Esempio n. 1
def helm_coefficients_josep(Ybus, Yseries, V0, S0, Ysh0, pq, pv, sl, pqpv, tolerance=1e-6, max_coeff=30, verbose=False):
    Holomorphic Embedding LoadFlow Method as formulated by Josep Fanals Batllori in 2020
    THis function just returns the coefficients for further usage in other routines
    :param Yseries: Admittance matrix of the series elements
    :param V0: vector of specified voltages
    :param S0: vector of specified power
    :param Ysh0: vector of shunt admittances (including the shunts of the branches)
    :param pq: list of pq nodes
    :param pv: list of pv nodes
    :param sl: list of slack nodes
    :param pqpv: sorted list of pq and pv nodes
    :param tolerance: target error (or tolerance)
    :param max_coeff: maximum number of coefficients
    :param verbose: print intermediate information
    :return: U, X, Q, iterations

    npqpv = len(pqpv)
    npv = len(pv)
    nsl = len(sl)
    n = Yseries.shape[0]

    # --------------------------- PREPARING IMPLEMENTATION -------------------------------------------------------------
    U = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # voltages
    W = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # compute X=1/conj(U)
    Q = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # unknown reactive powers
    Vm0 = np.abs(V0)
    Vm2 = Vm0 * Vm0

    if n < 2:
        return U, W, Q, 0

    if verbose:
        df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.c_[Ysh0.imag, S0.real, S0.imag, Vm0],
                          columns=['Ysh', 'P0', 'Q0', 'V0'])

    Yred = Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, pqpv)]  # admittance matrix without slack buses
    Yslack = -Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, sl)]  # yes, it is the negative of this
    Yslack_vec = Yslack.sum(axis=1).A1
    G = np.real(Yred)  # real parts of Yij
    B = np.imag(Yred)  # imaginary parts of Yij
    P_red = S0.real[pqpv]
    Q_red = S0.imag[pqpv]
    Vslack = V0[sl]
    Ysh_red = Ysh0[pqpv]

    # indices 0 based in the internal scheme
    nsl_counted = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
    compt = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if i in sl:
            compt += 1
        nsl_counted[i] = compt

    pq_ = pq - nsl_counted[pq]
    pv_ = pv - nsl_counted[pv]

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [0] ------------------------------------------------------------------

    U[0, :] = spsolve(Yred, Yslack_vec)
    W[0, :] = 1 / np.conj(U[0, :])

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [1] ------------------------------------------------------------------
    valor = np.zeros(npqpv, dtype=complex)

    # get the current injections that appear due to the slack buses reduction
    I_inj_slack = Yslack * Vslack

    valor[pq_] = I_inj_slack[pq_] - Yslack_vec[pq_] + (P_red[pq_] - Q_red[pq_] * 1j) * W[0, pq_] - U[0, pq_] * Ysh_red[pq_]
    valor[pv_] = I_inj_slack[pv_] - Yslack_vec[pv_] + P_red[pv_] * W[0, pv_] - U[0, pv_] * Ysh_red[pv_]

    # compose the right-hand side vector
    RHS = np.r_[valor.real,
                Vm2[pv] - (U[0, pv_] * U[0, pv_]).real]

    # Form the system matrix (MAT)
    Upv = U[0, pv_]
    Xpv = W[0, pv_]
    VRE = coo_matrix((2 * Upv.real, (np.arange(npv), pv_)), shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()
    VIM = coo_matrix((2 * Upv.imag, (np.arange(npv), pv_)), shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()
    XIM = coo_matrix((-Xpv.imag, (pv_, np.arange(npv))), shape=(npqpv, npv)).tocsc()
    XRE = coo_matrix((Xpv.real, (pv_, np.arange(npv))), shape=(npqpv, npv)).tocsc()
    EMPTY = csc_matrix((npv, npv))

    MAT = vs((hs((G,  -B,   XIM)),
              hs((B,   G,   XRE)),
              hs((VRE, VIM, EMPTY))), format='csc')

    if verbose:

    # factorize (only once)
    MAT_LU = factorized(MAT.tocsc())

    # solve

    # update coefficients
    U[1, :] = LHS[:npqpv] + 1j * LHS[npqpv:2 * npqpv]
    Q[0, pv_] = LHS[2 * npqpv:]
    W[1, :] = -W[0, :] * np.conj(U[1, :]) / np.conj(U[0, :])

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [>=2] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    iter_ = 1
    range_pqpv = np.arange(npqpv, dtype=np.int64)
    V = V0.copy()
    c = 2
    converged = False
    norm_f = tolerance + 1.0  # any number that violates the convergence

    while c < max_coeff and not converged:  # c defines the current depth

        valor[pq_] = (P_red[pq_] - Q_red[pq_] * 1j) * W[c - 1, pq_] - U[c - 1, pq_] * Ysh_red[pq_]
        valor[pv_] = -1j * conv2(W, Q, c, pv_) - U[c - 1, pv_] * Ysh_red[pv_] + W[c - 1, pv_] * P_red[pv_]

        RHS = np.r_[valor.real,
                    -conv3(U, U, c, pv_).real]

        LHS = MAT_LU(RHS)

        # update voltage coefficients
        U[c, :] = LHS[:npqpv] + 1j * LHS[npqpv:2 * npqpv]

        # update reactive power
        Q[c - 1, pv_] = LHS[2 * npqpv:]

        # update voltage inverse coefficients
        W[c, range_pqpv] = -conv1(U, W, c, range_pqpv) / np.conj(U[0, range_pqpv])

        # compute power mismatch
        if not np.mod(c, 2):  # check the mismatch every 4 iterations
            V[pqpv] = U.sum(axis=0)
            Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus * V)
            dP = np.abs(S0[pqpv].real - Scalc[pqpv].real)
            dQ = np.abs(S0[pq].imag - Scalc[pq].imag)
            norm_f = np.linalg.norm(np.r_[dP, dQ], np.inf)  # same as max(abs())

            # check convergence
            converged = norm_f < tolerance
            print('mismatch check at c=', c)

        c += 1
        iter_ += 1

    return U, W, Q, iter_, norm_f
Esempio n. 2
def helm_josep(Ybus, Yseries, V0, S0, Ysh0, pq, pv, sl, pqpv, tolerance=1e-6, max_coeff=30, use_pade=True,
               verbose=False, return_structs=False):
    Holomorphic Embedding LoadFlow Method as formulated by Josep Fanals Batllori in 2020
    :param Ybus: Complete admittance matrix
    :param Yseries: Admittance matrix of the series elements
    :param V0: vector of specified voltages
    :param S0: vector of specified power
    :param Ysh0: vector of shunt admittances (including the shunts of the branches)
    :param pq: list of pq nodes
    :param pv: list of pv nodes
    :param sl: list of slack nodes
    :param pqpv: sorted list of pq and pv nodes
    :param tolerance: target error (or tolerance)
    :param max_coeff: maximum number of coefficients
    :param use_pade: Use the Padè approximation? otherwise a simple summation is done
    :param verbose: Print intermediate objects and calculations?
    :return: V, converged, norm_f, Scalc, iter_, elapsed

    start_time = time.time()

    npqpv = len(pqpv)
    npv = len(pv)
    nsl = len(sl)
    n = Yseries.shape[0]

    if n < 2:
        # V, converged, norm_f, Scalc, iter_, elapsed
        return V0, True, 0.0, S0, 0, 0.0

    # --------------------------- PREPARING IMPLEMENTATION--------------------------------------------------------------
    U = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # voltages
    U_re = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=float)  # real part of voltages
    U_im = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=float)  # imaginary part of voltages
    X = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # compute X=1/conj(U)
    X_re = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=float)  # real part of X
    X_im = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=float)  # imaginary part of X
    Q = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # unknown reactive powers
    Vm0 = np.abs(V0)
    vec_W = Vm0 * Vm0

    if verbose:
        df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.c_[Ysh0.imag, S0.real, S0.imag, Vm0],
                          columns=['Ysh', 'P0', 'Q0', 'V0'])

    Yred = Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, pqpv)]  # admittance matrix without slack buses
    Yslack = -Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, sl)]  # yes, it is the negative of this
    G = np.real(Yred)  # real parts of Yij
    B = np.imag(Yred)  # imaginary parts of Yij
    vec_P = S0.real[pqpv]
    vec_Q = S0.imag[pqpv]
    Vslack = V0[sl]

    # indices 0 based in the internal scheme
    nsl_counted = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
    compt = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if i in sl:
            compt += 1
        nsl_counted[i] = compt

    pq_ = pq - nsl_counted[pq]
    pv_ = pv - nsl_counted[pv]
    pqpv_ = np.sort(np.r_[pq_, pv_])

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [0] ------------------------------------------------------------------

    if nsl > 1:
        U[0, :] = spsolve(Yred, Yslack.sum(axis=1))
        U[0, :] = spsolve(Yred, Yslack)

    X[0, :] = 1 / np.conj(U[0, :])
    U_re[0, :] = U[0, :].real
    U_im[0, :] = U[0, :].imag
    X_re[0, :] = X[0, :].real
    X_im[0, :] = X[0, :].imag

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [1] ------------------------------------------------------------------
    valor = np.zeros(npqpv, dtype=complex)

    # get the current injections that appear due to the slack buses reduction
    I_inj_slack = Yslack[pqpv_, :] * Vslack

    valor[pq_] = I_inj_slack[pq_] - Yslack[pq_].sum(axis=1).A1 + (vec_P[pq_] - vec_Q[pq_] * 1j) * X[0, pq_] + U[0, pq_] * Ysh0[pq_]
    valor[pv_] = I_inj_slack[pv_] - Yslack[pv_].sum(axis=1).A1 + (vec_P[pv_]) * X[0, pv_] + U[0, pv_] * Ysh0[pv_]

    # compose the right-hand side vector
    RHS = np.r_[valor.real,
                vec_W[pv] - 1.0]

    # Form the system matrix (MAT)
    Upv = U[0, pv_]
    Xpv = X[0, pv_]
    VRE = coo_matrix((2 * Upv.real, (np.arange(npv), pv_)), shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()
    VIM = coo_matrix((2 * Upv.imag, (np.arange(npv), pv_)), shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()
    XIM = coo_matrix((-Xpv.imag, (pv_, np.arange(npv))), shape=(npqpv, npv)).tocsc()
    XRE = coo_matrix((Xpv.real, (pv_, np.arange(npv))), shape=(npqpv, npv)).tocsc()
    EMPTY = csc_matrix((npv, npv))

    MAT = vs((hs((G,   -B,   XIM)),
              hs((B,    G,   XRE)),
              hs((VRE,  VIM, EMPTY))), format='csc')

    if verbose:

    # factorize (only once)
    MAT_LU = factorized(MAT.tocsc())

    # solve

    # update coefficients
    Q[0, pv_] = LHS[2 * npqpv:]
    U[1, :] = LHS[:npqpv] + 1j * LHS[npqpv:2 * npqpv]
    X[1, :] = -X[0, :] * np.conj(U[1, :]) / np.conj(U[0, :])

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [>=2] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    iter_ = 1
    range_pqpv = np.arange(npqpv, dtype=np.int64)
    for c in range(2, max_coeff):  # c defines the current depth

        valor[pq_] = (vec_P[pq_] - vec_Q[pq_] * 1j) * X[c - 1, pq_] + U[c - 1, pq_] * Ysh0[pq_]
        valor[pv_] = conv2(X, Q, c, pv_) * -1j + U[c - 1, pv_] * Ysh0[pv_] + X[c - 1, pv_] * vec_P[pv_]

        RHS = np.r_[valor.real,
                    -conv3(U, U, c, pv_).real]

        LHS = MAT_LU(RHS)

        # update voltage coefficients
        U[c, :] = LHS[:npqpv] + 1j * LHS[npqpv:2 * npqpv]

        # update reactive power
        Q[c - 1, pv_] = LHS[2 * npqpv:]

        # update voltage inverse coefficients
        X[c, range_pqpv] = -conv1(U, X, c, range_pqpv) / np.conj(U[0, range_pqpv])

        iter_ += 1

    # --------------------------- RESULTS COMPOSITION ------------------------------------------------------------------
    if verbose:
        print('V coefficients')

    # compute the final voltage
    V = np.zeros(n, dtype=complex)
    if use_pade:
        V[pqpv] = pade4all(max_coeff - 1, U, 1)
        V[pqpv] = U.sum(axis=0)

    V[sl] = Vslack  # copy the slack buses

    # compute power mismatch
    Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus * V)
    dP = np.abs(S0[pqpv].real - Scalc[pqpv].real)
    dQ = np.abs(S0[pq].imag - Scalc[pq].imag)
    norm_f = np.linalg.norm(np.r_[dP, dQ], np.inf)  # same as max(abs())

    # check convergence
    converged = norm_f < tolerance

    elapsed = time.time() - start_time

    if return_structs:
        return V, converged, norm_f, Scalc, iter_, elapsed, U, X

        return V, converged, norm_f, Scalc, iter_, elapsed
Esempio n. 3
def helm_coefficients_josep(Yseries, V0, S0, Ysh0, pq, pv, sl, pqpv, tolerance=1e-6, max_coeff=30, verbose=False):
    Holomorphic Embedding LoadFlow Method as formulated by Josep Fanals Batllori in 2020
    THis function just returns the coefficients for further usage in other routines
    :param Yseries: Admittance matrix of the series elements
    :param V0: vector of specified voltages
    :param S0: vector of specified power
    :param Ysh0: vector of shunt admittances (including the shunts of the branches)
    :param pq: list of pq nodes
    :param pv: list of pv nodes
    :param sl: list of slack nodes
    :param pqpv: sorted list of pq and pv nodes
    :param tolerance: target error (or tolerance)
    :param max_coeff: maximum number of coefficients
    :param verbose: print intermediate information
    :return: U, X, Q, iterations

    npqpv = len(pqpv)
    npv = len(pv)
    nsl = len(sl)
    n = Yseries.shape[0]

    # --------------------------- PREPARING IMPLEMENTATION -------------------------------------------------------------
    U = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # voltages
    X = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # compute X=1/conj(U)
    Q = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # unknown reactive powers

    if n < 2:
        return U, X, Q, 0

    if verbose:
        df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.c_[Ysh0.imag, S0.real, S0.imag, np.abs(V0)],
                          columns=['Ysh', 'P0', 'Q0', 'V0'])

    # build the reduced system
    Yred = Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, pqpv)]  # admittance matrix without slack buses
    Yslack = -Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, sl)]  # yes, it is the negative of this
    G = Yred.real.copy()  # real parts of Yij
    B = Yred.imag.copy()  # imaginary parts of Yij
    vec_P = S0.real[pqpv]
    vec_Q = S0.imag[pqpv]
    Vslack = V0[sl]
    Ysh = Ysh0[pqpv]
    Vm0 = np.abs(V0[pqpv])
    vec_W = Vm0 * Vm0

    # indices 0 based in the internal scheme
    nsl_counted = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
    compt = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if i in sl:
            compt += 1
        nsl_counted[i] = compt

    pq_ = pq - nsl_counted[pq]
    pv_ = pv - nsl_counted[pv]
    pqpv_ = np.sort(np.r_[pq_, pv_])

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [0] ------------------------------------------------------------------

    if nsl > 1:
        U[0, :] = spsolve(Yred, Yslack.sum(axis=1))
        U[0, :] = spsolve(Yred, Yslack)

    X[0, :] = 1 / np.conj(U[0, :])

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [1] ------------------------------------------------------------------
    valor = np.zeros(npqpv, dtype=complex)

    # get the current injections that appear due to the slack buses reduction
    I_inj_slack = Yslack[pqpv_, :] * Vslack

    valor[pq_] = I_inj_slack[pq_] - Yslack[pq_].sum(axis=1).A1 + (vec_P[pq_] - vec_Q[pq_] * 1j) * X[0, pq_] - U[0, pq_] * Ysh[pq_]
    valor[pv_] = I_inj_slack[pv_] - Yslack[pv_].sum(axis=1).A1 + (vec_P[pv_]) * X[0, pv_] - U[0, pv_] * Ysh[pv_]

    # compose the right-hand side vector
    RHS = np.r_[valor.real,
                vec_W[pv_] - (U[0, pv_] * U[0, pv_]).real  # vec_W[pv_] - 1.0

    # Form the system matrix (MAT)
    Upv = U[0, pv_]
    Xpv = X[0, pv_]
    VRE = coo_matrix((2 * Upv.real, (np.arange(npv), pv_)), shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()
    VIM = coo_matrix((2 * Upv.imag, (np.arange(npv), pv_)), shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()
    XIM = coo_matrix((-Xpv.imag, (pv_, np.arange(npv))), shape=(npqpv, npv)).tocsc()
    XRE = coo_matrix((Xpv.real, (pv_, np.arange(npv))), shape=(npqpv, npv)).tocsc()
    EMPTY = csc_matrix((npv, npv))

    MAT = vs((hs((G,  -B,   XIM)),
              hs((B,   G,   XRE)),
              hs((VRE, VIM, EMPTY))), format='csc')

    if verbose:

    # factorize (only once)
    # MAT_LU = factorized(MAT.tocsc())

    # solve
    LHS = spsolve(MAT, RHS)

    # update coefficients
    U[1, :] = LHS[:npqpv] + 1j * LHS[npqpv:2 * npqpv]
    Q[0, pv_] = LHS[2 * npqpv:]
    X[1, :] = -X[0, :] * np.conj(U[1, :]) / np.conj(U[0, :])

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [>=2] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    iter_ = 1
    for c in range(2, max_coeff):  # c defines the current depth

        valor[pq_] = (vec_P[pq_] - vec_Q[pq_] * 1j) * X[c - 1, pq_] - U[c - 1, pq_] * Ysh[pq_]
        valor[pv_] = -1j * conv2(X, Q, c, pv_) - U[c - 1, pv_] * Ysh[pv_] + X[c - 1, pv_] * vec_P[pv_]

        RHS = np.r_[valor.real,
                    -conv3(U, U, c, pv_).real]

        LHS = spsolve(MAT, RHS)

        # update voltage coefficients
        U[c, :] = LHS[:npqpv] + 1j * LHS[npqpv:2 * npqpv]

        # update reactive power
        Q[c - 1, pv_] = LHS[2 * npqpv:]

        # update voltage inverse coefficients
        X[c, :] = -conv1(U, X, c) / np.conj(U[0, :])

        iter_ += 1

    return U, X, Q, iter_
Esempio n. 4
def helm_coefficients_andre(Yseries,
    Holomorphic Embedding LoadFlow Method as formulated by Josep Fanals Batllori in 2020
    (----Reformulation to avoid Qk[n], Wk[n] calculation----)
    This function just returns the coefficients for further usage in other routines
    :param Yseries: Admittance matrix of the series elements
    :param V0: vector of specified voltages (complex)
    :param S0: vector of specified power (complex)
    :param Ysh0: vector of shunt admittances (including the shunts of the branches)
    :param pq: list of pq nodes
    :param pv: list of pv nodes
    :param sl: list of slack nodes
    :param pqpv: sorted list of pq and pv nodes
    :param tolerance: target error (or tolerance)
    :param max_coeff: maximum number of coefficients
    :param verbose: print intermediate information
    :return: U, "iterations"

    npqpv = len(pqpv)  # number of non-slack buses
    npq = len(pq)  # number of pq buses
    npv = len(pv)  # number of pv buses
    nsl = len(sl)  # number of slack buses
    n = Yseries.shape[
        0]  # number of buses; size(Yseries,n) = Yseries.shape[n-1]; size(Yseries) = Yseries.shape;

    # --------------------------- PREPARING IMPLEMENTATION -------------------------------------------------------------

    U = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex,
                 order='C')  # voltage series coefficients
    conjU = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex,
                     order='C')  # conjugate voltage series coefficients
    Vsp = np.abs(V0[pqpv])  # Specified voltage magnitude for PV-Buses
    Vsp_2 = Vsp * Vsp  # Specified voltage magnitude for PV-Buses Squared

    if n < 2:
        return U, 0

    if verbose:
        df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.c_[Ysh0.imag, S0.real, S0.imag,
                          columns=['Ysh', 'P0', 'Q0', 'V0'])

    Yrr = Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, pqpv)]  # Y_RED-RED; Yseries(pqpv,pqpv)
    Yrs = Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, sl)]  # Y_RED-SLK
    Vs = V0[sl]  # V_SLK
    Isl = Yrs * Vs  # I_SLK
    Ssp = S0[
        pqpv]  # Specified apparent power (Active for PQ and PV; Reactive for PQ)
    Ysh = Ysh0[pqpv]  # Y_RED

    # indices 0 based in the internal scheme
    nsl_counted = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
    compt = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if i in sl:
            compt += 1
        nsl_counted[i] = compt

    pq_ = pq - nsl_counted[pq]
    pv_ = pv - nsl_counted[pv]
    pqpv_ = np.arange(0, npqpv, dtype=np.int64)

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [0] ------------------------------------------------------------------

    U[0, :] = spsolve(Yrr, -Isl)

    conjU[0, :] = np.conj(U[0, :])

    # .......................LINEAR SYSTEM MATRIX (MAT) ----------------------------------------------------------------

    YV = Yrr.multiply(conjU[0, :].reshape(npqpv, 1))
    YV = YV.tocsc()

    # | Re{YxconjV} -Im{YxconjV} | * |LHS_ReU [PQ,PV]|  = |RHS_P [PQ,PV]|
    # | Im{YxconjV}  Re{YxconjV} |   |LHS_ImU [PQ,PV]|    |RHS_Q [PQ]   |
    # | Re{V}              Im{V} |                        |RHS_V [PV]   |

    ReYVp = YV.real
    ImYVp = YV.imag
    ReYVq = ReYVp[np.ix_(pq_, pqpv_)]
    ImYVq = ImYVp[np.ix_(pq_, pqpv_)]
    ReV = coo_matrix(
        (U[0, pv_].real, (np.arange(0, npv, dtype=np.int64), pv_)),
        shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()
    ImV = coo_matrix(
        (U[0, pv_].imag, (np.arange(0, npv, dtype=np.int64), pv_)),
        shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()

    # sparse matrix concatenation
    MAT = vs((hs(
        (ReYVp, -ImYVp), format='csr'), hs(
            (ImYVq, ReYVq), format='csr'), hs((ReV, ImV), format='csr')),

    if verbose:

    # factorize (only once)
    MAT_LU = factorized(MAT)

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [>=1] ----------------------------------------------------------------

    for c in range(1, max_coeff):  # max_coeff_order

        if c == 1:
            UconjU = U[0, :] * conjU[0, :]
            UconjU = UconjU.real
            valor_v = 0.5 * (Vsp_2[pv_] - UconjU[pv_])
            valor_pq = np.conj(Ssp) - Ysh * UconjU
            conjU[c - 1, :] = np.conj(U[c - 1, :])
            valor_v = -conv4(U, conjU, c, pv_)
            valor_pq = -Ysh * conv5(U, conjU, c, pqpv_) - conv6(
                U, conjU, Yrr, npqpv, c)

        # compose the right-hand side vector
        RHS = np.r_[valor_pq.real, valor_pq[pq_].imag, valor_v]

        # solve
        LHS = MAT_LU(RHS)

        # update voltage coefficients
        U[c, :] = LHS[0:npqpv] + 1j * LHS[npqpv:2 * npqpv]

    return U, max_coeff - 1