def get_met_office() -> dict:
    """Get forecast for today"""
    raw_html = scrape.simple_get(
    soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, 'html.parser')
    tab_today = soup.find(id="tabDay0")
    # the first a is pretty much what we want
    a_today = tab_today.find('a')

    str_today = str(a_today)

    # DRY this up
    max_start = str_today.find('Maximum daytime temperature: ')  # check for -1
    max_finish = str_today.find('C;', max_start) + 1  # check for -1

    min_start = str_today.find(
        'Minimum nighttime temperature: ')  # check for -1
    min_finish = str_today.find('C.', min_start) + 1

    max_text = str_today[max_start:max_finish]
    min_text = str_today[min_start:min_finish]

    # text after that and stop at Sunrise
    str_sunrise = str_today.find('Sunrise')  # check for -1
    overview_text = str_today[min_finish + 1:str_sunrise]

    return {
        'met_min': min_text,
        'met_max': max_text,
        'met_summary': overview_text,
Esempio n. 2
def get_top8_url(event):
    # searches for link to top8 decklist page
    response = simple_get(event)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser')
    links = []

    for link in soup.findAll('a', attrs={'href': re.compile('')}):
    top8 = [event for event in links if "top-8-decks" in event]
    if len(top8) > 0:
        print('' + top8[0])
        return '' + top8[0]
        return None
def get_bbc() -> dict:
    """Get forecast for today"""
    raw_html = scrape.simple_get('')
    soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, 'html.parser')

    tab_today = soup.find(id="daylink-0")
    day_body = tab_today.find('div', class_='wr-day__body')

    description = day_body.find(
        'div', class_='wr-day__details__weather-type-description').text

    min_temp = day_body.find('div', class_='wr-day-temperature__low').text
    max_temp = day_body.find('div', class_='wr-day-temperature__high').text

    return {
        'bbc_min': min_temp,
        'bbc_max': max_temp,
        'bbc_summary': description,
Esempio n. 4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from scrape import simple_get
from requests import post
from adventcode_sessiondata import cookie
import collections

raw_html = simple_get('', cookie)
html = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, 'html.parser')

global stripped_html
stripped_html = html.text.split('\n')

# pop off the last element, which is an empty string

# stripped_html = ['abcd', 'abdc', 'bbdc', 'ahct', 'thys', 'usyd']

def find_them():
    for i in range(len(stripped_html)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(stripped_html)):
            count = 0

            for k in range(len(stripped_html[1])):
                if stripped_html[i][k] != stripped_html[j][k]:
                    count += 1
                    if count > 1:
                if k == 25 and count <= 1:
Esempio n. 5
        #'/name/nm0000136/'] # Johnny Depp
        #'/name/nm0000152/', # Richard Gere
        #'/name/nm0001557/'] # Viggo Mortesen
        #'/name/nm0000093/', # Brad Pitt
        #'/name/nm0000115/', # Nicolas Cage
        #'/name/nm0000018/', # Kirk Douglas
        #'/name/nm0000142/', # Clint Eastwood
        #'/name/nm0000886/'] # Warren Beaty
        # Robert Redford? For comedy?

    # Update target gender
    sc.target_gender = sc.TargetGender('m')

    for a in act:
        raw_html = sc.simple_get(glob_url + a)
        actor_name = get_actor_name(raw_html)
        final = trim_movie_list(related_movies(raw_html))

        print(str(len(final)) + ' items')

        print("Working on actor: " + actor_name)
        sc.scrape_movies(final, (actor_name, 'm'))

    fact = [  #'/name/nm0000098/' # Jennifer Aniston
        '/name/nm0000402/'  # Carrie Fisher
        '/name/nm0000235/'  # Uma Thurman

    sc.target_gender = sc.TargetGender('f')
    for f in fact: