Esempio n. 1
    def solve(self, init, x):
        A = np.zeros((2, 2))
        A[0][0] = special.sph_jn(self.l, self.function(x[0]))[0][self.l]
        A[0][1] = special.sph_yn(self.l, self.function(x[0]))[0][self.l]
        A[1][0] = self.function.deriv(1)(x[0]) * special.sph_jn(
            self.l, self.function(x[0]))[1][self.l]
        A[1][1] = self.function.deriv(1)(x[0]) * special.sph_yn(
            self.l, self.function(x[0]))[1][self.l]

        c = np.linalg.solve(A, init)

        y = np.zeros((len(x), 2))
        for i in range(len(x)):
            for j in range(2):
                if j == 0:
                    y[i][j] = \
                    c[0]*special.sph_jn(self.l,self.function(x[i]))[j][self.l] + \

                elif j == 1:
                    y[i][j] = \
                    c[0]*self.function.deriv(1)(x[i])*special.sph_jn(self.l,self.function(x[i]))[j][self.l] + \
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        return y
Esempio n. 2
def test_mie_internal_coeffs():
    m = 1.5 + 0.1j
    x = 50.
    n_stop = miescatlib.nstop(x)
    al, bl = miescatlib.scatcoeffs(m, x, n_stop)
    cl, dl = miescatlib.internal_coeffs(m, x, n_stop)
    jlx = sph_jn(n_stop, x)[0][1:]
    jlmx = sph_jn(n_stop, m * x)[0][1:]
    hlx = jlx + 1.j * sph_yn(n_stop, x)[0][1:]

    assert_allclose(cl, (jlx - hlx * bl) / jlmx, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6)
    assert_allclose(dl, (jlx - hlx * al) / (m * jlmx), rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6)
Esempio n. 3
def test_mie_internal_coeffs():
    m = 1.5 + 0.1j
    x = 50.
    n_stop = miescatlib.nstop(x)
    al, bl = miescatlib.scatcoeffs(m, x, n_stop)
    cl, dl = miescatlib.internal_coeffs(m, x, n_stop)
    jlx = sph_jn(n_stop, x)[0][1:]
    jlmx = sph_jn(n_stop, m * x)[0][1:]
    hlx = jlx + 1.j * sph_yn(n_stop, x)[0][1:]
    assert_allclose(cl, (jlx - hlx * bl) / jlmx, rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-6)
    assert_allclose(dl, (jlx - hlx * al)/ (m * jlmx), rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-6)
Esempio n. 4
def bessel(l, q):
    q : product of k.del(r) 
    l : order of the spherical bessel function; 
    ToDo: Instead of closed form (form Mathematica), think about just using special.sph_jn(l,q) from python
    if l == 0:
        if q == 0:
            return 1

        return np.sin(q) / q
    elif l == 2:
        if q == 0:
            return 0
        return (-3 * np.cos(q)) / q**2 + ((3 - q**2) * np.sin(q)) / q**3

    elif l == 4:
        if q == 0:
            return 0
        return (5 * (-21 + 2 * q**2) * np.cos(q)) / q**4 + (
            (105 - 45 * q**2 + q**4) * np.sin(q)) / q**5
        jn = special.sph_jn(l, q)[0][
            2]  #this routine in python computes the spehrical bessel function and its first
        #derivates. I only want one value. See documentation
        return jn
Esempio n. 5
def jn_zeros(n, k, method="sympy", dps=15):
    Zeros of the spherical Bessel function of the first kind.

    This returns an array of zeros of jn up to the k-th zero.

    * method = "sympy": uses mpmath besseljzero
    * method = "scipy": uses the SciPy's sph_jn and newton to find all
      roots, which is faster than computing the zeros using a general
      numerical solver, but it requires SciPy and only works with low
      precision floating point numbers.  [the function used with
      method="sympy" is a recent addition to mpmath, before that a general
      solver was used]


    >>> from sympy import jn_zeros
    >>> jn_zeros(2, 4, dps=5)
    [5.7635, 9.095, 12.323, 15.515]

    See Also

    jn, yn, besselj, besselk, bessely
    from math import pi

    if method == "sympy":
        from sympy.mpmath import besseljzero
        from sympy.mpmath.libmp.libmpf import dps_to_prec
        from sympy import Expr
        prec = dps_to_prec(dps)
        return [Expr._from_mpmath(besseljzero(S(n + 0.5)._to_mpmath(prec),
                                              int(k)), prec)
                for k in xrange(1, k + 1)]
    elif method == "scipy":
        from scipy.special import sph_jn
        from scipy.optimize import newton
        f = lambda x: sph_jn(n, x)[0][-1]
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown method.")

    def solver(f, x):
        if method == "scipy":
            root = newton(f, x)
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown method.")
        return root

    # we need to approximate the position of the first root:
    root = n + pi
    # determine the first root exactly:
    root = solver(f, root)
    roots = [root]
    for i in range(k - 1):
        # estimate the position of the next root using the last root + pi:
        root = solver(f, root + pi)
    return roots
    def jpseudize(self, a_g, gc, l=0, points=4):
        """Construct spherical Bessel function continuation of a_g for g<gc.
        Returns (b_g, b(0)/r^l) such that b_g=a_g for g >= gc and::
            b = Sum c_p j (q r )
             g  p=0      l  p g

        for g < gc+P, where.

        from scipy.special import sph_jn
        from scipy.optimize import brentq

        if a_g[gc] == 0:
            return self.zeros(), 0.0

        assert isinstance(gc, int) and gc > 10

        zeros_l = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                   [1.430, 2.459, 3.471, 4.477, 5.482, 6.484],
                   [1.835, 2.895, 3.923, 4.938, 5.949, 6.956],
                   [2.224, 3.316, 4.360, 5.387, 6.405, 7.418]]
        # Logarithmic derivative:
        ld =[-1 / 60, 3 / 20, -3 / 4, 0, 3 / 4, -3 / 20, 1 / 60],
                    a_g[gc - 3:gc + 4]) / a_g[gc] / self.dr_g[gc]
        rc = self.r_g[gc]

        def f(q):
            j, dj = (y[-1] for y in sph_jn(l, q * rc))
            return dj * q - j * ld

        j_pg = self.empty(points - 1)
        q_p = np.empty(points - 1)

        zeros = zeros_l[l]
        if rc * ld > l:
            z1 = zeros[0]
            zeros = zeros[1:]
            z1 = 0
        x = 0.01
        for p, z2 in enumerate(zeros[:points - 1]):
            q = brentq(f, z1 * pi / rc + x, z2 * pi / rc - x)
            j_pg[p] = [sph_jn(l, q * r)[0][-1] for r in self.r_g]
            q_p[p] = q
            z1 = z2

        C_dg = [[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                [1 / 90, -3 / 20, 3 / 2, -49 / 18, 3 / 2, -3 / 20, 1 / 90],
                [1 / 8, -1, 13 / 8, 0, -13 / 8, 1, -1 / 8],
                [-1 / 6, 2, -13 / 2, 28 / 3, -13 / 2, 2, -1 / 6]][:points - 1]
        c_p = np.linalg.solve(, j_pg[:, gc - 3:gc + 4].T),
                    , a_g[gc - 3:gc + 4]))
        b_g = a_g.copy()
        b_g[:gc + 2] =, j_pg[:, :gc + 2])
        return b_g,, q_p**l) * 2**l * fac[l] / fac[2 * l + 1]
Esempio n. 7
    def jpseudize(self, a_g, gc, l=0, points=4):
        """Construct spherical Bessel function continuation of a_g for g<gc.

        Returns (b_g, b(0)/r^l) such that b_g=a_g for g >= gc and::

            b = Sum c_p j (q r )
             g  p=0      l  p g

        for g < gc+P, where.

        from scipy.special import sph_jn
        from scipy.optimize import brentq

        if a_g[gc] == 0:
            return self.zeros(), 0.0

        assert isinstance(gc, int) and gc > 10

        zeros_l = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                   [1.430, 2.459, 3.471, 4.477, 5.482, 6.484],
                   [1.835, 2.895, 3.923, 4.938, 5.949, 6.956],
                   [2.224, 3.316, 4.360, 5.387, 6.405, 7.418]]

        # Logarithmic derivative:
        ld =[-1 / 60, 3 / 20, -3 / 4, 0, 3 / 4, -3 / 20, 1 / 60],
                    a_g[gc - 3:gc + 4]) / a_g[gc] / self.dr_g[gc]

        rc = self.r_g[gc]

        def f(q):
            j, dj = (y[-1] for y in sph_jn(l, q * rc))
            return dj * q - j * ld

        j_pg = self.empty(points - 1)
        q_p = np.empty(points - 1)

        zeros = zeros_l[l]
        if rc * ld > l:
            z1 = zeros[0]
            zeros = zeros[1:]
            z1 = 0
        x = 0.01
        for p, z2 in enumerate(zeros[:points - 1]):
            q = brentq(f, z1 * pi / rc + x, z2 * pi / rc - x)
            j_pg[p] = [sph_jn(l, q * r)[0][-1] for r in self.r_g]
            q_p[p] = q
            z1 = z2

        C_dg = [[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                [1 / 90, -3 / 20, 3 / 2, -49 / 18, 3 / 2, -3 / 20, 1 / 90],
                [1 / 8, -1, 13 / 8, 0, -13 / 8, 1, -1 / 8],
                [-1 / 6, 2, -13 / 2, 28 / 3, -13 / 2, 2, -1 / 6]][:points - 1]
        c_p = np.linalg.solve(, j_pg[:, gc - 3:gc + 4].T),
                    , a_g[gc - 3:gc + 4]))
        b_g = a_g.copy()
        b_g[:gc + 2] =, j_pg[:, :gc + 2])
        return b_g,, q_p**l) * 2**l * fac(l) / fac(2 * l + 1)
Esempio n. 8
def translator (r, s, phi, theta, l):
	Compute the diagonal translator for a translation distance r, a
	translation direction s, azimuthal samples specified in the array phi,
	polar samples specified in the array theta, and a truncation point l.

	# The radial argument
	kr = 2. * math.pi * r

	# Compute the radial component
	hl = spec.sph_jn(l, kr)[0] + 1j * spec.sph_yn(l, kr)[0]
	# Multiply the radial component by scale factors in the translator
	m = numpy.arange(l + 1)
	hl *= (1j / 4. / math.pi) * (1j)**m * (2. * m + 1.)

	# Compute Legendre angle argument dot(s,sd) for sample directions sd
	stheta = numpy.sin(theta)[:,numpy.newaxis]
	sds = (s[0] * stheta * numpy.cos(phi)[numpy.newaxis,:]
			+ s[1] * stheta * numpy.sin(phi)[numpy.newaxis,:]
			+ s[2] * numpy.cos(theta)[:,numpy.newaxis])

	# Initialize the translator
	tr = 0

	# Sum the terms of the translator
	for hv, pv in zip(hl, poly.legpoly(sds, l)): tr += hv * pv
	return tr
Esempio n. 9
 def uExactDirichletTrace(self, point):
     x, y, z = point
     r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
     hD, dhD = sph_jn(self.l_max,
                      self.kExt) + 1j * sph_yn(self.l_max, self.kExt * r)
     Y, dY = lpn(self.l_max, x / r)
     return (self.cDir * hD * Y).sum()
def bessel(l, q):
    q : product of k.del(r) 
    l : order of the spherical bessel function; sensible values = 0,2,4
    if l == 0:
        if q == 0:
            return 1
        return np.sin(q)/q
    elif l == 2:
        if q == 0:
            return 0
        return (-3*np.cos(q))/q**2 + ((3 - q**2)*np.sin(q))/q**3
    elif l == 4:
        if q == 0:
            return 0
        return (5*(-21 + 2*q**2)*np.cos(q))/q**4 + ((105 - 45*q**2 + q**4)*np.sin(q))/q**5
        print("L must be 0, 2 or 4")

    sphbessel = special.sph_jn(l, q)[0][l]
    return sphbessel
Esempio n. 11
def jn_zeros(n, k, method="sympy", dps=15):
    Zeros of the spherical Bessel function of the first kind.

    This returns an array of zeros of jn up to the k-th zero.

    * method = "sympy": uses mpmath besseljzero
    * method = "scipy": uses the SciPy's sph_jn and newton to find all
      roots, which is faster than computing the zeros using a general
      numerical solver, but it requires SciPy and only works with low
      precision floating point numbers.  [the function used with
      method="sympy" is a recent addition to mpmath, before that a general
      solver was used]


    >>> from sympy import jn_zeros
    >>> jn_zeros(2, 4, dps=5)
    [5.7635, 9.095, 12.323, 15.515]

    See Also

    jn, yn, besselj, besselk, bessely
    from math import pi

    if method == "sympy":
        from sympy.mpmath import besseljzero
        from sympy.mpmath.libmp.libmpf import dps_to_prec
        from sympy import Expr
        prec = dps_to_prec(dps)
        return [Expr._from_mpmath(besseljzero(S(n + 0.5)._to_mpmath(prec),
                                              int(k)), prec) \
                for k in xrange(1, k + 1)]
    elif method == "scipy":
        from scipy.special import sph_jn
        from scipy.optimize import newton
        f = lambda x: sph_jn(n, x)[0][-1]
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown method.")

    def solver(f, x):
        if method == "scipy":
            root = newton(f, x)
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown method.")
        return root

    # we need to approximate the position of the first root:
    root = n + pi
    # determine the first root exactly:
    root = solver(f, root)
    roots = [root]
    for i in range(k - 1):
        # estimate the position of the next root using the last root + pi:
        root = solver(f, root + pi)
    return roots
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, k):
        self.k = k
        self.kExt = k

        l_max = 200
        l = np.arange(0, l_max + 1)

        jExt, djExt = sph_jn(l_max, self.kExt)
        yExt, dyExt = sph_yn(l_max, self.kExt)
        hExt = jExt + 1j * yExt

        aInc = (2 * l + 1) * 1j**l

        np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')

        cBound = 1 / (1j * self.kExt) / hExt
        cDir = jExt / hExt

        for l in range(l_max + 1):
            if abs(cBound[l]) < 1e-16:
                # neglect all further terms
                l_max = l - 1
                aInc = aInc[:l]
                cBound = cBound[:l]
                cDir = cDir[:l]

        self.cDir = cDir
        self.aInc = aInc
        self.cBound = cBound
        self.l_max = l_max
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, k):
        self.k = k
        kExt = k

        l_max = 200
        l = np.arange(0, l_max + 1)

        jExt, djExt = sph_jn(l_max, kExt)
        yExt, dyExt = sph_yn(l_max, kExt)
        hExt = jExt + 1j * yExt

        aInc = (2 * l + 1) * 1j ** l

        np.seterr(divide='ignore',  invalid='ignore')
        cBound = 1/(1j * kExt) / hExt
        cDir = jExt / hExt
        cBoundSq = (2l + 1) * 1j ** (l-2) / (hExt**2) / (kExt**2) / jExt 
        for l in range(l_max + 1):
            if abs(cBound[l]) < 1e-16:
                # neglect all further terms
                l_max = l - 1
                aInc = aInc[:l]
                cBound = cBound[:l]
                cBoundSq = cBoundSq[:l]
                cDir = cDir[:l]

        self.cDir = cDir
        self.aInc = aInc
        self.cBound = cBound
        self.l_max = l_max
        self.cBoundSq = cBoundSq
Esempio n. 14
def jl(l,k):
    q = k
    if l == 0:
        if q == 0:
            return 1
        return np.sin(q)/q
    elif l == 2:
        if q == 0:
            return 0
        return (-3*np.cos(q))/q**2 + ((3 - q**2)*np.sin(q))/q**3
    elif l ==3:
        if q ==0:
            return 0
        return (   ((-15+q**2) * np.cos(q))/q**3 - (3* (-5+2*q**2) * np.sin(q) )/q**4   )
    elif l == 4:
        if q == 0:
            return 0
        return (5*(-21 + 2*q**2)*np.cos(q))/q**4 + ((105 - 45*q**2 + q**4)*np.sin(q))/q**5
        #print("L must be 0, 2 or 4")
        sphbessel = special.sph_jn(l,k)[0][l]
        return sphbessel
Esempio n. 15
File: Progetto: Aang/sympy
def jn_zeros(n, k, method="sympy"):
    Zeros of the spherical Bessel function of the first kind.

    This returns an array of zeros of jn up to the k-th zero.

    method = "sympy": uses the SymPy's jn and findroot to find all roots
    method = "scipy": uses the SciPy's sph_jn and newton to find all roots,
            which if faster than method="sympy", but it requires SciPy and only
            works with low precision floating point numbers


        >>> from sympy.mpmath import nprint
        >>> from sympy import jn_zeros
        >>> nprint(jn_zeros(2, 4))
        [5.76345919689, 9.09501133048, 12.3229409706, 15.5146030109]

    if method == "sympy":
        from sympy.mpmath import findroot
        f = lambda x: jn(n, x).n()
    elif method == "scipy":
        from scipy.special import sph_jn
        from scipy.optimize import newton
        f  = lambda x: sph_jn(n, x)[0][-1]
    elif method == 'mpmath':
        # this needs a recent version of mpmath, newer than in sympy
        from mpmath import besseljzero
        return [besseljzero(n + 0.5, k) for k in xrange(1, k + 1)]
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown method.")
    def solver(f, x):
        if method == "sympy":
            # findroot(solver="newton") or findroot(solver="secant") can't find
            # the root within the given tolerance. So we use solver="muller",
            # which converges towards complex roots (even for real starting
            # points), and so we need to chop all complex parts (that are small
            # anyway). Also we need to set the tolerance, as it sometimes fail
            # without it.
            def f_real(x):
                return f(complex(x).real)
            root = findroot(f_real, x, solver="muller", tol=1e-9)
            root = complex(root).real
        elif method == "scipy":
            root = newton(f, x)
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown method.")
        return root

    # we need to approximate the position of the first root:
    root = n+pi
    # determine the first root exactly:
    root = solver(f, root)
    roots = [root]
    for i in range(k-1):
        # estimate the position of the next root using the last root + pi:
        root = solver(f, root+pi)
    return roots
Esempio n. 16
 def ASq(self, L):
     integrand = lambda kl: np.power(sph_jn(L, self.Lbox*kl)[0][-1], 2.0)*np.power(kl, self.ns-2.0)
     const = 64.*np.pi*self.A/(np.power(self.k0, self.ns-1.0))
     klmax = np.pi/self.Lbox
     intresult = integrate.quad(integrand, self.klmin, klmax)
     return self.asq0
Esempio n. 17
 def uExactBoundaryDirichletTrace(self, point, normal, domain_index,
     x, y, z = point
     r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
     hD, dhD = sph_jn(self.l_max,
                      self.kExt) + 1j * sph_yn(self.l_max, self.kExt * r)
     Y, dY = lpn(self.l_max, x / r)
     result[0] = (self.cDir * hD * Y).sum()
Esempio n. 18
def bessel(l, q):
    q : product of k.del(r) 
    l : order of the spherical bessel function; L=l, l-1, l+2
    sphbessel = special.sph_jn(l, q)[0][l]
    return sphbessel
Esempio n. 19
def _sph_jn(n, x, derivative=False):

    sph_jn, deriv_sph_jn = special.sph_jn(n, x)

    if derivative:
        return deriv_sph_jn
        return sph_jn
Esempio n. 20
 def ASq(self, L):
     integrand = lambda kl: np.power(sph_jn(L, self.Lbox * kl)[0][-1], 2.0
                                     ) * np.power(kl, self.ns - 2.0)
     const = 64. * np.pi * self.A / (np.power(self.k0, self.ns - 1.0))
     klmax = np.pi / self.Lbox
     intresult = integrate.quad(integrand, self.klmin, klmax)
     self.asq0 = const * intresult[0]
     self.L = L
     return self.asq0
Esempio n. 21
    def solve(self, E=0.5):
        e = 5.9
        s = 1. # 3.57 A, but we normalized to s
        r0 = .5
        mh = 6.12

        # find the position of the initial value for the numerov algorithm
        r0_pos = bisect_left(self._r, r0)
        # .... and initialize the solution up to that point using the solution for small r
        self._u[:r0_pos+1] = map(lambda r: exp(-sqrt(6.12*e/25.)/r**5), self._r[:r0_pos+1])

        def solve4l(l):
            def CombinedPotential(r):
                return LennardJonesPotential(e, s, r) + l*(l+1)/(mh*r**2)

            # initialize the (combined) potential
            self._V = array(map(lambda r: CombinedPotential(r), self._r))

            # initialize the k's, based on the potential
            self._k = mh*(E-self._V)

            for i in xrange(r0_pos, len(self._r)-1):
                self._u[i+1] = numerov(self._dr, self._k[i], self._u[i], self._k[i-1], self._u[i-1], self._k[i+1])

        l_max = 10
        s_tot = 0.
        for l in range(0, l_max+1):

            r1 = self._r[-4]
            u1 = self._u[-4]
            r2 = self._r[-1]
            u2 = self._u[-1]

            K = r1*u2/(r2*u1)

            k = sqrt(E*mh)

            delta = arctan2( K*sph_jn(l, k*r1)[0][l] - sph_jn(l, k*r2)[0][l] , K*sph_yn(l, k*r1)[0][l] - sph_yn(l, k*r2)[0][l] )
            s_tot += (2*l + 1)*sin(delta)**2 * 4*pi/k**2

        print s_tot
        return s_tot
Esempio n. 22
def Get_g_legendre():
    ll = np.genfromtxt('Job_output_0/green_legendre_0.txt').transpose()[0]
    NL = len(ll)
    tnl = np.zeros([N_OMEGA,NL], np.complex_)
    l= np.arange(NL)
    # recover g(iw) from the legendre polynomial measurements, see 
    for i in range(N_OMEGA):
    g =
Esempio n. 23
def riccati_1(nmax, x):
    """Riccati bessel function of the 1st kind

       returns (r1, r1'), n=0,1,...,nmax"""

    jn, jnp = special.sph_jn(nmax, x)

    r0 = x * jn
    r1 = jn + x * jnp
    return np.array([r0, r1])
Esempio n. 24
def amplitude(wf, R, edash, mu):
    # Mies    F ~ JA + NB       J ~ sin(kR)/kR
    # normalization sqrt(2 mu/pu hbar^2) = zz
    zz = np.sqrt(2*mu/const.pi)/const.hbar

    oo, n, nopen = wf.shape

    # two asymptotic points on wavefunction wf[:, j]
    i1 = oo-5
    i2 = i1-1
    x1 = R[i1]*1.0e-10
    x2 = R[i2]*1.0e-10

    A = np.zeros((nopen, nopen))
    B = np.zeros((nopen, nopen))
    oc = 0
    for j in range(n):
        if edash[j] < 0:
        # open channel
        ke = np.sqrt(2*mu*edash[j]*const.e)/const.hbar
        rtk = np.sqrt(ke)
        kex1 = ke*x1
        kex2 = ke*x2

        j1 = sph_jn(0, kex1)[0]*x1*rtk*zz
        y1 = sph_yn(0, kex1)[0]*x1*rtk*zz

        j2 = sph_jn(0, kex2)[0]*x2*rtk*zz
        y2 = sph_yn(0, kex2)[0]*x2*rtk*zz

        det = j1*y2 - j2*y1

        for k in range(nopen):
            A[oc, k] = (y2*wf[i1, j, k] - y1*wf[i2, j, k])/det
            B[oc, k] = (j1*wf[i2, j, k] - j2*wf[i1, j, k])/det

        oc += 1

    AI = linalg.inv(A)
    K = B @ AI

    return K, AI, B
Esempio n. 25
def SpherePlaneWave(k,x):
    """Find acoustic potential from planewave [1,0,0] scattered
    by sphere of radius 1.
    Potentials are solved for a points
    p = r*cos(x) and so r must be the same for all points."""
    theta = np.arccos(x)

    while any(badcells)==False:
        N += 100
        n = np.arange(N+1)

        djnka = sph_jn(N,ka)[1]
        dynka = sph_yn(N,ka)[1]
        dhnka = djnka + 1j*dynka
        jnkr = sph_jn(N,kr)[0]
        ynkr = sph_yn(N,kr)[0]
        hnkr = jnkr + 1j*ynkr

        pscat= - (1j**n) * (2*n+1) * djnka * hnkr / dhnka

        badcells = np.isnan(pscat)+np.isinf(pscat)

    pscat = np.repeat([pscat],x.size,axis=0) * Pn(N,np.cos(theta)) 
    pscat = pscat.compress(np.logical_not(badcells),axis=1)

    pinc = np.exp(1j*k*x)

    return np.sum(pscat,axis=1) + pinc
Esempio n. 26
def Get_g_legendre():
    ll = np.genfromtxt('Job_output_0/green_legendre_0.txt').transpose()[0]
    NL = len(ll)
    tnl = np.zeros([N_OMEGA, NL], np.complex_)
    l = np.arange(NL)
    # recover g(iw) from the legendre polynomial measurements, see
    for i in range(N_OMEGA):
        tnl[i] = (-1)**i * (1j)**(l + 1) * np.sqrt(2 * l + 1) * sph_jn(
            NL - 1, (2 * i + 1) * pi / 2)[0]
    g =
    return (np.hstack([-g[::-1], g]))
Esempio n. 27
    def populate_instance_response_matrix(self,truncated_nmax=None, truncated_nmin=None,truncated_lmax=None, truncated_lmin=None, usedefault=1):
        Populate the R matrix for the default range of l and n, or
        or over the range specified above

        if usedefault == 1:
            truncated_nmax = self.truncated_nmax
            truncated_nmin = self.truncated_nmin
            truncated_lmax = self.truncated_lmax
            truncated_lmin = self.truncated_lmin
            lms = self.lms
            kfilter = self.kfilter    
            low_k_cutoff = truncated_nmin*self.Deltak
            high_k_cutoff = truncated_nmax*self.Deltak
            lms = [(l, m) for l in range(truncated_lmin,truncated_lmax+1) for m in range(-l, l+1)]
        # Initialize R matrix:
        NY = (truncated_lmax + 1)**2-(truncated_lmin)**2
        # Find the indices of the non-zero elements of the filter
        ind = np.where(self.kfilter>0)
        # The n index spans 2x that length, 1st half for the cos coefficients, 2nd half
        #    for the sin coefficients
        NN = 2*len(ind[1])
        R_long = np.zeros([NY,NN], dtype=np.complex128)

        # In case we need n1, n2, n3 at some point...:
        #    n1, n2, n3 = self.kx[ind]/self.Deltak ,[ind]/self.Deltak,[ind]/self.Deltak
        k, theta, phi = self.k[ind], np.arctan2([ind],self.kx[ind]), np.arccos([ind]/self.k[ind])
        # We need to fix the 'nan' theta element that came from having ky=0
        theta[np.isnan(theta)] = np.pi/2.0
        # Get ready to loop over y
        y = 0
        A = [sph_jn(truncated_lmax,ki)[0] for ki in k]        
        # Loop over y, computing elements of R_yn 
        for i in lms:        
            l = i[0]
            m = i[1]
            trigpart = np.cos(np.pi*l/2.0)
            B = np.asarray([A[ki][l] for ki in range(len(k))])
            R_long[y,:NN/2] = 4.0 * np.pi * sph_harm(m,l,theta,phi).reshape(NN/2)*B.reshape(NN/2) * trigpart

            trigpart = np.sin(np.pi*l/2.0)
            R_long[y,NN/2:] = 4.0 * np.pi * sph_harm(m,l,theta,phi).reshape(NN/2)*B.reshape(NN/2)* trigpart
            y = y+1
        self.R = np.zeros([NY,len(ind[1])], dtype=np.complex128)
        self.R = np.append(R_long[:,0:len(ind[1])/2], R_long[:,len(ind[1]):3*len(ind[1])/2], axis=1)
Esempio n. 28
def sh2fld (k, clm, r, t, p, reg = True):
	Expand spherical harmonic coefficients clm for a wave number k over
	the grid range specified by spherical coordinates (r,t,p). Each
	coordinate should be a single-dimension array. If reg is False, use
	a singular expansion. Otherwise, use a regular one.

	# Pull out the maximum degree and the required matrix leading dimension
	deg, lda = clm.shape[1], 2 * clm.shape[1] - 1

	# If there are not enough harmonic orders, raise an exception
	if clm.shape[0] < lda:
		raise IndexError('Not enough harmonic coefficients.')

	# Otherwise, compress the coefficient matrix to eliminate excess values
	if clm.shape[0] > lda:
		clm = np.array([[clm[i,j] for j in range(deg)]
			for i in harmorder(deg-1)])

	# Compute the radial term
	if reg:
		# Perform a regular expansion
		jlr = np.array([spec.sph_jn(deg-1, k*rx)[0] for rx in r])
		# Perform a singular expansion
		jlr = np.array([spec.sph_jn(deg-1, k*rx)[0] +
			1j * spec.sph_yn(deg-1, k*rx)[0] for rx in r])

	# Compute the azimuthal term
	epm = np.array([[np.exp(1j * m * px) for px in p] for m in harmorder(deg-1)])

	shxp = lambda c, y: np.array([[c[m,l] * y[abs(m),l]
		for l in range(deg)] for m in harmorder(deg-1)])

	# Compute the polar term and multiply by harmonic coefficients
	ytlm = np.array([shxp(clm,poly.legassoc(deg-1,deg-1,tx)) for tx in t])

	# Return the product on the specified grid
	fld = np.tensordot(jlr, np.tensordot(ytlm, epm, axes=(1,0)), axes=(1,1))
	return fld.squeeze()
Esempio n. 29
def SpherePlaneWave(k, x):
    """Find acoustic potential from planewave [1,0,0] scattered
    by sphere of radius 1.
    Potentials are solved for a points
    p = r*cos(x) and so r must be the same for all points."""
    ka = k
    kr = k

    x = np.asarray(x, np.float).reshape(-1, )
    theta = np.arccos(x)

    N = 0
    badcells = False, False
    while any(badcells) == False:

        N += 100
        n = np.arange(N + 1)

        djnka = sph_jn(N, ka)[1]
        dynka = sph_yn(N, ka)[1]
        dhnka = djnka + 1j * dynka

        jnkr = sph_jn(N, kr)[0]
        ynkr = sph_yn(N, kr)[0]
        hnkr = jnkr + 1j * ynkr

        pscat = -(1j**n) * (2 * n + 1) * djnka * hnkr / dhnka

        badcells = np.isnan(pscat) + np.isinf(pscat)

    pscat = np.repeat([pscat], x.size, axis=0) * Pn(N, np.cos(theta))

    pscat = pscat.compress(np.logical_not(badcells), axis=1)

    pinc = np.exp(1j * k * x)

    return np.sum(pscat, axis=1) + pinc
Esempio n. 30
def bf_coeff(l, km, k0, etam, eta0, r):
    """Ratios between (b1lm,f1lm) and a1lm. See the single_spherical_wave_scatter.nb file"""
    sph_j_kmr = sph_jn(l, km*r)
    sph_j_k0r = sph_jn(l, k0*r)
    sph_y_k0r = sph_yn(l, k0*r)

    jm = sph_j_kmr[0][l]
    h01 = sph_j_k0r[0][l] + 1j * sph_y_k0r[0][l]
    h02 = sph_j_k0r[0][l] - 1j * sph_y_k0r[0][l]

    Jm = jm + km * r * sph_j_kmr[1][l]
    H01 = h01 + k0 * r * (sph_j_k0r[1][l] + 1j * sph_y_k0r[1][l])
    H02 = h02 + k0 * r * (sph_j_k0r[1][l] - 1j * sph_y_k0r[1][l])

    denom1 = h01*Jm*k0*eta0 - H01*jm*km*etam
    b1_a1 = - (h02*Jm*k0*eta0 - H02*jm*km*etam) / denom1
    f1_a1 = - k0 * sqrt(eta0*etam) * (H01*h02 - h01*H02) / denom1

    denom2 = (H01*jm*km*eta0 - h01*Jm*k0*etam)
    b2_a2 = - (H02*jm*km*eta0 - h02*Jm*k0*etam) / denom2
    f2_a2 = - k0 * sqrt(eta0*etam) * (-H01*h02 + h01*H02) / denom2
    return (b1_a1, f1_a1, b2_a2, f2_a2)
Esempio n. 31
def jn_sphere(n, x):
    """Spherical bessel function of first order with vector input, j1(k).

    Keyword arguments:
    n  -- order
    x -- array of input values

    Return values: 
    y -- output value for jn(x)

    out1, out2 = sph_jn(n, x)
    return out1[-1]
Esempio n. 32
def populate_response_matrix(self):
    Populate the R matrix for the default range of l and n, or
    or over the range specified above

    truncated_nmax = Universe.truncated_nmax
    truncated_nmin = Universe.truncated_nmin
    truncated_lmax = Universe.truncated_lmax
    truncated_lmin = Universe.truncated_lmin
    lms = Universe.lms
    kfilter = Universe.kfilter

    # Initialize R matrix:
    NY = (truncated_lmax + 1)**2 - (truncated_lmin)**2
    # Find the indices of the non-zero elements of the filter
    ind = np.where(Universe.kfilter > 0)
    # The n index spans 2x that length, 1st half for the cos coefficients, 2nd half
    #    for the sin coefficients
    NN = 2 * len(ind[1])
    R_long = np.zeros([NY, NN], dtype=np.complex128)

    k, theta, phi = Universe.k[ind], np.arctan2([ind],
        Universe.kx[ind]), np.arccos([ind] / Universe.k[ind])
    # We need to fix the 'nan' theta element that came from having ky=0
    theta[np.isnan(theta)] = np.pi / 2.0

    # Get ready to loop over y
    y = 0
    A = [sph_jn(truncated_lmax, ki)[0] for ki in k]
    # Loop over y, computing elements of R_yn
    for i in lms:
        l = i[0]
        m = i[1]

        trigpart = np.cos(np.pi * l / 2.0)
        B = np.asarray([A[ki][l] for ki in range(len(k))])
        R_long[y, :NN / 2] = 4.0 * np.pi * sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi).reshape(
            NN / 2) * B.reshape(NN / 2) * trigpart
        trigpart = np.sin(np.pi * l / 2.0)
        R_long[y, NN / 2:] = 4.0 * np.pi * sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi).reshape(
            NN / 2) * B.reshape(NN / 2) * trigpart

        y = y + 1
    Universe.R = np.zeros([NY, len(ind[1])], dtype=np.complex128)
    Universe.R = np.append(R_long[:, 0:len(ind[1]) / 2],
                           R_long[:, len(ind[1]):3 * len(ind[1]) / 2],
Esempio n. 33
def SpherePlaneWave2(k, a, r, theta, just_scattered=False):
    """Find acoustic potential from planewave [1,0,0] scattered
    by sphere of radius 1."""
    ka = k * a
    x = r * np.cos(theta)

    N = 0
    badcells = False, False
    while np.any(badcells) == False:

        N += 100
        n = np.arange(N + 1)

        djnka = sph_jn(N, ka)[1]
        dynka = sph_yn(N, ka)[1]
        dhnka = djnka + 1j * dynka

        djnka = np.repeat([djnka], r.size, axis=0).reshape(r.size, N + 1)
        dhnka = np.repeat([dhnka], r.size, axis=0).reshape(r.size, N + 1)

        jnkr = np.vstack([sph_jn(N, kr)[0] for kr in k * r])
        ynkr = np.vstack([sph_yn(N, kr)[0] for kr in k * r])
        hnkr = jnkr + 1j * ynkr

        pscat = -(1j**n) * (2 * n + 1) * djnka * hnkr / dhnka

        badcells = np.isnan(pscat) + np.isinf(pscat)

    pscat *= Pn(N, np.cos(theta))

    pscat = pscat.compress(np.all(np.logical_not(badcells) == True, axis=0),

    if just_scattered: return np.sum(pscat, axis=1)
    else: return np.sum(pscat, axis=1) + np.exp(1j * k * x)
Esempio n. 34
def ComputeInterstitialOverlap(Km, RMuffinTin, Vol):
    """ Overlap in the interstitials can be calculated outside the k-loop
        Please see Eq.46 on page 26 for the quantity O_{K'K}^I
    Olap_I = zeros((len(Km), len(Km)), dtype=float)
    for i in range(len(Km)):
        #Olap_I[i,i] = 1 - 4*pi*RMuffinTin**3/(3.*Vol)
        Olap_I[i, i] = 1 - 4 * pi * pow(RMuffinTin, 3) / (3. * Vol)
        for j in range(i + 1, len(Km)):
            KKl = sqrt(dot(Km[i] - Km[j], Km[i] - Km[j]))
            fbessel = special.sph_jn(1, KKl * RMuffinTin)[0][1]
            #Olap_I[i,j] = -4*pi*RMuffinTin**2*fbessel/(KKl*Vol)
            Olap_I[i, j] = -4 * pi * pow(RMuffinTin, 2) * fbessel / (KKl * Vol)
            Olap_I[j, i] = Olap_I[i, j]
    return Olap_I
Esempio n. 35
def SpherePlaneWave2(k,a,r,theta,just_scattered=False):
    """Find acoustic potential from planewave [1,0,0] scattered
    by sphere of radius 1."""
    x = r*np.cos(theta)
    while np.any(badcells)==False:
        N += 100
        n = np.arange(N+1)

        djnka = sph_jn(N,ka)[1]
        dynka = sph_yn(N,ka)[1]
        dhnka = djnka + 1j*dynka
        djnka = np.repeat([djnka],r.size,axis=0).reshape(r.size,N+1)
        dhnka = np.repeat([dhnka],r.size,axis=0).reshape(r.size,N+1)
        jnkr = np.vstack([sph_jn(N,kr)[0] for kr in k*r])
        ynkr = np.vstack([sph_yn(N,kr)[0] for kr in k*r])
        hnkr = jnkr + 1j*ynkr

        pscat= - (1j**n) * (2*n+1) * djnka * hnkr / dhnka

        badcells = np.isnan(pscat)+np.isinf(pscat)
    pscat *= Pn(N,np.cos(theta)) 
    pscat = pscat.compress(np.all(np.logical_not(badcells)==True,axis=0),axis=1)
    if just_scattered: return np.sum(pscat,axis=1)
    else: return np.sum(pscat,axis=1) + np.exp(1j*k*x)
Esempio n. 36
    def calc_phase_shift(self, l, points):
        """Finds the phase shift of the wavelength using the method described in Gianozzi.
           l: angular momentum number
           points: the array holding the solution to the Schrodinger equation
           delta: the phase shift

        #set up r1 and r2 using a
        r2 = self.rgrid[-1]
        wavelength = 2 * np.pi /
        r1_index = -int(2 * wavelength / self.stepsize)
        r1 = self.rgrid[r1_index]

        #pick out X(r1) and X(r2)
        chi2 = points[-1]
        chi1 = points[r1_index]

        #find K
        K = (r2 * chi1) / (r1 * chi2)

        #Get correct Bessel functions jl and nl and plug in r values
        # These functions actually return a list of two arrays:
        #  - an array containing all jn up to l
        #  - an array containing all jn' up to l
        #tan^-1 of 3.19
        jn1 = special.sph_jn(l, * r1)[0][-1]
        yn1 = special.sph_yn(l, * r1)[0][-1]
        jn2 = special.sph_jn(l, * r2)[0][-1]
        yn2 = special.sph_yn(l, * r2)[0][-1]
        delta = np.arctan((K * jn2 - jn1) / (K * yn2 - yn1))
        return delta
Esempio n. 37
 def calc_phase_shift(self, l, points):
     """Finds the phase shift of the wavelength using the method described in Gianozzi.
        l: angular momentum number
        points: the array holding the solution to the Schrodinger equation
        delta: the phase shift
     #set up r1 and r2 using a
     r2 = self.rgrid[-1]
     wavelength = 2*np.pi/
     r1_index = -int(2*wavelength/self.stepsize)
     r1 = self.rgrid[r1_index]
     #pick out X(r1) and X(r2)
     chi2 = points[-1]
     chi1 = points[r1_index]
     #find K
     K = (r2*chi1)/(r1*chi2)
     #Get correct Bessel functions jl and nl and plug in r values
     # These functions actually return a list of two arrays:
     #  - an array containing all jn up to l
     #  - an array containing all jn' up to l
     #tan^-1 of 3.19
     jn1 = special.sph_jn(l,*r1)[0][-1]
     yn1 = special.sph_yn(l,*r1)[0][-1]
     jn2 = special.sph_jn(l,*r2)[0][-1]
     yn2 = special.sph_yn(l,*r2)[0][-1]
     delta = np.arctan((K*jn2-jn1) / (K*yn2-yn1))
     return delta    
Esempio n. 38
def SIGMA_TOT( E, U, lmax, h, a ):
	k = math.sqrt(2*E)

	JJ = scsp.sph_jn((lmax+2),k*2*a)
	NN = scsp.sph_yn((lmax+2),k*2*a)
	sig_l = []
	sig_tot = 0.

	for l in range( 0 , lmax + 1):
		sig_l.append( SIGMA_L(l, E, U, h, a, 
			JJ[0][l], NN[0][l], JJ[1][l], NN[1][l] ) )
		sig_tot += sig_l[l]
	return [sig_tot , sig_l]
def SIGMA_TOT(E, U, lmax, h, a):

    k = math.sqrt(2 * E)
    N_max = 2 * int(a / h) - 5

    JJ = scsp.sph_jn((lmax + 2), k * 2 * a)
    NN = scsp.sph_yn((lmax + 2), k * 2 * a)

    sig_l = []
    sig_tot = 0.

    for l in range(0, lmax + 1):
            SIGMA_L(l, E, U, h, a, JJ[0][l], NN[0][l], JJ[1][l], NN[1][l]))
        sig_tot += sig_l[l]

    return [sig_tot, sig_l]
Esempio n. 40
 def dlog_bessel_j(lmax, x):
     """Calculates logarithmic derivative of the spherical bessel functions
        It returns three quantities:
          (x*d/dx log(j_l(x)),  j_l(x), the product of the first two)
        for l up to lmax
        The last entry is important for singular cases: when x is zero of bessel function. In this case
        the logarithmic derivative is diverging while j*dlog(j(x))/dx is not
     if (fabs(x) < 1e-5):
         #return [(l, x**l/misc.factorial2(2*l+1), l*x**l/misc.factorial2(2*l+1)) for l in range(lmax+1)]
         return [(l, pow(x, l) / misc.factorial2(2 * l + 1),
                  l * pow(x, l) / misc.factorial2(2 * l + 1))
                 for l in range(lmax + 1)]
         (jls, djls) = special.sph_jn(
             lmax, x)  # all jl's and derivatives for l=[0,...lmax]
         return [(x * djls[l] / jls[l], jls[l], x * djls[l])
                 for l in range(lmax + 1)]
Esempio n. 41
def sigmatot( E ):
	k = math.sqrt(2*E)
	siT = 0.
	lmin = 0
	lmax = 7
	siI = []

	JJ = scsp.sph_jn((lmax+2),k)
	NN = scsp.sph_yn((lmax+2),k)

	chi = CHI(E, lmax)

	for l in range(lmin, lmax+1):
		siI.append( sigmal( E, l, chi[l] , 
			JJ[0][l], NN[0][l], JJ[1][l], NN[1][l] ))
		siT += siI[l]
	return (siT,siI,chi)
Esempio n. 42
def populate_response_matrix(self):
    Populate the R matrix for the default range of l and n, or
    or over the range specified above

    truncated_nmax = Universe.truncated_nmax
    truncated_nmin = Universe.truncated_nmin
    truncated_lmax = Universe.truncated_lmax
    truncated_lmin = Universe.truncated_lmin
    lms = Universe.lms
    kfilter = Universe.kfilter
    # Initialize R matrix:
    NY = (truncated_lmax + 1)**2 - (truncated_lmin)**2
    # Find the indices of the non-zero elements of the filter
    ind = np.where(Universe.kfilter>0)
    # The n index spans 2x that length, 1st half for the cos coefficients, 2nd half
    #    for the sin coefficients
    NN = 2*len(ind[1])
    R_long = np.zeros([NY,NN], dtype=np.complex128)

    k, theta, phi = Universe.k[ind], np.arctan2([ind],Universe.kx[ind]), np.arccos([ind]/Universe.k[ind])
    # We need to fix the 'nan' theta element that came from having ky=0
    theta[np.isnan(theta)] = np.pi/2.0
    # Get ready to loop over y
    y = 0
    A = [sph_jn(truncated_lmax,ki)[0] for ki in k]        
    # Loop over y, computing elements of R_yn 
    for i in lms:        
        l = i[0]
        m = i[1]
        trigpart = np.cos(np.pi*l/2.0)
        B = np.asarray([A[ki][l] for ki in range(len(k))])
        R_long[y,:NN/2] = 4.0 * np.pi * sph_harm(m,l,theta,phi).reshape(NN/2)*B.reshape(NN/2) * trigpart
        trigpart = np.sin(np.pi*l/2.0)
        R_long[y,NN/2:] = 4.0 * np.pi * sph_harm(m,l,theta,phi).reshape(NN/2)*B.reshape(NN/2)* trigpart
        y = y+1
    Universe.R = np.zeros([NY,len(ind[1])], dtype=np.complex128)
    Universe.R = np.append(R_long[:,0:len(ind[1])/2], R_long[:,len(ind[1]):3*len(ind[1])/2], axis=1)
Esempio n. 43
def _mie_abcd(m, x):
    '''Computes a matrix of Mie coefficients, a_n, b_n, c_n, d_n,
    of orders n=1 to nmax, complex refractive index m=m'+im",
    and size parameter x=k0*a, where k0= wave number
    in the ambient medium, a=sphere radius;
    p. 100, 477 in Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122
    C. Matzler, June 2002'''

    nmax = np.round(2+x+4*x**(1.0/3.0))
    mx = m * x

    # Get the spherical bessel functions of the first (j) and second (y) kind,
    # and their derivatives evaluated at x at order up to nmax
    j_x,jd_x,y_x,yd_x = ss.sph_jnyn(nmax, x)

    # The above function includes the 0 order bessel functions, which aren't used
    j_x = j_x[1:]
    jd_x = jd_x[1:]
    y_x = y_x[1:]
    yd_x = yd_x[1:]

    # Get the spherical Hankel function of the first type (and it's derivative)
    # from the combination of the bessel functions
    h1_x = j_x + 1.0j*y_x
    h1d_x = jd_x + 1.0j*yd_x

    # Get the spherical bessel function of the first kind and it's derivative
    # evaluated at mx
    j_mx,jd_mx = ss.sph_jn(nmax, mx)
    j_mx = j_mx[1:]
    jd_mx = jd_mx[1:]

    # Get primes (d/dx [x*f(x)]) using derivative product rule
    j_xp = j_x + x*jd_x
    j_mxp = j_mx + mx*jd_mx
    h1_xp = h1_x + x*h1d_x

    m2 = m * m
    an = (m2 * j_mx * j_xp - j_x * j_mxp)/(m2 * j_mx * h1_xp - h1_x * j_mxp)
    bn = (j_mx * j_xp - j_x * j_mxp)/(j_mx * h1_xp - h1_x * j_mxp)
##    cn = (j_x * h1_xp - h1_x * j_xp)/(j_mx * h1_xp - h1_x * j_mxp)
##    dn = m * (j_x * h1_xp - h1_x * j_xp)/(m2 * j_mx * h1_xp -h1_x * j_mxp)
    return an, bn
Esempio n. 44
def Woods_SaxonFormFactor(q, A):
    """Calculates Wood-Saxong's nuclcear form factor.

    Ec. 7.31 p. 271.

    @type  q            :      float
    @param q            :      transfer momentum [eV]
    @type  A            :      float
    @param A            :      mass number

    @rtype              :      float
    @return             :      Woods-Saxon's form factor
    s = 1.0 * pc.fermi
    R = 1.2 * A**(1 / 3) * pc.fermi
    r = np.sqrt(R**2 - 5.0 * s**2)

    return (3.0 * spe.sph_jn(q * r) / (q * r)) * np.exp(-((q * r)**2))
def ScatteringCoeff(incidentDirection):
    global a, kappa, numTerms
    Al = np.zeros((numTerms, 2 * numTerms + 1), dtype=np.complex)
    AA = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex)

    j, jp = special.sph_jn(numTerms - 1, kappa * a)  # array of Bessel 1st kind and its derivatives
    h, hp = special.sph_yn(numTerms - 1, a)  # arrays of Bessel 2nd kind and its derivatives

    theta, phi = thetaphi(incidentDirection)

    for l in range(numTerms):
        Y = complexY(l, theta, phi)
        AA[0, 0], AA[0, 1] = j[l], -h[l]
        AA[1, 0], AA[1, 1] = kappa * jp[l], -hp[l]
        for m in np.arange(-l, l + 1):
            a0lm = pi4 * (1j ** l) * np.conjugate(Y[m + l])
            RHS = [a0lm * j[l], a0lm * jp[l]]
            x = sci.linalg.solve(AA, RHS)
            # x, info = sci.sparse.linalg.gmres(ScatAmplitude,RHS)
            Al[l, m + l] = x[1]

    return Al
def bessel(l, q):
    q : product of k.del(r) 
    l : order of the spherical bessel function; sensible values = 0,2,4
    if l == 0:
        if q == 0:
            return 1
        return np.sin(q)/q
    elif l == 2:
        if q == 0:
            return 0
        return (-3*np.cos(q))/q**2 + ((3 - q**2)*np.sin(q))/q**3
        sphbessel = special.sph_jn(l,q)[0][l]
        return sphbessel
    sphbessel = special.sph_jn(l, q)[0][l]
    return sphbessel
Esempio n. 47
def sph_jn_(n, x):
    return sph_jn(n.astype('l'), x)[0][-1]
Esempio n. 48
def spherical_hankel(n, val, deriv = 0):
    """spherical hankel function"""
    a = special.sph_jn(n,val)[deriv][n]
    b = special.sph_yn(n,val)[deriv][n]
    return a + 1j*b
Esempio n. 49
    def j1d(z): return sph_jn(1, z)[1][1]

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory
Esempio n. 50
    def j1(z): return sph_jn(1, z)[0][1]

    def j1d(z): return sph_jn(1, z)[1][1]
Esempio n. 51
 def spherical_jn(n, x):
     return sph_jn(n, x)[0][-1]
Esempio n. 52
def jl(l,x):
	return sps.sph_jn(l,x)[0][-1]
Esempio n. 53
def get_Jn(n, x):
    return array([special.sph_jn(n, xl) for xl in x])
Esempio n. 54
def f(r):                       # Sch eqn in Numerov form
    return 2*(E - V(r)) - L*(L+1)/(r*r)

def wf(M, xm):                  # find w.f. and deriv at xm
    c = (h*h)/6.
    wfup, nup = ode.numerov(f, [0,.1], M, xL, h)    # 1 step past xm
    dup = ((1+c*f(xm+h))*wfup[-1] - (1+c*f(xm-h))*wfup[-3])/(h+h)
    return wfup, dup/wfup[-2]

xL, a, M = 0., 10., 200                 # limits, matching point
h, Lmax, E =(a-xL)/M, 15, 2.            # step size, max L, energy

k, ps = np.sqrt(2*E), np.zeros(Lmax+1)  # wave vector, phase shift
if scipy.__version__[0] < '1':
    jl, dj = sph_jn(Lmax, k*a)          # (j_l, j_l') tuple     
    nl, dn = sph_yn(Lmax, k*a)          # (n_l, n_l')
    Lrange = range(Lmax + 1)
    jl, dj = sph_jn(Lrange, k*a, False), sph_jn(Lrange, k*a, True) # (j_l, j_l')
    nl, dn = sph_yn(Lrange, k*a, False), sph_yn(Lrange, k*a, True) # (n_l, n_l')

for L in range(Lmax+1):
    u, g = wf(M, a)                     # g= u'/u
    x = np.arctan(((g*a-1)*jl[L] - k*a*dj[L])/    # phase shift 
                  ((g*a-1)*nl[L] - k*a*dn[L]))
    while (x < 0.0): x += np.pi         # handle jumps by pi 
    ps[L] = x

theta, sigma = np.linspace(0., np.pi, 100), []
cos, La = np.cos(theta), np.arange(1,2*Lmax+2,2)
Esempio n. 55
 def f(q):
     j, dj = (y[-1] for y in sph_jn(l, q * rc))
     return dj * q - j * ld
Esempio n. 56
    def populate_instance_response_matrix(self,
        Populate the R matrix for the default range of l and n, or
        or over the range specified above

        if usedefault == 1:
            truncated_nmax = self.truncated_nmax
            truncated_nmin = self.truncated_nmin
            truncated_lmax = self.truncated_lmax
            truncated_lmin = self.truncated_lmin
            lms = self.lms
            kfilter = self.kfilter
            low_k_cutoff = truncated_nmin * self.Deltak
            high_k_cutoff = truncated_nmax * self.Deltak
            lms = [(l, m) for l in range(truncated_lmin, truncated_lmax + 1)
                   for m in range(-l, l + 1)]

        # Initialize R matrix:
        NY = (truncated_lmax + 1)**2 - (truncated_lmin)**2
        # Find the indices of the non-zero elements of the filter
        ind = np.where(self.kfilter > 0)
        # The n index spans 2x that length, 1st half for the cos coefficients, 2nd half
        #    for the sin coefficients
        NN = 2 * len(ind[1])
        R_long = np.zeros([NY, NN], dtype=np.complex128)

        # In case we need n1, n2, n3 at some point...:
        #    n1, n2, n3 = self.kx[ind]/self.Deltak ,[ind]/self.Deltak,[ind]/self.Deltak
        k, theta, phi = self.k[ind], np.arctan2(
  [ind], self.kx[ind]), np.arccos([ind] / self.k[ind])
        # We need to fix the 'nan' theta element that came from having ky=0
        theta[np.isnan(theta)] = np.pi / 2.0

        # Get ready to loop over y
        y = 0
        A = [sph_jn(truncated_lmax, ki)[0] for ki in k]
        # Loop over y, computing elements of R_yn
        for i in lms:
            l = i[0]
            m = i[1]
            trigpart = np.cos(np.pi * l / 2.0)
            B = np.asarray([A[ki][l] for ki in range(len(k))])
            R_long[y, :NN /
                   2] = 4.0 * np.pi * sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi).reshape(
                       NN / 2) * B.reshape(NN / 2) * trigpart

            trigpart = np.sin(np.pi * l / 2.0)
                   NN / 2:] = 4.0 * np.pi * sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi).reshape(
                       NN / 2) * B.reshape(NN / 2) * trigpart

            y = y + 1

        self.R = np.zeros([NY, len(ind[1])], dtype=np.complex128)
        self.R = np.append(R_long[:, 0:len(ind[1]) / 2],
                           R_long[:, len(ind[1]):3 * len(ind[1]) / 2],
Esempio n. 57
 def phase_eq(self,phase,r,l):
     ph = -2*self.m*self.k0*r**2*self.V(r)
     ph *= (cos(phase)*sph_jn(l,self.k0*r)[0][l]-sin(phase)*sph_yn(l,self.k0*r)[0][l])**2.0
     return (ph)
Esempio n. 58
def sph_jn_(n, x):
    return sph_jn(n.astype('l'), x)[0][-1]
Esempio n. 59
 def test_jn(self):
     n = 1234
     x = 2300.
     right_ans = special.sph_jn(n, x)[0][-1]
     j = sph_bessel.jn(n, x)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(j, right_ans))
Esempio n. 60
def mie_abcd(m, x):
    """Computes a matrix of Mie coefficients, a_n, b_n, c_n, d_n,
    of orders n=1 to nmax, complex refractive index m=m'+im",
    and size parameter x=k0*a, where k0= wave number
    in the ambient medium, a=sphere radius;
    p. 100, 477 in Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122
    C. Matzler, June 2002

        - m  - scalar, refractive-index;
        - x  - 1D array, size parameter;

        - an - 1D array, Mie coefficient;
        - bn - 1D array, Mie coefficient.

        >>> import scipy.special as ss
        >>> m = 5.62 + 2.78j     # refractive index of water at 20 [Celsius]
        >>> d = 0.003            # drop diameter - 3 [mm] --> 0.003 [m]
        >>> lam = 0.01           # wavelength -   10 [mm] --> 0.01  [m]
        >>> x = np.pi * d / lam
        >>> an, bn = mie_abcd(m, x)
        >>> an
        array([  3.28284411e-01 -3.36266733e-01j,
                 3.55370117e-03 -2.36426920e-02j,
                 3.90046294e-05 -5.15173202e-04j,
                 3.89223349e-07 -6.78235070e-06j,
                 2.94035836e-09 -5.85429913e-08j,
                 1.66462864e-11 -3.54797147e-10j,   7.17772878e-14 -1.58903782e-12j])
        >>> bn
        array([  7.69466132e-02 +1.28116779e-01j,
                 6.75408598e-03 +6.94984812e-03j,
                 1.99953419e-04 +8.05215919e-05j,
                 2.23969208e-06 +8.10161445e-08j,
                 1.39633882e-08 -2.58644268e-09j,
                 6.06975879e-11 -1.97461249e-11j,   2.01460986e-13 -8.42856046e-14j])

    nmax = np.round(2 + x + 4 * x ** (1.0 / 3.0))
    mx = m * x

    # Get the spherical bessel functions of the first (j) and second (y) kind,
    # and their derivatives evaluated at x at order up to nmax
    j_x, jd_x, y_x, yd_x = ss.sph_jnyn(nmax, x)

    # The above function includes the 0 order bessel functions, which aren't used
    j_x = j_x[1:]
    jd_x = jd_x[1:]
    y_x = y_x[1:]
    yd_x = yd_x[1:]

    # Get the spherical Hankel function of the first type (and it's derivative)
    # from the combination of the bessel functions
    h1_x = j_x + 1.0j * y_x
    h1d_x = jd_x + 1.0j * yd_x

    # Get the spherical bessel function of the first kind and it's derivative
    # evaluated at mx
    j_mx, jd_mx = ss.sph_jn(nmax, mx)
    j_mx = j_mx[1:]
    jd_mx = jd_mx[1:]

    # Get primes (d/dx [x*f(x)]) using derivative product rule
    j_xp = j_x + x * jd_x
    j_mxp = j_mx + mx * jd_mx
    h1_xp = h1_x + x * h1d_x

    m2 = m * m
    an = (m2 * j_mx * j_xp - j_x * j_mxp) / (m2 * j_mx * h1_xp - h1_x * j_mxp)
    bn = (j_mx * j_xp - j_x * j_mxp) / (j_mx * h1_xp - h1_x * j_mxp)
    return an, bn