Esempio n. 1
def map_wine_vectors(tfidf, model, names, col_dict):
    vec_dim = model.syn0.shape[1]

    wine_vectors = np.zeros((len(names), vec_dim))

    for i in range(len(names)):

        row = tfidf[i, :]
        (_, j_s, vals) = sparse_find(row)

        vecs = np.zeros((len(j_s), vec_dim))

        for k, j in enumerate(j_s):
            if col_dict[j] in model:
                vecs[k, :] = model[col_dict[j]]
        print i
        vec = np.average(vecs, axis=0, weights=vals)

        wine_vectors[i, :] = vec

    return wine_vectors
Esempio n. 2
def get_shared_voxels(subject,
    '''Return voxels that are shared by multiple vertices, and for each such voxel,
       also returns the mutually farthest pair of vertices mapping to the voxel
    subject : str
        Name of the subject
    xfmname : str
        Name of the transform
    hemi : str, optional
        Which hemisphere to return. For now, only 'lh' or 'rh'
    merge : bool, optinal
        Join the hemispheres, if requesting both
    use_astar: bool, optional
        Toggle to decide whether to use A* seach or geodesic paths for the
        shortest paths

    vox_vert_array: np.array,
    array of dimensions # voxels X 3, columns being: (vox_idx, farthest_pair[0],

    from scipy.sparse import find as sparse_find
    import networkx as nx
    Lmask, Rmask = get_mapper(
        subject, xfmname).masks  # Get masks for left and right hemisphere
    if hemi == 'both':
        hemispheres = ['lh', 'rh']
        hemispheres = [hemi]
    out = []
    for hem in hemispheres:
        if hem == 'lh':
            mask = Lmask
            mask = Rmask

        all_voxels = mask.tolil().transpose().rows  # Map from voxels to verts
        vert_to_vox_map = dict(
            zip(*(sparse_find(mask)[:2])))  # From verts to vox

        pts_fid, polys_fid = db.get_surf(subject, 'fiducial',
                                         hem)  # Get the fiducial surface
        surf = Surface(pts_fid, polys_fid)  #Get the fiducial surface
        graph = surf.graph

        _set_edge_distance_graph_attribute(graph, pts_fid, polys_fid)

        l2_distance = lambda v1, v2: np.linalg.norm(pts_fid[v1] - pts_fid[v2])
        heuristic = l2_distance  # A* heuristic

        if use_astar:
            shortest_path = lambda a, b: nx.astar_path(
                graph, a, b, heuristic=heuristic, weight='distance'
            )  # Find approximate shortest paths using A* search
            shortest_path = surf.geodesic_path  # Find shortest paths using geodesic distances

        vox_vert_list = []
        for vox_idx, vox in enumerate(all_voxels):
            if len(vox) > 1:  # If the voxel maps to multiple vertices
                vox = np.array(vox).astype(int)
                for v1 in range(vox.size - 1):
                    vert1 = vox[v1]
                    if vert1 in vert_to_vox_map:  # If the vertex is a valid vertex
                        for v2 in range(v1 + 1, vox.size):
                            vert2 = vox[v2]
                            if vert2 in vert_to_vox_map:  # If the vertex is a valid vertex
                                path = shortest_path(vert1, vert2)
                                # Test whether any vertex in path goes out of the voxel
                                stays_in_voxel = all([
                                    (v in vert_to_vox_map)
                                    and (vert_to_vox_map[v] == vox_idx)
                                    for v in path
                                if not stays_in_voxel:
                                        [vox_idx, vert1, vert2])

        tmp = np.array(vox_vert_list)
        # Add offset for right hem voxels
        if hem == 'rh':
            tmp[:, 1:3] += Lmask.shape[0]
    if hemi in ('lh', 'rh'):
        return out[0]
        if merge:
            return np.vstack(out)
            return tuple(out)
Esempio n. 3
def get_shared_voxels(subject, xfmname, hemi="both", merge=True, use_astar=True):
    '''Return voxels that are shared by multiple vertices, and for each such voxel,
       also returns the mutually farthest pair of vertices mapping to the voxel
    subject : str
        Name of the subject
    xfmname : str
        Name of the transform
    hemi : str, optional
        Which hemisphere to return. For now, only 'lh' or 'rh'
    merge : bool, optinal
        Join the hemispheres, if requesting both
    use_astar: bool, optional
        Toggle to decide whether to use A* seach or geodesic paths for the
        shortest paths

    vox_vert_array: np.array,
    array of dimensions # voxels X 3, columns being: (vox_idx, farthest_pair[0],

    from scipy.sparse import find as sparse_find
    import networkx as nx
    Lmask, Rmask = get_mapper(subject, xfmname).masks  # Get masks for left and right hemisphere 
    if hemi == 'both':
        hemispheres = ['lh', 'rh']
        hemispheres = [hemi]
    out = []
    for hem in hemispheres:
        if hem == 'lh':
            mask = Lmask
            mask = Rmask

        all_voxels = mask.tolil().transpose().rows  # Map from voxels to verts
        vert_to_vox_map = dict(zip(*(sparse_find(mask)[:2])))  # From verts to vox

        pts_fid, polys_fid = db.get_surf(subject, 'fiducial', hem)  # Get the fiducial surface
        surf = Surface(pts_fid, polys_fid) #Get the fiducial surface
        graph = surf.graph 

        _set_edge_distance_graph_attribute(graph, pts_fid, polys_fid)

        l2_distance = lambda v1, v2: np.linalg.norm(pts_fid[v1] - pts_fid[v2])
        heuristic = l2_distance  # A* heuristic

        if use_astar:
            shortest_path = lambda a, b: nx.astar_path(graph, a, b, heuristic=heuristic, weight='distance') # Find approximate shortest paths using A* search
            shortest_path = surf.geodesic_path  # Find shortest paths using geodesic distances

        vox_vert_list = []
        for vox_idx, vox in enumerate(all_voxels):
            if len(vox) > 1:  # If the voxel maps to multiple vertices
                vox = np.array(vox).astype(int)
                for v1 in range(vox.size-1):
                    vert1 = vox[v1]
                    if vert1 in vert_to_vox_map:  # If the vertex is a valid vertex
                        for v2 in range(v1+1, vox.size):
                            vert2 = vox[v2]
                            if vert2 in vert_to_vox_map:  # If the vertex is a valid vertex
                                path = shortest_path(vert1, vert2)
                                # Test whether any vertex in path goes out of the voxel
                                stays_in_voxel = all([(v in vert_to_vox_map) and (vert_to_vox_map[v] == vox_idx) for v in path]) 
                                if not stays_in_voxel:
                                    vox_vert_list.append([vox_idx, vert1, vert2])

        tmp =  np.array(vox_vert_list)
        # Add offset for right hem voxels
        if hem=='rh':
            tmp[:, 1:3] += Lmask.shape[0]
    if hemi in ('lh', 'rh'):
        return out[0]
        if merge:
            return np.vstack(out)
            return tuple(out)