def scrape(): # Run the scrape function mars_data = scrapemars.scrape() # Update the Mongo database using update and upsert=True mongo.db.mongomars.update({}, mars_data, upsert=True) # Redirect back to home page return redirect("/")
def go_scrape(): # scrape the data # if more than 3 errors occur the previous data will be retained and redisplayed mars_dict = scrape() if mars_dict["error_count"] < 4: #use new data if less than 3 errors else retain previous data # disguard old data in db mongo.db.mars_data.drop() collection = mongo.db.mars_data # Insert into database collection.insert_one({"entry": mars_dict}) else: print("ERROR LIMIT REACHED previous data retained") # Redirect back to home page return redirect("/", code=302)
def scrape(): # Run the scrape function latest_news = scrapemars.scrape() # Update the Mongo database using update and upsert=True mongo.db.lastest.update({}, latest_news , upsert=True) Featured_address= scrapemars.scrape1() mongo.db.Featured.update({}, Featured_address, upsert=True) weather_info = scrapemars.scrape2() mongo.db.Weather.update({}, weather_info, upsert=True) Hemisphere_address= scrapemars.scrape3() mongo.db.Hemisphere.update({}, Hemisphere_address, upsert=True) # Redirect back to home page return redirect("/")
def scraper(): mars = mongo.db.listings mars_data = scrapemars.scrape() mars.update({}, mars_data, upsert=True) return redirect("/", code=302)
def scraper(): mars_data = scrapemars.scrape() mongo.db.collection.update({}, mars_data, upsert=True) return redirect("/")