Esempio n. 1
    def test_arguments(self):
        # Verify that command-line arguments become attributes of
        # the CacheFacetListsPerLane object.
        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(
            self._db, ["--order=title", "--order=added"],
        eq_(['title', 'added'], script.orders)
        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(
            self._db, ["--availability=all", "--availability=always"],
        eq_(['all', 'always'], script.availabilities)

        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(
            self._db, ["--collection=main", "--collection=full"],
        eq_(['main', 'full'], script.collections)

        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(
            self._db, ["--entrypoint=Audio", "--entrypoint=Book"],
        eq_(['Audio', 'Book'], script.entrypoints)

        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(
            self._db, ['--pages=1'], manager=object()
        eq_(1, script.pages)
 def test_pagination(self):
     script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, manager=object(), cmd_args=[])
     script.pages = 3
     lane = self._lane()
     p1, p2, p3 = script.pagination(lane)
     pagination = Pagination.default()
     eq_(pagination.query_string, p1.query_string)
     eq_(pagination.next_page.query_string, p2.query_string)
     eq_(pagination.next_page.next_page.query_string, p3.query_string)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_pagination(self):
     script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, manager=object(), cmd_args=[])
     script.pages = 3
     lane = self._lane()
     p1, p2, p3 = script.pagination(lane)
     pagination = Pagination.default()
     eq_(pagination.query_string, p1.query_string)
     eq_(pagination.next_page.query_string, p2.query_string)
     eq_(pagination.next_page.next_page.query_string, p3.query_string)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_process_lane(self):
     script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, [
         "--availability=all", "--availability=always", "--collection=main",
         "--collection=full", "--order=title", "--pages=1"
         flask.request.library = self._default_library
         lane = self._lane()
         cached_feeds = script.process_lane(lane)
         # 2 availabilities * 2 collections * 1 order * 1 page = 4 feeds
         eq_(4, len(cached_feeds))
Esempio n. 5
    def test_process_lane(self):
        with self.temp_config() as config:
            lane = Lane(self._db, self._str)

            script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, [
                "--availability=all", "--availability=always",
                "--collection=main", "--collection=full", "--order=title",
                cached_feeds = script.process_lane(lane)
                # 2 availabilities * 2 collections * 1 order * 1 page = 4 feeds
                eq_(4, len(cached_feeds))
    def test_do_generate(self):
        # When it's time to generate a feed,
        # is called with the right arguments.
        class MockAcquisitionFeed(object):
            called_with = None
            def page(cls, **kwargs):
                cls.called_with = kwargs
                return "here's your feed"

        # Test our ability to generate a single feed.
        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, testing=True, cmd_args=[])
        facets = Facets.default(self._default_library)
        pagination = Pagination.default()

            lane = self._lane()
            result = script.do_generate(
                lane, facets, pagination, feed_class=MockAcquisitionFeed
            eq_("here's your feed", result)

            args = MockAcquisitionFeed.called_with
            eq_(self._db, args['_db'])
            eq_(lane, args['lane'])
            eq_(lane.display_name, args['title'])
            eq_(True, args['force_refresh'])

            # The Pagination object was passed into
            #, and it was also used to make the
            # feed URL (see below).
            eq_(pagination, args['pagination'])

            # The Facets object was passed into
            #, and it was also used to make
            # the feed URL and to create the feed annotator.
            eq_(facets, args['facets'])
            annotator = args['annotator']
            eq_(facets, annotator.facets)
                annotator.feed_url(lane, facets=facets, pagination=pagination)

            # Try again without mocking AcquisitionFeed to verify that
            # we get something that looks like an OPDS feed.
            result = script.do_generate(lane, facets, pagination)
            assert result.startswith('<feed')
Esempio n. 7
    def test_do_generate(self):
        # When it's time to generate a feed,
        # is called with the right arguments.
        class MockAcquisitionFeed(object):
            called_with = None
            def page(cls, **kwargs):
                cls.called_with = kwargs
                return "here's your feed"

        # Test our ability to generate a single feed.
        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, testing=True, cmd_args=[])
        facets = Facets.default(self._default_library)
        pagination = Pagination.default()

            lane = self._lane()
            result = script.do_generate(
                lane, facets, pagination, feed_class=MockAcquisitionFeed
            eq_("here's your feed", result)

            args = MockAcquisitionFeed.called_with
            eq_(self._db, args['_db'])
            eq_(lane, args['lane'])
            eq_(lane.display_name, args['title'])
            eq_(True, args['force_refresh'])

            # The Pagination object was passed into
            #, and it was also used to make the
            # feed URL (see below).
            eq_(pagination, args['pagination'])

            # The Facets object was passed into
            #, and it was also used to make
            # the feed URL and to create the feed annotator.
            eq_(facets, args['facets'])
            annotator = args['annotator']
            eq_(facets, annotator.facets)
                annotator.feed_url(lane, facets=facets, pagination=pagination)

            # Try again without mocking AcquisitionFeed to verify that
            # we get something that looks like an OPDS feed.
            result = script.do_generate(lane, facets, pagination)
            assert result.startswith('<feed')
Esempio n. 8
    def test_arguments(self):
        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db,
                                        ["--order=title", "--order=added"],
        eq_(['title', 'added'], script.orders)
        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(
            self._db, ["--availability=all", "--availability=always"],
        eq_(['all', 'always'], script.availabilities)

        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(
            self._db, ["--collection=main", "--collection=full"], testing=True)
        eq_(['main', 'full'], script.collections)

        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, ['--pages=1'], testing=True)
        eq_(1, script.pages)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_facets(self):
        # Verify that CacheFacetListsPerLane.facets combines the items
        # found in the attributes created by command-line parsing.
        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, manager=object(), cmd_args=[])
        script.orders = [Facets.ORDER_TITLE, Facets.ORDER_AUTHOR, "nonsense"]
        script.entrypoints = [
            AudiobooksEntryPoint.INTERNAL_NAME, "nonsense",
        script.availabilities = [Facets.AVAILABLE_NOW, "nonsense"]
        script.collections = [Facets.COLLECTION_FULL, "nonsense"]

        # EbooksEntryPoint is normally a valid entry point, but we're
        # going to disable it for this library.
        setting = self._default_library.setting(EntryPoint.ENABLED_SETTING)
        setting.value = json.dumps([AudiobooksEntryPoint.INTERNAL_NAME])

        lane = self._lane()

        # We get one Facets object for every valid combination
        # of parameters. Here there are 2*1*1*1 combinations.
        f1, f2 = script.facets(lane)

        # The facets differ only in their .order.
        eq_(Facets.ORDER_TITLE, f1.order)
        eq_(Facets.ORDER_AUTHOR, f2.order)

        # All other fields are tied to the only acceptable values
        # given in the script attributes. The first (and only)
        # enabled entry point is treated as the default.
        for f in f1, f2:
            eq_(AudiobooksEntryPoint, f.entrypoint)
            eq_(True, f.entrypoint_is_default)
            eq_(Facets.AVAILABLE_NOW, f.availability)
            eq_(Facets.COLLECTION_FULL, f.collection)

        # The first entry point is treated as the default only for WorkLists
        # that have no parent. When the WorkList has a parent, the selected
        # entry point is treated as an explicit choice -- navigating downward
        # in the lane hierarchy ratifies the default value.
        sublane = self._lane(parent=lane)
        f1, f2 = script.facets(sublane)
        for f in f1, f2:
            eq_(False, f.entrypoint_is_default)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_default_arguments(self):
     with self.temp_config() as config:
         # TODO: It would be more robust to set a standard
         # facet configuration rather than relying on the default.
         # This is what core/tests/ does.
         # However, getting this to work requires changing the way
         # the LaneSweeperScript is initialized. Currently the
         # initialization of a CirculationManager object resets the
         # current configuration to the default.
         # In the absense of this ability we're just testing that
         # there _are_ default values for these things -- we don't
         # really care what they are.
         script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, [], testing=True)
         eq_(1, len(script.orders))
         eq_(1, len(script.availabilities))
         eq_(1, len(script.collections))
Esempio n. 11
    def test_facets(self):
        # Verify that CacheFacetListsPerLane.facets combines the items
        # found in the attributes created by command-line parsing.
        script = CacheFacetListsPerLane(self._db, manager=object(), cmd_args=[])
        script.orders = [Facets.ORDER_TITLE, Facets.ORDER_AUTHOR, "nonsense"]
        script.entrypoints = [
            AudiobooksEntryPoint.INTERNAL_NAME, "nonsense",
        script.availabilities = [Facets.AVAILABLE_NOW, "nonsense"]
        script.collections = [Facets.COLLECTION_FULL, "nonsense"]

        # EbooksEntryPoint is normally a valid entry point, but we're
        # going to disable it for this library.
        setting = self._default_library.setting(EntryPoint.ENABLED_SETTING)
        setting.value = json.dumps([AudiobooksEntryPoint.INTERNAL_NAME])

        lane = self._lane()

        # We get one Facets object for every valid combination
        # of parameters. Here there are 2*1*1*1 combinations.
        f1, f2 = script.facets(lane)

        # The facets differ only in their .order.
        eq_(Facets.ORDER_TITLE, f1.order)
        eq_(Facets.ORDER_AUTHOR, f2.order)

        # All other fields are tied to the only acceptable values
        # given in the script attributes. The first (and only)
        # enabled entry point is treated as the default.
        for f in f1, f2:
            eq_(AudiobooksEntryPoint, f.entrypoint)
            eq_(True, f.entrypoint_is_default)
            eq_(Facets.AVAILABLE_NOW, f.availability)
            eq_(Facets.COLLECTION_FULL, f.collection)

        # The first entry point is treated as the default only for WorkLists
        # that have no parent. When the WorkList has a parent, the selected
        # entry point is treated as an explicit choice -- navigating downward
        # in the lane hierarchy ratifies the default value.
        sublane = self._lane(parent=lane)
        f1, f2 = script.facets(sublane)
        for f in f1, f2:
            eq_(False, f.entrypoint_is_default)