Esempio n. 1
 def __fct2(self, nu, u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq):
     with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
         delta = self.__delta(nu, u1r1, u2r1, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq)
         n0sq = (n3sq - n2sq) / (n2sq + n3sq)
         if s2 < 0:  # a
             b11 = iv(nu, u2r1)
             b12 = kn(nu, u2r1)
             b21 = iv(nu, u2r2)
             b22 = kn(nu, u2r2)
             b31 = iv(nu+1, u2r1)
             b32 = kn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b41 = iv(nu-2, u2r2)
             b42 = kn(nu-2, u2r2)
             g1 = b11 * delta + b31
             g2 = b12 * delta - b32
             f1 = b41*g2 - b42*g1
             f2 = b21*g2 - b22*g1
             b11 = jn(nu, u2r1)
             b12 = yn(nu, u2r1)
             b21 = jn(nu, u2r2)
             b22 = yn(nu, u2r2)
             b31 = jn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b32 = yn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b41 = jn(nu-2, u2r2)
             b42 = yn(nu-2, u2r2)
             g1 = b11 * delta - b31
             g2 = b12 * delta - b32
             f1 = b41*g2 - b42*g1
             f2 = b22*g1 - b21*g2
         return f1 + n0sq*f2
Esempio n. 2
def besselmode(m, u, w, x, y, phioff=0):
    """Calculate the field of a bessel mode LP mode.

        - m azimuthal number of periods (m=0,1,2,3...)
        - u, w  radial phase constant and radial decay constant
        - x, y transverse coordinates
        - phioff: offset angle, allows to rotate the mode in
                  the x-y plane

        - mode: calculated bessel mode

    xx,yy = np.meshgrid(x,y)
    rr = np.reshape( np.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2), len(x)*len(y))
    phi = np.reshape( np.arctan2(xx,yy), len(x)*len(y))
    fak = jv(m,u)/kn(m, w)
    res = np.zeros(len(rr))
    indx1 = rr<=1
    res[indx1] = jv(m,u*rr[indx1])*np.cos(m*phi[indx1]+phioff)
    indx2 = rr>1
    res[indx2] = fak * kn(m, w * rr[indx2]) * np.cos(m * phi[indx2] + phioff)
    res = res / np.max(np.abs(res))
    return np.reshape(res, [len(y), len(x)])
Esempio n. 3
 def __fct1(self, nu, u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq):
     if s2 < 0:  # a
         b11 = iv(nu, u2r1)
         b12 = kn(nu, u2r1)
         b21 = iv(nu, u2r2)
         b22 = kn(nu, u2r2)
         b31 = iv(nu+1, u2r1)
         b32 = kn(nu+1, u2r1)
         f1 = b31*b22 + b32*b21
         f2 = b11*b22 - b12*b21
         b11 = jn(nu, u2r1)
         b12 = yn(nu, u2r1)
         b21 = jn(nu, u2r2)
         b22 = yn(nu, u2r2)
         if s1 == 0:
             f1 = 0
             b31 = jn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b32 = yn(nu+1, u2r1)
             f1 = b31*b22 - b32*b21
         f2 = b12*b21 - b11*b22
     if s1 == 0:
         delta = 1
         delta = self.__delta(nu, u1r1, u2r1, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq)
     return f1 + f2 * delta
Esempio n. 4
def mode_2d(V, r, j=0, n=0, sampling=0.3,  sz=1024):
    """Create a 2D mode profile. 
    V: Fiber V number
    r: core radius in microns
    sampling: microns per pixel
    n: radial order of the mode (0 is fundumental)
    j: azimuthal order of the mode (0 is pure radial modes)
    TODO: Nonradial modes."""
    #First, find the neff values...
    u_all,n_per_j = neff(V)
    ix = np.sum(n_per_j[0:j]) + n
    U0 = u_all[ix]
    W0 = np.sqrt(V**2 - U0**2)
    x = (np.arange(sz)-sz/2)*sampling/r
    xy = np.meshgrid(x,x)
    r = np.sqrt(xy[0]**2 + xy[1]**2)
    win = np.where(r < 1)
    wout = np.where(r >= 1)
    the_mode = np.zeros( (sz,sz) )
    the_mode[win] = special.jn(j,r[win]*U0)
    scale = special.jn(j,U0)/,W0)
    the_mode[wout] = scale *,r[wout]*W0)
    return the_mode/np.sqrt(np.sum(the_mode**2))
Esempio n. 5
def neff(V, accurate_roots=True):
 """Find the effective indices of all modes for a given value of 
 the fiber V number. """
 delu = 0.04
 U = np.arange(delu/2,V,delu)
 W = np.sqrt(V**2 - U**2)
 for j in range(int(V+1)):
   f = U*special.jn(j+1,U)*,W) - W*,W)*special.jn(j,U)
   crossings = np.where(f[0:-1]*f[1:] < 0)[0]
   roots = U[crossings] - f[crossings]*( U[crossings+1] - U[crossings] )/( f[crossings+1] - f[crossings] )
   if accurate_roots:
     for i,root in enumerate(roots):
         roots[i] = optimize.newton(join_bessel, root, args=(V,j))
   #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
   if (j == 0): 
     n_modes = n_modes + len(roots)
     n_per_j = np.append(n_per_j, len(roots))
     n_modes = n_modes + 2*len(roots)
     n_per_j = np.append(n_per_j, len(roots)) #could be 2*length(roots) to account for sin and cos.
   all_roots = np.append(all_roots,roots)
 return all_roots, n_per_j
Esempio n. 6
    def _hefield(self, wl, nu, neff, r):
        self._heceq(neff, wl, nu)
        for i, rho in enumerate(self.fiber._r):
            if r < rho:
            i += 1
        layer = self.fiber.layers[i]
        n = layer.maxIndex(wl)
        u = layer.u(rho, neff, wl)
        urp = u * r / rho

        c1 = rho / u
        c2 = wl.k0 * c1
        c3 = nu * c1 / r if r else 0  # To avoid div by 0
        c6 = constants.Y0 * n * n

        if neff < n:
            B1 = jn(nu, u)
            B2 = yn(nu, u)
            F1 = jn(nu, urp) / B1
            F2 = yn(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0
            F3 = jvp(nu, urp) / B1
            F4 = yvp(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0
            c2 = -c2
            B1 = iv(nu, u)
            B2 = kn(nu, u)
            F1 = iv(nu, urp) / B1
            F2 = kn(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0
            F3 = ivp(nu, urp) / B1
            F4 = kvp(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0

        A, B, Ap, Bp = layer.C[:, 0] + layer.C[:, 1] * self.alpha

        Ez = A * F1 + B * F2
        Ezp = A * F3 + B * F4
        Hz = Ap * F1 + Bp * F2
        Hzp = Ap * F3 + Bp * F4

        if r == 0 and nu == 1:
            # Asymptotic expansion of Ez (or Hz):
            # J1(ur/p)/r (r->0) = u/(2p)
            if neff < n:
                f = 1 / (2 * jn(nu, u))
                f = 1 / (2 * iv(nu, u))
            c3ez = A * f
            c3hz = Ap * f
            c3ez = c3 * Ez
            c3hz = c3 * Hz

        Er = c2 * (neff * Ezp - constants.eta0 * c3hz)
        Ep = c2 * (neff * c3ez - constants.eta0 * Hzp)

        Hr = c2 * (neff * Hzp - c6 * c3ez)
        Hp = c2 * (-neff * c3hz + c6 * Ezp)

        return numpy.array((Er, Ep, Ez)), numpy.array((Hr, Hp, Hz))
Esempio n. 7
def neff(V, accurate_roots=True):
    """For a cylindrical fiber, find the effective indices of all modes for a given value 
    of the fiber V number. 
    V: float
        The fiber V-number.
    accurate_roots: bool (optional)
        Do we find accurate roots using Newton-Rhapson iteration, or do we just use a 
        first-order linear approach to zero-point crossing?"""
    delu = 0.04
    U = np.arange(delu/2,V,delu)
    W = np.sqrt(V**2 - U**2)
    for j in range(int(V+1)):
        f = U*special.jn(j+1,U)*,W) - W*,W)*special.jn(j,U)
        crossings = np.where(f[0:-1]*f[1:] < 0)[0]
        roots = U[crossings] - f[crossings]*( U[crossings+1] - U[crossings] )/( f[crossings+1] - f[crossings] )
        if accurate_roots:
            for i,root in enumerate(roots):
                roots[i] = optimize.newton(join_bessel, root, args=(V,j))
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if (j == 0): 
            n_modes = n_modes + len(roots)
            n_per_j = np.append(n_per_j, len(roots))
            n_modes = n_modes + 2*len(roots)
            n_per_j = np.append(n_per_j, len(roots)) #could be 2*length(roots) to account for sin and cos.
        all_roots = np.append(all_roots,roots)
    return all_roots, n_per_j
Esempio n. 8
def d2x2K2(k,x):
    x = abs(x)
    y = numpy.nan_to_num( x*(,k*x)/k -x*,k*x)) )
    if(isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray)):
        y[x==0] = numpy.ones(len(y[x==0]))*1.0/k**2
    elif(x == 0):
        return 1.0/k**2
    return y
Esempio n. 9
    def enum2D(x0, x1, kappa, n, factor=1):
        ra = np.sqrt(x0 * x0 + x1 * x1) + 1e-13
        kappara = kappa * ra
        k0 =, kappara)
        k1 =, kappara)
        tmp = -kappa * factor * kappara * (k0 * k0 + k1 * k1) / ra

        return (np.sum(tmp * x0) / n ** 2, np.sum(tmp * x1) / n ** 2)
Esempio n. 10
    def laplace_solution(self, s):
        x_d = np.array([float(i)/self.number_of_segments \
                            for i in range(self.number_of_segments)])

        c_fd = self.param["frac_k"]
        c_fd *= self.param["frac_width"]
        c_fd /= self.param["res_k"]
        c_fd /= self.param["frac_length"]

        delta_x = 1./float(self.number_of_segments)
        lhs = np.zeros((self.number_of_segments+1,
        rhs = np.zeros(self.number_of_segments+1)
        for j in range(self.number_of_segments):
            x_dj = x_d[j]+.5*delta_x
            rhs[j] = np.pi*x_dj/(c_fd*s)
            for i in range(self.number_of_segments):
                x_di = x_d[i]
                if x_dj > x_di and x_dj < x_di+delta_x:
                    integral_1 = lambda x:, abs(x_dj-x)*np.sqrt(s))
                    (quad1, error1) = integrate.quad(integral_1,
                                                     points = [x_dj],
                    integral_2 = lambda x:, abs(x_dj-x)*np.sqrt(s))  
                    (quad1, error1) = integrate.quad(integral_2, 

                (quad2, error2) = integrate.quad(lambda x:, abs(x_dj+x)*np.sqrt(s)), 
                                                 x_di+delta_x, epsrel=1.e-16)
                #assert (error1 < 1.e-8)
                #assert (error2 < 1.e-8)
                lhs[j, i] += -.5*(quad1+quad2)
                if i < j:
                    lhs[j, i] += (np.pi/c_fd)*((delta_x**2)/2.+

            lhs[j, j] += (np.pi/c_fd)*(delta_x**2)/8.

        for i in range(self.number_of_segments):
            lhs[i, self.number_of_segments] += 1.

        for j in range(self.number_of_segments):
            lhs[self.number_of_segments, j] += delta_x

        rhs[self.number_of_segments] = 1./s
        solution = np.linalg.solve(lhs, rhs)
        min_singular_value = np.linalg.svd(lhs)[1][-1]
        assert(min_singular_value > 1.e-8)

        return solution
Esempio n. 11
def join_bessel(U,V,j):
    """In order to solve the Laplace equation in cylindrical co-ordinates, both the
    electric field and its derivative must be continuous at the edge of the fiber...
    i.e. the Bessel J and Bessel K have to be joined together. 
    The solution of this equation is the n_eff value that satisfies this continuity
    W = np.sqrt(V**2 - U**2)
    return U*special.jn(j+1,U)*,W) - W*,W)*special.jn(j,U)
Esempio n. 12
def G2_intra(r, kF):  # xi == kF * r
    if kF * r > 15.0:
        return G2_intra_asympt(kF, r)
    print "r, KF = ", r, kF
    # print r1, r2, kF
        Integration routine --- for internal use in Q_intra
    # s = np.max([kF * r, 1.0])
    s = 1.0
    # First, handle the difference between Pi_intra
    # and 2/3 1/(q^2 + 1)
    def f(x):
        J1 = special.jn(0, x * kF * r / s)
        return Pi_intra3(x / s) * J1 * x / s ** 2

    # print r1, r2
    # We shall split the integration domain
    split_points = [0.0, 2.0, 3.0]
    I = 0.0
    eps = 0.0
    for i in range(1, len(split_points)):
        nmax = 300
        a = split_points[i - 1]
        b = split_points[i]
        if i < len(split_points) - 1:
            n1 = int(abs(b - a) * kF * r / s / 6.0 * 20.0)
            if n1 > nmax:
                nmax = n1
        Ii, epsi = integrate.quad(f, a, b, limit=nmax)
        I += Ii
        print Ii, epsi, a, b, nmax
        eps += epsi

    # Now add the missing contribution:
    #   The integral for 1/(q^2 + 1) can be found as
    #   Int q dq /(q^2 + 1) J_0(qr)  ~ K_0(r)
    #   With two Bessel functions, we can apply addition theorem,
    #   which gives K_0(|r - r'|), averaged over angles
    I2 =, kF * r)
    I2 *= 2.0 / 3.0
    I3 =, kF * r) * kF * r / 2.0
    I3 *= 2.0 / 5.0

    # print "In G2: ", I, I2
    return (I + I2 + I3) * kF ** 3 / (4.0 * math.pi ** 2)
Esempio n. 13
def g_twiddle(N, epsilon, s, L):
    threshold = 50
    ns = np.linspace(1, N, N)
    BK0 =,ns[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold]*np.pi*epsilon/L)
    BK1 =,ns[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold]*np.pi*epsilon/L)
    BI0 = special.iv(0,ns[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold]*np.pi*epsilon/L)
    BI1 = special.iv(1,ns[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold]*np.pi*epsilon/L)
    g = np.zeros(N)

    g[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L<threshold] = s*BK1*BI1*np.pi / (L**2 * (s*BK1*BI0 + BI1*BK0))
    g[ns*np.pi*epsilon/L>=threshold] = s*np.pi/L**2*(1/(s+1))
    return g*ns
Esempio n. 14
def fundamental2D( cot ): 
    plots fundamental solution in 2D
    x = dic[cot.mesh_name].source
    V = cot.V
    mesh_obj = cot.mesh_obj
    kappa = cot.kappa
    y  = cot.mesh_obj.coordinates()

    x_y = x-y
    ra  = x_y * x_y
    ra  = np.sum( ra, axis = 1 )
    ra  = np.sqrt( ra ) + 1e-13
    kappara = kappa * ra

    phi_arr = cot.factor * np.power( kappara, 1.0 ) * 1, kappara )
    phi     = Function( V )
    phi.vector().set_local( phi_arr[dof_to_vertex_map(V)] )

    helper.save_plots( phi, 
                       ["Free Space", "Greens Function"], 
                       cot )
Esempio n. 15
def A(r, z, tau0=0.7, zd=0.29, hd=8.1):

    r = np.abs(r)

    kappa0 = tau0 / (2 * zd)

    return 1.086 * 2 * kappa0 * r *, r / hd) * np.exp(-1 * z / zd)
Esempio n. 16
def white_noise_product_modulus_pdf(r, sigma, n):
    """PDF of modulus of product of two white noise DFT coefficients.

    Suppose we have two white noise time sequences each with time domain
    standard deviation equal to sigma:
        a = [b_0, a_1, ..., a_{n-1}] and
        b = [a_0, b_1, ..., b_{n-1}] .

    Now we form the discrete Fourier transforms of each sequence
        A = [A_0, A_k, ..., A_n]
        B = [B_0, B_k, ..., B_n]
        A_k = (1/n) \sum_{m=0}^{n-1} a_m \exp(-i 2 \pi m k / n) .

    Now we multiply the DFT's together to form
        C = [A_0 B_0^*, A_1 B_1^*, ..., A_{n-1} B_{n-1}^*]

    This function tells you the probability distribution P(r) where r = |C_k|.
    Note that since we're dealing with white noise the distribution is
    independent of k.

        r (float): Modulus at which you want the probability density.
        sigma (float): Standard deviation of the time domain signal from whence
            came the Fourier amplitudes.
        n (int): Number of points in the time domain signal.

        (float): Probability density at the provided modulus value.
    return (2 * n / sigma**2)**2 * r *, 2 * r * n / sigma**2)
Esempio n. 17
def test_hrg():
    ID, info = random.choice(list(species_dict.items()))
    m = info["mass"]
    g = info["degen"]
    sign = -1 if info["boson"] else 1

    prefactor = g / (2 * np.pi ** 2 * hbarc ** 3)
    if info["has_anti"]:
        prefactor *= 2

    T = np.random.uniform(0.13, 0.15)
    hrg = HRG(T, species=[ID], res_width=False)

    assert_almost_equal(hrg.T, T, delta=1e-15, msg="incorrect temperature")

    n = np.arange(1, 50)
    density = prefactor * m * m * T * ((-sign) ** (n - 1) / n *, n * m / T)).sum()

    assert_almost_equal(hrg.density(), density, delta=1e-12, msg="incorrect density")

    def integrand(p):
        E = np.sqrt(m * m + p * p)
        return p * p * E / (np.exp(E / T) + sign)

    energy_density = prefactor * integrate.quad(integrand, 0, 10)[0]

    assert_almost_equal(hrg.energy_density(), energy_density, delta=1e-12, msg="incorrect energy density")

    def integrand(p):
        E = np.sqrt(m * m + p * p)
        return p ** 4 / (3 * E) / (np.exp(E / T) + sign)

    pressure = prefactor * integrate.quad(integrand, 0, 10)[0]

    assert_almost_equal(hrg.pressure(), pressure, delta=1e-12, msg="incorrect pressure")
Esempio n. 18
 def density(self, x):
     Return the stellar density of an exponential profile
     input : x=r/rc (can be array-like)
     output : nuh Bessel0(x) / pi / rc
     return self.nuh * kn(0,x) / pi / self.rc
Esempio n. 19
def x2K2(k,x):
    y = -x*x*, k*x)/(k*k)
    if(isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray)):
        y[x == 0] = numpy.ones(len(y[x == 0]))*-2.0/k**4
    elif(x == 0):
        return -2.0/k**4
    return y
Esempio n. 20
def jkdiff(m,u,w):
    """Calculate the absolute difference diff = |Jm(u)/Jm+1(u)-Km(w)/Km+1(w)|.

    Can be used to determine the branches of LP modes in a step-index fiber.


        - m azimuthal number of periods (m=0,1,2,3...)
        - u radial phase constant
        - w radial decay constant


        - diff - Difference

    return np.abs(  jv(m, u)/(u * jv(m+1,u)) - (kn(m,w)/(w*kn(m+1,w))))
Esempio n. 21
    def _hefield(self, wl, nu, neff, r):
        rho = self.fiber.outerRadius(0)
        k = wl.k0
        nco2 = self.fiber.maxIndex(0, wl)**2
        ncl2 = self.fiber.minIndex(1, wl)**2
        u = rho * k * sqrt(nco2 - neff**2)
        w = rho * k * sqrt(neff**2 - ncl2)
        v = rho * k * sqrt(nco2 - ncl2)

        jnu = jn(nu, u)
        knw = kn(nu, w)

        Delta = (1 - ncl2/nco2)/2
        b1 = jvp(nu, u) / (u * jnu)
        b2 = kvp(nu, w) / (w * knw)
        F1 = (u * w / v)**2 * (b1 + (1 - 2 * Delta)*b2) / nu
        F2 = (v / (u * w))**2 * nu / (b1 + b2)
        a1 = (F2 - 1) / 2
        a2 = (F2 + 1) / 2
        a3 = (F1 - 1) / 2
        a4 = (F1 + 1) / 2
        a5 = (F1 - 1 + 2 * Delta) / 2
        a6 = (F1 + 1 - 2 * Delta) / 2

        if r < rho:
            jmur = jn(nu-1, u * r / rho)
            jpur = jn(nu+1, u * r / rho)
            jnur = jn(nu, u * r / rho)
            er = -(a1 * jmur + a2 * jpur) / jnu
            ephi = -(a1 * jmur - a2 * jpur) / jnu
            ez = u / (k * neff * rho) * jnur / jnu
            hr = Y0 * nco2 / neff * (a3 * jmur - a4 * jpur) / jnu
            hphi = -Y0 * nco2 / neff * (a3 * jmur + a4 * jpur) / jnu
            hz = Y0 * u * F2 / (k * rho) * jnur / jnu
            kmur = kn(nu-1, w * r / rho)
            kpur = kn(nu+1, w * r / rho)
            knur = kn(nu, w * r / rho)
            er = -u / w * (a1 * kmur - a2 * kpur) / knw
            ephi = -u / w * (a1 * kmur + a2 * kpur) / knw
            ez = u / (k * neff * rho) * knur / knw
            hr = Y0 * nco2 / neff * u / w * (a5 * kmur + a6 * kpur) / knw
            hphi = -Y0 * nco2 / neff * u / w * (a5 * kmur - a6 * kpur) / knw
            hz = Y0 * u * F2 / (k * rho) * knur / knw

        return numpy.array((er, ephi, ez)), numpy.array((hr, hphi, hz))
Esempio n. 22
 def lpConstants(self, r, neff, wl, nu, A):
     u = self.u(r, neff, wl)
     if neff < self.maxIndex(wl):
         W = constants.pi / 2
         return (W * (u * yvp(nu, u) * A[0] - yn(nu, u) * A[1]),
                 W * (jn(nu, u) * A[1] - u * jvp(nu, u) * A[0]))
         return ((u * kvp(nu, u) * A[0] - kn(nu, u) * A[1]),
                 (iv(nu, u) * A[1] - u * ivp(nu, u) * A[0]))
Esempio n. 23
    def _lpcoeq(self, v0, nu):
        u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq = self.__params(v0)

        if s1 == 0:  # e
            return (jn(nu+1, u2r1) * yn(nu-1, u2r2) -
                    yn(nu+1, u2r1) * jn(nu-1, u2r2))

        (f11a, f11b) = ((jn(nu-1, u1r1), jn(nu, u1r1)) if s1 > 0 else
                        (iv(nu-1, u1r1), iv(nu, u1r1)))
        if s2 > 0:
            f22a, f22b = jn(nu-1, u2r2), yn(nu-1, u2r2)
            f2a = jn(nu, u2r1) * f22b - yn(nu, u2r1) * f22a
            f2b = jn(nu-1, u2r1) * f22b - yn(nu-1, u2r1) * f22a
        else:  # a
            f22a, f22b = iv(nu-1, u2r2), kn(nu-1, u2r2)
            f2a = iv(nu, u2r1) * f22b + kn(nu, u2r1) * f22a
            f2b = iv(nu-1, u2r1) * f22b - kn(nu-1, u2r1) * f22a
        return f11a * f2a * u1r1 - f11b * f2b * u2r1
Esempio n. 24
    def EH_fields(self, ri, ro, nu, neff, wl, EH, tm=True):

        modify EH in-place (for speed)

        n = self.maxIndex(wl)
        u = self.u(ro, neff, wl)

        if ri == 0:
            if nu == 0:
                if tm:
                    self.C = numpy.array([1., 0., 0., 0.])
                    self.C = numpy.array([0., 0., 1., 0.])
                self.C = numpy.zeros((4, 2))
                self.C[0, 0] = 1  # Ez = 1
                self.C[2, 1] = 1  # Hz = alpha
        elif nu == 0:
            self.C = numpy.zeros(4)
            if tm:
                c = constants.Y0 * n * n
                idx = (0, 3)
                self.C[:2] = self.tetmConstants(ri, ro, neff, wl, EH, c, idx)
                c = -constants.eta0
                idx = (1, 2)
                self.C[2:] = self.tetmConstants(ri, ro, neff, wl, EH, c, idx)
            self.C = self.vConstants(ri, ro, neff, wl, nu, EH)

        # Compute EH fields
        if neff < n:
            c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
            F3 = jvp(nu, u) / jn(nu, u)
            F4 = yvp(nu, u) / yn(nu, u)
            c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
            F3 = ivp(nu, u) / iv(nu, u)
            F4 = kvp(nu, u) / kn(nu, u)

        c2 = neff * nu / u * c1
        c3 = constants.eta0 * c1
        c4 = constants.Y0 * n * n * c1

        EH[0] = self.C[0] + self.C[1]
        EH[1] = self.C[2] + self.C[3]
        EH[2] = (c2 * (self.C[0] + self.C[1]) -
                 c3 * (F3 * self.C[2] + F4 * self.C[3]))
        EH[3] = (c4 * (F3 * self.C[0] + F4 * self.C[1]) -
                 c2 * (self.C[2] + self.C[3]))

        return EH
Esempio n. 25
 def F(self,rho,tau):
     #tau = tau(:);
     #tau(find(tau > 100)) = 100;
     if tau>100:
     #h_inf = besselk(0,rho);
     h_inf = kn(0,rho)
     expintrho = expn(1,rho)
     w = (expintrho-h_inf)/(expintrho-expn(1,rho/2))
     I = h_inf - w*expn(1,rho/2*np.exp(abs(tau))) + (w-1)*expn(1,rho*np.cosh(tau))
     return h
Esempio n. 26
    def vConstants(self, ri, ro, neff, wl, nu, EH):
        a = numpy.zeros((4, 4))
        n = self.maxIndex(wl)
        u = self.u(ro, neff, wl)
        urp = self.u(ri, neff, wl)

        if neff < n:
            B1 = jn(nu, u)
            B2 = yn(nu, u)
            F1 = jn(nu, urp) / B1
            F2 = yn(nu, urp) / B2
            F3 = jvp(nu, urp) / B1
            F4 = yvp(nu, urp) / B2
            c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
            B1 = iv(nu, u)
            B2 = kn(nu, u)
            F1 = iv(nu, urp) / B1 if u else 1
            F2 = kn(nu, urp) / B2
            F3 = ivp(nu, urp) / B1 if u else 1
            F4 = kvp(nu, urp) / B2
            c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
        c2 = neff * nu / urp * c1
        c3 = constants.eta0 * c1
        c4 = constants.Y0 * n * n * c1

        a[0, 0] = F1
        a[0, 1] = F2
        a[1, 2] = F1
        a[1, 3] = F2
        a[2, 0] = F1 * c2
        a[2, 1] = F2 * c2
        a[2, 2] = -F3 * c3
        a[2, 3] = -F4 * c3
        a[3, 0] = F3 * c4
        a[3, 1] = F4 * c4
        a[3, 2] = -F1 * c2
        a[3, 3] = -F2 * c2

        return numpy.linalg.solve(a, EH)
Esempio n. 27
 def _tecoeq(self, v0, nu):
     u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq = self.__params(v0)
     (f11a, f11b) = ((j0(u1r1), jn(2, u1r1)) if s1 > 0 else
                     (i0(u1r1), -iv(2, u1r1)))
     if s2 > 0:
         f22a, f22b = j0(u2r2), y0(u2r2)
         f2a = jn(2, u2r1) * f22b - yn(2, u2r1) * f22a
         f2b = j0(u2r1) * f22b - y0(u2r1) * f22a
     else:  # a
         f22a, f22b = i0(u2r2), k0(u2r2)
         f2a = kn(2, u2r1) * f22a - iv(2, u2r1) * f22b
         f2b = i0(u2r1) * f22b - k0(u2r1) * f22a
     return f11a * f2a - f11b * f2b
Esempio n. 28
    def plot_Ai(self, histtype="stepfilled"):
        if histtype == "step":
            ALPHAG = 0.5
            ALPHAG = ALPHA

        sG = np.sqrt(np.var(self.gAi.flatten()))
        mG = np.mean(self.gAi.flatten())
        amin, amax = np.min(self.gAi), np.max(self.gAi)
        alist = np.arange(2 * amin, amax * 2, amax / 250.0)
        theoryGdist = norm.pdf(alist, loc=mG, scale=sG)
        if self.TYPE != "gNL":
                alist, theoryGdist, self.clrs[0],[0], linewidth=LW, label=self.TYPELABEL + "$=0$"
            plot_hist(plt, self.gAi.flatten(), clr="skyblue", alp=ALPHA, ht=histtype)

        for i in range(len(self.fgnls)):
            if self.theoryplot == False:
                lbl = self.TYPELABEL + "=" + NtoSTR(self.fgnls[i])
                lbl = None

            plot_hist(plt, self.fgNLAi[i].flatten(), clr=self.clrs[i + 1], alp=ALPHA, labl=lbl)

            if self.theoryplot:
                if self.TYPE == "fNL":
                    theorynGdist = norm.pdf(
                        alist, loc=mG, scale=np.sqrt((self.A1const * self.fgnls[i]) ** 2.0 + sG ** 2.0)
                elif self.TYPE == "gNL":
                    sigmax0 = np.sqrt(self.A0const * self.Nconst)
                    sigmax1 = 8.0 * self.fgnls[i] * np.sqrt(3.0 * np.pi * self.A1const)
                    theorynGdist = kn(0, np.abs(alist) / sigmax0 / sigmax1) / np.pi / sigmax0 / sigmax1

                LW1 = self.get_LW1(i)

                    self.clrs[i + 1],
          [i + 1],
                    label=self.TYPELABEL + "$=$" + NtoSTR(self.fgnls[i]),

        plt.xlim(-0.15, 0.15)
Esempio n. 29
    def _lpceq(self, neff, wl, nu):
        N = len(self.fiber)
        C = numpy.zeros((N-1, 2))
        C[0, 0] = 1

        for i in range(1, N-1):
            r = self.fiber.innerRadius(i)
            A = self.fiber.layers[i-1].Psi(r, neff, wl, nu, C[i-1, :])
            C[i, :] = self.fiber.layers[i].lpConstants(r, neff, wl, nu, A)

        r = self.fiber.innerRadius(-1)
        A = self.fiber.layers[N-2].Psi(r, neff, wl, nu, C[-1, :])
        u = self.fiber.layers[N-1].u(r, neff, wl)
        return u * kvp(nu, u) * A[0] - kn(nu, u) * A[1]
Esempio n. 30
 def Psi(self, r, neff, wl, nu, C):
     u = self.u(r, neff, wl)
     if neff < self.maxIndex(wl):
         psi = (C[0] * jn(nu, u) + C[1] * yn(nu, u) if C[1] else
                C[0] * jn(nu, u))
         psip = u * (C[0] * jvp(nu, u) + C[1] * yvp(nu, u) if C[1] else
                     C[0] * jvp(nu, u))
         psi = (C[0] * iv(nu, u) + C[1] * kn(nu, u) if C[1] else
                C[0] * iv(nu, u))
         psip = u * (C[0] * ivp(nu, u) + C[1] * kvp(nu, u) if C[1] else
                     C[0] * ivp(nu, u))
     # if numpy.isnan(psi):
     #     print(neff, self.maxIndex(wl), C, r)
     return psi, psip
Esempio n. 31
    def fragmentation(x):

        if (sublimate == 'small') and (x < (1. - facct)):
            return 0.

        if species == 'Ar':
            v_th = 6.  # m/s for argon
            C = 8.  # pellet material constant for argon
        elif species == 'Ne':
            v_th = 8.
            C = 5.
        elif species == 'D2':
            v_th = 20.
            C = 2.5
            #species is mol(D)/[mol(D)+mol(Ne)]
            w_Ne = (1.0 - species) * 20.1797
            w_Ne /= (1.0 - species) * 20.1797 + species * 2.014
            v_th = 8. * w_Ne + 20. * (1. - w_Ne)
            C = 2.5 * (1.0 + w_Ne)

        D_cm = D_p * 1e2

        # initial velocity: v_i = v/cos(bend)
        # normal velocity: v_n= v_i*sin(bend)= v*tan(bend)
        v_n = v * np.tan(np.pi * bend / 180.)
        X_R = (v_n / v_th)**2
        b = X_R / (L_D * (D_cm) * C)

        d = np.linspace(0., D_cm, 10000)
        K1 = kn(1, b * d)
        K1[0] = 0.
        F = 1. - b * d * K1
        F[0] = 0.

            dp = interp1d(F, d)(x) / 1e2
        except ValueError:
            #print('Skipping x=%f, greater than pellet diameter at x=%f'%(x,F[-1]))
            dp = 0.

        return dp / 2  # divide by two to get radius
Esempio n. 32
    def nEQ(self, T):
        """Returns the equilibrium number density at temperature T. Returns zero for non-thermal components"""

        if not 'thermal' in self.Type:
            return 0.

        x = T / self.mass(T)
        if x < 0.1:
            neq = self.mass(T)**3 * (x / (2 * pi))**(3. / 2.) * exp(-1 / x) * (
                1. + (15. / 8.) * x + (105. / 128.) * x**2)  #Non-relativistic
        elif x < 1.5:
            neq = self.mass(T)**3 * x * kn(2, 1 / x) / (
                2 * pi**2)  #Non-relativistic/relativistic
            if self.dof > 0: neq = Zeta3 * T**3 / pi**2  #Relativistic Bosons
            if self.dof < 0:
                neq = (3. / 4.) * Zeta3 * T**3 / pi**2  #Relativistic Fermions

        neq = neq * abs(self.dof)
        return neq
Esempio n. 33
    def _lpfield(self, wl, nu, neff, r):
        N = len(self.fiber)
        C = numpy.array((1, 0))

        for i in range(1, N):
            rho = self.fiber.innerRadius(i)
            if r < rho:
                layer = self.fiber.layers[i-1]
            A = self.fiber.layers[i-1].Psi(rho, neff, wl, nu, C)
            C = self.fiber.layers[i].lpConstants(rho, neff, wl, nu, A)
            layer = self.fiber.layers[-1]
            u = layer.u(rho, neff, wl)
            C = (0, A[0] / kn(nu, u))

        ex, _ = layer.Psi(r, neff, wl, nu, C)
        hy = neff * constants.Y0 * ex

        return numpy.array((ex, 0, 0)), numpy.array((0, hy, 0))
Esempio n. 34
def sd_kazantzidis(X):
    Kazantzidis surface density, normalized according to the convention:

    SD(X = R/a) = SD_real(R) * pi * a^2 / N_infinty

    X : array_like (same shape as n), float
        Projected radius X = R/a

    SD : array_like (same shape as X), float
        Normalized surface density profile.


    sd = kn(0, X) / 2
    return sd
Esempio n. 35
def zmelement(q, Qz, r_b, z_max, zp_max, N_z=500):
    # q, Qz are single value variables (not arrays)
    hz = z_max / (N_z - 1)
    hzp = zp_max / (N_z - 1)
    epz = hz / 1000  #starting point for z-integration
    epzp = hzp / 1000  #starting point for z-prime integration

    z = np.linspace(epz, z_max, N_z)
    zp = np.linspace(epzp, zp_max, N_z)

    int_p = np.zeros(zp.shape)
    for i, zpi in enumerate(zp):
        #int_p[i] = np.sum(z**2/(z + zpi)*np.exp(-2*z/r_b)*np.sin(Qz*zpi)*kn(1, q*(z + zpi)) )*hz
        int_p[i] = scipy.integrate.simps(
            z**2 / (z + zpi) * np.exp(-2 * z / r_b) * np.sin(Qz * zpi) *
            kn(1, q * (z + zpi)), z)

    #melement = 4/r_b**3*np.sum(int_p)*hzp
    melement = 4 / r_b**3 * scipy.integrate.simps(int_p, zp)
    return melement
Esempio n. 36
def n_kazantizidis(X):
    Kazantzidis projected number, normalized according to the convention:

    N(X = R/a) = N(R) / N_infinty

    X : array_like (same shape as n), float
        Projected radius X = R/a.

    N : array_like (same shape as n), float
        Kazantzidis projected number.


    N = 1 - X * kn(1, X)
    return N
Esempio n. 37
def F(tm, B1, B2):
    #print B1, B2
    Fi = 2. * np.sqrt(pi * (B1**2 - B2**2))

    km = np.arctan(np.sqrt(tm))

    I2 = 0.0
    Nk = 5000
    ks = np.linspace(km, pi / 2, Nk)
    dk = ks[1] - ks[0]
    for k in ks:
        t = np.tan(k)**2
        dI = (2 * t + 1)**2 * (t / tm / (1 + t) - 1.) / t + t - np.sqrt(
            t * tm * (1 + t)) - (2 + 0.5 / t) * np.log(t / tm / (1 + t))
        #print t, kn(0, B2*t), B1, B2, B2*t, dI
        #print -B1*t
        #print t, B1, ':', exp(-B1*t)
        dI *= np.exp(-B1 * t) * kn(0, B2 * t) * np.sqrt(1 + t)
        I2 += dI * dk

    return Fi * I2
def gammaEELS(
    w_all,  # the range of wavelengths the Gam EELS is taken over, i.e. we need a val of GamEEL for many different wavelenths [1/s]
    v = 0.48
    gamL = 1 / np.sqrt(1 - v**2)
    m = (2.0 * e**2) / (3.0 * gamR * hbar_eVs * c**3)
    gam = 0.07 + gamR * w_all**2
    alpha = e**2 / m * hbar_eVs**2 / (-w_all**2 - 1j * gam * w_all + w0**2)
    rod_loc = np.array([0, 0])
    magR = np.linalg.norm(ebeam_loc - rod_loc)
    constants = 4.0 * e**2 / (
        (hbar_eVs) * hbar_cgs * np.pi *
        (v * c)**4 * gamL**2) * (w_all / hbar_eVs)**2 * (kn(
            1, (w_all / hbar_eVs) * magR / (v * c * gamL)))**2
    # print constants
    Gam_EELS = constants * np.imag(alpha)
    return amp * Gam_EELS  #units of 1/eV
Esempio n. 39
    def _tmfield(self, wl, nu, neff, r):
        N = len(self.fiber)
        C = numpy.array((1, 0))
        EH = numpy.zeros(4)
        ri = 0

        for i in range(N-1):
            ro = self.fiber.outerRadius(i)
            layer = self.fiber.layers[i]
            n = layer.maxIndex(wl)
            u = layer.u(ro, neff, wl)

            if i > 0:
                C = layer.tetmConstants(ri, ro, neff, wl, EH,
                                        constants.Y0 * n * n, (0, 3))

            if r < ro:

            if neff < n:
                c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
                F3 = jvp(nu, u) / jn(nu, u)
                F4 = yvp(nu, u) / yn(nu, u)
                c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
                F3 = ivp(nu, u) / iv(nu, u)
                F4 = kvp(nu, u) / kn(nu, u)

            c4 = constants.Y0 * n * n * c1

            EH[0] = C[0] + C[1]
            EH[3] = c4 * (F3 * C[0] + F4 * C[1])

            ri = ro
            layer = self.fiber.layers[-1]
            u = layer.u(ro, neff, wl)
            # C =

        return numpy.array((0, ephi, 0)), numpy.array((hr, 0, hz))
Esempio n. 40
    def plot_Ai(self, select=0.2):
        the select option is used to choose only those data that have power modulation less than
        this amount i.e. if
        this is necessary to only consider skies with the power spectra as what we see.

        print (sG)
        amin, amax = np.min(self.gAi), np.max(self.gAi)
        alist=np.arange(2*amin, amax*2, amax/250.)
        theoryGdist=norm.pdf(alist, loc=mG, scale=sG)

        for i in range(len(self.fgnls)):
            if (self.theoryplot==False):

            Aiselected = self.fgNLAi[i][np.abs(self.fgNLA0[i/3])<select]
            gAiselected = self.gAi[np.abs(self.fgNLA0[i/3])<select]
            print (len(Aiselected))

            plot_hist(plt, Aiselected - gAiselected, clr=self.clrs[i+1], alp=ALPHA, labl=lbl)

            if (self.theoryplot):
                theorynGdist=kn(0, np.abs(alist)/sigmax/sigmay)/np.pi/sigmax/sigmay

                plt.plot(alist, theorynGdist, self.clrs[i+1],[i+1], linewidth=LW, label=self.TYPELABEL+"="+NtoSTR(self.fgnls[i]))

        plt.xlim(-0.15, 0.15)
Esempio n. 41
    def g_v(self, R, v):
        z_dense = self.k_dense * R
        z_dilute = self.k_dilute * R
        b0_dense = (self.gamma / R - self.c_dense) / iv(0, z_dense)
        b0_dilute = (self.gamma / R - self.c_dilute) / kn(0, z_dilute)

        extra_term = self.gamma * (v * v - 1) / R**2

        term1 = b0_dense * (self.k_dense**
                            2) * (iv(0, z_dense) - iv(1, z_dense) / z_dense)
        term2 = -b0_dilute * (self.k_dilute**2) * (kn(0, z_dilute) -
                                                   kn(1, z_dilute) / z_dilute)
        term3 = (self.k_dense * iv(v - 1, z_dense) / iv(v, z_dense) - v / R)
        term3 *= (extra_term - b0_dense * self.k_dense * iv(1, z_dense))
        term4 = (self.k_dilute * kn(v - 1, z_dilute) / kn(v, z_dilute) - v / R)
        term4 *= (extra_term + b0_dilute * self.k_dilute * kn(1, z_dilute))

        return -term1 + term2 - term3 + term4
Esempio n. 42
    def dens(self, y=None, log_=True, paramvec=None):
            computes the density
            y        - (n x 1) densites to computed
            log_     - (bool)  return logarithm of density
            paramvec - (k x 1) the parameter to evalute the density
             f(y) = \sqrt{\nu} \sigma^{-1} \pi^{-1} \exp(\nu) ...
                   \exp( \frac{1}{\sigma^2}(y - \delta + \mu) \mu )    ...
                   \frac{a }{ b} K_{ 1 }(\sqrt{ ab })

        if y is None:
            y = self.y

        delta, mu, nu, sigma = self._paramvec(paramvec)

        a = nu + mu**2 / sigma**2
        delta_mu = delta - mu

        c0 = -np.log(np.pi) + 0.5 * np.log(nu) + nu - np.log(sigma)

        #n  = y.shape[0]
        y_ = (y - delta_mu) / sigma
        b = nu + y_**2

        const = c0  #* n
        logf = y_ * (mu / sigma)
        logf += const
        logf += 0.5 * (np.log(a) - np.log(b))
        logf += np.log(, np.sqrt(a * b)))

        if not log_:
            return np.exp(logf)

        return logf
Esempio n. 43
    def _heceq(self, neff, wl, nu):
        N = len(self.fiber)
        EH = numpy.empty((4, 2))
        ri = 0

        for i in range(N-1):
            ro = self.fiber.outerRadius(i)
                self.fiber.layers[i].EH_fields(ri, ro, nu, neff, wl, EH)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                return float("inf")
            ri = ro

        # Last layer
        C = numpy.zeros((4, 2))
        C[1, :] = EH[0, :]
        C[3, :] = EH[1, :]
        self.fiber.layers[N-1].C = C

        u = self.fiber.layers[N-1].u(ri, neff, wl)
        n = self.fiber.maxIndex(-1, wl)

        F4 = kvp(nu, u) / kn(nu, u)
        c1 = -wl.k0 * ri / u
        c2 = neff * nu / u * c1
        c3 = constants.eta0 * c1
        c4 = constants.Y0 * n * n * c1

        E = EH[2, :] - (c2 * EH[0, :] - c3 * F4 * EH[1, :])
        H = EH[3, :] - (c4 * F4 * EH[0, :] - c2 * EH[1, :])

        if E[1] != 0:
            self.alpha = -E[0] / E[1]
            self.alpha = -H[0] / H[1]

        return E[0]*H[1] - E[1]*H[0]
 def _R2deriv(self, R, z, phi=0., t=0.):
        evaluate R2 derivative
        R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius
        z - vertical height
        phi - azimuth
        t - time
        -d K_R (R,z) d R
        2012-12-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS)
     if self._new:
         if nu.fabs(z) < 10.**-6.:
             y = 0.5 * self._alpha * R
             return nu.pi*self._alpha*(special.i0(y)*special.k0(y)-special.i1(y)*special.k1(y)) \
         raise AttributeError(
             "'R2deriv' for RazorThinExponentialDisk not implemented for z =/= 0"
Esempio n. 45
    def laplace_solution(self, s):
        x_d = np.array([float(i)/self.number_of_segments \
                            for i in range(self.number_of_segments)])

        c_fd = self.param["frac_k"]
        c_fd *= self.param["frac_width"]
        c_fd /= self.param["res_k"]
        c_fd /= self.param["frac_length"]

        delta_x = 1. / float(self.number_of_segments)
        lhs = np.zeros(
            (self.number_of_segments + 1, self.number_of_segments + 1))
        rhs = np.zeros(self.number_of_segments + 1)
        for j in range(self.number_of_segments):
            x_dj = x_d[j] + .5 * delta_x
            rhs[j] = np.pi * x_dj / (c_fd * s)
            for i in range(self.number_of_segments):
                x_di = x_d[i]
                if x_dj > x_di and x_dj < x_di + delta_x:
                    integral_1 = lambda x:
                        abs(x_dj - x) * np.sqrt(s))
                    (quad1, error1) = integrate.quad(integral_1,
                                                     x_di + delta_x,
                    integral_2 = lambda x:
                        abs(x_dj - x) * np.sqrt(s))
                    (quad1, error1) = integrate.quad(integral_2,
                                                     x_di + delta_x,

                (quad2, error2) = integrate.quad(
                    lambda x:,
                                         abs(x_dj + x) * np.sqrt(s)),
                    x_di + delta_x,
                #assert (error1 < 1.e-8)
                #assert (error2 < 1.e-8)
                lhs[j, i] += -.5 * (quad1 + quad2)
                if i < j:
                        i] += (np.pi / c_fd) * ((delta_x**2) / 2. +
                                                (x_dj -
                                                 (i + 1) * delta_x) * delta_x)

            lhs[j, j] += (np.pi / c_fd) * (delta_x**2) / 8.

        for i in range(self.number_of_segments):
            lhs[i, self.number_of_segments] += 1.

        for j in range(self.number_of_segments):
            lhs[self.number_of_segments, j] += delta_x

        rhs[self.number_of_segments] = 1. / s
        solution = np.linalg.solve(lhs, rhs)
        min_singular_value = np.linalg.svd(lhs)[1][-1]
        assert (min_singular_value > 1.e-8)

        return solution
Esempio n. 46
def PotDisk(n,r):
  "n: order of differentiation"
  rratio  =0.5*r/r0
  if n==1:
    dPhidr_disk  =(G*Md*r/(2.*r0*r0*r0)) * (i0(rratio)*k0(rratio)-i1(rratio)*k1(rratio))
    return dPhidr_disk
  elif n==2:
    d2Phidr2_disk=(G*Md  /(4.*r0*r0*r0)) * (-rratio*iv(2,rratio)*k1(rratio) + i0(rratio)*(2*k0(rratio)-3.*rratio*k1(rratio)) + i1(rratio)*(3.*rratio*k0(rratio)-2.*k1(rratio)+rratio*kn(2,rratio)) )
    return d2Phidr2_disk
  elif n=='v':
    dPhidr_disk  =(G*Md*r/(2.*r0*r0*r0)) * (i0(rratio)*k0(rratio)-i1(rratio)*k1(rratio))
    Vc  =  np.sqrt(r*dPhidr_disk)
    return Vc
    Phi_disk     =(-G*Md*r/(2.*r0*r0)) * (i0(rratio)*k1(rratio)-i1(rratio)*k0(rratio))
    return Phi_disk
Esempio n. 47
    def get_precursor_diffusion_matrix(self, pc_consumption, dt):
        diffusion_matrix = np.zeros((self.len_xy, self.len_xy))
        n_vec = self.directions.reshape(self.len_x, self.len_y, 3)

        k = par.A_PC * par.F_PC * par.S_PC
        kd = sqrt(k / par.D_COEFF)

        rhs = copy(-self.coverages) * self.areas / dt - self.areas[:] * k
        tp = extended_position_matrix(
            self)  # ^^^^ should be old surface     ^^^^ o.k.

        #direction decreasing y index
        v1 = tp[1:-1, 0:-2, :] - tp[1:-1, 1:-1, :]
        #direction increasing y index
        v4 = tp[1:-1, 2:, :] - tp[1:-1, 1:-1, :]
        #direction decreasing x index
        v2 = tp[0:-2, 1:-1, :] - tp[1:-1, 1:-1, :]
        #direction increasing x index
        v3 = tp[2:, 1:-1, :] - tp[1:-1, 1:-1, :]

        e1 = scale_array(v4 - v1)
        e2 = scale_array(v3 - v2)

        a1 = length_array(v4 - v1) / 2  #side length in y-direction
        a2 = length_array(v3 - v2) / 2  #side length in x-direction

        e1_ = scale_array_sqr(v1)
        e2_ = scale_array_sqr(v2)
        e3_ = scale_array_sqr(v3)
        e4_ = scale_array_sqr(v4)

        n1 = cross_product_array(e2, n_vec)
        n2 = cross_product_array(-e1, n_vec)
        n3 = cross_product_array(e1, n_vec)
        n4 = cross_product_array(-e2, n_vec)

        #generate prefactors and modify result vector
        flux_coeff = np.zeros((self.len_x, self.len_y, 4))

        flux_coeff[:, :, 0] = par.D_COEFF * dot_array(
            e1_, n1) * a2  #flux point(i,j) -> point(i,j-1)
        flux_coeff[:, :, 1] = par.D_COEFF * dot_array(
            e2_, n2) * a1  #flux point(i,j) -> point(i-1,j)
        flux_coeff[:, :, 2] = par.D_COEFF * dot_array(
            e3_, n3) * a1  #flux point(i,j) -> point(i+1,j)
        flux_coeff[:, :, 3] = par.D_COEFF * dot_array(
            e4_, n4) * a2  #flux point(i,j) -> point(i,j+1)

        #write prefactors to matrix
        for index in range(self.len_xy):
            i = index / (self.len_y)
            j = index - i * (self.len_y)
            h_1 = 0.0

            #check neighbor in neg. y direction
            if j - 1 >= 0:
                diffusion_matrix[index, index - 1] = flux_coeff[i, j, 0]
                h_1 = sqrt((tp[i, 0, 0] - tp[i, 1, 0])**2 +
                           (tp[i, 0, 1] - tp[i, 1, 1])**2)
                rhs[index] -= (kd *
                               kn(1, kd * h_1)) / (kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 -
                                                   (kd + kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2)
                diffusion_matrix[index, index] -= (
                    kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 +
                    (kd * kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2) / (kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 -
                                                   (kd * kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2)

            #check neighbor in neg. x direction
            if i - 1 >= 0:
                diffusion_matrix[index, index - self.len_y] = flux_coeff[i, j,
                h_1 = sqrt((tp[0, j, 0] - tp[1, j, 0])**2 +
                           (tp[0, j, 1] - tp[1, j, 1])**2)
                rhs[index] -= (kd *
                               kn(1, kd * h_1)) / (kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 -
                                                   (kd + kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2)
                diffusion_matrix[index, index] -= (
                    kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 +
                    (kd * kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2) / (kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 -
                                                   (kd * kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2)

            #check neighbor in pos. y direction
            if i + 1 <= self.len_x - 1:
                diffusion_matrix[index, index + self.len_y] = flux_coeff[i, j,
                h_1 = sqrt((tp[-1, j, 0] - tp[-2, j, 0])**2 +
                           (tp[-1, j, 1] - tp[-2, j, 1])**2)
                rhs[index] -= (kd *
                               kn(1, kd * h_1)) / (kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 -
                                                   (kd + kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2)
                diffusion_matrix[index, index] -= (
                    kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 +
                    (kd * kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2) / (kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 -
                                                   (kd * kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2)

            #check neighbor in pos. x direction
            if j + 1 <= self.len_y - 1:
                diffusion_matrix[index, index + 1] = flux_coeff[i, j, 3]
                h_1 = sqrt((tp[i, -1, 0] - tp[i, -2, 0])**2 +
                           (tp[i, -1, 1] - tp[i, -2, 1])**2)
                rhs[index] -= (kd *
                               kn(1, kd * h_1)) / (kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 -
                                                   (kd + kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2)
                diffusion_matrix[index, index] -= (
                    kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 +
                    (kd * kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2) / (kn(0, kd * h_1) / h_1 -
                                                   (kd * kn(1, kd * h_1)) / 2)

        #surface elements are only approximated and are not area wide => flux coefficients of opposite direction are averaged
        diffusion_matrix = (diffusion_matrix + diffusion_matrix.T) / 2

        for index in range(self.len_xy):
                index] += -sum(diffusion_matrix[index, :]) + diffusion_matrix[
                    index, index] - (k + pc_consumption[index] +
                                     1 / dt) * self.areas[index]

        return np.mat(diffusion_matrix), rhs, self.len_x, self.len_y
Esempio n. 48
def coeq(v0, nu, fiber):
    r1, r2 = fiber.rho
    n1, n2, n3 = fiber.n

    na = sqrt(max(fiber.n)**2 - n3**2)
    K0 = v0 / (na * r2)
    beta = K0 * n3

    if n1 > n3:
        u1 = K0**2 * (n1**2 - n3**2)
        s1 = 1
        u1 = K0**2 * (n3**2 - n1**2)
        s1 = -1
    if n2 > n3:
        u2 = K0**2 * (n2**2 - n3**2)
        s2 = 1
        u2 = K0**2 * (n3**2 - n2**2)
        s2 = -1
    s = -s1 * s2

    u1r1 = u1 * r1
    u2r1 = u2 * r1
    u2r2 = u2 * r2

    X = (u2r1**2 + s * u1r1**2) * nu * beta
    if s1 == 1:
        Y = jvp(nu, u1r1) / jn(nu, u1r1)
        Y = ivp(nu, u1r1) / iv(nu, u1r1)

    ju2r1 = jn(nu, u2r1) if s2 == 1 else iv(nu, u2r1)
    nu2r1 = yn(nu, u2r1) if s2 == 1 else kn(nu, u2r1)
    jpu2r1 = jvp(nu, u2r1) if s2 == 1 else ivp(nu, u2r1)
    npu2r1 = yvp(nu, u2r1) if s2 == 1 else kvp(nu, u2r1)
    ju2r2 = jn(nu, u2r2) if s2 == 1 else iv(nu, u2r2)
    nu2r2 = yn(nu, u2r2) if s2 == 1 else kn(nu, u2r2)
    j1u2r2 = jn(nu + 1, u2r2)
    n1u2r2 = yn(nu + 1, u2r2)

    M = numpy.empty((4, 4))
    M[0, 0] = X * ju2r1
    M[0, 1] = X * nu2r1
    M[0, 2] = -K0 * (jpu2r1 * u1r1 + s * Y * ju2r1 * u2r1) * u1r1 * u2r1
    M[0, 3] = -K0 * (npu2r1 * u1r1 + s * Y * nu2r1 * u2r1) * u1r1 * u2r1
    M[1, 0] = -K0 * (n2**2 * jpu2r1 * u1r1 +
                     s * n1**2 * Y * ju2r1 * u2r1) * u1r1 * u2r1
    M[1, 1] = -K0 * (n2**2 * npu2r1 * u1r1 +
                     s * n1**2 * Y * nu2r1 * u2r1) * u1r1 * u2r1
    M[1, 2] = X * ju2r1
    M[1, 3] = X * nu2r1

    D201 = nu * n3 / u2r2 * (j1u2r2 * nu2r2 - ju2r2 * yn(nu + 1, u2r2))
    D202 = -(
        (n2**2 + n3**2) * nu * n1u2r2 * nu2r2 / u2r2 + n3**2 * nu * nu2r2**2 /
        (nu - 1))
    D203 = -(n2**2 * nu * ju2r2 * n1u2r2 / u2r2 +
             n3**2 * nu * nu2r2 * j1u2r2 / u2r2 + n3**2 * nu *
             (j1u2r2 * nu2r2 + n1u2r2 * ju2r2) / (2 * (nu - 1)))
    D212 = -(n2**2 * nu * nu2r2 * j1u2r2 / u2r2 +
             n3**2 * nu * ju2r2 * n1u2r2 / u2r2 + n3**2 * nu *
             (n1u2r2 * ju2r2 + j1u2r2 * nu2r2) / (2 * (nu - 1)))
    D213 = -(
        (n2**2 + n3**2) * nu * j1u2r2 * ju2r2 / u2r2 + n3**2 * nu * ju2r2**2 /
        (nu - 1))
    D223 = nu * n2**2 * n3 / u2r2 * (j1u2r2 * nu2r2 - ju2r2 * n1u2r2)

    D30 = M[1, 1] * D201 - M[1, 2] * D202 + M[1, 3] * D203
    D31 = M[1, 0] * D201 - M[1, 2] * D212 + M[1, 3] * D213
    D32 = M[1, 0] * D202 - M[1, 1] * D212 + M[1, 3] * D223
    D33 = M[1, 0] * D203 - M[1, 1] * D213 + M[1, 2] * D223

    return M[0, 0] * D30 - M[0, 1] * D31 + M[0, 2] * D32 - M[0, 3] * D33
Esempio n. 49
def d3x2K2(k,x):
    y = abs(x)
    return numpy.nan_to_num(x*(y*k*,k*y) - 3*,k*y)))
Esempio n. 50
def dx2K2(k,x):
    y = abs(x)
    return numpy.nan_to_num(x*y*,k*y)/k)
Esempio n. 51
 def solve_fn(b, V):
     v = V*np.sqrt(b)
     u = V*np.sqrt(1.-b)
     return (u * jn(1, u) * kn(0, v) - v * jn(0, u) * kn(1, v))
Esempio n. 52
 def growth_rate(R):
     J_plus = -k * (gamma / R - A_dense) * iv(1, k * R) / iv(0, k * R)
     J_minus = l * (gamma / R - A_dilute) * kn(1, l * R) / kn(0, l * R)
     return J_plus - J_minus
Esempio n. 53
        max = 100 / l
        if spinodal(phi_target, u):
            radii[i, j] = 0
            g_v[i, j] = 0
        elif (growth_rate(min) < 0) and (growth_rate(max) < 0):
            g_v[i, j] = 0
            radii[i, j] = 2
        elif (growth_rate(min) > 0) and (growth_rate(max) < 0):
            sol = root_scalar(growth_rate,
                              bracket=[min, max],
            v = 2
            R = sol.root
            b0_dense = (gamma / R - A_dense) / iv(0, k * R)
            b0_dilute = (gamma / R - A_dilute) / kn(0, l * R)
            extra_term = gamma * (v * v - 1) / R**2
            term1 = b0_dense * k * k * (iv(0, k * R) - iv(1, k * R) / (k * R))
            term2 = -b0_dilute * l * l * (kn(0, l * R) - kn(1, l * R) /
                                          (l * R))
            term3 = (k * iv(v - 1, k * R) / iv(v, k * R) -
                     v / R) * (extra_term - b0_dense * k * iv(1, k * R))
            term4 = (l * kn(v - 1, l * R) / kn(v, l * R) -
                     v / R) * (extra_term + b0_dilute * l * kn(1, l * R))
            g_v[i, j] = -term1 + term2 - term3 + term4
            radii[i, j] = 1
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=18)
max = np.max(np.abs(g_v))
min = -max
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.log10(us * phi_shift), phi_ts)
from scipy.special import kn, gamma, loggamma
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline

approximate_eta = False

# Definition of auxillary functions

lmin = lambda beta, kappa: max(1. / 2., beta * kappa)
lminp = lambda beta, kappa: max(1., 2. * beta * kappa)
turn = lambda beta, betalow, a: exp(-(max(beta, betalow) - betalow) * a)

if approximate_eta:
    eta = lambda x: -2. * log(x / 2.) - 1 - 2. * euler_gamma + (
        1 - euler_gamma - log(x / 2.)) * x**2.
    eta = lambda x: x**2 * (-kn(1, x)**2 + kn(2, x) * kn(0, x))

zeta = lambda kappa, beta, lmin: (max(lmin, beta * kappa)**2 - lmin**2) / (
    2 * kappa**2 * beta**2) + eta(max(lmin, beta * kappa) / kappa)

lambdaT = (1. + cos(2.) + 2 * sin(2.)) / 2.
lambdaV = (9. - cos(4.) - 4. * sin(4.)) / 16.

sigmaT_smallbeta = lambda beta, kappa: 2. * beta**2. * zeta(kappa, beta, 0.5)

sigmaV_smallbeta = lambda beta, kappa, lmin: 4. * beta**2. * zeta(
    kappa, 2. * beta, lmin)

def sigmaTatt(beta, kappa):
    if beta < 1: return sigmaT_smallbeta(beta, kappa) * turn(beta, 0.2, -0.64)
Esempio n. 55
    #  NOTE: gamma ---> gamma-1 ***
    edist = np.copy(fe)
    pdist = np.copy(fp)

    masked_edist = < 1E-20, fe)
    masked_pdist = < 1E-20, fp)

    sim.exdata = gamma * (DataDict['me'][0] / DataDict['mi'][0]) / (sim.LF - 1)
    sim.eydata = masked_edist * sim.exdata
    sim.ixdata = gamma / (sim.LF - 1)
    sim.iydata = masked_pdist * sim.ixdata

    delgame0 = Te * DataDict['mi'][0] / DataDict['me'][0]
    if delgame0 >= 0.013:
        aconst = 1 / (delgame0 * np.exp(1.0 / delgame0) *
                      kn(2, 1.0 / delgame0))
        aconst = np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) / delgame0**1.5
        aconst -= 15.0 / (4. * np.sqrt(delgame0) * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        aconst += (345 * np.sqrt(delgame0)) / (64. * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        aconst -= (3285 * delgame0**1.5) / (512. * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        aconst += (95355 * delgame0**2.5) / (16384. * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        aconst -= (232065 * delgame0**3.5) / (131072. * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

    femax = aconst * gamma * (gamma + 1.0) * np.sqrt((gamma + 1.0)**2 - 1)
    femax *= np.exp(-gamma / delgame0)
    maxg = (delgame0) * 40 + 1.  #!40 times the temperature is usually enough
    gamma_table = np.empty(200)
    for i in range(len(gamma_table)):
        gamma_table[i] = (maxg - 1.) / (len(gamma_table) - 1) * (
            i)  #!+1. remove 1. from definition to avoid underflows.
Esempio n. 56
            ux, uy, uz, u = boosted_maxwellian(T, Gamma, direction=-1)
            gamma = np.sqrt(1.0 + ux*ux + uy*uy + uz*uz)
            n1[n] = gamma
            ux, uy, uz, u = boosted_maxwellian(T+0.0001, Gamma, direction=-1)
            gamma = np.sqrt(1.0 + ux*ux + uy*uy + uz*uz)
            n2[n] = gamma

        axs[0].set_xlim((1.0, 10.0))

        axs[0].hist(n1, 100, color="black", alpha=0.3, density=True)
        axs[0].hist(n2, 100, color="red", alpha=0.3, density=True)
        #gamma grid (with beta)
        gs = np.logspace(0.0, 2.0, 100) + 0.01
        beta = np.sqrt(1.0 - 1.0/gs**2)

        #maxwell-juttner distribution
        K2T = kn(2, 1.0/T) #modified Bessel function of the second kind (with integer order 2)
        mwj = (gs**2 * beta)/(T*K2T)*np.exp(-gs/T)

        axs[0].plot(gs, mwj, 'r-')
    fname = 'maxwells.pdf'

Esempio n. 57
    def EMMLEOld(data, alpha, beta, mu, delta, maxIter, tol, libPath):

        xBar = np.mean(data)
        n = len(data)

        # compute initial log-lik
        distrOld = NIGDistribution(
                "delta": delta,
                "mu": mu,
                "alpha": alpha,
                "beta": beta
        distrNew = distrOld.copy()
        loglikOld = np.sum(distrOld.lPDF(data)) / n

        # Iterate in EM-algorithm
        for iterEM in np.arange(0, maxIter):

            # --- E-step ---

            phiSqrt = np.sqrt(1 + ((data - /**2)
            # compute besselk function values
            k0 =, * distrNew.alpha * phiSqrt)
            k1 =, * distrNew.alpha * phiSqrt)
            k2 =, * distrNew.alpha * phiSqrt)
            # Compute pseudo values
            s = ( * phiSqrt * k0) / (distrNew.alpha * k1)
            w = (distrNew.alpha * k2) / ( * phiSqrt * k1)

            # --- M-step ---

            # Compute pseudo values
            sBar = np.mean(s, axis=0)
            wBar = np.mean(w, axis=0)
            Lambda = 1.0 / np.mean(w - 1.0 / sBar, axis=0)

            # Update parameters
   = np.sqrt(Lambda)
            gamma = / sBar
            distrNew.beta = (np.sum(data * w, axis=0) -
                             xBar * wBar * n) / (n - sBar * wBar * n)
            distrNew.alpha = np.sqrt((gamma**2) + (distrNew.beta**2))

            # Filter too large alphas
            filtered = NIGEstimation.filterParams(np.array([distrNew.alpha]),
            distrNew.alpha = filtered["alpha"][0]
            distrNew.beta = filtered["beta"][0]
   = filtered["delta"][0]
            gamma = filtered["gamma"][0]
   = xBar - distrNew.beta * / gamma

            # --- Compute log-lik ---
            loglikNew = np.sum(distrNew.lPDF(data)) / n
            loglikdiff = loglikNew - loglikOld

            # Set new log-likelihood as old one
            if (loglikdiff > 0):
                loglikOld = loglikNew
                distrOld = distrNew.copy()

                # If should break due to tolerance
                if (loglikdiff < tol):

        return (distrNew, loglikOld)
Esempio n. 58
 def root_func(u):
     w = np.sqrt(v**2 - u**2)
     return jv(m, u) / (u * jv(m - 1, u)) + kn(m,
                                               w) / (w * kn(m - 1, w))
Esempio n. 59

rn = 13  # Ohm
temperatures = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
delta = np.multiply(
    10. / 2. * k * 3.5,
    [.997, .985, .958, .907, .828])  # values form implicit BCS theory
#delta =  np.multiply(10./2. * k * 3.5 , np.sqrt(1-np.divide(temperatures,10)))
#delta =  379e-6 *elementary_charge#Al

eV = lambda v: np.multiply(elementary_charge, v)
eV2kT = lambda v, t: np.divide(eV(v), 2 * k * t)
temdecay = lambda t, d: np.exp(-np.divide(d, np.multiply(t, k))
                               )  # constant against voltage
sqr = lambda v, d: np.sqrt(np.divide(2 * d, np.add(eV(v), 2 * d)))
sinhK0 = lambda v, t: np.multiply(np.sinh(eV2kT(v, t)), kn(0, eV2kT(v, t))
                                  )  #approaches expectation value
current = lambda v, t, d: np.multiply(
                np.divide(2, np.multiply(elementary_charge, rn)),
                temdecay(t, d)),
            sqr(v, d)),
        np.add(eV(v), d)),
    sinhK0(v, t))
#unit is ok too
voltages = np.arange(0, 3e-3, 0.001e-3)
for t in range(len(temperatures)):
Esempio n. 60
 def solve_fn(b, V):
     v = V*np.sqrt(b)
     u = V*np.sqrt(1.-b)
     return (u * jn(l - 1, u) * kn(l, v) + v * jn(l, u) * kn(l - 1, v))