Esempio n. 1
def newWikiTextBlock(cont, x, y, w):
    h = 0
    title = scribus.createText(x, y, w, 1)
    scribus.setText(cont["wp"].title, title)
    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, title)
    scribus.setFont("Open Sans Bold", title)
    scribus.setFontSize(14, title)
    scribus.setLineSpacing(14, title)

    tw, th = scribus.getSize(title)
    while scribus.textOverflows(title):
        scribus.sizeObject(tw, th + 1, title)
        tw, th = scribus.getSize(title)

    h = th

    content = scribus.createText(x, y + h + 1, w, 1)
    scribus.setText(cont["summary"], content)
    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, content)
    scribus.setFont("Open Sans Regular", content)
    scribus.setFontSize(10, content)

    tw, th = scribus.getSize(content)
    while scribus.textOverflows(content):
        scribus.sizeObject(tw, th + 1, content)
        tw, th = scribus.getSize(content)
        if h + th > bH:

    h = h + th

    return h
Esempio n. 2
def drawHeaderFooter(pagetitle):
    """draw some info on the pages"""
    # get page size

    #create textbox and insert text for header
    textbox=scribus.createText(leftMargin, topMargin,  pageWidth-leftMargin-rightMargin, HEADERSIZE)
    #set proper font size and alignment
    scribus.setFontSize(18, textbox)
    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, textbox)
    #load the string into the textbox
    scribus.insertText(headerstring, 0, textbox)
    scribus.setTextColor("Black", textbox)

    #create textbox and insert text for footer
    textbox=scribus.createText(leftMargin, pageHeight-bottomMargin-FOOTERSIZE,  pageWidth-leftMargin-rightMargin, FOOTERSIZE)
    #set proper font size and alignment
    scribus.setFontSize(9, textbox)
    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, textbox)
    #load the string into the textbox
    footerstring="Created using V %s script for Scribus by Sebastian Stetter -" % str(__version__)
    scribus.insertText(footerstring, 0, textbox)
    scribus.setTextColor("Black", textbox)
def newWikiTextBlock(cont,x,y,w):
  h = 0
  title = scribus.createText(x, y, w, 1)
  scribus.setText(cont["wp"].title, title)
  scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, title)
  scribus.setFont("Open Sans Bold", title)
  scribus.setFontSize(14, title)
  scribus.setLineSpacing(14, title)

  tw,th = scribus.getSize(title)
  while scribus.textOverflows(title):
    scribus.sizeObject(tw, th+1, title)
    tw,th = scribus.getSize(title)

  h = th

  content = scribus.createText(x, y+h+1, w, 1)
  scribus.setText(cont["summary"], content)
  scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, content)
  scribus.setFont("Open Sans Regular", content)
  scribus.setFontSize(10, content)

  tw,th = scribus.getSize(content)
  while scribus.textOverflows(content):
    scribus.sizeObject(tw, th+1, content)
    tw,th = scribus.getSize(content)
    if h+th > bH:

  h = h+th

  return h
Esempio n. 4
    def setPageNumber (self, crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber) :
        '''Place the page number on the page if called for.'''

        if self.pageNumbers :
            # Make the page number box
            pNumBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['pageNumXPos' + pageSide], crds[row]['pageNumYPos'], crds[row]['pageNumWidth'], crds[row]['pageNumHeight'])
            # Put the page number in it and format according to the page we are on
            scribus.setText(`pageNumber`, pNumBox)
            if pageSide == 'Odd' :
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, pNumBox)
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, pNumBox)

            scribus.setFont(self.fonts['pageNum']['bold'], pNumBox)
            scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['pageNum']['size'], pNumBox)
Esempio n. 5
def drawColor(colorname, h, v, width, height):  # h horizontal position, v vertical position
    """draws a color chart field with its caption for the given colorname at the h and v position
    # get cmyk values and convert them to 0 - 255 values
    color = scribus.getColor(colorname)
    c = int(round(color[0] / 2.55))
    m = int(round(color[1] / 2.55))
    y = int(round(color[2] / 2.55))
    k = int(round(color[3] / 2.55))
    # get rgb color
    rgbcolor = scribus.getColorAsRGB(colorname)
    r = rgbcolor[0]
    g = rgbcolor[1]
    b = rgbcolor[2]
    # get webcolor
    webcolor = rgbhex(r, g, b)
    # but String for Textbox together
    colorDisplay = colorname
    if scribus.isSpotColor(colorname):
        colorDisplay += " (Spot Color)"
    colorstring = "%s\nC %i, M %i, Y %i, K %i, \nR %i, G %i, B %i \nRGB: %s" % (

    # draw rectangle and set colors
    rect = scribus.createRect(h, v, width, height)
    scribus.setFillColor(colorname, rect)
    # if total amount of color is < 20 draw outline in Black for rectangle, else in same color
    if c + m + y + k < 20:
        scribus.setLineColor("Black", rect)
        scribus.setLineColor(colorname, rect)
    # create textbox and insert text
    textbox = scribus.createText(h + width + 5, v, 50, height)
    # set proper font size
    scribus.setFontSize(11, textbox)
    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, textbox)
    # load the string into the textbox
    scribus.insertText(colorstring, 0, textbox)
Esempio n. 6
    def setPageNumber(self, crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber):
        '''Place the page number on the page if called for.'''

        if self.pageNumbers:
            # Make the page number box
            pNumBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['pageNumXPos' + pageSide],
            # Put the page number in it and format according to the page we are on
            scribus.setText( ` pageNumber `, pNumBox)
            if pageSide == 'Odd':
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, pNumBox)
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, pNumBox)

            scribus.setFont(self.fonts['pageNum']['bold'], pNumBox)
            scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['pageNum']['size'], pNumBox)
Esempio n. 7
def drawColor(colorname, h, v, width,
              height):  #h horizontal position, v vertical position
    """draws a color chart field with its caption for the given colorname at the h and v position
    #get cmyk values and convert them to 0 - 255 values
    color = scribus.getColor(colorname)
    c = int(round(color[0] / 2.55))
    m = int(round(color[1] / 2.55))
    y = int(round(color[2] / 2.55))
    k = int(round(color[3] / 2.55))
    #get rgb color
    rgbcolor = scribus.getColorAsRGB(colorname)
    r = rgbcolor[0]
    g = rgbcolor[1]
    b = rgbcolor[2]
    #get webcolor
    webcolor = rgbhex(r, g, b)
    #but String for Textbox together
    colorDisplay = colorname
    if scribus.isSpotColor(colorname):
        colorDisplay += " (Spot Color)"
    colorstring = "%s\nC %i, M %i, Y %i, K %i, \nR %i, G %i, B %i \nRGB: %s" % (
        colorDisplay, c, m, y, k, r, g, b, webcolor)

    #draw rectangle and set colors
    rect = scribus.createRect(h, v, width, height)
    scribus.setFillColor(colorname, rect)
    #if total amount of color is < 20 draw outline in Black for rectangle, else in same color
    if c + m + y + k < 20:
        scribus.setLineColor("Black", rect)
        scribus.setLineColor(colorname, rect)
    #create textbox and insert text
    textbox = scribus.createText(h + width + 5, v, 50, height)
    #set proper font size
    scribus.setFontSize(11, textbox)
    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, textbox)
    #load the string into the textbox
    scribus.insertText(colorstring, 0, textbox)
    scribus.setTextColor("Black", textbox)
Esempio n. 8
def main(argv):


    # get page size
    pagesize = scribus.getPageSize()


    # size and position of the exit buttons
    linksize = pagesize[0] / 30
    linkpos = pagesize[0] - linksize - 2

    # set up exit to page
    pagenum = scribus.pageCount()
    exittopage = scribus.valueDialog(
        "Exit to page",
        "Exit buttons should go to page (1-" + str(pagenum) + ") :", "1")

    #if exittopage > pagenum:
    #    scribus.messageBox("Error", "This page doesn't exist.")
    #    sys.exit()

    # get active layer, create new layer for exit buttons, set it as active
    activelayer = scribus.getActiveLayer()

    #progressbar max

    # iterate through all the pages
    page = 1
    while (page <= pagenum):

        #messagebar text
        scribus.messagebarText("Create exit buttons...")


        # create rectangle
        exitrect = scribus.createRect(linkpos, 2, linksize, linksize,
                                      "exitrect" + str(page))
        scribus.setFillColor("White", exitrect)

        # create text in rectangle
        exittext = scribus.createText(linkpos, 4, linksize, linksize,
                                      "exittext" + str(page))

        scribus.setText("X", exittext)
        scribus.setFontSize(20, exittext)
        scribus.setTextAlignment(1, exittext)

        # create link annotation
        exitlink = scribus.createText(linkpos, 2, linksize, linksize,
                                      "exitlink" + str(page))
        scribus.setLinkAnnotation(int(exittopage), 0, 0, exitlink)

        # add page number to iteration
        page += 1

    # go back to active layer
Esempio n. 9
    def main(self):

        # Load up all the file and record information.
        # Use CSV reader to build list of record dicts
        records = self.loadCSVData(self.dataFile)
        totalRecs = len(records)

        # Reality check first to see if we have anything to process
        if totalRecs <= 0:
            scribus.messageBox('Not Found', 'No records found to process!')

        pageNumber = 1
        recCount = 0
        row = 0
        pageSide = 'Odd'
        paIndex = {}
        lastName = ''
        firstName = ''
        photoFirstName = ''
        verseRef = ''
        verseText = ''

        # Get the page layout coordinates for this publication
        crds = self.getCoordinates(self.dimensions)

        # Make a new document to put our records on
        if scribus.newDocument(
                getattr(scribus, self.dimensions['page']['scribusPageCode']),
             self.dimensions['margins']['bottom']), scribus.PORTRAIT, 1,
                scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES,
                scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT, 1):

            self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber)

            while recCount < totalRecs:

                # Output a new page on the first row after we have done the first page
                if row == 0 and recCount != 0:
                    if pageSide == 'Odd':
                        pageSide = 'Even'
                        pageSide = 'Odd'

                    self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber)

                ########### Now set the current record in the current row ##########

                # Set the last name
                lastName = records[recCount]['NameLast']

                # Adjust the NameFirst field to include the spouse if there is one
                if records[recCount]['Spouse'] != '':
                    firstName = records[recCount][
                        'NameFirst'] + ' & ' + records[recCount]['Spouse']
                    firstName = records[recCount]['NameFirst']

                # Make the photo file name
                photoFirstName = firstName.replace('&', '-').replace(
                    '.', '').replace(' ', '')

                # Set our record count for progress display and send a status message
                scribus.statusMessage('Placing record ' + ` recCount ` +
                                      ' of ' + ` totalRecs `)

                # Add a watermark if a string is specified
                if self.outputWatermark:

                # Put the last name element in this row
                nameLastBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['nameLastXPos'],
                scribus.setText(lastName, nameLastBox)
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, nameLastBox)
                scribus.setTextDistances(0, 0, 0, 0, nameLastBox)
                scribus.setFont(self.fonts['nameLast']['bold'], nameLastBox)
                scribus.setTextShade(80, nameLastBox)
                scribus.rotateObject(90, nameLastBox)

                # Place the first name element in this row
                nameFirstBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['nameFirstXPos'],
                scribus.setText(records[recCount]['Caption'], nameFirstBox)
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, nameFirstBox)

                # Place the image element in this row
                # We will need to do some processing on the first pass
                # The default output format is JPG
                orgImgFileName = records[recCount]['Photo']
                orgImgFile = os.path.join(self.orgImgDir, orgImgFileName)
                baseImgFileName = lastName + '_' + photoFirstName
                if self.willBePngImg:
                    ext = 'png'
                    ext = 'jpg'
                if not self.rgbColor:
                    imgFile = os.path.join(
                        getattr(self, ext + 'ImgDir'),
                        baseImgFileName + '-gray' + '.' + ext)
                    imgFile = os.path.join(getattr(self, ext + 'ImgDir'),
                                           baseImgFileName + '.' + ext)

                # Process the image now if there is none
                if not os.path.exists(imgFile):
                    self.img_process.sizePic(orgImgFile, imgFile,
                    #                    self.img_process.outlinePic(imgFile, imgFile)
                    self.img_process.scalePic(imgFile, imgFile,
                    self.img_process.addPoloroidBorder(imgFile, imgFile)
                    # Color RGB is the default
                    if not self.rgbColor:
                        self.img_process.makeGray(imgFile, imgFile)

                # Double check the output and substitute with placeholder pic
                if not os.path.exists(imgFile):
                    imgFile = self.placeholderPic
                # Create the imageBox and load the picture
                imageBox = scribus.createImage(crds[row]['imageXPos'],
                if os.path.isfile(imgFile):
                    scribus.loadImage(imgFile, imageBox)

                # Place the country element in this row (add second one if present)
                countryBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['countryXPos'],
                countryLine = records[recCount]['Country1']
                    if records[recCount]['Country2'] != '':
                        countryLine = countryLine + ' & ' + records[recCount][
                scribus.setText(countryLine, countryBox)
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, countryBox)
                scribus.setFont(self.fonts['text']['boldItalic'], countryBox)
                scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['text']['size'], countryBox)

                # Place the assignment element in this row
                assignBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['assignXPos'],
                # Assign style to box
                #                scribus.createParagraphStyle(name='assignStyle', alignment=0, leftmargin=10, firstindent=-10)
                #                scribus.setStyle('assignStyle', assignBox)
                # Hard formated box
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, assignBox)
                scribus.setFont(self.fonts['text']['italic'], assignBox)
                scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['text']['size'], assignBox)
                scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['text']['size'] + 1,
                scribus.setTextDistances(4, 0, 0, 0, assignBox)
                # Resize the frame height and determine the difference for
                # placing the next frame below it
                assignHeightNew = self.resizeFrame(assignBox)
                assignHeightDiff = crds[row]['assignHeight'] - assignHeightNew

                # Place the verse element in this row
                verseYPosNew = crds[row]['verseYPos'] - assignHeightDiff
                verseBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['verseXPos'],
                # The verse element may be either a Scripture verse or a prayer request
                # If it is Scripture, and it has a verse ref, we want to set that
                # seperatly so we need to do a little preprocess on the text to find
                # out if it has a ref. This script will only recognize references
                # at the end of the string that are enclosed in brackets. See the
                # findVerseRef() function for more details
                verseRef = self.findVerseRef(records[recCount]['Prayer'])
                if verseRef:
                    verseText = self.removeVerseRef(
                    scribus.setText(verseText, verseBox)
                # Can't find a way to set alignment to justified using setTextAlignment()
#                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, verseBox)
# Because of this, we make a style which seems to work
                scribus.createParagraphStyle(name='vBoxStyle', alignment=3)
                scribus.setStyle('vBoxStyle', verseBox)
                scribus.setFont(self.fonts['verse']['regular'], verseBox)
                scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['verse']['size'], verseBox)
                scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['verse']['size'] + 1,
                scribus.setTextDistances(4, 0, 4, 0, verseBox)
                if self.hyphenate:
                # Get the height difference in case we need to set ref box
                verseHeightNew = self.resizeFrame(verseBox)
                verseHeightDiff = crds[row]['verseHeight'] - verseHeightNew
                if verseRef:
                    # Set coordinates for this box
                    vRefBoxX = crds[row]['verseXPos']
                    vRefBoxY = (verseYPosNew + verseHeightNew)
                    vRefBoxH = crds[row]['nameFirstHeight'] / 2
                    vRefBoxW = crds[row]['verseWidth']
                    verseRefBox = scribus.createText(vRefBoxX, vRefBoxY,
                                                     vRefBoxW, vRefBoxH)
                    scribus.setText(verseRef, verseRefBox)
                    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, verseRefBox)
                    scribus.setFont(self.fonts['verse']['italic'], verseRefBox)
                    scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['verse']['size'] - 2,
                    scribus.setTextDistances(2, 0, 0, 0, verseRefBox)

                # Up our counts
                if row >= self.dimensions['rows']['count'] - 1:
                    row = 0
                    pageNumber += 1
                    row += 1

                recCount += 1

            # Create the index page here
            # Output a new page for the index
            if row == 0 and recCount != 0:
                if pageSide == 'Odd':
                    pageSide = 'Even'
                    pageSide = 'Odd'

                self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, 0, pageNumber)

        # Outut the index entries at this point
#        for key in paIndex.keys() :

# Report we are done now before we loose focus
        scribus.statusMessage('Process Complete!')

        ############################## Output Results #################################

        # Now we will output the results to PDF if that is desired
        if self.makePdf:
            pdfExport = scribus.PDFfile()
   = self.pdfFile
            pdfExport.file = self.pdfFile

        # View the output if set
        if self.makePdf and self.viewPdf:
            cmd = ['evince', self.pdfFile]
            except Exception as e:
                result = scribus.messageBox(
                    'View PDF command failed with: ' + str(e),
Esempio n. 10


for distro in sorted(distros.iterkeys()):
	# extract the dictionary content
	description = distros[distro][0]
	filesizeiso = distros[distro][1]
	md5sum = distros[distro][2]
	modified = distros[distro][3]

	# create page title/header
	B = scribus.createText(left_page_x, 10, 100, 10)
	scribus.setText(distro, B)
	scribus.setFont("Gentium Plus Compact Regular", B)
	scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, B)
	scribus.setFontSize(18, B)
	# load small-logo into page
	imagedir = "./logos/"
	f = scribus.createImage(left_page_x, 23, 65, 65)
	scribus.loadImage(imagedir + distro + ".png", f)
	scribus.sentToLayer("textlayer", f)

	# get description text for each distro
	scribus.createText(left_page_x, 92, 120, 80,distro)
	scribus.setText(description, distro)
	linespacing = scribus.getLineSpacing(distro)
	scribus.setFont("Gentium Plus Compact Regular", distro)
Esempio n. 11
def funzioneprincipale(csvData):

    for line in csvData:
        i = 0
        while i < len(line):
            #scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(line[i]), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
            i = i + 1

    if scribus.haveDoc():
        #scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(listacompleta), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
        #scribus.newDoc(scribus.PAPER_LETTER,  (20,20,20,20),scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS,  scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT)
        pos_footer_x = 43
        pos_y = 521
        width1 = 330
        width2 = 90
        height = 26
        max_height = 710
        max_width = 520
        interlinea = 12.5
        margin_sx = 3.5
        margin_dx = 3.5
        margin_up = 3.5
        margin_down = 2
        font_size = 8
        # primo numero da inserire dopo %VAR_F
        n = 6
        num_col = 3
        width3 = width1 + width2
        #ciclo tutte le righe del csv
        for i in range(1, len(csvData)):
            #scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', str(len(csvData[i])), scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
            pos_x = 43
            for j in range(3, len(csvData[i])):
            #creo la variabile pos_footer, che contiene la nuova posizione della y
            #che verrà assegnata alla cornice di testo chiamata 'footer'
             while (pos_x <= max_width):
                #creazione di 3 colonne con dimensioni diverse
                # la prima ha larghezza pari a variabile width1
                # la seconda e la terza hanno la larghezza pari a width2
                if (pos_x <= width1):
                    nometxtbox = "Cella: I=%d, Pos_x=%d, Pos_y=%d" % (i, pos_x, pos_y)
                    cell_label = csvData[i][j]
                    scribus.createText(pos_x, pos_y, width1, height, nometxtbox)
                    scribus.createRect(pos_x, pos_y, width1, height)
                    scribus.setText(cell_label, nometxtbox)
                    #scribus.setText("Testo di pcsvDataa","Testo1")
                    #comando per creare una cornice di testo
                    #modifico la dimensione del testo
                    scribus.setFontSize(font_size, nometxtbox)
                    #modifico i margini (sx, dx, alto, basso)
                    scribus.setTextDistances(margin_sx, margin_dx, margin_up, margin_down, nometxtbox)
                    #modifico l’interlinea
                    j = j + 1
                    pos_x = pos_x + width1
                    #n = n + 1
                elif (pos_x <= width3):
                    nometxtbox = "Cella: I=%d, Pos_x=%d, Pos_y=%d" % (i, pos_x, pos_y)
                    cell_label = csvData[i][j]
                    scribus.createText(pos_x, pos_y, width2, height, nometxtbox)
                    scribus.createRect(pos_x, pos_y, width2, height)
                    scribus.setText(cell_label, nometxtbox)
                    #Allineo il testo al centro
                    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, nometxtbox)
                    scribus.setFontSize(font_size, nometxtbox)
                    scribus.setTextDistances(margin_sx, margin_dx, margin_up, margin_down, nometxtbox)
                    j = j + 1
                    pos_x = pos_x + width2
                    #n = n + 1
                    nometxtbox = "Cella: I=%d, Pos_x=%d, Pos_y=%d" % (i, pos_x, pos_y)
                    cell_label = csvData[i][j]
                    scribus.createText(pos_x, pos_y, width2, height, nometxtbox)
                    scribus.createRect(pos_x, pos_y, width2, height)
                    scribus.setText(cell_label, nometxtbox)
                    #Allineo il testo al centro
                    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, nometxtbox)
                    scribus.setFontSize(font_size, nometxtbox)
                    scribus.setTextDistances(margin_sx, margin_dx, margin_up, margin_down, nometxtbox)
                    j = j + 1
                    pos_x = pos_x + width2
                    #n = n + 1

            if pos_y >= max_height:
            #crea una nuova pagina se la variabile pos_y raggiunge la dimensione
            #massima prestabilita
                pos_y = height + 20
                pos_y = pos_y + height
        #Salvo il documento attivo altrimenti
        #lo script ScribusGenerator non inserisce la tabella appena creata
        pos_footer_y = pos_y + height + 5
        scribus.moveObjectAbs(pos_footer_x, pos_footer_y,"footer")

        scribus.messageBox('Alert di errore',  "Devi avere una pagina Scribus aperta!!!", scribus.ICON_WARNING,  scribus.BUTTON_OK)
        scribus.newDoc(scribus.PAPER_LETTER,  (20,20,20,20),scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS,  scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT)

#per importare uno script copiarlo nella cartella: C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages
#Ottenere testo da textbox
#mostrare msgbox
#scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Messaggio di test', a, scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
scribus.newDocument((pageX, pageY), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scribus.LANDSCAPE, 1, scribus.UNIT_INCHES, scribus.PAGE_1, 0, 1)

#0,13 for final
for x in range(0,13):
	#1,12,6 for final
	for y in range(1,12,6):
		rx = x
		ry = y
		for zx in range(0,2):
			for zy in range(0,3):						
				a = scribus.createText(2.25+((zx+0)*(pageX/1.55)), 0.75+(zy*(pageY/3.84)), 1.25, 0.25)
				scribus.setFont('Arial Regular',a)		
				scribus.setFontSize(12, a)
				scribus.setTextColor("gray", a)
				scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, a)
				scribus.rotateObject(180, a);
				rxy = rx-ry
				scribus.insertText('%(rx)d - %(ry)d = %(rxy)d' % locals(), 0, a)		
				q = scribus.createText(1.0+((zx+0)*(pageX/1.55)), 1.125+(zy*(pageY/3.84)), 4, 1)
				scribus.setFont('Arial Regular',q)		
				scribus.setFontSize(55, q)
				scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, q)
				scribus.insertText('%(rx)d + %(ry)d =' % locals(), 0, q)
				ry = ry + 1
		l = scribus.createLine(0.0,2.833333,11,2.833333)
		scribus.setLineColor("gray", l)
		l = scribus.createLine(0.0,5.666666,11,5.666666)
		scribus.setLineColor("gray", l)
Esempio n. 13
    def main (self) :

        # Load up all the file and record information.
        # Use CSV reader to build list of record dicts
        records         = self.loadCSVData(self.dataFile)
        totalRecs       = len(records)

        # Reality check first to see if we have anything to process
        if totalRecs <= 0 :
            scribus.messageBox('Not Found', 'No records found to process!')

        pageNumber      = 1
        recCount        = 0
        row             = 0
        pageSide        = 'Odd'
        paIndex         = {}
        lastName        = ''
        firstName       = ''
        photoFirstName  = ''
        verseRef        = ''
        verseText       = ''

        # Get the page layout coordinates for this publication
        crds = self.getCoordinates(self.dimensions)

        # Make a new document to put our records on
        if scribus.newDocument(getattr(scribus, self.dimensions['page']['scribusPageCode']), 
                    (self.dimensions['margins']['left'], self.dimensions['margins']['right'], self.dimensions['margins']['top'], self.dimensions['margins']['bottom']),
                        scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, 
                            scribus.FIRSTPAGERIGHT, 1) :

            self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber)

            while recCount < totalRecs :

                # Output a new page on the first row after we have done the first page
                if row == 0 and recCount != 0:
                    if pageSide == 'Odd' :
                        pageSide = 'Even'
                    else :
                        pageSide = 'Odd'

                    self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, row, pageNumber)

                ########### Now set the current record in the current row ##########

                # Set the last name
                lastName = records[recCount]['NameLast']

                # Adjust the NameFirst field to include the spouse if there is one
                if records[recCount]['Spouse'] != '' :
                    firstName = records[recCount]['NameFirst'] + ' & ' + records[recCount]['Spouse']
                else :
                    firstName = records[recCount]['NameFirst']
                # Make the photo file name
                photoFirstName = firstName.replace('&', '-').replace('.', '').replace(' ', '')

                # Set our record count for progress display and send a status message
                scribus.statusMessage('Placing record ' + `recCount` + ' of ' + `totalRecs`)

                # Add a watermark if a string is specified
                if self.outputWatermark :

                # Put the last name element in this row
                nameLastBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['nameLastXPos'], crds[row]['nameLastYPos'], crds[row]['nameLastWidth'], crds[row]['nameLastHeight'])
                scribus.setText(lastName, nameLastBox)
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, nameLastBox)
                scribus.setTextDistances(0, 0, 0, 0, nameLastBox)
                scribus.setFont(self.fonts['nameLast']['bold'], nameLastBox)
                scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['nameLast']['size'], nameLastBox)
                scribus.setTextShade(80, nameLastBox)
                scribus.rotateObject(90, nameLastBox)

                # Place the first name element in this row
                nameFirstBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['nameFirstXPos'], crds[row]['nameFirstYPos'], crds[row]['nameFirstWidth'], crds[row]['nameFirstHeight'])
                scribus.setText(records[recCount]['Caption'], nameFirstBox)
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, nameFirstBox)
                scribus.setFont(self.fonts['nameFirst']['boldItalic'], nameFirstBox)
                scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['nameFirst']['size'], nameFirstBox)

                # Place the image element in this row
                # We will need to do some processing on the first pass
                # The default output format is JPG
                orgImgFileName = records[recCount]['Photo']
                orgImgFile = os.path.join(self.orgImgDir, orgImgFileName)
                baseImgFileName = lastName + '_' + photoFirstName
                if self.willBePngImg :
                    ext = 'png'
                else :
                    ext = 'jpg'
                if not self.rgbColor :
                    imgFile = os.path.join(getattr(self, ext + 'ImgDir'), baseImgFileName + '-gray' + '.' + ext)
                else :
                    imgFile = os.path.join(getattr(self, ext + 'ImgDir'), baseImgFileName + '.' + ext)

                # Process the image now if there is none
                if not os.path.exists(imgFile) :
                    self.img_process.sizePic(orgImgFile, imgFile, self.maxHeight)
#                    self.img_process.outlinePic(imgFile, imgFile)
                    self.img_process.scalePic(imgFile, imgFile, self.imgDensity)
                    self.img_process.addPoloroidBorder(imgFile, imgFile)
                    # Color RGB is the default
                    if not self.rgbColor :
                        self.img_process.makeGray(imgFile, imgFile)

                # Double check the output and substitute with placeholder pic
                if not os.path.exists(imgFile) :
                    imgFile = self.placeholderPic
                # Create the imageBox and load the picture
                imageBox = scribus.createImage(crds[row]['imageXPos'], crds[row]['imageYPos'], crds[row]['imageWidth'], crds[row]['imageHeight'])
                if os.path.isfile(imgFile) :
                    scribus.loadImage(imgFile, imageBox)
                scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=imageBox)

                # Place the country element in this row (add second one if present)
                countryBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['countryXPos'], crds[row]['countryYPos'], crds[row]['countryWidth'], crds[row]['countryHeight'])
                countryLine = records[recCount]['Country1']
                try :
                    if records[recCount]['Country2'] != '' :
                        countryLine = countryLine + ' & ' + records[recCount]['Country2']
                except :
                scribus.setText(countryLine, countryBox)
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, countryBox)
                scribus.setFont(self.fonts['text']['boldItalic'], countryBox)
                scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['text']['size'], countryBox)

                # Place the assignment element in this row
                assignBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['assignXPos'], crds[row]['assignYPos'], crds[row]['assignWidth'], crds[row]['assignHeight'])
                scribus.setText(self.fixText(records[recCount]['Assignment']), assignBox)
                # Assign style to box
#                scribus.createParagraphStyle(name='assignStyle', alignment=0, leftmargin=10, firstindent=-10)
#                scribus.setStyle('assignStyle', assignBox)
                # Hard formated box
                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, assignBox)
                scribus.setFont(self.fonts['text']['italic'], assignBox)
                scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['text']['size'], assignBox)
                scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['text']['size'] + 1, assignBox)
                scribus.setTextDistances(4, 0, 0, 0, assignBox)
                # Resize the frame height and determine the difference for
                # placing the next frame below it
                assignHeightNew = self.resizeFrame(assignBox)
                assignHeightDiff = crds[row]['assignHeight'] - assignHeightNew

                # Place the verse element in this row
                verseYPosNew = crds[row]['verseYPos'] - assignHeightDiff
                verseBox = scribus.createText(crds[row]['verseXPos'], verseYPosNew, crds[row]['verseWidth'], crds[row]['verseHeight'])
                # The verse element may be either a Scripture verse or a prayer request
                # If it is Scripture, and it has a verse ref, we want to set that
                # seperatly so we need to do a little preprocess on the text to find
                # out if it has a ref. This script will only recognize references
                # at the end of the string that are enclosed in brackets. See the
                # findVerseRef() function for more details
                verseRef = self.findVerseRef(records[recCount]['Prayer'])
                if verseRef :
                    verseText = self.removeVerseRef(self.fixText(records[recCount]['Prayer']))
                    scribus.setText(verseText, verseBox)
                else :
                    scribus.setText(self.fixText(records[recCount]['Prayer']), verseBox)
                # Can't find a way to set alignment to justified using setTextAlignment()
#                scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, verseBox)
                # Because of this, we make a style which seems to work
                scribus.createParagraphStyle(name='vBoxStyle', alignment=3)
                scribus.setStyle('vBoxStyle', verseBox)
                scribus.setFont(self.fonts['verse']['regular'], verseBox)
                scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['verse']['size'], verseBox)
                scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['verse']['size'] + 1, verseBox)
                scribus.setTextDistances(4, 0, 4, 0, verseBox)
                if self.hyphenate :
                # Get the height difference in case we need to set ref box
                verseHeightNew = self.resizeFrame(verseBox)
                verseHeightDiff = crds[row]['verseHeight'] - verseHeightNew
                if verseRef :
                    # Set coordinates for this box
                    vRefBoxX = crds[row]['verseXPos']
                    vRefBoxY = (verseYPosNew + verseHeightNew)
                    vRefBoxH = crds[row]['nameFirstHeight'] / 2
                    vRefBoxW = crds[row]['verseWidth']
                    verseRefBox = scribus.createText(vRefBoxX, vRefBoxY, vRefBoxW, vRefBoxH)
                    scribus.setText(verseRef, verseRefBox)
                    scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, verseRefBox)
                    scribus.setFont(self.fonts['verse']['italic'], verseRefBox)
                    scribus.setFontSize(self.fonts['verse']['size'] - 2, verseRefBox)
                    scribus.setLineSpacing(self.fonts['verse']['size'], verseRefBox)
                    scribus.setTextDistances(2, 0, 0, 0, verseRefBox)

                # Up our counts
                if row >= self.dimensions['rows']['count'] - 1 :
                    row = 0
                    pageNumber +=1
                else :
                    row +=1
                recCount +=1

            # Create the index page here
            # Output a new page for the index
            if row == 0 and recCount != 0:
                if pageSide == 'Odd' :
                    pageSide = 'Even'
                else :
                    pageSide = 'Odd'

                self.setPageNumber(crds, pageSide, 0, pageNumber)

        # Outut the index entries at this point
#        for key in paIndex.keys() :

        # Report we are done now before we loose focus
        scribus.statusMessage('Process Complete!')

############################## Output Results #################################

        # Now we will output the results to PDF if that is desired
        if self.makePdf :
            pdfExport =  scribus.PDFfile()
   = self.pdfFile
            pdfExport.file = self.pdfFile

        # View the output if set
        if self.makePdf and self.viewPdf :
            cmd = ['evince', self.pdfFile]
            try :
            except Exception as e :
                result = scribus.messageBox ('View PDF command failed with: ' + str(e), scribus.BUTTON_OK)