Esempio n. 1
def foreground_main(args):
    verbose_print(args, f'Segmenting foreground from {args.input}')

    # Load the input image
    data = io.imread(args.input)

    # Smoothing
    if args.g is not None:
        data = gaussian_blur(data, args.g).astype(data.dtype)

    # Threshold image
    foreground = (data > args.t)  # .astype(np.uint8)

    # Fill holes
    # This is done slice-by-slice for now since there could be imaging problems where
    # a part of a ventricle is actually in the image at z = 0 or z = -1
    output = np.empty(foreground.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    for i, img in enumerate(foreground):
        output[i] = binary_fill_holes(img)
    output *= 255

    # Save the result to TIFF
    io.imsave(args.output, output, compress=3)
    verbose_print(args, f'Segmentation written to {args.output}')

    verbose_print(args, f'Foreground segmentation done!')
Esempio n. 2
def read_downsample_write(path, factor, output_dir, filename, compress=1):
    arr = io.imread(path)
    if isinstance(factor, int):
        factors = tuple(factor for _ in range(arr.ndim))
        factors = tuple(factor)
    data = downsample(arr, factors)
    output = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
    io.imsave(output, data, compress=compress)
Esempio n. 3
def rescale_image(path, threshold, max_val, output, filename, compress):
    img = io.imread(path).astype(np.float32)  # load image as float

    # Subtract threshold and remove background by clipping negative values
    img -= threshold
    img = np.clip(img, 0, None)

    # Divide by max_val (accounting for threshold) to scale to [0, 1]
    img = img / (max_val - threshold)

    # Save result
    output_path = os.path.join(output, filename)
    io.imsave(output_path, img, compress=compress)
Esempio n. 4
def stack_main(args):
    verbose_print(args, f'Stacking images in {args.input}')

    paths, filenames = utils.tifs_in_dir(args.input)
    verbose_print(args, f'Found {len(paths)} images')

    img0 = io.imread(paths[0])
    shape2d, dtype = img0.shape, img0.dtype
    img = np.empty((len(paths), *shape2d), dtype)
    for z, path in tqdm(enumerate(paths), total=len(paths)):
        img[z] = io.imread(path)

    io.imsave(args.output, img, compress=1)

    verbose_print(args, f'Stacking done!')
Esempio n. 5
def ventricle_main(args):
    verbose_print(args, f'Segmenting ventricles in {args.input}')

    # Load the input image
    data = io.imread(args.input)

    # Load the model
    if args.model.endswith('.pt'):
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
        # device = torch.device("cpu")
        model = load_model(args.model, device)
        model = model.eval()
            f'Pytorch model successfully loaded from {args.model} to {device} device'
        # Segment the input image
        verbose_print(args, f'Segmentation progress:')
        output = segment_ventricles(model, data, args.t, device)
    elif args.model.endswith('.h5'):
        model = load_keras_model(args.model)
                      f'Kerass model successfully loaded from {args.model}')
        # Segment the input image
        verbose_print(args, f'Segmentation progress:')
        output = segment_ventricles_keras(model, data, args.t)

    # Remove border regions
    if args.exclude_border:
        verbose_print(args, f'Removing regions connected to image border')
        # This could also be done in 3D instead of slice-by-slice
        # I'm not sure if images will start in ventricle, so doing slice-by-slice to be safe
        img = np.zeros_like(output)
        for i, data in tqdm(enumerate(output), total=len(output)):
            img[i] = clear_border(data)
        output = img

    # Save the result to TIFF
    io.imsave(args.output, output, compress=3)
    verbose_print(args, f'Segmentation written to {args.output}')

    verbose_print(args, f'Ventricle segmentation done!')
Esempio n. 6
def downsample_main(args):
    if args.n is None:
        nb_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        nb_workers = args.n

                  f'Downsampling {args.input} with factors {args.factor}')

    if args.tiff:
        os.makedirs(args.output, exist_ok=True)
        paths, filenames = utils.tifs_in_dir(args.input)

        args_list = []
        for path, filename in zip(paths, filenames):
            args_list.append((path, args.factor, args.output, filename))
        with multiprocessing.Pool(nb_workers) as pool:
            pool.starmap(read_downsample_write, args_list)

        # for i, (path, filename) in enumerate(zip(paths, filenames)):
        #     verbose_print(args, f'Downsampling {filename}')
        #     arr = io.imread(path)
        #     if isinstance(args.factor, int):
        #         factors = tuple(args.factor for _ in range(arr.ndim))
        #     else:
        #         factors = tuple(args.factor)
        #     data = downsample(arr, factors)
        #     output = os.path.join(args.output, filename)
        #     io.imsave(output, data, compress=3)

        arr =, mode='r')
        if isinstance(args.factor, int):
            factors = tuple(args.factor for _ in range(arr.ndim))
            factors = tuple(args.factor)
        data = downsample(arr, factors)
        verbose_print(args, f'Writing result to {args.output}')
        io.imsave(args.output, data, compress=3)

    verbose_print(args, f'Downsampling done!')
Esempio n. 7
def contrast_main(args):
    # Initial setup
    nb_workers = _check_workers(args)

    if args.k is None:
        verbose_print(args, f"Performing histogram equalization with default kernel size")
        kernel_size = None
        verbose_print(args, f"Performing histogram equalization with kernel size {args.k}")
        kernel_size = args.k

    # Find all TIFFs
    paths, filenames = tifs_in_dir(args.input)
    verbose_print(args, f"Found {len(paths)} TIFFs")

    # Make output folder
    os.makedirs(args.output, exist_ok=True)

    for path, filename in tqdm.tqdm(zip(paths, filenames), total=len(paths)):
        img = io.imread(path)
        adjusted = equalize_adapthist(img, kernel_size=kernel_size).astype(np.float32)
        io.imsave(os.path.join(args.output, filename), adjusted, compress=args.c)

    verbose_print(args, f"Contrast done!")
Esempio n. 8
def process_write(img, f, output, compress=3):
    result = f(img)
    io.imsave(output, result, compress=compress)