Esempio n. 1
def root_poly3(a1, a2, a3):
    """Roots for a cubic polinomy, x^3 + a1*x^2 + a2*x + a3"""
    Q = (3 * a2 - a1**2) / 9.
    L = (9 * a1 * a2 - 27 * a3 - 2 * a1**3) / 54.
    D = Q**3 + L**2
    if D < 0:
        tita = acos(L / (-Q**3)**0.5)
        z1 = 2 * (-Q)**0.5 * cos(tita / 3. + 2. * pi / 3) - a1 / 3.
        z2 = 2 * (-Q)**0.5 * cos(tita / 3. + 4. * pi / 3) - a1 / 3.
        z3 = 2 * (-Q)**0.5 * cos(tita / 3.) - a1 / 3.
        z = [z1, z2, z3]
        S1 = cbrt((L + D**0.5))
        S2 = cbrt((L - D**0.5))
        if D > 0:
            z = [S1 + S2 - a1 / 3.]
            z1 = cbrt(L) + cbrt(L) - a1 / 3.
            z2 = -cbrt(L) - a1 / 3.
            z = [z1, z2]
#    print z[0]+z[1]+z[2], -a1
#    print z[0]*z[1]+z[1]*z[2]+z[2]*z[0], a2
#    print z[0]*z[1]*z[2], -a3
    return z
Esempio n. 2
def equivalent_diameter(target,
    Calculates the diameter of a sphere or edge-length of a cube with same
    volume as the pore.

    target : OpenPNM Geometry Object
        The Geometry object which this model is associated with. This controls
        the length of the calculated array, and also provides access to other
        necessary geometric properties.

    pore_volume : string
        The dictionary key containing the pore volume values

    pore_shape : string
        The shape of the pore body to assume when back-calculating from
        volume.  Options are 'sphere' (default) or 'cube'.

    from scipy.special import cbrt
    pore_vols = target[pore_volume]
    if pore_shape.startswith('sph'):
        value = cbrt(6 * pore_vols / _np.pi)
    elif pore_shape.startswith('cub'):
        value = cbrt(pore_vols)
    return value
Esempio n. 3
def nonlinear_resonator(f, f_0, Q, Q_e_real, Q_e_imag, a):
    Q_e = Q_e_real + 1j * Q_e_imag
    if np.isscalar(f):
        fmodel = np.linspace(f * 0.9999, f * 1.0001, 1000)
        scalar = True
        fmodel = f
        scalar = False
    y_0 = ((fmodel - f_0) / f_0) * Q
    y = (y_0 / 3. + (y_0**2 / 9 - 1 / 12) / cbrt(a / 8 + y_0 / 12 + np.sqrt(
        (y_0**3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8)**2 -
        (y_0**2 / 9 - 1 / 12)**3) + y_0**3 / 27) +
         cbrt(a / 8 + y_0 / 12 + np.sqrt((y_0**3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8)**2 -
                                         (y_0**2 / 9 - 1 / 12)**3) +
              y_0**3 / 27))
    x = y / Q
    s21 = (1 - (Q / Q_e) / (1 + 2j * Q * x))
    mask = np.isfinite(s21)
    if scalar or not np.all(mask):
        s21_interp_real = np.interp(f, fmodel[mask], s21[mask].real)
        s21_interp_imag = np.interp(f, fmodel[mask], s21[mask].imag)
        s21new = s21_interp_real + 1j * s21_interp_imag
        s21new = s21
    return s21new
Esempio n. 4
def root_poly3(a1, a2, a3):
    """Roots for a cubic polinomy, x^3 + a1*x^2 + a2*x + a3"""
    Q = (3*a2-a1**2)/9.
    L = (9*a1*a2-27*a3-2*a1**3)/54.
    D = Q**3+L**2
    if D < 0:
        tita = acos(L/(-Q**3)**0.5)
        z1 = 2*(-Q)**0.5*cos(tita/3.+2.*pi/3)-a1/3.
        z2 = 2*(-Q)**0.5*cos(tita/3.+4.*pi/3)-a1/3.
        z3 = 2*(-Q)**0.5*cos(tita/3.)-a1/3.
        z = [z1, z2, z3]
        S1 = cbrt((L+D**0.5))
        S2 = cbrt((L-D**0.5))
        if D > 0:
            z = [S1+S2-a1/3.]
            z1 = cbrt(L)+cbrt(L)-a1/3.
            z2 = -cbrt(L)-a1/3.
            z = [z1, z2]
#    print z[0]+z[1]+z[2], -a1
#    print z[0]*z[1]+z[1]*z[2]+z[2]*z[0], a2
#    print z[0]*z[1]*z[2], -a3
    return z
Esempio n. 5
def bifurcation_s21(params,f):
    Swenson paper:
        Equation: y = yo + A/(1+4*y**2)
    A = (params['A_mag'].value *
         np.exp(1j * params['A_phase'].value))
    f_0 = params['f_0'].value
    Q = params['Q'].value
    Q_e = (params['Q_e_real'].value +
           1j * params['Q_e_imag'].value)
    a = params['a'].value
    if np.isscalar(f):
        fmodel = np.linspace(f*0.9999,f*1.0001,1000)
        scalar = True
        fmodel = f
        scalar = False
    y_0 = ((fmodel - f_0)/f_0)*Q
    y =  (y_0/3. + 
            (y_0**2/9 - 1/12)/cbrt(a/8 + y_0/12 + np.sqrt((y_0**3/27 + y_0/12 + a/8)**2 - (y_0**2/9 - 1/12)**3) + y_0**3/27) + 
            cbrt(a/8 + y_0/12 + np.sqrt((y_0**3/27 + y_0/12 + a/8)**2 - (y_0**2/9 - 1/12)**3) + y_0**3/27))
    x = y/Q
    s21 = A*(1 - (Q/Q_e)/(1+2j*Q*x))
    msk = np.isfinite(s21)
    if scalar or not np.all(msk):
        s21_interp_real = np.interp(f,fmodel[msk],s21[msk].real)
        s21_interp_imag = np.interp(f,fmodel[msk],s21[msk].imag)
        s21new = s21_interp_real+1j*s21_interp_imag
        s21new = s21
    return s21new*cable_delay(params,f)
Esempio n. 6
def bifurcation_s21(params, f):
    Swenson paper:
        Equation: y = yo + A/(1+4*y**2)
    A = (params['A_mag'].value * np.exp(1j * params['A_phase'].value))
    f_0 = params['f_0'].value
    Q = params['Q'].value
    Q_e = (params['Q_e_real'].value + 1j * params['Q_e_imag'].value)

    a = params['a'].value

    if np.isscalar(f):
        fmodel = np.linspace(f * 0.9999, f * 1.0001, 1000)
        scalar = True
        fmodel = f
        scalar = False
    y_0 = ((fmodel - f_0) / f_0) * Q
    y = (y_0 / 3. + (y_0**2 / 9 - 1 / 12) / cbrt(a / 8 + y_0 / 12 + np.sqrt(
        (y_0**3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8)**2 -
        (y_0**2 / 9 - 1 / 12)**3) + y_0**3 / 27) +
         cbrt(a / 8 + y_0 / 12 + np.sqrt((y_0**3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8)**2 -
                                         (y_0**2 / 9 - 1 / 12)**3) +
              y_0**3 / 27))
    x = y / Q
    s21 = A * (1 - (Q / Q_e) / (1 + 2j * Q * x))
    mask = np.isfinite(s21)
    if scalar or not np.all(mask):
        s21_interp_real = np.interp(f, fmodel[mask], s21[mask].real)
        s21_interp_imag = np.interp(f, fmodel[mask], s21[mask].imag)
        s21new = s21_interp_real + 1j * s21_interp_imag
        s21new = s21
    return s21new * cable_delay(params, f)
Esempio n. 7
def equivalent_diameter(target, pore_volume='pore.volume',
    Calculates the diameter of a sphere or edge-length of a cube with same
    volume as the pore.

    target : OpenPNM Geometry Object
        The Geometry object which this model is associated with. This controls
        the length of the calculated array, and also provides access to other
        necessary geometric properties.

    pore_volume : string
        The dictionary key containing the pore volume values

    pore_shape : string
        The shape of the pore body to assume when back-calculating from
        volume.  Options are 'sphere' (default) or 'cube'.

    D : NumPy ndarray
        Array containing pore diameter values.

    from scipy.special import cbrt
    pore_vols = target[pore_volume]
    if pore_shape.startswith('sph'):
        value = cbrt(6*pore_vols/_np.pi)
    elif pore_shape.startswith('cub'):
        value = cbrt(pore_vols)
    return value
Esempio n. 8
    def setUp(self):
        """Verify environment is setup properly
        data taken from the fitted params of the sweep
        swps[0], swp.atten = 21.0, swp.power_dbm=-51 """

        f = np.linspace(82.85, 82.90, 10000)
        f_0 = 82.881569344696032
        A_mag = 0.045359757228080611
        A_phase = 0
        A = A_mag * np.exp(1j * A_phase)
        Q = 32253.035141948105
        Q_e_real = 120982.33962292993
        Q_e_imag = 51324.601136160083
        Q_e = Q_e_real + 1j * Q_e_imag
        delay = 0.05255962136531532
        phi = -1.3313606721103854
        f_min = f[0]
        a = 0.56495480690974931
        self.Q_i = (Q ** -1 - np.real(Q_e ** -1)) ** -1

        y_0 = ((f - f_0) / f_0) * Q
        y = (
            y_0 / 3.0
            + (y_0 ** 2 / 9 - 1 / 12)
            / cbrt(
                a / 8
                + y_0 / 12
                + np.sqrt((y_0 ** 3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8) ** 2 - (y_0 ** 2 / 9 - 1 / 12) ** 3)
                + y_0 ** 3 / 27
            + cbrt(
                a / 8
                + y_0 / 12
                + np.sqrt((y_0 ** 3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8) ** 2 - (y_0 ** 2 / 9 - 1 / 12) ** 3)
                + y_0 ** 3 / 27
        x = y / Q
        s21 = A * (1 - (Q / Q_e) / (1 + 2j * Q * x))
        msk = np.isfinite(s21)
        if not np.all(msk):
            s21_interp_real = np.interp(f, f[msk], s21[msk].real)
            s21_interp_imag = np.interp(f, f[msk], s21[msk].imag)
            s21new = s21_interp_real + 1j * s21_interp_imag
            s21new = s21

        cable_delay = np.exp(1j * (-2 * np.pi * (f - f_min) * delay + phi))
        bifurcation = s21new * cable_delay

        self.f_0 = f_0
        self.f = f
        self.Q = Q
        self.bifurcation = bifurcation
        self.res = resonator.Resonator(
            self.f, self.bifurcation, model=khalil.bifurcation_s21, guess=khalil.bifurcation_guess
Esempio n. 9
    def _distort_tsai(self, metric_image_coord):
        Distort centered metric image coordinates following Tsai model.

        See: Devernay, Frederic, and Olivier Faugeras. "Straight lines have to be straight."
        Machine vision and applications 13.1 (2001): 14-24. Section 2.1.
        (only for illustration, the formulas didn't work for me) :CameraModel.cpp:CameraModel::undistortedToDistortedSensorCoord

        Analytical inverse of the undistort_tsai() function.

        :param metric_image_coord: centered metric image coordinates
            (metric image coordinate = image_xy * f / z)
        :type metric_image_coord: numpy.ndarray, shape=(2, n)
        :return: distorted centered metric image coordinates
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(2, n)
        assert metric_image_coord.shape[0] == 2
        x = metric_image_coord[0, :]  # vector
        y = metric_image_coord[1, :]  # vector
        r_u = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)  # vector
        c = 1.0 / self.tsai_kappa  # scalar
        d = -c * r_u  # vector

        # solve polynomial of 3rd degree for r_distorted using Cardan method:
        # r_distorted ** 3 + c * r_distorted + d = 0
        q = c / 3.  # scalar
        r = -d / 2.  # vector
        delta = q**3 + r**2  # polynomial discriminant, vector

        positive_mask = delta >= 0
        r_distorted = np.zeros((metric_image_coord.shape[1]))

        # discriminant > 0
        s = cbrt(r[positive_mask] + np.sqrt(delta[positive_mask]))
        t = cbrt(r[positive_mask] - np.sqrt(delta[positive_mask]))
        r_distorted[positive_mask] = s + t

        # discriminant < 0
        delta_sqrt = np.sqrt(-delta[~positive_mask])
        s = cbrt(np.sqrt(r[~positive_mask]**2 + delta_sqrt**2))
        # s = cbrt(np.sqrt(r[~positive_mask] ** 2 + (-delta[~positive_mask]) ** 2))
        t = 1. / 3 * np.arctan2(delta_sqrt, r[~positive_mask])
            ~positive_mask] = -s * np.cos(t) + s * np.sqrt(3) * np.sin(t)

        return metric_image_coord * r_distorted / r_u
Esempio n. 10
    def _distort_tsai(self, metric_image_coord):
        Distort centered metric image coordinates following Tsai model.

        See: Devernay, Frederic, and Olivier Faugeras. "Straight lines have to be straight."
        Machine vision and applications 13.1 (2001): 14-24. Section 2.1.
        (only for illustration, the formulas didn't work for me) :CameraModel.cpp:CameraModel::undistortedToDistortedSensorCoord

        Analytical inverse of the undistort_tsai() function.

        :param metric_image_coord: centered metric image coordinates
            (metric image coordinate = image_xy * f / z)
        :type metric_image_coord: numpy.ndarray, shape=(2, n)
        :return: distorted centered metric image coordinates
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(2, n)
        assert metric_image_coord.shape[0] == 2
        x = metric_image_coord[0, :]  # vector
        y = metric_image_coord[1, :]  # vector
        r_u = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)  # vector
        c = 1.0 / self.tsai_kappa  # scalar
        d = -c * r_u  # vector

        # solve polynomial of 3rd degree for r_distorted using Cardan method:
        # r_distorted ** 3 + c * r_distorted + d = 0
        q = c / 3.  # scalar
        r = -d / 2.  # vector
        delta = q ** 3 + r ** 2  # polynomial discriminant, vector

        positive_mask = delta >= 0
        r_distorted = np.zeros((metric_image_coord.shape[1]))

        # discriminant > 0
        s = cbrt(r[positive_mask] + np.sqrt(delta[positive_mask]))
        t = cbrt(r[positive_mask] - np.sqrt(delta[positive_mask]))
        r_distorted[positive_mask] = s + t

        # discriminant < 0
        delta_sqrt = np.sqrt(-delta[~positive_mask])
        s = cbrt(np.sqrt(r[~positive_mask] ** 2 + delta_sqrt ** 2))
        # s = cbrt(np.sqrt(r[~positive_mask] ** 2 + (-delta[~positive_mask]) ** 2))
        t = 1. / 3 * np.arctan2(delta_sqrt, r[~positive_mask])
        r_distorted[~positive_mask] = -s * np.cos(t) + s * np.sqrt(3) * np.sin(t)

        return metric_image_coord * r_distorted / r_u
Esempio n. 11
def usr_moments(coords):
    Calculates the USR moments for a set of input coordinates as well as the four
    USR reference atoms.

    :param coords: numpy.ndarray
    # centroid of the input coordinates
    ctd = coords.mean(axis=0)

    # get the distances to the centroid
    dist_ctd = distance_to_point(coords, ctd)

    # get the closest and furthest coordinate to/from the centroid
    cst, fct = coords[dist_ctd.argmin()], coords[dist_ctd.argmax()]

    # get the distance distributions for the points that are closest/furthest
    # to/from the centroid
    dist_cst = distance_to_point(coords, cst)
    dist_fct = distance_to_point(coords, fct)

    # get the point that is the furthest from the point that is furthest from
    # the centroid
    ftf = coords[dist_fct.argmax()]
    dist_ftf = distance_to_point(coords, ftf)

    # calculate the first three moments for each of the four distance distributions
    moments = concatenate([(ar.mean(), ar.std(), cbrt(skew(ar)))
                           for ar in (dist_ctd, dist_cst, dist_fct, dist_ftf)])

    # return the USR moments as well as the four points for later re-use
    return (ctd, cst, fct, ftf), moments
Esempio n. 12
File: Progetto: Fuhji/TopoMC
 def __call__(self, coords):
     # generate ellipsoid values based on parameters
     (mcx, mcy, mcz) = coords
     # start with random radius-like values
     x0 = randint(1, 4)
     y0 = randint(1, 4)
     z0 = randint(1, 4)
     v0 = 4/3 * pi * x0 * y0 * z0
     # scale to match volume and round up
     scale = cbrt(self.size / v0)
     x1 = int(round(scale * x0))
     y1 = int(round(scale * y0))
     z1 = int(round(scale * z0))
     # pre-calculate squares
     x2 = x1 * x1
     y2 = y1 * y1
     z2 = z1 * z1
     # generate ranges
     xr = xrange(-1 * x1, x1)
     yr = xrange(-1 * y1, y1)
     zr = xrange(-1 * z1, z1)
     # calculate ellipsoid
     oreCoords = [[mcx+x, mcy+y, mcz+z] for x, y, z in product(xr, yr, zr) if x*x/x2+y*y/y2+z*z/z2 <= 1]
     # if len(oreCoords) > self.size+2:
     #     print "warning: oreCoords larger than self.size -- %d > %d" % (len(oreCoords), self.size)
     # if len(oreCoords) < self.size-2:
     #     print "warning: oreCoords smaller than self.size -- %d < %d" % (len(oreCoords), self.size)
     return oreCoords
Esempio n. 13
def model_normalized(params, f):
    f_r = params['f_r'].value
    i = params['i'].value
    c = params['c'].value
    c_imag = params['c_imag'].value
    a = params['a'].value
    Q_r = (i + c)**-1
    y_0 = (f / f_r - 1) * Q_r
    y = (y_0 / 3 +
         (y_0**2 / 9 - 1 / 12) / cbrt(a / 8 + y_0 / 12 + np.sqrt(
             (y_0**3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8)**2 - (y_0**2 / 9 - 1 / 12)**3) + y_0**3 / 27) +
         cbrt(a / 8 + y_0 / 12 + np.sqrt(
             (y_0**3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8)**2 - (y_0**2 / 9 - 1 / 12)**3) + y_0**3 / 27))
    x = y / Q_r
    return (1 - ((c + 1j * c_imag) /
                 (i + c + 2j * x)))
Esempio n. 14
def direct_from_centered(mean, cov, skew):
    """ Follow the advice of Arellano-Valle, R. B. & Azzalini, A. The
    centred parametrization for the multivariate skew-normal
    distribution. J. Multivar. Anal. 99, 1362-1382 (2008). 

    Given centered parameters, return direct parameters

    # Calculate mu_z from Eq. 5
    c = cbrt((2 * skew) / (4 - np.pi))
    u_z = c / np.sqrt(1 + c**2)

    # Calculate delta_z
    b = np.sqrt(2. / np.pi)
    delta_z = u_z / b

    sigma_z = np.diag(np.sqrt(1 - (b * delta_z)**2))
    sigma = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)))

    w =
    wdotu_z =
    dp_mean = mean - wdotu_z
    dp_cov = cov + np.outer(wdotu_z, u_z).dot(w)
    winv = np.linalg.pinv(w)
    omega_hat =
    omega_hat_inv = np.linalg.pinv(omega_hat)
    ohi_dot_delta =
    dp_skew = ohi_dot_delta / np.sqrt(1 -

    assert is_pos_def(dp_cov), "Covariance matrix must be pos-def"
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(dp_skew)), "Skew must be finite"

    return dp_mean, dp_cov, dp_skew
Esempio n. 15
    def _calc_epsTE01_int(self, Itke, theta):
        The integral, equation A13, in [TE01].


        Itke : |np.ndarray|
          (beta in TE01) is the turbulence intensity ratio:
          \sigma_u / V

        theta : |np.ndarray|
          is the angle between the mean flow, and the primary axis of
          velocity fluctuations.

        x = np.arange(-20, 20, 1e-2)  # I think this is a long enough range.
        out = np.empty_like(Itke.flatten())
        for i, (b, t) in enumerate(zip(Itke.flatten(), theta.flatten())):
            out[i] = np.trapz(
                cbrt(x ** 2 - 2 / b * np.cos(t) * x + b ** (-2)) *
                np.exp(-0.5 * x ** 2), x)
        return out.reshape(Itke.shape) * \
            (2 * np.pi) ** (-0.5) * Itke ** (2 / 3)
Esempio n. 16
    def _calc_epsTE01_int(self, Itke, theta):
        The integral, equation A13, in [TE01].


        Itke : |np.ndarray|
          (beta in TE01) is the turbulence intensity ratio:
          \sigma_u / V

        theta : |np.ndarray|
          is the angle between the mean flow, and the primary axis of
          velocity fluctuations.

        x = np.arange(-20, 20, 1e-2)  # I think this is a long enough range.
        out = np.empty_like(Itke.flatten())
        for i, (b, t) in enumerate(zip(Itke.flatten(), theta.flatten())):
            out[i] = np.trapz(
                cbrt(x ** 2 - 2 / b * np.cos(t) * x + b ** (-2)) *
                np.exp(-0.5 * x ** 2), x)
        return out.reshape(Itke.shape) * \
            (2 * np.pi) ** (-0.5) * Itke ** (2 / 3)
Esempio n. 17
def compute_exchage_slater(rho):
    """Slater exchange energy functional."""
    from scipy.special import cbrt
    cx = (3. / 4) * (3 / np.pi)**(1. / 3)
    ex = -cx * (np.power(rho, 4. / 3))
    vx = -(4. / 3) * cx * cbrt(np.fabs(rho))
    return ex, vx
Esempio n. 18
def D(z, omega0):
        Growth Function 
    a = 1/(1+z)
    v = scs.cbrt(omega0/(1.-omega0))/a
    return a*d1(v)
Esempio n. 19
def scale(network,
          scale_factor=[1, 1, 1],
          linear_scaling=[False, False, False]):
    A method for scaling the coordinates and vertices to create anisotropic networks
    The original domain volume can be preserved by setting preserve_vol = True

    >>> import OpenPNM
    >>> import OpenPNM.Utilities.vertexops as vo
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.Delaunay(num_pores=100, domain_size=[3,2,1])
    >>> pn.add_boundaries()
    >>> B1 = pn.pores("left_boundary")
    >>> B2 = pn.pores("right_boundary")
    >>> Vol = vo.vertex_dimension(pn,B1,B2)
    >>> vo.scale(network=pn,scale_factor=[2,1,1],preserve_vol=True)
    >>> Vol2 = vo.vertex_dimension(pn,B1,B2)
    >>> np.around(Vol-Vol2,5) == 0.0
    >>> vo.scale(network=pn,scale_factor=[2,1,1],preserve_vol=False)
    >>> Vol3 = vo.vertex_dimension(pn,B1,B2)
    >>> np.around(Vol3/Vol,5) == 2.0

    from scipy.special import cbrt
    import scipy as sp
    minmax = np.around(
        vertex_dimension(network=network, face1=network.pores(),
                         parm='minmax'), 10)
    scale_factor = np.asarray(scale_factor)
    if preserve_vol is True:
        scale_factor = scale_factor / (cbrt(

    lin_scale = _linear_scale_factor(network["pore.coords"], minmax,
                                     scale_factor, linear_scaling)

    network["pore.coords"] = network["pore.coords"] * lin_scale
    # Cycle through all vertices of all pores updating vertex values
    for pore in network.pores():
        for i, vert in network['pore.vert_index'][pore].items():
            vert_scale = _linear_scale_factor(vert, minmax, scale_factor,
            network["pore.vert_index"][pore][i] = vert * vert_scale
    # Cycle through all vertices of all throats updating vertex values
    for throat in network.throats():
        for i, vert in network['throat.vert_index'][throat].items():

            vert_scale = _linear_scale_factor(vert, minmax, scale_factor,
            network["throat.vert_index"][throat][i] = vert * vert_scale
    # Scale the vertices on the voronoi diagram stored on the network
    # These are used for adding boundaries on the Delaunay network class
    vert = network._vor.vertices
    vert_scale = _linear_scale_factor(vert, minmax, scale_factor,
    network._vor.vertices = vert * vert_scale
Esempio n. 20
File: Progetto: Fuhji/TopoMC
    def placeoreintile(tile):
        # strictly speaking, this should be in class Tile somehow
        oreobjs = dict([(, ore) for ore in oreObjs])
        tile.ores = dict([(name, list()) for name in oreobjs])

        for ore in oreobjs:
            extent = cbrt(oreobjs[ore].size)*2
            maxy = pow(2, oreobjs[ore].depth)
            numrounds = int(oreobjs[ore].rounds * (tile.size/16) * (tile.size/16))
            oreID = materialNamed(oreobjs[ore].name)
            for dummy in xrange(numrounds):
                orex = randint(0, tile.size)
                orey = randint(0, maxy)
                orez = randint(0, tile.size)
                coords = [orex+tile.mcoffsetx, orey, orez+tile.mcoffsetz]
                if (orex < extent or (tile.size-orex) < extent or orez < extent or (tile.size-orez) < extent):
                    except KeyError:
                        tile.ores[ore] = []
                    for x, y, z in oreobjs[ore](coords):
                        if, y, z) == Ore.stoneID:
                  , y, z, oreID)
Esempio n. 21
 def __call__(self, coords):
     # generate ellipsoid values based on parameters
     (mcx, mcy, mcz) = coords
     # start with random radius-like values
     x0 = randint(1, 4)
     y0 = randint(1, 4)
     z0 = randint(1, 4)
     v0 = 4 / 3 * pi * x0 * y0 * z0
     # scale to match volume and round up
     scale = cbrt(self.size / v0)
     x1 = int(round(scale * x0))
     y1 = int(round(scale * y0))
     z1 = int(round(scale * z0))
     # pre-calculate squares
     x2 = x1 * x1
     y2 = y1 * y1
     z2 = z1 * z1
     # generate ranges
     xr = xrange(-1 * x1, x1)
     yr = xrange(-1 * y1, y1)
     zr = xrange(-1 * z1, z1)
     # calculate ellipsoid
     oreCoords = [[mcx + x, mcy + y, mcz + z]
                  for x, y, z in product(xr, yr, zr)
                  if x * x / x2 + y * y / y2 + z * z / z2 <= 1]
     # if len(oreCoords) > self.size+2:
     #     print "warning: oreCoords larger than self.size -- %d > %d" % (len(oreCoords), self.size)
     # if len(oreCoords) < self.size-2:
     #     print "warning: oreCoords smaller than self.size -- %d < %d" % (len(oreCoords), self.size)
     return oreCoords
Esempio n. 22
    def placeoreintile(tile):
        # strictly speaking, this should be in class Tile somehow
        oreobjs = dict([(, ore) for ore in oreObjs])
        tile.ores = dict([(name, list()) for name in oreobjs])

        for ore in oreobjs:
            extent = cbrt(oreobjs[ore].size) * 2
            maxy = pow(2, oreobjs[ore].depth)
            numrounds = int(oreobjs[ore].rounds * (tile.size / 16) *
                            (tile.size / 16))
            oreID = materialNamed(oreobjs[ore].name)
            for dummy in xrange(numrounds):
                orex = randint(0, tile.size)
                orey = randint(0, maxy)
                orez = randint(0, tile.size)
                coords = [orex + tile.mcoffsetx, orey, orez + tile.mcoffsetz]
                if (orex < extent or (tile.size - orex) < extent
                        or orez < extent or (tile.size - orez) < extent):
                    except KeyError:
                        tile.ores[ore] = []
                    for x, y, z in oreobjs[ore](coords):
                        if, y, z) == Ore.stoneID:
                  , y, z, oreID)
Esempio n. 23
    def __init__(self, path_to_arc, rootUEP='/', **kwargs):
            path_to_arc : path
                Path to the HDF5 archive.
            rootUEP : str
                root in the archive used as the user entry path (UEP).
            see NeuronData
                Error finding or reading in the archive.
                Error finding a data node in the archive.
            see NeuronData

        # super
        super(SampledND, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # read in data - may raise IOError or NoSuchNodeError
        arc = openFile(path_to_arc, mode='r', rootUEP=rootUEP)
        soma_v = arc.getNode('/soma_v').read()
        ap_phase = xrange(0, soma_v.size)
#        ap_phase = xrange(*get_eap_range(soma_v))
        self.intra_v = arc.getNode('/soma_v').read()[..., ap_phase]
#        self.extra_v = arc.getNode('/LFP').read().T[..., ap_phase]
        self.extra_v = arc.getNode('/LFP').read()[..., ap_phase]
        # read temporary data
        x_pos = arc.getNode('/el_pos_x').read()
        y_pos = arc.getNode('/el_pos_y').read()
        z_pos = arc.getNode('/el_pos_z').read()
        params = {}
        for item in arc.getNode('/parameters'):
            params[] =
        # close and delete archive
        del arc
        # horizon calculation
        if not (
            abs(x_pos.min()) ==
            abs(x_pos.max()) ==
            abs(y_pos.min()) ==
            abs(y_pos.max()) ==
            abs(z_pos.min()) ==
            raise ValueError('spatial shape is not cubic!')
        self.horizon = x_pos.max()

        # sample rate
        if 'timeres_python' in params:
            self.sample_rate = 1000.0 / params['timeres_python']

        # spatial info - spatial resolution: x > y > z
        self.grid_step = abs(z_pos[1] - z_pos[0])
        self.grid_size = cbrt(self.extra_v.shape[0])
        # filename stuff
        self.description = 'Einevoll::%s' % osp.basename(path_to_arc)
Esempio n. 24
def _ctd_alpha(Coordinates):
    ctd = np.array([np.mean(Coordinates, axis=0)])
    ctd_distance = cdist(ctd, Coordinates)[0]
    ctd_alpha = {}
    ctd_alpha['ctd_1'] = round(np.mean(ctd_distance), 3)
    ctd_alpha['ctd_2'] = round(np.std(ctd_distance), 3)
    ctd_alpha['ctd_3'] = round(cbrt(stats.skew(ctd_distance)), 3)
    return ctd_alpha
Esempio n. 25
def voronoi(geometry, pore_volume='pore.volume', **kwargs):
    Calculate pore diameter from equivalent sphere - volumes must be calculated first
    from scipy.special import cbrt
    pore_vols = geometry[pore_volume]
    value = cbrt(6 * pore_vols / _sp.pi)
    return value
Esempio n. 26
def growthrate(z,omega0):
        growth rate f = dln(D(a))/dln()

    a = 1/(1+z)
    v = scs.cbrt(omega0/(1.-omega0))/a
    return (omega0/(((1.-omega0)*a**3)+omega0))*((2.5/d1(v))-1.5)
Esempio n. 27
def scale(network, scale_factor=[1, 1, 1], preserve_vol=False,
          linear_scaling=[False, False, False]):
    A method for scaling the coordinates and vertices to create anisotropic networks
    The original domain volume can be preserved by setting preserve_vol = True

    >>> import OpenPNM
    >>> import OpenPNM.Utilities.vertexops as vo
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.Delaunay(num_pores=100, domain_size=[3,2,1])
    >>> pn.add_boundaries()
    >>> B1 = pn.pores("left_boundary")
    >>> B2 = pn.pores("right_boundary")
    >>> Vol = vo.vertex_dimension(pn,B1,B2)
    >>> vo.scale(network=pn,scale_factor=[2,1,1],preserve_vol=True)
    >>> Vol2 = vo.vertex_dimension(pn,B1,B2)
    >>> np.around(Vol-Vol2,5) == 0.0
    >>> vo.scale(network=pn,scale_factor=[2,1,1],preserve_vol=False)
    >>> Vol3 = vo.vertex_dimension(pn,B1,B2)
    >>> np.around(Vol3/Vol,5) == 2.0

    from scipy.special import cbrt
    import scipy as sp
    minmax = np.around(vertex_dimension(network=network,
                                        face1=network.pores(), parm='minmax'), 10)
    scale_factor = np.asarray(scale_factor)
    if preserve_vol is True:
        scale_factor = scale_factor/(cbrt(

    lin_scale = _linear_scale_factor(network["pore.coords"], minmax,
                                     scale_factor, linear_scaling)

    network["pore.coords"] = network["pore.coords"]*lin_scale
    # Cycle through all vertices of all pores updating vertex values
    for pore in network.pores():
        for i, vert in network['pore.vert_index'][pore].items():
            vert_scale = _linear_scale_factor(vert, minmax,
                                              scale_factor, linear_scaling)
            network["pore.vert_index"][pore][i] = vert*vert_scale
    # Cycle through all vertices of all throats updating vertex values
    for throat in network.throats():
        for i, vert in network['throat.vert_index'][throat].items():

            vert_scale = _linear_scale_factor(vert, minmax,
                                              scale_factor, linear_scaling)
            network["throat.vert_index"][throat][i] = vert*vert_scale
    # Scale the vertices on the voronoi diagram stored on the network
    # These are used for adding boundaries on the Delaunay network class
    vert = network._vor.vertices
    vert_scale = _linear_scale_factor(vert, minmax, scale_factor, linear_scaling)
    network._vor.vertices = vert*vert_scale
Esempio n. 28
    def scott(data, ddof=0):
        Scott's rule for the number of bins in a histogram.

        if np.std(data, ddof=ddof) == 0:
            return sturges_rule(data)

        h = 3.5 * np.std(data, ddof=ddof) / cbrt(len(data))
        return int((np.max(data) - np.min(data)) / h)
Esempio n. 29
def voronoi(geometry,
    Calculate pore diameter from equivalent sphere - volumes must be calculated first
    from scipy.special import cbrt
    pore_vols = geometry[pore_volume]
    value = cbrt(6*pore_vols/_sp.pi)
    return value
def cubeRatio(uspdO, uspdS, debug=False, plot=False):
    Estimates the cubed-ratio and returns it.
    ratio = sps.cbrt(np.mean(np.power(uspdO,3))/np.mean(np.power(uspdS,3)))

    if debug:
        print 'speed ratio is {}'.format(ratio)

    return ratio
Esempio n. 31
    def scott(data, ddof=0):
        Scott's rule for the number of bins in a histogram.

        if np.std(data, ddof=ddof) == 0:
            return sturges_rule(data)

        h = 3.5*np.std(data, ddof=ddof)/cbrt(len(data))
        return int((np.max(data) - np.min(data))/h)
Esempio n. 32
 def __init__(self):
     u0 = cbrt(1 + sqrt(2)) / sqrt(3)
     r0 = u0 + 1 / (3*u0)
     lmbd = 2 * r0**2 - r0**4 + 8 * sqrt(2/27.) * r0
     self.__norm_alpha = 2 / lmbd
     self.__norm_beta = 1 / lmbd
     self.__norm_kappa = -8 * sqrt(2/27.) / lmbd
     self.__phi_b = pi / 4.
     self.__qh_b = - sqrt(1/27.)
Esempio n. 33
 def diff_gaussian_offset_1d( self, sigma_e, sigma_i, size=7, origin=0 ):
   """Builds a 1D difference of gaussian kernel centered at the origin given"""
   f = empty( size )
   x = arange( size ) - origin
   center = math.floor( size / 2 )
   f = 1.0 / (sigma_e*math.sqrt(2*pi)) * \
       exp( -square(x-center)  / (2*sigma_e**2)) - \
       1.0 / (sigma_i*math.sqrt(2*pi)) * \
       exp( -square(x-center)  / (2*sigma_i**2))
   f /= abs(sum(f.ravel())) # normalize
   f = cbrt( f ) # The result of this filter and a 2D filter should be normalized
   return f
Esempio n. 34
        def Gtilde(x):
            AKP10 Eq. D7

            Factor ~2 performance gain in using cbrt(x)**n vs x**(n/3.)
            Invoking crbt only once reduced time by ~40%
            cb = cbrt(x)
            gt1 = 1.808 * cb / np.sqrt(1 + 3.4 * cb**2.)
            gt2 = 1 + 2.210 * cb**2. + 0.347 * cb**4.
            gt3 = 1 + 1.353 * cb**2. + 0.217 * cb**4.
            return gt1 * (gt2 / gt3) * np.exp(-x)
Esempio n. 35
 def __init__(self, radiiInitializer):
     # tunable parameters
     self.p1 = 2e6  # upstream pressure 
     self.numberOfPipes = 10  # spatial resolution 
     totalTime = 3.6e3*6  # simulation duration     
     # physical parameters
     self.c0 = 0.0  # upstream concentration
     sampleLength = 2.62e-2  # sample length
     eta = 1.07e-3  # viscosity
     L = sampleLength/self.numberOfPipes  # pipe length
     self.L = L  # reference length
     self.K0 = np.pi*L*L*L/8/eta  # reference proportional constant
     self.P0 = 1e5  # reference pressure
     self.p0 = 0.0  # downstream pressure
     self.V0 = np.pi*L*L*L  # reference volume
     self.C0 = 35.0  # reference/saturation concentration
     self.T0 = self.V0/self.K0/self.P0  # reference time
     self.dt = 0.0  # time step
     nu = 9.0e-7  # kinetic viscosity
     kS = 1.87e-3/self.C0  # reaction constant
     M = 100.0e-3  # molar mass of CaCO3
     rho = 2.7e3  # density of CaCO3
     Dm = 7.9e-10;  # molecular diffusivity 
     Sc = nu/Dm
     u0 = self.K0 * self.P0 / (np.pi * L * L)
     Re0 = 2*u0*L/nu
     self.Sh_inf = 3.66  # Sherwood number  
     self.Sh_0 = 0.7 * np.sqrt(Re0) * cbrt(Sc) # Sherwood number
     self.k_SC_0 = 2 * kS * L / Dm  # reaction speed
     self.F0 = 2 * kS * self.T0 / L
     self.C_bound = rho/M/self.C0 # nondimensional concentration bound
     # state variables
     self.time = 0.0
     self.maxTime = totalTime/self.T0
     self.stepCount = 0
     self.concentration = np.zeros(self.numberOfPipes)
     self.radii = np.empty(self.numberOfPipes)
     self.pressure = np.empty(self.numberOfPipes+1)
     self.pressure[self.numberOfPipes] = self.p0 / self.P0
     # initialzation
     self.flux = (self.p1 - self.p0) / \
         np.sum(8*eta*L/np.pi/np.power(self.radii, 4))
     print "flux", self.flux
     self.radii /= self.L
     # log simulation settings
     totalVolume = self.V0*np.sum(self.radii*self.radii)*1e6"Total volume: %f cm3", totalVolume)
     injectVolume = self.flux*totalTime*1e6"Volume injected: %f cm3 in %f hours",
                  injectVolume, totalTime/3600)"Volume ratio: %d", injectVolume/totalVolume)
Esempio n. 36
    def _ctd_alpha(coords):

        :param coords: n * 3
        ctd = np.array([np.mean(coords, axis=0)])
        ctd_distance = cdist(ctd, coords)[0]
        ctd_alpha = {}
        ctd_alpha['ctd_1'] = round(np.mean(ctd_distance), 3)
        ctd_alpha['ctd_2'] = round(np.std(ctd_distance), 3)
        ctd_alpha['ctd_3'] = round(cbrt(stats.skew(ctd_distance)), 3)
        return ctd_alpha
Esempio n. 37
def _fct_alpha(Coordinates):
    ctd = np.array([np.mean(Coordinates, axis=0)])
    ctd_distance = cdist(ctd, Coordinates)[0]

    fct_index = np.argmax(ctd_distance)
    fct = np.array([Coordinates[fct_index]])
    fct_distance = cdist(fct, Coordinates)[0]

    fct_alpha = {}
    fct_alpha['fct_1'] = round(np.mean(fct_distance), 3)
    fct_alpha['fct_2'] = round(np.std(fct_distance), 3)
    fct_alpha['fct_3'] = round(cbrt(stats.skew(fct_distance)), 3)
    return fct_alpha
Esempio n. 38
def _cst_alpha(Coordinates):
    ctd = np.array([np.mean(Coordinates, axis=0)])
    ctd_distance = cdist(ctd, Coordinates)[0]

    cst_index = np.argmin(ctd_distance)
    cst = np.array([Coordinates[cst_index]])
    cst_distance = cdist(cst, Coordinates)[0]

    cst_alpha = {}
    cst_alpha['cst_1'] = round(np.mean(cst_distance), 3)
    cst_alpha['cst_2'] = round(np.std(cst_distance), 3)
    cst_alpha['cst_3'] = round(cbrt(stats.skew(cst_distance)), 3)
    return cst_alpha
Esempio n. 39
 def diff_gaussian_offset_2d( self, sigma_e, sigma_i, shape=( 7, 7 ), origin=( 0, 0 ) ):
   """Builds a 2D difference of gaussian kernel centered at the origin given"""
   f = empty( shape )
   x, y = meshgrid( arange( shape[0] ) - origin[0], arange( shape[1] ) - origin[1] )
   center = ( math.floor( shape[0] / 2 ), math.floor( shape[1] / 2 ) )
   f = 1.0 / ( 2* sigma_e**2 * pi ) * \
       exp( (-( x - center[0])**2 - (y - center[1])**2 ) / (2*sigma_e**2)) - \
       1.0 / ( 2 * sigma_i**2 * pi ) * \
       exp( (-( x - center[0])**2 - (y - center[1])**2 ) / (2*sigma_i**2))
   f /= abs(sum(f.ravel())) # normalize
   #f = square( cbrt( f ) ) # The result of this filter and a 1D filter should be normalized
   f = cbrt( f ) # TEMP
   return f
    def _Gtilde(self, x):
        Useful equation. Aharonian, Kelner, Prosekin 2010 Eq. D7
        Taken from Naima.
        Factor ~2 performance gain in using cbrt(x)**n vs x**(n/3.)
        Invoking crbt only once reduced time by ~40%
        cb = cbrt(x)  # x**1/3
        gt1 = 1.808 * cb / np.sqrt(1 + 3.4 * cb**2.0)
        gt2 = 1 + 2.210 * cb**2.0 + 0.347 * cb**4.0
        gt3 = 1 + 1.353 * cb**2.0 + 0.217 * cb**4.0

        return gt1 * (gt2 / gt3) * np.exp(-x)
Esempio n. 41
def json2png(fname):
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
    fopen = open
    if ext == '.gz':
        fopen =
        root, ext = os.path.splitext(root)
    if ext != '.json':
        raise ValueError('Not a json file (%s): %s'%(ext, fname))
    with fopen(fname, 'r') as injson:
        histo = np.array(json.load(injson))
    histo = cbrt(histo)
    image = toimage(histo, high=65536, low=0, mode='I')
    image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)'.png', format='PNG', bits=16)
Esempio n. 42
    def __global_minimum_radius(self,phi):
        qh = self.__norm_kappa * abs(sin(phi)) / (8 * self.__norm_beta)

        signum_phi = np.sign(sin(phi))

        if signum_phi == 0:
            signum_phi = 1

        if (qh <= self.__qh_b):
            u =  cbrt(-signum_phi*qh + sqrt(qh*qh - 1 / 27))
            r0 = u + 1 / (3*u)
            r0 = signum_phi * sqrt(4/3) * cos(1/3 * arccos(-qh*sqrt(27)) )
        return r0
Esempio n. 43
def nonlinear_resonator(f,f_0,Q,Q_e_real,Q_e_imag,a):
    Q_e = Q_e_real + 1j*Q_e_imag
    if np.isscalar(f):
        fmodel = np.linspace(f * 0.9999, f * 1.0001, 1000)
        scalar = True
        fmodel = f
        scalar = False
    y_0 = ((fmodel - f_0) / f_0) * Q
    y = (y_0 / 3. +
         (y_0 ** 2 / 9 - 1 / 12) / cbrt(a / 8 + y_0 / 12 + np.sqrt(
             (y_0 ** 3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8) ** 2 - (y_0 ** 2 / 9 - 1 / 12) ** 3) + y_0 ** 3 / 27) +
         cbrt(a / 8 + y_0 / 12 + np.sqrt(
             (y_0 ** 3 / 27 + y_0 / 12 + a / 8) ** 2 - (y_0 ** 2 / 9 - 1 / 12) ** 3) + y_0 ** 3 / 27))
    x = y / Q
    s21 = (1 - (Q / Q_e) / (1 + 2j * Q * x))
    mask = np.isfinite(s21)
    if scalar or not np.all(mask):
        s21_interp_real = np.interp(f, fmodel[mask], s21[mask].real)
        s21_interp_imag = np.interp(f, fmodel[mask], s21[mask].imag)
        s21new = s21_interp_real + 1j * s21_interp_imag
        s21new = s21
    return s21new
Esempio n. 44
  def diff_gaussian_separable( self, dim_e, dim_i, sigma_e, sigma_i ):
    dim = max(dim_e, dim_i)
    f = empty( ( dim ) )
    center = math.floor( dim / 2 )
    for x in xrange( dim ):
      f[x] = ( 1 if x <= center + dim_e and x >= center - dim_e else 0 ) * \
          1.0 / (sigma_e*math.sqrt(2*pi)) * \
          math.exp( -(x-center)**2  / (2*sigma_e**2)) - \
          ( 1 if x <= center + dim_i and x >= center - dim_i else 0 ) * \
          1.0 / (sigma_i*math.sqrt(2*pi)) * \
          math.exp( -(x-center)**2  / (2*sigma_i**2))

    f /= abs(sum(f.ravel())) # normalize
    f = cbrt( f ) # Take the cubed root, so the filter applied 3 times will be normalized
    return f
Esempio n. 45
        def Gtilde(x):
            AKP10 Eq. D7

            Factor ~2 performance gain in using cbrt(x)**n vs x**(n/3.)
            gt1 = 1.808 * cbrt(x) / np.sqrt(1 + 3.4 * cbrt(x) ** 2.)
            gt2 = 1 + 2.210 * cbrt(x) ** 2. + 0.347 * cbrt(x) ** 4.
            gt3 = 1 + 1.353 * cbrt(x) ** 2. + 0.217 * cbrt(x) ** 4.
            return gt1 * (gt2 / gt3) * np.exp(-x)
def fwhm(anat_file, mask_file, out_vox=False):
    """Calculate the FWHM of the input image using AFNI's 3dFWHMx.

    - Uses AFNI 3dFWHMx. More details here:

    :type anat_file: str
    :param anat_file: The filepath to the anatomical image NIFTI file.
    :type mask_file: str
    :param mask_file: The filepath to the binary head mask NIFTI file.
    :type out_vox: bool
    :param out_vox: (default: False) Output the FWHM as number of voxels
                    instead of mm (the default).
    :rtype: tuple
    :return: A tuple of the FWHM values (x, y, z, and combined).

    import nibabel as nib
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.special import cbrt

    import subprocess

    fwhm_string_list = ["3dFWHMx", "-combined", "-mask", mask_file,
                        "-input", anat_file]
        retcode = subprocess.check_output(fwhm_string_list)
    except Exception as e:
        err = "\n\n[!] Something went wrong with AFNI's 3dFWHMx. Error " \
              "details: %s\n\n" % e
        raise Exception(err)

    # extract output
    vals = np.array(retcode.split(), dtype=np.float)
    if out_vox:
        # get pixel dimensions
        img = nib.load(anat_file)
        hdr = img.get_header()
        pixdim = hdr['pixdim'][1:4]
        # convert to voxels
        pixdim = np.append(pixdim, cbrt(
        # get the geometrix mean
        vals = vals / pixdim
    return tuple(vals)
def fwhm(anat_file, mask_file, out_vox=False):

    Calculate the FWHM of the input image.
    anat_file: str
        path to anatomical file
    mask_file: str
        path to brain mask
    out_vox: bool
        output the FWHM as # of voxels (otherwise as mm)
    fwhm: tuple (x,y,z,combined)
        FWHM in the x, y, x, and combined direction

    import commands
    import nibabel as nib
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.special import cbrt
    # call AFNI command to get the FWHM in x,y,z and combined
    cmd     = "3dFWHMx -combined -mask %s -input %s" % (mask_file, anat_file)
    out     = commands.getoutput(cmd)
    # extract output
    line    = out.splitlines()[-1].strip()
    vals    = np.array(line.split(), dtype=np.float)
    if out_vox:
        # get pixel dimensions
        img     = nib.load(anat_file)
        hdr     = img.get_header()
        pixdim  = hdr['pixdim'][1:4]
        # convert to voxels
        pixdim  = np.append(pixdim, cbrt(
        # get the geometrix mean
        vals    = vals / pixdim
    return tuple(vals)
Esempio n. 48
def equivalent_cube(geometry, pore_volume='pore.volume', **kwargs):
    Calculate pore diameter as the width of a cube with an equivalent volume.

    geometry : OpenPNM Geometry Object
        The Geometry object which this model is associated with. This controls
        the length of the calculated array, and also provides access to other
        necessary geometric properties.

    pore_volume : string
        The dictionary key containing the pore volume values
    from scipy.special import cbrt
    pore_vols = geometry[pore_volume]
    value = cbrt(pore_vols)
    return value
Esempio n. 49
    def SimData_Breiman1(n, sigma=1):
        Breiman 1 model
        This is a 1-d model.

            y = exp(x^3 + \epsilon)
            \epsilon ~ N(0,1)
            x^3 ~ N(0,1)

        :param n: sample size
        :param sigma:
        epsilon = sigma * np.random.randn(n)
        x3 = np.random.randn(n)
        y = np.exp(x3 + epsilon)
        x = cbrt(x3)
        return y, x
Esempio n. 50
def neutron_radius():
    data = np.genfromtxt("data/cross_section/neutron_rad.tsv", usecols=(0,1,2))
    sigma = data[:,0]
    dsigma = data[:,1]
    A = data[:,2]

    ydata = np.sqrt(sigma/(2*np.pi))
    xdata = cbrt(A)
    dy = np.sqrt(dsigma/(2*np.pi))

    #print ydata
    def sim_data(nruns):
        r0 = []
        dbw = [] # de broglie wavelength
        for i in range(0, nruns):
            yd = np.random.randn(len(ydata))*np.min(dy) + ydata
            popt = np.polyfit(xdata, yd, 1)

        return r0, dbw

    r0, dbw = sim_data(1500)

    popt = [np.average(r0), np.average(dbw)]
    pcov = [np.std(r0), np.std(dbw)]

    yFit = linear(xdata, *popt)
    yFit_max = linear(xdata, *np.add(popt,pcov))
    yFit_min = linear(xdata, *np.subtract(popt,pcov))

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=dy, fmt='o')
    plt.plot(xdata, yFit, label="Best Fit")
    plt.plot(xdata, yFit_max, label="Plus 1$\sigma$")
    plt.plot(xdata, yFit_min, label="Minus 1$\sigma$")
    plt.text(xdata[0], ydata[0] + 1e-12, "$r_0A^{1/3} + \lambda$ \n $r_{0} = %.1f\,\pm\,%.1f\,fm$ \n $\lambda = %.0f\,\pm\,%.0f\,fm$" % (popt[0]*1e13, pcov[0]*1e13, popt[1]*1e13, pcov[1]*1e13))
    plt.xlabel("$A^{1/3}$ $(g/mol)^{1/3}$")
    plt.ylabel(r"$\sqrt{\frac{\sigma}{2 \pi}}$ $(\sqrt{\frac{cm^2}{rad}})$")
    plt.title("Radius and deBroglie Wavelength of the Neutron")
Esempio n. 51
def SimData_Breiman1(n, sigma=1):
    Breiman 1 model
    This is a 1-d model.

        y = exp(x^3 + \epsilon)
        \epsilon ~ N(0,1)
        x^3 ~ N(0,1)

    :param n: sample size
    :param sigma:
    epsilon = sigma * np.random.randn(n)
    x3 = np.random.randn(n)
    y = np.exp(x3 + epsilon)
    x = cbrt(x3)
    # Standard data structure is a matrix
    x = np.matrix(x).T
    y = np.matrix(y).T
    return y, x
Esempio n. 52
def scale(network,scale_factor=[1,1,1],preserve_vol=True):
    A method for scaling the coordinates and vertices to create anisotropic networks
    The original domain volume can be preserved by setting preserve_vol = True

    >>> import OpenPNM
    >>> import OpenPNM.Utilities.vertexops as vo
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.Delaunay(num_pores=100, domain_size=[3,2,1])
    >>> pn.add_boundaries()
    >>> B1 = pn.pores("left_boundary")
    >>> B2 = pn.pores("right_boundary")
    >>> Vol = vo.vertex_dimension(pn,B1,B2)
    >>> vo.scale(network=pn,scale_factor=[2,1,1])
    >>> Vol2 = vo.vertex_dimension(pn,B1,B2)
    >>> np.around(Vol-Vol2,5)
    >>> vo.scale(network=pn,scale_factor=[2,1,1],preserve_vol=False)
    >>> Vol3 = vo.vertex_dimension(pn,B1,B2)
    >>> np.around(Vol3/Vol,5)

    from scipy.special import cbrt
    import scipy as sp
    scale_factor = np.asarray(scale_factor)
    if preserve_vol == True:
        scale_factor = scale_factor/(cbrt(
    #Cycle through all vertices of all pores updating vertex values
    for pore in network.pores():
        for i,vert in network["pore.vert_index"][pore].items():
            network["pore.vert_index"][pore][i] = network["pore.vert_index"][pore][i]*scale_factor
    #Cycle through all vertices of all throats updating vertex values
    for throat in network.throats():
        for i,vert in network["throat.vert_index"][throat].items():
            network["throat.vert_index"][throat][i] = network["throat.vert_index"][throat][i]*scale_factor
Esempio n. 53
def ecef2geodetic(x, y, z, degrees=True):
    """ecef2geodetic(x, y, z)
    Convert ECEF coordinates to geodetic.
    J. Zhu, "Conversion of Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates \
    to geodetic coordinates," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and \
    Electronic Systems, vol. 30, pp. 957-961, 1994."""
    r = sqrt(x * x + y * y)
    Esq = a * a - b * b
    F = 54 * b * b * z * z
    G = r * r + (1 - esq) * z * z - esq * Esq
    C = (esq * esq * F * r * r) / (pow(G, 3))
    S = cbrt(1 + C + sqrt(C * C + 2 * C))
    P = F / (3 * pow((S + 1 / S + 1), 2) * G * G)
    Q = sqrt(1 + 2 * esq * esq * P)
    r_0 =  -(P * esq * r) / (1 + Q) + sqrt(0.5 * a * a*(1 + 1.0 / Q) - \
        P * (1 - esq) * z * z / (Q * (1 + Q)) - 0.5 * P * r * r)
    U = sqrt(pow((r - esq * r_0), 2) + z * z)
    V = sqrt(pow((r - esq * r_0), 2) + (1 - esq) * z * z)
    Z_0 = b * b * z / (a * V)
    h = U * (1 - b * b / (a * V))
    lat = arctan((z + e1sq * Z_0) / r)
    lon = arctan2(y, x)
    return rad2deg(lat), rad2deg(lon), z
    scaling = ''
    for o, a in myopts:
        if o == '-x':
        elif o == '-s':
            scaling = a
            print("Usage: %s -x cells -s scaling" % sys.argv[0])

    size = PETSc.Comm.getSize(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
    rank = PETSc.Comm.getRank(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)

    solver = 'classic'

    if scaling=='weak':
        mx = int(96 * cbrt(size/4))
        tfinal_reduction = cbrt(size/4)

    # Initialize grid
    my = mz = mx
    out_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'scaling_3d_{0}'.format(solver))
    processList = [0, 3]

    if rank==0 and not os.path.isdir(out_folder):

    # Initialize log file
    logfile = MPI.File.Open(MPI.COMM_WORLD, os.path.join(out_folder,"results_"+str(size)+'_'+str(mx)+".log"), MPI.MODE_CREATE|MPI.MODE_WRONLY)

    tb1call = MPI.Wtime()
    reduced_mx = cbrt(size/4) * 8
Esempio n. 55
from __future__ import division
from numpy import sqrt
from scipy.special import cbrt

cardano = lambda a, b, c: cbrt(a + b * sqrt(c)) + cbrt(a - b * sqrt(c)) == 1

n = 1001
m = 0

for a in range(n):
    for b in range(n - a):
        for c in range(n - a - b):
            if cardano(a, b, c):
                print a, b, c

print m