Esempio n. 1
def construct_cpe_model_for_cve(cve: CVE, cve_times: list):
    timer = ChronoTimer()
    cve.configurations = []  # Workaround for a bug
    semi_model, running_conf = scraper.get_CPEs(cve)
    print('Finding direct exploits for {}'.format(cve.cve_id))
    direct_exploits = scraper.get_exploits_for_CVE(cve)
    indirect_exploits = dict()
    cpesToCheck = []
    for v in semi_model:
        for p in semi_model[v]:
            for cpe in semi_model[v][p]:

    print('Finding indirect exploits for {}. Checking {} CPEs'.format(
        cve.cve_id, len(cpesToCheck)))
    n = len(cpesToCheck)

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=50) as pool:
        futures = {}
        cveExploitDict = dict()
        for cpe in cpesToCheck:
            f = pool.submit(scraper.get_exploits_for_CPE, cpe, cve,
            futures[cpe] = f

    indirect_exploits = {cpe: futures[cpe].result() for cpe in cpesToCheck}
    generate_tree(cve, semi_model, running_conf, direct_exploits,
                  indirect_exploits, timer)
    print('Wrote tree for ' + cve.cve_id)
    cve_times.append((cve.cve_id, '%.4f' % timer.get_exploit_scraping_time(),
                      '%.4f' % timer.get_tree_build_time(),
                      '%.4f' % timer.get_constraints_time()))
    def get_CVEs(self, keyword: str, exact_match: bool=False) -> list:

            Searches VulDB in order to fetch vulnerabilities related with 
            the keyword.

            :param keyword: Query that will be performed against the VulDB server
            :param exact_match: results must match keyword exactly

        # First, we need to check the arguments

        if not keyword or type(keyword) is not str:
            raise ValueError("keyword must be a non-empty string")

        while True:
            searchPayload = {'search': keyword, 'csrftoken': self.csrftoken }
            searchResponse =, searchPayload, cookies= self.cookie)
            if 'CSRF token invalid' in searchResponse.text:
                print("VulDB CSRF token invalid, regenerating")
                # regenerate tokens
                searchPayload = {'search': keyword, 'csrftoken': self.csrftoken }
            elif 'You have been using too many search requests lately' in searchResponse.text:
                print("[WARN] VulDB CVE search rate limited. Retrying. Try again later or disable Vuldb scraping")
            elif "DDoS Protection Message" in searchResponse.text:
                print("[WARN] Vuldb rate limit exceeded, for a few minutes. Retrying in 10 seconds")

        soup = BeautifulSoup(searchResponse.text, "html.parser")
        tableEntries = soup.select_one('table').findChildren("tr", recursive=False)

        vulnerabilities = []

        for entry in tableEntries:
            tableCell = entry.select_one('td:nth-child(4)')
            if tableCell: # Check if entry is not the table header
                titleConfiguration = tableCell.get('title')
                entryIdElem = tableCell.select_one('a')
                if entryIdElem: # Check if entry is not the table header
                    entryVulName = entryIdElem.text
                    if exact_match and keyword not in entryVulName: # If exact_match is true, skip item if not a exact keyword match
                    entryId = entryIdElem.get('href')[4:]
                    entryCVE = entry.select_one('a[target="cve"]').text.strip()
                    vulnerabilities.append(CVE(entryCVE, sources= ["vuldb"], vul_name= entryVulName, vuldb_id= entryId, configurations= [titleConfiguration]))

        return vulnerabilities
Esempio n. 3
def get_search_results(keyword: str):
    Tries to retrieve search results from vulnerability databases, returns a list or None if record doesn't exist
    # Simple search
    if "CVE-" in keyword:
        keyword = keyword.replace("CVE-", "").replace(
            "-", " ")  # Cve search, search is different

    # Sanitize special characters
    keyword = keyword.replace(':', 'cc11').replace('.', 'pp22').replace(
        '*', 'ss33').replace('pp22ss33',
                             'pp22*')  # So 1.* version string wildcards work
    query = Query(keyword).paging(0, 1000000)
    res =
    for doc in
        sanitized = doc.configurations \
        .replace("'",'"') \
        .replace("True", "true") \
        .replace("False", "false") \
        .replace('cc11',':').replace('pp22','.').replace('ss33','*') \
        .replace('\\\\','/bck') \
        .replace('/bck"','') \
        .replace('/bck','\\\\') # this is a hack to sanitize invalid json strings
        doc.configurations = jsonpickle.decode(sanitized)
        doc.description = doc.description.replace('cc11', ':').replace(
            'pp22', '.').replace('ss33', '*').replace('-',
                                                      '_')  # Undo escaping

    finalRes = [
        CVE('cve:', ''),
            cpeConfigurations=doc.configurations) for doc in
    return finalRes

    # the result has the total number of results, and a list of documents
    '''print( # "2"
    def get_CVEs(self, keyword:str, page_num:int = 0, exact_match:bool = False) -> list:

            Searches NVD in order to fetch vulnerabilities related with 
            the keyword.

            :param keyword: Query that will be performed against the NVD server

            :param page_num: Number of the page from where to extract CVEs. A 
            query may produce more than one page of results. By default, page 
            size is 20.

            :param exact_match: Whether the user wants to perform a search using 
            exact keyword match

        # First, we need to check the arguments

        if not keyword or type(keyword) is not str:
            raise ValueError("keyword must be a non-empty string")

        if type(page_num) is not int or page_num < 0:
            raise ValueError("page_num must be a non-negative integer")

        res = list()
        startIndex = page_num * 20
        query_url = NvdScraper.VULN_QUERY_URI

        # If the user wants to perform a search where the keyword exactly matches
        if exact_match:
            query_url += "&queryType=phrase"

        # In some Python ENVs it is mandatory to provide a SSL context when accessing HTTPS sites
        # TODO: Change this to use user's OS built-in cas (pip certifi)
        context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
        # Sends an HTTPS request to NVD and constructs a BS Object
        # to analyse the page
        while True:
            req = Request(query_url.format(urllib.parse.quote(keyword), startIndex))
                res_page = urlopen(req, context=context)
                print("[WARN] NVD request failed for keyword {}. Possible rate limiting. Retrying".format(keyword))
        soup = BeautifulSoup(res_page, "html.parser")

        # All CVEs are wrapped in a table (in fact the only one in the html) with an attribute
        # data-testid="vuln-results-table". Inside this table, they are found in <tr> tags.
        vulns_table = soup.find("table", {"data-testid":"vuln-results-table"})

        # Had the table been found (= results were found), we would extract the CVEs
        if vulns_table:
            vulns = vulns_table.find_all("tr", {"data-testid" : re.compile("^vuln-row-")})
            res.append(map(lambda v: CVE(, sources=["nvd"],, vulns))
            print("No results were found in NVD database")

       # matchingRecords = int(soup.find("strong", {"data-testid":"vuln-matching-records-count"}).text.replace(',',''))
        matchingRecords = 0
        if matchingRecords > 20 and page_num == 0:
            print("Found " + str(matchingRecords) + " results on NVD. Paginating")
            with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=50) as pool:
                futures = []
                for i in range(1, math.ceil(matchingRecords/20)):
                    futureNvd = pool.submit(self.get_CVEs, keyword, exact_match=exact_match, page_num=i)
                results = [x.result() for x in as_completed(futures)]
            totalList = []
            for page in results:
                for result in page:
            return totalList
            return list(res[0])