def test_softmax_multi_axes(): assert_allclose(softmax([[1000, 0], [1000, 0]], axis=0), np.array([[.5, .5], [.5, .5]]), rtol=1e-13) assert_allclose(softmax([[1000, 0], [1000, 0]], axis=1), np.array([[1, 0], [1, 0]]), rtol=1e-13) # Expected value computed using mpmath (with = 200) and then # converted to float. x = np.array([[-25, 0, 25, 50], [1, 325, 749, 750]]) expected = np.array([[2.678636961770877e-33, 1.9287498479371314e-22, 1.3887943864771144e-11, 0.999999999986112], [0.0, 1.9444526359919372e-185, 0.2689414213699951, 0.7310585786300048]]) assert_allclose(softmax(x, axis=1), expected, rtol=1e-13) assert_allclose(softmax(x.T, axis=0), expected.T, rtol=1e-13) # 3-d input, with a tuple for the axis. x3d = x.reshape(2, 2, 2) assert_allclose(softmax(x3d, axis=(1, 2)), expected.reshape(2, 2, 2), rtol=1e-13)
def test_softmax_fixtures(): assert_allclose(softmax([1000, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]), rtol=1e-13) assert_allclose(softmax([1, 1]), np.array([.5, .5]), rtol=1e-13) assert_allclose(softmax([0, 1]), np.array([1, np.e])/(1 + np.e), rtol=1e-13) # Expected value computed using mpmath (with = 200) and then # converted to float. x = np.arange(4) expected = np.array([0.03205860328008499, 0.08714431874203256, 0.23688281808991013, 0.6439142598879722]) assert_allclose(softmax(x), expected, rtol=1e-13) # Translation property. If all the values are changed by the same amount, # the softmax result does not change. assert_allclose(softmax(x + 100), expected, rtol=1e-13) # When axis=None, softmax operates on the entire array, and preserves # the shape. assert_allclose(softmax(x.reshape(2, 2)), expected.reshape(2, 2), rtol=1e-13)
def l1(weights, rng): weights -= np.min(weights) return weights / np.sum(weights) def dirichlet(weights, rng): # weights -= np.min(weights) return rng.dirichlet(weights) pvals_from_weights = { 'l1': l1, 'dirichlet': dirichlet, 'softmax': lambda weights, rng: softmax(weights), } def pvals_from_weights_2(weights, rng): return rng.dirichlet(weights) def pvals_from_weights_3(weights): return softmax(weights) AllEqualPartition = namedtuple('AllEqualPartition', ['parts', 'apply_to_array'])
def f(x): return random.choices(df_slice.columns, weights=softmax(x))[0]
def main(): # Get a line counter lcounter = 0 with, 'r', "utf-8") as sfile: for ix, l in enumerate(sfile): lcounter += 1 resfile =, 'r') if opt.output: outfile =, 'w') outfile2 = + ".track", "w") if opt.tgt: y = read_tgt_file(opt.tgt) yhat = [] yprobs = [] for ix, line in tqdm(enumerate(resfile), total=lcounter): cline = json.loads(line) words = cline['words'] # print("len words", len(words)) key = 'class_probabilities' if key in cline: probs = [p[1] for p in cline['class_probabilities'][:len(words)]] else: # get prob from logits logits = [p for p in cline['logits'][:len(words)]] probs = [] for log in logits: probability = softmax(log) probs.append(probability[1]) tags = [1 if p > opt.threshold else 0 for p in probs] if opt.output: if == "phrases": pred = get_phrases(words, tags) elif == "sentences": pred = get_sents(words, tags, probs) elif == "threesent": pred = get_three(words, outfile2, probs) outfile.write(pred + "\n") if opt.tgt: yhat.append(tags) yprobs.append(probs) # if ix > 150: # break if opt.tgt: print("Evaluating Model...") y_flat = [] yhat_flat = [] probs_flat = [] for tgt, pred, pr in zip(y, yhat, yprobs): if len(pred) != len(tgt): pass # print("woa", len(pred), len(tgt)) else: for t, p, cpr in zip(tgt, pred, pr): y_flat.append(t) yhat_flat.append(p) probs_flat.append(cpr) y_flat = np.array(y_flat) yhat_flat = np.array(yhat_flat) probs_flat = np.array(probs_flat) fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y_flat, probs_flat) print("AUC: {:.1f}".format(auc(fpr, tpr) * 100)) print("F1-Score (binary): {:.2f}".format( f1_score(y_flat, yhat_flat) * 100)) print("Confusion Matrix:") print(confusion_matrix(y_flat, yhat_flat)) tgt_names = ["O", "I"] print("Classification Report:") print(classification_report(y_flat, yhat_flat, target_names=tgt_names)) resfile.close() if opt.output: outfile.close() outfile2.close()
def main(_): bert_config = modeling.BertConfig.from_json_file(config_dict[FLAGS.model_size]) if FLAGS.max_seq_length > bert_config.max_position_embeddings: raise ValueError( "Cannot use sequence length %d because the BERT model " "was only trained up to sequence length %d" % (FLAGS.max_seq_length, bert_config.max_position_embeddings)) tpu_cluster_resolver = None if use_tpu: tpu_cluster_resolver = tf.contrib.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver( FLAGS.tpu) is_per_host = tf.contrib.tpu.InputPipelineConfig.PER_HOST_V2 run_config = tf.contrib.tpu.RunConfig( cluster=tpu_cluster_resolver, keep_checkpoint_max=1, model_dir=FLAGS.output_path, tpu_config=tf.contrib.tpu.TPUConfig( iterations_per_loop=iterations_per_loop, num_shards=num_tpu_cores, per_host_input_for_training=is_per_host)) model_fn = model_fn_builder( bert_config=bert_config, num_labels=2, init_checkpoint=init_checkpoint, use_tpu=use_tpu, use_one_hot_embeddings=use_tpu) # If TPU is not available, this will fall back to normal Estimator on CPU # or GPU. estimator = tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator( use_tpu=use_tpu, model_fn=model_fn, config=run_config, train_batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, eval_batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, predict_batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, params={"qc_scores": "qc_scores"})"***** Running evaluation *****")" Batch size = %d", FLAGS.batch_size) for split in ["valid", "test"]: maxp_run = load_run(os.path.join(FLAGS.first_model_path, "{}_{}_result.trec".format(FLAGS.dataset, split))) query_docids_map = [] data_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_path, "rerank-{0}_kc-{1}".format(FLAGS.rerank_num, FLAGS.kc), "data") result_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_path, "rerank-{0}_kc-{1}".format(FLAGS.rerank_num, FLAGS.kc), "result") if not tf.gfile.Exists(result_path): tf.gfile.MakeDirs(result_path) with tf.gfile.Open(os.path.join(data_path, "chunk_passage_ids_{0}.txt".format(split))) as ref_file: for line in ref_file: query_docids_map.append(line.strip().split("\t")) predict_input_fn = input_fn_builder( dataset_path=os.path.join(data_path, "chunk_passage_{0}.tf".format(split)), is_training=False, seq_length=FLAGS.max_seq_length, drop_remainder=False) total_count = 0 result_file = tf.gfile.Open(os.path.join(result_path, "{0}_{1}_result.trec".format(FLAGS.dataset, split)), 'w') ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir=FLAGS.third_model_path) print("use latest ckpt: {0}".format(ckpt)) result = estimator.predict(input_fn=predict_input_fn, yield_single_examples=True, checkpoint_path=ckpt) start_time = time.time() results = [] result_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for item in result: results.append((item["qc_scores"], item["probs"])) total_count += 1 if total_count == len(query_docids_map) or query_docids_map[total_count][0] != \ query_docids_map[total_count - 1][0]: chunk_num = len(results) // FLAGS.rerank_num assert chunk_num <= FLAGS.kc qc_scores, probs = list(zip(*results)) qc_scores = np.stack(qc_scores) cp_scores = np.stack(probs)[:, 1] qc_scores = np.reshape(qc_scores, [FLAGS.rerank_num, chunk_num]) cp_scores = np.reshape(cp_scores, [FLAGS.rerank_num, chunk_num]) # softmax normalization qc_scores = softmax(qc_scores, axis=-1) scores = np.sum(np.multiply(qc_scores, cp_scores), axis=-1, keepdims=False) start_idx = total_count - FLAGS.rerank_num * chunk_num end_idx = total_count query_ids, chunk_ids, passage_ids, labels, qc_scores = zip(*query_docids_map[start_idx:end_idx]) assert len(set(query_ids)) == 1, "Query ids must be all the same." query_id = query_ids[0] candidate_docs = list() for pid in passage_ids: doc_id = pid.split("_")[0] if doc_id not in candidate_docs: candidate_docs.append(doc_id) result_dict[query_id] = dict() for i, doc in enumerate(candidate_docs): result_dict[query_id][doc] = scores[i] rerank_list = sorted(result_dict[query_id].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) last_score = rerank_list[-1][1] for doc in maxp_run[query_id][FLAGS.rerank_num:]: current_score = last_score - 0.01 result_dict[query_id][doc] = current_score last_score = current_score ranking_list = sorted(result_dict[query_id].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for rank, (doc_id, score) in enumerate(ranking_list): result_file.write( "\t".join([query_id, "Q0", doc_id, str(rank + 1), str(score), "chunk_passage_PRF"]) + "\n") results = [] if total_count % 1000 == 0: tf.logging.warn("Read {} examples in {} secs".format( total_count, int(time.time() - start_time))) result_file.close()"Done Evaluating!")
def softmax(x): return softmax(x,axis=1)
def gradF(self, state, q): eta = self.eta return softmax(q / eta)
def check_probs(self): _, logits = self.model.predict([self._text]) probs = softmax(logits[0]) probs_3dp = ["{:.5f}".format(float(i)) for i in probs] return probs_3dp, len( self.tokenizer.encode(self._text, add_special_tokens=False))
def normalize_advice(self, advice): return softmax(advice)
def softMax(x): """Compute softmax values for each sets of scores in x. :param x: vector of features """ return softmax(x, axis=0)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--data_dir', type=str, default='data') parser.add_argument('--teachers_dir', type=str, default='models/Teachers') parser.add_argument('--max_seq_length', type=int, default=128) parser.add_argument('--model_name_or_path', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('--logging_dir', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('--num_train_epochs', type=int, default=3) parser.add_argument('--per_device_train_batch_size', type=int, default=32) parser.add_argument('--logging_steps', type=int, default=100) parser.add_argument('--do_train', type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--do_eval', type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--do_predict', type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--evaluation_strategy', type=str, default='epoch') parser.add_argument('--save_steps', type=int, default=None) parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1) args = parser.parse_args() print(args) outputs = [] dataclass_types = [ ModelArguments, DataTrainingArguments, TrainingArguments ] for dtype in dataclass_types: keys = { for f in dataclasses.fields(dtype)} inputs = {k: v for k, v in vars(args).items() if k in keys} obj = dtype(**inputs) outputs.append(obj) model_args, data_args, training_args = outputs logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Setup logging logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", level=logging.INFO if training_args.local_rank in [-1, 0] else logging.WARN, ) logger.warning( "Process rank: %s, device: %s, n_gpu: %s, distributed training: %s, 16-bits training: %s", training_args.local_rank, training_args.device, training_args.n_gpu, bool(training_args.local_rank != -1), training_args.fp16, )"Training/evaluation parameters %s", training_args) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_args.tokenizer_name if model_args.tokenizer_name else model_args.model_name_or_path, cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir, use_fast=model_args.use_fast, ) predictions = {} # it will be filled with teachers' predictions teachers_folders = os.listdir(args.teachers_dir) for teacher in teachers_folders: print("Obtaining predictions of teacher: ", teacher) global_data_handler = NERDataHandler(tokenizer) labels = global_data_handler.get_labels(data_args.labels) global label_map label_map = {i: label for i, label in enumerate(labels)} num_labels = len(labels) config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained( os.path.join(args.teachers_dir, teacher), num_labels=num_labels, id2label=label_map, label2id={label: i for i, label in enumerate(labels)}, cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir, ) model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained( os.path.join(args.teachers_dir, teacher), from_tf=bool(".ckpt" in os.path.join(args.teachers_dir, teacher)), config=config, cache_dir=model_args.cache_dir, ) trainer = Trainer(model=model, ) # setting test dataset global_data_handler.set_dataset( data_dir=os.path.join(data_args.data_dir, 'GLOBAL', teacher), labels=labels, model_type=config.model_type, max_seq_length=data_args.max_seq_length, overwrite_cache=data_args.overwrite_cache, mode="train_dev", save_cache=False) predictions[teacher], _, _ = trainer.predict( global_data_handler.datasets['train_dev']) predictions[teacher] = softmax(predictions[teacher], axis=2) print("Aggregating distributions...") teachers_predictions = np.concatenate( [predictions[teacher] for teacher in teachers_folders], axis=-1) teachers_predictions = aggregate_proba(teachers_predictions) os.path.join(args.data_dir, 'GLOBAL', 'Student', 'teachers_predictions.npy'), teachers_predictions)
def evaluate(args, device, model, tokenizer, dump_prediction_files=False, prefix=""): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) eval_output_dir = args.reports_dir results_txt = {} # this will just store the precision, recall, f1 of a single run of evaluate (for txt model) results_img = {} if not os.path.exists(eval_output_dir): print('The output directory %s does not exist!'%eval_output_dir) exit(0) # os.makedirs(eval_output_dir) eval_dataset, _ = model_utils.load_and_cache_examples(args, tokenizer) eval_sampler = SequentialSampler(eval_dataset) eval_dataloader = DataLoader(eval_dataset, sampler=eval_sampler, batch_size=args.eval_batch_size, num_workers=args.num_cpu_workers, pin_memory=True) # Eval!"***** Running evaluation {} *****".format(prefix)) # prefix refers to epoch" Num examples = %d", len(eval_dataset))" Batch size = %d", args.eval_batch_size) nb_eval_steps = 0 preds_txt = None preds_img = None out_labels = None report_ids = None img_embeddings = None txt_embeddings = None model.eval() for batch in tqdm(eval_dataloader, desc="Evaluating"): batch = tuple(, non_blocking=True) for t in batch) image, label_raw, txt_ids, txt_mask, txt_segment_ids, label_onehot_or_ordinal, report_id = batch for j in range(len(label_raw)): if args.output_channel_encoding == 'multiclass': converted_label = torch.tensor(model_utils.convert_to_onehot(label_raw[j][0]), dtype=torch.long) if args.output_channel_encoding == 'multilabel': converted_label = torch.tensor(model_utils.convert_to_ordinal(label_raw[j][0]), dtype=torch.long) label_onehot_or_ordinal[j] = converted_label # we need the above conversion because label_raw is the one read from the csv file #image, label_raw, input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, label_onehot_or_ordinal = batch with torch.no_grad(): inputs = { 'input_img': image, 'input_ids': txt_ids, 'attention_mask': txt_mask, 'token_type_ids': txt_segment_ids, 'labels': None, 'bert_pool_last_hidden': args.bert_pool_last_hidden, 'bert_pool_use_img': args.bert_pool_use_img, 'bert_pool_img_lowerlevel': args.bert_pool_img_lowerlevel} #inputs = { 'input_img': image, # 'input_ids': input_ids, # 'attention_mask': input_mask, # 'token_type_ids': segment_ids, # 'labels': None, # 'same_classifier': args.share_img_txt_classifier} # we purposefully make it none so that logits returned not loss outputs = model(**inputs) img_embedding, img_logits, txt_embedding, txt_logits = outputs[:4] #img_label = txt_labels_ordinal #Replace the image label with the ordinally encoded label #txt_labels = txt_labels_ordinal out_label = label_onehot_or_ordinal out_label_raw = label_raw nb_eval_steps += 1 if (preds_txt is None and preds_img is not None) or (preds_img is None and preds_txt is not None): raise Exception('No image or text prediction - this is not possible because they should be None at the same time') img_embedding_batch = img_embedding.detach().cpu().numpy() txt_embedding_batch = txt_embedding.detach().cpu().numpy() pred_txt_batch = txt_logits.detach().cpu().numpy() # shape: 10,3 pred_img_batch = img_logits.detach().cpu().numpy() out_label_batch = out_label.detach().cpu().numpy() out_label_raw_batch = out_label_raw.detach().cpu().numpy() report_id_batch = report_id.detach().cpu() if preds_txt is None and preds_img is None: preds_txt = pred_txt_batch preds_img = pred_img_batch out_labels = out_label_batch # gold label of image and text is the same at the moment out_labels_raw = out_label_raw_batch report_ids = report_id_batch img_embeddings = img_embedding_batch txt_embeddings = txt_embedding_batch else: preds_txt = np.append(preds_txt, pred_txt_batch, axis=0) preds_img = np.append(preds_img, pred_img_batch, axis=0) out_labels = np.append(out_labels, out_label_batch, axis=0) out_labels_raw = np.append(out_labels_raw, out_label_raw_batch, axis=0) report_ids = np.append(report_ids, report_id_batch, axis=0) img_embeddings = np.append(img_embeddings, img_embedding_batch, axis=0) txt_embeddings = np.append(txt_embeddings, txt_embedding_batch, axis=0) if args.print_predictions: output_preds_file = os.path.join(eval_output_dir, "eval_results_images_preds.txt") with open(output_preds_file, "w") as writer: for i in range(len(report_ids)): writer.write('%s, '%report_ids[i]) writer.write('%s\n'%preds_img[i]) if args.print_embeddings: out_labels_raw_path = os.path.join(eval_output_dir, "eval_results_labels"), out_labels_raw) img_embeddings_path = os.path.join(eval_output_dir, "eval_results_image_embeddings"), img_embeddings) txt_embeddings_path = os.path.join(eval_output_dir, "eval_results_text_embeddings"), txt_embeddings) # with open(output_preds_file, "w") as writer: # for i in range(len(report_ids)): # writer.write('%s\n'%img_embeddings[i]) # writer.write('%s\n'%txt_embeddings[i]) if args.compute_accuracy_f1: fed_labels = out_labels if args.output_channel_encoding == 'multilabel' else out_labels_raw acc_f1_txt, _, _ = eval_metrics.compute_acc_f1_metrics(fed_labels, preds_txt, args.output_channel_encoding) # based on thresholding acc_f1_img, _, _ = eval_metrics.compute_acc_f1_metrics(fed_labels, preds_img, args.output_channel_encoding) results_txt.update(acc_f1_txt) results_img.update(acc_f1_img) if args.compute_auc: if args.output_channel_encoding == 'multilabel': preds_img_squashed = logistic.cdf(preds_img) preds_txt_squashed = logistic.cdf(preds_txt) else: preds_img_squashed = softmax(preds_img, axis=1) #TODO geeticka: check if the dimensions are right preds_txt_squashed = softmax(preds_txt, axis=1) auc_images, pairwise_auc_images = eval_metrics.compute_auc(out_labels, preds_img_squashed, args.output_channel_encoding) auc_txt, pairwise_auc_txt = eval_metrics.compute_auc(out_labels, preds_txt_squashed, args.output_channel_encoding) if args.output_channel_encoding == 'multiclass': # let's compute the 3 channel auc value ord_auc_images = eval_metrics.compute_ordinal_auc_from_multiclass(out_labels_raw, preds_img_squashed) ord_auc_txt = eval_metrics.compute_ordinal_auc_from_multiclass(out_labels_raw, preds_txt_squashed) results_img['ordinal_auc'] = ord_auc_images results_txt['ordinal_auc'] = ord_auc_txt results_img['auc'] = auc_images results_txt['auc'] = auc_txt results_img['pairwise_auc'] = pairwise_auc_images results_txt['pairwise_auc'] = pairwise_auc_txt if args.compute_mse: results_txt['mse'] = eval_metrics.compute_mse(preds_txt, out_labels, args.output_channel_encoding) results_img['mse'] = eval_metrics.compute_mse(preds_img, out_labels, args.output_channel_encoding) #print("Result img all egs", result_img_all_egs) #result_img = np.mean(result_img_all_egs) #print('Result img', result_img) if dump_prediction_files == True: #TODO: only do below for the main checkpoint for vals, variables in zip(['txt', 'img'],[[results_txt, out_labels, preds_txt], [results_img, out_labels, preds_img]]): output_eval_file = os.path.join(eval_output_dir, "eval_results_{}.txt".format(vals)) with open(output_eval_file, "w") as writer:"***** Eval results {} {} *****".format(vals, prefix)) print('**** Eval results {} {} *****'.format(vals, prefix)) for key in sorted(variables[0].keys()): # result file" %s = %s"%(key, str(variables[0][key]))) print(' %s = %s'%(key, str(variables[0][key]))) writer.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, str(variables[0][key]))) with open(os.path.join(eval_output_dir, 'gold_labels_{}.txt'.format(vals)), 'w') as gold_file: for item in variables[1]: # gold labels gold_file.write('%s\n'%item) with open(os.path.join(eval_output_dir, 'predicted_labels_{}.txt'.format(vals)), 'w') as pred_file: for item in variables[2]: pred_file.write('%s\n'%item) return results_txt, results_img
# for key, value in tqdm(data_dict1.items()): # if key in data_dict1.keys(): # array1 = np.array(value) # array2 = np.array(data_dict2[key]) # # array3 = np.array(data_dict3[key]) # # print(array1.shape) # # m_array = (array1 + array2 + array3) / 3 # m_array = (array1 + array2) / 2 # data_json = {"image_path":key, "image_logits":m_array.tolist()} # file.write(json.dumps(data_json) + '\n') # ensemble method ensemble_method = "mean" # # merge with open(os.path.join(PATH, "r200_r101_repeat_200_clean.csv"), "w") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(["image_name", "class"]) for key, value in tqdm(data_dict1.items()): if key in data_dict1.keys(): array1 = np.array(value) array2 = np.array(data_dict2[key]) array3 = np.array(data_dict3[key]) # print(array1.shape) if ensemble_method == "mean": # m_array = (array1 + array2) / 2 m_array = (array1 + array2 + array3) / 3 # TODO: vote method predlabel = np.argmax(softmax(m_array)) writer.writerow([key, str(predlabel)])
def soft_identity(self): data =[~np.isnan(] unq, idx, cnt = np.unique(data[:, 3], return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) avg = np.bincount(idx, weights=data[:, 2]) / cnt soft = softmax(avg) return dict(zip(unq.astype(int), soft))
def eval_label(self, train_dataloader): torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.bert_lm_sentence.eval() self.metric_module.eval() preds = [] all_label_ids = [] for step, batch in enumerate(tqdm(train_dataloader, desc="eval")): if self.args.use_cuda: batch = tuple(t.cuda() for t in batch) else: batch = tuple(t for t in batch) with torch.no_grad(): label_desc1, label_len1, label_mask1, label_desc2, label_len2, label_mask2, label_ids = batch =[:, 0:int(max( label_len1))] # trim down input to max len of the batch =[:, 0:int(max( label_len1))] # trim down input to max len of the batch label_emb1 = self.encode_label_desc(label_desc1, label_len1, label_mask1) =[:, 0:int(max(label_len2))] =[:, 0:int(max(label_len2))] label_emb2 = self.encode_label_desc(label_desc2, label_len2, label_mask2) loss, prob = self.metric_module.forward(label_emb1, label_emb2, true_label=label_ids) if len(preds) == 0: preds.append(prob.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_label_ids.append(label_ids.detach().cpu().numpy()) else: preds[0] = np.append(preds[0], prob.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0) all_label_ids[0] = np.append(all_label_ids[0], label_ids.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0) # row array # end eval all_label_ids = all_label_ids[0] preds = preds[0] if self.metric_option == 'entailment': preds = softmax( preds, axis=1) ## softmax, return both prob of 0 and 1 for each label print(preds) print(all_label_ids) result = 0 if self.args.test_file is None: ## save some time result = acc_and_f1( preds, all_label_ids, self.metric_option ) ## interally, we will take care of the case of @entailment vs @cosine for key in sorted(result.keys()): print("%s=%s" % (key, str(result[key]))) return result, preds
def Fwd(self, x, h): a = self.RNN_W @ h + self.RNN_U @ x + self.RNN_b # mx1 h = np.tanh(a) # mx1 o = self.RNN_V @ h + self.RNN_c # Cx1 p = softmax(o) # Cx1 return a, h, o, p
if iteration % 1 == 0: print("Iteration ", iteration) print(" Current state:", s) print(" Best action per state:", np.argmax(Q, axis=1)) print(" Q-table:") for s_ in range(Q.shape[0]): for a_ in range(Q.shape[1]): print(" ["+str(s_)+","+str(a_)+"] -> N: ",ET[s_,a_],", R: ",Q[s_,a_]) #Decide whether to do greedy or random rnd = np.random.random_sample() e_param = e_param0 / (1 + iteration * e_param_decay) print(" E-param:",e_param) if rnd<e_param: # be random print("ET:",ET[s], ", softmax:",(1.0-softmax(ET[s]))) a = np.random.choice(possible_actions[s], p=(1.0-softmax(ET[s]))) # choose an action (randomly) print(" Random action:",a) else: # be greedy a = np.argmax(Q, axis=1)[s] print(" Greedy action:",a) print(" ->Distr of transitions [",s,",",a,"]: ", T[s,a]) sp = np.random.choice(range(T.shape[0]), p=T[s, a]) # pick next state using T[s, a] print(" Transitioned to state:",sp) transition_history.append([s,a,sp]) # Approach 1 - Just reward in end state with value depending on the actions before #non-terminal state if (sp < T.shape[0]-1):
def main(): args = build_argparser().parse_args() cap = open_images_capture(args.input, args.loop) # Plugin initialization for specified device and load extensions library if specified.'OpenVINO Inference Engine')'\tbuild: {}'.format(get_version())) core = Core() if args.cpu_extension and 'CPU' in args.device: core.add_extension(args.cpu_extension, 'CPU') # Read IR'Reading Mask-RCNN model {}'.format(args.mask_rcnn_model)) mask_rcnn_model = core.read_model(args.mask_rcnn_model) input_tensor_name = 'image' try: n, c, h, w = mask_rcnn_model.input(input_tensor_name).shape if n != 1: raise RuntimeError( 'Only batch 1 is supported by the demo application') except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( 'Demo supports only topologies with the following input tensor name: {}' .format(input_tensor_name)) required_output_names = {'boxes', 'labels', 'masks', 'text_features.0'} for output_tensor_name in required_output_names: try: mask_rcnn_model.output(output_tensor_name) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( 'Demo supports only topologies with the following output tensor names: {}' .format(', '.join(required_output_names)))'Reading Text Recognition Encoder model {}'.format( args.text_enc_model)) text_enc_model = core.read_model(args.text_enc_model)'Reading Text Recognition Decoder model {}'.format( args.text_dec_model)) text_dec_model = core.read_model(args.text_dec_model) mask_rcnn_compiled_model = core.compile_model(mask_rcnn_model, device_name=args.device) mask_rcnn_infer_request = mask_rcnn_compiled_model.create_infer_request()'The Mask-RCNN model {} is loaded to {}'.format( args.mask_rcnn_model, args.device)) text_enc_compiled_model = core.compile_model(text_enc_model, args.device) text_enc_infer_request = text_enc_compiled_model.create_infer_request()'The Text Recognition Encoder model {} is loaded to {}'.format( args.text_enc_model, args.device)) text_dec_compiled_model = core.compile_model(text_dec_model, args.device) text_dec_infer_request = text_dec_compiled_model.create_infer_request()'The Text Recognition Decoder model {} is loaded to {}'.format( args.text_dec_model, args.device)) hidden_shape = text_dec_model.input(args.trd_input_prev_hidden).shape text_dec_output_names = { args.trd_output_symbols_distr, args.trd_output_cur_hidden } if args.no_track: tracker = None else: tracker = StaticIOUTracker() if args.delay: delay = args.delay else: delay = int(cap.get_type() in ('VIDEO', 'CAMERA')) visualizer = Visualizer(['__background__', 'text'], show_boxes=args.show_boxes, show_scores=args.show_scores) frames_processed = 0 metrics = PerformanceMetrics() video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter() start_time = perf_counter() frame = if frame is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't read an image from the input") presenter = monitors.Presenter(args.utilization_monitors, 45, (frame.shape[1] // 4, frame.shape[0] // 8)) if args.output and not args.output, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG'), cap.fps(), (frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0])): raise RuntimeError("Can't open video writer") while frame is not None: if not args.keep_aspect_ratio: # Resize the image to a target size. scale_x = w / frame.shape[1] scale_y = h / frame.shape[0] input_image = cv2.resize(frame, (w, h)) else: # Resize the image to keep the same aspect ratio and to fit it to a window of a target size. scale_x = scale_y = min(h / frame.shape[0], w / frame.shape[1]) input_image = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=scale_x, fy=scale_y) input_image_size = input_image.shape[:2] input_image = np.pad(input_image, ((0, h - input_image_size[0]), (0, w - input_image_size[1]), (0, 0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0) # Change data layout from HWC to CHW. input_image = input_image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) input_image = input_image.reshape((n, c, h, w)).astype(np.float32) # Run the MaskRCNN model. mask_rcnn_infer_request.infer({input_tensor_name: input_image}) outputs = { name: mask_rcnn_infer_request.get_tensor(name).data[:] for name in required_output_names } # Parse detection results of the current request boxes = outputs['boxes'][:, :4] scores = outputs['boxes'][:, 4] classes = outputs['labels'].astype(np.uint32) raw_masks = outputs['masks'] text_features = outputs['text_features.0'] # Filter out detections with low confidence. detections_filter = scores > args.prob_threshold scores = scores[detections_filter] classes = classes[detections_filter] boxes = boxes[detections_filter] raw_masks = raw_masks[detections_filter] text_features = text_features[detections_filter] boxes[:, 0::2] /= scale_x boxes[:, 1::2] /= scale_y masks = [] for box, cls, raw_mask in zip(boxes, classes, raw_masks): mask = segm_postprocess(box, raw_mask, frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]) masks.append(mask) texts = [] for feature in text_features: feature = next( iter( text_enc_infer_request.infer({ 'input': np.expand_dims(feature, axis=0) }).values())) feature = np.reshape(feature, (feature.shape[0], feature.shape[1], -1)) feature = np.transpose(feature, (0, 2, 1)) hidden = np.zeros(hidden_shape) prev_symbol_index = np.ones((1, )) * SOS_INDEX text = '' text_confidence = 1.0 for i in range(MAX_SEQ_LEN): text_dec_infer_request.infer({ args.trd_input_prev_symbol: np.reshape(prev_symbol_index, (1, )), args.trd_input_prev_hidden: hidden, args.trd_input_encoder_outputs: feature }) decoder_output = { name: text_dec_infer_request.get_tensor(name).data[:] for name in text_dec_output_names } symbols_distr = decoder_output[args.trd_output_symbols_distr] symbols_distr_softmaxed = softmax(symbols_distr, axis=1)[0] prev_symbol_index = int(np.argmax(symbols_distr, axis=1)) text_confidence *= symbols_distr_softmaxed[prev_symbol_index] if prev_symbol_index == EOS_INDEX: break text += args.alphabet[prev_symbol_index] hidden = decoder_output[args.trd_output_cur_hidden] texts.append(text if text_confidence >= args.tr_threshold else '') if len(boxes) and args.raw_output_message: log.debug( ' -------------------------- Frame # {} -------------------------- ' .format(frames_processed)) log.debug( ' Class ID | Confidence | XMIN | YMIN | XMAX | YMAX ' ) for box, cls, score, mask in zip(boxes, classes, scores, masks): log.debug( '{:>10} | {:>10f} | {:>8.2f} | {:>8.2f} | {:>8.2f} | {:>8.2f} ' .format(cls, score, *box)) # Get instance track IDs. masks_tracks_ids = None if tracker is not None: masks_tracks_ids = tracker(masks, classes) presenter.drawGraphs(frame) # Visualize masks. frame = visualizer(frame, boxes, classes, scores, masks, texts, masks_tracks_ids) metrics.update(start_time, frame) frames_processed += 1 if video_writer.isOpened() and (args.output_limit <= 0 or frames_processed <= args.output_limit): video_writer.write(frame) if not args.no_show: # Show resulting image. cv2.imshow('Results', frame) if not args.no_show: key = cv2.waitKey(delay) esc_code = 27 if key == esc_code: break presenter.handleKey(key) start_time = perf_counter() frame = metrics.log_total() for rep in presenter.reportMeans():
def evaluate(model, val_dataloader, ood_dataloader, criterion, device, writer, T=None, eps=None) -> Tuple: """ Evaluate model. This function prints validation loss and accuracy. :param model: model to evaluate :param dataloader: dataloader representing the validation data :param callable criterion: the loss function :return: None """ # Validation model = all_predictions = [] all_losses = [] all_logits = [] all_labels = [] print("Temerature = ", T) print("Epsilon = ", eps) for images, labels in tqdm.tqdm(val_dataloader): images, labels =, for p in model.parameters(): p.grad.zero_() if T is not None: # ODIN case: this is simple # Just make a slight adversarial attack on the images # source: images.requires_grad = True logits = model.forward(images) logits = logits / T pred_labels = logits.argmax(-1) pred_loss = criterion(logits, pred_labels) pred_loss.backward() corrupted_images = images - eps * torch.sign(-(images.grad)) logits = model.forward(corrupted_images) else: logits = model.forward(images) labels = labels.cpu().detach().numpy() logits = logits.cpu().detach().numpy() all_logits.append(logits) all_labels.append(labels) # just not to write additional code for ood and vanilla task # valid mask corresponds only for known labels valid_logits_mask = (labels < logits.shape[1]) valid_logits = logits[valid_logits_mask] valid_labels = labels[valid_logits_mask] valid_predictions = valid_logits.argmax(1) all_predictions.append((valid_predictions == valid_labels)) all_losses.append( criterion(torch.from_numpy(valid_logits), torch.from_numpy(valid_labels)).item()) torch.cuda.empty_cache() # OOD all_ood_probs = [] for images, labels in tqdm.tqdm(ood_dataloader): images, labels =, for p in model.parameters(): p.grad.zero_() if T is not None: # ODIN case: this is simple # Just make a slight adversarial attack on the images # source: images.requires_grad = True logits = model.forward(images) logits = logits / T pred_labels = logits.argmax(-1) pred_loss = criterion(logits, pred_labels) pred_loss.backward() corrupted_images = images - eps * torch.sign(-(images.grad)) logits = model.forward(corrupted_images) images.grad.zero_() else: logits = model.forward(images) all_ood_probs.append(F.softmax(logits, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy()) accuracy = np.concatenate(all_predictions).mean() all_probs = softmax(np.concatenate(all_logits), axis=1).max(1) all_labels = np.concatenate(all_labels) all_ood_probs = np.concatenate(all_ood_probs).max(1) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.title("Known classes vs OOD max logit distribution") plt.hist(all_probs, bins=20, color="blue", alpha=0.5, label="max_softmax_probability_true", density=True) plt.hist(all_ood_probs, bins=20, color="red", alpha=0.5, label="max_softmax_probability_ood", density=True) plt.savefig("hist.png") #log_hist_as_picture(all_labels, all_logits, ood_label=logits.shape[1]) loss = np.mean(all_losses) print(" Evaluation results: \n Accuracy: {:.4f}\n Loss: {:.4f}".format( accuracy, loss)) return loss, accuracy
from import download_testdata # Download a list of labels labels_url = "" labels_path = download_testdata(labels_url, "synset.txt", module="data") with open(labels_path, "r") as f: labels = [l.rstrip() for l in f] output_file = "predictions.npz" # Open the output and read the output tensor if os.path.exists(output_file): with np.load(output_file) as data: scores = softmax(data["output_0"]) scores = np.squeeze(scores) scores = np.argsort(scores)[::-1] for i in scores[0:5]: print("class='%s' with probability=%f" % (labels[i], scores[i])) ######################################################################## # When running the script, a list of predictions should be printed similar # the the example below. # # .. code-block:: bash # # $ python # class=n02123045 tabby, tabby cat ; probability=446.000000 # class=n02123159 tiger cat ; probability=675.000000
def _compute_auc(self): prob = softmax(self.logits, axis=-1) real_prob = prob[:,1] self.auc = roc_auc_score(y_true=self.labels, y_score=real_prob) \ if self.auc is None else self.auc return self.auc
def predict_proba(self, X): z = self.predict_z(X) dists = -(z.reshape(-1, 1) - self.z_means)**2 yp = softmax(dists, axis=1) return yp
# Probabilities plot dataPerRoom = dict() dataPerRoom['room1'] = (np.array(data[rpiIds[0]]['btPower']) + np.array( data[rpiIds[1]]['btPower']) + np.array(data[rpiIds[2]]['btPower'])) / 3 dataPerRoom['room2'] = (np.array(data[rpiIds[3]]['btPower']) + np.array( data[rpiIds[4]]['btPower']) + np.array(data[rpiIds[3]]['btPower'])) / 3 dataPerRoom['room3'] = (np.array(data[rpiIds[6]]['btPower']) + np.array( data[rpiIds[7]]['btPower']) + np.array(data[rpiIds[8]]['btPower'])) / 3 probabilities = np.zeros((len(times), 3)) for idx, time in enumerate(times): currentBtPowers = np.array([ dataPerRoom['room1'][idx], dataPerRoom['room2'][idx], dataPerRoom['room3'][idx] ]) probabilities[idx, :] = softmax(currentBtPowers) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8)) roomLines = [0] * 3 colors = ['b', 'lime', 'red'] markers = ['*', 'o', '+'] for idx in range(3): room = 'room' + str(idx + 1) x = data[rpiIds[idx]]['dates'] y = probabilities[:, idx] x = range(len(y)) plt.plot(x, y, color=colors[idx], linestyle="None", marker=markers[idx],
def do_eval(self, train_dataloader, labeldesc_loader, edge_index): torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.eval() tr_loss = 0 preds = [] all_label_ids = [] with torch.no_grad(): ## don't need to update labels anymore label_emb = self.gcn_2layer(labeldesc_loader, edge_index) print('sample gcn label_emb') print(label_emb) ## for each batch for step, batch in enumerate(tqdm(train_dataloader, desc="eval")): batch = tuple(t for t in batch) label_id_number_left, label_id_number_right, label_ids = batch label_id_number_left = label_id_number_left.squeeze(1).data.numpy( ) ## using as indexing, so have to be array int, not tensor label_id_number_right = label_id_number_right.squeeze( 1).data.numpy() ## need to backprop somehow ## predict the class bio/molec/cellcompo ? ## predict if 2 labels are similar ? ... sort of doing the same thing as gcn already does with torch.no_grad(): loss, score = self.metric_module.forward( label_emb[label_id_number_left], label_emb[label_id_number_right], true_label=label_ids.cuda()) tr_loss = tr_loss + loss if len(preds) == 0: preds.append(score.detach().cpu().numpy()) all_label_ids.append(label_ids.detach().cpu().numpy()) else: preds[0] = np.append(preds[0], score.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0) all_label_ids[0] = np.append(all_label_ids[0], label_ids.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0) # row array # end eval all_label_ids = all_label_ids[0] preds = preds[0] if self.metric_option == 'entailment': preds = softmax( preds, axis=1) ## softmax, return both prob of 0 and 1 for each label print(preds) print(all_label_ids) result = 0 if self.args.test_file is None: ## save some time result = acc_and_f1( preds, all_label_ids, self.metric_option ) ## interally, we will take care of the case of @entailment vs @cosine for key in sorted(result.keys()): print("%s=%s" % (key, str(result[key]))) return result, preds, tr_loss
def get_argmax_char(chunk, int_to_char): return int_to_char[np.argmax(softmax(chunk))]
def clusterSM(outpth, score, bdpc, clnum, pcnum=None, VamModel=None, BuildModel=None, condition=None, setID=None, entries=None): realtimedate ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') start = time.time() print('# clusterSM') if not isinstance(condition, str): condition = str(condition) if BuildModel: figdst = os.path.join( *[outpth, entries['Model name'].get(), 'Example model figures']) else: figdst = os.path.join( outpth, 'Result based on ' + os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(entries['Model to apply'].get()))[0]) if not os.path.exists(figdst): try: os.makedirs(figdst) except: entries['Status'].delete(0, END) entries['Status'].insert(0, 'Please choose the right folder') NN = 10 if pcnum is None: pcnum = 20 if BuildModel: VamModel['clnum'] = clnum VamModel['pcnum'] = pcnum else: clnum = VamModel['clnum'] pcnum = VamModel['pcnum'] cms00 = score[:, 0:pcnum] cms = deepcopy(cms00) if BuildModel: mincms = np.amin(cms, axis=0) VamModel['mincms'] = mincms VamModel['boxcoxlambda'] = np.zeros(len(cms.T)) VamModel['testmean'] = np.zeros(len(cms.T)) VamModel['teststd'] = np.zeros(len(cms.T)) else: mincms = VamModel['mincms'] for k in range(len(cms.T)): test = cms.T[k] test = test - mincms[k] + 1 if BuildModel: test[test < 0] = 0.000000000001 test, maxlog = stats.boxcox(test) test = np.asarray(test) VamModel['boxcoxlambda'][k] = maxlog VamModel['testmean'][k] = np.mean(test) VamModel['teststd'][k] = np.std(test) cms.T[k] = (test - np.mean(test)) / np.std(test) else: test[test < 0] = 0.000000000001 test = stats.boxcox(test, VamModel['boxcoxlambda'][k]) cms.T[k] = (test - VamModel['testmean'][k]) / VamModel['teststd'][k] cmsn = deepcopy(cms) if BuildModel: cmsn_Norm = preprocessing.normalize(cmsn) if isinstance(clnum, str): clnum = int(clnum) kmeans = KMeans( n_clusters=clnum, init='k-means++', n_init=3, max_iter=300).fit( cmsn_Norm ) # init is plus,but orginally cluster, not available in sklearn C = kmeans.cluster_centers_ VamModel['C'] = C D = spatial.distance.cdist(cmsn, C, metric='euclidean') IDX = np.argmin(D, axis=1) IDX_dist = np.amin(D, axis=1) else: if isinstance(clnum, str): clnum = int(clnum) C = VamModel['C'] D = spatial.distance.cdist(cmsn, C, metric='euclidean') # why amin? D shows list of distance to cluster centers. IDX = np.argmin(D, axis=1) IDX_dist = np.around(np.amin(D, axis=1), decimals=2) goodness = special.softmax(D) offx, offy = np.meshgrid(range(clnum), [0]) offx = np.multiply(offx, 1) + 1 offx = offx[0] * 1 - 0.5 offy = np.subtract(np.multiply(offy, 1), 1.5) + 1 offy = offy[0] # define normalized colormap bdst0 = np.empty(len(bdpc.T)) bdst = deepcopy(bdst0) for kss in range(clnum): c88 = IDX == kss bdpcs = bdpc[c88, :] mbd = np.mean(bdpcs, axis=0) bdst0 = np.vstack((bdst0, mbd)) bdst0 = bdst0[1:] # dendrogram of the difference between different shape mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2 if BuildModel: Y = spatial.distance.pdist(bdst0, 'euclidean') Z = cluster.hierarchy.linkage( Y, method='complete') # 4th row is not in matlab Z[:, 2] = Z[:, 2] * 5 # multiply distance manually 10times to plot better. VamModel['Z'] = Z else: Z = VamModel['Z'] cluster.hierarchy.set_link_color_palette(['k']) fig289, ax289 = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 2), linewidth=2.0, frameon=False) plt.yticks([]) R = cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram(Z, p=0, truncate_mode='mlab', orientation='bottom', ax=None, above_threshold_color='k') leaflabel = np.array(R['ivl']) dendidx = leaflabel cluster.hierarchy.set_link_color_palette(None) mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1 plt.axis('equal') plt.axis('off') IDXsort = np.zeros(len(IDX)) for kss in range(clnum): c88 = IDX == int(dendidx[kss]) IDXsort[c88] = kss IDX = deepcopy(IDXsort) fig922, ax922 = plt.subplots(figsize=(17, 2)) fig291, ax291 = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 3)) for kss in range(int(max(IDX)) + 1): c88 = IDXsort == kss fss = 4 bdpcs = bdpc[c88] mbd = np.mean(bdpcs, axis=0) bdNUM = int(round(len(mbd) / 2)) bdst = np.vstack((bdst, mbd)) xaxis = np.add(np.divide(np.append(mbd[0:bdNUM], mbd[0]), fss), offx[kss]) * 10 yaxis = np.add(np.divide(np.append(mbd[bdNUM:], mbd[bdNUM]), fss), offy[kss]) * 10 plt.clf() ax289.plot(xaxis, yaxis, '-', linewidth=2) # this is the shape of the dendrogram plt.axis('equal') plt.axis('off') sid = np.argsort(np.random.rand(sum(c88), 1), axis=0) if len(sid) < NN: enum = len(sid) else: enum = NN for knn in range(enum): x99 = bdpcs[sid[knn], np.append(range(bdNUM), 0)] y99 = bdpcs[sid[knn], np.append(np.arange(bdNUM, (bdNUM * 2), 1), bdNUM)] xax = np.add(np.divide(x99, fss), offx[kss]) yax = np.add(np.divide(y99, fss), offy[kss]) ax922.plot(xax, yax, 'r-', linewidth=1) ax922.axis('equal') ax922.axis('off') if BuildModel: ax922.set_ylim(ax922.get_ylim()[::-1]) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(figdst, "Registered objects.png")): f1 = os.path.join(figdst, "Registered objects " + realtimedate + ".png") f2 = os.path.join( figdst, "Shape mode dendrogram.png " + realtimedate + ".png") else: f1 = os.path.join(figdst, "Registered objects.png") f2 = os.path.join(figdst, "Shape mode dendrogram.png") fig922.savefig(f1, format='png', transparent=True) fig289.savefig(f2, format='png', transparent=True) IDX = IDX + 1 n, bins, patches = plt.hist(IDX, bins=range(clnum + 2)[1:]) fig22, ax22 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) n = np.divide(n, np.sum(n)) n = np.multiply(n, 100) n = np.around(n, 2) height = n, 0) - 1) / 2, height=height, width=0.4, align='center', color=(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1), edgecolor='black') ax22.set_ylabel('Abundance %', fontsize=15, fontweight='bold') ax22.set_xlabel('Shape mode', fontsize=15, fontweight='bold') # only for paper ax22.set_ylim([0, np.max(height) + 5]) ax22.set_title('Shape mode distribution (N=' + str(len(IDX_dist)) + ')', fontsize=18, fontweight='bold') bartick = map(str, np.arange(int(np.max(IDX) + 1))[1:]) ax22.set_xticks((np.arange(np.max(IDX) + 1) / 2)[1:]) ax22.set_xticklabels(tuple(bartick), fontsize=13, fontweight='bold') ax22.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=13) plt.setp(ax22.get_yticklabels(), fontweight="bold") for i, v in enumerate(height): ax22.text((i - 0.25 + 1) / 2, v + 0.25, str(np.around(v, decimals=1)), color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=13) for axis in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: ax22.spines[axis].set_linewidth(3) if not BuildModel: if os.path.exists( os.path.join( figdst, 'Shape mode distribution_' + setID + '_' + condition + '.png')): f3 = os.path.join( figdst, 'Shape mode distribution_' + setID + '_' + condition + '_' + realtimedate + '.png') else: f3 = os.path.join( figdst, 'Shape mode distribution_' + setID + '_' + condition + '.png') fig22.savefig(f3, format='png', transparent=True) plt.close('all') end = time.time() print('For cluster, elapsed time is ' + str(end - start) + 'seconds...') return IDX, IDX_dist, VamModel, goodness
def main(): if args.dataset == "mnist": num_classes = 10 elif args.dataset == "fmnist": num_classes = 10 elif args.dataset == "cifar10": num_classes = 10 elif args.dataset == "svhn": num_classes = 10 elif args.dataset == "cifar100": num_classes = 100 else: print("This dataset is not supported in current version!") exit() labels_train = np.load(args.outputs_path + "/label_train.npy") labels_test = np.load(args.outputs_path + "/label_test.npy") if len(labels_train.shape) > 1: labels_train = labels_train.reshape((-1)) if len(labels_test.shape) > 1: labels_test = labels_test.reshape((-1)) train_conf_all = np.load(args.outputs_path + "/" + args.output_type + "_train.npy") test_conf_all = np.load(args.outputs_path + "/" + args.output_type + "_test.npy") number_of_models = int(train_conf_all.shape[-1] / num_classes) train_conf_sum = np.zeros((labels_train.shape[0], num_classes)) test_conf_sum = np.zeros((labels_test.shape[0], num_classes)) train_prediction_class_sum = np.zeros((labels_train.shape[0], num_classes)) test_prediction_class_sum = np.zeros((labels_test.shape[0], num_classes)) for model_index_counter in range(number_of_models): train_conf_sum += train_conf_all[:, model_index_counter * num_classes:(model_index_counter + 1) * num_classes] test_conf_sum += test_conf_all[:, model_index_counter * num_classes:(model_index_counter + 1) * num_classes] temp1 = np.argmax(train_conf_all[:, model_index_counter * num_classes:(model_index_counter + 1) * num_classes], axis=1) temp2 = np.argmax(test_conf_all[:, model_index_counter * num_classes:(model_index_counter + 1) * num_classes], axis=1) train_prediction_class_sum += to_categorical(temp1, num_classes) test_prediction_class_sum += to_categorical(temp2, num_classes) if args.output_type == "confidence": confidence_train_for_prediction = train_conf_sum / (model_index_counter + 1) confidence_test_for_prediction = test_conf_sum / (model_index_counter + 1) elif args.output_type == "logit": confidence_train_for_prediction = softmax(train_conf_sum / (model_index_counter + 1), axis=1) confidence_test_for_prediction = softmax(test_conf_sum / (model_index_counter + 1), axis=1) else: print("Output type does not exist!") exit() if args.attack_type == "all": confidence_train_for_attack = train_conf_all[:, 0:(model_index_counter + 1) * num_classes] confidence_test_for_attack = test_conf_all[:, 0:(model_index_counter + 1) * num_classes] elif args.attack_type == "aggregated": confidence_train_for_attack = confidence_train_for_prediction confidence_test_for_attack = confidence_test_for_prediction else: print("Attack type is not valid!") exit() labels_train_by_model = np.argmax(confidence_train_for_prediction, axis=1) labels_test_by_model = np.argmax(confidence_test_for_prediction, axis=1) acc_train = np.sum(labels_train == labels_train_by_model)/labels_train.shape[0] acc_test = np.sum(labels_test == labels_test_by_model)/labels_test.shape[0] correctly_classified_indexes_train = labels_train_by_model == labels_train incorrectly_classified_indexes_train = labels_train_by_model != labels_train correctly_classified_indexes_test = labels_test_by_model == labels_test incorrectly_classified_indexes_test = labels_test_by_model != labels_test MI_x_train_all = [] MI_y_train_all = [] MI_x_test_all = [] MI_y_test_all = [] MI_cor_labeled_indexes_all = [] MI_incor_labeled_indexes_all = [] for j in range(num_classes): #Prepare the data for training and testing attack models (for all data and also correctly labeled samples) class_yes_x = confidence_train_for_attack[tuple([labels_train == j])] class_no_x = confidence_test_for_attack[tuple([labels_test == j])] if class_yes_x.shape[0] < 10 or class_no_x.shape[0] < 10: print("Class " + str(j) + " doesn't have enough sample for training an attack model (SKIPPED)!") continue class_yes_x_correctly_labeled = correctly_classified_indexes_train[tuple([labels_train == j])] class_no_x_correctly_labeled = correctly_classified_indexes_test[tuple([labels_test == j])] class_yes_x_incorrectly_labeled = incorrectly_classified_indexes_train[tuple([labels_train == j])] class_no_x_incorrectly_labeled = incorrectly_classified_indexes_test[tuple([labels_test == j])] class_yes_size = int(class_yes_x.shape[0] * what_portion_of_sampels_attacker_knows) class_yes_x_train = class_yes_x[:class_yes_size] class_yes_y_train = np.ones(class_yes_x_train.shape[0]) class_yes_x_test = class_yes_x[class_yes_size:] class_yes_y_test = np.ones(class_yes_x_test.shape[0]) class_yes_x_correctly_labeled = class_yes_x_correctly_labeled[class_yes_size:] class_yes_x_incorrectly_labeled = class_yes_x_incorrectly_labeled[class_yes_size:] class_no_size = int(class_no_x.shape[0] * what_portion_of_sampels_attacker_knows) class_no_x_train = class_no_x[:class_no_size] class_no_y_train = np.zeros(class_no_x_train.shape[0]) class_no_x_test = class_no_x[class_no_size:] class_no_y_test = np.zeros(class_no_x_test.shape[0]) class_no_x_correctly_labeled = class_no_x_correctly_labeled[class_no_size:] class_no_x_incorrectly_labeled = class_no_x_incorrectly_labeled[class_no_size:] y_size = class_yes_x_train.shape[0] n_size = class_no_x_train.shape[0] if sampling == "undersampling": if y_size > n_size: class_yes_x_train = class_yes_x_train[:n_size] class_yes_y_train = class_yes_y_train[:n_size] else: class_no_x_train = class_no_x_train[:y_size] class_no_y_train = class_no_y_train[:y_size] elif sampling == "oversampling": if y_size > n_size: class_no_x_train = np.tile(class_no_x_train, (int(y_size / n_size), 1)) class_no_y_train = np.zeros(class_no_x_train.shape[0]) else: class_yes_x_train = np.tile(class_yes_x_train, (int(n_size / y_size), 1)) class_yes_y_train = np.ones(class_yes_x_train.shape[0]) MI_x_train = np.concatenate((class_yes_x_train, class_no_x_train), axis=0) MI_y_train = np.concatenate((class_yes_y_train, class_no_y_train), axis=0) MI_x_test = np.concatenate((class_yes_x_test, class_no_x_test), axis=0) MI_y_test = np.concatenate((class_yes_y_test, class_no_y_test), axis=0) MI_x_train_all.extend(MI_x_train) MI_y_train_all.extend(MI_y_train) MI_x_test_all.extend(MI_x_test) MI_y_test_all.extend(MI_y_test) MI_cor_labeled_indexes = np.concatenate((class_yes_x_correctly_labeled, class_no_x_correctly_labeled), axis=0) MI_incor_labeled_indexes = np.concatenate((class_yes_x_incorrectly_labeled, class_no_x_incorrectly_labeled), axis=0) MI_cor_labeled_indexes_all.extend(MI_cor_labeled_indexes) MI_incor_labeled_indexes_all.extend(MI_incor_labeled_indexes) MI_x_train_all = np.array(MI_x_train_all) MI_y_train_all = np.array(MI_y_train_all) MI_x_test_all = np.array(MI_x_test_all) MI_y_test_all = np.array(MI_y_test_all) #To shuffle the training data: shuffle_index = np.random.permutation(MI_x_train_all.shape[0]) MI_x_train_all = MI_x_train_all[shuffle_index] MI_y_train_all = MI_y_train_all[shuffle_index] # MI attack if args.attack_type == "all": attack_model = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(num_classes * (model_index_counter + 1), 128), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(128, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(64, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) elif args.attack_type == "aggregated": attack_model = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(num_classes, 128), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(128, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(64, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) else: print("Attack type is not valid!") exit() attack_model = attack_model.cuda() criterion = nn.BCELoss().cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(attack_model.parameters(), lr=0.001) MI_x_train_cuda = torch.from_numpy(MI_x_train_all).float().cuda() MI_y_train_cuda = torch.from_numpy(MI_y_train_all).float().cuda() MI_x_test_cuda = torch.from_numpy(MI_x_test_all).float().cuda() MI_y_test_cuda = torch.from_numpy(MI_y_test_all).float().cuda() for ep in range(30): y_pred = attack_model(MI_x_train_cuda) y_pred = torch.squeeze(y_pred) train_loss = criterion(y_pred, MI_y_train_cuda) optimizer.zero_grad() train_loss.backward() optimizer.step() y_pred = attack_model(MI_x_test_cuda).cpu().detach().numpy() if y_pred.shape[0] > 0: MI_attack_auc = roc_auc_score(MI_y_test_all, y_pred) else: MI_attack_auc = -1 #Gap attack MI_predicted_y_test_blind = np.zeros((MI_x_test_all.shape[0])) MI_predicted_y_test_blind[MI_cor_labeled_indexes_all] = 1 y_pred = np.array(MI_predicted_y_test_blind) if y_pred.shape[0] > 0: MI_blind_attack_auc = roc_auc_score(MI_y_test_all, y_pred) else: MI_blind_attack_auc = -1 print("---------------------") print("Ensemble of", model_index_counter + 1, "models:") print("Train/Test accuracy:", str(np.round(acc_train*100, 2)), str(np.round(acc_test*100, 2))) print(args.attack_type + " " + args.output_type + "-based MI attack AUC:", MI_attack_auc) print("Gap attack AUC:", MI_blind_attack_auc) print("---------------------")
def pvals_from_weights_3(weights): return softmax(weights)
def predict_on_batch(self, images: np.ndarray): processed = np.asarray((images + 1) * 255.0 / 2, np.uint8) processed = preprocess_input(processed) yhat = self.model.predict(processed) yhat = softmax(yhat, axis=1) self.predictions += yhat.tolist()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() ## Required parameters parser.add_argument("--task_name", default=None, type=str, required=True, help="The name of the task to train.") ## Other parameters parser.add_argument( "--cache_dir", default="", type=str, help= "Where do you want to store the pre-trained models downloaded from s3") parser.add_argument( "--max_seq_length", default=128, type=int, help= "The maximum total input sequence length after WordPiece tokenization. \n" "Sequences longer than this will be truncated, and sequences shorter \n" "than this will be padded.") parser.add_argument("--do_train", action='store_true', help="Whether to run training.") parser.add_argument('--kshot', type=int, default=5, help="random seed for initialization") parser.add_argument("--do_eval", action='store_true', help="Whether to run eval on the dev set.") parser.add_argument( "--do_lower_case", action='store_true', help="Set this flag if you are using an uncased model.") parser.add_argument("--train_batch_size", default=16, type=int, help="Total batch size for training.") parser.add_argument("--eval_batch_size", default=64, type=int, help="Total batch size for eval.") parser.add_argument("--learning_rate", default=1e-5, type=float, help="The initial learning rate for Adam.") parser.add_argument("--num_train_epochs", default=3.0, type=float, help="Total number of training epochs to perform.") parser.add_argument( "--warmup_proportion", default=0.1, type=float, help= "Proportion of training to perform linear learning rate warmup for. " "E.g., 0.1 = 10%% of training.") parser.add_argument("--no_cuda", action='store_true', help="Whether not to use CUDA when available") parser.add_argument("--local_rank", type=int, default=-1, help="local_rank for distributed training on gpus") parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=42, help="random seed for initialization") parser.add_argument( '--gradient_accumulation_steps', type=int, default=1, help= "Number of updates steps to accumulate before performing a backward/update pass." ) parser.add_argument( '--fp16', action='store_true', help="Whether to use 16-bit float precision instead of 32-bit") parser.add_argument( '--loss_scale', type=float, default=0, help= "Loss scaling to improve fp16 numeric stability. Only used when fp16 set to True.\n" "0 (default value): dynamic loss scaling.\n" "Positive power of 2: static loss scaling value.\n") parser.add_argument('--server_ip', type=str, default='', help="Can be used for distant debugging.") parser.add_argument('--server_port', type=str, default='', help="Can be used for distant debugging.") args = parser.parse_args() processors = {"rte": RteProcessor} output_modes = {"rte": "classification"} if args.local_rank == -1 or args.no_cuda: device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and not args.no_cuda else "cpu") n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() else: torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) device = torch.device("cuda", args.local_rank) n_gpu = 1 # Initializes the distributed backend which will take care of sychronizing nodes/GPUs torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend='nccl') "device: {} n_gpu: {}, distributed training: {}, 16-bits training: {}". format(device, n_gpu, bool(args.local_rank != -1), args.fp16)) if args.gradient_accumulation_steps < 1: raise ValueError( "Invalid gradient_accumulation_steps parameter: {}, should be >= 1" .format(args.gradient_accumulation_steps)) args.train_batch_size = args.train_batch_size // args.gradient_accumulation_steps random.seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) if n_gpu > 0: torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.seed) if not args.do_train and not args.do_eval: raise ValueError( "At least one of `do_train` or `do_eval` must be True.") task_name = args.task_name.lower() if task_name not in processors: raise ValueError("Task not found: %s" % (task_name)) processor = processors[task_name]() output_mode = output_modes[task_name] train_examples = processor.get_GAP_coreference( 'gap-development.tsv', args.kshot) #train_pu_half_v1.txt dev_examples = processor.get_GAP_coreference('gap-validation.tsv', 0) test_examples = processor.get_GAP_coreference('gap-test.tsv', 0) label_list = ["entailment", "not_entailment"] entity_label_list = ["A-coref", "B-coref"] # train_examples = get_data_hulu_fewshot('train', 5) # train_examples, dev_examples, test_examples, label_list = load_CLINC150_with_specific_domain_sequence(args.DomainName, args.kshot, augment=False) num_labels = len(label_list) print('num_labels:', num_labels, 'training size:', len(train_examples), 'dev size:', len(dev_examples), 'test size:', len(test_examples)) num_train_optimization_steps = None num_train_optimization_steps = int( len(train_examples) / args.train_batch_size / args.gradient_accumulation_steps) * args.num_train_epochs if args.local_rank != -1: num_train_optimization_steps = num_train_optimization_steps // torch.distributed.get_world_size( ) model = RobertaForSequenceClassification(num_labels) tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained( pretrain_model_dir, do_lower_case=args.do_lower_case) param_optimizer = list(model.named_parameters()) no_decay = ['bias', 'LayerNorm.bias', 'LayerNorm.weight'] optimizer_grouped_parameters = [{ 'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.01 }, { 'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0 }] optimizer = AdamW(optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=args.learning_rate) global_step = 0 nb_tr_steps = 0 tr_loss = 0 max_test_acc = 0.0 max_dev_acc = 0.0 max_dev_threshold = 0.0 if args.do_train: train_dataloader = examples_to_features(train_examples, label_list, entity_label_list, args, tokenizer, args.train_batch_size, "classification", dataloader_mode='random') dev_dataloader = examples_to_features(dev_examples, label_list, entity_label_list, args, tokenizer, args.eval_batch_size, "classification", dataloader_mode='sequential') test_dataloader = examples_to_features(test_examples, label_list, entity_label_list, args, tokenizer, args.eval_batch_size, "classification", dataloader_mode='sequential')"***** Running training *****")" Num examples = %d", len(train_examples))" Batch size = %d", args.train_batch_size) iter_co = 0 final_test_performance = 0.0 for _ in trange(int(args.num_train_epochs), desc="Epoch"): nb_tr_examples, nb_tr_steps = 0, 0 for step, batch in enumerate( tqdm(train_dataloader, desc="Iteration")): model.train() batch = tuple( for t in batch) input_example_ids, input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, label_ids, entity_label_ids = batch logits = model(input_ids, input_mask) loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss() loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, num_labels), label_ids.view(-1)) if n_gpu > 1: loss = loss.mean() # mean() to average on multi-gpu. if args.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1: loss = loss / args.gradient_accumulation_steps loss.backward() tr_loss += loss.item() nb_tr_examples += input_ids.size(0) nb_tr_steps += 1 optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() global_step += 1 iter_co += 1 # if iter_co %100==0: # print('iter_co:', iter_co, ' mean loss:', tr_loss/iter_co) if iter_co % len(train_dataloader) == 0: model.eval() ''' dev set after this epoch '''"***** Running dev *****")" Num examples = %d", len(dev_examples)) eval_loss = 0 nb_eval_steps = 0 preds = [] gold_label_ids = [] example_id_list = [] for _, batch in enumerate(tqdm(dev_dataloader, desc="dev")): input_indices, input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, _, label_ids = batch input_ids = input_mask = segment_ids = label_ids = example_ids = list(input_indices.numpy()) example_id_list += example_ids gold_label_ids += list( label_ids.detach().cpu().numpy()) with torch.no_grad(): logits = model(input_ids, input_mask) if len(preds) == 0: preds.append(logits.detach().cpu().numpy()) else: preds[0] = np.append(preds[0], logits.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0) preds = preds[0] pred_probs = softmax(preds, axis=1) pred_label_ids_3way = list(np.argmax(pred_probs, axis=1)) pred_prob_entail = list(pred_probs[:, 0]) assert len(example_id_list) == len(pred_prob_entail) assert len(example_id_list) == len(gold_label_ids) assert len(example_id_list) == len(pred_label_ids_3way) best_current_dev_acc = 0.0 best_current_threshold = -10.0 for threshold in np.arange(0.99, 0.0, -0.01): eval_output_list = build_GAP_output_format( example_id_list, gold_label_ids, pred_prob_entail, pred_label_ids_3way, threshold, dev_or_test='validation') dev_acc = run_scorer( '/export/home/Dataset/gap_coreference/gap-validation.tsv', eval_output_list) if dev_acc > best_current_dev_acc: best_current_dev_acc = dev_acc best_current_threshold = threshold print('best_current_dev_threshold:', best_current_threshold, 'best_current_dev_acc:', best_current_dev_acc) if best_current_dev_acc > max_dev_acc: max_dev_acc = best_current_dev_acc max_dev_threshold = best_current_threshold '''eval on test set'''"***** Running test *****")" Num examples = %d", len(test_examples)) eval_loss = 0 nb_eval_steps = 0 preds = [] gold_label_ids = [] example_id_list = [] for _, batch in enumerate( tqdm(test_dataloader, desc="test")): input_indices, input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, _, label_ids = batch input_ids = input_mask = segment_ids = label_ids = example_ids = list(input_indices.numpy()) example_id_list += example_ids gold_label_ids += list( label_ids.detach().cpu().numpy()) with torch.no_grad(): logits = model(input_ids, input_mask) if len(preds) == 0: preds.append(logits.detach().cpu().numpy()) else: preds[0] = np.append( preds[0], logits.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0) preds = preds[0] pred_probs = softmax(preds, axis=1) pred_label_ids_3way = list( np.argmax(pred_probs, axis=1)) pred_prob_entail = list(pred_probs[:, 0]) assert len(example_id_list) == len(pred_prob_entail) assert len(example_id_list) == len(gold_label_ids) assert len(example_id_list) == len(pred_label_ids_3way) threshold = max_dev_threshold eval_output_list = build_GAP_output_format( example_id_list, gold_label_ids, pred_prob_entail, pred_label_ids_3way, threshold, dev_or_test='test') test_acc = run_scorer( '/export/home/Dataset/gap_coreference/gap-test.tsv', eval_output_list) if test_acc > max_test_acc: max_test_acc = test_acc print('current_test_acc:', test_acc, ' max_test_acc:', max_test_acc) final_test_performance = test_acc print('final_test_performance:', final_test_performance)
def _row_normalize(count_graph, diagonal_value=None, normalized_by_softmax=False, skip_zero_row=False): """ Normalize the count graph Parameters ---------- count_graph diagonal_value: float or None normalized_by_softmax skip_zero_row Examples -------- >>> _count_graph = [[0, 0, 0], [2, 8, 10], [82, 8, 0]] >>> _row_normalize(_count_graph, diagonal_value=0, skip_zero_row=True) [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.16666666666666666, 0.0, 0.8333333333333334], [0.9111111111111111, 0.08888888888888889, 0.0]] >>> _count_graph = [[0, 0], [2, 8]] >>> _row_normalize(_count_graph) [[0.5, 0.5], [0.2, 0.8]] >>> _count_graph = [[2, 3], [2, 8]] >>> _row_normalize(_count_graph) [[0.4, 0.6], [0.2, 0.8]] >>> _count_graph = [[0, 0], [2, 8]] >>> _row_normalize(_count_graph, normalized_by_softmax=True) [[0.5, 0.5], [0.002472623156634775, 0.9975273768433656]] >>> _count_graph = [[2, 3], [2, 8]] >>> _row_normalize(_count_graph, normalized_by_softmax=True) [[0.26894142136999505, 0.7310585786300048], [0.002472623156634775, 0.9975273768433656]] >>> _count_graph = [[0, 0, 0], [2, 8, 10], [82, 8, 0]] >>> _row_normalize(_count_graph, diagonal_value=0) [[0.0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.16666666666666666, 0.0, 0.8333333333333334], [0.9111111111111111, 0.08888888888888889, 0.0]] >>> _count_graph = [[0, 0, 0], [2, 8, 10], [82, 8, 0]] >>> import numpy as np >>> np.asarray(_row_normalize(_count_graph, normalized_by_softmax=True)) array([[3.33333333e-01, 3.33333333e-01, 3.33333333e-01], [2.95387223e-04, 1.19167711e-01, 8.80536902e-01], [1.00000000e+00, 7.28129018e-33, 2.44260074e-36]]) >>> np.asarray(_row_normalize(_count_graph, normalized_by_softmax=True, diagonal_value=0.0)) array([[0.00000000e+00, 5.00000000e-01, 5.00000000e-01], [3.35350130e-04, 0.00000000e+00, 9.99664650e-01], [1.00000000e+00, 7.28129018e-33, 0.00000000e+00]]) """ _graph = np.asarray(count_graph) zero_rows_indices = None if skip_zero_row: zero_rows_indices = np.sum(_graph, axis=-1) == 0 if normalized_by_softmax: if diagonal_value is None: _graph = softmax(_graph, axis=-1) else: _graph = _graph.astype(float) np.fill_diagonal(_graph, -np.inf) _graph = softmax(_graph, axis=-1) if diagonal_value is not None: np.fill_diagonal(_graph, diagonal_value) else: _offset_graph = _graph + 1e-50 if diagonal_value is not None: np.fill_diagonal(_offset_graph, 0.0) _graph = (_offset_graph.T / _offset_graph.sum(axis=-1)).T _graph[_graph <= 1e-40] = 0.0 np.fill_diagonal(_graph, diagonal_value) else: _graph = (_offset_graph.T / _offset_graph.sum(axis=-1)).T _graph[_graph <= 1e-40] = 0.0 if skip_zero_row: _graph[zero_rows_indices] = 0.0 return _graph.tolist()