# generates a barcode pattern on the scroll:bit that redraws randomly
# ensure scrollbit.py is copied onto your micro:bit to avoid import errors

import scrollbit
import random
import time

# you can add another stripe variant here if you like.
stripes = [0, 50, 255]

# chose c for column and r for row but you could use x and y
while True:
    for c in range (0, 17):
        brightness = random.choice(stripes)
        for r in range(0, 7):
            scrollbit.set_pixel(c, r, brightness)
Esempio n. 2
# Displays a dot on your scroll:bit, move it by tilting!

# Flash this file your micro:bit,
# then save this as scrollbit.py and transfer it to your micro:bit using the Files menu.

ready = False
    import scrollbit
    ready = True
except ImportError:
    print("Please copy the scrollbit.py library to your micro:bit")

import microbit

while ready:
    x = microbit.accelerometer.get_x() + 1024
    x = max(0, min(2048, x)) / 2048.0

    y = microbit.accelerometer.get_y() + 1024
    y = max(0, min(2048, y)) / 2048.0

    x = int((scrollbit.WIDTH - 1) * x)
    y = int((scrollbit.HEIGHT - 1) * y)

    scrollbit.set_pixel(x, y, 255)

Esempio n. 3
# code written by F, age 11, at one of our workshops
# randomly turns pixels on or off, creating a game of life effect

import scrollbit
import random

# picks a random pixel on the scrollbit
# picks a second set of pixel coordinates
# sets the first random pixel to full brightness
# sets the second random pixel to off
# shows the changes

while True:
    col = random.randint(0, 16)
    row = random.randint(0, 6)
    newcol = random.randint(0, 16)
    newrow = random.randint(0, 6)

    scrollbit.set_pixel(col, row, 255)
    scrollbit.set_pixel(newcol, newrow, 0)
Esempio n. 4
import scrollbit

char = Image("00000:" "00000:" "00000:" "00900:" "09990:")

ts = 0
cs = 5
bullets = []
bombs = []
score = 0
state = 0

while True:
    if state == 0:

        scrollbit.set_pixel(ts, 0, 50)
        scrollbit.draw_icon(cs, 2, char, brightness=50)
        for b in bullets:
            scrollbit.set_pixel(b[0], b[1], 50)
            if b[1] == 0 and b[0] == ts:
                display.set_pixel(score % 5, score // 5, 5)
                score += 1
                if score == 25:
                    score = 0
                    ts = 0

            b[1] -= 1

        for b in bombs:
            scrollbit.set_pixel(b[0], b[1], 50)
            if b[1] == 6 and abs(b[0] - cs - 2) < 2:
Esempio n. 5
 def draw(x, y, b):
     set_pixel((x + shift) % 17, y, b)
Esempio n. 6
X_MAX = 16
Y_MAX = 6

x = random.randint(0, X_MAX+1)
y = random.randint(0, Y_MAX+1)
x_direction = random.choice([-1, 1])
y_direction = random.choice([-1, 1])

while True:
    for x_ in range(0, X_MAX+1):
        for y_ in range(0, Y_MAX+1):
            brightness = scrollbit.get_pixel(x_, y_)
            if brightness:
                scrollbit.set_pixel(x_, y_, brightness-15)
    scrollbit.set_pixel(x, y, 255)
    x += x_direction
    y += y_direction

    if x < 0 or x > X_MAX:
        x_direction *= -1
        x = 0 if x < 0 else X_MAX
    if y < 0 or y > Y_MAX:
        y_direction *= -1
        y = 0 if y < 0 else Y_MAX