Esempio n. 1
def jtool_archs(local_app_binary):
    Get available archs from the binary

    :param str local_app_binary: the app to get the archs from
    :return: a list with the available archs
    import re
    archs = []

    local_app_binary = local_app_binary.replace(" ", "\ ")
    archs_result = _execute("jtool -v -h {}".format(local_app_binary))

    # check for multiple archs
    arch_no = re.findall(r"\d+\ architecture", archs_result)
    if len(arch_no) > 0:
        arch_no = int(arch_no[0].split(" ", 1)[0])
        for arch in re.findall(r"arm(v6|v6s|v7|64)", archs_result):
            archs += ["arm{}".format(arch)]

        # for some reason jtool doesnt display arm64
        if len(archs) < arch_no:
            archs += ["arm64"]

        return archs

    # only 1 arch
    return [
        for arch in re.findall(r"arm(v6|v6s|v7|64)", archs_result.lower())
Esempio n. 2
def _arguments_parser(arguments):
    """Returns a dict with the parsed arguments"""
    arguments = arguments or ""
    result_arguments = {}

    arguments_str_list = arguments.split(";")
    for argument in arguments_str_list:
        if argument:
            key, value = argument.split("=", 1)
            result_arguments[key] = value

    if "output" not in result_arguments or not result_arguments["output"]:
        result_arguments["output"] = "./scrounger-results"

    _execute("mkdir -p {}".format(result_arguments["output"]))

    return result_arguments
Esempio n. 3
def _adb_command(command):
    Runs an adb command on the host

    :param str command: the adb command to run
    :return: stdout and stderr from the executed command
    return _execute("adb {}".format(command)).replace("\r\n", "\n")
Esempio n. 4
def _print_lists():
    import scrounger.modules

    modules_path = "{}/".format(scrounger.modules.__path__[0])
    modules = _execute("find {} -name '*.py'".format(modules_path))

    available_modules = [
        module.replace(modules_path, "").replace(".py", "")
        for module in modules.split("\n")
        if module and "__" not in module and "full_analysis" not in module

    # add custom modules
    modules_path = "{}/modules/".format(_SCROUNGER_HOME)
    modules = _execute("find {} -name \"*.py\"".format(modules_path))

    #self._custom_modules = [
    available_modules += [
        module.replace(modules_path, "").replace(".py", "")
        for module in modules.split("\n") if module and "__" not in module

    print("\nAvailable Modules:")
    for module in sorted(available_modules):
        print "    {}".format(module[1:] if module.startswith("/") else module)

    print("\nIOS Devices:")
    from scrounger.utils.ios import devices as ios_devices
    devices = ios_devices()
    for device in devices:
        print "    {}".format(device)

    if not devices:
        print "    None"

    print("\nAndroid Devices:")
    from import devices as android_devices
    devices = android_devices()
    for device in devices:
        print "    {}".format(device)

    if not devices:
        print "    None"
Esempio n. 5
    def _connected_devices():
        from scrounger.utils.general import remove_multiple_spaces

        output = _execute("lsusb -v | grep -E \"idVendor|idProduct|iSerial\"")
        devices = {}

        # finds apple devices
        lines = iter(output.split("\n"))
        for vendor in lines:
            product, serial = next(lines, ""), next(lines, "")
            if "apple" in vendor.lower():
                serial = serial.strip().rsplit(" ", 1)[-1]
                devices[serial] = remove_multiple_spaces(product).split(
                    " ", 2)[-1]
        return devices
Esempio n. 6
    def _entitlements(local_app_binary):
        # prepare binary
        local_app_binary = local_app_binary.replace(" ", "\ ")
        ents_str = _execute("ldid -e {}".format(local_app_binary))

        # fix multiple entitlements for multiple archs
        ents = ""
        for line in ents_str.split("\n"):
            if not line: break
            ents += line

        ents = "{}</plist>".format(ents_str.split("</plist>")[0])

        return plist_to_dict(ents)
Esempio n. 7
def smali_dirs(decompiled_apk_path):
    Returns a list of directories contianing smali code

    :param str decompiled_apk_path: the path to the decompiled apk directory
    :return: a list with smali directories or an empty list if no smali dir

    dirs = _execute("ls -d {}/smali*".format(decompiled_apk_path))

    if "No such file or directory" in dirs:
        return []

    return [
        directory.replace(decompiled_apk_path, "")[1:]
        for directory in dirs.split("\n") if directory
Esempio n. 8
def application_path(root_path):
    Given a root path try to identify the application's path returning the

    :param str root_path: path to start looking from
    :return: the path to the application or "" if not found

    if root_path.endswith("/"):
        root_path = root_path[:-1]

    if root_path.endswith(".app"):
        return root_path

    found_apps = _execute("find {} -name \"*.app\"".format(root_path))
    return found_apps.split("\n")[0]
Esempio n. 9
 def _otool_flags(local_app_binary):
     # prepare binary
     local_app_binary = local_app_binary.replace(" ", "\ ")
     return _execute("otool -hv {}".format(local_app_binary))
Esempio n. 10
 def _source(jar_file_path, destination_path):
     _execute("jd-cli {} -od {}".format(jar_file_path, destination_path))
Esempio n. 11
 def _jar(apk_path, jar_file_path):
     _execute("d2j-dex2jar --force -o {} {}".format(jar_file_path,
Esempio n. 12
 def _sign(apk_file_path, signjar, certificate, pk8):
     return _execute("java -jar {} {} {} {} {}".format(
         signjar, certificate, pk8, apk_file_path, signed_apk_file_path))
Esempio n. 13
 def _recompile(decompiled_app_path, apk_file_path):
     return _execute("apktool b -o {} {}".format(apk_file_path,
Esempio n. 14
 def _decompile(apk_path, destination_path):
     return _execute("apktool -q d -f {} -o {}".format(
         apk_path, destination_path))
Esempio n. 15
 def _avds():
     avds_raw = _execute("avdmanager list avd | grep Name:")
     return [avd.strip.split(": ", 1)[-1] for avd in avds_raw.split("\n")]
Esempio n. 16
 def _jtool_flags(local_app_binary):
     # prepare binary and assume arm64 arch
     local_app_binary = local_app_binary.replace(" ", "\ ")
     arch = jtool_archs(local_app_binary)[-1]
     return _execute("jtool -v -h -arch {} {}".format(
         arch, local_app_binary))
Esempio n. 17
 def _jtool_class_dump(local_app_binary):
     # prepare binary and assume arm64 arch
     local_app_binary = local_app_binary.replace(" ", "\ ")
     return _execute(
         "jtool -v -d objc -arch arm64 {}".format(local_app_binary))
Esempio n. 18
 def _otool_class_dump(local_app_binary):
     # prepare binary
     local_app_binary = local_app_binary.replace(" ", "\ ")
     return _execute("otool -ov {}".format(local_app_binary))
Esempio n. 19
 def _unzip(local_ipa_file, target_path):
     #clean path before
     _execute("rm -rf {}".format(target_path))
     _execute("unzip -o {} -d {}".format(local_ipa_file, target_path))