def main(argv): """This is a documentation string. Write a description of what your code does here. You should generally put documentation strings ("docstrings") on all your Python functions.""" ######################### # YOUR CODE GOES HERE # ######################### userdim = scribus.getUnit() # get unit and change it to mm scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) cellwidthleft = 0 cellwidthright = 0 cellHeight = 0 pos = getPosition() while cellwidthleft <= 0: cellwidthL = scribus.valueDialog("Left Cell Width", "How wide (mm) do you wish left cells to be?", "30.0") cellwidthleft = float(cellwidthL) while cellwidthright <= 0: cellwidthR = scribus.valueDialog("Right Cell Width", "How wide (mm) do you wish right cells to be?", "30.0") cellwidthright = float(cellwidthR) while cellHeight <= 0: cellheight = scribus.valueDialog("Cell Height", "How tall (mm) do you wish cells to be?", "10.0") cellHeight = float(cellheight) data = getCSVdata() di = getDataInformation(data) hposition = pos[1] vposition = pos[0] objectlist = [] # here we keep a record of all the created textboxes so we can group them later i = 0 scribus.progressTotal(len(data)) scribus.setRedraw(False) for row in data: c = 0 for cell in row: cell = cell.strip() cellsize = cellwidthleft if c == 1: cellsize = cellwidthright textbox = scribus.createText(hposition, vposition, cellsize, cellHeight) # create a textbox objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.insertText(cell, 0, textbox) # insert the text into the textbox hposition = hposition + cellwidthleft # move the position for the next cell c = 1 vposition = vposition + cellHeight # set vertical position for next row hposition = pos[1] # reset vertical position for next row i = i + 1 scribus.progressSet(i) scribus.groupObjects(objectlist) scribus.progressReset() scribus.setUnit(userdim) # reset unit to previous value scribus.docChanged(True) scribus.statusMessage("Done") scribus.setRedraw(True)
def main(argv): """This is a documentation string. Write a description of what your code does here. You should generally put documentation strings ("docstrings") on all your Python functions.""" ######################### # YOUR CODE GOES HERE # ######################### #copyPlayer("__player__","PLAYER 1") #copyPlayer("__player__","PLAYER 2") #copyPlayer("__player__","PLAYER 3") csv = scribus.fileDialog('Open input', 'CSV files (*.csv)') stuff = { 'NAME': 'Mike Hingley', 'ADDRESS': '22 Trinity Street, Cradley Heath, West Midlands', 'PHOTO': '128.jpg' } print(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))) print os.getcwd() print(sys.path[0]) print(os.path.abspath('')) sourceName = "__player__" if scribus.objectExists(sourceName): scribus.selectObject(sourceName) scribus.unGroupObject() childObjectCount = scribus.selectionCount() for x in range(0, childObjectCount): element = scribus.getSelectedObject(x) if scribus.getObjectType(str(element)) == 'TextFrame': current = scribus.getAllText(element) if current in stuff: fontsize = scribus.getFontSize(element) font = scribus.getFont(element) scribus.setText(stuff[current], element) scribus.setFont(font) scribus.setFontSize(fontsize) if scribus.getObjectType(str(element)) == 'ImageFrame': current = scribus.getImageFile(element) currentName = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(current)) print current print currentName if currentName in stuff: ExistingFolder = os.path.split(current) print ExistingFolder[0] newFile = os.path.join(ExistingFolder[0], stuff[currentName]) print newFile scribus.loadImage(newFile, element) print scribus.getObjectType(str(element)) print str(scribus.getSelectedObject(x)) scribus.groupObjects() print "name = " + scribus.getSelectedObject() scribus.setNewName("__player__", scribus.getSelectedObject())
def main(argv): """This is a documentation string. Write a description of what your code does here. You should generally put documentation strings ("docstrings") on all your Python functions.""" ######################### # YOUR CODE GOES HERE # ######################### userdim = scribus.getUnit() #get unit and change it to mm scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) cellwidthleft = 0 cellwidthright = 0 cellHeight = 0 pos = getPosition() while cellwidthleft <= 0: cellwidthL = scribus.valueDialog( 'Left Cell Width', 'How wide (mm) do you wish left cells to be?', '30.0') cellwidthleft = float(cellwidthL) while cellwidthright <= 0: cellwidthR = scribus.valueDialog( 'Right Cell Width', 'How wide (mm) do you wish right cells to be?', '30.0') cellwidthright = float(cellwidthR) while cellHeight <= 0: cellheight = scribus.valueDialog( 'Cell Height', 'How tall (mm) do you wish cells to be?', '10.0') cellHeight = float(cellheight) data = getCSVdata() di = getDataInformation(data) hposition = pos[1] vposition = pos[0] objectlist = [ ] # here we keep a record of all the created textboxes so we can group them later i = 0 scribus.progressTotal(len(data)) scribus.setRedraw(False) for row in data: c = 0 for cell in row: cell = cell.strip() cellsize = cellwidthleft if c == 1: cellsize = cellwidthright textbox = scribus.createText(hposition, vposition, cellsize, cellHeight) #create a textbox objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.insertText(cell, 0, textbox) #insert the text into the textbox hposition = hposition + cellwidthleft #move the position for the next cell c = 1 vposition = vposition + cellHeight #set vertical position for next row hposition = pos[1] #reset vertical position for next row i = i + 1 scribus.progressSet(i) scribus.groupObjects(objectlist) scribus.progressReset() scribus.setUnit(userdim) # reset unit to previous value scribus.docChanged(True) scribus.statusMessage("Done") scribus.setRedraw(True)
unit = scribus.getUnit() scribus.setUnit(unit) scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) item = scribus.getSelectedObject() size = scribus.getSize(item) position = scribus.getPosition(item) thickness = 3 items_border = [] items_border.append( scribus.createRect(position[0], position[1], size[0], thickness)) items_border.append( scribus.createRect(position[0], position[1], thickness, size[1])) items_border.append( scribus.createRect(position[0], position[1] + size[1] - thickness, size[0], thickness)) items_border.append( scribus.createRect(position[0] + size[0] - thickness, position[1], thickness, size[1])) for i in items_border: scribus.setFillColor('Black', i) scribus.groupObjects(items_border) scribus.setUnit(unit)
def main(argv): userdim = scribus.getUnit() # get unit and change it to mm scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) cellwidthleft = 0 cellwidthright = 0 # Set starting position hposition = 28 vposition = 20 data = getCSVdata() di = getDataInformation(data) ncol = len(data[0]) nrow = len(data) scribus.messageBox("Table", " " + str(ncol) + " columns, " + str(nrow) + " rows ") #jpg ColWidthList = [] TableWidth = 0 RowHeightList = [] TableHeight = 0 i = 0 for row in data: if i == 0: c = 0 for cell in row: ColWidth = 40 ColWidthList.append(ColWidth) TableWidth = TableWidth + ColWidth c = c + 1 RowHeight = 15 RowHeightList.append(RowHeight) TableHeight = TableHeight + RowHeight i = i + 1 objectlist = [ ] # here we keep a record of all the created textboxes so we can group them later i = 0 scribus.progressTotal(len(data)) scribus.setRedraw(False) rowindex = 0 new_row_indication = 1 new_page_indication = 1 firstorigin_indicator = 1 while rowindex < len(data): c = 0 origin_cd = data[rowindex][0].strip() origin = data[rowindex][1].strip() origin_complete = origin + ' (' + origin_cd + ")" headerorigin = origin_complete origin_added = 0 destination_cd = data[rowindex][2].strip() destination = data[rowindex][3].strip() destination_complete = destination + ' (' + destination_cd + ")" fareplan = data[rowindex][4].strip() fareplan_type = data[rowindex][5].strip() fareplan_complete = fareplan + ' ' + fareplan_type[:1] fare = data[rowindex][6].strip() fare = float(fare) fare = "{0:.2f}".format(fare) fare_onboard = data[rowindex][7].strip() fare_onboard = float(fare_onboard) fare_onboard = "{0:.2f}".format(fare_onboard) cellheight_market = 5 cellheight_market_dos = 5 try: last_origin = data[rowindex - 1][1].strip() except: last_origin = origin try: last_destination = data[rowindex - 1][3].strip() except: last_destination = destination cellsize = ColWidthList[c] cellHeight = RowHeightList[i] # Check to see if near bottom of the page, if so wrap it over if (vposition > 227): hposition = hposition + cellsize vposition = 20 new_row_indication = 1 # If at end, reset and create new page if (hposition > 174): scribus.newPage(-1) hposition = 28 vposition = 20 new_page_indication = 1 firstorigin_indicator = 0 if new_row_indication == 1: textbox = scribus.createText(hposition, 16, cellsize / 2, 4) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.setStyle('FareplanHeader', textbox) scribus.insertText('Fareplan', 0, textbox) c = c + 1 textbox = scribus.createText(hposition + (cellsize / 2), 16, cellsize / 2, 4) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.setStyle('FareplanHeader', textbox) scribus.insertText('Amount', 0, textbox) c = c + 1 # if (firstorigin_indicator == 1): # headerorigin = origin_complete # textbox = scribus.createText(20, 10, cellsize*4, 4) # create a textbox. # objectlist.append(textbox) # scribus.setStyle('HeaderOrigin', textbox) # scribus.insertText(headerorigin, 0, textbox) # c = c + 1 # Origin textbox if (rowindex < len(data)): if ((origin != last_origin) or (rowindex == 0)): # Add 'btwn' text textbox = scribus.createText(hposition, vposition, cellsize, 4) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.setStyle( 'Headings', textbox ) # set it in the style 'Headings' as defined in Scribus. scribus.insertText( 'btwn', 0, textbox) # insert the origin into the textbox. # scribus.setDistances(1,1,1,1) # set the distances. vposition = vposition + 4 # Shift position of cell down. c = c + 1 textbox = scribus.createText( hposition, vposition, cellsize, cellheight_market_dos) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.setStyle( 'Headings', textbox ) # set it in the style 'Headings' as defined in Scribus. scribus.insertText( origin_complete, 0, textbox) # insert the origin into the textbox. while (scribus.textOverflows(textbox) > 0): cellheight_market_dos += 1 scribus.sizeObject(cellsize, cellheight_market_dos, textbox) vposition = vposition + cellheight_market_dos # Shift position of cell down. c = c + 1 # Add 'and' text textbox = scribus.createText(hposition, vposition, cellsize, 4) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.setStyle( 'andStyle', textbox ) # set it in the style 'andStyle' as defined in Scribus. scribus.insertText( 'and', 0, textbox) # insert the origin into the textbox. vposition = vposition + 4 # Shift position of cell down. c = c + 1 origin_added = 1 firstorigin_indicator = firstorigin_indicator + 1 # Insert the origin at the top margin if (firstorigin_indicator == 1 or rowindex == 0): headerorigin = origin_complete textbox = scribus.createText(28, 10, cellsize * 4, 4) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.setStyle('HeaderOrigin', textbox) scribus.insertText(headerorigin, 0, textbox) c = c + 1 # Destination textbox if ((destination != last_destination) or (rowindex == 0) or (origin_added == 1)): textbox = scribus.createText( hposition, vposition, cellsize, cellheight_market) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.setStyle( 'Headings', textbox ) # set it in the style 'Headings' as defined in Scribus. scribus.insertText( destination_complete, 0, textbox) # insert the destination into the textbox. while (scribus.textOverflows(textbox) > 0): cellheight_market += 1 scribus.sizeObject(cellsize, cellheight_market, textbox) vposition = vposition + cellheight_market # Shift position of cell down. c = c + 1 rowindex = rowindex + 1 # Fareplan textbox fareplan_box_height = 5 if fare_onboard != '0.00': fareplan_box_height = 10 textbox = scribus.createText(hposition, vposition, cellsize / 2, fareplan_box_height) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.insertText(fareplan_complete, 0, textbox) # insert the fareplan into the textbox. hposition = hposition + (cellsize / 2) # Shift position of cell right. c = c + 1 # Fare textbox textbox = scribus.createText(hposition, vposition, cellsize / 2, 5) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.insertText(fare, 0, textbox) # insert the fare into the textbox. c = c + 1 if fare_onboard != '0.00': vposition = vposition + 5 # Shift position of cell down. textbox = scribus.createText(hposition, vposition, cellsize / 2, 5) # create a textbox. objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.setStyle('OnBoard', textbox) scribus.insertText(fare_onboard, 0, textbox) # insert the fare into the textbox. hposition = hposition - (cellsize / 2 ) # Shift position of cell back. vposition = vposition + 5 # Shift position of cell down. c = c + 1 else: hposition = hposition - (cellsize / 2 ) # Shift position of cell back. vposition = vposition + 5 # Shift position of cell down. i = i + 1 new_row_indication = 0 new_page_indication = 0 scribus.deselectAll() scribus.groupObjects(objectlist) scribus.progressReset() scribus.setUnit(userdim) # reset unit to previous value scribus.docChanged(True) scribus.statusMessage("Done") scribus.setRedraw(True)
def generateContent(string, window): #generates all the elements/only one element start = 0 end = 0 if string == "all": #dont include the first line to make the data sort work [1:] #sort the the elements by date data = sorted(getCSVdata()[1:], key=lambda row: dateFun(str.strip(row[5])), reverse=True) end = len(data) print(str(end) + " " + str(start)) print("generating elements from all lines") window.destroy() elif RepresentsInt(string): start = int(string) - 1 #index shifting end = int(string) print("only generating line " + string) data = getCSVdata() window.destroy() else: print(string + " is not a valid value") print("exiting") window.destroy() sys.exit() if not scribus.haveDoc() > 0: #do we have a doc? scribus.messageBox("importcvs2table", "No opened document.\nPlease open one first.") sys.exit() userdim = scribus.getUnit() #get unit and change it to mm scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) lineWidth = 3.92 #aka 1.383mm, kp warum rowDate = "" for i in range(start, end): rowName = str.strip(data[i][0]) rowCategory = str.strip(data[i][1]) rowDescription = str.strip(data[i][2]) rowPrice = str.strip(data[i][3]) rowPlace = str.strip(data[i][4]) rowDate = str.strip(data[i][5]) rowTime = str.strip(data[i][6]) if rowName == "": #skip empty csv lines continue print("add element: " + rowName) #random values hpos = 120.0 vpos = 200.0 hposition = 120.0 vposition = 200.0 objectlist = [] #list for all boxes x = 0 #sets the progress #create the blue box print("create the blue line") blueBox = scribus.createLine(hposition + 1, vposition, hposition + 1, vposition + 5.863) scribus.setLineColor("Cyan", blueBox) scribus.setLineWidth(lineWidth, blueBox) objectlist.append(blueBox) scribus.progressSet(x) x = 1 #create the data character box #these are the width values for the numbers zero = 4.608 one = 2.839 two = 4.724 three = 4.393 four = 4.625 five = 4.261 six = 4.278 seven = 4.261 eight = 4.625 nine = 4.708 lenArray = [zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine] marginleft = 1.3 margintop = 0.519 #substract, cause the box is heigher that the blue line cellwidthright = 10.951 cellHeight = 8.282 hposition = hposition + marginleft + 1 textbox = scribus.createText(hposition, vposition - margintop, cellwidthright, cellHeight) scribus.setFont("Quicksand Regular", textbox) scribus.setFontSize(20.0, textbox) finalDate = "" rowDateLength = 0 #checks if the rowDate is from 01-09, in that case remove the zero if rowDate[0] == '0': finalDate = rowDate[1] rowDateLength = lenArray[int(rowDate[1])] else: finalDate = rowDate[:2] rowDateLength = lenArray[int(rowDate[0])] + lenArray[int( rowDate[1])] scribus.insertText(finalDate, 0, textbox) print("day: " + finalDate) objectlist.append(textbox) scribus.progressSet(x) x = 2 #create the month/day box print("create the box with the day and month") width = 19.447 height = 8.025 marginleft = rowDateLength #gain that from the calculations above, depends on the width of the rowDate characters monthBox = scribus.createText(hposition + marginleft + 0.7, vposition, width, height) scribus.setFont("Quicksand Regular", monthBox) scribus.setFontSize(8.5, monthBox) month = "" m = rowDate[3:5] if m == '01': month = "Januar" elif m == '02': month = "Februar" elif m == '03': month = "März" elif m == '04': month = "April" elif m == '05': month = "Mai" elif m == '06': month = "Juni" elif m == '07': month = "Juli" elif m == '08': month = "August" elif m == '09': month = "September" elif m == '10': month = "Oktober" elif m == '11': month = "November" elif m == '12': month = "Dezember" else: print("cant determine month!") day =[6:]), int(m), int(rowDate[:2])).weekday() dayName = "" if day == 0: dayName = "Montag" elif day == 1: dayName = "Dienstag" elif day == 2: dayName = "Mittwoch" elif day == 3: dayName = "Donnerstag" elif day == 4: dayName = "Freitag" elif day == 5: dayName = "Samstag" elif day == 6: dayName = "Sonntag" else: print("cant determine day!") text = month + "\n" + dayName scribus.setStyle("Kalender_neu_Monat und Tag", monthBox) scribus.insertText(text, 0, monthBox) print("month: " + month + " day: " + dayName) objectlist.append(monthBox) scribus.progressSet(x) x = 3 #create the main text box print("create the main text box") margintop = 5.5 hpos = hpos - 0.383 #i dont know why but scribus always places the element 0.383 right than it should be :/ mainTextBox = scribus.createText( hpos, vposition + margintop, 43.0, 45.0) #minus eins weil der blaue balken seinen kasten overflowed #insert category print("insert the category: " + rowCategory) scribus.insertText(rowCategory, 0, mainTextBox) endCategory = scribus.getTextLength(mainTextBox) scribus.selectText(0, endCategory, mainTextBox) scribus.setFontSize(10.5, mainTextBox) scribus.selectText(0, endCategory, mainTextBox) scribus.setStyle("Kalender_Eventname", mainTextBox) #insert main text print("insert the main text") scribus.insertText("\n" + rowDescription, endCategory, mainTextBox) endMainText = scribus.getTextLength(mainTextBox) - endCategory scribus.selectText(endCategory, endMainText, mainTextBox) scribus.setStyle("Kalender_Eventbeschreibung", mainTextBox) #get start length to color everything black and set font size startAll = scribus.getTextLength(mainTextBox) createPlaceTimePrice(mainTextBox, "\n| Ort: ", "", "Kalender_Eventname") #insert value for place createPlaceTimePrice(mainTextBox, rowPlace, "Heuristica Regular", "") #insert time letters createPlaceTimePrice(mainTextBox, " | Zeit: ", "Quicksand Regular", "") #insert time value createPlaceTimePrice(mainTextBox, rowTime, "Heuristica Regular", "") #insert price letters createPlaceTimePrice(mainTextBox, " | Eintritt: ", "Quicksand Regular", "") #insert price value createPlaceTimePrice(mainTextBox, rowPrice, "Heuristica Regular", "") #setFontSize and black color for the whole detail box endAll = scribus.getTextLength(mainTextBox) - startAll scribus.selectText(startAll, endAll, mainTextBox) scribus.setFontSize(8.5, mainTextBox) scribus.selectText(startAll, endAll, mainTextBox) scribus.setTextColor("Black", mainTextBox) objectlist.append(mainTextBox) scribus.progressSet(x) #do some generell stuff scribus.groupObjects(objectlist) scribus.progressReset() scribus.setUnit(userdim) # reset unit to previous value scribus.docChanged(True) scribus.statusMessage("Done") scribus.setRedraw(True) print("done") return 0