def add_challenge(self, challenge=''): if (not challenge is ''): pattern = re.compile("^[0-9]{4}$") if (pattern.match(challenge) is None): return {'challenge': challenge} boxeeclient = Boxee(self.ip, self.port) try: boxeeclient.pairResponse(challenge) except BoxeeClientAPIException: return{'error': 'You probably entered a faulty challenge code. Retry!'} raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/boxee/add/finish') return {'challenge': challenge}
def add(self, ip='', port=''): if (not ip is '' and not port is ''): pattern = re.compile(ValidIpAddressRegex) if (pattern.match(ip) is None): #Error return{'error': 'error', 'ip': ip, 'port': port} self.ip = ip self.port = int(port) boxeeclient = Boxee(self.ip, self.port) try: boxeeclient.pairChallenge() except BoxeeClientAPIException: return{'error': 'Already paired to this ip?', 'ip': ip, 'port': port} raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/boxee/add/challenge') return {'ip': ip, 'port': port}