def _set_headings(self): self.headings = False return try: headings = self.soup.find_all( "div", class_="result-text-style-normal")[0].find_all("h3") first_element = self.soup.find_all( "div", class_="result-text-style-normal")[0].find_all()[0] if != "h3": new_heading = self._get_previous_heading() if new_heading: headings = [new_heading] + headings formatted_headings = [] for heading in headings: span = heading.find_next("span") classes = span.get_attribute_list("class") try: classes.remove("text") except ValueError: pass passage = classes[0].split("-") passage = "{} {}:{}".format(passage[0], passage[1], passage[2]) passage = scriptures.extract(passage)[0] passage = scriptures.reference_to_string(*passage) formatted_headings.append((passage, heading.string)) return formatted_headings except Exception as e: print(e) return None
def doAction(self,r,sr,words,sensorList): words = words.replace("first","1") words = words.replace("second","2") words = words.replace("map","matthew") words = words.replace("third","3") words = words.replace("-","2") verse = words.split("read me ")[1].split(" from the king james")[0] cleanUp = verse.split(" ") if self.isNum(cleanUp[-1]) and self.isNum(cleanUp[-2]): verse = " ".join(cleanUp[:-2])+ " " + cleanUp[-2]+":"+cleanUp[-1] if self.isNum(cleanUp[-1]) and len(cleanUp[-1])==4: verse = " ".join(cleanUp[:-2])+" "+ "".join(cleanUp[-1][:-2]) + ":" + "".join(cleanUp[-1][-2:]) verseTu = scriptures.extract(verse) if len(verseTu) == 0: return "I can't find that verse" verseTu = verseTu[0] book = verseTu[0] if "III" in book: book = book.replace("III","3") if "II" in book: book = book.replace("II","2") if "I" in book: book = book.replace("I","1") if "Revelation" in book: book = "Revelation" return[book]["chapters"][verseTu[1]-1]["verses"][verseTu[2]-1][str(verseTu[2])].replace("2019","'")
def ResolveRequest(self, StringRequest): Passage = '' passageRefTuple = scriptures.extract(StringRequest) if len(passageRefTuple) > 0: BookID = '' ChapterID = '' VerseStartID = '' VerseEndID = '' BookName = str(passageRefTuple[0][0]) if BookName == 'Revelation of Jesus Christ': BookName = 'Revelation' BookName = BookName.replace('II', '2') BookName = BookName.replace('I', '1') print( BookName + '***************************************************************************' ) for i, book in enumerate(__Books): if BookName == __Books[i]['Book']: BookID = format(__Books[i]['Id'], '02') ChapterID = format(passageRefTuple[0][1], '03') VerseStartID = format(passageRefTuple[0][2], '03') VerseEndID = format(passageRefTuple[0][4], '03') idStart = str(BookID + ChapterID + VerseStartID) idEnd = str(BookID + ChapterID + VerseEndID) Bible.execute('SELECT t as text FROM t_asv WHERE id BETWEEN ' + idStart + ' AND ' + idEnd) SelectDataArray = Bible.GetResultsDictArray() Passage = self.__BuildPassageFromArray(SelectDataArray, passageRefTuple[0][2]) return Passage
def get_testament(self, passage): try: passage = scriptures.extract(passage)[0] return passage[5] except: return "-"
def get_passage(self, book, passage, reading_type): if book == "Canticle": canticle = self.get_canticle_class(passage) return "<h3>{}</h3><h4>{}</h4>{}<h5>{}</h5>".format( canticle.latin_name, canticle.english_name, canticle().content, canticle.citation) if reading_type == "psalm": passage = passage.replace("Psalms ", "") psalm = parse_single_psalm(passage) return get_psalms(psalm) passage = "{} {}".format(book, passage) if book == "Ps": return passage.replace("Ps", "Psalms") references = scriptures.extract(passage) passages = [] for reference in references: passage = scriptures.reference_to_string(*reference) try: passages.append(Passage(passage, source="esv").html) except PassageNotFoundException: try: passages.append(Passage(passage, source="rsv").html) except PassageNotFoundException: pass return "<br>".join(passages)
def parse_passage(self, passage): try: passage = scriptures.extract(passage)[0] return scriptures.reference_to_string(*passage) except: return None
def readPassage(reference): with open('ESV.json') as data: bible = json.load(data) ref = scriptures.extract(reference) print(ref) passage = '' if ref != []: print(ref) verse = ref[0][2] for chapter in range(ref[0][1], ref[0][3] + 1): if chapter < ref[0][3]: while 1: try: passage += bible[ref[0][0]][str(chapter)][str(verse)] passage += ' ' verse += 1 except: break else: while verse <= ref[0][4]: passage += bible[ref[0][0]][str(chapter)][str(verse)] passage += ' ' verse += 1 chapter += 1 verse = 1 return passage else: return ('This is not a valid reference')
def extract_from_string(value): """Extracts passages from a string. @:returns List of passages. """ # Extract scriptures from the name of the task to automatically add # scripture relationships. # e.g. [('Romans', 3, 23, 3, 28), ('I John', 2, 1, 2, 29)] passages = [] references = scriptures.extract(value) for (book, from_chapter, from_verse, to_chapter, to_verse) in references: start_verse = '{book} {chapter}:{verse}'.format( book=book, chapter=from_chapter, verse=from_verse ) end_verse = '{book} {chapter}:{verse}'.format( book=book, chapter=to_chapter, verse=to_verse ) passages.append(PassageIndex(start_verse=start_verse, end_verse=end_verse)) return passages
def passage_to_citation(passage): if not passage: return None passage = scriptures.extract(passage) passage = passage[0] if not passage: return None if passage[0] == "Susanna": return "The Book of Daniel, beginning with thirteenth chapter, the first verse, the Story of Susanna" book_name = passage[0] if book_name == "Song of Solomon": book_name = "Song of Songs" book_name = passage[0] if book_name == "Revelation of Jesus Christ": book_name = "Revelation" book = books[book_name] if book[1]: # 1 chapter book return "A reading from {}, beginning with the {} verse".format( book[0], num2words(passage[2], ordinal=True)) return "A reading from {}, beginning with the {} chapter, the {} verse".format( book[0], num2words(passage[1], ordinal=True), num2words(passage[2], ordinal=True))
def format_reading(self, book, passage): if book == "Canticle": canticle_class = self.get_canticle_class(passage) return canticle_class.citation passage = "{} {}".format(book, passage) if book == "Ps": return passage.replace("Ps", "Psalms") references = scriptures.extract(passage) if not references: return passage result = [] for i, reference in enumerate(references): print(reference) string = scriptures.reference_to_string(*reference) print(string) if i == 0: result.append(string) elif reference[1] == references[ i - 1][1] and reference[1] == reference[3]: result.append("{}-{}".format(reference[2], reference[4])) elif reference[1] != references[ i - 1][1] and reference[1] == reference[3]: result.append("{}:{}-{}".format(reference[1], reference[2], reference[4])) elif reference[1] != reference[3]: result.append("{}:{}-{}:{}".format(reference[1], reference[2], reference[3], reference[4])) return ", ".join(result)
def getBiblePassages(self, sermon): text = self.extractor.text() lines = text.splitlines() i = 0 for line in lines: passages = scriptures.extract(line) if passages: if i < 4: i = i + 1 book = passages[0][0] segments = [] texts = [] for passage in passages: texts.append(Passage(scriptures.reference_to_string(*passage)).text) segments.append("{}:{}-{}:{}".format(passage[1], passage[2], passage[3], passage[4])) texts = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, texts)) text = " ".join(texts) segments = " ".join(segments) quote = "{} {}".format(book, segments) book = book.lower() if book in ["psalms"]: book_type = SermonBiblePassage.PSALM elif book in ["matthew", "mark", "luke", "john"]: book_type = SermonBiblePassage.GOSPEL elif book in [ "acts", "romans", "1 corinthians", "2 corinthians", "galatians", "ephesians", "philippians", "colossians", "1 thessalonians", "2 thessalonians", "1 timothy", "2 timothy", "titus", "philemon", "hebrews", "james", "1 peter", "2 peter", "1 john", "2 john", "3 john", "jude", "revelation", ]: book_type = SermonBiblePassage.EPISTLE else: book_type = SermonBiblePassage.PROPHECY SermonBiblePassage.objects.create( type=book_type, text=text, html=text, passage=quote, version="nrsv", sermon=sermon )
def readVerse(reference): with open('ESV.json') as data: bible = json.load(data) ref = scriptures.extract(reference) if ref != []: print(ref) verse = bible[ref[0][0]][str(ref[0][1])][str(ref[0][2])] return verse else: return ('This is not a valid reference')
def get(self, passage): if not passage: self.redirect("/") refsearch = scriptures.extract(passage) data = [] par = [] if refsearch: ref = refsearch[0] book_name = ( ref[0] .replace("III ", "3 ") .replace("II ", "2 ") .replace("I ", "1 ") .replace("Revelation of Jesus Christ", "Revelation") ) self.cur.execute("select id, section from books where value = %s", (book_name,)) d = self.cur.fetchone() book_id = d["id"] testament = d["section"] if testament == "NT": version_id = 3 else: version_id = 4 startchap = ref[1] endchap = ref[3] startverse = ref[2] endverse = ref[4] startfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name, startchap, startverse) endfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name, endchap, endverse) startfullref = startfullref.replace("Revelation of Jesus Christ", "Revelation") endfullref = endfullref.replace("Revelation of Jesus Christ", "Revelation") startfullref = startfullref.replace("III ", "3 ").replace("II ", "2 ").replace("I ", "1 ") endfullref = endfullref.replace("III ", "3 ").replace("II ", "2 ").replace("I ", "1 ") if ":" in startfullref and ":" in endfullref: if len(startfullref) - (startfullref.index(":") + 1) == 1: startfullref = startfullref.replace(":", ":0") if len(endfullref) - (endfullref.index(":") + 1) == 1: endfullref = endfullref.replace(":", ":0") sql = "select * from verse where version_id = 1 and searchreftext between %s and %s order by searchref asc;" self.cur.execute(sql, (startfullref, endfullref)) data = self.cur.fetchall() sql = "select max(searchref) stopref, min(searchref) startref from verse where searchreftext between %s and %s" self.cur.execute(sql, (startfullref, endfullref)) d = self.cur.fetchall() startref = d[0]["startref"] stopref = d[0]["stopref"] sql = "select distinct link, title from se_link where searchref between %s and %s" self.cur.execute(sql, (startref, stopref)) par = self.cur.fetchall() self.render("stack.html", passage=passage, data=data, par=par, version_id=version_id)
def get_testament(self, book, passage): if book == "Canticle": return "NA" passage = "{} {}".format(book, passage) try: return scriptures.extract(passage)[0][5] except IndexError: return "NA"
def biblesearch(passage): passage = scriptures.extract(passage) url = "{}%20{}:{}-{}:{}&include-passage-references=false&include-footnotes=false&include-headings=false&include-short-copyright=false&output-format=plain-text&include-passage-horizontal-lines=false&include-heading-horizontal-lines=false".format(*passage[0]) page = get(url) data = page.text for i in re.compile("</?[A-Z0-9a-z =#\.\-\"\']*>").findall(data): data = data.replace(i, "") return data.replace(" ", " ").replace("[","\n[")
def get(self, passage, version_id): if not passage: self.redirect("/") ref = scriptures.extract(passage)[0] book_name = ref[0].replace("I ", "1 ").replace("II ", "2 ").replace("III ", "3") startchap = ref[1] endchap = ref[3] startverse = ref[2] endverse = ref[4] version_id = self.get_argument("version_id", None) startfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name, startchap, startverse) endfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name, endchap, endverse) startfullref = startfullref.replace("Revelation of Jesus Christ", "Revelation") endfullref = endfullref.replace("Revelation of Jesus Christ", "Revelation") if len(startfullref) - (startfullref.index(":") + 1) == 1: startfullref = startfullref.replace(":", ":0") if len(endfullref) - (endfullref.index(":") + 1) == 1: endfullref = endfullref.replace(":", ":0") print startfullref, endfullref if version_id: sql = "select reference, chapter_num, verse_num, version_id, analysis_text from verse where version_id = %s and searchreftext between %s and %s order by searchref asc, version_id desc;" self.cur.execute(sql, (version_id, startfullref, endfullref)) else: sql = "select reference, chapter_num, verse_num, version_id, analysis_text from verse where searchreftext between %s and %s order by searchref asc, version_id desc;" self.cur.execute(sql, (startfullref, endfullref)) # self.cur.execute(sql, (version_id, startfullref,endfullref)) data = self.cur.fetchall() versedata = [] for p in data: versedata.append( { "reference": p["reference"], "chapter": p["chapter_num"], "verse": p["verse_num"], "version_id": p["version_id"], #'text': p['display_text'], "words": p["analysis_text"].split(" "), } ) # print len(words) """versedata = [] sql = "select * from worddetailsbyword(%s)" for verse in data: words = verse['analysis_text'].split(' ') for word in words: self.cur.execute(sql, (word,)) versedata.append(self.cur.fetchone()) """ self.render("analyze.html", passage=passage, versedata=versedata)
def __init__(self, passage, version="nrsv"): self.version = version # try: print(passage) print(scriptures.extract(passage)) self.reference = scriptures.extract(passage)[0] self.passage = scriptures.reference_to_string(*self.reference) self.passage = self.passage.replace("III ", "3 ") self.passage = self.passage.replace("II ", "2 ") self.passage = self.passage.replace("I ", "1 ") # except Exception as e: # print(e) # self.text = "" # self.html = "" # self.headings = [] # return self.markup = self._get_markup() self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.markup, "html5lib") self.html = self._set_html() self.text = self._set_text() self.headings = self._set_headings()
def post(self): key = self.get_argument('searchkey',None) if not key: self.redirect('/') return refsearch = scriptures.extract(key) redir = '' print refsearch if refsearch: redir = 'passage' else: redir = 'word' self.redirect('/%s/%s' % (redir,key))
def get_reading_type(self, book, passage): if book == "Canticle": return "psalm" passage = "{} {}".format(book, passage) try: reference = scriptures.extract(passage)[0] book = reference[0] testament = reference[5] if book in ("Matthew", "Mark", "Luke", "John"): return "gospel" if book == "Psalms": return "psalm" if testament == "NT": return "epistle" return "prophecy" except IndexError: return "unknown"
def get(self,passage): ''' TO DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! verify that the top and bottom constraints are REAL passages ''' if not passage: self.redirect("/") refsearch = scriptures.extract(passage) if refsearch: ref = refsearch[0] book_name = ref[0] cursor = yield gen.Task(self.db.execute, "select id, section from books where value = %s", (book_name,)) book_id,testament = cursor.fetchone() if testament == 'NT': version_id = 3 else: version_id = 4 startchap = ref[1] endchap = ref[3] startverse = ref[2] endverse = ref[4] startfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name,startchap,startverse) endfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name,endchap,endverse) '''if ':' in startfullref and ':' in endfullref: if len(startfullref) - (startfullref.index(':') + 1) == 1: startfullref = startfullref.replace(':',':0') if len(endfullref) - (endfullref.index(':') + 1) == 1: endfullref = endfullref.replace(':',':0') sql = "select id,verse_num,display_text from verse where version_id = 1 and searchreftext between %s and %s order by searchref asc;" cursor = yield gen.Task(self.db.execute,sql, (startfullref, endfullref)) data = cursor.fetchall() sql = "select id,verse_num,display_text from verse where version_id = %s and searchreftext between %s and %s order by searchref asc;" cursor = yield gen.Task(self.db.execute, sql, (startfullref, endfullref)) par = cursor.fetchall() ''' cursors = yield gen.Task(self.db.batch, { 'LEB': ["select * from getdisplayverses(1,%s,%s);", (startfullref, endfullref)], 'PAR': ["select * from getanalysisverses(%s,%s,%s);", (version_id,startfullref, endfullref)] }) results = {} for key, cursor in cursors.items(): results[key] = cursor.fetchall() self.render('read.html', passage=passage, verses=results, version_id=version_id)
def getPassage(scripture_inp, version='KJV'): # check if the scripture is valid scripture = scriptures.extract(scripture_inp) # [(book, startBook, startVerse, endBook, endVerse ] if scripture == []: print("Your input is invalid, check please") else: script_str = scriptures.reference_to_string(*scripture[0]) url_open = urllib.quote(script_str.encode("utf-8")) url = ""+url_open+\ "&version="+version+"\&interface=print" passage_raw = PyQuery(url) passage = passage_raw(".passage").remove("h3").find('[class^="text"]').\ remove(".chapternum").\ remove(".crossrefs").remove(".footnote") passage = passage.text().encode("utf-8") return passage
def bible(components): spec = components['arguments'].split('!bible ')[1] refs = scriptures.extract(spec) if len(refs) == 0: return '' response = '' verse_length = 0 for r in refs: start_string = scriptures.reference_to_string(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[1], r[2]) end_string = scriptures.reference_to_string(r[0], r[3], r[4], r[3], r[4]) verse_length = verse_length + len(Passage(start_string, end_string)) if verse_length > 5: return 'Could not fetch verses: length of passage too long'.encode('utf8') vs = GetPassage(r) response = '%(old_resp)s%(spec)s (ESV)\r\n%(verses)s\r\n' % { 'old_resp': response, 'spec': scriptures.reference_to_string(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4]), 'verses': vs } return response.encode('utf8')
def get(self,passage): if not passage: self.redirect("/") refsearch = scriptures.extract(passage) if refsearch: ref = refsearch[0] book_name = ref[0] cursor = yield gen.Task(self.db.execute, "select id, section from books where value = %s", (book_name,)) book_id,testament = cursor.fetchone() if testament == 'NT': version_id = 3 else: version_id = 4 startchap = ref[1] endchap = ref[3] startverse = ref[2] endverse = ref[4] startfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name,startchap,startverse) endfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name,endchap,endverse) if ':' in startfullref and ':' in endfullref: if len(startfullref) - (startfullref.index(':') + 1) == 1: startfullref = startfullref.replace(':',':0') if len(endfullref) - (endfullref.index(':') + 1) == 1: endfullref = endfullref.replace(':',':0') cursor = yield gen.Task(self.db.execute,"select max(searchref) stopref, min(searchref) startref from verse where searchreftext between %s and %s", (startfullref, endfullref)) stopref, startref = cursor.fetchone() cursors = yield gen.Task(self.db.batch, { 'LEB': ["select id,verse_num,display_text from verse where version_id = 1 and searchreftext between %s and %s order by searchref asc;",(startfullref, endfullref)], 'PAR': ["select distinct link, title from se_link where searchref between %s and %s", (startref,stopref)] }) results = {} for key, cursor in cursors.items(): results[key] = cursor.fetchall() self.render('stack.html', passage=passage, verses=results, version_id = version_id)
def modify_readings(passages, topics, kids): feedback = '' changes = Changes() passages = scriptures.extract(passages) for (book, chapter1, verse1, chapterN, verseN) in passages: r = Reading(book, chapter1, verse1, chapterN, verseN) = kids for t in topics: r.topics.add(t) for b in blocks: new_readings = set() old_readings = set() for rr in b.readings: if != break if rr.overlaps(r): old_readings.add(rr) for rrr in rr - r: new_readings.add(rrr) changes.cut.append(rrr) new_readings.add(r) if len(new_readings) > 0: changes.passages.append(r) for rr in old_readings: b.readings.remove(rr) b.readings.extend(new_readings) b.readings.sort() changes.books.append(b) now = daynum = int((now - schedule[0]).total_seconds() / 24 / 60 / 60) if len(schedule[1]) > daynum + 1: del schedule[1][daynum + 1:] save_schedule() save_blocks() return changes
days = [] # Add bible text last_book_name = None for i, h in enumerate(headings): if i == len(headings) - 1: break jt_lines = jt[h:headings[i + 1]].split("\n") first_line = jt_lines[0] translated_first_line, last_book_name = replace_korean_book_name_with_english( first_line, last_book_name) print(translated_first_line, last_book_name) extracted_ranges = scriptures.extract(translated_first_line) parsed_text_lines = get_lines_over_chapters(extracted_ranges[0]) text_lines = functools.reduce( lambda v, e: v + ([e[1]] if e[0] else ["", e[1]]), parsed_text_lines, []) day_lines = [jt_lines[0]] + text_lines + jt_lines[1:] note_link = "(이번주 JT:" day_lines.append(note_link) days.append("\n".join([x.strip() for x in day_lines])) assert len(days) == 6, len(days) # Remove old files
for filename in sorted(os.listdir(questionPath)): text = extract_text(f'{questionPath}/{filename}') text = text.replace('\n', '~~~') lessonLine = re.match( r".*Lesson (\d+)\s*~~~Adult Questions\s*~~~(.*?)\s*~~~.*", text) text = re.sub(r"Lesson (\d+)\s*~~~Adult Questions\s*~~~(.*?)\s*~~~", '', text) text = text.replace('~~~', '') text = re.sub('([A-Z]+ DAY)', r'\n\1', text) text = re.sub('(Focus Verse)', r'\n\1', text) daySeen = False if (lessonLine): lessonNumber = lessonVerses = scriptures.extract( print(f'\n\n## Lesson {lessonNumber}') print(f'**Scripture**') for verse in RemoveDupicates(lessonVerses): print(f'- {GetVerseMarkdown(verse)}\n') for line in text.splitlines(): if re.match('[A-Z]+ DAY', line): section = re.match('[A-Z]+ DAY', line) if section: if not daySeen: daySeen = True print(f'**Days**') verses = scriptures.extract(line) print(
def main(): # look for command line arguments args = sys.argv[1:] if '-h' in args or '--help' in args or '-?' in args: helptext() sys.exit(0) if '-l' in args: logging = True logfilename = args[args.index('-l') + 1] trimlogfile(logfilename) logfile = open(logfilename, 'a') oldstdout = sys.stdout oldstderr = sys.stderr logsplit = LogFileSplitter(sys.stdout, logfile) sys.stdout = logsplit sys.stderr = logsplit print('Logging started.') if '-c' in args: configfile = args[args.index('-c') + 1] if not os.path.isfile(configfile): print(configfile + ' does not exist, create it? (Y/N):') if not raw_input().lower() == 'y': print('OK, config file will not be created') if logging == True: sys.stdout = oldstdout sys.stderr = oldstderr logfile.close() sys.exit(0) else: configfile = '/etc/ssp_sermon_podcast.xml' if ('--config' in args) or not os.path.isfile(configfile): edit_config_file(configfile) print('Config file created and will be used on next run.') if logging: sys.stdout = oldstdout sys.stderr = oldstderr logfile.close() sys.exit(0) #load the config file if os.path.isfile(configfile): try: configET = ET.parse(configfile) except: print('Can\'t parse config file ' + configfile) sys.exit(1) config = configET.getroot() if not ((config.tag == 'config') and (config.attrib['description'] == 'Seriously Simple Podcasting Sermon Podcast settings')): print(configfile + ' is not a SSP Sermon Podcast config file.') if logging: sys.stdout = oldstdout sys.stderr = oldstderr logfile.close() sys.exit(1) #get the settings from the config settings = config.find('settings') #open the wordpress object wordpress_url = settings.find('wordpress_url').text if wordpress_url.endswith('/'): xmlrpc_url = wordpress_url + 'xmlrpc.php' else: xmlrpc_url = wordpress_url + '/xmlrpc.php' wp = Client(xmlrpc_url, settings.find('wordpress_user').text, decryptpassword(settings.find('wordpress_pass').text)) #get a list of podcast objects allpodcasts = [] interval = 20 offset = 0 while True: podcastbatch = GetPosts({ 'post_type': 'podcast', 'number': interval, 'offset': offset })) if len(podcastbatch) == 0: break allpodcasts.extend(podcastbatch) offset += interval print('Retrieved ' + str(len(allpodcasts)) + ' podcasts from WordPress site.') #get the series settings from the config and find out which series will be podcast allseriesconfigs = config.findall('series_config') termids_to_podcast = [] for seriesconfig in allseriesconfigs: termids_to_podcast.append(seriesconfig.attrib['term_id']) #get a list of series from the blog listofseriesterms = [] interval = 20 offset = 0 while True: termsbatch = GetTerms('series', { 'number': interval, 'offset': offset })) if len(termsbatch) == 0: break listofseriesterms.extend(termsbatch) offset += interval print('Found ' + str(len(listofseriesterms)) + ' podcast series on the WordPress site.') #find out the hierarchy of the series so we can do the lowest children first termpriority = {} term_parents = {} for term in listofseriesterms: term_parents[] = term.parent order = 0 parentid = term.parent while parentid != '0': order += 1 for parentterm in listofseriesterms: if parentid == parentid = parentterm.parent break termpriority[] = order #so the order to approach term.ids is termid_order = [] for termid, order in sorted(termpriority.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True): termid_order.append(termid) print('This is the order the series terms will be published:') print(', '.join(termid_order)) #find which series config the posts should be published with (if any) podcasts_to_do = {} extension = extension_dot(settings.findtext('source_audio_type')) for termid in termid_order: if termid in termids_to_podcast: for podcast in allpodcasts: #check whether the podcast is flagged to be published and has a date: date_recorded = get_post_custom_field(podcast, 'date_recorded') if get_post_custom_field(podcast, 'publish_now') and date_recorded: podcast_termids = ['0'] for podcastterm in podcast.terms: podcast_termids.append( for podcast_termid in podcast_termids: if podcast_termid in term_parents: podcast_termids.append( term_parents[podcast_termid]) if termid in podcast_termids and not in podcasts_to_do: #work out what the start of the source file name will be: termid_seriesconfig = seriescfg_from_term_id( allseriesconfigs, termid) source_date_format = termid_seriesconfig.find( 'source_date_format').text date_recorded_format = settings.find( 'date_recorded_format').text sourcefile_name_start = getdatetime( date_recorded, user_format=date_recorded_format ).strftime( source_date_format) + termid_seriesconfig.findtext( 'source_file_code', default='') sourcepath = termid_seriesconfig.findtext( 'source_path') #and does it exist? directorylist = [] if os.path.exists(sourcepath): #this seems to timeout sometimes, so will loop if need be: retrycount = 3 while retrycount: try: directorylist = os.listdir(sourcepath) retrycount = 0 except OSError as errmsg: print(errmsg) retrycount -= 1 if retrycount: print('Retrying directory list...') for filename in directorylist: if filename[:len(sourcefile_name_start )] == sourcefile_name_start: if extension: extposn = -len(extension) if filename[ extposn:] == extension or extension == None: ordered_podcast_termids = [] for termid_again in termid_order: if termid_again in podcast_termids: ordered_podcast_termids.append( termid_again) ordered_podcast_termids.append('0') podcasts_to_do[] = [ podcast, termid_seriesconfig, os.path.abspath( os.path.join(sourcepath, filename)), ordered_podcast_termids ] print('There are ' + str(len(podcasts_to_do)) + ' podcasts to process in this pass.') if len(podcasts_to_do) != 0: listofposttags = [] interval = 20 offset = 0 while True: termsbatch = GetTerms('post_tag', { 'number': interval, 'offset': offset })) if len(termsbatch) == 0: break listofposttags.extend(termsbatch) offset += interval posttagsdict = {} for posttag in listofposttags: posttagsdict[] = posttag print('Retrieved ' + str(len(posttagsdict)) + ' post tags from WordPress site.') #iterate over the podcasts for podcast_id, podcast_and_config in podcasts_to_do.iteritems(): #open the audio file print('\n') print('Now processing file ' + podcast_and_config[2]) backuppodcast = copy.deepcopy(podcast_and_config[0]) try: sourceaudio =[2]) sourcepcm = sourceaudio.to_pcm() #calculate its loudness loudness = audiotools.calculate_replay_gain([sourceaudio]) for loudnesstuple in loudness: gain = loudnesstuple[1] peak = loudnesstuple[2] if peak == 0: print('This audio file is silent, ignoring it.') continue #mix it to the specified number of channels gaincorrection = 0 if settings.findtext('audiochannels') == '1': print('Converting to mono.') sourcepcm_mixed = audiotools.pcmconverter.Averager(sourcepcm) elif settings.findtext('audiochannels') == '2': print('Converting to stereo.') sourcepcm_mixed = audiotools.pcmconverter.Downmixer(sourcepcm) if sourceaudio.channels() == 1: gaincorrection = 6.0 else: sourcepcm_mixed = sourcepcm #adjust the gain to the users' preference instead of replaygain's target -20 target_loudness = float( settings.findtext('target_loudness', default='-24')) newgain = gain + (target_loudness + 20.0) + gaincorrection newpeak = 1.0 / (10.0**(newgain / 20.0)) if (peak / (10.0**(gaincorrection / 20.0))) > newpeak: newpeak = peak / (10.0**(gaincorrection / 20.0)) print( 'Normalising for gain: ' + str(round(newgain, 2)) + 'dB, peak = ' + str( round( (20.0 * log10(peak / (10.0**(gaincorrection / 20.0)))), 2)) + 'dBFS.') #normalise the audio to the target loudness sourcepcm_normalised = audiotools.replaygain.ReplayGainReader( sourcepcm_mixed, newgain, newpeak) try: bitspersample = int(settings.findtext('bitspersample')) except: bitspersample = None if bitspersample: print('Quantising to ' + str(bitspersample) + '-bit.') sourcepcm_resampled = audiotools.pcmconverter.BPSConverter( sourcepcm_normalised, bitspersample) #make some tempfiles: process_tempfile = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix='.wav', prefix='sermon_process_tempfile') processed_tempfile = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix='.wav', prefix='sermon_processed_tempfile') encoded_tempfile = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix=extension_dot(settings.findtext('encoded_audio_type')), prefix='sermon_encoded_tempfile') print('tempfiles: ' + process_tempfile[1] + ', ' + processed_tempfile[1] + ', ' + encoded_tempfile[1]) #write the audio back out to a wave file for processing audiotools.WaveAudio.from_pcm(process_tempfile[1], sourcepcm_resampled) sourcepcm_normalised.close() sourcepcm_mixed.close() sourcepcm.close() sourceaudio = None audioparams = getaudioparams(sourcepcm_resampled) sourcepcm_resampled.close() subprocess_args = [settings.findtext('processing_utility')] for argsubelement in settings.findall('processing_utility_arg'): subprocess_args.append( Template(argsubelement.text).substitute(audioparams)) tempstring = settings.findtext('processing_utility_infile') if tempstring: subprocess_args.append(tempstring) subprocess_args.append(process_tempfile[1]) tempstring = settings.findtext('processing_utility_outfile') if tempstring: subprocess_args.append(tempstring) subprocess_args.append(processed_tempfile[1]) print('Now processing audio ...') print( subprocess.Popen(subprocess_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True).communicate()[0]) os.remove(process_tempfile[1]) processedfile =[1]) audioparams = getaudioparams(processedfile.to_pcm()) subprocess_args = [settings.findtext('encoding_utility')] for argsubelement in settings.findall('encoding_utility_arg'): subprocess_args.append( Template(argsubelement.text).substitute(audioparams)) tempstring = settings.findtext('encoding_utility_infile') if tempstring: subprocess_args.append(tempstring) subprocess_args.append(processed_tempfile[1]) tempstring = settings.findtext('encoding_utility_outfile') if tempstring: subprocess_args.append(tempstring) subprocess_args.append(encoded_tempfile[1]) print('Now encoding audio ...') print( subprocess.Popen(subprocess_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True).communicate()[0]) os.remove(processed_tempfile[1]) wp_details = make_podcast_dict(podcast_and_config, wp, settings) wp_details['post_status'] = 'publish' wp_details['publish_now'] = '' updated_podcast = publish_post(podcast_and_config, wp_details, wp, settings) podcast_and_config[0] = updated_podcast updated_details = make_podcast_dict(podcast_and_config, wp, settings, final_pass=True) try: imageurl = urllib2.urlopen(updated_details['image']) podcastimage = except: podcastimage = False try: audioimage = [, u'Artwork', 0) ] except: audioimage = [] outputmetadata = audiotools.MetaData( track_name=updated_details['title'], track_number=int(updated_details['episode_number']), album_name=updated_details['series'], artist_name=updated_details['preacher'], copyright=updated_details['copyright'], publisher=updated_details['publisher'], year=updated_details['date'].strftime('%Y'), date=updated_details['date_recorded'], comment=updated_details['content'], images=audioimage) outputfile =[1]) outputfile.set_metadata(outputmetadata) outputfile_seconds = int(outputfile.seconds_length()) outputfile_name = updated_details[ 'output_file_template'] + extension_dot( settings.findtext('encoded_audio_type')) outputfile_size = ftp_encodedfile(encoded_tempfile[1], outputfile_name, podcast_and_config[1]) if outputfile_size == None: raise Exception('FTP appears not to have worked.') print('\n') print('Output file size = ' + str(outputfile_size)) print('Output file duration = ' + str(outputfile_seconds)) print('\n') os.remove(encoded_tempfile[1]) urlpath = podcast_and_config[1].findtext('download_path') if not urlpath[-1] == '/': urlpath = urlpath + '/' updated_details['audio_file'] = urlpath + outputfile_name updated_details['filesize_raw'] = str(outputfile_size) mins = str(outputfile_seconds / 60) secs = str(outputfile_seconds % 60) if len(secs) == 1: secs = '0' + secs updated_details['duration'] = mins + ':' + secs #put the preacher in as a tag: updated_details['tags'] = [] if updated_details['preacher'].lower() in posttagsdict: updated_details['tags'].append( posttagsdict[updated_details['preacher'].lower()]) else: tag = WordPressTerm() tag.taxonomy = 'post_tag' = updated_details['preacher'] = updated_details['tags'].append(tag) posttagsdict[] = tag #put the book(s) of the bible in as tags: #This bit is really messy and I should try to write my own scripture regular expressions, but in the interest of speed: listofpassages = scriptures.extract( updated_details['bible_passage']) if 'song of songs' in updated_details['bible_passage'].lower(): listofpassages.append(('Song of Songs', 1, 1, 1, 1)) for passage in listofpassages: book = passage[0] if book[:4] == 'III ': bookname = '3 ' + book[4:] elif book[:3] == 'II ': bookname = '2 ' + book[3:] elif book[:2] == 'I ': bookname = '1 ' + book[2:] elif book == 'Song of Solomon': bookname = 'Song of Songs' else: bookname = book if bookname.lower() in posttagsdict: updated_details['tags'].append( posttagsdict[bookname.lower()]) else: tag = WordPressTerm() tag.taxonomy = 'post_tag' = bookname = updated_details['tags'].append(tag) posttagsdict[] = tag finalpost = publish_post(podcast_and_config, updated_details, wp, settings) print('Final Post details are as follows:\n') for field, contents in finalpost.struct.iteritems(): try: if type(contents) == types.StringType: print(field + ' : ' + contents) elif type(contents) == types.ListType: for subcontents in contents: print(field + ' : ' + str(subcontents)) elif type(contents) == types.DictType: for subfield, subcontents in contents.iteritems(): print(field + ' : ' + subfield + ' : ' + str(subcontents)) elif type(contents) == types.UnicodeType: print(field + ' : ' + contents.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) else: print(field + ' : ' + str(contents)) except: print('Can\'t print field') except Exception as message: print('ERROR: Exception raised while processing that podcast:') print(message) print( 'Attempting to restore original post prior to modification...') try: if, backuppodcast)): print('Post restored.') else: print('Unable to restore original post.') except Exception as message: print('Unable to restore original post: ') print(message) try: os.remove(encoded_tempfile[1]) except: pass try: os.remove(processed_tempfile[1]) except: pass try: os.remove(process_tempfile[1]) except: pass logsplit.write('Completed with normal exit\n\n\n') if logging: sys.stdout = oldstdout sys.stderr = oldstderr logfile.close()
from pdfminer.high_level import extract_text import scriptures import re import os questionPath = '/media/data/data/Media/BSF/2020-2021/Adult Questions' for filename in sorted(os.listdir(questionPath)): text = extract_text(f'{questionPath}/{filename}') p = re.compile('Lesson \d+') lesson = p.findall(text)[0] print(f'## {lesson}') verses = scriptures.extract(text) for verse in verses: str = scriptures.reference_to_string(verse[0], verse[1], verse[2], verse[3], verse[4]) str = str.replace('Revelation of Jesus Christ', 'Revelation') urlStr = str.replace(' ', '+').replace(':', '%3A') url = f'{urlStr}&version=NLT&interface=print' print(f'- [{str}]({url})')
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import psycopg2, scriptures dbconn = psycopg2.connect("host= dbname=bhse-bible user=swasheck") cur = dbconn.cursor() notes = [] cur.execute("select * from se_question") for question in cur.fetchall(): refs = scriptures.extract(question[2]) for ref in refs: if ref[1] == ref[3]: book = ref[0] book_db = book.replace('III ','3 ').replace('II ','2 ').replace('I ','1 ').replace('Revelation of Jesus Christ','Revelation') startchap = ref[1] startverse = ref[2] endchap = ref[3] endverse = ref[4] #reference = scriptures.reference_to_string(book,startchap,startverse,endchap,endverse) for verse in range(startverse,endverse+1): if scriptures.is_valid_reference(book, startchap, verse): notes.add({ 'question_id': question[0], 'link':question[1], 'reference': scriptures.reference_to_string(book, startchap, verse ).replace('III ','3 ').replace('II ','2 ').replace('I ','1 ').replace('Revelation of Jesus Christ','Revelation') }) else: print ref
import pickle, argparse, lectionary, scriptures parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Modify the lectionary readings.') parser.add_argument('passage', action='store', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--kids', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--no-kids', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--tag', action='append', default=[]) args = parser.parse_args() print(args) with open("readings", "rb") as f: blocks = pickle.load(f) passages = scriptures.extract(' '.join(args.passage)) print('passages are', passages, 'from', ' '.join(args.passage)) for (book, chapter1, verse1, chapterN, verseN) in passages: r = lectionary.Reading(book, chapter1, verse1, chapterN, verseN) if = True if args.no_kids: = False for t in args.tag: r.topics.add(t) print(r) for b in blocks: new_readings = set() old_readings = set() for rr in b.readings: if !=
def get(self,passage): refsearch = scriptures.extract(passage) ''' Extract the passage range ''' ref = refsearch[0] book_name = ref[0] startchap = ref[1] endchap = ref[3] startverse = ref[2] endverse = ref[4] startfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name,startchap,startverse) endfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name,endchap,endverse) if book_name in ['2 John','Philemon','Jude','Obadiah','3 John']: startfullref = '%s %s' % (book_name,startverse) endfullref = '%s %s' % (book_name,endverse) else: startfullref = '%s %s:%s' % (book_name,startchap,startverse) endfullref = '%s %s:%s' % (book_name,endchap,endverse) print startfullref,endfullref self.cur.execute('select searchref from verse where reference in (%s,%s) order by searchref', (startfullref,endfullref)) results = self.cur.fetchall() if len(results) == 2: startsearchref = results[0]['searchref'] endsearchref = results[1]['searchref'] else: startsearchref = endsearchref = results[0]['searchref'] ''' Get verse information ''' self.cur.execute('select displaytext from verse where searchref between %s and %s', (startsearchref,endsearchref)) versetext = self.cur.fetchall() self.cur.execute('select * from getanalysis(%s,%s)', (startsearchref,endsearchref)) analysistext = self.cur.fetchall() self.cur.execute('select * from getwordriver(%s,%s,%s)', (4,startsearchref,endsearchref)) wordriver = self.cur.fetchall() '''tenseriver = [['Reference', 'Present', 'Perfect','Imperfect','Pluperfect','Aorist','Future'],] for row in wordriver: tenseriver.append([row['reference'],row['present'],row['perfect'],row['imperfect'],row['pluperfect'], row['aorist'],row['future']]) ''' tenses = ['future','present','perfect','imperfect','pluperfect','aorist','noneorunknowntense'] voices = ['active','passive','middle','noneorunknownvoice'] moods = ['infinitive','indicative','imperative','optative','subjunctive','participial','noneorunknownmood'] #tenseaggs = {key:[] for key in tenses} tenseticks = [] tenseriver = [] rid = 1 for row in wordriver: tenseticks.append([rid,row['reference']]) rid += 1 for tense in tenses: tenseagg = {} tensedata = [] rid = 1 for row in wordriver: tensedata.append([rid,row[tense]]) rid += 1 tenseagg['data'] = tensedata tenseagg['label'] = tense tenseriver.append(tenseagg) #tenseaggs = {key:[] for key in tenses} voiceticks = [] voiceriver = [] rid = 1 for row in wordriver: voiceticks.append([rid,row['reference']]) rid += 1 for voice in voices: voiceagg = {} voicedata = [] rid = 1 for row in wordriver: voicedata.append([rid,row[voice]]) rid += 1 voiceagg['data'] = voicedata voiceagg['label'] = voice voiceriver.append(voiceagg) #tenseaggs = {key:[] for key in tenses} moodticks = [] moodriver = [] rid = 1 for row in wordriver: moodticks.append([rid,row['reference']]) rid += 1 for mood in moods: moodagg = {} mooddata = [] rid = 1 for row in wordriver: mooddata.append([rid,row[mood]]) rid += 1 moodagg['data'] = mooddata moodagg['label'] = mood moodriver.append(moodagg) self.cur.execute('select displaytext from verse where searchref between %s and %s', (startsearchref,endsearchref)) versetext = self.cur.fetchall() self.cur.execute('select * from getanalysis(%s,%s)', (startsearchref,endsearchref)) analysistext = self.cur.fetchall() #self.write('%s<br />%s' % (json.dumps(tenseriver),ticks)) self.render("passage.html",versetext=versetext,analysistext=analysistext,passage=passage, tenseriver=json.dumps(tenseriver),tenseticks=json.dumps(tenseticks), voiceriver=json.dumps(voiceriver),voiceticks=json.dumps(voiceticks), moodriver=json.dumps(moodriver),moodticks=json.dumps(moodticks) )
counter = 3 elif counter == 2: title = title + " " + line.strip() title = title.strip() author = author.strip() if (not "!" in author) and (not "ˇ" in author) and ( not "ˆ" in author) and (not ":" in author) and ( not '"' in author): docid = year + ":" + author.replace( " ", "_") + ":" + title[:10] for i in range(0, number_of_pages): pageObj = read_pdf.getPage(i) content = content + "\n" + pageObj.extractText() if options.usebible: # Bibelstellen bs = scriptures.extract(content) if not options.verbose: print("Found Bible References: " + str(len(bs))) for s in bs: if s[0].replace(" ", "_") not in G: # Create new node for book nodedict = {} nodedict['Name'] = s[0].replace(" ", "_") nodedict['Type'] = "biblicalbook" nodedict['Title'] = s[0] G.add_node(nodedict['Name']) G.nodes[nodedict['Name']].update(nodedict) # Kante hinzufügen G.add_edge(docid, s[0].replace(" ", "_")) G[docid][s[0].replace(
def get_devo(delta=0): def strip_markdown(string): return string.replace('*', ' ').replace('_', ' ') today_date = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=8, days=delta) date_url = today_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') devo_url = '' + date_url try: result = urlfetch.fetch(devo_url, deadline=10) except Exception as e: logging.warning('Error fetching devo:\n' + str(e)) return None try: html = result.content soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') date = today_date.strftime('%b %-d, %Y ({})').format(today_date.strftime('%a').upper()) heading = strip_markdown(soup.select_one('.main_title').text).strip() verse = strip_markdown(soup.select_one('.bible_no').text).lstrip('[ ').rstrip(' ]') verse = scriptures.reference_to_string(*scriptures.extract(verse)[0]) first_word = verse.partition(' ')[0] if first_word in ('I', 'II', 'III'): verse = str(len(first_word)) + verse.lstrip('I') elif first_word == 'Revelation': verse = first_word + verse[26:] lines = soup.select_one('.main_body').text.splitlines() passage = '' for line in lines: idx = line.find(' ') num = '_' + strip_markdown(line[:idx]).rstrip('.') + '_' rest_of_line = strip_markdown(line[idx:]).strip() passage += '{} {}\n'.format(num, rest_of_line) passage = passage.strip() ref_soup = soup.select_one('.main_body2') for tag in'b'): text = strip_markdown(tag.text).strip() tag.string = '*' + text.replace(' ', '\a') + '*' reflection = ref_soup.text.strip() + '\n\n' reflection += strip_markdown(soup.select_one('.main_body3').text).strip() prayer = strip_markdown('.main_body2')[1].text).strip() daynames = ['Yesterday\'s', 'Today\'s', 'Tomorrow\'s'] devo = u'\U0001F4C5' + ' ' + daynames[delta + 1] + ' QT - _' + date + '_\n\n' + \ '*' + heading + '*\n' + verse + '\n\n' + \ u'\U0001F4D9' + ' *Scripture* _(NIV)_\n\n' + passage + '\n\n' + \ u'\U0001F4DD' + ' *Reflection*\n\n' + reflection + '\n\n' + \ u'\U0001F64F' + ' *Prayer*\n\n' + prayer return devo except: if delta == -1: return 'Sorry, the LLJ website is no longer hosting yesterday\'s material.' elif delta == 0: return 'Sorry, the LLJ website does not have today\'s material yet.' else: return 'Sorry, the LLJ website hasn\'t made tomorrow\'s material available yet.'
def get(self,passage,version_id): print passage, version_id if not passage: self.redirect("/") ref = scriptures.extract(passage)[0] book_name = ref[0] startchap = ref[1] endchap = ref[3] startverse = ref[2] endverse = ref[4] startfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name,startchap,startverse) endfullref = scriptures.reference_to_string(book_name,endchap,endverse) if len(startfullref) - (startfullref.index(':') + 1) == 1: startfullref = startfullref.replace(':',':0') if len(endfullref) - (endfullref.index(':') + 1) == 1: endfullref = endfullref.replace(':',':0') results = OrderedDict() cursor = yield gen.Task(self.db.execute, 'select reference, chapter_num, verse_num, version_id, analysis_text, parsed_text from verse where version_id = %s and searchreftext between %s and %s order by searchref asc, version_id desc;', (version_id,startfullref,endfullref)) for verse in cursor.fetchall(): results[verse[0]] = [] print 'ZOMG BBQ!!!' results[verse[0]].append(verse[5]) '''for verse in cursor.fetchall(): queries = {} id = 0 for word in verse[4].split(' '): queries[id] = ['select * from worddetailsbyword(%s);',(word,)] id += 1 cursors = yield gen.Task(self.db.batch, queries) for key,cursor in cursors.items(): worddata = {} if verse[0] not in results.keys(): results[verse[0]] = [] datapoints = cursor.fetchone() results[verse[0]].append( { 'wordid': datapoints[0], 'word': datapoints[1], 'inflectedmeaning': datapoints[2], 'root': datapoints[3], 'rootmeaning': datapoints[4], 'case': datapoints[5], 'person': datapoints[6], 'gender': datapoints[7], 'number': datapoints[8], 'tense': datapoints[9], 'voice': datapoints[10], 'mood': datapoints[11], } ) for word in verse[4].split(' '): cursor = yield gen.Task(self.db.execute, 'select * from worddetailsbyword(%s);', (word,)) if verse[0] not in results.keys(): results[verse[0]] = [] datapoints = cursor.fetchone() results[verse[0]].append( { 'wordid': datapoints[0], 'word': datapoints[1], 'inflectedmeaning': datapoints[2], 'root': datapoints[3], 'rootmeaning': datapoints[4], 'case': datapoints[5], 'person': datapoints[6], 'gender': datapoints[7], 'number': datapoints[8], 'tense': datapoints[9], 'voice': datapoints[10], 'mood': datapoints[11], })''' self.render('analyze.html', passage=passage, versedata=results)
storytitle = '' image_urls = [] references = '' story = '' matchobj =, full_content) storytitle = matchobj = None # print('storytitle:',storytitle) image_urls = re.findall(image_urls_pattern, full_content) # print('image_urls:',image_urls) matchobj =, full_content) reference_line = references = scriptures.extract(reference_line) matchobj = None # print('reference:',references) story = " ".join(re.findall(story_snippet_pattern, full_content)[:-1]) story.replace("\t", ' ') story.replace("\n", ' ') # print('story:',story) outputline = str( sl_no) + "\t" + storytitle + "\t" + story + "\t" + ', '.join([ "from " + str(ref[0]) + " " + str(ref[1]) + ":" + str(ref[2]) + " to " + str(ref[0]) + " " + str(ref[3]) + ":" + str(ref[4]) for ref in references ]) + "\t" + ", ".join(image_urls) + "\n" outputfile.write(outputline) else: