def rmt_copy(self, hostname, username=None, password=None, send=False, fname=None, remote_path=None): """Remote copy function retrieves files from specified host. :param hostname: host name or ip address :param username: user which will have privalege to copy files to and from system. :param password: password for defined user. :param send: flag to send files. by default copy from remote (send=false) :type send: bool :param fname: file name which to transport :param remote_path: where to place the file on the other end. """ ssh = SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname, username=username, password=password) if not send: with closing(Read(ssh.get_transport(), remote_path)) as scp: scp.receive_file(fname) else: with closing(Write(ssh.get_transport(), remote_path)) as scp: scp.send_file(fname, send)
def scp_to_server(file_path, host, username, password=None, copy=False): """ Securely copy the file to the server. """ ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() #ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.WarningPolicy()) ssh_client.connect(host, username=username, password=password, port=22) if not copy: return with scpclient.closing(scpclient.Write(ssh_client.get_transport(), "~/")) as scp: scp.send_file( file_path, remote_filename="/data/elk/workstream_dbms_logs/from_ws/test.BIN")
def uploadAssetBundle(region, platform, build): print("upload the asset bundle...") client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(env.UPLOAD_ASSETBUNDLE_URL, username=env.UPLOAD_ASSETBUNDLE_USER, password=env.UPLOAD_ASSETBUNDLE_PASSWD) remotePath = assetBundleRemotePath(region, platform, build) with scpclient.closing( scpclient.WriteDir(client.get_transport(), remotePath)) as scp: if "dev" == build: scp.send_dir(assetBundlePath(region, platform, build), progress=showProgress) elif "beta" == build: scp.send_dir(assetBundlePath(region, platform, build), progress=showProgress) elif "release" == build: scp.send_dir(assetBundlePath(region, platform, build), progress=showProgress)
latency = latency + '{"Latency": ' + linehelper[ 0] + ',"NumberOfPackets": ' + linehelper[1][:-1] + '},' latency = latency[:-1] resultsJSON = '{"TestID": "' + data2[4] + '","Timestamp": "' + str( time.time() ) + '","TestConfig": {"Time": ' + data2[3] + ',"Mbit": ' + data2[ 2] + ',"PktSize": 1300,"IpSrc": "","IpDst": "","PortSrc": 1234,"PortDst": 319},"Results": {"PktStatsTx": [' + arrayTX + '],"PktStatsRx": [' + arrayRX + '],"LatencyStats": [' + latency + ']}}' d = json.loads(resultsJSON) DataFile = open(data2[4] + ".json", "w") DataFile.write(json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) DataFile.close() time.sleep(2) print "sending json to orch" ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() ssh_client.connect('public_server_ip/hostname', username='******', password='******') with scpclient.closing(scpclient.Write(ssh_client.get_transport(), '.')) as scp: scp.send_file(data2[4] + '.json', remote_filename=data2[4] + '.json') time.sleep(2) sock2.sendto(data2[4] + ".json", ("public_server_ip/hostname", 33339)) print "send done"
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'Creates a Satori image from a remote OS using SSH' ) parser.add_argument( 'user_host', metavar = 'USER@HOSTNAME|HOSTNAME',\ help = 'The user and host to connect and run the' ) parser.add_argument('--arguments', '-args',\ help = '''The whole argument string to pass to remote ''. For help on those arguments type " -h"''',\ default = '--threads 2' ) parser.add_argument( '--key', '-i', help = 'SSH Key to connect', default = None ) parser.add_argument( '--password', '-p',\ help = '''SSH password. Avoid this option, as the password will be shown in bash history and 'ps' command''') parser.add_argument( '--not-purge', help = 'Do not purges the Satori files from target machine when finished',\ action = 'store_true', default = False ) parser.add_argument( '--r-dir', help = 'Directory to copy the Satori files in the remote host',\ default = '/tmp/' ) verb = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() verb.add_argument( '--verbose', '-v' , help = 'verbose mode', action = 'count', default = 0 ) verb.add_argument( '--debug' , '-d', help = 'debugging mode', action = 'store_true', default = False ) verb.add_argument( '--quiet', '-q' , help = 'quiet mode', action = 'store_true', default = False ) __log.warning(header) args = parser.parse_args() ''' ================================================ VERBOSITY CHECKS ================================================ ''' if args.debug : __log.setLevel( log.DEBUG ) elif args.quiet : __log.setLevel( log.ERROR ) elif args.verbose == 0 : __log.setLevel( log.WARNING ) elif args.verbose == 1 : __log.setLevel( log.INFO ) if not args.password : ssh_pass = getpass.getpass() else :"Password provided!") ssh_pass = args.password remote_dir = args.r_dir arguments = args.arguments "Remote directory is '%s'" % remote_dir ) satoriFolder = sys.path[0] "Satori will be copied from '%s'" % satoriFolder ) ssh = SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) user = None if '@' in args.user_host : user = args.user_host.split('@')[0] host = args.user_host.split('@')[1] else : host = args.user_host ("Attempting SSH connection to '{0}' as user '{1}'".format( host, user ) ) ssh.connect( host, username = user, password = ssh_pass, key_filename = args.key ) __log.warning ("Connection Established!") sftp = ssh.open_sftp() ("SFTP channel opened!") # sftp = RecursiveSFTPClient( ) with closing(WriteDir (ssh.get_transport(), remote_dir )) as scp: scp.send_dir( satoriFolder , preserve_times = True) ( "Satori folder copied at remote location '%s'" % remote_dir ) # sftp.put_dir( satoriFolder, remote_dir ) remote_satori = remote_dir + '/satori' old_contents = sftp.listdir( remote_satori ) __log.debug( old_contents ) rem_command = 'chmod 775 {0}; cd {0}; ./ {1} '. format( remote_satori, arguments ) # rem_command = 'chmod 775 {0}; cd {0}; ./ {1} 2>&1 |tee /tmp/satori.log'. format( remote_satori, arguments ) "The command to run in remote host is:" ) "'%s'" % rem_command ) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command( rem_command ) __log.warning( "Executing... ") "Output from Remote Execution:" ) "===========================================") defs.bash_l_gray ) for line in iter(lambda: stderr.readline(2048), ""): line[:-1] ) # last char is the next_line defs.bash_n_color ) "===========================================") exit_status = new_contents = sftp.listdir( remote_satori ) __log.debug( new_contents ) output = list(set(new_contents) - set(old_contents))[0] if len(output) == 0 : __log.critical( 'No output file. Something went wrong. Exiting...' ) sftp.close() ssh.close() sys.exit(1) localfile = os.getcwd() + '/' +output remotefile = remote_satori + '/' + output i = 1 new_localfile = localfile while os.path.exists( new_localfile ) : new_localfile = localfile + '_' + str(i) i += 1 localfile = new_localfile "Getting remote file '%s'" % remotefile ) sftp.get( remotefile, localfile ) sftp.close() __log.warning( "Done!") __log.warning("Satori image is located at '%s'" % localfile ) if not args.not_purge : stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command( 'rm -rf %s' % remote_satori ) exit_status = "Remote copied files purged!" ) ssh.close() "SSH session closed!" )
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Creates a Satori image from a remote OS using SSH') parser.add_argument( 'user_host', metavar = 'USER@HOSTNAME|HOSTNAME',\ help = 'The user and host to connect and run the' ) parser.add_argument('--arguments', '-args',\ help = '''The whole argument string to pass to remote ''. For help on those arguments type " -h"''',\ default = '--threads 2' ) parser.add_argument('--key', '-i', help='SSH Key to connect', default=None) parser.add_argument( '--password', '-p',\ help = '''SSH password. Avoid this option, as the password will be shown in bash history and 'ps' command''') parser.add_argument( '--not-purge', help = 'Do not purges the Satori files from target machine when finished',\ action = 'store_true', default = False ) parser.add_argument( '--r-dir', help = 'Directory to copy the Satori files in the remote host',\ default = '/tmp/' ) verb = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() verb.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', help='verbose mode', action='count', default=0) verb.add_argument('--debug', '-d', help='debugging mode', action='store_true', default=False) verb.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', help='quiet mode', action='store_true', default=False) __log.warning(header) args = parser.parse_args() ''' ================================================ VERBOSITY CHECKS ================================================ ''' if args.debug: __log.setLevel(log.DEBUG) elif args.quiet: __log.setLevel(log.ERROR) elif args.verbose == 0: __log.setLevel(log.WARNING) elif args.verbose == 1: __log.setLevel(log.INFO) if not args.password: ssh_pass = getpass.getpass() else:"Password provided!") ssh_pass = args.password remote_dir = args.r_dir arguments = args.arguments"Remote directory is '%s'" % remote_dir) satoriFolder = sys.path[0]"Satori will be copied from '%s'" % satoriFolder) ssh = SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) user = None if '@' in args.user_host: user = args.user_host.split('@')[0] host = args.user_host.split('@')[1] else: host = args.user_host"Attempting SSH connection to '{0}' as user '{1}'".format( host, user)) ssh.connect(host, username=user, password=ssh_pass, key_filename=args.key) __log.warning("Connection Established!") sftp = ssh.open_sftp()"SFTP channel opened!") # sftp = RecursiveSFTPClient( ) with closing(WriteDir(ssh.get_transport(), remote_dir)) as scp: scp.send_dir(satoriFolder, preserve_times=True)"Satori folder copied at remote location '%s'" % remote_dir) # sftp.put_dir( satoriFolder, remote_dir ) remote_satori = remote_dir + '/satori' old_contents = sftp.listdir(remote_satori) __log.debug(old_contents) rem_command = 'chmod 775 {0}; cd {0}; ./ {1} '.format( remote_satori, arguments) # rem_command = 'chmod 775 {0}; cd {0}; ./ {1} 2>&1 |tee /tmp/satori.log'. format( remote_satori, arguments )"The command to run in remote host is:")"'%s'" % rem_command) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(rem_command) __log.warning("Executing... ")"Output from Remote Execution:")"===========================================") for line in iter(lambda: stderr.readline(2048), ""):[:-1]) # last char is the next_line"===========================================") exit_status = new_contents = sftp.listdir(remote_satori) __log.debug(new_contents) output = list(set(new_contents) - set(old_contents))[0] if len(output) == 0: __log.critical('No output file. Something went wrong. Exiting...') sftp.close() ssh.close() sys.exit(1) localfile = os.getcwd() + '/' + output remotefile = remote_satori + '/' + output i = 1 new_localfile = localfile while os.path.exists(new_localfile): new_localfile = localfile + '_' + str(i) i += 1 localfile = new_localfile"Getting remote file '%s'" % remotefile) sftp.get(remotefile, localfile) sftp.close() __log.warning("Done!") __log.warning("Satori image is located at '%s'" % localfile) if not args.not_purge: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('rm -rf %s' % remote_satori) exit_status ="Remote copied files purged!") ssh.close()"SSH session closed!")