Esempio n. 1
def cdflomax(x, alpha, m0):
    Return CDF for local maxima for a zero-mean Gaussian process

    x : array-like
        evaluation points
    alpha, m0 : real scalars
        irregularity factor and zero-order spectral moment (variance of the
        process), respectively.

    prb : ndarray
        distribution function evaluated at x

    The cdf is calculated from an explicit expression involving the
    standard-normal cdf. This relation is sometimes written as a convolution

           M = sqrt(m0)*( sqrt(1-a^2)*Z + a*R )

    where  M  denotes local maximum, Z  is a standard normal r.v.,
    R  is a standard Rayleigh r.v., and "=" means equality in distribution.

    Note that all local maxima of the process are considered, not
    only crests of waves.

    >>> import pylab
    >>> import wafo.gaussian as wg
    >>> import wafo.spectrum.models as wsm
    >>> import wafo.objects as wo
    >>> import wafo.stats as ws
    >>> S = wsm.Jonswap(Hm0=10).tospecdata();
    >>> xs = S.sim(10000)
    >>> ts = wo.mat2timeseries(xs)
    >>> tp = ts.turning_points()
    >>> mM = tp.cycle_pairs()
    >>> m0 = S.moment(1)[0]
    >>> alpha = S.characteristic('alpha')[0]
    >>> x = np.linspace(-10,10,200);
    >>> mcdf = ws.edf(

    h = mcdf.plot(), pylab.plot(x,wg.cdflomax(x,alpha,m0))

    See also
    spec2mom, spec2bw
    c1 = 1.0 / (sqrt(1 - alpha ** 2)) * x / sqrt(m0)
    c2 = alpha * c1
    return cdfnorm(c1) - alpha * exp(-x ** 2 / 2 / m0) * cdfnorm(c2)
Esempio n. 2
def cdflomax(x, alpha, m0):
    Return CDF for local maxima for a zero-mean Gaussian process

    x : array-like
        evaluation points
    alpha, m0 : real scalars
        irregularity factor and zero-order spectral moment (variance of the
        process), respectively.

    prb : ndarray
        distribution function evaluated at x

    The cdf is calculated from an explicit expression involving the
    standard-normal cdf. This relation is sometimes written as a convolution

           M = sqrt(m0)*( sqrt(1-a^2)*Z + a*R )

    where  M  denotes local maximum, Z  is a standard normal r.v.,
    R  is a standard Rayleigh r.v., and "=" means equality in distribution.

    Note that all local maxima of the process are considered, not
    only crests of waves.

    >>> import pylab
    >>> import wafo.gaussian as wg
    >>> import wafo.spectrum.models as wsm
    >>> import wafo.objects as wo
    >>> import wafo.stats as ws
    >>> S = wsm.Jonswap(Hm0=10).tospecdata();
    >>> xs = S.sim(10000)
    >>> ts = wo.mat2timeseries(xs)
    >>> tp = ts.turning_points()
    >>> mM = tp.cycle_pairs()
    >>> m0 = S.moment(1)[0]
    >>> alpha = S.characteristic('alpha')[0]
    >>> x = np.linspace(-10,10,200);
    >>> mcdf = ws.edf(

    h = mcdf.plot(), pylab.plot(x,wg.cdflomax(x,alpha,m0))

    See also
    spec2mom, spec2bw
    c1 = 1.0 / (sqrt(1 - alpha ** 2)) * x / sqrt(m0)
    c2 = alpha * c1
    return cdfnorm(c1) - alpha * exp(-x ** 2 / 2 / m0) * cdfnorm(c2)