def removeItem(seller, category, itemDict): if category == "waifu": waifu = waifu_fAux.getWaifu(itemDict["waifuID"]) UserProfile.load(seller).waifuRemove(waifu) return 0 else: raise ValueError("not a valid category: {}".format(category))
def buy_f(buyer, itemID): if not itemID.isdigit(): return -1 else: itemID = int(itemID) itemDoc = dbClient.getClient().DBot.marketplace.find_one({"itemID": itemID}) if itemDoc is None: return -2 if itemDoc["seller"]["id"] == return -3 # check if buyer has enough money buyerProfile = UserProfile.load(buyer) if not buyerProfile.ecoCheckBalance(itemDoc["price"]): return -4 # Remove from marketplace listing and add to buyer print(buyer) marketplace_fAux.addItem(buyer, itemDoc["category"], itemDoc["item"]) marketplace_fAux.removeFromMarketplace(itemDoc["itemID"]) # Remove money from buyer, and add to seller UserProfile.load(buyer).ecoChangeBalance(-itemDoc["price"], forced=True) seller = Bot.getBot().get_user(itemDoc["seller"]["id"]) sellerProfile = UserProfile.load(seller) sellerProfile.ecoChangeBalance(itemDoc["price"], forced=True) # Assemble embed embed = marketplace_fAux.makeBuyEmbed(buyer, seller, itemDoc["category"], itemDoc["item"], itemDoc["price"], itemID) return embed
def addItem(user, category, itemDict): print(user, category, itemDict) if category == "waifu": waifu = waifu_fAux.getWaifu(itemDict["waifuID"]) print(waifu) UserProfile.load(user).waifuAdd(waifu) else: raise ValueError("not a valid category: {}".format(category)) return 0
def eventStop(self): if self.winnerUser != None: UserProfile.load(self.winnerUser).ecoChangeBalance(self.prize, forced=True) self.status = False self.setTimeStart(self.minWait, self.maxWait) self.winnerUser = None self.chochePhrase = None self.prize = 0
def eventStop(self): print(self.users) if len(self.users) > 0: for user in self.prizeDict.keys(): print(type(user), user, self.prizeDict[user]) UserProfile.load(user).ecoChangeBalance(self.prizeDict[user], forced=True) self.status = False self.setTimeStart(self.minWait, self.maxWait) self.users = [] self.prizeDict = dict()
def bid_f(user, bidAmount): eventManager = EventManager.getEventManager() waifuAHEvent = eventManager.getEvent("waifuAH") if not waifuAHEvent.isRunning(): return -1 profile = UserProfile.load(user) if not profile.ecoCheckBalance(bidAmount): return -2 if bidAmount <= waifuAHEvent.lastBid: return -3 if abs(bidAmount - waifuAHEvent.lastBid) < waifuAHEvent.bidStepUp: return -4 # If there is an event, check preliminary bidding info t = utcNow() extendedTime = False if (waifuAHEvent.timeEnd - t).total_seconds() < waifuAHEvent.timeThresholdToExtend: extendedTime = True # Eco unlock previous bidder and eco lock current one if waifuAHEvent.user is not None: UserProfile.load(waifuAHEvent.user).ecoUnlock() profile.ecoLock() # Set this user as current bidder in event waifuAHEvent.user = user waifuAHEvent.lastBid = bidAmount waifuAHEvent.lastBidTime = t # Assemble embed and return embed = discord.Embed(title="Bid Registered", description="{} made the latest bid!".format( embed.add_field(name="Bid Amount", value="{}".format(economy_fAux.pMoney(bidAmount))) if extendedTime: newEndTime = utcToTZ(utcNow() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=waifuAHEvent.bidTimeExtension)) tStr = "Auction will stop at {}.".format( newEndTime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) embed.add_field(name="Time Extended!", value=tStr) return embed
def summon_f(user): profile = UserProfile.load(user) code = profile.waifuSummon() if code == -1: return -1 waifu = waifu_fAux.getRandomWaifuByRank(waifu_fAux.getSummonRank()) profile.waifuAdd(waifu) embedTitle = "\U00002728 {}'s Waifu Summon \U00002728".format(user) embedDescription = "You summoned a {}-tier Waifu!".format(waifu["rank"]) embed = discord.Embed(title=embedTitle, description=embedDescription) infoValue1 = "Name: {}".format(waifu["name"]) infoValue2 = ", alias {}".format(random.choice( waifu["aliases"])) if len(waifu["aliases"]) > 0 else "" infoValue3 = "From: {}".format(waifu["animeName"]) embed.add_field(name="Basic Information", value=infoValue1 + infoValue2 + "\n" + infoValue3) statsValue1 = "Value: {}".format(waifu["value"]) statsValue2 = "Ranking: {}/{}".format(waifu["ranking"], waifu_fAux.waifuCount()) embed.add_field(name="Stats", value=statsValue1 + "\n" + statsValue2) thumbnail_url = random.choice(waifu["pictures"]) embed.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail_url) return embed
def isSellable(seller, category, itemDict): if category == "waifu": profile = UserProfile.load(seller) waifu = waifu_fAux.getWaifu(itemDict["waifuID"]) return profile.waifuCheck(waifu) else: return -1
def fuse_f(user, waifuID1, waifuID2, waifuID3): profile = UserProfile.load(user) # check if all of the 3 waifus are owned by the user waifuListCopy = profile.waifuList[:] try: waifuListCopy.remove(waifuID1) waifuListCopy.remove(waifuID2) waifuListCopy.remove(waifuID3) except: return -1 # check if all of the 3 waifus are of the same rank waifu1 = waifu_fAux.getWaifu(waifuID1) waifu2 = waifu_fAux.getWaifu(waifuID2) waifu3 = waifu_fAux.getWaifu(waifuID3) if not (waifu1["rank"] == waifu2["rank"] == waifu3["rank"]): return -2 # check if at least one is SSS if waifu1["rank"] == "SSS" or waifu2["rank"] == "SSS" or waifu3[ "rank"] == "SSS": return -3 # if all checks passed, get the a next-rank waifu nextRank = waifu_const.WAIFU_RANKS[ waifu_const.WAIFU_RANKS.index(waifu1["rank"]) + 1] # Remove waifus from user profile profile.waifuRemove(waifu1) profile.waifuRemove(waifu2) profile.waifuRemove(waifu3) # Get random fused waifu fusedWaifu = waifu_fAux.getRandomWaifuByRank(nextRank) profile.waifuAdd(fusedWaifu) # Assemble embed embedTitle = "\U0001F9EC {}'s Waifu Fusion! \U0001F9EC".format(user) embedDescription = "You got a {}-tier Waifu!".format(fusedWaifu["rank"]) embed = discord.Embed(title=embedTitle, description=embedDescription) infoValue1 = "Name: {}".format(fusedWaifu["name"]) infoValue2 = ", alias {}".format(random.choice( fusedWaifu["aliases"])) if len(fusedWaifu["aliases"]) > 0 else "" infoValue3 = "From: {}".format(fusedWaifu["animeName"]) embed.add_field(name="Basic Information", value=infoValue1 + infoValue2 + "\n" + infoValue3) statsValue1 = "Value: {}".format(fusedWaifu["value"]) statsValue2 = "Ranking: {}/{}".format(fusedWaifu["ranking"], waifu_fAux.waifuCount()) embed.add_field(name="Stats", value=statsValue1 + "\n" + statsValue2) thumbnail_url = random.choice(fusedWaifu["pictures"]) embed.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail_url) return embed
def collect_f(user): profile = UserProfile.load(user) code = profile.ecoCollect() if code == -1: return -1 elif code == 0: profile.ecoChangeBalance(economy_const.COLLECTION_MONEY, forced=True) embedTitle = "Welfare Collected!" embedDescription = "You just collected your daily {}".format( economy_fAux.pMoney(economy_const.COLLECTION_MONEY)) embed = discord.Embed(title=embedTitle, description=embedDescription) return embed
def lottery_f(user, gamesToPlay): if gamesToPlay > economy_const.LOTTERY_MAX_GAMES_ALLOWED: return -1 profile = UserProfile.load(user) if profile.ecoIsLocked(): return -2 totalCost = economy_const.LOTTERY_COST * gamesToPlay if not profile.ecoCheckBalance(totalCost): return -3 # When all checks pass, lock the profile profile.ecoLock() # Play lottery and assemble report embed lotteryReport = economy_fAux.gameLottery(gamesToPlay) ticketStrings = [] for game in lotteryReport["games"]: ticketStr = "{}: `[{}] ({})` | Prize: {}".format( str(lotteryReport["games"].index(game) + 1).zfill(2), "-".join([str(t).zfill(2) for t in game["ticket"]]), str(game["hits"]).zfill(2), game["prize"]) ticketStrings.append(ticketStr) totalPrize = sum([game["prize"] for game in lotteryReport["games"]]) totalChange = totalPrize - totalCost if totalChange > 0: resultStr = "You won {}!".format(economy_fAux.pMoney(totalChange)) elif totalChange < 0: resultStr = "You just lost {} haha".format( economy_fAux.pMoney(abs(totalChange))) else: resultStr = "You didn't win or lose anything" embed = discord.Embed( title="Lottery", description="Winning ticket: `[{}]`".format("-".join( [str(t).zfill(2) for t in lotteryReport["winningTicket"]]))) embed.add_field(name="Tickets", value="\n".join(ticketStrings), inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Results", value="Total Prize: {}\n{}".format(totalPrize, resultStr), inline=False) if totalChange == 0: embed.set_footer(text="Booooooooooring") # Make balance changes and unlock profile profile.ecoChangeBalance(totalPrize - totalCost) profile.ecoUnlock() return embed
def favorite_f(user, favArg): if not (favArg.lower() == "clear" or favArg.isdigit()): return -2 profile = UserProfile.load(user) if favArg.lower() == "clear": profile.waifuClearFavorite() return 1 if favArg.isdigit(): newFavWaifuID = int(favArg) code = profile.waifuSetFavorite(newFavWaifuID) return code
def pay_f(originUser, destinationUser, amount): if amount <= 0: return -1 originProfile = UserProfile.load(originUser) if originProfile.ecoIsLocked(): return -2 destinationProfile = UserProfile.load(destinationUser) if destinationProfile.ecoIsLocked(): return -3 if not originProfile.ecoCheckBalance(amount): return -4 originProfile.ecoChangeBalance(-amount) destinationProfile.ecoChangeBalance(amount) embedTitle = "Successful transaction" embedDescription = "{} just sent {} to {}.".format(, economy_fAux.pMoney(amount), embed = discord.Embed(title=embedTitle, description=embedDescription) return embed
def balance_f(ctx, userMentioned): if userMentioned != None: if isAdmin( targetUser = userMentioned else: return -1 else: targetUser = profile = UserProfile.load(targetUser) embedTitle = "{}'s Balance".format( embedDescription = economy_fAux.pMoney(profile.ecoBalance) embed = discord.Embed(title=embedTitle, description=embedDescription) return embed
def eventStop(self): if self.user != None: profile = UserProfile.load(self.user) profile.ecoChangeBalance(-self.lastBid) profile.waifuAdd(self.waifu) self.status = False self.setTimeStart(self.minWait, self.maxWait) self.waifu = None self.startingBid = 0 self.buyoutPrize = 0 self.bidStepUp = 1 self.user = None self.lastBid = 0 self.lastBidTime = None self.lastBidTimeChecked = None
def ranking_f(): embed = discord.Embed(title="Economy Ranking", description="Top 5 based on total Balance.") mongoClient = dbClient.getClient() userDocs = list( mongoClient.DBot.users.find({}).sort("ecoDict.balance", pymongo.DESCENDING)) selectedDocs = userDocs[:5] for userDoc in selectedDocs: profile = UserProfile.load(Bot.getBot().get_user( userDoc["user"]["id"])) fieldName = "{}/{}: {}".format( selectedDocs.index(userDoc) + 1, len(selectedDocs), fieldValue = "Balance: {}".format( economy_fAux.pMoney(profile.ecoBalance)) embed.add_field(name=fieldName, value=fieldValue, inline=False) return embed
def addmoney_f(ctx, user, changeAmount): if not isAdmin( return -1 else: UserProfile.load(user).ecoChangeBalance(changeAmount, forced=True) return 0
def list_f(ctx, args): # parse args # parse page number numbers = [int(arg) for arg in args if arg.isdigit()] if len(numbers) > 1: return -1 page = numbers[0] if len(numbers) == 1 else 1 # parse ranks ranksInArgs = [ arg for arg in args if (arg.upper() in waifu_const.WAIFU_RANKS) ] ranksQuery = ranksInArgs if len( ranksInArgs) > 0 else waifu_const.WAIFU_RANKS # parse target user mentions = ctx.message.mentions if len(mentions) != 0: if not isAdmin( return -2 if len(mentions) > 1: return -3 targetUser = mentions[0] else: targetUser = # Parse duplicate mode duplicateMode = False if ("-d" in args) or ("-D" in args) or ("duplicates" in args): duplicateMode = True # Get waifu profile profile = UserProfile.load( if len(profile.waifuList) == 0: if targetUser == return -4 else: return -5 # Query waifus from DB if duplicateMode: duplicateIDs = list(profile.waifuGetDuplicateWaifuDict().keys()) query = { "$and": [{ "MAL_data.charID": { "$in": duplicateIDs } }, { "rank": { "$in": ranksQuery } }] } else: query = { "$and": [{ "MAL_data.charID": { "$in": list(set(profile.waifuList)) } }, { "rank": { "$in": ranksQuery } }] } waifuList = list(dbClient.getClient().DBot.waifus.find(query).sort( "value", pymongo.DESCENDING)) if len(waifuList) == 0: return -6 if profile.waifuFavorite is not None: waifuFav = waifu_fAux.getWaifu(profile.waifuFavorite) embedDescription = "Favorite Waifu: {}{}\nFrom: {}".format( waifuFav["name"], "" if waifuFav["aliases"] == [] else ", alias {}".format( random.choice(waifuFav["aliases"])), waifuFav["animeName"]) thumbnail_url = random.choice(waifuFav["pictures"]) else: embedDescription = discord.Embed.Empty thumbnail_url = random.choice(waifu_const.NO_FAV_WAIFU_URLS) embed = discord.Embed(title="{}'s Harem".format(, description=embedDescription) waifuStart = waifu_const.WAIFU_LIST_WAIFUS_PER_PAGE * (page - 1) waifuEnd = waifuStart + waifu_const.WAIFU_LIST_WAIFUS_PER_PAGE for waifu in waifuList[waifuStart:waifuEnd]: fieldName = "{}/{} \U0000300C{}\U0000300D: {} [{}]".format( waifuList.index(waifu) + 1, len(waifuList), waifu["rank"], waifu["name"], waifu["MAL_data"]["charID"]) fieldValue1 = "Source: {}".format(waifu["animeName"]) fieldValue2 = "Ranking: {}/{}\nValue: {}".format( waifu["ranking"], waifu_fAux.waifuCount(), waifu["value"]) fieldValues = [fieldValue1, fieldValue2] if duplicateMode: fieldValue4 = "Count: {}".format( profile.waifuList.count(waifu["MAL_data"]["charID"])) fieldValues.append(fieldValue4) elif profile.waifuList.count(waifu["MAL_data"]["charID"]) > 1: fieldValue4 = "Count: {}".format( profile.waifuList.count(waifu["MAL_data"]["charID"])) fieldValues.append(fieldValue4) embed.add_field(name=fieldName, value="\n".join(fieldValues), inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Total Waifu Value", value="{}".format( economy_fAux.pMoney(profile.waifuGetTotalValue())), inline=False) embed.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail_url) footerText1 = "Waifu Harem page: {} of {}.".format( page, math.ceil(len(waifuList) / waifu_const.WAIFU_LIST_WAIFUS_PER_PAGE)) footerText2 = "Search other pages using `>waifu list <page>`" embed.set_footer(text=footerText1 + "\n" + footerText2) return embed