Esempio n. 1
    def startConsole(self):

        # generate widget to show the status of the alert system
        for option in self.options:
            if option.type == "alertSystemActive":
                if option.value == 0:
                    self.alertSystemActive = \
                     StatusUrwid("alert system status",
                      "Status", "Deactivated")
                    self.alertSystemActive = \
                     StatusUrwid("alert system status",
                      "Status", "Activated")
        if self.alertSystemActive == None:
            logging.error("[%s]: No alert system status option." %

        # generate widget to show the status of the connection
        self.connectionStatus = StatusUrwid("connection status", "Status",

        # generate pin field
        self.pinEdit = PinUrwid("Enter PIN:\n", multiline=False, mask="*")

        # generate menu
        option1 = urwid.Text("1. Activate alert system")
        option2 = urwid.Text("2. Deactivate alert system")
        option3 = urwid.Text("3. Activate alert system in %d seconds" %
        separator = urwid.Text("")
        instruction = urwid.Text("Please, choose an option.")
        self.menuPile = urwid.Pile(
            [option1, option2, option3, separator, instruction])

        # generate edit/menu part of the screen
        self.editPartScreen = urwid.Pile([self.pinEdit])
        boxedEditPartScreen = urwid.LineBox(self.editPartScreen, title="menu")

        # initialize warning view urwid
        self.warningView = WarningUrwid()

        # generate final body object
        self.finalBody = urwid.Pile([
            self.connectionStatus.get(), boxedEditPartScreen
        fillerBody = urwid.Filler(self.finalBody, "top")

        # generate header
        header = urwid.Text("alertR keypad manager", align="center")

        # build frame for final rendering
        self.mainFrame = urwid.Frame(fillerBody, header=header)

        # color palette
        palette = [
            ('redColor', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('greenColor', 'black', 'dark green'),
            ('grayColor', 'black', 'light gray'),
            ('connected', 'black', 'dark green'),
            ('disconnected', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('sensoralert', 'black', 'yellow'),
            ('connectionfail', 'black', 'light gray'),
            ('timedout', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('neutral', '', ''),

        # create urwid main loop for the rendering
        self.mainLoop = urwid.MainLoop(self.mainFrame,

        # create a file descriptor callback to give other
        # threads the ability to communicate with the urwid thread
        self.screenFd = self.mainLoop.watch_pipe(self.screenCallback)

        # set the correct view in which we are
        self.inPinView = True
        self.inMenuView = False
        self.inWarningView = False

        # run urwid loop
Esempio n. 2
	def startConsole(self):

		# generate widget to show the status of the alert system
		for option in self.options:
			if option.type == "alertSystemActive":
				if option.value == 0:
					self.alertSystemActive = \
						StatusUrwid("alert system status",
							"Status", "Deactivated")
					self.alertSystemActive = \
						StatusUrwid("alert system status",
							"Status", "Activated")
		if self.alertSystemActive == None:
			logging.error("[%s]: No alert system status option."
				% self.fileName)

		# generate widget to show the status of the connection
		self.connectionStatus = StatusUrwid("connection status",
			"Status", "Online")

		# generate pin field
		self.pinEdit = PinUrwid("Enter PIN:\n", multiline=False, mask="*")

		# generate menu
		option1 = urwid.Text("1. Activate alert system")
		option2 = urwid.Text("2. Deactivate alert system")
		option3 = urwid.Text("3. Activate alert system in %d seconds"
			% self.timeDelayedActivation)
		separator = urwid.Text("")
		instruction = urwid.Text("Please, choose an option.")
		self.menuPile = urwid.Pile([option1, option2, option3, separator,

		# generate edit/menu part of the screen
		self.editPartScreen = urwid.Pile([self.pinEdit])
		boxedEditPartScreen = urwid.LineBox(self.editPartScreen, title="menu")

		# initialize warning view urwid
		self.warningView = WarningUrwid()

		# generate final body object
		self.finalBody = urwid.Pile([self.alertSystemActive.get(),
			self.connectionStatus.get(), boxedEditPartScreen])
		fillerBody = urwid.Filler(self.finalBody, "top")

		# generate header
		header = urwid.Text("alertR keypad manager", align="center")

		# build frame for final rendering
		self.mainFrame = urwid.Frame(fillerBody, header=header)

		# color palette
		palette = [
			('redColor', 'black', 'dark red'),
			('greenColor', 'black', 'dark green'),
			('grayColor', 'black', 'light gray'),
            ('connected', 'black', 'dark green'),
            ('disconnected', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('sensoralert', 'black', 'yellow'),
            ('connectionfail', 'black', 'light gray'),
            ('timedout', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('neutral', '', ''),

        # create urwid main loop for the rendering
		self.mainLoop = urwid.MainLoop(self.mainFrame, palette=palette,

		# create a file descriptor callback to give other
		# threads the ability to communicate with the urwid thread
		self.screenFd = self.mainLoop.watch_pipe(self.screenCallback)

		# set the correct view in which we are
		self.inPinView = True
		self.inMenuView = False
		self.inWarningView = False

		# run urwid loop
Esempio n. 3
class Console:
    def __init__(self, globalData):
        self.fileName = os.path.basename(__file__)

        # get global configured data
        self.globalData = globalData
        self.options = self.globalData.options
        self.nodes = self.globalData.nodes
        self.sensors = self.globalData.sensors
        self.managers = self.globalData.managers
        self.alerts = self.globalData.alerts
        self.sensorAlerts = self.globalData.sensorAlerts
        self.serverComm = self.globalData.serverComm
        self.pins = self.globalData.pins
        self.timeDelayedActivation = self.globalData.timeDelayedActivation
        self.audioOutput = self.globalData.audioOutput
        self.sensorWarningStates = self.globalData.sensorWarningStates

        # lock that is being used so only one thread can update the screen
        self.consoleLock = threading.BoundedSemaphore(1)

        # urwid object that shows the connection status
        self.connectionStatus = None

        # urwid object that shows if the alert system is active
        self.alertSystemActive = None

        # the file descriptor for the urwid callback to update the screen
        self.screenFd = None

        # this is the urwid object of the pin field
        self.pinEdit = None

        # this is the urwid object of the options menu
        self.menuPile = None

        # this is the urwid object of the whole edit part of the screen
        self.editPartScreen = None

        # gives the time in seconds when the screen was unlocked
        # (used to check if it was timed out)
        self.screenUnlockedTime = 0

        # the main render loop for the interactive session
        self.mainLoop = None

        # the final body that contains the left and right part of the screen
        self.finalBody = None

        # the main frame around the final body
        self.mainFrame = None

        # the urwid object of the warning view
        self.warningView = None

        # flag that signalizes if the pin view is shown or not
        self.inPinView = True

        # flag that signalizes if the menu view is shown or not
        self.inMenuView = False

        # flag that signalizes if the warning view is shown or not
        self.inWarningView = False

        # callback function of the action that is chosen during the menu view
        # (is used to show warnings if some sensors are not in
        # the correct state and after confirmation execute the chosen option)
        self.callbackOptionToExecute = None

        # list of sensors that are in the warning state and need user
        # confirmation
        self.sensorsToWarn = list()

    # internal function that acquires the lock
    def _acquireLock(self):
        logging.debug("[%s]: Acquire lock." % self.fileName)

    # internal function that clears the edit/menu part of the screen
    def _clearEditPartScreen(self):

        # remove views from the screen (if exists)
        for pileTuple in self.editPartScreen.contents:
            if self.menuPile == pileTuple[0]:
            elif self.pinEdit == pileTuple[0]:
            elif self.warningView.get() == pileTuple[0]:

    # internal function that creates a list of sensors that do not
    # satisfy the configured sensor warning states
    def _checkSensorStatesSatisfied(self):

        # get a list of sensors that do not satisfy the warning states
        statesNotSatisfied = list()
        for sensorWarningState in self.sensorWarningStates:

            # get the node corresponding to sensor warning state
            currentNode = None
            for node in self.nodes:
                if node.username == sensorWarningState.username:
                    currentNode = node
            # skip warning state if node is not found
            if currentNode is None:
                logging.warning("[%s]: Not able to find " % self.fileName +
                                "node for username '%s'." %

            # get the sensor corresponding to sensor warning state
            currentSensor = None
            for sensor in self.sensors:
                if (sensor.nodeId == currentNode.nodeId
                        and sensor.remoteSensorId
                        == sensorWarningState.remoteSensorId):
                    currentSensor = sensor
            # skip warning state if sensor is not found
            if currentSensor is None:
                    "[%s]: Not able to find " % self.fileName +
                    "sensor with remote id '%d' for username '%s'." %

            # check if the sensor is in the warning state
            if currentSensor.state == sensorWarningState.warningState:

                    "[%s]: Sensor with remote id '%d' " %
                    (self.fileName, sensorWarningState.remoteSensorId) +
                    "for username '%s' and description '%s' " %
                    (sensorWarningState.username, sensor.description) +
                    "in warning state.")

        return statesNotSatisfied

    # internal function that executes option 1 of the menu
    def _executeOption1(self):"[%s]: Activating alert system." % self.fileName)

        # check if output is activated
        if not self.audioOutput is None:
            # output audio via a thread to not block
            # the urwid console thread
            audioProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
            # set thread to daemon
            # => threads terminates when main thread terminates
            audioProcess.daemon = True
            audioProcess.outputAudio = True
            audioProcess.audioType = AudioOptions.activating

        # send option message to server via a thread to not block
        # the urwid console thread
        updateProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
        # set thread to daemon
        # => threads terminates when main thread terminates
        updateProcess.daemon = True
        updateProcess.sendOption = True
        updateProcess.optionType = "alertSystemActive"
        updateProcess.optionValue = 1

    # internal function that executes option 2 of the menu
    def _executeOption2(self):"[%s]: Deactivating alert system." % self.fileName)

        # check if output is activated
        if not self.audioOutput is None:
            # output audio via a thread to not block
            # the urwid console thread
            audioProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
            # set thread to daemon
            # => threads terminates when main thread terminates
            audioProcess.daemon = True
            audioProcess.outputAudio = True
            audioProcess.audioType = AudioOptions.deactivating

        # send option message to server via a thread to not block
        # the urwid console thread
        updateProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
        # set thread to daemon
        # => threads terminates when main thread terminates
        updateProcess.daemon = True
        updateProcess.sendOption = True
        updateProcess.optionType = "alertSystemActive"
        updateProcess.optionValue = 0

    # internal function that executes option 3 of the menu
    def _executeOption3(self):"[%s]: Activating alert system " % self.fileName +
                     "in %d seconds." % self.timeDelayedActivation)

        # check if output is activated
        if not self.audioOutput is None:
            # output audio via a thread to not block
            # the urwid console thread
            audioProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
            # set thread to daemon
            # => threads terminates when main thread terminates
            audioProcess.daemon = True
            audioProcess.outputAudio = True
            audioProcess.audioType = AudioOptions.activatingDelayed

        # send option message to server via a thread to not block
        # the urwid console thread
        updateProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
        # set thread to daemon
        # => threads terminates when main thread terminates
        updateProcess.daemon = True
        updateProcess.sendOptionDelayed = True
        updateProcess.optionTypeDelayed = "alertSystemActive"
        updateProcess.optionValueDelayed = 1
        updateProcess.optionDelayDelayed = self.timeDelayedActivation

    # internal function that handles the keypress for the menu view
    def _handleMenuKeypress(self, key):

        # check if option 1 was chosen => activate alert system
        if key == '1':

            # get all sensors that do not satisfy the
            # configured warning states
            self.sensorsToWarn = self._checkSensorStatesSatisfied()

            # check if no sensor is in the warning state
            # => execute chosen action
            if not self.sensorsToWarn:

            # at least one sensor is in the warning state
            # => ask for user confirmation

                # set the function to execute when all warnings are confirmed
                self.callbackOptionToExecute = self._executeOption1

                # let the user confirm all warning states

        # check if option 2 was chosen => deactivate alert system
        elif key == '2':


        # check if option 3 was chosen
        elif key == '3':

            # get all sensors that do not satisfy the
            # configured warning states
            self.sensorsToWarn = self._checkSensorStatesSatisfied()

            # check if no sensor is in the warning state
            # => execute chosen action
            if not self.sensorsToWarn:

            # at least one sensor is in the warning state
            # => ask for user confirmation

                # set the function to execute when all warnings are confirmed
                self.callbackOptionToExecute = self._executeOption3

                # let the user confirm all warning states

    # internal function that handles all sensors in warning states
    def _handleWarningStates(self):

        # check if a sensor that is in the warning state still exists
        # => warn about sensor
        if self.sensorsToWarn:

            sensorToWarn = self.sensorsToWarn.pop()

        # if no sensor in a warning state remains
        # => execute chosen action


    # internal function that releases the lock
    def _releaseLock(self):
        logging.debug("[%s]: Release lock." % self.fileName)

    # this function checks if the given pin is in the list of allowed pins
    def checkPin(self, inputPin):
        if inputPin in self.pins:
            return True
        return False

    # this function is called if a key/mouse input was made
    def handleKeypress(self, key):

        # check if we are in the pin field view
        if self.inPinView:

            # if pin field loses focus send key manually to it
            # (seems to happen sometimes if it was not used for a long time)
            if key in [
                    "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b",
                    "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n",
                    "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",
                    "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L",
                    "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X",
                    "Y", "Z", "enter"

                logging.debug("[%s]: Sending keypress '%s'" %
                              (key, self.fileName) + "manually to pin field.")

                self.pinEdit.keypress((100, ), key)

        # check if we are in the menu view
        elif self.inMenuView:


        # check if we are in the warning view
        elif self.inWarningView:

            # option 1 continues the chosen action
            if key == "1":

            # option 2 aborts the chosen action
            elif key == "2":

        # => disable key/mouse input
        return True

    # this function will be called from the urwid main loop
    # when the file descriptor of the callback
    # gets data written to it and updates the screen elements
    def screenCallback(self, receivedData):

        # if received data equals "status" or "sensoralert"
        # update the whole screen (in case of a sensor alert it can happen
        # that also a normal state change was received before and is forgotten
        # if a normal status update is not made)
        if receivedData == "status" or receivedData == "sensoralert":
            logging.debug("[%s]: Status update received. " % self.fileName +
                          "Updating screen elements.")

            # update connection status urwid widget

            # update all option widgets
            for option in self.options:
                # change alert system active widget according
                # to received status
                if option.type == "alertSystemActive":
                    if option.value == 0:

        # check if the connection to the server failed
        if receivedData == "connectionfail":
            logging.debug("[%s]: Status connection failed " % self.fileName +
                          "received. Updating screen elements.")

            # update connection status urwid widget

            # update alert system active widget

        # check if a sensor alert was received from the server
        if receivedData == "sensoralert":

            logging.debug("[%s]: Sensor alert " % self.fileName +
                          "received. Removing it.")

            # remove all sensor alerts
            del self.sensorAlerts[:]

        # check if the screen should be locked
        if receivedData == "lockscreen":

            logging.debug("[%s]: Locking screen." % self.fileName)


        # return true so the file descriptor will NOT be closed
        return True

    # show the menu view
    def showMenuView(self):

        self.inMenuView = True
        self.inPinView = False
        self.inWarningView = False

        # remove views from the screen

        # show menu view
            (self.menuPile, self.editPartScreen.options()))

    # show the pin view
    def showPinView(self):

        self.inMenuView = False
        self.inPinView = True
        self.inWarningView = False

        # reset unlock time
        self.screenUnlockedTime = 0

        # reset callback and warnings
        self.callbackOptionToExecute = None
        self.sensorsToWarn = list()

        # remove views from the screen

        # show pin view
            (self.pinEdit, self.editPartScreen.options()))

    # show the warning view
    def showWarningView(self):

        self.inMenuView = False
        self.inPinView = False
        self.inWarningView = True

        # check if output is activated
        if not self.audioOutput is None:
            # output audio via a thread to not block
            # the urwid console thread
            audioProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
            # set thread to daemon
            # => threads terminates when main thread terminates
            audioProcess.daemon = True
            audioProcess.outputAudio = True
            audioProcess.audioType = AudioOptions.warning

        # remove views from the screen

        # show pin view
            (self.warningView.get(), self.editPartScreen.options()))

    # this function initializes the urwid objects and displays
    # them (it starts also the urwid main loop and will not
    # return unless the client is terminated)
    def startConsole(self):

        # generate widget to show the status of the alert system
        for option in self.options:
            if option.type == "alertSystemActive":
                if option.value == 0:
                    self.alertSystemActive = \
                     StatusUrwid("alert system status",
                      "Status", "Deactivated")
                    self.alertSystemActive = \
                     StatusUrwid("alert system status",
                      "Status", "Activated")
        if self.alertSystemActive == None:
            logging.error("[%s]: No alert system status option." %

        # generate widget to show the status of the connection
        self.connectionStatus = StatusUrwid("connection status", "Status",

        # generate pin field
        self.pinEdit = PinUrwid("Enter PIN:\n", multiline=False, mask="*")

        # generate menu
        option1 = urwid.Text("1. Activate alert system")
        option2 = urwid.Text("2. Deactivate alert system")
        option3 = urwid.Text("3. Activate alert system in %d seconds" %
        separator = urwid.Text("")
        instruction = urwid.Text("Please, choose an option.")
        self.menuPile = urwid.Pile(
            [option1, option2, option3, separator, instruction])

        # generate edit/menu part of the screen
        self.editPartScreen = urwid.Pile([self.pinEdit])
        boxedEditPartScreen = urwid.LineBox(self.editPartScreen, title="menu")

        # initialize warning view urwid
        self.warningView = WarningUrwid()

        # generate final body object
        self.finalBody = urwid.Pile([
            self.connectionStatus.get(), boxedEditPartScreen
        fillerBody = urwid.Filler(self.finalBody, "top")

        # generate header
        header = urwid.Text("alertR keypad manager", align="center")

        # build frame for final rendering
        self.mainFrame = urwid.Frame(fillerBody, header=header)

        # color palette
        palette = [
            ('redColor', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('greenColor', 'black', 'dark green'),
            ('grayColor', 'black', 'light gray'),
            ('connected', 'black', 'dark green'),
            ('disconnected', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('sensoralert', 'black', 'yellow'),
            ('connectionfail', 'black', 'light gray'),
            ('timedout', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('neutral', '', ''),

        # create urwid main loop for the rendering
        self.mainLoop = urwid.MainLoop(self.mainFrame,

        # create a file descriptor callback to give other
        # threads the ability to communicate with the urwid thread
        self.screenFd = self.mainLoop.watch_pipe(self.screenCallback)

        # set the correct view in which we are
        self.inPinView = True
        self.inMenuView = False
        self.inWarningView = False

        # run urwid loop

    # this function is called to update the screen
    def updateScreen(self, status):

        # write status to the callback file descriptor
        if self.screenFd != None:


            os.write(self.screenFd, status)
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 4
class Console:

	def __init__(self, globalData):
		self.fileName = os.path.basename(__file__)

		# get global configured data
		self.globalData = globalData
		self.options = self.globalData.options
		self.nodes = self.globalData.nodes
		self.sensors = self.globalData.sensors
		self.managers = self.globalData.managers
		self.alerts = self.globalData.alerts
		self.sensorAlerts = self.globalData.sensorAlerts
		self.serverComm = self.globalData.serverComm
		self.pins = self.globalData.pins
		self.timeDelayedActivation = self.globalData.timeDelayedActivation
		self.audioOutput = self.globalData.audioOutput
		self.sensorWarningStates = self.globalData.sensorWarningStates

		# lock that is being used so only one thread can update the screen
		self.consoleLock = threading.BoundedSemaphore(1)

		# urwid object that shows the connection status
		self.connectionStatus = None

		# urwid object that shows if the alert system is active
		self.alertSystemActive = None

		# the file descriptor for the urwid callback to update the screen
		self.screenFd = None

		# this is the urwid object of the pin field
		self.pinEdit = None

		# this is the urwid object of the options menu
		self.menuPile = None

		# this is the urwid object of the whole edit part of the screen
		self.editPartScreen = None

		# gives the time in seconds when the screen was unlocked
		# (used to check if it was timed out)
		self.screenUnlockedTime = 0

		# the main render loop for the interactive session
		self.mainLoop = None

		# the final body that contains the left and right part of the screen
		self.finalBody = None

		# the main frame around the final body
		self.mainFrame = None

		# the urwid object of the warning view
		self.warningView = None

		# flag that signalizes if the pin view is shown or not
		self.inPinView = True

		# flag that signalizes if the menu view is shown or not
		self.inMenuView = False

		# flag that signalizes if the warning view is shown or not
		self.inWarningView = False

		# callback function of the action that is chosen during the menu view
		# (is used to show warnings if some sensors are not in
		# the correct state and after confirmation execute the chosen option)
		self.callbackOptionToExecute = None

		# list of sensors that are in the warning state and need user
		# confirmation
		self.sensorsToWarn = list()

	# internal function that acquires the lock
	def _acquireLock(self):
		logging.debug("[%s]: Acquire lock." % self.fileName)

	# internal function that clears the edit/menu part of the screen
	def _clearEditPartScreen(self):

		# remove views from the screen (if exists)
		for pileTuple in self.editPartScreen.contents:
			if self.menuPile == pileTuple[0]:
			elif self.pinEdit == pileTuple[0]:
			elif self.warningView.get() == pileTuple[0]:

	# internal function that creates a list of sensors that do not
	# satisfy the configured sensor warning states
	def _checkSensorStatesSatisfied(self):

		# get a list of sensors that do not satisfy the warning states
		statesNotSatisfied = list()
		for sensorWarningState in self.sensorWarningStates:

			# get the node corresponding to sensor warning state
			currentNode = None
			for node in self.nodes:
				if node.username == sensorWarningState.username:
					currentNode = node
			# skip warning state if node is not found
			if currentNode is None:
				logging.warning("[%s]: Not able to find "
					% self.fileName
					+ "node for username '%s'."
					% sensorWarningState.username)

			# get the sensor corresponding to sensor warning state
			currentSensor = None
			for sensor in self.sensors:
				if (sensor.nodeId == currentNode.nodeId
					and sensor.remoteSensorId
					== sensorWarningState.remoteSensorId):
					currentSensor = sensor
			# skip warning state if sensor is not found
			if currentSensor is None:
				logging.warning("[%s]: Not able to find "
					% self.fileName
					+ "sensor with remote id '%d' for username '%s'."
					% (sensorWarningState.remoteSensorId,

			# check if the sensor is in the warning state
			if currentSensor.state == sensorWarningState.warningState:

				logging.debug("[%s]: Sensor with remote id '%d' "
					% (self.fileName, sensorWarningState.remoteSensorId)
					+ "for username '%s' and description '%s' "
					% (sensorWarningState.username, sensor.description)
					+ "in warning state.")

		return statesNotSatisfied

	# internal function that executes option 1 of the menu
	def _executeOption1(self):"[%s]: Activating alert system." % self.fileName)

		# check if output is activated
		if not self.audioOutput is None:
			# output audio via a thread to not block
			# the urwid console thread
			audioProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
			# set thread to daemon
			# => threads terminates when main thread terminates	
			audioProcess.daemon = True
			audioProcess.outputAudio = True
			audioProcess.audioType = AudioOptions.activating

		# send option message to server via a thread to not block
		# the urwid console thread
		updateProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
		# set thread to daemon
		# => threads terminates when main thread terminates	
		updateProcess.daemon = True
		updateProcess.sendOption = True
		updateProcess.optionType = "alertSystemActive"
		updateProcess.optionValue = 1

	# internal function that executes option 2 of the menu
	def _executeOption2(self):"[%s]: Deactivating alert system." % self.fileName)

		# check if output is activated
		if not self.audioOutput is None:
			# output audio via a thread to not block
			# the urwid console thread
			audioProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
			# set thread to daemon
			# => threads terminates when main thread terminates	
			audioProcess.daemon = True
			audioProcess.outputAudio = True
			audioProcess.audioType = AudioOptions.deactivating

		# send option message to server via a thread to not block
		# the urwid console thread
		updateProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
		# set thread to daemon
		# => threads terminates when main thread terminates	
		updateProcess.daemon = True
		updateProcess.sendOption = True
		updateProcess.optionType = "alertSystemActive"
		updateProcess.optionValue = 0

	# internal function that executes option 3 of the menu
	def _executeOption3(self):"[%s]: Activating alert system " % self.fileName
			+ "in %d seconds." % self.timeDelayedActivation)

		# check if output is activated
		if not self.audioOutput is None:
			# output audio via a thread to not block
			# the urwid console thread
			audioProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
			# set thread to daemon
			# => threads terminates when main thread terminates	
			audioProcess.daemon = True
			audioProcess.outputAudio = True
			audioProcess.audioType = AudioOptions.activatingDelayed

		# send option message to server via a thread to not block
		# the urwid console thread
		updateProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
		# set thread to daemon
		# => threads terminates when main thread terminates	
		updateProcess.daemon = True
		updateProcess.sendOptionDelayed = True
		updateProcess.optionTypeDelayed = "alertSystemActive"
		updateProcess.optionValueDelayed = 1
		updateProcess.optionDelayDelayed = self.timeDelayedActivation

	# internal function that handles the keypress for the menu view
	def _handleMenuKeypress(self, key):

		# check if option 1 was chosen => activate alert system
		if key == '1':

			# get all sensors that do not satisfy the
			# configured warning states 
			self.sensorsToWarn = self._checkSensorStatesSatisfied()

			# check if no sensor is in the warning state
			# => execute chosen action
			if not self.sensorsToWarn:

			# at least one sensor is in the warning state
			# => ask for user confirmation

				# set the function to execute when all warnings are confirmed
				self.callbackOptionToExecute = self._executeOption1

				# let the user confirm all warning states

		# check if option 2 was chosen => deactivate alert system
		elif key == '2':


		# check if option 3 was chosen
		elif key == '3':

			# get all sensors that do not satisfy the
			# configured warning states 
			self.sensorsToWarn = self._checkSensorStatesSatisfied()

			# check if no sensor is in the warning state
			# => execute chosen action
			if not self.sensorsToWarn:

			# at least one sensor is in the warning state
			# => ask for user confirmation

				# set the function to execute when all warnings are confirmed
				self.callbackOptionToExecute = self._executeOption3

				# let the user confirm all warning states

	# internal function that handles all sensors in warning states
	def _handleWarningStates(self):

		# check if a sensor that is in the warning state still exists
		# => warn about sensor
		if self.sensorsToWarn:

			sensorToWarn = self.sensorsToWarn.pop()

		# if no sensor in a warning state remains
		# => execute chosen action


	# internal function that releases the lock
	def _releaseLock(self):
		logging.debug("[%s]: Release lock." % self.fileName)

	# this function checks if the given pin is in the list of allowed pins
	def checkPin(self, inputPin):
		if inputPin in self.pins:
			return True
		return False

	# this function is called if a key/mouse input was made
	def handleKeypress(self, key):

		# check if we are in the pin field view
		if self.inPinView:

			# if pin field loses focus send key manually to it
			# (seems to happen sometimes if it was not used for a long time)
			if key in ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
				"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l",
				"m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x",
				"y", "z",
				"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L",
				"M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X",
				"Y", "Z",

				logging.debug("[%s]: Sending keypress '%s'"
					% (key, self.fileName)
					+ "manually to pin field.")

				self.pinEdit.keypress((100,), key)

		# check if we are in the menu view
		elif self.inMenuView:


		# check if we are in the warning view
		elif self.inWarningView:

			# option 1 continues the chosen action
			if key == "1":

			# option 2 aborts the chosen action
			elif key == "2":

		# => disable key/mouse input
		return True

	# this function will be called from the urwid main loop
	# when the file descriptor of the callback
	# gets data written to it and updates the screen elements
	def screenCallback(self, receivedData):

		# if received data equals "status" or "sensoralert"
		# update the whole screen (in case of a sensor alert it can happen
		# that also a normal state change was received before and is forgotten
		# if a normal status update is not made)
		if receivedData == "status" or receivedData == "sensoralert":
			logging.debug("[%s]: Status update received. "  % self.fileName
				+ "Updating screen elements.")

			# update connection status urwid widget

			# update all option widgets
			for option in self.options:
				# change alert system active widget according
				# to received status
				if option.type == "alertSystemActive":
					if option.value == 0:

		# check if the connection to the server failed
		if receivedData == "connectionfail":
			logging.debug("[%s]: Status connection failed "  % self.fileName
				+ "received. Updating screen elements.")

			# update connection status urwid widget

			# update alert system active widget

		# check if a sensor alert was received from the server
		if receivedData == "sensoralert":

			logging.debug("[%s]: Sensor alert "  % self.fileName
				+ "received. Removing it.")

			# remove all sensor alerts
			del self.sensorAlerts[:]

		# check if the screen should be locked
		if receivedData == "lockscreen":

			logging.debug("[%s]: Locking screen."  % self.fileName)


		# return true so the file descriptor will NOT be closed
		return True

	# show the menu view
	def showMenuView(self):

		self.inMenuView = True
		self.inPinView = False
		self.inWarningView = False

		# remove views from the screen

		# show menu view

	# show the pin view
	def showPinView(self):

		self.inMenuView = False
		self.inPinView = True
		self.inWarningView = False

		# reset unlock time
		self.screenUnlockedTime = 0

		# reset callback and warnings
		self.callbackOptionToExecute = None
		self.sensorsToWarn = list()

		# remove views from the screen

		# show pin view

	# show the warning view
	def showWarningView(self):

		self.inMenuView = False
		self.inPinView = False
		self.inWarningView = True

		# check if output is activated
		if not self.audioOutput is None:
			# output audio via a thread to not block
			# the urwid console thread
			audioProcess = ScreenActionExecuter(self.globalData)
			# set thread to daemon
			# => threads terminates when main thread terminates	
			audioProcess.daemon = True
			audioProcess.outputAudio = True
			audioProcess.audioType = AudioOptions.warning

		# remove views from the screen

		# show pin view

	# this function initializes the urwid objects and displays
	# them (it starts also the urwid main loop and will not
	# return unless the client is terminated)
	def startConsole(self):

		# generate widget to show the status of the alert system
		for option in self.options:
			if option.type == "alertSystemActive":
				if option.value == 0:
					self.alertSystemActive = \
						StatusUrwid("alert system status",
							"Status", "Deactivated")
					self.alertSystemActive = \
						StatusUrwid("alert system status",
							"Status", "Activated")
		if self.alertSystemActive == None:
			logging.error("[%s]: No alert system status option."
				% self.fileName)

		# generate widget to show the status of the connection
		self.connectionStatus = StatusUrwid("connection status",
			"Status", "Online")

		# generate pin field
		self.pinEdit = PinUrwid("Enter PIN:\n", multiline=False, mask="*")

		# generate menu
		option1 = urwid.Text("1. Activate alert system")
		option2 = urwid.Text("2. Deactivate alert system")
		option3 = urwid.Text("3. Activate alert system in %d seconds"
			% self.timeDelayedActivation)
		separator = urwid.Text("")
		instruction = urwid.Text("Please, choose an option.")
		self.menuPile = urwid.Pile([option1, option2, option3, separator,

		# generate edit/menu part of the screen
		self.editPartScreen = urwid.Pile([self.pinEdit])
		boxedEditPartScreen = urwid.LineBox(self.editPartScreen, title="menu")

		# initialize warning view urwid
		self.warningView = WarningUrwid()

		# generate final body object
		self.finalBody = urwid.Pile([self.alertSystemActive.get(),
			self.connectionStatus.get(), boxedEditPartScreen])
		fillerBody = urwid.Filler(self.finalBody, "top")

		# generate header
		header = urwid.Text("alertR keypad manager", align="center")

		# build frame for final rendering
		self.mainFrame = urwid.Frame(fillerBody, header=header)

		# color palette
		palette = [
			('redColor', 'black', 'dark red'),
			('greenColor', 'black', 'dark green'),
			('grayColor', 'black', 'light gray'),
            ('connected', 'black', 'dark green'),
            ('disconnected', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('sensoralert', 'black', 'yellow'),
            ('connectionfail', 'black', 'light gray'),
            ('timedout', 'black', 'dark red'),
            ('neutral', '', ''),

        # create urwid main loop for the rendering
		self.mainLoop = urwid.MainLoop(self.mainFrame, palette=palette,

		# create a file descriptor callback to give other
		# threads the ability to communicate with the urwid thread
		self.screenFd = self.mainLoop.watch_pipe(self.screenCallback)

		# set the correct view in which we are
		self.inPinView = True
		self.inMenuView = False
		self.inWarningView = False

		# run urwid loop

	# this function is called to update the screen
	def updateScreen(self, status):

		# write status to the callback file descriptor
		if self.screenFd != None:


			os.write(self.screenFd, status)
			return True
		return False