Esempio n. 1
def f_cost_quantiles(p, threshold, Q, a1, b1, a2, b2):
    one = Q * gdtr(p, a1, b1)
    two = (1 - Q) * gdtr(p, a2, b2)
    if np.any(np.isnan(one)):
        one = 0.
    if np.any(np.isnan(two)):
        two = 0.
    return one + two - threshold
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self,
                 pinch={}): = name
        self.model = model
        self.progenitor_mass = progenitor_mass
        self.progenitor_distance = progenitor_distance
        self.time = time
        self.luminosity = luminosity
        self.mean_energy = mean_energy
        self.pinch = pinch

        # Energy PDF function is assumed to be like a gamma function,
        # parameterized by mean energy and pinch parameter alpha. True for
        # nearly all CCSN models.
        self.energy_pdf = lambda a, Ea, E: \
            np.exp((1 + a) * np.log(1 + a) - loggamma(1 + a) + a * np.log(E) - \
                   (1 + a) * np.log(Ea) - (1 + a) * (E / Ea))

        self.v_energy_pdf = np.vectorize(self.energy_pdf,

        # Energy CDF, useful for random energy sampling.
        self.energy_cdf = lambda a, Ea, E: gdtr(1., a + 1., (a + 1.) *
                                                (E / Ea))
Esempio n. 3
 def get_clusters(self):
     d0 = {}
     for k, vSim in self.hash_groups.iteritems():
         n_terms = len(vSim['similar_post_ids'])
         if n_terms >= self.min_post:
             vSim['stats']['total_posts'] = self.total_posts
             lam = float(n_terms)/self.total_posts
             vSim['stats']['likelihood'] = gdtr(vSim['stats']['prior_beta'], vSim['stats']['prior_alpha'], lam)
             vSim['stats']['is_unlikely'] = 1 if vSim['stats']['likelihood'] > self.l_thresh else 0
             d0[k] = vSim
     return d0
Esempio n. 4
def gdtr_(p, x):
    return gdtr(1.0, p, x)
Esempio n. 5
def gdtr_(p, x):
    return gdtr(1.0, p, x)
Esempio n. 6
def gps(container, relative_risk=1, min_events=1, decision_metric='rank',
        decision_thres=0.05, ranking_statistic='log2', truncate=False,
        prior_init={'alpha1': 0.2041, 'beta1': 0.05816, 'alpha2': 1.415,
                    'beta2': 1.838, 'w': 0.0969},
        prior_param=None, expected_method='mantel-haentzel', method_alpha=1):
    A multi-item gamma poisson shrinker algo for disproportionality analysis


        container: A DataContainer object produced by the convert()
                    function from

        relative_risk (float): The relative risk value

        min_events: The min number of AE reports to be considered a signal

        decision_metric (str): The metric used for detecting signals:
                            {fdr = false detection rate,
                            signals = number of signals,
                            rank = ranking statistic}

        decision_thres (float): The min thres value for the decision_metric

        ranking_statistic (str): How to rank signals:
                                {p-value-posterior probability,
                                quantile-5% quantile of the lambda dist,
                                log2-Posterior expectation of log2(lambda)}

        truncate: Calculate data hyperparameters with at least
                    truncate_thres notifications

        truncate_thres: Threshold for hyper parameter calculations

        prior_init (dict): The priors for multi-item gamma poisson shrinkage.
                        By default they are the priors from DuMouchel's
                        1999 paper.

        prior_param: Chosen hyper parameters. Default uses maximization
                    of marginal likelihood

        expected_method: The method of calculating the expected counts for
                        the disproportionality analysis.

        method_alpha: If the expected_method is negative-binomial, this
                    parameter is the alpha parameter of the distribution.

    priors = np.asarray([prior_init['alpha1'], prior_init['beta1'],
                        prior_init['alpha2'], prior_init['beta2'],
    DATA =
    N = container.N

    n11 = np.asarray(DATA['events'], dtype=np.float64)
    n1j = np.asarray(DATA['product_aes'], dtype=np.float64)
    ni1 = np.asarray(DATA['count_across_brands'], dtype=np.float64)
    expected = calculate_expected(N, n1j, ni1, n11, expected_method,
    p_out = True

    if prior_param is None:
        p_out = False

        if not truncate:
            data_cont = container.contingency
            n1__mat = data_cont.sum(axis=1)
            n_1_mat = data_cont.sum(axis=0)
            rep = len(n_1_mat)
            n1__c = np.tile(n1__mat.values, reps=rep)
            rep = len(n1__mat)
            n_1_c = np.repeat(n_1_mat.values, repeats=rep)
            E_c = np.asarray(n1__c, dtype=np.float64) * n_1_c / N
            n11_c_temp = []
            for col in data_cont:
            n11_c = np.asarray(n11_c_temp)

            p_out = minimize(non_truncated_likelihood, x0=priors,
                             args=(n11_c, E_c), options={'maxiter': 500})
        elif truncate:
            truncate = truncate_thres - 1
            p_out = minimize(truncated_likelihood, x0=priors,
                             args=(n11[n11 >= truncate_thres],
                                   expected[n11 >= truncate_thres], truncate),
                             options={'maxiter': 500})

        prior_param = p_out.x
        code_convergence = p_out.message

    if min_events > 1:
        DATA = DATA[ >= min_events]
        expected = expected[n11 >= min_events]
        n1j = n1j[n11 >= min_events]
        ni1 = ni1[n11 >= min_events]
        n11 = n11[n11 >= min_events]

    num_cell = len(n11)
    posterior_probability = []

    # Posterior probability of the null hypothesis
    qdb1 = dnbinom(n11, size=priors[0], prob=priors[1]/(priors[1] + expected))
    qdb2 = dnbinom(n11, size=priors[2], prob=priors[3]/(priors[3] + expected))
    Qn = (priors[4] * qdb1 / (priors[4] * qdb1 + (1-priors[4]) * qdb2))

    gd1 = gdtr(relative_risk, priors[0] + n11, priors[1] + expected)
    gd2 = gdtr(relative_risk, priors[2] + n11, priors[3] + expected)
    posterior_probability = Qn * gd1 + (1-Qn) * gd2

    dg1 = digamma(priors[0]+n11)
    dgterm1 = dg1 - np.log(priors[1] + expected)
    dg2 = digamma(priors[2]+n11)
    dgterm2 = (dg2 - np.log(priors[3] + expected))
    EBlog2 = (np.log(2) ** -1) * (Qn * dgterm1 + (1-Qn) * dgterm2)

    # Calculation of the Lower Bound.
    LB = quantiles(0.05, Qn, priors[0]+n11, priors[1]+expected,
                   priors[2]+n11, priors[3]+expected)

    # Assignment based on the method
    if ranking_statistic == 'p_value':
        RankStat = posterior_probability
    elif ranking_statistic == 'quantile':
        RankStat = LB
    elif ranking_statistic == 'log2':
        RankStat = np.array([x.evalf() for x in EBlog2])

    post_cumsum = np.cumsum(posterior_probability)
    post_1_cumsum = np.cumsum(1-posterior_probability)
    post_1_sum = sum(1-posterior_probability)
    post_range = np.arange(1, len(posterior_probability)+1)
    if ranking_statistic == 'p_value':
        FDR = (post_cumsum / np.array(post_range))
        FNR = np.array(post_1_cumsum) / ((num_cell - post_range)+1e-7)
        Se = np.cumsum((1-posterior_probability)) / post_1_sum
        Sp = np.array(post_cumsum) / (num_cell - post_1_sum)
        FDR = (post_cumsum / post_range)
        FNR = np.array(list(reversed(post_1_cumsum))) / ((num_cell - post_range)+1e-7)
        Se = np.cumsum((1-posterior_probability)) / post_1_sum
        Sp = np.array(list(reversed(post_cumsum))) / (num_cell - post_1_sum)

    # Number of signals according to the decision rule (pp/FDR/Nb of Signals)

    if decision_metric == 'fdr':
        num_signals = np.sum(FDR <= decision_thres)
        sorter = 'FDR'
    elif decision_metric == 'signals':
        num_signals = np.min(decision_thres, num_cell)
    elif decision_metric == 'rank':
        if ranking_statistic == 'p_value':
            num_signals = np.sum(RankStat <= decision_thres)
            sorter = 'posterior_probability'
        elif ranking_statistic == 'quantile':
            num_signals = np.sum(RankStat >= decision_thres)
            sorter = "Q_0.05(lambda)"
        elif ranking_statistic == 'log2':
            num_signals = np.sum(RankStat >= decision_thres)
            sorter = "post E(lambda)"

    name = DATA['product_name']
    ae = DATA['ae_name']
    count = n11
    RES = Container(params=True)

    # list of the parameters used
    RES.input_param = (relative_risk, min_events, decision_metric,
                       decision_thres, ranking_statistic,
                       truncate, truncate_thres)

    # vector of the final a priori parameters (if p_out=TRUE)
    if p_out:
        RES.param['prior_param'] = prior_param
    # vector of the initial a priori and final a priori parameters
    if not p_out:
        RES.param['prior_init'] = prior_init
        RES.param['prior_param'] = prior_param
        RES.param['convergence'] = code_convergence

    # SIGNALS RESULTS and presentation
    if ranking_statistic == 'p_value':
        RES.all_signals = pd.DataFrame({'Product': name,
                                        'Adverse Event': ae,
                                        'Count': count,
                                        'Expected Count': expected,
                                        'posterior_probability': RankStat,
                                        'count/expected': (count/expected),
                                        'product margin': n1j,
                                        'event margin': ni1,
                                        'FDR': FDR,
                                        'FNR': FNR,
                                        'Se': Se,
                                        'Sp': Sp}).sort_values(by=[sorter])

    elif ranking_statistic == 'quantile':
        RES.all_signals = pd.DataFrame({'Product': name,
                                        'Adverse Event': ae,
                                        'Count': count,
                                        'Expected Count': expected,
                                        'Q_0.05(lambda)': RankStat,
                                        'count/expected': (count/expected),
                                        'product margin': n1j,
                                        'event margin': ni1,
                                        'FDR': FDR,
                                        'FNR': FNR,
                                        'Se': Se,
                                        'Sp': Sp,
        RES.all_signals = RES.all_signals.sort_values(by=[sorter],
        RES.all_signals = pd.DataFrame({'Product': name,
                                        'Adverse Event': ae,
                                        'Count': count,
                                        'Expected Count': expected,
                                        'post E(lambda)': RankStat,
                                        'count/expected': (count/expected),
                                        'product margin': n1j,
                                        'event margin': ni1,
                                        'FDR': FDR,
                                        'FNR': FNR,
                                        'Se': Se,
                                        'Sp': Sp,
                                        'LowerBound': LB,
        RES.all_signals = RES.all_signals.sort_values(by=[sorter],

    # List of Signals generated according to the method
    RES.all_signals.index = np.arange(0, len(RES.all_signals.index))
    if num_signals > 0:
        num_signals -= 1
        num_signals = 0
    RES.signals = RES.all_signals.iloc[0:num_signals, ]

    # Number of signals
    RES.num_signals = num_signals

    return RES
Esempio n. 7
 def _energy_cdf(a, Ea, E):
     return gdtr(1., a + 1., (a + 1.) * (E / Ea))
Esempio n. 8
 def _cdf(self, x, a):
     return special.gdtr(1.0,a,x)
Esempio n. 9
 def _cdf(self, x, a):
     return special.gdtr(1.0,a,x)
def rate_multiplied_gamma_cdf(x,shape, scale, rate_multiplier):
    alpha = scale
    beta = shape
    F_x = gdtr(alpha,beta,x)*rate_multiplier
    return F_x