Esempio n. 1
	def LandauLevelSpinor(self, B , n , x , y ,type=1):
		# Symmetric Gauge 
		def energy(n):
			return np.sqrt( (self.mass*self.c**2)**2 + 2*B*self.c*self.hBar*n  )

		K = B*( (self.X-x)**2 + (self.Y-y)**2)/( 4.*self.c*self.hBar )
		psi1 = np.exp(-K)*( energy(n) + self.mass*self.c**2  )*laguerre(n)( 2*K ) 

		psi3 = np.exp(-K)*( energy(n) - self.mass*self.c**2  )*laguerre(n)( 2*K ) 

		if n>0:
			psi2 = 1j*np.exp(-K)*( self.X-x + 1j*(self.Y-y) )*genlaguerre(n-1,1)( 2*K )

			psi2 = 0.*K		

		psi4 = psi2	

		if type==1:
			spinor = np.array([ psi1 , 0*psi2 , 0*psi3 , psi4  ])

		elif type ==2:
			spinor = np.array([ 0*psi1 , psi2 , psi3 , 0*psi4  ])

		else :
			print 'Error: type spinor must be 1 or 2'

		norm = self.Norm(spinor)

       		spinor /= norm 

		return spinor
Esempio n. 2
	def LandauLevelSpinor(self, B , n , x , y ,type=1):
		# Symmetric Gauge 
		def energy(n):
			return np.sqrt( (self.mass*self.c**2)**2 + 2*B*self.c*self.hBar*n  )

		K = B*( (self.X-x)**2 + (self.Y-y)**2)/( 4.*self.c*self.hBar )
		psi1 = np.exp(-K)*( energy(n) + self.mass*self.c**2  )*laguerre(n)( 2*K ) 

		psi3 = np.exp(-K)*( energy(n) - self.mass*self.c**2  )*laguerre(n)( 2*K ) 

		if n>0:
			psi2 = 1j*np.exp(-K)*( self.X-x + 1j*(self.Y-y) )*genlaguerre(n-1,1)( 2*K )

			psi2 = 0.*K		

		psi4 = psi2	

		if type==1:
			spinor = np.array([ psi1 , 0*psi2 , 0*psi3 , psi4  ])

		elif type ==2:
			spinor = np.array([ 0*psi1 , psi2 , psi3 , 0*psi4  ])

		else :
			print 'Error: type spinor must be 1 or 2'

		norm = self.Norm(spinor)

       		spinor /= norm 

		return spinor
Esempio n. 3
def test_wigner_fock():
    "wigner: test wigner function calculation for Fock states"

    xvec = linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 100)
    yvec = xvec

    X, Y = meshgrid(xvec, yvec)

    a = X + 1j * Y  # consistent with g=2 option to wigner function

    dx = xvec[1] - xvec[0]
    dy = yvec[1] - yvec[0]

    N = 15

    for n in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:

        psi = fock(N, n)

        # calculate the wigner function using qutip and analytic formula
        W_qutip = wigner(psi, xvec, yvec, g=2)
        W_analytic = 2 / pi * (-1)**n * exp(-2 * abs(a)**2) * polyval(
            laguerre(n), 4 * abs(a)**2)

        # check difference
        assert_(sum(abs(W_qutip - W_analytic)) < 1e-4)

        # check normalization
        assert_(sum(W_qutip) * dx * dy - 1.0 < 1e-8)
        assert_(sum(W_analytic) * dx * dy - 1.0 < 1e-8)
Esempio n. 4
def test_wigner_fock():
    "wigner: test wigner function calculation for Fock states"

    xvec = linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 100)
    yvec = xvec

    X,Y = meshgrid(xvec, yvec)

    a = X + 1j * Y  # consistent with g=2 option to wigner function

    dx = xvec[1]-xvec[0]
    dy = yvec[1]-yvec[0]

    N = 15

    for n in [2,3,4,5,6]:

        psi = fock(N, n)

        # calculate the wigner function using qutip and analytic formula
        W_qutip = wigner(psi, xvec, yvec, g=2)
        W_analytic = 2/pi * (-1)**n * exp(-2*abs(a)**2) * polyval(laguerre(n), 4*abs(a)**2)

        # check difference
        assert_(sum(abs(W_qutip - W_analytic)) < 1e-4)

        # check normalization
        assert_(sum(W_qutip)    * dx * dy - 1.0 < 1e-8)
        assert_(sum(W_analytic) * dx * dy - 1.0 < 1e-8)
def W(x, y):
    #Coherent state
    #return 2/np.pi* np.exp(-2*(x-x0)**2-2*(y-y0)**2)
    #Number state
    L = laguerre(n)
    return 2 / np.pi * (-1)**n * L(4 * (x**2 + y**2)) * np.exp(-2 *
                                                               (x**2 + y**2))
Esempio n. 6
def R_func(r, n, l):
    N = (2 / (n * a0))**(3 / 2) * np.sqrt(
        (np.math.factorial(n - l - 1)) / (2 * n *
                                          ((np.math.factorial(n + l)))**3))
    L = laguerre(n + l)
    L = L / np.abs(L[n + l])
    assoc_L = derivative(L, 2 * r / (n * a0), n=2 * l + 1, order=2 * l + 3)
    R = -N * (2 * r / (n * a0))**l * np.exp(-r / (n * a0)) * assoc_L

    return R
Esempio n. 7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from numpy import *
from scipy.special import laguerre


x = linspace(-5,20,1000)
fig = figure(figsize=(8,6))
for n in range(5):
	plot(x,polyval(laguerre(n),x),colores[n], dashes=dasheses[n],label=r'$L_{%d}(x)$'%n, linewidth=2)
Esempio n. 8
import numpy as np
from numpy import exp, sqrt
from scipy.special import laguerre, gamma
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm

n = 10
x = np.linspace(0.01, 30, 500)
for i in range(n):
    plt.plot(x, exp(- x / i) * laguerre(i)(2 * x / i) / i**2, color = cm.viridis(i /n))
def laguerreTableInternal(eta):
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    eta2 = pow(eta, 2) "Calculating Laguerre Table for eta^2={0}".format(eta2) )
    laguerreTable = array([ laguerre(n)(eta2) for n in range(200) ])
    return laguerreTable
Esempio n. 10
def laguerreTableInternal(eta):
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    eta2 = pow(eta, 2)"Calculating Laguerre Table for eta^2={0}".format(eta2))
    laguerreTable = array([laguerre(n)(eta2) for n in range(200)])
    return laguerreTable