Esempio n. 1
def predictMCMC(n_train,

    d = nxx_pv.shape[0]

    # Generate noise
    if private:
        W = wishart.rvs(d + 1, ((d * pow(B_x, 2)) / (p1 * e)) * np.identity(d),
        L = np.random.laplace(scale=(2 * d * B_x * B_y) / (p2 * e), size=d)
        V = wishart.rvs(2, pow(B_y, 2) / (2 * p3 * e), size=1)
        W = 0
        L = 0
        V = 0

    return doMCMC(n_train, nxx_npv + nxx_pv + W, nxy_npv + nxy_pv + L,
                  nyy_npv + nyy_pv + V, x_test)
Esempio n. 2
def Inddist(part, nsample, pvariates, iterations):
    T = []
    for i in range(iterations):
        W1 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1, scale=np.eye(pvariates))
        W2 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1, scale=W1 / (nsample - 1))
        W2_11, W2_12, W2_21, W2_22 = partition(W2, part, part)
        T = np.append(T, det(W2) / (det(W2_11) * det(W2_22)))
    return T
Esempio n. 3
 def sample_prior_mixture_components(self, mulinha, Sigmalinha, Hlinha, sigmalinha, d, nsamples=1):
     mu = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=mulinha, cov=Sigmalinha, size=nsamples).reshape(nsamples, d)
     cov = wishart.rvs(df=sigmalinha, scale=Hlinha, size=nsamples).reshape(nsamples, d, d)
     for i in range(nsamples):
         while matrix_is_well_conditioned(cov[i]) is not True:
             cov = wishart.rvs(df=sigmalinha, scale=Hlinha, size=nsamples).reshape(nsamples, d, d)
     cov_inv = np.linalg.inv(cov)
     return mu, cov_inv, cov
def Sphdist(nsample, pvariates, iterations):
    T = []
    for i in range(iterations):
        W1 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1,
                         scale=np.eye(pvariates) / (nsample - 1))
        W2 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1, scale=np.eye(pvariates))
        T = np.append(T,
                      det(**(1 / pvariates) / np.trace(
    return T
Esempio n. 5
def Canodist(part, nsample, pvariates, iterations):
    T = []
    for i in range(iterations):
        W1 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1, scale=np.eye(pvariates))
        W2 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1, scale=W1 / (nsample - 1))
        W2_11, W2_12, W2_21, W2_22 = partition(W2, part, part)
        Q =
        T = np.append(T, det(Q) / det(W2_11 - Q))
    return T
Esempio n. 6
 def sample_prior_hyperparameters(self, X_mean, X_cov, d):
     mulinha = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=X_mean, cov=X_cov)
     Sigmalinha = invwishart.rvs(df=d, scale=d * X_cov)
     while matrix_is_well_conditioned(Sigmalinha) is not True:
         Sigmalinha = invwishart.rvs(df=d, scale=d * X_cov)
     Hlinha = wishart.rvs(df=d, scale=X_cov / d)
     while matrix_is_well_conditioned(Hlinha) is not True:
         Hlinha = wishart.rvs(df=d, scale=X_cov / d)
     sigmalinha = invgamma.rvs(1, 1 / d) + d
     return mulinha, Sigmalinha, Hlinha, sigmalinha
    def __init__(self, cx=None, cy=None):

        self.df = 1

        if cx is None: = wishart.rvs(self.df, numpy.eye(self.df))  # draw these separately and use a diagonal
        else:  = cx

        if cy is None: = wishart.rvs(self.df, numpy.eye(self.df))
        else:  = cy

        self.cov = inv(numpy.diag([,]))
Esempio n. 8
def generate_pd_matrix(n: int, as_torch: bool = True):
    """Generate an (n x n) positive-definite matrix"""
    if n < 2:
        raise ValueError(f"Must generate at least a 2x2 matrix, not {n}x{n}")
    A = wishart.rvs(n, tuple(1 for _ in range(n)))
    while not _is_positive_definite(A):
        A = wishart.rvs(n, tuple(1 for _ in range(n)))
        A += A.mean() * np.eye(n)
    if as_torch:
        A_torch = torch.as_tensor(A, dtype=torch.get_default_dtype())
        return A_torch
    return A
Esempio n. 9
def gen_toy_data(toy_data_params):
    Generates a mixture of stationary and non-stationary multivariate normal data.
    toy_data_params is a dictionary containing:
        dimensions_noisy           : number of non-stationary sources
        mu_stationary              : vector of means of the stationary distribution)
        sigma_stationary (optional): covariance matrix of the stationary distribution
    If sigma_stationary is not supplied, one will be sampled from a Wishart(d,I) distribution
    where d is the number of stationary sources
    Returns the generated data and the mixing matrix.
    dim_s = len(toy_data_params['mu_stationary'])
    dim_n = toy_data_params['dimensions_noisy']
    n_observations = sum(toy_data_params['epoch_sizes'])
    dim_total = dim_s + dim_n
    if 'sigma_stationary' not in toy_data_params:
        toy_data_params['sigma_stationary'] = wishart.rvs(
            dim_s, np.identity(dim_s))

    if dim_s == 1:
        DATA_STATIONARY = np.random.normal(toy_data_params['mu_stationary'],
                                           size = n_observations).\
        DATA_STATIONARY = np.random.multivariate_normal(
    if dim_n == 1:
        DATA_NOISY = np.hstack([np.random.normal(np.random.normal(size = dim_n),
                                                 np.random.uniform(size = dim_n),
                                                 size = toy_data_params['epoch_size'])
                                for epoch_size in toy_data_params['epoch_sizes']]).\
        DATA_NOISY = np.vstack([
            for epoch_size in toy_data_params['epoch_sizes']

    toy_data = np.hstack([DATA_STATIONARY, DATA_NOISY])
    mixer = random_rotation(dim_total)
    toy_data_mixed =
        mixer.T)  # "Left" multiplication; actually vstacked[i])
    return toy_data_mixed, mixer
Esempio n. 10
def gen_data(K=3,
             Nk=[400, 300, 125, 100, 75],

    # for generating random centers
    center = np.array((0, 0))
    dispersion = 10

    mu_k = multivariate_normal(center, np.identity(2) * dispersion, K)
    sd_k = uniform(0.1, 2, size=K)
    data, labels = make_blobs(n_samples=Nk[:K],

    # rotate data in each cluster using random covariance matrices..
    sigmas = wishart.rvs(2, scale=np.identity(2), size=K) + np.identity(2)

    x = data[labels == 0] @ sigmas[0]
    for k in range(1, K):
        x = np.vstack((x, data[labels == k] @ sigmas[k]))
    labels = np.sort(labels)

    if normalize:
        x = StandardScaler().fit_transform(x)

    return x, labels
Esempio n. 11
def sample_factor_x(tau_sparse_tensor, tau_ind, U, V, X, beta0=1):
    """Sampling T-by-R factor matrix X and its hyperparameters."""

    dim3, rank = X.shape
    var_mu_hyper = X[0, :] / (beta0 + 1)
    dx = X[1:, :] - X[:-1, :]
    var_V_hyper = inv(
        np.eye(rank) + dx.T @ dx + beta0 * np.outer(X[0, :], X[0, :]) /
        (beta0 + 1))
    var_Lambda_hyper = wishart.rvs(df=dim3 + rank, scale=var_V_hyper)
    var_mu_hyper = mvnrnd_pre(var_mu_hyper, (beta0 + 1) * var_Lambda_hyper)

    var1 = kr_prod(V, U).T
    var2 = kr_prod(var1, var1)
    var3 = (var2 @ ten2mat(tau_ind, 2).T).reshape([rank, rank, dim3])
    var4 = var1 @ ten2mat(tau_sparse_tensor, 2).T
    for t in range(dim3):
        if t == 0:
            X[t, :] = mvnrnd_pre((X[t + 1, :] + var_mu_hyper) / 2,
                                 var3[:, :, t] + 2 * var_Lambda_hyper)
        elif t == dim3 - 1:
            temp1 = var4[:, t] + var_Lambda_hyper @ X[t - 1, :]
            temp2 = var3[:, :, t] + var_Lambda_hyper
            X[t, :] = mvnrnd_pre(solve(temp2, temp1), temp2)
            temp1 = var4[:, t] + var_Lambda_hyper @ (X[t - 1, :] + X[t + 1, :])
            temp2 = var3[:, :, t] + 2 * var_Lambda_hyper
            X[t, :] = mvnrnd_pre(solve(temp2, temp1), temp2)

    return X
Esempio n. 12
    def test_draw_samples_with_broadcast(self, dtype_dof, dtype, degrees_of_freedom, scale, scale_is_samples, rv_shape,

        degrees_of_freedom_mx = mx.nd.array([degrees_of_freedom], dtype=dtype_dof)
        scale_mx = mx.nd.array(scale, dtype=dtype)
        if not scale_is_samples:
            scale_mx = add_sample_dimension(mx.nd, scale_mx)

        rand = np.random.rand(num_samples, *rv_shape)
        rand_gen = MockMXNetRandomGenerator(mx.nd.array(rand.flatten(), dtype=dtype))
        reps = 1000
        mins = np.zeros(reps)
        maxs = np.zeros(reps)
        for i in range(reps):
            rvs = wishart.rvs(df=degrees_of_freedom, scale=scale, size=num_samples)
            mins[i] = rvs.min()
            maxs[i] = rvs.max()
        # rv_samples_np = wishart.rvs(df=degrees_of_freedom, scale=scale, size=num_samples)

        var = Wishart.define_variable(shape=rv_shape, dtype=dtype, rand_gen=rand_gen).factor
        variables = {var.degrees_of_freedom.uuid: degrees_of_freedom_mx, var.scale.uuid: scale_mx}
        draw_samples_rt = var.draw_samples(F=mx.nd, variables=variables)

        assert np.issubdtype(draw_samples_rt.dtype, dtype)
        assert is_sampled_array(mx.nd, draw_samples_rt) == scale_is_samples
        if scale_is_samples:
            assert get_num_samples(mx.nd, draw_samples_rt) == num_samples, (get_num_samples(mx.nd, draw_samples_rt),
        assert mins.min() < draw_samples_rt.asnumpy().min()
        assert maxs.max() > draw_samples_rt.asnumpy().max()
Esempio n. 13
    def _update_item_params(self):
        N = self.n_item
        X_bar = np.mean(self.item_features_, 0).reshape((self.n_feature, 1))
        # print 'X_bar', X_bar.shape
        S_bar = np.cov(self.item_features_.T)
        # print 'S_bar', S_bar.shape

        diff_X_bar = self.mu0_item - X_bar

        # W_{0}_star
        WI_post = inv(
            inv(self.WI_item) + N * S_bar +, diff_X_bar.T) *
            (N * self.beta_item) / (self.beta_item + N))

        # Note: WI_post and WI_post.T should be the same.
        #       Just make sure it is symmertic here
        WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2.0

        # update alpha_item
        df_post = self.df_item + N
        self.alpha_item = wishart.rvs(df_post, WI_post, 1, self.rand_state)

        # update mu_item
        mu_mean = (self.beta_item * self.mu0_item + N * X_bar) / \
            (self.beta_item + N)
        mu_var = cholesky(inv( + N, self.alpha_item)))
        # print 'lam', lam.shape
        self.mu_item = mu_mean +
            mu_var, self.rand_state.randn(self.n_feature, 1))
Esempio n. 14
def sample_theta(X, theta, Lambda_x, time_lags, beta0=1):
    dim, rank = X.shape
    d = time_lags.shape[0]
    tmax = np.max(time_lags)
    theta_bar = np.mean(theta, axis=0)
    temp = d / (d + beta0)
    var_theta_hyper = inv(
        np.eye(rank) + cov_mat(theta, theta_bar) +
        temp * beta0 * np.outer(theta_bar, theta_bar))
    var_Lambda_hyper = wishart.rvs(df=d + rank, scale=var_theta_hyper)
    var_mu_hyper = mvnrnd_pre(temp * theta_bar, (d + beta0) * var_Lambda_hyper)

    for k in range(d):
        theta0 = theta.copy()
        theta0[k, :] = 0
        mat0 = np.zeros((dim - tmax, rank))
        for L in range(d):
            mat0 += X[tmax - time_lags[L]:dim - time_lags[L], :] @ np.diag(
                theta0[L, :])
        varPi = X[tmax:dim, :] - mat0
        var0 = X[tmax - time_lags[k]:dim - time_lags[k], :]
        var = np.einsum('ij, jk, ik -> j', var0, Lambda_x, varPi)
        var_Lambda = np.einsum('ti, tj, ij -> ij', var0, var0,
                               Lambda_x) + var_Lambda_hyper
        theta[k, :] = mvnrnd_pre(
            solve(var_Lambda, var + var_Lambda_hyper @ var_mu_hyper),

    return theta
Esempio n. 15
    def updateParameters(self, latent_z, n_cluster_samples):
        params = []
        normal_insts = []
        for k in range(self.n_cluster):
            sample_idx = np.where(latent_z == k)[0]
            sample_k = sample[sample_idx]
            n_sample_k = sample_k.shape[0]
            mean_sample_k = np.average(sample_k, 0)
            cov_k = np.zeros((n_dimentions, n_dimentions))
            for j in range(n_sample_k):
                deviation = sample_k[j] - mean_sample_k
                cov_k +=, 1),
                                deviation.reshape(1, -1))

            deviation = mean_sample_k - self.u0
            tmp1 =, 1), deviation.reshape(1, -1))
            tmp2 = (n_cluster_samples[k] * self.beta) / (n_cluster_samples[k] +
            tmp3 = tmp2 * tmp1

            wish_cover = np.linalg.inv(
                np.linalg.inv(self.covar) + cov_k + tmp3)

            normal_cov = wishart.rvs( + n_cluster_samples[k],
            tmp4 = (n_cluster_samples[k] + self.beta) * normal_cov
            tmp5 = n_cluster_samples[k] + self.beta
            tmp6 = (n_cluster_samples[k] * mean_sample_k +
                    self.beta * self.u0) / tmp5
            normal_mean = multivariate_normal(tmp6, np.linalg.inv(tmp4)).rvs()
            params.append((normal_mean, normal_cov))
                multivariate_normal(normal_mean, np.linalg.inv(normal_cov)))
        return params, normal_insts
Esempio n. 16
    def _update_user_params(self):
        # same as _update_user_params
        N = self.n_user
        X_bar = np.mean(self.user_features_, 0).reshape((self.n_feature, 1))
        S_bar = np.cov(self.user_features_.T)

        # mu_{0} - U_bar
        diff_X_bar = self.mu0_user - X_bar

        # W_{0}_star
        WI_post = inv(
            inv(self.WI_user) + N * S_bar +, diff_X_bar.T) *
            (N * self.beta_user) / (self.beta_user + N))
        # Note: WI_post and WI_post.T should be the same.
        #       Just make sure it is symmertic here
        WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2.0

        # update alpha_user
        df_post = self.df_user + N
        # LAMBDA_{U} ~ W(W{0}_star, df_post)
        self.alpha_user = wishart.rvs(df_post, WI_post, 1, self.rand_state)

        # update mu_user
        # mu_{0}_star = (beta_{0} * mu_{0} + N * U_bar) / (beta_{0} + N)
        mu_mean = (self.beta_user * self.mu0_user + N * X_bar) / \
                  (self.beta_user + N)

        # decomposed inv(beta_{0}_star * LAMBDA_{U})
        mu_var = cholesky(inv( + N, self.alpha_user)))
        # sample multivariate gaussian
        self.mu_user = mu_mean +
            mu_var, self.rand_state.randn(self.n_feature, 1))
Esempio n. 17
    def _update_user_params(self):
        # same as _update_user_params
        N = self.n_user
        X_bar = np.mean(self.user_features_, 0).reshape((self.n_feature, 1))
        S_bar = np.cov(self.user_features_.T)

        # mu_{0} - U_bar
        diff_X_bar = self.mu0_user - X_bar

        # W_{0}_star
        WI_post = inv(inv(self.WI_user) +
                      N * S_bar +
            , diff_X_bar.T) *
                      (N * self.beta_user) / (self.beta_user + N))
        # Note: WI_post and WI_post.T should be the same.
        #       Just make sure it is symmertic here
        WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2.0

        # update alpha_user
        df_post = self.df_user + N
        # LAMBDA_{U} ~ W(W{0}_star, df_post)
        self.alpha_user = wishart.rvs(df_post, WI_post, 1, self.rand_state)

        # update mu_user
        # mu_{0}_star = (beta_{0} * mu_{0} + N * U_bar) / (beta_{0} + N)
        mu_mean = (self.beta_user * self.mu0_user + N * X_bar) / \
                  (self.beta_user + N)

        # decomposed inv(beta_{0}_star * LAMBDA_{U})
        mu_var = cholesky(inv( + N, self.alpha_user)))
        # sample multivariate gaussian
        self.mu_user = mu_mean +
            mu_var, self.rand_state.randn(self.n_feature, 1))
Esempio n. 18
    def draw_posterior(self, y, x, alpha, sigma):
        """One draw from the posterior for the Conjugate-Normal prior.
        Parameter y: A (T-p)xk matrix with the LHS of the model. With T being the length of the original data set, p the number of lags and k the number of variables in the model.
        Parameter x: A (T-p)x(k*p+constant) matrix with the RHS of the model. With T being the length of the original data, p the number of lags, k the number of variables in the model and constant is either 0 or 1 depending whether the model has an intercept (constant = 1) or not (constant = 0).
        Parameter alpha: The regression coefficients of the previous draw.
        Parameter sigma: The variance-covariance matrix from the previous draw.
        Returns: One draw of the mcmc consists of the draw for the coefficients and a draw for the variance-covariance matrix.
        # OLS estimates
        tmp1 = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.transpose(x), x))
        tmp2 = np.matmul(np.transpose(x), y)
        olsestim = np.matmul(tmp1, tmp2)
        resids = y - np.matmul(x, olsestim)
        sse = np.matmul(np.transpose(resids), resids)

        # Posterior for coefficients
        vpost = np.linalg.inv(np.linalg.inv(self.coefpriorvar) + np.matmul(np.transpose(x), x))
        apost = np.matmul(vpost, np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(self.coefpriorvar), self.coefprior) + np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(x), x), olsestim))
        cova = np.kron(sigma, vpost)
        alpha = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.ndarray.flatten(apost), cova)

        # Posterior for variance - covariance matrix
        vpost = self.T + self.varpriordof
        tmp1 = sse + self.varprior + np.matmul(np.transpose(olsestim), np.matmul(np.transpose(x), np.matmul(x, olsestim)))
        tmp2 = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(self.coefprior), np.linalg.inv(self.coefpriorvar)), self.coefprior)
        tmp3 = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(apost), np.linalg.inv(self.coefpriorvar) + np.matmul(np.transpose(x), x)), apost)
        spost = tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3
        sigma = wishart.rvs(vpost,np.linalg.inv(spost))

        # Return estimates
        retlist = (alpha,sigma)
def test_against_scipy_mvn_col_conditional(seeded_rng):

    # have to be careful for constructing everything as a submatrix of a big
    # PSD matrix, else no guarantee that anything's invertible.
    cov_np = wishart.rvs(df=m + p + 2, scale=np.eye(m + p))

    rowcov = CovIdentity(size=m)
    colcov = CovUnconstrainedCholesky(Sigma=cov_np[0:n, 0:n])
    A = cov_np[n:, 0:n]

    Q = CovUnconstrainedCholesky(Sigma=cov_np[n:, n:])

    X = rmn(np.eye(m), np.eye(n))

    A_tf = tf.constant(A, "float64")
    X_tf = tf.constant(X, "float64")

    Q_np = Q._cov

    colcov_np = colcov._cov -

    scipy_answer = np.sum(
        multivariate_normal.logpdf(X, np.zeros([n]), colcov_np))

    tf_answer = matnorm_logp_conditional_col(X_tf, rowcov, colcov, A_tf, Q)

    assert_allclose(scipy_answer, tf_answer, rtol=rtol)
Esempio n. 20
    def _update_item_params(self):
        N = self.n_item
        X_bar = np.mean(self.item_features_, 0).reshape((self.n_feature, 1))
        # print 'X_bar', X_bar.shape
        S_bar = np.cov(self.item_features_.T)
        # print 'S_bar', S_bar.shape

        diff_X_bar = self.mu0_item - X_bar

        # W_{0}_star
        WI_post = inv(inv(self.WI_item) +
                      N * S_bar +
            , diff_X_bar.T) *
                      (N * self.beta_item) / (self.beta_item + N))

        # Note: WI_post and WI_post.T should be the same.
        #       Just make sure it is symmertic here
        WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2.0

        # update alpha_item
        df_post = self.df_item + N
        self.alpha_item = wishart.rvs(df_post, WI_post, 1, self.rand_state)

        # update mu_item
        mu_mean = (self.beta_item * self.mu0_item + N * X_bar) / \
            (self.beta_item + N)
        mu_var = cholesky(inv( + N, self.alpha_item)))
        # print 'lam', lam.shape
        self.mu_item = mu_mean +
            mu_var, self.rand_state.randn(self.n_feature, 1))
def test_matnorm_regression_unconstrained(seeded_rng):

    # Y = XB + eps
    # Y is m x p, B is n x p, eps is m x p
    X = norm.rvs(size=(m, n))
    B = norm.rvs(size=(n, p))
    Y_hat =
    rowcov_true = np.eye(m)
    colcov_true = wishart.rvs(p + 2, np.eye(p))

    Y = Y_hat + rmn(rowcov_true, colcov_true)

    row_cov = CovIdentity(size=m)
    col_cov = CovUnconstrainedCholesky(size=p)

    model = MatnormalRegression(time_cov=row_cov, space_cov=col_cov), Y, naive_init=False)

    assert pearsonr(B.flatten(), model.beta_.flatten())[0] >= corrtol

    pred_y = model.predict(X)
    assert pearsonr(pred_y.flatten(), Y_hat.flatten())[0] >= corrtol

    model = MatnormalRegression(time_cov=row_cov, space_cov=col_cov), Y, naive_init=True)

    assert pearsonr(B.flatten(), model.beta_.flatten())[0] >= corrtol

    pred_y = model.predict(X)
    assert pearsonr(pred_y.flatten(), Y_hat.flatten())[0] >= corrtol
Esempio n. 22
    def new_cluster(self, X, a, B, c, m):

        x is a np.matrix
        s is a float
        a is a float
        c is a float
        B is a np.matrix
        m is a np.matrix
        d = float(X.shape[0])
        s = float(X.shape[1])
        x_mean = np.mean(X, axis=1)
        m_p = c/(s+c) * m + 1/(s+c) * np.sum(X, axis=1)
        c_p = s + c
        a_p = a + s

        sum_B = np.matlib.zeros((d,d))
        for i in np.arange(s):
            sum_B = sum_B + (X - x_mean) * (X - x_mean).T
        B_p = B + sum_B + s/(a*s + 1) * (x_mean - m) * (x_mean - m).T

        sigma_p = wishart.rvs(df=a_p, scale=inv(B_p))
        mean_p = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=m_p, cov=inv(c_p * sigma_p)) #transpose omitted
        return mean_p, sigma_p
Esempio n. 23
    def sample_hyperparam(self, M):
        K = M.size()[0]  #  NUM_USERS/NUM_ITEMS
        df0_star = self.embedding_dim + K  # eq 14
        beta0_star = self.beta0 + K  # eq 14
        M_avg = M.mean(0).view(-1, 1)
        mu0_star = (beta0_star * self.mu0 + K * M_avg) / (beta0_star)  # eq 14
        mu0_star = mu0_star.double().view(-1)

        S_avg = M.transpose(0, 1).mm(M) / K  # eq 14

        W0_star_inv = self.W0_inv + K * S_avg + self.beta0 * K / (
            beta0_star) * ((self.mu0 - M_avg) *
                           (self.mu0 - M_avg).transpose(0, 1))  # eq 14
        W0_star = W0_star_inv.inverse()

        lambda_M = wishart.rvs(df=df0_star, scale=W0_star)
        lambda_M = torch.tensor(lambda_M).double()

        covar = (lambda_M * beta0_star).inverse()

        mulvarNormal = MNorm(mu0_star, covariance_matrix=covar)

        mu_M = mulvarNormal.sample()
        return mu_M.float().view(-1, 1), lambda_M.float()
Esempio n. 24
def get_request():

    num_bin = np.random.randint(2, 5)
    num_dim = 4

    num_points = num_bin**num_dim

    v = np.random.normal(size=num_points, scale=10)
    x = np.random.normal(size=1, scale=10)

    # We want to integrate the case where the probabilities are generated by the discretized
    # normal distribution.
    if np.random.choice([True, False]):
        q = np.random.uniform(low=0.01, size=num_points)
        mean = np.random.normal(size=num_dim)
        cov = wishart.rvs(num_dim, np.identity(num_dim))
        q = get_normal_probabilities(num_bin, mean, cov)[0].flatten()

        # We need to remove all zero-probability events.
        is_nonzero = (q > EPS_FLOAT)
        q, v = q[is_nonzero], v[is_nonzero]

    q = q / np.sum(q)

    beta = np.random.uniform()
    gamma = np.random.uniform()
    is_cost = np.random.choice([True, False])

    return x, v, q, beta, gamma, is_cost
def samplewishart(inputs, shape0, scale0, l0):
    if inputs.ndim==1:
        inputs = inputs[:, np.newaxis]
    K = scale0 * np.exp(-0.5 * (inputs - inputs.T)**2 / l0**2) + 1e-6 * np.eye(len(inputs))
    samples = wishart.rvs(df=shape0 + len(inputs), scale=K)
    return samples
Esempio n. 26
def sample_factor_w(tau_sparse_mat, tau_ind, W, X, tau, beta0=1, vargin=0):
    """Sampling N-by-R factor matrix W and its hyperparameters (mu_w, Lambda_w)."""

    dim1, rank = W.shape
    W_bar = np.mean(W, axis=0)
    temp = dim1 / (dim1 + beta0)
    var_W_hyper = inv(
        np.eye(rank) + cov_mat(W, W_bar) +
        temp * beta0 * np.outer(W_bar, W_bar))
    var_Lambda_hyper = wishart.rvs(df=dim1 + rank, scale=var_W_hyper)
    var_mu_hyper = mvnrnd_pre(temp * W_bar, (dim1 + beta0) * var_Lambda_hyper)

    if dim1 * rank**2 > 1e+8:
        vargin = 1

    if vargin == 0:
        var1 = X.T
        var2 = kr_prod(var1, var1)
        var3 = (var2 @ tau_ind.T).reshape([rank, rank, dim1
                                           ]) + var_Lambda_hyper[:, :, None]
        var4 = var1 @ tau_sparse_mat.T + (
            var_Lambda_hyper @ var_mu_hyper)[:, None]
        for i in range(dim1):
            W[i, :] = mvnrnd_pre(solve(var3[:, :, i], var4[:, i]), var3[:, :,
    elif vargin == 1:
        for i in range(dim1):
            pos0 = np.where(tau_sparse_mat[i, :] != 0)
            Xt = X[pos0[0], :]
            var_mu = tau[i] * Xt.T @ tau_sparse_mat[
                i, pos0[0]] + var_Lambda_hyper @ var_mu_hyper
            var_Lambda = tau[i] * Xt.T @ Xt + var_Lambda_hyper
            W[i, :] = mvnrnd_pre(solve(var_Lambda, var_mu), var_Lambda)

    return W
Esempio n. 27
 def draw_posterior(self, y, x, alpha, sigma):
     """One draw from the posterior for the uninformative prior.
     Parameter y: A (T-p)xk matrix with the LHS of the model. With T being the length of the original data set, p the number of lags and k the number of variables in the model.
     Parameter x: A (T-p)x(k*p+constant) matrix with the RHS of the model. With T being the length of the original data, p the number of lags, k the number of variables in the model and constant is either 0 or 1 depending whether the model has an intercept (constant = 1) or not (constant = 0).
     Parameter alpha: The regression coefficients of the previous draw.
     Parameter sigma: The variance-covariance matrix from the previous draw.
     Returns: One draw of the mcmc consists of the draw for the coefficients and a draw for the variance-covariance matrix.
     # get OLS estimates
     tmp1 = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.transpose(x), x))
     tmp2 = np.matmul(np.transpose(x), y)
     olsestim = np.matmul(tmp1, tmp2)
     # residuals 
     resids = y - np.matmul(x, olsestim)
     sse = np.matmul(np.transpose(resids), resids)
     # Draw coefficients (beta)
     vpost = np.kron(sigma, np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.transpose(x), x)))
     alpha = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.ndarray.flatten(olsestim), vpost)
     # Draw variance-covariance matrix
     sigma = wishart.rvs(self.T, np.linalg.inv(sse))
     # Return Values
     return alpha, sigma
Esempio n. 28
    def make_posterior_samples(self, nb_samples=10):

        self._posterior_samples = []

        m = self._sk_model

        nb_states = m.means_.shape[0]

        for i in range(nb_samples):
            _gmm = GMM()

            _gmm.lmbda = np.array([
                    m.degrees_of_freedom_[i] + 1.,
                    np.linalg.inv(m.covariances_[i] *
                for i in range(nb_states)

   = np.array([
                    np.linalg.inv(m.mean_precision_[i] * _gmm.lmbda[i]))
                for i in range(nb_states)

            _gmm.priors = m.weights_

            self._posterior_samples += [_gmm]
Esempio n. 29
 def draw(self, K = 10, N = 1*10**5, m = 3, gaussian = False):
     if self.seed is not None:
     alphas = gamma.rvs(5, size=m)               # shape parameter
     #print(sum(alphas))                              # equivalent sample size
     self.p = dirichlet.rvs(alpha = alphas, size = 1)[0]
     self.phi_is = multinomial.rvs(1, self.p, size=N)       # draw from categorical p.m.f
     self.x_draws = np.zeros((N,K))
     self.hyper_loc, self.hyper_scale, self.thetas, self.var, self.covs, self.rdraws = dict(), dict(), dict(), tuple(), tuple(), tuple()
     for i in range(m):
           self.hyper_loc["mean"+str(i+1)] = norm.rvs(size = 1, loc = 0, scale = 5)
           self.hyper_scale["scale"+str(i+1)] = 1/gamma.rvs(5, size=1)
           self.thetas["mean"+str(i+1)] = norm.rvs(size = K, loc = self.hyper_loc["mean"+str(i+1)], 
                       scale = self.hyper_scale["scale"+str(i+1)])
           self.thetas["Sigma"+str(i+1)] = np.eye(K)*(1/gamma.rvs(5, size=K))
           self.thetas["nu"+str(i+1)] = randint.rvs(K+2, K+10, size=1)[0]
           if gaussian:
              self.covs += (self.thetas['Sigma'+str(i+1)], )
              self.covs += (wishart.rvs(df = self.thetas['nu'+str(i+1)], scale = self.thetas['Sigma'+str(i+1)], size=1),)
              self.var += (self.thetas["nu"+str(i+1)]/(self.thetas["nu"+str(i+1)]-2)*self.covs[i],)       # variance covariance matrix of first Student-t component
           self.rdraws += (np.random.multivariate_normal(self.thetas["mean"+str(i+1)], self.covs[i], N),)
           self.Phi = np.tile(self.phi_is[:,i], K).reshape(K,N).T              # repeat phi vector to match with random matrix
           self.x_draws += np.multiply(self.Phi, self.rdraws[i])                
     return self.x_draws
Esempio n. 30
    def update_mixture_components(self, X, mulinha, Sigmalinha, Hlinha,
                                  sigmalinha, nk, active_components):
        K = self.K_active

        Sigmalinha_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sigmalinha)
        for k in range(K):
            k_inds = np.argwhere(self.z == k).ravel()
            X_k = X[k_inds]  # all the points in current cluster k
            phi_k = self.phi[k_inds]
            phi_k = phi_k.reshape(len(phi_k), -1)
            beta_k = self.beta[k_inds]
            beta_k = beta_k.reshape(len(beta_k), -1)

            covariance_inv = Sigmalinha_inv + self.cov_inv[k].dot(
                np.sum(phi_k**2 / beta_k))
            covariance = np.linalg.inv(covariance_inv)
            mean =
                self.cov_inv[k].dot(np.sum(X_k / beta_k, axis=0)))
  [k] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=mean, cov=covariance)

            aux = - phi_k *[k]).T,
                         (X_k - phi_k *[k]) / beta_k)
            self.cov_inv[k] = wishart.rvs(df=int(np.ceil(sigmalinha)) + nk[k] +
                                          scale=np.linalg.inv(Hlinha + aux))
            self.cov[k] = np.linalg.inv(self.cov_inv[k])
Esempio n. 31
    def _update_item_params(self):
        N = self.n_item
        X_bar = np.mean(self.item_features, 0)
        X_bar = np.reshape(X_bar, (self.n_feature, 1))
        # print 'X_bar', X_bar.shape
        S_bar = np.cov(self.item_features.T)
        # print 'S_bar', S_bar.shape

        norm_X_bar = X_bar - self.mu_item
        # print 'norm_X_bar', norm_X_bar.shape

        WI_post = inv(inv(self.WI_item) + N * S_bar + \
  , norm_X_bar.T) * \
            (N * self.beta_item) / (self.beta_item + N))
        # print 'WI_post', WI_post.shape

        # Not sure why we need this...
        WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2.0
        df_post = self.df_item + N

        # update alpha_item
        self.alpha_item = wishart.rvs(df_post, WI_post, 1, self.rand_state)

        # update mu_item
        mu_temp = (self.beta_item * self.mu_item + N * X_bar) / \
            (self.beta_item + N)
        # print "mu_temp", mu_temp.shape
        lam = cholesky(inv( + N, self.alpha_item)))
        # print 'lam', lam.shape
        self.mu_item = mu_temp +
            lam, self.rand_state.randn(self.n_feature, 1))
Esempio n. 32
    def _update_user_params(self):
        # same as _update_user_params
        N = self.n_user
        X_bar = np.mean(self.user_features, 0).T
        X_bar = np.reshape(X_bar, (self.n_feature, 1))

        # print 'X_bar', X_bar.shape
        S_bar = np.cov(self.user_features.T)
        # print 'S_bar', S_bar.shape

        norm_X_bar = X_bar - self.mu_user
        # print 'norm_X_bar', norm_X_bar.shape

        WI_post = inv(inv(self.WI_user) + N * S_bar + \
  , norm_X_bar.T) * \
            (N * self.beta_user) / (self.beta_user + N))
        # print 'WI_post', WI_post.shape

        # Not sure why we need this...
        WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2.0
        df_post = self.df_user + N

        # update alpha_user
        self.alpha_user = wishart.rvs(df_post, WI_post, 1, self.rand_state)

        # update mu_item
        mu_temp = (self.beta_user * self.mu_user + N * X_bar) / \
            (self.beta_user + N)
        # print 'mu_temp', mu_temp.shape
        lam = cholesky(inv( + N, self.alpha_user)))
        # print 'lam', lam.shape
        self.mu_user = mu_temp +
            lam, self.rand_state.randn(self.n_feature, 1))
Esempio n. 33
def simulate(theta, sim_args):

    pz_fid = sim_args[0]
    modes = sim_args[1]
    N = sim_args[2]
    nl = sim_args[3]
    nz = len(pz_fid)
    nmodes = len(modes)

    # Photo-z parameters
    z = np.linspace(0, pz_fid[0].get_knots()[-1], len(pz_fid[0].get_knots()))
    pz_new = [0] * nz
    for i in range(nz):
        p = pz_fid[i](z + theta[5 + i])
        p = p / np.trapz(p, z)
        pz_new[i] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(z, p, k=3)
    pz = pz_new

    # Compute theory power spectrum
    C = power_spectrum(theta, [pz, modes, N])

    # Realize noisy power spectrum
    C_hat = np.zeros((nz, nz, nmodes))
    for i in range(nmodes):
        C_hat[:, :, i] = wishart.rvs(df=nl[i], scale=C[:, :, i]) / nl[i]

    return C_hat
Esempio n. 34
 def __init__(self, n, dim=2, m=None, C=None):
     if m is None:
         m = np.random.randn(dim)
     if C is None:
         C = wishart.rvs(dim+1, np.identity(dim), 1)
     self.m = m
     self.C = C
     super(Gaussian, self).__init__(n)
    def __init__(self, c=None):

        self.df = 2

        if c is None:  self.c = wishart.rvs(self.df, numpy.eye(self.df))
        else:          self.c = c

        self.cov = inv(self.c)
Esempio n. 36
 def update_sgm():
     aj = a + s
     S_m = S - xbar
     m_S = xbar - self.m
     Bj = B + + (s / float(s + 1) *
     lmbdaj = wishart.rvs(aj, Bj)
     cj = s + c
     self.sgm[j] = np.linalg.inv(cj * lmbdaj)
    def __init__(self, c=None):

        self.df = 1

        if c is None: self.c = wishart.rvs(self.df, numpy.eye(self.df))  # let's draw from a 1-D wishart for this
        else:         self.c = c

        self.cov = inv(numpy.diag([self.c, self.c]))
Esempio n. 38
    def test_wishart_invwishart_2D_rvs(self):
        dim = 3
        df = 10

        # Construct a simple non-diagonal positive definite matrix
        scale = np.eye(dim)
        scale[0,1] = 0.5
        scale[1,0] = 0.5

        # Construct frozen Wishart and inverse Wishart random variables
        w = wishart(df, scale)
        iw = invwishart(df, scale)

        # Get the generated random variables from a known seed
        w_rvs = wishart.rvs(df, scale)
        frozen_w_rvs = w.rvs()
        iw_rvs = invwishart.rvs(df, scale)
        frozen_iw_rvs = iw.rvs()

        # Manually calculate what it should be, based on the Bartlett (1933)
        # decomposition of a Wishart into D A A' D', where D is the Cholesky
        # factorization of the scale matrix and A is the lower triangular matrix
        # with the square root of chi^2 variates on the diagonal and N(0,1)
        # variates in the lower triangle.
        covariances = np.random.normal(size=3)
        variances = np.r_[

        # Construct the lower-triangular A matrix
        A = np.diag(variances)
        A[np.tril_indices(dim, k=-1)] = covariances

        # Wishart random variate
        D = np.linalg.cholesky(scale)
        DA =
        manual_w_rvs =, DA.T)

        # inverse Wishart random variate
        # Supposing that the inverse wishart has scale matrix `scale`, then the
        # random variate is the inverse of a random variate drawn from a Wishart
        # distribution with scale matrix `inv_scale = np.linalg.inv(scale)`
        iD = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv(scale))
        iDA =
        manual_iw_rvs = np.linalg.inv(, iDA.T))

        # Test for equality
        assert_allclose(w_rvs, manual_w_rvs)
        assert_allclose(frozen_w_rvs, manual_w_rvs)
        assert_allclose(iw_rvs, manual_iw_rvs)
        assert_allclose(frozen_iw_rvs, manual_iw_rvs)
Esempio n. 39
File: Progetto: gray0302/pyrec
 def _update_alpha(self):
     sum = 0
     for entry in self.trainData.iterrows():
         keys = [entry[1][0], entry[1][1], entry[1][3]]
         rate = entry[1][2]
         sum += (rate - self.predict_with_keys(keys, True)) ** 2
     WI_post = self.WI_alpha + sum
     df_post = self.df_alpha + self.L
     self.alpha = wishart.rvs(df=df_post, scale=1. / WI_post)
Esempio n. 40
File: Progetto: gray0302/pyrec
 def _update_time_params(self):
     N = self.rateDao.num_times
     diff_temp = np.diff(self.T, axis=0)
     diff_t0 = self.T[0] - self.mu0_t
     WI_post = self.WI_time +, diff_temp) + self.beta_time / (1 + self.beta_time) * np.outer(
         diff_t0, diff_t0)
     WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2.
     df_post = self.df_item + N
     self.lambda_time = wishart.rvs(df_post, WI_post)
     mu_temp = (self.beta_time * self.mu0_t + self.T[0]) / (self.beta_item + 1)
     sigma_temp = np.linalg.inv( + 1, self.lambda_time))
     self.mu_time = mv_normalrand(mu_temp, sigma_temp, self.factors)
Esempio n. 41
File: Progetto: gray0302/pyrec
 def _update_item_params(self):
     N = self.rateDao.num_items
     X_bar = np.mean(self.Q, 0)
     S_bar = np.cov(self.Q.T)
     norm_X_bar = self.mu0_i - X_bar
     WI_post = self.WI_item + N * S_bar + np.outer(norm_X_bar) * (N * self.beta_item) / (self.beta_item + N)
     WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2.
     df_post = self.df_item + N
     self.lambda_item = wishart.rvs(df_post, WI_post)
     mu_temp = (self.beta_item * self.mu0_i + N * X_bar) / (self.beta_item + N)
     sigma_temp = np.linalg.inv( + N, self.lambda_item))
     self.mu_item = mv_normalrand(mu_temp, sigma_temp, self.factors)
Esempio n. 42
File: Progetto: gray0302/pyrec
 def _update_user_params(self):
     N = self.rateDao.num_users
     X_bar = np.mean(self.P, 0)
     S_bar = np.cov(self.P.T)
     norm_X_bar = self.mu0_u - X_bar
     WI_post = self.WI_user + N * S_bar + np.outer(norm_X_bar) * (N * self.beta_user) / (self.beta_user + N)
     # ensure the matrix's symmetry
     WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2.
     df_post = self.df_user + N
     self.lambda_user = wishart.rvs(df_post, WI_post)
     # 以下可参考
     mu_temp = (self.beta_user * self.mu0_u + N * X_bar) / (self.beta_user + N)
     sigma_temp = np.linalg.inv( + N, self.lambda_user))
     self.mu_user = mv_normalrand(mu_temp, sigma_temp, self.factors)
def sample_from_prior(c0, m0, a0, B0):
  precision0 = wishart.rvs(df=a0, scale=np.linalg.inv(B0))
  cov = np.linalg.inv(precision0)
  mean = mvn.rvs(mean=m0, cov=cov/c0)
  return mean, cov
 def propose(self):
     vx = wishart.rvs(self.df,
     vy = wishart.rvs(self.df,
     fb =   wishart.logpdf(vx, self.df, + wishart.logpdf(vy, self.df, - \
          ( wishart.logpdf(, self.df, vx) + wishart.logpdf(, self.df, vy) )
     return AlignedNormal2D(cx=vx, cy=vy), fb
Esempio n. 45
    def DP_GMM(self, X, T):
        X = X.todense()
        for i in np.arange(X.shape[0]):
            for j in np.arange(X.shape[1]):
                X[i,j] += 1e-3 * random.random()
        print X
        d = float(X.shape[0])
        N = float(X.shape[1])
        c = 1.0/10.0
        a = d
        B = c * d * np.cov(X.T)
        alpha = 1.0
        m = np.mean(X, axis=1)

        m_mean = [None] * int(N)
        m_sigma = [None] * int(N)
        m_n = np.zeros((1, int(N))) # number of points in each cluster

        m_c = np.ones((1, int(N)))
        print B
        print B.shape
        sigma = wishart.rvs(df=a, scale=inv(B))
        m_sigma[0] = sigma
        m_mean[0] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=m, cov=inv(c * sigma)) #transpose omitted
        num_clusters = 1
        m_n[0] = N

        num_cluster_list = np.zeros((1, T))
        for t in np.arange(T):
            print t
            for i in np.arange(N):
                m_psi = np.zeros((1, num_clusters + 1))

                # (a) for all clusters with points in them besides x_i
                for j in np.arange(num_clusters):
                    nj = m_n[j]
                    if m_c[i] == j:
                        nj = nj - 1

                    # if only x_i in the cluster, then m_psi prob = 0
                    if nj > 0:
                        mean_j = m_mean[j]
                        sigma_j = m_sigma[j]
                        m_psi_val = multivariate_normal.pdf(x=X[:, i], mean=mean_j, cov=inv(sigma_j)) * nj / (alpha + N - 1)
                        m_psi[j] = m_psi_val

                # (b) for new cluster
                m_psi[num_clusters + 1] = alpha / (alpha + N - 1) * self.marginal(X[:, i], a, B, c, m)

                # (c) normalize m_psi and sample from discrete distribution
                m_psi = m_psi / sum(m_psi)

                # remove this point from the cluster's count
                m_n[m_c[i]] -= 1
                m_c[i] = self.discrete_dist(m_psi) # cluster assignment for x_i
                m_n[m_c[i]] += 1

                if m_c[i] == num_clusters + 1:
                    # generate a new cluster
                    num_clusters = num_clusters + 1
                    mean_p, sigma_p = self.new_cluster(X[:, i], a, B, c, m)
                    m_mean[num_clusters] = mean_p
                    m_sigma[num_clusters] = sigma_p

                # (d) remove clusters with no points, reindex remaining clusters
                m_n = np.zeros((1, N))
                m_c_temp = m_c
                for j in np.arange(num_clusters):
                    indices = []
                    for i, item in m_c:
                        if item == j:
                    count = float(len(indices))
                    m_n[j] = count
                    X_sub = X[:, indices]
                    mean_p, sigma_p = self.new_cluster(X_sub, a, B, c, m)
                    m_mean[j] = mean_p
                    m_sigma[j] = sigma_p
 def propose(self):
     val = wishart.rvs(self.df, self.c)
     fb = wishart.logpdf(val, self.df, self.c) - wishart.logpdf(self.c, self.df, val)
     return FreeNormal2D(c=val), fb
def sampler_W(df, scale):
    sample = wishart.rvs(df, scale, size=1, random_state=None)
    matrix = sample[0]
    return matrix
def sampler_W(df, scale):
	sample = wishart.rvs(df, scale, size=1, random_state=None)
	return sample
def gmm(X, K, max_iter=100):
  N, D = X.shape

  # parameters for pi, mu, and precision
  alphas = np.ones(K, dtype=np.float32) # prior parameter for pi (dirichlet)
  orig_alphas = np.ones(K, dtype=np.float32) # prior parameter for pi (dirichlet)
  # mu_means = np.zeros((K, D), dtype=np.float32) # prior mean for mu (normal) ### No!
  # mu_covs = np.empty((K, D, D), dtype=np.float32) # prior covariance for mu (normal)
  orig_c = 10.0
  # for k in xrange(K):
  #   mu_covs[k] = np.eye(D)*orig_c

  orig_a = np.ones(K, dtype=np.float32)*D
  a = np.ones(K, dtype=np.float32)*D # prior for precision (wishart)
  orig_B = np.empty((K, D, D))
  B = np.empty((K, D, D)) # precision (wishart)
  empirical_cov = np.cov(X.T)
  for k in xrange(K):
    B[k] = (D/10.0)*empirical_cov
    orig_B[k] = (D/10.0)*empirical_cov

  # try random init instead
  # mu_means = np.random.randn(K, D)*orig_c
  mu_means = np.empty((K, D))
  for j in xrange(K):
    mu_means[j] = X[np.random.choice(N)]
  mu_covs = wishart.rvs(df=orig_a[0], scale=np.linalg.inv(B[0]), size=K)

  costs = np.zeros(max_iter)
  for iter_idx in xrange(max_iter):
    # calculate q(c[i])
    # phi = np.empty((N,K)) # index i = sample, index j = cluster
    t1 = np.empty(K)
    t2 = np.empty((N,K))
    t3 = np.empty(K)
    t4 = np.empty(K)

    # calculate this first because we will use it multiple times
    Binv = np.empty((K, D, D))
    for j in range(K):
      Binv[j] = np.linalg.inv(B[j])

    for j in xrange(K):
      # calculate t1
      t1[j] = -np.log(np.linalg.det(B[j]))
      for d in xrange(D):
        t1[j] += digamma( (1 - d + a[j])/2.0 )

      # calculate t2
      for i in xrange(N):
        diff_ij = X[i] - mu_means[j]
        t2[i,j] = (a[j]*Binv[j] ).dot(diff_ij) )

      # calculate t3
      t3[j] = np.trace( a[j]*Binv[j].dot(mu_covs[j]) )
      # calculate t4
      t4[j] = digamma(alphas[j]) - digamma(alphas.sum())

    # calculate phi from t's
    # MAKE SURE 1-d array gets added to 2-d array correctly
    phi = np.exp(0.5*t1 - 0.5*t2 - 0.5*t3 + t4)
    # print "phi before normalize:", phi
    phi = phi / phi.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)

    # print "phi:", phi

    cluster_assignments = phi.argmax(axis=1)

    n = phi.sum(axis=0) # there should be K of these
    # print "n[j]:", n

    # update q(pi)
    alphas = orig_alphas + n
    # print "alphas:", alphas

    # update q(mu)
    for j in xrange(K):
      mu_covs[j] = np.linalg.inv( (1.0/orig_c)*np.eye(D) + n[j]*a[j]*Binv[j] )
      mu_means[j] = mu_covs[j].dot( a[j]*Binv[j] ).dot(phi[:,j].dot(X))

    # print "means:", mu_means
    # print "mu_covs:", mu_covs

    # update q(lambda)
    a = orig_a + n
    for j in xrange(K):
      B[j] = orig_B[j].copy()
      for i in xrange(N):
        diff_ij = X[i] - mu_means[j]
        B[j] += phi[i,j]*(np.outer(diff_ij, diff_ij) + mu_covs[j])

    # print "a[j]:", a
    # print "B[j]:", B

    costs[iter_idx] = get_cost(X, K, cluster_assignments, phi, alphas, mu_means, mu_covs, a, B, orig_alphas, orig_c, orig_a, orig_B)


  print "cluster assignments:\n", cluster_assignments
  plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=cluster_assignments, s=100, alpha=0.7)
def gmm(X, T=500):
  N, D = X.shape

  m0 = X.mean(axis=0)
  c0 = 0.1
  a0 = float(D)
  B0 = c0*D*np.cov(X.T)
  alpha0 = 1.0

  # cluster assignments - originally everything is assigned to cluster 0
  C = np.zeros(N)

  # keep as many as we need for each gaussian
  # originally we sample from the prior
  # TODO: just use the function above
  precision0 = wishart.rvs(df=a0, scale=np.linalg.inv(B0))
  covariances = [np.linalg.inv(precision0)]
  means = [mvn.rvs(mean=m0, cov=covariances[0]/c0)]

  cluster_counts = [1]
  K = 1
  observations_per_cluster = np.zeros((T, 6))
  for t in xrange(T):
    if t % 20 == 0:
      print t
    # 1) calculate phi[i,j]
    # Notes:
    # MANY new clusters can be made each iteration
    # A cluster can be DESTROYED if a x[i] is the only pt in cluster j and gets assigned to a new cluster
    # phi = np.empty((N, K))
    list_of_cluster_indices = range(K)
    next_cluster_index = K
    # phi = [] # TODO: do we need this at all?
    for i in xrange(N):
      phi_i = {}
      for j in list_of_cluster_indices:
        # don't loop through xrange(K) because clusters can be created or destroyed as we loop through i
        nj_noti = np.sum(C[:i] == j) + np.sum(C[i+1:] == j)
        if nj_noti > 0:
          # existing cluster
          # phi[i,j] = N(x[i] | mu[j], cov[j]) * nj_noti / (alpha0 + N - 1)
          # using the sampled mu / covs
          phi_i[j] = mvn.pdf(X[i], mean=means[j], cov=covariances[j]) * nj_noti / (alpha0 + N - 1.0)

        # new cluster
        # create a possible new cluster for every sample i
        # but only keep it if sample i occupies this new cluster j'
        # i.e. if C[i] = j' when we sample C[i]
        # phi[i,j'] = alpha0 / (alpha0 + N - 1) * p(x[i])
        # p(x[i]) is a marginal integrated over mu and precision
        phi_i[next_cluster_index] = alpha0 / (alpha0 + N - 1.0) * marginal(X[i], c0, m0, a0, B0)

      # normalize phi[i] and assign C[i] to its new cluster by sampling from phi[i]

      # if C[i] = j' (new cluster), generate mu[j'] and cov[j']
      C[i] = sample_cluster_identity(phi_i)
      if C[i] == next_cluster_index:
        next_cluster_index += 1
        new_mean, new_cov = sample_from_prior(c0, m0, a0, B0)

      # destroy any cluster with no points in it
      clusters_to_remove = []
      tot = 0
      for j in list_of_cluster_indices:
        nj = np.sum(C == j)
        # print "number of pts in cluster %d:" % j, nj
        tot += nj
        if nj == 0:
      # print "tot:", tot
      assert(tot == N)
      for j in clusters_to_remove:

    # DEBUG - make sure no clusters are empty
    # counts = [np.sum(C == j) for j in list_of_cluster_indices]
    # for c in counts:
    #   assert(c > 0)

    # re-order the cluster indexes so they range from K - 1
    new_C = np.zeros(N)
    for new_j in xrange(len(list_of_cluster_indices)):
      old_j = list_of_cluster_indices[new_j]
      new_C[C == old_j] = new_j
    C = new_C
    K = len(list_of_cluster_indices)
    list_of_cluster_indices = range(K) # redundant but if removed will break counts

    # 2) calculate the new mu, covariance for every currently non-empty cluster
    # i.e. SAMPLE mu, cov from the new cluster assignments
    means = []
    covariances = []
    for j in xrange(K):
      # first calculate m', c', a', B'
      # then call the function that samples a mean and covariance using these
      mean, cov = sample_from_X(X[C == j], m0, c0, a0, B0)

    # plot number of observations per cluster for 6 most probable clusters per iteration
    counts = sorted([np.sum(C == j) for j in list_of_cluster_indices], reverse=True)
    # print "counts:", counts
    if len(counts) < 6:
      observations_per_cluster[t,:len(counts)] = counts
      observations_per_cluster[t] = counts[:6]

  # plot number of clusters per iteration

  # plot number of observations per cluster for 6 most probable clusters per iteration
Esempio n. 51
    def make_step(self):
        Make a single Gibbs sampling step according to [2] algorithm 3.
        # Create an empty base component to evaluate the probability of new components
        base_component = Component(self, [])
        # Iterate over all observations
        for i in range(self.npoints):
            # Remove the observation from its current cluster
            z_i = self.z[i]

            # Remove the component if it is empty
            if len(self.components[z_i].idx) == 0:
                del self.components[z_i]

            # Iterate over all possible components and evaluate the
            # probability to assign the current data point to the cluster
            probabilities = []
            labels = []
            for z, component in self.components.iteritems():
                # Obtain the marginal likelihood under the Gaussian
                p = component.marginal_likelihood(self.X[i])
                # Obtain the contribution from the Dirichlet process
                p *= component.total_weight / (self.alpha + self.npoints - 1.0)
                # Append to the list of probabilities and labels

            # Consider the possibility of a new component
            # Define a new label
            z_new = np.max(self.components.keys()) + 1
            # Probabilities for adding a new cluster
            p = base_component.marginal_likelihood(self.X[i])
            p *= self.alpha / (self.alpha + self.npoints - 1.0)
            # Append to the list of probabilities and labels

            # Normalise the distribution
            probabilities = np.asarray(probabilities) / np.sum(probabilities)
            # Sample a new cluster
            self.z[i] = z_i = np.random.choice(labels, p=probabilities)
            # If it's a new cluster
            if z_i == z_new:
                self.components[z_i] = Component(self, [i])

        # Sample the density of each cluster
                                + np.asarray([component.total_weight for component in self.components.itervalues()])))

        # Sample the inverse covariance
        row_mu = []
        row_tau = []
        for component in self.components.itervalues():
            # Draw from the Wishart distribution
            tau = np.atleast_2d(wishart.rvs(df=component.pnu, scale=np.linalg.inv(component.ppsi)))
            # Draw from the multivariate normal
            mu = np.random.multivariate_normal(component.pchi, np.linalg.inv(component.pkappa * tau))
            # Append samples
        # Store the results