def init(confdict): """ Initializes this module according to :ref:`our module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`hosts` A list of Varnish hosts passed to :func:`parse_host_port <score.init.parse_host_port>` and :func:`parse_list <score.init.parse_list>`. :confkey:`soft` :faint:`[default=true]` Whether to purge :term:`soft <soft purge>` or :term:`hard <hard purge>`. :confkey:`timeout` :faint:`[default=5s]` The timeout for sending requests to a Varnish host passed to :func:`parse_time_interval <score.init.parse_time_interval>`. :confkey:`header.domain` :faint:`[default=X-Purge-Domain]` The name of the header used for purging a domain. :confkey:`header.path` :faint:`[default=X-Purge-Path]` The name of the header used for purging a path. :confkey:`header.soft` :faint:`[default=X-Purge-Soft]` The name of the header used for triggering a :term:`soft purge`. """ conf = dict(defaults.items()) conf.update(confdict) hosts = [parse_host_port(host) for host in parse_list(conf['hosts'])] soft = parse_bool(conf['soft']) timeout = parse_time_interval(conf['timeout']) header_mapping = extract_conf(conf, 'header.') return ConfiguredVarnishModule(hosts, soft, timeout, header_mapping)
def parse_connect_conf(conf): conf = conf.copy() if 'hosts' in conf: conf['hosts'] = parse_list(conf['hosts']) if 'verify_certs' in conf: conf['verify_certs'] = parse_bool(conf['verify_certs']) if 'use_ssl' in conf: conf['use_ssl'] = parse_bool(conf['use_ssl']) if 'timeout' in conf: conf['timeout'] = parse_time_interval(conf['timeout']) return conf
def init(confdict): """ Initializes this module according to :ref:`our module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`sample_interval` :confdefault:`100ms` Time duration to wait between measurements. :confkey:`output_interval` :confdefault:`5s` Interval in which to update resulting graph. :confkey:`output.folder` :confdefault:`.` Folder to write results to. Will create a file with this process's start time and PID as file name. :confkey:`output.file` This may be provided instead of ``output.folder``, in which case the output will be written to this specific file. """ conf = dict(defaults.items()) conf.update(confdict) sample_interval = parse_time_interval(conf['sample_interval']) output_interval = parse_time_interval(conf['output_interval']) if conf['output.file']: file = conf['output.file'] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file)): import score.perf raise ConfigurationError( score.perf, 'Folder of configured `output.file` does not exist') else: if not os.path.isdir(conf['output.folder']): import score.perf raise ConfigurationError( score.perf, 'Configured `output.folder` does not exist') now = file = os.path.join( conf['output.folder'], '%s-%d.svg' % ( now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), os.getpid())) return ConfiguredPerfModule(sample_interval, output_interval, file)
def parse_cookie_kwargs(conf): if not conf['cookie'] or conf['cookie'] == 'None': return None cookie_kwargs = { 'name': conf['cookie'], 'path': conf['cookie.path'], 'domain': conf['cookie.domain'], 'secure': parse_bool(conf['']), 'httponly': parse_bool(conf['cookie.httponly']), } if conf['cookie.max_age']: cookie_kwargs['max_age'] = \ parse_time_interval(conf['cookie.max_age']) return cookie_kwargs
def add_route_caching(duration): duration = parse_time_interval(duration) def add_caching(route): callback = route.callback @functools.wraps(callback) def wrapper(ctx, *args, **kwargs): result = callback(ctx, *args, **kwargs) if ctx.http.request.method == 'GET': header = ('Cache-Control', 's-maxage=%d' % duration) ctx.http.response.headerlist.append(header) return result route.callback = wrapper return route return add_caching
def init(confdict, ctx): """ Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`host` :confdefault:`` The hostname to listen for connnections on. :confkey:`port` :confdefault:`8081` The port to listen for connnections on. :confkey:`stop_timeout` :confdefault:`None` Defines how long the module will wait for connections to close when pausing the worker. The value will be interpreted through a call to :func:`score.init.parse_time_interval`. The default value `None` indicates that the module will wait indefinitely. If you want to the server to terminate immediately, without waiting for open connections at all, you must pass "0". :confkey:`reuse_port` :confdefault:`False` Whether the ``reuse_port`` keyword argument should be passed to the underlying event loop's :meth:`create_server() <asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.create_server>` method. """ conf = dict(defaults.items()) conf.update(confdict) host = conf['host'] port = int(conf['port']) stop_timeout = conf['stop_timeout'] if stop_timeout == 'None': stop_timeout = None if stop_timeout is not None: stop_timeout = parse_time_interval(stop_timeout) reuse_port = parse_bool(conf['reuse_port']) return ConfiguredWebsocketsModule(ctx, host, port, stop_timeout, reuse_port)
def init(confdict): """ Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`sqlalchemy.*` All configuration values under this key will be passed to :func:`sqlalchemy.engine_from_config`, which in turn calls :func:`sqlalchemy.create_engine` with these configuration values as keyword arguments. Usually the following is sufficient:: sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://dbuser@localhost/projname :confkey:`maxtime` :default:`1m` Maximum time frame a lock can be held without being updated. Any lock older than this time frame is considered expired. """ conf = defaults.copy() conf.update(confdict) engine = engine_from_config(conf) maxtime = parse_time_interval(conf['maxtime']) return ConfiguredDistlockModule(engine, maxtime)
def parse_cookie_kwargs(conf): if not conf['cookie'] or conf['cookie'] == 'None': return None samesite = conf['cookie.samesite'] if samesite and samesite.strip().lower() != 'none': samesite = samesite.strip() samesite = samesite[0].upper() + samesite[1:].lower() if samesite not in ('Strict', 'Lax'): raise ValueError('cookie.samesite must be "Strict" or "Lax"') else: samesite = None cookie_kwargs = { 'name': conf['cookie'], 'path': conf['cookie.path'], 'domain': conf['cookie.domain'], 'secure': parse_bool(conf['']), 'httponly': parse_bool(conf['cookie.httponly']), 'samesite': samesite, } if conf['cookie.max_age']: cookie_kwargs['max_age'] = \ parse_time_interval(conf['cookie.max_age']) return cookie_kwargs
def init(confdict): """ Initializes this module according to :ref:`our module initialization guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys: :confkey:`container` The cache container configuration. A container defines a name, a backend and optionally a generator and an expire. The configuration key for a container starts with ``container`` followed by the name and the configuration keys for the container. For example, the following configuration:: container.greeter.backend = score.kvcache.backend.FileCache container.greeter.backend.path = /tmp/greeter.sqlite3 container.greeter.generator = container.greeter.expire = 1m The Backend config will be passed to :func:`score.init.init_object`. Have a look at the configurable backend's constructor parameters for further information about the backend's configurable keys. To make life easier for a huge set of container configurations, we serve the possibility to configure backend aliases that will replace the container's backend config if the name matches. For example:: backend.example_filecache = score.kvcache.backend.FileCache backend.example_filecache.path = /tmp/filecache.sqlite3 container.greeter.backend = example_filecache container.greeter.generator = container.greeter.expire = 1m container.counter.backend = example_filecache container.counter.generator = container.counter.expire = 30 seconds """ containers = {} for container_conf in extract_conf(confdict, 'container.'): if not container_conf.endswith('.backend'): continue backend_key = 'container.%s' % container_conf backend_val = confdict[backend_key] if backend_val in extract_conf(confdict, 'backend.'): alias_conf = extract_conf(confdict, 'backend.%s' % backend_val) for k, v in alias_conf.items(): confdict.update({'%s%s' % (backend_key, k): v}) container_name = container_conf[:-len('.backend')] backend = parse_object(confdict, backend_key) generator_key = 'container.%s.generator' % container_name generator = None if generator_key in confdict: generator = parse_dotted_path(confdict[generator_key]) expire_key = 'container.%s.expire' % container_name expire = None if expire_key in confdict: expire = parse_time_interval(confdict[expire_key]) containers[container_name] = CacheContainer(container_name, backend, generator=generator, expire=expire) return ConfiguredKvCacheModule(containers)
def __init__(self, uri, key, timeout): super().__init__() self.uri = uri self.key = key self.timeout = parse_time_interval(timeout)