(-1.1*IMstabmargin, -1*IMstabmargin, dim_Y)
        # in the case dim_Y = 1
        temp = (-np.linspace(IMstabmargin, 1.1 * IMstabmargin, dim_Y))[::-1]
        if freqs[0] == 0:
            t1 = * np.size(freqs) - 1, 1)),
            t2 = 1j *
                    (freqs[::-1], -freqs[1:]))).T, np.ones((1, dim_Y)))
            target_eigs = (t1 + t2).flatten()
            return -place_poles(cG1, B1, target_eigs).gain_matrix
            t1 = * np.size(freqs), 1)), np.atleast_2d(temp))
            t2 = 1j *
                    (freqs[::-1], -freqs))).T, np.ones((1, dim_Y)))
            target_eigs = (t1 + t2).flatten()
            return -place_poles(cG1, B1, target_eigs).gain_matrix
        raise Exception(
            'Invalid IMstabmethod, choose either \'LQR\' or \'poleplacement\'')
    def stability_measure(input):
        zpoles = [
            complex(input[0], 0),
            complex(input[1], input[2]),
            complex(input[1], -input[2])
        for zpole in zpoles:
            if abs(zpole) > 1:
                return 100
        # TODO: for now we check for duplicates and don't allow them. When FBG is done,
        # then use that
        if len(zpoles) != len(set(zpoles)):
            return 100

        fsf = signal.place_poles(phi, gamma, zpoles)
        L = fsf.gain_matrix
        ugms = control_eval.upper_gain_margin(phi, gamma, L, output_dB=False)
        lgms = control_eval.lower_gain_margin(phi, gamma, L, output_dB=False)
        phms = control_eval.phase_margin(phi, gamma, L)
        (t, u, x) = control_sim.sim_regsf(phi, gamma, L, T, x0, Ts * 3)
        st = control_eval.settling_time(t, x)
        st_diff = abs(st - Ts)
        gm_max = 1000
        phm_max = 120
        st_max = Ts
        ugm_percent = 10 / gm_max
        lgm_percent = 0 / gm_max
        phm_percent = 1 / phm_max
        st_percent = 4 / Ts
        result = 0
        for i in range(0, len(ugms)):
            result += lgms[i] * lgm_percent - ugms[i] * ugm_percent - phms[
                0] * phm_percent + st_diff * st_percent

        return result
Esempio n. 3
    def test_K_gains(self):
        Check the gain matrix

        #Values for the test
        os = 30
        ts = 3

        #Actual value
        zeta = (-sp.log(os / 100)) / sp.sqrt(sp.pi**2 + sp.log(os / 100)**2)
        wn = 4 / (ts * zeta)

        P = sp.array([
            -zeta * wn + 1j * wn * sp.sqrt(1 - zeta**2),
            -zeta * wn - 1j * wn * sp.sqrt(1 - zeta**2)

        A = sp.array([[0, 1], [0, -2]])
        B = sp.array([[0], [1]])
        test_K = signal.place_poles(A, B, P).gain_matrix[0]

        #Getting output from file
        K = optomization.for_the_gui(os, ts)

        print(test_K, K)
        for i in range(len(test_K)):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(K[i], test_K[i], places=14)
Esempio n. 4
    def calculate_lateral_gains(sim, state, vehicle, desired_poles,
        # Only calculate gains if the target_speed is updated.
        # TODO: Replace this w/ an isclose(...) check
        if state.target_speed == target_speed:

        state.target_speed = target_speed

        # Vehicle params
        half_vehicle_len = vehicle.length / 2
        vehicle_mass, vehicle_inertia_z = vehicle.chassis.mass_and_inertia
        road_stiffness = sim.road_stiffness

        # Linearization of lateral dynamics
        if target_speed > 0:
            state_matrix = np.array([
                [0, target_speed, 0, target_speed],
                [0, 0, 1, 0],
                    -(2 * road_stiffness * (half_vehicle_len**2)) /
                    (target_speed * vehicle_inertia_z),
                    -2 * road_stiffness / (vehicle_mass * target_speed),
            input_matrix = np.array([
                [half_vehicle_len * road_stiffness / vehicle_inertia_z],
                [road_stiffness / (vehicle_mass * target_speed)],
            fsf1 = signal.place_poles(state_matrix,
            # 0.01 and 0.015 denote the max and min gains for heading controller
            # This is done to ensure that the linearization error will not affect
            # the stability of the controller.
            state.heading_error_gain = np.clip(fsf1.gain_matrix[0][1], 0.02,
            # 3.4 and 4.1 denote the max and min gains for lateral error controller
            # As for heading, this is done to ensure that the linearization error
            # will not affect the stability and performance of the controller.
            state.lateral_error_gain = np.clip(fsf1.gain_matrix[0][0], 3.4,

            # 0.01 and 0.36 are initial values for heading and lateral gains
            # This is only done to ensure that the vehicle starts to move for
            # the first time step where speed=0
            state.heading_error_gain = 0.01
            state.lateral_error_gain = 0.36
def plotfig(P, x_var, y_var):
    for i in P:
        K = signal.place_poles(A,B,np.array(i)).gain_matrix
        plt.plot(x_var, y_var)
        global x_label
        global y_label
    if np.array_equal(x_var, t_arr):
        x_label = "Time [s]"
    elif np.array_equal(x_var, cart_pos):
        x_label = "Position [m]"
    elif np.array_equal(x_var, pend_ang):
        x_label = "Angle [rads]"
    elif np.array_equal(x_var, cart_vel):
        x_label = "Velocity [m/s]"
    elif np.array_equal(x_var, pend_vel):
        x_label = "Angular Velocity [rads/s]"
    if np.array_equal(y_var, t_arr):
        y_label = "Time [s]"
    elif np.array_equal(y_var, cart_pos):
        y_label = "Position [m]"
    elif np.array_equal(y_var, pend_ang):
        y_label = "Angle [rads]"
    elif np.array_equal(y_var, cart_vel):
        y_label = "Velocity [m/s]"
    elif np.array_equal(y_var, pend_vel):
        y_label = "Angular Velocity [rads/s]"
Esempio n. 6
def lqr_sys(A, B, C, D, in_q, r=1, num_q=6):
    sys = control.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
    Q = np.zeros((num_q, num_q))
    R = [r]
    for i in range(num_q):
        Q[i, i] = in_q[i]

    K, solu_R, Eig_sys = control.lqr(sys, Q, r)
    kr = -1 / np.matmul(np.matmul(C, npl.inv((A - np.matmul(B, K)))), B)[0]

    pole, eig_v = npl.eig(A - B * K)
    pole_real = [a.real for a in pole]
    minpol = -3 + min(pole_real)
    repol = []

    for i in range(num_q):
        repol.append(minpol + i + 1)
    repol = np.array(repol)
    L = scis.place_poles(A.transpose(), C.transpose(), repol).gain_matrix
    L = L.transpose()

    upCA = np.column_stack(((A - np.matmul(B, K)), (np.matmul(B, K))))
    downCA = np.column_stack((np.zeros((num_q, num_q)), (A - np.matmul(L, C))))
    CA = np.row_stack((upCA, downCA))
    CB = np.row_stack((B * kr, np.zeros((num_q, 1))))
    CC = np.column_stack((C, np.zeros((1, num_q))))
    CD = np.array([0])

    return CA, CB, CC, CD
Esempio n. 7
 def _check(self, A, B, P, **kwargs):
     Perform the most common tests on the poles computed by place_poles
     and return the Bunch object for further specific tests
     fsf = place_poles(A, B, P, **kwargs)
     expected, _ = np.linalg.eig(A -, fsf.gain_matrix))
     return fsf
Esempio n. 8
 def _check(self, A, B, P, **kwargs):
     Perform the most common tests on the poles computed by place_poles
     and return the Bunch object for further specific tests
     fsf = place_poles(A, B, P, **kwargs)
     expected, _ = np.linalg.eig(A -, fsf.gain_matrix))
     _assert_poles_close(expected, fsf.requested_poles)
     _assert_poles_close(expected, fsf.computed_poles)
     _assert_poles_close(P, fsf.requested_poles)
     return fsf
Esempio n. 9
def invpend():
    fig = plt.figure("Pendule Inverse")
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    l = 1
    M = 5
    g = 9.81
    m = 1
    dt = 0.1
    A = array([[0, 0, 1, 0],
               [0, 0, 0, 1],
               [0, m * g / M, 0, 0],
               [0, (M + m) * g / (l * M), 0, 0]
    B = array([[0],
               [1 / M],
               [1 / (l * M) ]
    poles = [-2, -2.1, -2.2, -2.3]
    K = (signal.place_poles(A, B, poles)).gain_matrix
    E =  array([[1, 0, 0, 0]])
    C = array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
               [0, 1, 0, 0]
    At = A.T
    Ct = C.T
#    L = ((signal.place_poles(At, Ct, poles)).gain_matrix).T
    h = -inv(E @ inv(A - B @ K) @ B)
    x = array([[0],
    xhat = array([[0],
    Gx = eye(4)
    Galpha = dt * 0.001 *  eye(4)
    Gbeta = (0.01**2) * eye(2)
    for i in arange(0, 10, dt):
        w = 2
        u = -K @ xhat + h * w
        y = C @ x + 0.01 * np.random.randn(2, 1)
#        xhat = xhat + dt * (A @ xhat + B @ u - L @ (C @ xhat - y))
        xhat, Gx = kalman(xhat, Gx, dt * B @ u, y, Galpha, Gbeta, eye(4) + dt * A, C)
        x = x + dt * f(x, u, l=l, M=M, m=m)
        draw(x, w, l=l)
 def place_poles(A, B, poles):
         Wrapper of the scipy.signal.place_poles
         Calculates the K matrix of a system with desired poles
             System object
             Array (desired poles)
             Numpy array: K matrix with the placed poles
     K = spsg.place_poles(A, B, poles)
     return K.gain_matrix
Esempio n. 11
def compute_integrator_gains(n, p1, dp, dt=None):
    ''' Compute the feedback gains to get the specified poles of the closed-loop dynamics
        n:  order of the integrator
        p1: the first pole
        dp: the distance between consecutive poles
        dt: time step, if system is discrete time, None otherwise
    des_poles = np.array([p1 + i * dp for i in range(n)])
    if (dt is not None):
        (H, A, B) = compute_integrator_dynamics_dt(matlib.zeros((1, n)), dt)
        des_poles = np.exp(des_poles * dt)
        (H, A, B) = compute_integrator_dynamics(matlib.zeros((1, n)))
    res = place_poles(A, B, des_poles)
    des_gains = res.gain_matrix.squeeze()
    return des_gains
def optimize_eigenvalues(e_start, e_stop, iterations, value=cart_pos):
    start = time.time()
    P_random = random_eigenvalues(e_start, e_stop, iterations)
    S_list = []
    for i in P_random:
        K = signal.place_poles(A, B, np.array(i)).gain_matrix
        S = 0
        #        print(i)
        for j in value:
            S += abs(j) * t_step
#        print(S)
#    print(P_random[S_list.index(min(S_list))])
    print("the best option is {:g}".format(S_list.index(min(S_list))))
    print("the best eigenvalues are", P_random[S_list.index(min(S_list))])
    print(time.time() - start)
    return P_random[S_list.index(min(S_list))]
def optimize_eigenvalues(e_start,e_stop,iterations, variable=cart_pos):
#    start=time.time()
    P_random = random_eigenvalues(e_start,e_stop,iterations)
#    print(time.time()-start)
    for i in P_random:
        K = signal.place_poles(A,B,np.array(i)).gain_matrix
#        start_append=time.time()
#        print(time.time()-start_append)
#    print(time.time()-start)
#    print(P_random[S_list.index(min(S_list))])
#    print("the best option is {:g}".format(S_list.index(min(S_list))))
    print("the best eigenvalues are", P_random[S_list.index(min(S_list))])
#    print("total time", time.time()-start)
    return np.array(P_random[S_list.index(min(S_list))])
def plotfig(P):
    for i in P:
        K = signal.place_poles(A, B, np.array(i)).gain_matrix
        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        plt.xlabel("Time [s]", fontsize=14)
        plt.ylabel("Position [m]", fontsize=14)
        plt.plot(t_arr, cart_pos)
        plt.ylim(0, 0.9)  #Position
        plt.xlim(0, 5)
        plt.legend(name, loc="upper right")
        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        plt.xlabel("Time [s]", fontsize=14)
        plt.ylabel("Angle [rad]", fontsize=14)
        plt.plot(t_arr, pend_ang)
        plt.ylim(-0.15, 0.15)  #Angle
        plt.xlim(0, 5)
        plt.legend(name, loc="upper right")
def for_the_gui(Mp, ts):
    """Calculates the system gains to place the poles at 
    the desired locations. This is the only function
    that the GUI will need to call and give to the user.
    The matrices are assumed to be for a motor with a 
    transfer function of a/(s(s+b))."""
    a = 1
    b = 2
    """The matrices are for state-space form Ax + Bu = x_dot, where A is the"
       state coefficient matrix, and B is the input coefficient matrix. a and b are                       
       arbitrary values for the motor dynamics"""
    A = sp.array([[0, 1], [0, -b]])
    B = sp.array([[0], [a]])

    zeta, wn = sys_vals(Mp, ts)
    poles = place_poles(zeta, wn)
    """The scipy function that creates
    controller gains for the system"""
    k = signal.place_poles(A, B, poles).gain_matrix[0]
    return k
Esempio n. 16
def pole_place_ctrl_gains(pars):
    """Calculate the gains for the pole placement controller """

    # Assemble matrix 'A'
    A = numpy.zeros((3, 3))
    A[0, 2] = pars['vOrb']
    A[1, 2] = -pars['gOrb']
    A[2, 0] = -3. * pars['gOrb'] / pars['rOrb']
    A[2, 1] = 2. / pars['rOrb'] + pars['gOrb'] / (pars['vOrb']**2)

    # Assemble matrix 'B'
    B = numpy.zeros((3, 2))
    B[1, 0] = pars['gOrb']
    B[2, 1] = pars['gOrb']

    P = pars['poles']

    fsf = place_poles(A, B, P)

    return fsf.gain_matrix
Esempio n. 17
def pole_place(x,z,u,d,v,xdot,gn,y_hat_k,Pk_1,Qk,Rk,xss,dis,zss,uss,delta):



    Aaug=vertcat(horzcat(A1(xss,zss,uss,4), B1(xss,zss,uss,4)),horzcat(Alow1[0], Alow2[0]))

    Hk=NP.array([(0, 0, 1, 0, 1 ,0 ,0, 0, 0, 0),
                 (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ,0, 0, 0),
                 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ,1, 0, 0)])
    Kl=signal.place_poles(theta.T,Hk.T,NP.array([0.1, 0.3, 0.15, 0.22, 0.3, 0.36, 0.45, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7]))
    return Kl
Esempio n. 18
def place_dynamics_poles(
    A: np.ndarray,
    B: np.ndarray,
    abs_low: float = 0.0,
    abs_high: float = 1.0,
    rng: RNG = None,
    """Compute a solution that re-places the eigenvalues of linear dynamics."""
    # pylint:disable=invalid-name
    poles = sample_eigvals(A.shape[-1], abs_low, abs_high, size=(), rng=rng)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
            "Convergence was not reached after maxiter iterations.*",
        for exp in itertools.count():
            result = place_poles(A, B, poles, maxiter=2**exp)
            abs_poles = np.abs(result.computed_poles)
            if np.all(np.logical_and(abs_low < abs_poles,
                                     abs_poles < abs_high)):
    return result
Esempio n. 19
def compute(R, L, Km, b, J, P):

    print os.getcwd()
    A = numpy.matrix([[-b / J, Km / J], [-Km / L, -R / L]])
    B = numpy.matrix([[0, 1 / J], [1 / L, 0]])
    C = numpy.matrix([1.0, 0])
    D = numpy.matrix([0.0, 0.0])
    Aa = numpy.concatenate((numpy.column_stack((A, numpy.zeros(
        (2, 1)))), numpy.column_stack((-C, 0))))
    Ba = numpy.concatenate((B, numpy.zeros((1, 2))))
    K = signal.place_poles(Aa, Ba, P)
    K = K.gain_matrix
    Acont = Aa - Ba * K
    Bcont = numpy.array([0, 0, 1.0])
    Bcont.shape = (3, 1)
    Ccont = [1.0, 0, 0]
    dcm_cont = ss(Acont, Bcont, Ccont, 0)
    T, yout = control.step_response(dcm_cont, T=None)
    fig = Figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

    ax.plot(T.T, yout.T)
    #if not os.path.isdir('static'):
    for filename in glob.glob(

    plotfile = os.path.join(
        str(time.time()) + '.png')
    return plotfile
Esempio n. 20
    def test_errors(self):
        # Test input mistakes from user
        A = np.array([0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7 / 3., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                      0]).reshape(4, 4)
        B = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]).reshape(4, 2)

        #should fail as the method keyword is invalid
                      B, (-2.1, -2.2, -2.3, -2.4),

        #should fail as poles are not 1D array
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B,
                      np.array((-2.1, -2.2, -2.3, -2.4)).reshape(4, 1))

        #should fail as A is not a 2D array
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A[:, :, np.newaxis], B,
                      (-2.1, -2.2, -2.3, -2.4))

        #should fail as B is not a 2D array
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B[:, :, np.newaxis],
                      (-2.1, -2.2, -2.3, -2.4))

        #should fail as there are too many poles
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B,
                      (-2.1, -2.2, -2.3, -2.4, -3))

        #should fail as there are not enough poles
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1, -2.2, -2.3))

        #should fail as the rtol is greater than 1
                      B, (-2.1, -2.2, -2.3, -2.4),

        #should fail as maxiter is smaller than 1
                      B, (-2.1, -2.2, -2.3, -2.4),

        # should fail as rank(B) is two
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2, -2, -2, -2))

        #unctrollable system
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, np.ones((4, 4)), np.ones(
            (4, 2)), (1, 2, 3, 4))

        # Should not raise ValueError as the poles can be placed but should
        # raise a warning as the convergence is not reached
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            fsf = place_poles(A, B, (-1, -2, -3, -4), rtol=1e-16, maxiter=42)
            assert_(len(w) == 1)
            assert_(issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning))
            assert_("Convergence was not reached after maxiter iterations" in
            assert_equal(fsf.nb_iter, 42)

        # should fail as a complex misses its conjugate
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B,
                      (-2 + 1j, -2 - 1j, -2 + 3j, -2))

        # should fail as A is not square
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A[:, :3], B, (-2, -3, -4, -5))

        # should fail as B has not the same number of lines as A
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B[:3, :], (-2, -3, -4, -5))

        # should fail as KNV0 does not support complex poles
                      B, (-2 + 1j, -2 - 1j, -2 + 3j, -2 - 3j),
    # poles_req = np.array([-0.01+0.1j, 0.04, -0.01-0.1j, -0.01+0.1j,\
    # -0.01-0.1j, -0.01+0.1j, -0.01-0.1j, -0.01+0.1j, -0.01-0.1j])

    # poles_req = np.array([-0.03+0.1j, 0.115, -0.03-0.1j, -0.01+0.1j,\
    # -0.008-0.1j, -0.008+0.1j, -0.01-0.1j, -0.01+0.1j, -0.01-0.1j])
    # poles_req = np.array([-0.01+0.1j, 0.03, -0.01-0.1j, -0.01+0.115j,\
    # -0.01-0.115j, -0.01+0.1j, -0.01-0.1j, -0.008+0.1j, -0.008-0.1j])

    # best so far
    poles_req = np.array([
        -0.0085 + 0.01j, -0.0085 - 0.01j, -0.0085 - 0.01j, -0.0085 + 0.01j,
        -0.0085 - 0.01j, -0.0085 + 0.01j, -0.0085 + 0.01j, 0.025,
        -0.0085 - 0.01j

    fsf = signal.place_poles(A, B, A_eigenvals, rtol=1e-4, maxiter=50)
    K = fsf.gain_matrix

    new_eigenvals, new_V = linalg.eig((A - np.matmul(B, K)))

    # x_0 = np.zeros(A.shape[0])
    # 0.01745 is degree in radians. this is psi here
    # x_0 = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.01745])
    x_0 = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.01745, 0.01745, 0.01745])
    # x_0 = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.01745, 0.])

    newA = A - np.matmul(B, K)
    newB = np.matmul(B, K)
    newC = np.identity(newA.shape[0])
    newD = np.zeros(newB.shape)
Esempio n. 22
    def test_complex(self):
        # Test complex pole placement on a linearized car model, taken from L.
        # Jaulin, Automatique pour la robotique, Cours et Exercices, iSTE
        # editions p 184/185
        A = np.array([0,7,0,0,0,0,0,7/3.,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]).reshape(4,4)
        B = np.array([0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1]).reshape(4,2)
        # Test complex poles on YT
        P = np.array([-3, -1, -2-1j, -2+1j])
        self._check(A, B, P)

        # Try to reach the specific case in _YT_complex where two singular
        # values are almost equal. This is to improve code coverage but I
        # have no way to be sure this code is really reached

        P = [0-1e-6j,0+1e-6j,-10,10]
        self._check(A, B, P, maxiter=1000)

        # Try to reach the specific case in _YT_complex where the rank two
        # update yields two null vectors. This test was found via Monte Carlo.

        A = np.array(
                    [-2148,-2902, -2267, -598, -1722, -1829, -165, -283, -2546,
                   -167, -754, -2285, -543, -1700, -584, -2978, -925, -1300,
                   -1583, -984, -386, -2650, -764, -897, -517, -1598, 2, -1709,
                   -291, -338, -153, -1804, -1106, -1168, -867, -2297]

        B = np.array(
                    [-108, -374, -524, -1285, -1232, -161, -1204, -672, -637,
                     -15, -483, -23, -931, -780, -1245, -1129, -1290, -1502,
                     -952, -1374, -62, -964, -930, -939, -792, -756, -1437,
                     -491, -1543, -686]
        P = [-25.-29.j, -25.+29.j, 31.-42.j, 31.+42.j, 33.-41.j, 33.+41.j]
        self._check(A, B, P)

        # Use a lot of poles to go through all cases for update_order
        # in _YT_loop

        big_A = np.ones((11,11))-np.eye(11)
        big_B = np.ones((11,10))-np.diag([1]*10,1)[:,1:]
        big_A[:6,:6] = A
        big_B[:6,:5] = B

        P = [-10,-20,-30,40,50,60,70,-20-5j,-20+5j,5+3j,5-3j]
        self._check(big_A, big_B, P)

        #check with only complex poles and only real poles
        P = [-10,-20,-30,-40,-50,-60,-70,-80,-90,-100]
        self._check(big_A[:-1,:-1], big_B[:-1,:-1], P)
        P = [-10+10j,-20+20j,-30+30j,-40+40j,-50+50j,
        self._check(big_A[:-1,:-1], big_B[:-1,:-1], P)

        # need a 5x5 array to ensure YT handles properly when there
        # is only one real pole and several complex
        A = np.array([0,7,0,0,0,0,0,7/3.,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
        B = np.array([0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,2,3]).reshape(5,2)
        P = np.array([-2, -3+1j, -3-1j, -1+1j, -1-1j])
        place_poles(A, B, P)

        # same test with an odd number of real poles > 1
        # this is another specific case of YT
        P = np.array([-2, -3, -4, -1+1j, -1-1j])
        self._check(A, B, P)
Esempio n. 23
m = 15.0
Ac = np.asarray([[0,    1],
                 [-k/m, -c/m]])
Bc = np.asarray([[0],
Cc = np.asarray([[1, 0]])
Dc = np.asarray([0])
freq = 200
dt = 1. / freq

F, B, _, _, _ = signal.cont2discrete((Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc), dt)

H = np.asarray([[1, 0],
                [0, 0]])

K = signal.place_poles(Ac, Bc, [-2.0, -3.0]).gain_matrix

Q = np.asarray([[0.01, 0.01],
                [0.01, 0.01]])

R = np.asarray([[0.05, 0.05],
                [0.05, 0.05]])

def run_controller_no_observer(y, prev_y):
    x_hat = np.copy(y)
    x_hat[1] = (y[0] - prev_y[0]) / dt
    u =, x_hat)
    return u

prev_x_hat = [[10], [0]]
prev_u = 0
Esempio n. 24
                [0         ],
C = np.eye(4)
D = np.zeros((4,1))
# AB = np.matmul(A,B)
# A2B = np.matmul(A,AB)
# A3B = np.matmul(A,A2B)

# P = np.concatenate((B,AB),axis=1)
# P = np.concatenate((P,A2B),axis=1)
# P = np.concatenate((P,A3B),axis=1)

poles1 = np.array([-1, -2, -12, -3])
poles2 = np.array([-1, -2, -12, -3])/10
# poles = np.array([-1, -2, -4, -5])
K1 = signal.place_poles(A, B, poles1, method='YT')
K2 = signal.place_poles(A, B, poles2, method='YT')


# for i  in range(0,4):
#     print(K.computed_poles[i])

# K =, B, poles)
# print(K.gain_matrix)
# print(np.shape(K))
# test_array = np.array([0,0,0,0])
Esempio n. 25
Q =
R = np.eye(n2)
X = np.matrix(lin.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R))
K = -np.matrix(lin.inv(R)*(B.T*X)).getA()

# observability
ob = obsv(A, C)
print "observability =", ob

# controllability
cb = ctrb(A, B)
print "controllability =", cb

# get the observer gain, using pole placement
p = np.array([-13, -12, -11, -10])
fsf1 = sgn.place_poles(A.T, C.T, p)
L = fsf1.gain_matrix.T

x = x0; xhat = 0*x0
h = 0.01; ts = 1000;
X = np.array([[],[],[],[]])
Y = np.array([[],[]])
Xhat = X; t = []

for k in range(ts):
    u =
    y =
    yhat =
    X = np.hstack((X, x))
    Xhat = np.hstack((Xhat, xhat))
Esempio n. 26
def place(A, B, poles):
    return place_poles(A, B, poles).gain_matrix
Esempio n. 27
poles_open_loop = np.array([k for k in A.eigenvals().keys()], dtype=complex)
print(f"open-loop poles:\n{poles_open_loop}")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# q1.c
print("\n#", "-" * 50)
print("q1 c) state feedback loop")

A = np.asarray(A).astype(np.float64)

B = np.asarray(B.subs({J1: _J1, ki: _ki})).astype(np.float64)

poles = [-2, -1, -1 + 1j, -1 - 1j]
fsf = signal.place_poles(A, B, poles, method='YT')
K = fsf.gain_matrix

# visualizing poles
# t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 401)
# plt.plot(np.cos(t), np.sin(t), 'k--')  # unit circle
# plt.plot(poles_open_loop.real, poles_open_loop.imag, 'rx',
#          label='open_loop eig')
# plt.plot(fsf.computed_poles.real, fsf.computed_poles.imag, 'bx',
#          label='closed_loop eig')
# plt.axis([-2.1, 1.1, -1.1, 1.1])
# plt.grid()
# plt.legend()
# plt.close()
Esempio n. 28
    def test_complex(self):
        # Test complex pole placement on a linearized car model, taken from L.
        # Jaulin, Automatique pour la robotique, Cours et Exercices, iSTE
        # editions p 184/185
        A = np.array([0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7 / 3., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                      0]).reshape(4, 4)
        B = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]).reshape(4, 2)
        # Test complex poles on YT
        P = np.array([-3, -1, -2 - 1j, -2 + 1j])
        self._check(A, B, P)

        # Try to reach the specific case in _YT_complex where two singular
        # values are almost equal. This is to improve code coverage but I
        # have no way to be sure this code is really reached

        P = [0 - 1e-6j, 0 + 1e-6j, -10, 10]
        self._check(A, B, P, maxiter=1000)

        # Try to reach the specific case in _YT_complex where the rank two
        # update yields two null vectors. This test was found via Monte Carlo.

        A = np.array([
            -2148, -2902, -2267, -598, -1722, -1829, -165, -283, -2546, -167,
            -754, -2285, -543, -1700, -584, -2978, -925, -1300, -1583, -984,
            -386, -2650, -764, -897, -517, -1598, 2, -1709, -291, -338, -153,
            -1804, -1106, -1168, -867, -2297
        ]).reshape(6, 6)

        B = np.array([
            -108, -374, -524, -1285, -1232, -161, -1204, -672, -637, -15, -483,
            -23, -931, -780, -1245, -1129, -1290, -1502, -952, -1374, -62,
            -964, -930, -939, -792, -756, -1437, -491, -1543, -686
        ]).reshape(6, 5)
        P = [
            -25. - 29.j, -25. + 29.j, 31. - 42.j, 31. + 42.j, 33. - 41.j,
            33. + 41.j
        self._check(A, B, P)

        # Use a lot of poles to go through all cases for update_order
        # in _YT_loop

        big_A = np.ones((11, 11)) - np.eye(11)
        big_B = np.ones((11, 10)) - np.diag([1] * 10, 1)[:, 1:]
        big_A[:6, :6] = A
        big_B[:6, :5] = B

        P = [-10, -20, -30, 40, 50, 60, 70, -20 - 5j, -20 + 5j, 5 + 3j, 5 - 3j]
        self._check(big_A, big_B, P)

        #check with only complex poles and only real poles
        P = [-10, -20, -30, -40, -50, -60, -70, -80, -90, -100]
        self._check(big_A[:-1, :-1], big_B[:-1, :-1], P)
        P = [
            -10 + 10j, -20 + 20j, -30 + 30j, -40 + 40j, -50 + 50j, -10 - 10j,
            -20 - 20j, -30 - 30j, -40 - 40j, -50 - 50j
        self._check(big_A[:-1, :-1], big_B[:-1, :-1], P)

        # need a 5x5 array to ensure YT handles properly when there
        # is only one real pole and several complex
        A = np.array([
            0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7 / 3., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 9
        ]).reshape(5, 5)
        B = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]).reshape(5, 2)
        P = np.array([-2, -3 + 1j, -3 - 1j, -1 + 1j, -1 - 1j])
        place_poles(A, B, P)

        # same test with an odd number of real poles > 1
        # this is another specific case of YT
        P = np.array([-2, -3, -4, -1 + 1j, -1 - 1j])
        self._check(A, B, P)
Esempio n. 29
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

A = np.array([[1.380, -0.2077, 6.715, -5.676], [-0.5814, -4.290, 0, 0.6750],
              [1.067, 4.273, -6.654, 5.893], [0.0480, 4.273, 1.343, -2.104]])
B = np.array([[0, 5.679], [1.136, 1.136], [
], [-3.146, 0]])
P = np.array([-0.2, -0.5, -5.0566, -8.6659])

# Now compute K with KNV method 0, with the default YT method and with the YT
# method while forcing 100 iterations of the algorithm and print some results
# after each call.

fsf1 = signal.place_poles(A, B, P, method='KNV0')
# array([[ 0.20071427, -0.96665799,  0.24066128, -0.10279785],
# [ 0.50587268,  0.57779091,  0.51795763, -0.41991442]])

fsf2 = signal.place_poles(A, B, P)  # uses YT method
# array([-8.6659, -5.0566, -0.5   , -0.2   ])

fsf3 = signal.place_poles(A, B, P, rtol=-1, maxiter=100)
# array([[ 0.52072442+0.j, -0.08409372+0.j, -0.56847937+0.j,  0.74823657+0.j],
# [-0.04977751+0.j, -0.80872954+0.j,  0.13566234+0.j, -0.29322906+0.j],
# [-0.82266932+0.j, -0.19168026+0.j, -0.56348322+0.j, -0.43815060+0.j],
# [ 0.22267347+0.j,  0.54967577+0.j, -0.58387806+0.j, -0.40271926+0.j]])
Esempio n. 30
def place(A, B, P):
    if size(nonzero(imag(P))) != 0:
        fsf = place_poles(A, B, P)
        fsf = place_poles(A, B, P, method='KNV0')
    return fsf.gain_matrix
Esempio n. 31
def place(A, B, p):
    """Place closed loop eigenvalues

    K = place(A, B, p)

    A : 2D array_like
        Dynamics matrix
    B : 2D array_like
        Input matrix
    p : 1D array_like
        Desired eigenvalue locations

    K : 2D array (or matrix)
        Gain such that A - B K has eigenvalues given in p

        This is a wrapper function for :func:`scipy.signal.place_poles`, which
        implements the T**s and Yang algorithm [1]_. It will handle SISO,
        MISO, and MIMO systems. If you want more control over the algorithm,
        use :func:`scipy.signal.place_poles` directly.

        The algorithm will not place poles at the same location more
        than rank(B) times.

    The return type for 2D arrays depends on the default class set for
    state space operations.  See :func:`~control.use_numpy_matrix`.

    .. [1] A.L. T**s and Y. Yang, "Globally convergent algorithms for robust
       pole assignment by state feedback, IEEE Transactions on Automatic
       Control, Vol. 41, pp. 1432-1452, 1996.

    >>> A = [[-1, -1], [0, 1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> K = place(A, B, [-2, -5])

    See Also
    place_varga, acker

    The return type for 2D arrays depends on the default class set for
    state space operations.  See :func:`~control.use_numpy_matrix`.
    from scipy.signal import place_poles

    # Convert the system inputs to NumPy arrays
    A_mat = np.array(A)
    B_mat = np.array(B)
    if (A_mat.shape[0] != A_mat.shape[1]):
        raise ControlDimension("A must be a square matrix")

    if (A_mat.shape[0] != B_mat.shape[0]):
        err_str = "The number of rows of A must equal the number of rows in B"
        raise ControlDimension(err_str)

    # Convert desired poles to numpy array
    placed_eigs = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.asarray(p)))

    result = place_poles(A_mat, B_mat, placed_eigs, method='YT')
    K = result.gain_matrix
    return _ssmatrix(K)
Esempio n. 32
    def test_errors(self):
        # Test input mistakes from user
        A = np.array([0,7,0,0,0,0,0,7/3.,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]).reshape(4,4)
        B = np.array([0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1]).reshape(4,2)

        #should fail as the method keyword is invalid
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3,-2.4),

        #should fail as poles are not 1D array
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B,

        #should fail as A is not a 2D array
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A[:,:,np.newaxis], B,

        #should fail as B is not a 2D array
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B[:,:,np.newaxis],

        #should fail as there are too many poles
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3,-2.4,-3))

        #should fail as there are not enough poles
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3))

        #should fail as the rtol is greater than 1
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3,-2.4),

        #should fail as maxiter is smaller than 1
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3,-2.4),

        # should fail as rank(B) is two
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2,-2,-2,-2))

        #unctrollable system
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, np.ones((4,4)),
                      np.ones((4,2)), (1,2,3,4))

        # Should not raise ValueError as the poles can be placed but should
        # raise a warning as the convergence is not reached
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            fsf = place_poles(A, B, (-1,-2,-3,-4), rtol=1e-16, maxiter=42)
            assert_(len(w) == 1)
            assert_(issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning))
            assert_("Convergence was not reached after maxiter iterations"
                    in str(w[-1].message))
            assert_equal(fsf.nb_iter, 42)

        # should fail as a complex misses its conjugate
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2+1j,-2-1j,-2+3j,-2))

        # should fail as A is not square
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A[:,:3], B, (-2,-3,-4,-5))

        # should fail as B has not the same number of lines as A
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B[:3,:], (-2,-3,-4,-5))

        # should fail as KNV0 does not support complex poles
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B,
                      (-2+1j,-2-1j,-2+3j,-2-3j), method="KNV0")
Esempio n. 33
def design_tsob(sys_c_ol,
    """ Design a digital full order observer tracking system with the desired settling time.
        sys_c_ol (StateSpace): The continouous plant model
        sampling_interval: The sampling interval for the digital control system in seconds.
        desired_settling_time: The desired settling time in seconds
        desired_observer_settling_time (optional): The desired observer settling time
            in seconds. If not provided the observer settling time will be 4 times faster
            than the overall settling time. Default is None.
        spoles (optional): The desired closed loop poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        sopoles (optional): The desired observer poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        sapoles (optional): The poles of the reference input and disturbance vectors.
            If not supplied the reference input is assumed to be a step. Default is None.
        disp: Print debugging output. Default is True.

        tuple: (sys_d_ol, phia, gammaa, L1, L2, K) Where sys_d_ol is the discrete plant,
            phia is the discrete additional dynamics A matrix, gammaa is the discrete
            additional dynamics B matrix, L1 is the plant gain matrix, L2 is the
            additional gain matrix, and K is the observer gain matrix.

    if disp:
        print("Designing a tracking system with full order observer.")

    # Make sure the system is in fact continuous and not discrete
    if sys_c_ol.dt != None:
        print("Error: Function expects continuous plant")
        return None

    A = sys_c_ol.A
    B = sys_c_ol.B
    C = sys_c_ol.C
    D = sys_c_ol.D

    num_states = A.shape[0]
    num_inputs = B.shape[1]
    num_outputs = C.shape[0]
    num_tracked = Ca.shape[0]

    # Convert to discrete system using zero order hold method
    sys_d_ol = sys_c_ol.to_discrete(sampling_interval, method="zoh")
    phi = sys_d_ol.A
    gamma = sys_d_ol.B

    # Check controlability of the discrete system
    controllability_mat = control.ctrb(phi, gamma)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(controllability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print(rank, num_states)
        print("Error: System is not controlable")
        return None

    # Check observability of the discrete system
    observability_mat = control.obsv(phi, C)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(observability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print("Error: System is not observable")
        return None

    # Create the design model with additional dynamics
    if sapoles is None:
        # assume tracking a step input (s=0, z=1)
        sapoles = [0]

    zapoles = [
        -p for p in np.poly(
            control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(sapoles, sampling_interval))
    zapoles = np.delete(zapoles, 0)  # the first coefficient isn't important

    gammaa = np.transpose(np.matrix(zapoles))
    q = gammaa.shape[0]

    phia_left = np.matrix(gammaa)
    phia_right = np.concatenate((np.eye(q - 1), np.zeros((1, q - 1))), axis=0)
    phia = np.concatenate((phia_left, phia_right), axis=1)
    if num_tracked > 1:
        # replicate the additional dynamics
        phia = np.kron(np.eye(num_tracked), phia)
        gammaa = np.kron(np.eye(num_tracked), gammaa)

    # Form the design matrix
    phid_top_row = np.concatenate((phi, np.zeros(
        (num_states, q * num_tracked))),
    phid_bot_row = np.concatenate((gammaa * Ca, phia), axis=1)
    phid = np.concatenate((phid_top_row, phid_bot_row), axis=0)
    gammad = np.concatenate((gamma, np.zeros((gammaa.shape[0], num_tracked))),

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if spoles is None:
        spoles = find_candadate_spoles(sys_c_ol, desired_settling_time, disp)

        num_spoles_left = num_states - len(spoles)
        if num_spoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest

    zpoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(spoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("spoles = ", spoles)
        print("zpoles = ", zpoles)

    # place the poles such that eig(phi - gamma*L) are inside the unit circle
    full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(phid, gammad, zpoles)

    # Check the poles for stability just in case
    for zpole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zpole) >= 1:
            print("Computed pole is not stable", zpole)
            return None

    L = full_state_feedback.gain_matrix
    L1 = L[:, 0:num_states]
    L2 = L[:, num_states:]

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if sopoles is None:
        sopoles = []
        if desired_observer_settling_time == None:
            desired_observer_settling_time = desired_settling_time / 4

        # TODO: Find existing poles based on the rules. For now just use bessel

        num_sopoles_left = num_states - len(sopoles)

        if num_sopoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest

    zopoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(sopoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("sopoles = ", sopoles)
        print("zopoles = ", zopoles)

    # Find K such that eig(phi - KC) are inside the unit circle
    full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(np.transpose(phi),
                                             np.transpose(C), zopoles)

    # Check the poles for stability just in case
    for zopole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zopole) > 1:
            print("Computed observer pole is not stable", zopole)
            return None

    K = np.transpose(full_state_feedback.gain_matrix)

    return (sys_d_ol, phia, gammaa, np.matrix(L1), np.matrix(L2), np.matrix(K))
Esempio n. 34
def design_regsf(sys_c_ol,
    """ Design a digital full state feedback regulator with the desired settling time.
        sys_c_ol (StateSpace): The continouous plant model
        sampling_interval: The sampling interval for the digital control system in seconds.
        desired_settling_time: The desired settling time in seconds
        spoles (optional): The desired closed loop poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        tuple: (sys_d_ol, L) Where sys_d_ol is the discrete plant and L is the stablizing
            gain matrix.

    # Make sure the system is in fact continuous and not discrete
    if sys_c_ol.dt != None:
        print("Error: Function expects continuous plant")
        return None

    A = sys_c_ol.A
    B = sys_c_ol.B
    C = sys_c_ol.C
    D = sys_c_ol.D

    num_states = A.shape[0]
    num_inputs = B.shape[1]
    num_outputs = C.shape[0]

    # Convert to discrete system using zero order hold method
    sys_d_ol = sys_c_ol.to_discrete(sampling_interval, method="zoh")
    phi = sys_d_ol.A
    gamma = sys_d_ol.B

    # Check controlability of the discrete system
    controllability_mat = control.ctrb(phi, gamma)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(controllability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print("Error: System is not controlable")
        return None

    # Check observability of the discrete system
    observability_mat = control.obsv(phi, C)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(observability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print("Error: System is not observable")
        return None

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if spoles is None:
        spoles = find_candadate_spoles(sys_c_ol, desired_settling_time, disp)

        num_spoles_left = num_states - len(spoles)
        if num_spoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest

    zpoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(spoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("spoles = ", spoles)
        print("zpoles = ", zpoles)

    # place the poles such that ...
    full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(phi, gamma, zpoles)

    # Check the poles for stability
    for zpole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zpole) > 1:
            print("Computed pole is not stable")
            return None

    L = full_state_feedback.gain_matrix

    return (sys_d_ol, np.matrix(L))
Esempio n. 35
    K1 = cnt.acker(A1, B1, des_poles)
    K = np.matrix([K1.item(0), K1.item(1)])
    ki = K1.item(2)

# ----------------------------------------- OBSERVER GAINS -----------------------------------------
# compute longitudinal observer gains
des_obs_char_poly = [1, 2 * zeta_h * wn_h_obs, wn_h_obs**2]
des_obs_poles = np.roots(des_obs_char_poly)

# Compute the gains if the system is observable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A.T, C.T)) != 2:
    print("The longitudinal observer system is not observable")
    # place_poles returns an object with various properties.  The gains are accessed through .gain_matrix
    # .T transposes the matrix
    L = signal.place_poles(A.T, C.T, des_obs_poles).gain_matrix.T

print('----- Longitudinal -----')
print('K1', K1)
print('K: ', K)
print('ki: ', ki)
print('L^T: ', L.T)

# computer observer gains
# Augmented Matrices
A2 = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((A, B), axis=1), np.zeros((1, 3))), axis=0)
C2 = np.concatenate((C, np.zeros((1, 1))), axis=1)

des_obs_char_poly = np.convolve([1, 2 * zeta_h * wn_h_obs, wn_h_obs**2],
des_obs_poles = np.roots(des_obs_char_poly)
Esempio n. 36
def place(A, B, p):
    """Place closed loop eigenvalues
    K = place(A, B, p)
    A : 2-d array
        Dynamics matrix
    B : 2-d array
        Input matrix
    p : 1-d list
        Desired eigenvalue locations

    K : 2-d array
        Gain such that A - B K has eigenvalues given in p

    This is a wrapper function for scipy.signal.place_poles, which
    implements the T**s and Yang algorithm [1]. It will handle SISO,
    MISO, and MIMO systems. If you want more control over the algorithm,
    use scipy.signal.place_poles directly.

    [1] A.L. T**s and Y. Yang, "Globally convergent algorithms for robust
    pole assignment by state feedback, IEEE Transactions on Automatic
    Control, Vol. 41, pp. 1432-1452, 1996.

    The algorithm will not place poles at the same location more
    than rank(B) times.

    >>> A = [[-1, -1], [0, 1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> K = place(A, B, [-2, -5])

    See Also
    place_varga, acker
    from scipy.signal import place_poles

    # Convert the system inputs to NumPy arrays
    A_mat = np.array(A)
    B_mat = np.array(B)
    if (A_mat.shape[0] != A_mat.shape[1]):
        raise ControlDimension("A must be a square matrix")

    if (A_mat.shape[0] != B_mat.shape[0]):
        err_str = "The number of rows of A must equal the number of rows in B"
        raise ControlDimension(err_str)

    # Convert desired poles to numpy array
    placed_eigs = np.array(p)

    result = place_poles(A_mat, B_mat, placed_eigs, method='YT')
    K = result.gain_matrix
    return K