def specpolextract(infilelist, logfile='salt.log', debug=False): """Produce a 1-D extract spectra for the O and E beams This also cleans the 2-D spectra of a number of artifacts, removes the background, accounts for small spatial shifts in the observation, and resamples the data into a wavelength grid Parameters ---------- infile_list: list List of filenames that include an extracted spectra logfile: str Name of file for logging """ #set up the files obsdate=os.path.basename(infilelist[0])[8:16] with logging(logfile, debug) as log: #create the observation log obs_dict=obslog(infilelist) # get rid of arcs for i in range(len(infilelist))[::-1]: if (obs_dict['OBJECT'][i].upper().strip()=='ARC'): del infilelist[i] infiles = len(infilelist) # contiguous images of the same object and config are grouped together as an observation obs_dict=obslog(infilelist) confno_i,confdatlist = configmap(infilelist) configs = len(confdatlist) objectlist = list(set(obs_dict['OBJECT'])) objno_i = np.array([objectlist.index(obs_dict['OBJECT'][i]) for i in range(infiles)],dtype=int) obs_i = np.zeros((infiles),dtype=int) obs_i[1:] = ((objno_i[1:] != objno_i[:-1]) | (confno_i[1:] != confno_i[:-1]) ).cumsum() dum,iarg_b = np.unique(obs_i,return_index=True) # gives i for beginning of each obs obss = iarg_b.shape[0] obscount_b = np.zeros((obss),dtype=int) oclist_b = np.array([[objno_i[iarg_b[b]], confno_i[iarg_b[b]]] for b in range(obss)]) if obss>1: for b in range(1,obss): obscount_b[b] = (oclist_b[b]==oclist_b[0:b]).all(axis=1).sum() for b in range(obss): ilist = np.where(obs_i==b)[0] outfiles = len(ilist) outfilelist = [infilelist[i] for i in ilist] obs_dict=obslog(outfilelist) imagenolist = [int(os.path.basename(infilelist[i]).split('.')[0][-4:]) for i in ilist] log.message('\nExtract: '+objectlist[objno_i[ilist[0]]]+' Grating %s Grang %6.2f Artic %6.2f' % \ confdatlist[confno_i[ilist[0]]], with_header=False) log.message(' Images: '+outfiles*'%i ' % tuple(imagenolist), with_header=False) hdu0 =[0]) rows,cols = hdu0['SCI'].data.shape[1:3] cbin,rbin = np.array(obs_dict["CCDSUM"][0].split(" ")).astype(int) # special version for lamp data object = obs_dict["OBJECT"][0].strip().upper() lampid = obs_dict["LAMPID"][0].strip().upper() if ((object != "ARC") & (lampid != "NONE")) : specpollampextract(outfilelist, logfile=logfile) continue # sum spectra to find target, background artifacts, and estimate sky flat and psf functions count = 0 for i in range(outfiles): badbin_orc =[i])['BPM'].data > 0 if count == 0: count_orc = (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc =[i])['SCI'].data*count_orc var_orc =[i])['VAR'].data*count_orc else: count_orc += (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc +=[i])['SCI'].data*(~badbin_orc).astype(int) var_orc +=[i])['VAR'].data*(~badbin_orc).astype(int) count += 1 if count ==0: print 'No valid images' continue image_orc[count_orc>0] /= count_orc[count_orc>0] badbinall_orc = (count_orc==0) | (image_orc==0) # bin is bad in all images badbinone_orc = (count_orc < count) | (image_orc==0) # bin is bad in at least one image var_orc[count_orc>0] /= (count_orc[count_orc>0])**2 wav_orc =[0])['WAV'].data slitid = obs_dict["MASKID"][0] okwav_oc = ~((wav_orc == 0).all(axis=1)) if slitid[0] =="P": slitwidth = float(slitid[2:5])/10. else: slitwidth = float(slitid) obsname = objectlist[oclist_b[b][0]]+"_c"+str(oclist_b[b][1])+"_"+str(obscount_b[b]) hdusum = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdu0[0].header) hdusum = pyfits.HDUList(hdusum) hdusum[0].header.update('OBJECT',obsname) header=hdu0['SCI'].header.copy() hdusum.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=image_orc, header=header, name='SCI')) hdusum.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=var_orc, header=header, name='VAR')) hdusum.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=badbinall_orc.astype('uint8'), header=header, name='BPM')) hdusum.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=wav_orc, header=header, name='WAV')) if debug: hdusum.writeto(obsname+".fits",clobber=True) psf_orc,skyflat_orc,badbinnew_orc,isbkgcont_orc,maprow_od,drow_oc = \ specpolsignalmap(hdusum,logfile=logfile,debug=debug) maprow_ocd = maprow_od[:,None,:] + np.zeros((2,cols,4)) maprow_ocd[okwav_oc] += drow_oc[okwav_oc,None] isedge_orc = (np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,0]) | \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,3]) istarget_orc = okwav_oc[:,None,:] & (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,1]) & \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,2]) isbkgcont_orc &= (~badbinall_orc & ~isedge_orc & ~istarget_orc) badbinall_orc |= badbinnew_orc badbinone_orc |= badbinnew_orc hdusum['BPM'].data = badbinnew_orc.astype('uint8') if debug: # hdusum.writeto(obsname+".fits",clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psf_orc.astype('float32')).writeto(obsname+'_psf_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinnew_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinnew_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinall_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinall_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinone_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinone_orc.fits',clobber=True) # set up wavelength binning wbin = wav_orc[0,rows/2,cols/2]-wav_orc[0,rows/2,cols/2-1] wbin = 2.**(np.rint(np.log2(wbin))) # bin to nearest power of 2 angstroms wmin = (wav_orc.max(axis=1)[okwav_oc].reshape((2,-1))).min(axis=1).max() wmax = wav_orc.max() for o in (0,1): colmax = np.where((wav_orc[o] > 0.).any(axis=0))[0][-1] row_r = np.where(wav_orc[o,:,colmax] > 0.)[0] wmax = min(wmax,wav_orc[o,row_r,colmax].min()) wedgemin = wbin*int(wmin/wbin+0.5) + wbin/2. wedgemax = wbin*int(wmax/wbin-0.5) + wbin/2. wedge_w = np.arange(wedgemin,wedgemax+wbin,wbin) wavs = wedge_w.shape[0] - 1 binedge_orw = np.zeros((2,rows,wavs+1)) specrow_or = (maprow_od[:,1:3].mean(axis=1)[:,None] + np.arange(-rows/4,rows/4)).astype(int) # scrunch and normalize psf from summed images (using badbinone) for optimized extraction # psf is normalized so its integral over row is 1. psfnormmin = 0.70 # wavelengths with less than this flux in good bins are marked bad psf_orw = np.zeros((2,rows,wavs)) for o in (0,1): for r in specrow_or[o]: binedge_orw[o,r] = \ interp1d(wav_orc[o,r,okwav_oc[o]],np.arange(cols)[okwav_oc[o]], \ kind='linear',bounds_error=False)(wedge_w) psf_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(psf_orc[o,r],binedge_orw[o,r]) if debug: pyfits.PrimaryHDU(binedge_orw.astype('float32')).writeto(obsname+'_binedge_orw.fits',clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psf_orw.astype('float32')).writeto(obsname+'_psf_orw.fits',clobber=True) psf_orw /= psf_orw.sum(axis=1)[:,None,:] # set up optional image-dependent column shift for slitless data colshiftfilename = "colshift.txt" docolshift = os.path.isfile(colshiftfilename) if docolshift: img_I,dcol_I = np.loadtxt(colshiftfilename,dtype=float,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1)) shifts = img_I.shape[0] log.message('Column shift: \n Images '+shifts*'%5i ' % tuple(img_I), with_header=False) log.message(' Bins '+shifts*'%5.2f ' % tuple(dcol_I), with_header=False) # background-subtract and extract spectra for i in range(outfiles): hdulist =[i]) tnum = os.path.basename(outfilelist[i]).split('.')[0][-3:] badbin_orc = (hdulist['BPM'].data > 0) badbinbkg_orc = (badbin_orc | badbinnew_orc | isedge_orc | istarget_orc) if debug: pyfits.PrimaryHDU(isedge_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('isedge_orc_'+tnum+'.fits',clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(istarget_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('istarget_orc_'+tnum+'.fits',clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinbkg_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinbkg_orc_'+tnum+'.fits',clobber=True) target_orc = bkgsub(hdulist,badbinbkg_orc,isbkgcont_orc,skyflat_orc,maprow_ocd,tnum,debug=debug) target_orc *= (~badbin_orc).astype(int) if debug: pyfits.PrimaryHDU(target_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('target_'+tnum+'_orc.fits',clobber=True) var_orc = hdulist['var'].data badbin_orc = (hdulist['bpm'].data > 0) | badbinnew_orc # extract spectrum optimally (Horne, PASP 1986) target_orw = np.zeros((2,rows,wavs)) var_orw = np.zeros_like(target_orw) badbin_orw = np.ones((2,rows,wavs),dtype='bool') wt_orw = np.zeros_like(target_orw) dcol = 0. if docolshift: if int(tnum) in img_I: dcol = dcol_I[np.where(img_I==int(tnum))] # table has observed shift for o in (0,1): for r in specrow_or[o]: target_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(target_orc[o,r],binedge_orw[o,r]+dcol) var_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(var_orc[o,r],binedge_orw[o,r]+dcol) badbin_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(badbin_orc[o,r].astype(float),binedge_orw[o,r]+dcol) > 0.001 badbin_orw |= (var_orw == 0) badbin_orw |= ((psf_orw*(~badbin_orw)).sum(axis=1)[:,None,:] < psfnormmin) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('var_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbin_orw.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbin_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # use master psf shifted in row to allow for guide errors pwidth = 2*int(1./psf_orw.max()) ok_w = ((psf_orw*badbin_orw).sum(axis=1) < 0.03/float(pwidth/2)).all(axis=0) crosscor_s = np.zeros(pwidth) for s in range(pwidth): crosscor_s[s] = (psf_orw[:,s:s-pwidth]*target_orw[:,pwidth/2:-pwidth/2]*ok_w).sum() smax = np.argmax(crosscor_s) s_S = np.arange(smax-pwidth/4,smax-pwidth/4+pwidth/2+1) polycof = la.lstsq(np.vstack((s_S**2,s_S,np.ones_like(s_S))).T,crosscor_s[s_S])[0] pshift = -(-0.5*polycof[1]/polycof[0] - pwidth/2) s = int(pshift+pwidth)-pwidth sfrac = pshift-s psfsh_orw = np.zeros_like(psf_orw) outrow = np.arange(max(0,s+1),rows-(1+int(abs(pshift)))+max(0,s+1)) psfsh_orw[:,outrow] = (1.-sfrac)*psf_orw[:,outrow-s] + sfrac*psf_orw[:,outrow-s-1] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psfsh_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('psfsh_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) wt_orw[~badbin_orw] = psfsh_orw[~badbin_orw]/var_orw[~badbin_orw] var_ow = (psfsh_orw*wt_orw*(~badbin_orw)).sum(axis=1) badbin_ow = (var_ow == 0) var_ow[~badbin_ow] = 1./var_ow[~badbin_ow] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_ow.astype('float32')).writeto('var_'+tnum+'_ow.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(target_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('target_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(wt_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('wt_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) sci_ow = (target_orw*wt_orw).sum(axis=1)*var_ow badlim = 0.20 psfbadfrac_ow = (psfsh_orw*badbin_orw.astype(int)).sum(axis=1)/psfsh_orw.sum(axis=1) badbin_ow |= (psfbadfrac_ow > badlim) cdebug = 83 if debug: np.savetxt("xtrct"+str(cdebug)+"_"+tnum+".txt",np.vstack((psf_orw[:,:,cdebug],var_orw[:,:,cdebug], \ wt_orw[:,:,cdebug],target_orw[:,:,cdebug])).reshape((4,2,-1)).transpose(1,0,2).reshape((8,-1)).T,fmt="%12.5e") # write O,E spectrum, prefix "s". VAR, BPM for each spectrum. y dim is virtual (length 1) # for consistency with other modes hduout = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdulist[0].header) hduout = pyfits.HDUList(hduout) header=hdulist['SCI'].header.copy() header.update('VAREXT',2) header.update('BPMEXT',3) header.update('CRVAL1',wedge_w[0]+wbin/2.) header.update('CRVAL2',0) header.update('CDELT1',wbin) header.update('CTYPE1','Angstroms') hduout.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=sci_ow.reshape((2,1,wavs)), header=header, name='SCI')) header.update('SCIEXT',1,'Extension for Science Frame',before='VAREXT') hduout.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=var_ow.reshape((2,1,wavs)), header=header, name='VAR')) hduout.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=badbin_ow.astype("uint8").reshape((2,1,wavs)), header=header, name='BPM')) hduout.writeto('e'+outfilelist[i],clobber=True,output_verify='warn') log.message('Output file '+'e'+outfilelist[i] , with_header=False) return
def specpolcombine(infilelist,debug_output=False): """combine stokes files Parameters ---------- infile_list: list one or more _stokes.fits files """ """ _b observations _w wavelengths in individual observations _W wavelengths in combined grid """ obss = len(infilelist) obsdict=obslog(infilelist) # construct common wavelength grid _W grating_b = obsdict['GRATING'] grang_b = obsdict['GR-ANGLE'] artic_b = obsdict['CAMANG'] dwav_b = np.empty(obss) wav0_b = np.empty(obss) wavs_b = np.empty(obss) stokeslist_sw = [] varlist_sw = [] oklist_sw = [] for b in range(obss): hdul =[b]) dwav_b[b] = float(hdul['SCI'].header['CDELT1']) wav0_b[b] = float(hdul['SCI'].header['CRVAL1']) wavs_b[b] = int(hdul['SCI'].header['NAXIS1']) stokeslist_sw.append(hdul['SCI'].data[:,0,:]) varlist_sw.append(hdul['VAR'].data[:,0,:]) oklist_sw.append(hdul['BPM'].data[:,0,:] == 0) dWav = dwav_b.max() Wav0 = dWav*(wav0_b.min()//dWav) Wavs = (dWav*((wav0_b + dwav_b*wavs_b).max()//dWav) - Wav0)/dWav wav_W = np.arange(Wav0,Wav0+dWav*Wavs,dWav) stokess = stokeslist_sw[0].shape[0] vars = varlist_sw[0].shape[0] stokes_bsW = np.zeros((obss,stokess,Wavs)) var_bsW = np.zeros((obss,vars,Wavs)) ok_bsW = np.zeros((obss,stokess,Wavs)).astype(bool) # get data and put on common grid, combining bins if necessary for b in range(obss): if dwav_b[b] == dWav: W0 = (wav0_b[b] - Wav0)/dWav stokes_bsW[b,:,W0:W0+wavs_b[b]] = stokeslist_sw[b] var_bsW[b,:,W0:W0+wavs_b[b]] = varlist_sw[b] ok_bsW[b,:,W0:W0+wavs_b[b]] = oklist_sw[b] else: wbinedge_W = (wav_W - dWav/2. - (wav0_b[b] - dwav_b[b]/2.))/dwav_b for s in range(stokess): stokes_bsW[b,s] = scrunch1d(stokeslist_sw[b][s],wbinedge_W) var_bsW[b,s] = scrunch1d(varlist_sw[b][s],wbinedge_W) ok_bsW[b,s] = (scrunch1d((oklist_sw[b][s]).astype(int),wbinedge_W) > 0) if (vars>stokess): var_bsW[b,vars] = scrunch1d(var_sw[vars],wbinedge_W) if debug_output: np.savetxt("stokes_bsW.txt",np.vstack((wav_W,stokes_bsW.reshape((6,Wavs)))).T,fmt="%10.3f") # correct (unfluxed) intensity for grating efficiency to match observations together for b in range(obss): greff_W = greff(grating_b[b],grang_b[b],artic_b[b],wav_W) ok_W = (ok_bsW[b].all(axis=0) & (greff_W > 0.)) stokes_bsW[b][:,ok_W] /= greff_W[ok_W] var_bsW[b][:,ok_W] /= greff_W[ok_W]**2 # normalize at matching wavelengths _w # compute ratios at each wavelength, then error-weighted mean of ratio ismatch_W = ok_bsW.all(axis=0).all(axis=0) normint_bw = stokes_bsW[:,0,ismatch_W]/stokes_bsW[:,0,ismatch_W].mean(axis=0) varnorm_bw = var_bsW[:,0,ismatch_W]/stokes_bsW[:,0,ismatch_W].mean(axis=0)**2 normint_b = (normint_bw/varnorm_bw).sum(axis=1)/(1./varnorm_bw).sum(axis=1) print normint_b stokes_bsW /= normint_b[:,None,None] var_bsW /= normint_b[:,None,None]**2 # Do error weighted combine of observations stokes_sW = np.zeros((stokess,Wavs)) var_sW = np.zeros((vars,Wavs)) for b in range(obss): ok_W = ok_bsW[b].any(axis=0) stokes_sW[:,ok_W] += stokes_bsW[b][:,ok_W]/var_bsW[b][:stokess,ok_W] var_sW[:,ok_W] += 1./var_bsW[b][:,ok_W] ok_W = (var_sW != 0).all(axis=0) ok_sW = np.tile(ok_W,(3,1)) var_sW[ok_sW] = 1./var_sW[ok_sW] stokes_sW[:,ok_W] *= var_sW[:stokess,ok_W] # Save result, name formed from unique elements of '_'-separated parts of names namepartlist = [] parts = 100 for file in infilelist: partlist = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0].split('_') parts = min(parts,len(partlist)) namepartlist.append(partlist) outfile = '' for part in range(parts): outfile+='-'.join(sorted(set(zip(*namepartlist)[part])))+'_' outfile = outfile[:-1]+'.fits' print "\n",outfile,"\n" hduout = hdul for ext in ('SCI','VAR','BPM'): hduout[ext].header.update('CDELT1',dWav) hduout[ext].header.update('CRVAL1',Wav0) hduout['SCI'].data = stokes_sW.astype('float32').reshape((stokess,1,-1)) hduout['VAR'].data = var_sW.astype('float32').reshape((vars,1,-1)) hduout['BPM'].data = (~ok_sW).astype('uint8').reshape((stokess,1,-1)) hduout[0].header.add_history('POLCOMBINE: '+' '.join(infilelist)) hduout.writeto(outfile,clobber=True,output_verify='warn') return
def specpollampextract(infilelist, logfile='salt.log'): obsdate=os.path.basename(infilelist[0])[8:16] with logging(logfile, debug) as log: log.message('Extraction of Lamp Images' , with_header=False) obsdict=obslog(infilelist) hdu0 =[0]) rows,cols = hdu0['SCI'].data.shape[1:3] cbin,rbin = np.array(obsdict["CCDSUM"][0].split(" ")).astype(int) slitid = obsdict["MASKID"][0] lampid = obsdict["LAMPID"][0].strip().upper() lam_c = hdu0['WAV'].data[0,rows/2] files = len(infilelist) outfilelist = infilelist # sum spectra to find target count = 0 for i in range(files): badbin_orc =[i])['BPM'].data.astype(bool) if count == 0: count_orc = (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc =[i])['SCI'].data*count_orc var_orc =[i])['VAR'].data else: count_orc += (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc +=[i])['SCI'].data*(~badbin_orc) var_orc +=[i])['VAR'].data count += 1 if count ==0: print 'No valid images' exit() image_orc[count_orc>0] /= count_orc[count_orc>0] badbin_orc = (count_orc==0) | (image_orc==0) okbinpol_orc = (count_orc == count) & (image_orc != 0) # conservative bpm for pol extraction var_orc[count_orc>0] /= count_orc[count_orc>0]**2 wav_orc =[0])['WAV'].data # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(image_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('lampsum_orc.fits',clobber=True) lam_m = np.loadtxt(datadir+"wollaston.txt",dtype=float,usecols=(0,)) rpix_om = np.loadtxt(datadir+"wollaston.txt",dtype=float,unpack=True,usecols=(1,2)) # trace spectrum, compute spatial profile profile_orc = np.zeros_like(image_orc) drow_oc = np.zeros((2,cols)) expectrow_oc = np.zeros((2,cols),dtype='float32') maxrow_oc = np.zeros((2,cols),dtype=int) maxval_oc = np.zeros((2,cols),dtype='float32') cross_orC = np.zeros((2,rows,2)) col_cr,row_cr = np.indices(image_orc[0].T.shape) # sample cross-dispersion at center and on right (_C) to get offset and tilt Collist = [cols/2,0.8*cols] for C in (0,1): cross_orC[:,:,C] = np.sum(image_orc[:,:,Collist[C]-cols/16:Collist[C]+cols/16],axis=2) drow_oC = np.zeros((2,2)) trow_o = np.zeros((2),dtype='int') okprof_oc = np.zeros((2,cols),dtype='bool') okprof_orc = np.zeros((2,rows,cols),dtype='bool') norm_orc = np.zeros((2,rows,cols)) sig_c = np.zeros((cols)) sigmin = 20.; drowmax = 8. # find spectrum offset and tilt roughly from max of two cross-dispersion samples for o in (0,1): expectrow_oc[o] = (1-o)*rows + interp1d(lam_m,rpix_om[o],kind='cubic')(lam_c)/rbin for C in (0,1): crossmaxval = np.max(cross_orC[o, \ expectrow_oc[o,Collist[C]]-100/rbin:expectrow_oc[o,Collist[C]]+100/rbin,C]) drow_oC[o,C] = np.where(cross_orC[o,:,C]==crossmaxval)[0][0] - expectrow_oc[o,Collist[C]] drow_o = drow_oC[:,0] rowtilt = (drow_oC[:,1]-drow_oC[:,0]).mean()/(Collist[1]-Collist[0]) expectrow_oc += drow_o[:,None] + rowtilt*np.arange(-cols/2,cols/2) # get trace by finding max in narrow curved aperture and smoothing it for o in (0,1): row_c = expectrow_oc[o].astype(int) aperture_cr = ((row_cr-row_c[:,None])>=-20/rbin) & ((row_cr-row_c[:,None])<=20/rbin) maxrow_oc[o] = np.argmax(image_orc[o].T[aperture_cr].reshape((cols,-1)),axis=1) + row_c - 20/rbin maxval_oc[o] = image_orc[o,maxrow_oc[o]].diagonal() trow_o[o] = maxrow_oc[o,cols/2] # mark as bad where signal drops too low or position is off median_c = np.median(image_orc[o].T[aperture_cr].reshape((cols,-1)),axis=1) var_c = np.mean(var_orc[o].T[aperture_cr].reshape((cols,-1)),axis=1) sig_c[var_c>0] = (maxval_oc[o] - median_c)[var_c>0]/np.sqrt(var_c[var_c>0]) drow1_c = maxrow_oc[o] -expectrow_oc[o] okprof_oc[o] = (sig_c > sigmin) & (abs(drow1_c - np.median(drow1_c)) < drowmax) # divide out spectrum (allowing for spectral curvature and tilt) to make spatial profile drow2_c = np.polyval(np.polyfit(np.where(okprof_oc[o])[0],drow1_c[okprof_oc[o]],3),(range(cols))) okprof_orc[o] = (np.abs(drow2_c - drow1_c) < 3) & okprof_oc[o][None,:] drow_oc[o] = -(expectrow_oc[o] - expectrow_oc[o,cols/2] + drow2_c -drow2_c[cols/2]) for r in range(rows): norm_orc[o,r] = interp1d(wav_orc[o,trow_o[o],okprof_oc[o]],maxval_oc[o,okprof_oc[o]], \ bounds_error = False, fill_value=0.)(wav_orc[o,r]) log.message('Image tilt: %8.1f arcmin' % (60.*np.degrees(rowtilt*rbin/cbin)), with_header=False) log.message('Target offset: O %4i E %4i' % tuple(drow_o), with_header=False) log.message('Target center row: O %4i E %4i' % tuple(trow_o), with_header=False) okprof_orc &= (norm_orc != 0.) profile_orc[okprof_orc] = image_orc[okprof_orc]/norm_orc[okprof_orc] var_orc[okprof_orc] = var_orc[okprof_orc]/norm_orc[okprof_orc]**2 # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(norm_rc.astype('float32')).writeto('norm_rc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(okprof_oc.astype('uint8')).writeto('okprof_oc.fits',clobber=True) okprof_c = okprof_oc.all(axis=0) # Sample the normalized row profile at 5 places (_C) Cols = 5 dcols = 64/cbin Collist = [np.argmax(okprof_c)+dcols, 0, cols/2, 0, cols-np.argmax(okprof_c[::-1])-dcols] for C in (1,3): Collist[C] = 0.5*(Collist[C-1] + Collist[C+1]) Collist = map(int,Collist) profile_Cor = np.zeros((Cols,2,rows)) # Using profile at center, find, mask off fov edge, including possible beam overlap edgerow_do = np.zeros((2,2),dtype=int) badrow_or = np.zeros((2,rows),dtype=bool) axisrow_o = np.zeros(2) maxoverlaprows = 34/rbin profile_Cor[Cols/2] = np.median(profile_orc[:,:,cols/2-dcols:cols/2+dcols],axis=2) for d,o in np.ndindex(2,2): # _d = (0,1) = (bottom,top) row_y = np.where((d==1) ^ (np.arange(rows) < trow_o[o]))[0][::2*d-1] edgeval = np.median(profile_Cor[Cols/2,o,row_y],axis=-1) hist,bin = np.histogram(profile_Cor[Cols/2,o,row_y],bins=32,range=(0,edgeval)) histarg = 32 - np.argmax(hist[::-1]<3) # edge: <3 in hist in decreasing dirn edgeval = bin[histarg] edgerow_do[d,o] = trow_o[o] + (2*d-1)*(np.argmax(profile_Cor[Cols/2,o,row_y] <= edgeval)) axisrow_o[o] += edgerow_do[d,o] edgerow_do[d,o] = np.clip(edgerow_do[d,o],maxoverlaprows,rows-maxoverlaprows) badrow_or[o] |= ((d==1) ^ (np.arange(rows) < (edgerow_do[d,o]+d))) axisrow_o /= 2. # Row profile sample, now background subtracted profile_orc[okprof_orc] = ((image_orc-np.median(image_orc,axis=1)[:,None,:])[okprof_orc]) \ /(norm_orc-np.median(image_orc,axis=1)[:,None,:])[okprof_orc] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(profile_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('profile_orc.fits',clobber=True) for C in range(Cols): okcol_c = (profile_orc.sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0)>0) & \ (np.abs(np.arange(cols)-Collist[C])<dcols) Collist[C] = np.where(okcol_c)[0].mean() profile_Cor[C] = np.median(profile_orc[:,:,okcol_c],axis=2) # print 5*"%7.1f " % tuple(Collist) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(okprof_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('okprof_orc.fits',clobber=True) np.savetxt("profile_oCr.txt",profile_Cor.transpose((1,0,2)).reshape((2*Cols,-1)).T,fmt="%10.6f") # find edge of target slit, and neighboring slits, if multiple slits # background picked small enough to miss neighbors in all samples, but matched E and O isneighbor_d = np.zeros((2),dtype='bool') edgeoff_doC = np.zeros((2,2,Cols)) for o in (0,1): plim = 0.35 # slit finder bkgsafe = 0.90 # avoiding next slit for C in range(Cols): leftrow_s = np.flatnonzero((profile_Cor[C,o,:-1] < plim) & (profile_Cor[C,o,1:] > plim)) rightrow_s = np.flatnonzero((profile_Cor[C,o,leftrow_s[0]:-1] > plim) \ & (profile_Cor[C,o,leftrow_s[0]+1:] < plim)) + leftrow_s[0] slits = rightrow_s.shape[0] # eliminate spikes: slitrow_s = 0.5*(rightrow_s + leftrow_s[:slits])[(rightrow_s-leftrow_s[:slits]) > 2] slits = slitrow_s.shape[0] targetslit = np.where(abs(maxrow_oc[o,Collist[C]] - slitrow_s) < 6)[0][0] if targetslit > 0: edgeoff_doC[0,o,C] = maxrow_oc[o,Collist[C]] - slitrow_s[targetslit-1:targetslit+1].mean() isneighbor_d[0] |= True if targetslit < slits-1: edgeoff_doC[1,o,C] = slitrow_s[targetslit:targetslit+2].mean() - maxrow_oc[o,Collist[C]] isneighbor_d[1] |= True for d in (0,1): if isneighbor_d[d]: edgerow_do[d] = trow_o + bkgsafe*(2*d-1)*edgeoff_doC[d].min() edgerow_doc = (edgerow_do[:,:,None] - drow_oc[None,:,:]).astype(int) bkgrows_do = ((trow_o - edgerow_do)/2.).astype(int) bkgrow_doc = edgerow_doc + bkgrows_do[:,:,None]/2 isbkg_dorc = (((np.arange(rows)[:,None] - edgerow_doc[:,:,None,:]) * \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] - edgerow_doc[:,:,None,:] - bkgrows_do[:,:,None,None])) < 0) istarg_orc = ((np.arange(rows)[:,None] - edgerow_doc[:,:,None,:]).prod(axis=0) < 0) istarg_orc &= ~isbkg_dorc.any(axis=0) okbinpol_orc &= okprof_oc[:,None,:] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(image_orc*(isbkg_dorc.sum(axis=0)).astype('float32')).writeto('lampbkg_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(istarg_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('istarg_orc.fits',clobber=True) log.message('Bottom, top row: O %4i %4i E %4i %4i \n' \ % tuple(edgerow_do.T.flatten()), with_header=False) # background-subtract and extract spectra # set up scrunch table and badpixels in wavelength space wbin = wav_orc[0,rows/2,cols/2]-wav_orc[0,rows/2,cols/2-1] wbin = float(int(wbin/0.75)) wmin,wmax = wav_orc.min(axis=2).max(),wav_orc.max(axis=2).min() wedgemin = wbin*int(wmin/wbin+0.5) + wbin/2. wedgemax = wbin*int(wmax/wbin-0.5) + wbin/2. wedge_w = np.arange(wedgemin,wedgemax+wbin,wbin) wavs = wedge_w.shape[0] - 1 badbin_orc = ~okbinpol_orc binedge_orw = np.zeros((2,rows,wavs+1)) badbin_orw = np.ones((2,rows,wavs),dtype=bool); nottarg_orw = np.ones_like(badbin_orw) for o in (0,1): for r in range(edgerow_doc[0,o].min(),edgerow_doc[1,o].max()): binedge_orw[o,r] = interp1d(wav_orc[o,r],np.arange(cols))(wedge_w) badbin_orw[o,r] = (scrunch1d(badbin_orc[o,r].astype(int),binedge_orw[o,r]) > 0.) nottarg_orw[o,r] = (scrunch1d((~istarg_orc[o,r]).astype(int),binedge_orw[o,r]) > 0.) okbin_orw = ~badbin_orw istarg_orw = ~nottarg_orw # wavelengths with bad pixels in targ area are flagged as bad badcol_ow = (istarg_orw & ~okbin_orw).any(axis=1) for o in (0,1): okbin_orw[o] &= ~badcol_ow[o] for i in range(files): imageno = int(os.path.basename(outfilelist[i]).split('.')[0][-4:]) hdulist =[i]) sci_orc = hdulist['sci'].data var_orc = hdulist['var'].data # make background continuum image, linearly interpolated in row bkg_doc = np.zeros((2,2,cols)) for d,o in np.ndindex(2,2): bkg_doc[d,o] = np.median(sci_orc[o].T[isbkg_dorc[d,o].T].reshape((cols,-1)),axis=1) bkgslp_oc = (bkg_doc[1] - bkg_doc[0])/(bkgrow_doc[1] - bkgrow_doc[0]) bkgbase_oc = (bkg_doc[1] + bkg_doc[0])/2. - bkgslp_oc*(bkgrow_doc[1] + bkgrow_doc[0])/2. bkg_orc = bkgbase_oc[:,None,:] + bkgslp_oc[:,None,:]*np.arange(rows)[:,None] target_orc = sci_orc-bkg_orc # np.savetxt('bkg.txt',np.vstack((bkg_doc.reshape((4,-1)),bkgslp_oc,bkgbase_oc)).T,fmt="%11.4f") # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(bkg_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('bkg_orc_'+str(imageno)+'.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(target_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('target_orc_'+str(imageno)+'.fits',clobber=True) # extract spectrum target_orw = np.zeros((2,rows,wavs)); var_orw = np.zeros_like(target_orw) for o in (0,1): for r in range(edgerow_doc[0,o].min(),edgerow_doc[1,o].max()): target_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(target_orc[o,r],binedge_orw[o,r]) var_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(var_orc[o,r],binedge_orw[o,r]) # columns with negative extracted intensity are marked as bad sci_ow = (target_orw*okbin_orw).sum(axis=1) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU((target_orw*okbin_orw).astype('float32')).writeto('sci_orw.fits',clobber=True) var_ow = (var_orw*okbin_orw).sum(axis=1) okbin_ow = (okbin_orw.any(axis=1) & (sci_ow > 0.)) bpm_ow = (~okbin_ow).astype('uint8') # write O,E spectrum, prefix "s". VAR, BPM for each spectrum. y dim is virtual (length 1) # for consistency with other modes hduout = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdulist[0].header) hduout = pyfits.HDUList(hduout) hduout[0].header.update('OBJECT',lampid) header=hdulist['SCI'].header.copy() header.update('VAREXT',2) header.update('BPMEXT',3) header.update('CRVAL1',wedge_w[0]+wbin/2.) header.update('CRVAL2',0) header.update('CDELT1',wbin) header.update('CTYPE1','Angstroms') hduout.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=sci_ow.reshape((2,1,wavs)).astype('float32'), header=header, name='SCI')) header.update('SCIEXT',1,'Extension for Science Frame',before='VAREXT') hduout.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=var_ow.reshape((2,1,wavs)).astype('float32'), header=header, name='VAR')) hduout.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=bpm_ow.reshape((2,1,wavs)), header=header, name='BPM')) hduout.writeto('e'+outfilelist[i],clobber=True,output_verify='warn') log.message('Output file '+'e'+outfilelist[i] , with_header=False) return
def specpolflux(infilelist, logfile='salt.log', debug=False): """Finds/ produces fluxcal tables, and applies to listed _stokes.fits Parameters ---------- infilelist: list filename or list of finalstokes filenames logfile: str Name of file for logging """ # Info on CAL_SPST files: calspstname_s,calspstfile_s=np.loadtxt(datadir+"spst_filenames.txt", \ dtype=str,usecols=(0,1),unpack=True) namelen = max(map(len, calspstname_s)) confitemlist = ['GRATING', 'GR-ANGLE', 'CAMANG'] # Find fluxdb files already in this directory fluxdbtab = Table(names=['no','OBJECT']+confitemlist, \ dtype=[int,'S'+str(namelen),'S6',float,float]) fluxdblist = sorted(glob.glob('fluxdb*.txt')) olddbentries = len(fluxdblist) for e, dbfile in enumerate(fluxdblist): confdat_d = np.genfromtxt(dbfile,usecols=2,comments='?', \ max_rows=4,dtype=str) fluxdbtab.add_row(np.insert(confdat_d, 0, e + 1)) if olddbentries: printstdlog('\n Existing Fluxdb:\n' + str(fluxdbtab), logfile) # Create new fluxdb files if new data present eclist = sorted(glob.glob('ec*.fits')) obs_i, config_i, obstab, configtab = configmap(eclist, confitemlist) obss = len(obstab) for obs in range(obss): object, config = obstab[obs] # Find spst standards i_j = np.where(obs_i == obs)[0] if object not in calspstname_s: continue newfluxdbtab = Table( \ names=['no','OBJECT']+confitemlist,dtype=[int,'S'+str(namelen),'S6',float,float]) newfluxdbtab.add_row([len(fluxdbtab) + 1, object] + list(configtab[obs])) if Table(newfluxdbtab.columns[1:]) in Table(fluxdbtab.columns[1:]): continue # It's a new flux standard, process it s = np.where(object == calspstname_s)[0][0] spstfile = iraf.osfn("pysalt$data/standards/spectroscopic/" + calspstfile_s[s]) wav_f, ABmag_f = np.loadtxt(spstfile, usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True) flam_f = 10.**(-0.4 * (ABmag_f + 2.402)) / (wav_f)**2 wbinedge_f = (wav_f[1:] + wav_f[:-1]) / 2. wbinedge_f = np.insert(wbinedge_f, 0, 2. * wav_f[0] - wbinedge_f[0]) wbinedge_f = np.append(wbinedge_f, 2. * wav_f[-1] - wbinedge_f[-1]) # average multiple samples,E,O hdul =[i_j[0]]) grating, grang, artic = configtab[config] wav0 = hdul['SCI'].header['CRVAL1'] dwav = hdul['SCI'].header['CDELT1'] wavs = hdul['SCI'].data.shape[-1] phot_w = np.zeros(wavs) count_w = np.zeros(wavs) exptime = 0. samples = i_j.shape[0] for j in range(samples): hdul =[i_j[j]]) phot_w += hdul['SCI'].data.reshape((2, -1)).sum(axis=0) count_w += (hdul['BPM'].data.reshape((2, -1)) == 0).sum(axis=0) exptime += hdul['SCI'].header['EXPTIME'] int_w = phot_w / (2 * samples * exptime) ok_w = (count_w == 2 * samples) # scrunch onto flux star grid wav_w = np.arange(wav0, wav0 + wavs * dwav, dwav) binedge_f = (wbinedge_f - (wav_w[0] - dwav / 2.)) / dwav int_f = scrunch1d(int_w, binedge_f) ok_f = (scrunch1d((~ok_w).astype(int), binedge_f) == 0) # good flux bins have no bad wavs ok_f &= ((wav_f > wav_w[0]) & (wav_f < wav_w[-1])) # save flux/intensity mean, extrapolate to edge fluxcal_F = flam_f[ok_f] / int_f[ok_f] wav_F = wav_f[ok_f] fluxcalslope_F = (fluxcal_F[1:] - fluxcal_F[:-1]) / (wav_F[1:] - wav_F[:-1]) wav_F = np.insert(wav_F, 0, wav_w[0]) wav_F = np.append(wav_F, wav_w[-1]) fluxcal_F = np.insert( fluxcal_F, 0, fluxcal_F[0] - fluxcalslope_F[0] * (wav_F[1] - wav_F[0])) fluxcal_F = np.append( fluxcal_F, fluxcal_F[-1] + fluxcalslope_F[-1] * (wav_F[-1] - wav_F[-2])) fluxdbfile = 'fluxdb_' + calspstname_s[s] + '_c' + str(config) + '.txt' hdr = ("OBJECT: "+object+"\nGRATING: %s \nARTIC: %s \nGRANG: %s" \ % (grating,grang,artic)) np.savetxt(fluxdbfile, np.vstack((wav_F, fluxcal_F)).T, fmt="%8.2f %12.3e ", header=hdr) fluxdbtab.add_row(list(newfluxdbtab[0])) fluxdblist.append(fluxdbfile) dbentries = len(fluxdbtab) if (dbentries > olddbentries): printstdlog( '\n New Fluxdb entries:\n' + str(fluxdbtab[olddbentries:]), logfile) # do fluxcal on listed stokes.fits files if len(fluxdbtab) == 0: printstdlog('\n No fluxdb data available', logfile) return if (type(infilelist) is str): infilelist = [ infilelist, ] obs_i, config_i, obstab, configtab = configmap(infilelist, confitemlist) obss = len(obstab) fluxdbconftab = fluxdbtab[confitemlist] cunitfluxed = 'erg/s/cm^2/Ang' # header keyword CUNIT3 if data is already fluxed for obs in range(obss): iobs = np.where(obs_i == obs)[0][0] hdul =[iobs]) if 'CUNIT3' in hdul['SCI'].header: if hdul['SCI'].header['CUNIT3'].replace(' ', '') == cunitfluxed: printstdlog( ('\n %s already flux calibrated' % infilelist[iobs]), logfile) continue fluxdbentry_e = np.where(configtab[obs] == fluxdbconftab)[0] if fluxdbentry_e.shape[0] == 0: printstdlog(('\n No flux calibration available for %s' % infilelist[iobs]), logfile) continue wav0 = hdul['SCI'].header['CRVAL1'] dwav = hdul['SCI'].header['CDELT1'] wavs = hdul['SCI'].data.shape[-1] wav_w = np.arange(wav0, wav0 + wavs * dwav, dwav) fluxcal_w = np.zeros(wavs) # average all applicable fluxdb entries after interpolation onto wavelength grid fluxcalhistory = "FluxCal: " fluxcallog = fluxcalhistory for e in fluxdbentry_e: wav_F,fluxcal_F = np.loadtxt(fluxdblist[e],skiprows=4,comments='?', \ dtype=float,unpack=True) fluxcal_w += interp1d(wav_F, fluxcal_F, bounds_error=False)(wav_w) fluxcalhistory += " " + fluxdblist[e] fluxcallog += " " + str(e + 1) + " " + fluxdblist[e] fluxcal_w /= fluxdbentry_e.shape[0] fluxcal_w = (np.nan_to_num(fluxcal_w)) hdul['SCI'].data *= fluxcal_w hdul['SCI'].header['CUNIT3'] = cunitfluxed hdul['VAR'].data *= fluxcal_w**2 hdul['VAR'].header['CUNIT3'] = cunitfluxed hdul[0].header.add_history(fluxcalhistory) hdul.writeto(infilelist[iobs], clobber=True) printstdlog((('\n %s ' + fluxcallog) % infilelist[iobs]), logfile) return
def specpolflux(infilelist, logfile='salt.log', debug=False): """Finds/ produces fluxcal tables, and applies to listed _stokes.fits Parameters ---------- infilelist: list filename or list of finalstokes filenames logfile: str Name of file for logging """ if len(glob.glob('specpol*.log')): logfile = glob.glob('specpol*.log')[0] fluxcal_w = np.zeros(0) # Info on CAL_SPST files: calspstname_s,calspstfile_s=np.loadtxt(datadir+"spst_filenames.txt", \ dtype=str,usecols=(0,1),unpack=True) namelen = max(map(len, calspstname_s)) confitemList = ['DATE-OBS', 'GRATING', 'GR-ANGLE', 'CAMANG'] # Find fluxdb files already in this directory fluxdbtab = Table(names=['no','OBJECT']+confitemList, \ dtype=[int,'S'+str(namelen),'S10','S6',float,float]) fluxdblist = sorted(glob.glob('fluxdb*.txt')) goodfluxdblist = copy.copy(fluxdblist) for e, dbfile in enumerate(fluxdblist): if (open(dbfile).read().count("#") < 5): printstdlog('\n Invalid flux file ' + dbfile + ', not used', logfile) goodfluxdblist.remove(dbfile) continue confdat_d = np.genfromtxt(dbfile,usecols=2,comments='?', \ max_rows=5,dtype=str) fluxdbtab.add_row(np.insert(confdat_d, 0, e + 1)) fluxdblist = goodfluxdblist olddbentries = len(fluxdblist) if olddbentries: printstdlog('\n Existing Fluxdb:\n' + str(fluxdbtab), logfile) # Create new fluxdb files if new data present eclist = sorted(glob.glob('ec*.fits')) obss = 0 if len(eclist): obs_i, config_i, obstab, configtab = configmap(eclist, confitemList) obss = len(obstab) for obs in range(obss): object, config = obstab[obs] # Find spst standards i_j = np.where(obs_i == obs)[0] if object not in calspstname_s: continue newfluxdbtab = Table( \ names=['no','OBJECT']+confitemList,dtype=[int,'S'+str(namelen),'S10','S6',float,float]) newfluxdbtab.add_row([len(fluxdbtab) + 1, object] + list(configtab[obs])) if Table(newfluxdbtab.columns[1:]) in Table(fluxdbtab.columns[1:]): continue # It's a new flux standard, process it printstdlog('\n New Fluxdb entry:\n' + str(newfluxdbtab), logfile) s = np.where(object == calspstname_s)[0][0] spstfile = iraf.osfn("pysalt$data/standards/spectroscopic/" + calspstfile_s[s]) wav_f, ABmag_f = np.loadtxt(spstfile, usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True) wbinedge_f = (wav_f[1:] + wav_f[:-1]) / 2. wbinedge_f = np.insert(wbinedge_f, 0, 2. * wav_f[0] - wbinedge_f[0]) wbinedge_f = np.append(wbinedge_f, 2. * wav_f[-1] - wbinedge_f[-1]) flam_f = 10.**(-0.4 * (ABmag_f + 2.402)) / (wav_f)**2 # for HST standards, scrunch down to 50A bins if (wav_f[0] < 3000.): wbinedge_F = np.arange(3000., 11000., 50.) binedge_F = interp1d(wbinedge_f, np.arange(wbinedge_f.shape[0]))(wbinedge_F) flam_F = scrunch1d(flam_f, binedge_F) / np.diff( binedge_F) # mean over new flux bin wav_f = (wbinedge_F[:-1] + wbinedge_F[1:]) / 2. flam_f = flam_F wbinedge_f = wbinedge_F # average multiple samples,E,O hdul =[i_j[0]]) dateobs, grating, grang, artic = configtab[config] wav0 = hdul['SCI'].header['CRVAL1'] dwav = hdul['SCI'].header['CDELT1'] wavs = hdul['SCI'].data.shape[-1] phot_w = np.zeros(wavs) count_w = np.zeros(wavs) exptime = 0. samples = i_j.shape[0] for j in range(samples): hdul =[i_j[j]]) phot_w += hdul['SCI'].data.reshape((2, -1)).sum(axis=0) count_w += (hdul['BPM'].data.reshape((2, -1)) == 0).sum(axis=0) exptime += hdul['SCI'].header['EXPTIME'] int_w = phot_w / exptime # phot/sec/bin, E+O sum ok_w = (count_w == 2 * samples) # check for gain corrections. BPM==2 marks internal ccd amp intersections aw_pA = np.array( np.where(hdul['BPM'].data.reshape((2, -1)) == 2))[1].reshape( (2, -1)) awmin_A, aw_A, awmax_A = (aw_pA.min(axis=0), aw_pA.mean(axis=0), aw_pA.max(axis=0)) wloList = [ 0, awmax_A[0] + 1, aw_A[[0, 1]].mean(), awmax_A[1] + 1, aw_A[[1, 2]].mean(), awmax_A[2] + 1 ] whiList = [ awmin_A[0] - 1, aw_A[[0, 1]].mean(), awmin_A[1] - 1, aw_A[[1, 2]].mean(), awmin_A[2] - 1, wavs ] wList = [ 0, aw_A[0], aw_A[[0, 1]].mean(), aw_A[1], aw_A[[1, 2]].mean(), aw_A[2], wavs ] photedge_da = np.zeros((2, 6)) for d, a in np.ndindex(2, 6): w1 = wloList[a] + d * (whiList[a] - wloList[a]) * 2 / 3 w2 = whiList[a] - (1 - d) * (whiList[a] - wloList[a]) * 2 / 3 use_w = (ok_w & (np.arange(wavs) >= w1) & (np.arange(wavs) <= w2)) cof_c = np.polyfit(np.arange(wavs)[use_w], phot_w[use_w], 1) if debug: print d, a, ('%8.2f %8.0f' % tuple(cof_c)) photedge_da[d, a] = np.polyval(cof_c, wList[a + d]) photrat_A = photedge_da[0, 1:] / photedge_da[1, :-1] photrat_a = np.insert(np.cumprod(photrat_A), 0, 1.) historyDict = dict( [line.split(' ', 1) for line in hdul['SCI'].header['HISTORY']]) if historyDict.has_key('GainCorrection:'): printstdlog( ('\n Gain cors : ' + historyDict['GainCorrection:']), logfile) else: printstdlog(('\n no gain correction'), logfile) printstdlog( (' Gain Ratio: ' + 6 * '%6.4f ' % tuple(photrat_a)), logfile) # scrunch onto flux star grid wav_w = np.arange(wav0, wav0 + wavs * dwav, dwav) binedge_f = (wbinedge_f - (wav_w[0] - dwav / 2.)) / dwav int_f = scrunch1d(int_w, binedge_f) / np.diff( binedge_f) # mean of int_w over flux bin ok_f = (scrunch1d((~ok_w).astype(int), binedge_f) == 0) # good flux bins have no bad wavs ok_f &= ((wav_f > wav_w[0]) & (wav_f < wav_w[-1])) # save flux/intensity mean over flux standard bin, extrapolate to edge fluxcal_F = flam_f[ok_f] / int_f[ok_f] wav_F = wav_f[ok_f] fluxcalslope_F = (fluxcal_F[1:] - fluxcal_F[:-1]) / (wav_F[1:] - wav_F[:-1]) wav_F = np.insert(wav_F, 0, wav_w[0]) wav_F = np.append(wav_F, wav_w[-1]) fluxcal_F = np.insert( fluxcal_F, 0, fluxcal_F[0] - fluxcalslope_F[0] * (wav_F[1] - wav_F[0])) fluxcal_F = np.append( fluxcal_F, fluxcal_F[-1] + fluxcalslope_F[-1] * (wav_F[-1] - wav_F[-2])) fluxdbfile = 'fluxdb_' + calspstname_s[s] + '_c' + str(config) + '.txt' hdr = ("OBJECT: "+object+"\nDATEOBS: %s \nGRATING: %s \nARTIC: %s \nGRANG: %s" \ % (dateobs,grating,grang,artic)) np.savetxt(fluxdbfile, np.vstack((wav_F, fluxcal_F)).T, fmt="%8.2f %12.3e ", header=hdr) fluxdbtab.add_row(list(newfluxdbtab[0])) fluxdblist.append(fluxdbfile) dbentries = len(fluxdbtab) # do fluxcal on listed stokes.fits files if len(fluxdbtab) == 0: printstdlog('\n No fluxdb data available', logfile) return fluxcal_w if (type(infilelist) is str): infilelist = [ infilelist, ] if len(infilelist) == 0: print "No files to calibrate" exit() obs_i, config_i, obstab, configtab = configmap(infilelist, confitemList) obss = len(obstab) fluxdbconftab = fluxdbtab[confitemList] cunitfluxed = 'erg/s/cm^2/Ang' # header keyword CUNIT3 if data is already fluxed for obs in range(obss): iobs = np.where(obs_i == obs)[0][0] hdul =[iobs]) if 'CUNIT3' in hdul['SCI'].header: if hdul['SCI'].header['CUNIT3'].replace(' ', '') == cunitfluxed: printstdlog( ('\n %s already flux calibrated' % infilelist[iobs]), logfile) continue fluxdbentry_e = [] for e in range(len(fluxdbconftab)): if ((fluxdbconftab[e]['GRATING']==configtab[obs]['GRATING']) & \ (fluxdbconftab[e]['CAMANG']==configtab[obs]['CAMANG']) & \ (abs(fluxdbconftab[e]['GR-ANGLE']-configtab[obs]['GR-ANGLE']) < 0.1)): fluxdbentry_e.append(e) if len(fluxdbentry_e) == 0: printstdlog(('\n No flux calibration available for %s' % infilelist[iobs]), logfile) continue wav0 = hdul['SCI'].header['CRVAL1'] dwav = hdul['SCI'].header['CDELT1'] wavs = hdul['SCI'].data.shape[-1] exptime = hdul['SCI'].header['EXPTIME'] wav_w = np.arange(wav0, wav0 + wavs * dwav, dwav) fluxcal_w = np.zeros(wavs) # average all applicable fluxdb entries after interpolation onto wavelength grid # if necessary, block average onto ~50Ang grid, then average onto 50 Ang grid # interpolate onto configuration for fluxcal fluxcallog = '' for e in fluxdbentry_e: wav_F,fluxcal_F = np.loadtxt(fluxdblist[e],skiprows=5,comments='?', \ dtype=float,unpack=True) fluxcal_w += interp1d(wav_F, fluxcal_F, bounds_error=False)(wav_w) hdul[0].header.add_history("FluxCal: " + fluxdbconftab[e]["DATE-OBS"] + ' ' + fluxdblist[e]) fluxcallog += ('\n ' + str(e + 1) + ' ' + fluxdbconftab[e]["DATE-OBS"] + ' ' + fluxdblist[e]) fluxcal_w /= len(fluxdbentry_e) fluxcal_w = (np.nan_to_num(fluxcal_w)) / exptime hdul['SCI'].data *= fluxcal_w hdul['SCI'].header['CUNIT3'] = cunitfluxed hdul['VAR'].data *= fluxcal_w**2 hdul['VAR'].header['CUNIT3'] = cunitfluxed hdul['COV'].data *= fluxcal_w**2 hdul['COV'].header['CUNIT3'] = cunitfluxed hdul['BPM'].data = ((hdul['BPM'].data > 0) | (fluxcal_w == 0.)).astype('uint8') hdul.writeto(infilelist[iobs], overwrite=True) printstdlog((('\n %s Fluxcal:' + fluxcallog) % infilelist[iobs]), logfile) return fluxcal_w
def specpolextract(infilelist, logfile='salt.log', debug=False): """Produce a 1-D extract spectra for the O and E beams This also cleans the 2-D spectra of a number of artifacts, removes the background, accounts for small spatial shifts in the observation, and resamples the data into a wavelength grid Parameters ---------- infile_list: list List of filenames that include an extracted spectra logfile: str Name of file for logging """ with logging(logfile, debug) as log: config_dict = list_configurations(infilelist, log) config_count = 0 for config in config_dict: outfilelist = config_dict[config]['object'] outfiles = len(outfilelist) obs_dict = obslog(outfilelist) hdu0 =[0]) rows, cols = hdu0['SCI'].data.shape[1:3] cbin, rbin = np.array(obs_dict["CCDSUM"][0].split(" ")).astype(int) object_name = hdu0[0].header['OBJECT'] log.message( '\nExtract: {3} Grating {0} Grang {1:6.2f} Artic {2:6.2f}'. format(config[0], config[1], config[2], object_name)) log.message( ' Images: ' + ' '.join([str(image_number(img)) for img in outfilelist]), with_header=False) # special version for lamp data # this is now removed and will not be part of this code #object = obs_dict["OBJECT"][0].strip().upper() #ampid = obs_dict["LAMPID"][0].strip().upper() #f ((object != "ARC") & (lampid != "NONE")) : # specpollampextract(outfilelist, logfile=logfile) # continue # sum spectra to find target, background artifacts, and estimate sky flat and psf functions count = 0 for i in range(outfiles): badbin_orc =[i])['BPM'].data > 0 if count == 0: count_orc = (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc = outfilelist[i])['SCI'].data * count_orc var_orc = outfilelist[i])['VAR'].data * count_orc else: count_orc += (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc += outfilelist[i])['SCI'].data * (~badbin_orc).astype(int) var_orc += outfilelist[i])['VAR'].data * (~badbin_orc).astype(int) count += 1 if count == 0: print 'No valid images' continue image_orc[count_orc > 0] /= count_orc[count_orc > 0] badbinall_orc = (count_orc == 0) | (image_orc == 0 ) # bin is bad in all images badbinone_orc = (count_orc < count) | ( image_orc == 0) # bin is bad in at least one image var_orc[count_orc > 0] /= (count_orc[count_orc > 0])**2 wav_orc =[0])['WAV'].data slitid = obs_dict["MASKID"][0] okwav_oc = ~((wav_orc == 0).all(axis=1)) obsname = object_name + "_c" + str(config_count) + "_" + str( outfiles) hdusum = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdu0[0].header) hdusum = pyfits.HDUList(hdusum) hdusum[0].header['OBJECT'] = obsname header = hdu0['SCI'].header.copy() hdusum.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=image_orc, header=header, name='SCI')) hdusum.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=var_orc, header=header, name='VAR')) hdusum.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=badbinall_orc.astype('uint8'), header=header, name='BPM')) hdusum.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=wav_orc, header=header, name='WAV')) if debug: hdusum.writeto(obsname + ".fits", clobber=True) # run specpolsignalmap on image psf_orc,skyflat_orc,badbinnew_orc,isbkgcont_orc,maprow_od,drow_oc = \ specpolsignalmap(hdusum,logfile=logfile,debug=debug) maprow_ocd = maprow_od[:, None, :] + np.zeros((2, cols, 4)) maprow_ocd[okwav_oc] += drow_oc[okwav_oc, None] isedge_orc = (np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,0]) | \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,3]) istarget_orc = okwav_oc[:,None,:] & (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,1]) & \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,2]) isbkgcont_orc &= (~badbinall_orc & ~isedge_orc & ~istarget_orc) badbinall_orc |= badbinnew_orc badbinone_orc |= badbinnew_orc hdusum['BPM'].data = badbinnew_orc.astype('uint8') psf_orc *= istarget_orc.astype(int) if debug: # hdusum.writeto(obsname+".fits",clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psf_orc.astype('float32')).writeto( obsname + '_psf_orc.fits', clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinnew_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinnew_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinall_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinall_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinone_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinone_orc.fits',clobber=True) # set up wavelength binning wbin = wav_orc[0, rows / 2, cols / 2] - wav_orc[0, rows / 2, cols / 2 - 1] wbin = 2.**(np.rint(np.log2(wbin)) ) # bin to nearest power of 2 angstroms wmin = (wav_orc.max(axis=1)[okwav_oc].reshape( (2, -1))).min(axis=1).max() wmax = wav_orc.max() for o in (0, 1): colmax = np.where((wav_orc[o] > 0.).any(axis=0))[0][-1] row_r = np.where(wav_orc[o, :, colmax] > 0.)[0] wmax = min(wmax, wav_orc[o, row_r, colmax].min()) wedgemin = wbin * int(wmin / wbin + 0.5) + wbin / 2. wedgemax = wbin * int(wmax / wbin - 0.5) + wbin / 2. wedge_w = np.arange(wedgemin, wedgemax + wbin, wbin) wavs = wedge_w.shape[0] - 1 binedge_orw = np.zeros((2, rows, wavs + 1)) specrow_or = (maprow_od[:, 1:3].mean(axis=1)[:, None] + np.arange(-rows / 4, rows / 4)).astype(int) # scrunch and normalize psf from summed images (using badbinone) for optimized extraction # psf is normalized so its integral over row is 1. psfnormmin = 0.70 # wavelengths with less than this flux in good bins are marked bad psf_orw = np.zeros((2, rows, wavs)) for o in (0, 1): for r in specrow_or[o]: binedge_orw[o,r] = \ interp1d(wav_orc[o,r,okwav_oc[o]],np.arange(cols)[okwav_oc[o]], \ kind='linear',bounds_error=False)(wedge_w) psf_orw[o, r] = scrunch1d(psf_orc[o, r], binedge_orw[o, r]) if debug: pyfits.PrimaryHDU(binedge_orw.astype('float32')).writeto( obsname + '_binedge_orw.fits', clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psf_orw.astype('float32')).writeto( obsname + '_psf_orw.fits', clobber=True) psfnorm_orw = np.repeat(psf_orw.sum(axis=1), rows, axis=1).reshape(2, rows, -1) psf_orw[psfnorm_orw > 0.] /= psfnorm_orw[psfnorm_orw > 0.] pmax = np.minimum( 1., np.median(psf_orw[psfnorm_orw > 0.].reshape( (2, rows, -1)).max(axis=1))) log.message('Stellar profile width: %8.2f arcsec' % ((1. / pmax) * rbin / 8.), with_header=False) pwidth = int(1. / pmax) if debug: pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psf_orw.astype('float32')).writeto( obsname + '_psfnormed_orw.fits', clobber=True) # set up optional image-dependent column shift for slitless data colshiftfilename = "colshift.txt" docolshift = os.path.isfile(colshiftfilename) if docolshift: img_I, dcol_I = np.loadtxt(colshiftfilename, dtype=float, unpack=True, usecols=(0, 1)) shifts = img_I.shape[0] log.message('Column shift: \n Images ' + shifts * '%5i ' % tuple(img_I), with_header=False) log.message(' Bins ' + shifts * '%5.2f ' % tuple(dcol_I), with_header=False) log.message('\nArcsec offset Output File', with_header=False) # background-subtract and extract spectra for i in range(outfiles): hdulist =[i]) tnum = image_number(outfilelist[i]) badbin_orc = (hdulist['BPM'].data > 0) badbinbkg_orc = (badbin_orc | badbinnew_orc | isedge_orc | istarget_orc) if debug: pyfits.PrimaryHDU(isedge_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto( 'isedge_orc_' + tnum + '.fits', clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(istarget_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto( 'istarget_orc_' + tnum + '.fits', clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinbkg_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto( 'badbinbkg_orc_' + tnum + '.fits', clobber=True) target_orc = bkgsub(hdulist, badbinbkg_orc, isbkgcont_orc, skyflat_orc, maprow_ocd, tnum, debug=debug) target_orc *= (~badbin_orc).astype(int) if debug: pyfits.PrimaryHDU(target_orc.astype('float32')).writeto( 'target_' + tnum + '_orc.fits', clobber=True) var_orc = hdulist['var'].data badbin_orc = (hdulist['bpm'].data > 0) | badbinnew_orc # extract spectrum optimally (Horne, PASP 1986) target_orw = np.zeros((2, rows, wavs)) var_orw = np.zeros_like(target_orw) badbin_orw = np.ones((2, rows, wavs), dtype='bool') wt_orw = np.zeros_like(target_orw) dcol = 0. if docolshift: if int(tnum) in img_I: dcol = dcol_I[np.where( img_I == int(tnum))] # table has observed shift for o in (0, 1): for r in specrow_or[o]: target_orw[o, r] = scrunch1d(target_orc[o, r], binedge_orw[o, r] + dcol) var_orw[o, r] = scrunch1d(var_orc[o, r], binedge_orw[o, r] + dcol) badbin_orw[o, r] = scrunch1d( badbin_orc[o, r].astype(float), binedge_orw[o, r] + dcol) > 0.001 badbin_orw |= (var_orw == 0) badbin_orw |= ((psf_orw * (~badbin_orw)).sum(axis=1)[:, None, :] < psfnormmin) if debug: # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('var_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbin_orw.astype('uint8')).writeto( 'badbin_' + tnum + '_orw.fits', clobber=True) # use master psf shifted in row to allow for guide errors ok_w = ((psf_orw * badbin_orw).sum(axis=1) < 0.03 / float(pwidth / 2)).all(axis=0) crosscor_s = np.zeros(pwidth) for s in range(pwidth): crosscor_s[s] = (psf_orw[:, s:s - pwidth] * target_orw[:, pwidth / 2:-pwidth / 2] * ok_w).sum() smax = np.argmax(crosscor_s) s_S = np.arange(smax - pwidth / 4, smax - pwidth / 4 + pwidth / 2 + 1) polycof = la.lstsq( np.vstack((s_S**2, s_S, np.ones_like(s_S))).T, crosscor_s[s_S])[0] pshift = -(-0.5 * polycof[1] / polycof[0] - pwidth / 2) s = int(pshift + pwidth) - pwidth sfrac = pshift - s psfsh_orw = np.zeros_like(psf_orw) outrow = np.arange( max(0, s + 1), rows - (1 + int(abs(pshift))) + max(0, s + 1)) psfsh_orw[:, outrow] = ( 1. - sfrac ) * psf_orw[:, outrow - s] + sfrac * psf_orw[:, outrow - s - 1] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psfsh_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('psfsh_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) wt_orw[~badbin_orw] = psfsh_orw[~badbin_orw] / var_orw[ ~badbin_orw] var_ow = (psfsh_orw * wt_orw * (~badbin_orw)).sum(axis=1) badbin_ow = (var_ow == 0) var_ow[~badbin_ow] = 1. / var_ow[~badbin_ow] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_ow.astype('float32')).writeto('var_'+tnum+'_ow.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(target_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('target_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(wt_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('wt_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) sci_ow = (target_orw * wt_orw).sum(axis=1) * var_ow badlim = 0.20 psfbadfrac_ow = (psfsh_orw * badbin_orw.astype(int)).sum( axis=1) / psfsh_orw.sum(axis=1) badbin_ow |= (psfbadfrac_ow > badlim) cdebug = 83 if debug: np.savetxt("xtrct"+str(cdebug)+"_"+tnum+".txt",np.vstack((psf_orw[:,:,cdebug],var_orw[:,:,cdebug], \ wt_orw[:,:,cdebug],target_orw[:,:,cdebug])).reshape((4,2,-1)).transpose(1,0,2).reshape((8,-1)).T,fmt="%12.5e") # write O,E spectrum, prefix "s". VAR, BPM for each spectrum. y dim is virtual (length 1) # for consistency with other modes hduout = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdulist[0].header) hduout = pyfits.HDUList(hduout) header = hdulist['SCI'].header.copy() header.update('VAREXT', 2) header.update('BPMEXT', 3) header.update('CRVAL1', wedge_w[0] + wbin / 2.) header.update('CRVAL2', 0) header.update('CDELT1', wbin) header.update('CTYPE1', 'Angstroms') hduout.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=sci_ow.reshape((2, 1, wavs)), header=header, name='SCI')) header.update('SCIEXT', 1, 'Extension for Science Frame', before='VAREXT') hduout.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=var_ow.reshape((2, 1, wavs)), header=header, name='VAR')) hduout.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=badbin_ow.astype("uint8").reshape( (2, 1, wavs)), header=header, name='BPM')) hduout.writeto('e' + outfilelist[i], clobber=True, output_verify='warn') log.message(' %8.2f e%s' % (pshift * rbin / 8., outfilelist[i]), with_header=False) #increate the config count config_count += 1 return
def specpolextract(infilelist, logfile='salt.log'): #set up the files obsdate = os.path.basename(infilelist[0])[8:16] with logging(logfile, debug) as log: #create the observation log obs_dict = obslog(infilelist) # get rid of arcs for i in range(len(infilelist))[::-1]: if (obs_dict['OBJECT'][i].upper().strip() == 'ARC'): del infilelist[i] infiles = len(infilelist) # contiguous images of the same object and config are grouped together obs_dict = obslog(infilelist) confno_i, confdatlist = configmap(infilelist) configs = len(confdatlist) objectlist = list(set(obs_dict['OBJECT'])) objno_i = np.array( [objectlist.index(obs_dict['OBJECT'][i]) for i in range(infiles)], dtype=int) grp_i = np.zeros((infiles), dtype=int) grp_i[1:] = ((confno_i[1:] != confno_i[:-1]) | (objno_i[1:] != objno_i[:-1])).cumsum() for g in np.unique(grp_i): ilist = np.where(grp_i == g)[0] outfiles = len(ilist) outfilelist = [infilelist[i] for i in ilist] imagenolist = [ int(os.path.basename(infilelist[i]).split('.')[0][-4:]) for i in ilist ] log.message('\nExtract: '+objectlist[objno_i[ilist[0]]]+' Grating %s Grang %6.2f Artic %6.2f' % \ confdatlist[confno_i[ilist[0]]], with_header=False) log.message(' Images: ' + outfiles * '%i ' % tuple(imagenolist), with_header=False) hdu0 =[0]) rows, cols = hdu0['SCI'].data.shape[1:3] cbin, rbin = np.array(obs_dict["CCDSUM"][0].split(" ")).astype(int) # special version for lamp data lampid = obs_dict["LAMPID"][0].strip().upper() if lampid != "NONE": specpollampextract(outfilelist, logfile=logfile) continue # sum spectra to find target, background artifacts, and estimate sky flat and psf functions count = 0 for i in range(outfiles): badbin_orc =[i])['BPM'].data > 0 if count == 0: count_orc = (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc = outfilelist[i])['SCI'].data * count_orc var_orc = outfilelist[i])['VAR'].data * count_orc else: count_orc += (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc += infilelist[i])['SCI'].data * (~badbin_orc).astype(int) var_orc += outfilelist[i])['VAR'].data * (~badbin_orc).astype(int) count += 1 if count == 0: print 'No valid images' continue image_orc[count_orc > 0] /= count_orc[count_orc > 0] badbinall_orc = (count_orc == 0) | (image_orc == 0 ) # bin is bad in all images badbinone_orc = (count_orc < count) | ( image_orc == 0) # bin is bad in at least one image var_orc[count_orc > 0] /= (count_orc[count_orc > 0])**2 wav_orc =[0])['WAV'].data slitid = obs_dict["MASKID"][0] if slitid[0] == "P": slitwidth = float(slitid[2:5]) / 10. else: slitwidth = float(slitid) hdusum = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdu0[0].header) hdusum = pyfits.HDUList(hdusum) header = hdu0['SCI'].header.copy() hdusum.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=image_orc, header=header, name='SCI')) hdusum.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=var_orc, header=header, name='VAR')) hdusum.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=badbinall_orc.astype('uint8'), header=header, name='BPM')) hdusum.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=wav_orc, header=header, name='WAV')) # hdusum.writeto("groupsum_"+str(g)+".fits",clobber=True) psf_orc,skyflat_orc,badbinnew_orc,isbkgcont_orc,maprow_od,drow_oc = \ specpolsignalmap(hdusum,logfile=logfile) maprow_ocd = maprow_od[:, None, :] + np.zeros((2, cols, 4)) maprow_ocd[:, :, [1, 2 ]] -= drow_oc[:, :, None] # edge is straight, target curved isedge_orc = (np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,0]) | \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,3]) istarget_orc = (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,1]) & \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,2]) isskycont_orc = (((np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,0]+rows/16) | \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,3]-rows/16)) & ~isedge_orc) isbkgcont_orc &= (~badbinall_orc & ~isedge_orc & ~istarget_orc) badbinall_orc |= badbinnew_orc badbinone_orc |= badbinnew_orc # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('var_orc1.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinnew_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinnew_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinall_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinall_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinone_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinone_orc.fits',clobber=True) # scrunch and normalize psf from summed images (using badbinone) for optimized extraction psfnormmin = 0.70 # wavelengths with less than this flux in good bins are marked bad wbin = wav_orc[0, rows / 2, cols / 2] - wav_orc[0, rows / 2, cols / 2 - 1] wbin = float(int(wbin / 0.75)) wmin, wmax = wav_orc.min(axis=2).max(), wav_orc.max(axis=2).min() wedgemin = wbin * int(wmin / wbin + 0.5) + wbin / 2. wedgemax = wbin * int(wmax / wbin - 0.5) + wbin / 2. wedge_w = np.arange(wedgemin, wedgemax + wbin, wbin) wavs = wedge_w.shape[0] - 1 binedge_orw = np.zeros((2, rows, wavs + 1)) psf_orw = np.zeros((2, rows, wavs)) specrow_or = maprow_od[:, 1:3].mean(axis=1)[:, None] + np.arange( -rows / 4, rows / 4) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('var_orc2.fits',clobber=True) for o in (0, 1): for r in specrow_or[o]: binedge_orw[o, r] = interp1d(wav_orc[o, r], np.arange(cols))(wedge_w) psf_orw[o, r] = scrunch1d(psf_orc[o, r], binedge_orw[o, r]) psf_orw /= psf_orw.sum(axis=1)[:, None, :] # np.savetxt("psfnorm_ow.txt",(psf_orw*okbin_orw).sum(axis=1).T,fmt="%10.4f") # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psf_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('psf_orw.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('var_orw.fits',clobber=True) # set up optional image-dependent column shift for slitless data colshiftfilename = "colshift.txt" docolshift = os.path.isfile(colshiftfilename) if docolshift: img_I, dcol_I = np.loadtxt(colshiftfilename, dtype=float, unpack=True, usecols=(0, 1)) shifts = img_I.shape[0] log.message('Column shift: \n Images ' + shifts * '%5i ' % tuple(img_I), with_header=False) log.message(' Bins ' + shifts * '%5.2f ' % tuple(dcol_I), with_header=False) # background-subtract and extract spectra psfbadfrac_iow = np.zeros((outfiles, 2, wavs)) for i in range(outfiles): hdulist =[i]) sci_orc = hdulist['sci'].data var_orc = hdulist['var'].data badbin_orc = (hdulist['bpm'].data > 0) | badbinnew_orc tnum = os.path.basename(outfilelist[i]).split('.')[0][-3:] # make background continuum image, smoothed over resolution element rblk, cblk = int(1.5 * 8. / rbin), int(slitwidth * 8. / cbin) target_orc = np.zeros_like(sci_orc) for o in (0, 1): bkgcont_rc = blksmooth2d(sci_orc[o], isbkgcont_orc[o], rblk, cblk, 0.25, mode="mean") # remove sky continuum: ends of bkg continuum * skyflat skycont_c = (bkgcont_rc.T[isskycont_orc[o].T]/skyflat_orc[o].T[isskycont_orc[o].T]) \ .reshape((cols,-1)).mean(axis=1) skycont_rc = skycont_c * skyflat_orc[o] # remove sky lines: image - bkg cont run through 2d sky averaging obj_data = ((sci_orc[o] - bkgcont_rc) / skyflat_orc)[o] obj_data[(badbin_orc | isedge_orc | istarget_orc)[o]] = np.nan # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(obj_data.astype('float32')).writeto('obj_data.fits',clobber=True) skylines_rc = make_2d_skyspectrum(obj_data, wav_orc[o], np.array([ [0, rows], ])) * skyflat_orc[o] target_orc[o] = sci_orc[o] - skycont_rc - skylines_rc # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(skylines_rc.astype('float32')).writeto('skylines_rc_'+tnum+'_'+str(o)+'.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(skycont_rc.astype('float32')).writeto('skycont_rc_'+tnum+'_'+str(o)+'.fits',clobber=True) target_orc *= (~badbin_orc).astype(int) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(target_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('target_'+tnum+'_orc.fits',clobber=True) # extract spectrum optimally (Horne, PASP 1986) target_orw = np.zeros((2, rows, wavs)) var_orw = np.zeros_like(target_orw) badbin_orw = np.ones((2, rows, wavs), dtype='bool') wt_orw = np.zeros_like(target_orw) dcol = 0. if docolshift: if int(tnum) in img_I: dcol = dcol_I[np.where( img_I == int(tnum))] # table has observed shift for o in (0, 1): for r in specrow_or[o]: target_orw[o, r] = scrunch1d(target_orc[o, r], binedge_orw[o, r] + dcol) var_orw[o, r] = scrunch1d(var_orc[o, r], binedge_orw[o, r] + dcol) badbin_orw[o, r] = scrunch1d( badbin_orc[o, r].astype(float), binedge_orw[o, r] + dcol) > 0.001 badbin_orw |= (var_orw == 0) badbin_orw |= ((psf_orw * (~badbin_orw)).sum(axis=1)[:, None, :] < psfnormmin) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('var_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbin_orw.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbin_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # use master psf shifted in row to allow for guide errors pwidth = 2 * int(1. / psf_orw.max()) ok_w = ((psf_orw * badbin_orw).sum(axis=1) < 0.03 / float(pwidth / 2)).all(axis=0) crosscor_s = np.zeros(pwidth) for s in range(pwidth): crosscor_s[s] = (psf_orw[:, s:s - pwidth] * target_orw[:, pwidth / 2:-pwidth / 2] * ok_w).sum() smax = np.argmax(crosscor_s) s_S = np.arange(smax - pwidth / 4, smax - pwidth / 4 + pwidth / 2 + 1) polycof = la.lstsq( np.vstack((s_S**2, s_S, np.ones_like(s_S))).T, crosscor_s[s_S])[0] pshift = -(-0.5 * polycof[1] / polycof[0] - pwidth / 2) s = int(pshift + pwidth) - pwidth sfrac = pshift - s psfsh_orw = np.zeros_like(psf_orw) outrow = np.arange( max(0, s + 1), rows - (1 + int(abs(pshift))) + max(0, s + 1)) psfsh_orw[:, outrow] = ( 1. - sfrac ) * psf_orw[:, outrow - s] + sfrac * psf_orw[:, outrow - s - 1] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psfsh_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('psfsh_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) wt_orw[~badbin_orw] = psfsh_orw[~badbin_orw] / var_orw[ ~badbin_orw] var_ow = (psfsh_orw * wt_orw * (~badbin_orw)).sum(axis=1) badbin_ow = (var_ow == 0) var_ow[~badbin_ow] = 1. / var_ow[~badbin_ow] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_ow.astype('float32')).writeto('var_'+tnum+'_ow.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(target_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('target_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(wt_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('wt_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) sci_ow = (target_orw * wt_orw).sum(axis=1) * var_ow badlim = 0.20 psfbadfrac_iow[i] = (psfsh_orw * badbin_orw.astype(int)).sum( axis=1) / psfsh_orw.sum(axis=1) badbin_ow |= (psfbadfrac_iow[i] > badlim) # cdebug = 39 # np.savetxt("xtrct"+str(cdebug)+"_"+tnum+".txt",np.vstack((psf_orw[:,:,cdebug],var_orw[:,:,cdebug], \ # wt_orw[:,:,cdebug],target_orw[:,:,cdebug])).reshape((4,2,-1)).transpose(1,0,2).reshape((8,-1)).T,fmt="%12.5e") # write O,E spectrum, prefix "s". VAR, BPM for each spectrum. y dim is virtual (length 1) # for consistency with other modes hduout = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdulist[0].header) hduout = pyfits.HDUList(hduout) header = hdulist['SCI'].header.copy() header.update('VAREXT', 2) header.update('BPMEXT', 3) header.update('CRVAL1', wedge_w[0] + wbin / 2.) header.update('CRVAL2', 0) header.update('CDELT1', wbin) header.update('CTYPE1', 'Angstroms') hduout.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=sci_ow.reshape((2, 1, wavs)), header=header, name='SCI')) header.update('SCIEXT', 1, 'Extension for Science Frame', before='VAREXT') hduout.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=var_ow.reshape((2, 1, wavs)), header=header, name='VAR')) hduout.append( pyfits.ImageHDU(data=badbin_ow.astype("uint8").reshape( (2, 1, wavs)), header=header, name='BPM')) hduout.writeto('e' + outfilelist[i], clobber=True, output_verify='warn') log.message('Output file ' + 'e' + outfilelist[i], with_header=False) # np.savetxt("psfbadfrac_iow.txt",psfbadfrac_iow.reshape((-1,wavs)).T,fmt="%8.5f") return
def specpolextract(infilelist, logfile='salt.log'): #set up the files obsdate=os.path.basename(infilelist[0])[8:16] with logging(logfile, debug) as log: #create the observation log obs_dict=obslog(infilelist) # get rid of arcs for i in range(len(infilelist))[::-1]: if (obs_dict['OBJECT'][i].upper().strip()=='ARC'): del infilelist[i] infiles = len(infilelist) # contiguous images of the same object and config are grouped together obs_dict=obslog(infilelist) confno_i,confdatlist = configmap(infilelist) configs = len(confdatlist) objectlist = list(set(obs_dict['OBJECT'])) objno_i = np.array([objectlist.index(obs_dict['OBJECT'][i]) for i in range(infiles)],dtype=int) grp_i = np.zeros((infiles),dtype=int) grp_i[1:] = ((confno_i[1:] != confno_i[:-1]) | (objno_i[1:] != objno_i[:-1])).cumsum() for g in np.unique(grp_i): ilist = np.where(grp_i==g)[0] outfiles = len(ilist) outfilelist = [infilelist[i] for i in ilist] imagenolist = [int(os.path.basename(infilelist[i]).split('.')[0][-4:]) for i in ilist] log.message('\nExtract: '+objectlist[objno_i[ilist[0]]]+' Grating %s Grang %6.2f Artic %6.2f' % \ confdatlist[confno_i[ilist[0]]], with_header=False) log.message(' Images: '+outfiles*'%i ' % tuple(imagenolist), with_header=False) hdu0 =[0]) rows,cols = hdu0['SCI'].data.shape[1:3] cbin,rbin = np.array(obs_dict["CCDSUM"][0].split(" ")).astype(int) # special version for lamp data lampid = obs_dict["LAMPID"][0].strip().upper() if lampid!="NONE": specpollampextract(outfilelist, logfile=logfile) continue # sum spectra to find target, background artifacts, and estimate sky flat and psf functions count = 0 for i in range(outfiles): badbin_orc =[i])['BPM'].data > 0 if count == 0: count_orc = (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc =[i])['SCI'].data*count_orc var_orc =[i])['VAR'].data*count_orc else: count_orc += (~badbin_orc).astype(int) image_orc +=[i])['SCI'].data*(~badbin_orc).astype(int) var_orc +=[i])['VAR'].data*(~badbin_orc).astype(int) count += 1 if count ==0: print 'No valid images' continue image_orc[count_orc>0] /= count_orc[count_orc>0] badbinall_orc = (count_orc==0) | (image_orc==0) # bin is bad in all images badbinone_orc = (count_orc < count) | (image_orc==0) # bin is bad in at least one image var_orc[count_orc>0] /= (count_orc[count_orc>0])**2 wav_orc =[0])['WAV'].data slitid = obs_dict["MASKID"][0] if slitid[0] =="P": slitwidth = float(slitid[2:5])/10. else: slitwidth = float(slitid) hdusum = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdu0[0].header) hdusum = pyfits.HDUList(hdusum) header=hdu0['SCI'].header.copy() hdusum.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=image_orc, header=header, name='SCI')) hdusum.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=var_orc, header=header, name='VAR')) hdusum.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=badbinall_orc.astype('uint8'), header=header, name='BPM')) hdusum.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=wav_orc, header=header, name='WAV')) # hdusum.writeto("groupsum_"+str(g)+".fits",clobber=True) psf_orc,skyflat_orc,badbinnew_orc,isbkgcont_orc,maprow_od,drow_oc = \ specpolsignalmap(hdusum,logfile=logfile) maprow_ocd = maprow_od[:,None,:] + np.zeros((2,cols,4)) maprow_ocd[:,:,[1,2]] -= drow_oc[:,:,None] # edge is straight, target curved isedge_orc = (np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,0]) | \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,3]) istarget_orc = (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,1]) & \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,2]) isskycont_orc = (((np.arange(rows)[:,None] < maprow_ocd[:,None,:,0]+rows/16) | \ (np.arange(rows)[:,None] > maprow_ocd[:,None,:,3]-rows/16)) & ~isedge_orc) isbkgcont_orc &= (~badbinall_orc & ~isedge_orc & ~istarget_orc) badbinall_orc |= badbinnew_orc badbinone_orc |= badbinnew_orc # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('var_orc1.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinnew_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinnew_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinall_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinall_orc.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbinone_orc.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbinone_orc.fits',clobber=True) # scrunch and normalize psf from summed images (using badbinone) for optimized extraction psfnormmin = 0.70 # wavelengths with less than this flux in good bins are marked bad wbin = wav_orc[0,rows/2,cols/2]-wav_orc[0,rows/2,cols/2-1] wbin = float(int(wbin/0.75)) wmin,wmax = wav_orc.min(axis=2).max(),wav_orc.max(axis=2).min() wedgemin = wbin*int(wmin/wbin+0.5) + wbin/2. wedgemax = wbin*int(wmax/wbin-0.5) + wbin/2. wedge_w = np.arange(wedgemin,wedgemax+wbin,wbin) wavs = wedge_w.shape[0] - 1 binedge_orw = np.zeros((2,rows,wavs+1)) psf_orw = np.zeros((2,rows,wavs)) specrow_or = maprow_od[:,1:3].mean(axis=1)[:,None] + np.arange(-rows/4,rows/4) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('var_orc2.fits',clobber=True) for o in (0,1): for r in specrow_or[o]: binedge_orw[o,r] = interp1d(wav_orc[o,r],np.arange(cols))(wedge_w) psf_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(psf_orc[o,r],binedge_orw[o,r]) psf_orw /= psf_orw.sum(axis=1)[:,None,:] # np.savetxt("psfnorm_ow.txt",(psf_orw*okbin_orw).sum(axis=1).T,fmt="%10.4f") # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psf_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('psf_orw.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('var_orw.fits',clobber=True) # set up optional image-dependent column shift for slitless data colshiftfilename = "colshift.txt" docolshift = os.path.isfile(colshiftfilename) if docolshift: img_I,dcol_I = np.loadtxt(colshiftfilename,dtype=float,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1)) shifts = img_I.shape[0] log.message('Column shift: \n Images '+shifts*'%5i ' % tuple(img_I), with_header=False) log.message(' Bins '+shifts*'%5.2f ' % tuple(dcol_I), with_header=False) # background-subtract and extract spectra psfbadfrac_iow = np.zeros((outfiles,2,wavs)) for i in range(outfiles): hdulist =[i]) sci_orc = hdulist['sci'].data var_orc = hdulist['var'].data badbin_orc = (hdulist['bpm'].data > 0) | badbinnew_orc tnum = os.path.basename(outfilelist[i]).split('.')[0][-3:] # make background continuum image, smoothed over resolution element rblk,cblk = int(1.5*8./rbin), int(slitwidth*8./cbin) target_orc = np.zeros_like(sci_orc) for o in (0,1): bkgcont_rc = blksmooth2d(sci_orc[o],isbkgcont_orc[o],rblk,cblk,0.25,mode="mean") # remove sky continuum: ends of bkg continuum * skyflat skycont_c = (bkgcont_rc.T[isskycont_orc[o].T]/skyflat_orc[o].T[isskycont_orc[o].T]) \ .reshape((cols,-1)).mean(axis=1) skycont_rc = skycont_c*skyflat_orc[o] # remove sky lines: image - bkg cont run through 2d sky averaging obj_data = ((sci_orc[o] - bkgcont_rc)/skyflat_orc)[o] obj_data[(badbin_orc | isedge_orc | istarget_orc)[o]] = np.nan # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(obj_data.astype('float32')).writeto('obj_data.fits',clobber=True) skylines_rc = make_2d_skyspectrum(obj_data,wav_orc[o],np.array([[0,rows],]))*skyflat_orc[o] target_orc[o] = sci_orc[o] - skycont_rc - skylines_rc # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(skylines_rc.astype('float32')).writeto('skylines_rc_'+tnum+'_'+str(o)+'.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(skycont_rc.astype('float32')).writeto('skycont_rc_'+tnum+'_'+str(o)+'.fits',clobber=True) target_orc *= (~badbin_orc).astype(int) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(target_orc.astype('float32')).writeto('target_'+tnum+'_orc.fits',clobber=True) # extract spectrum optimally (Horne, PASP 1986) target_orw = np.zeros((2,rows,wavs)); var_orw = np.zeros_like(target_orw) badbin_orw = np.ones((2,rows,wavs),dtype='bool'); wt_orw = np.zeros_like(target_orw) dcol = 0. if docolshift: if int(tnum) in img_I: dcol = dcol_I[np.where(img_I==int(tnum))] # table has observed shift for o in (0,1): for r in specrow_or[o]: target_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(target_orc[o,r],binedge_orw[o,r]+dcol) var_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(var_orc[o,r],binedge_orw[o,r]+dcol) badbin_orw[o,r] = scrunch1d(badbin_orc[o,r].astype(float),binedge_orw[o,r]+dcol) > 0.001 badbin_orw |= (var_orw == 0) badbin_orw |= ((psf_orw*(~badbin_orw)).sum(axis=1)[:,None,:] < psfnormmin) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('var_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(badbin_orw.astype('uint8')).writeto('badbin_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # use master psf shifted in row to allow for guide errors pwidth = 2*int(1./psf_orw.max()) ok_w = ((psf_orw*badbin_orw).sum(axis=1) < 0.03/float(pwidth/2)).all(axis=0) crosscor_s = np.zeros(pwidth) for s in range(pwidth): crosscor_s[s] = (psf_orw[:,s:s-pwidth]*target_orw[:,pwidth/2:-pwidth/2]*ok_w).sum() smax = np.argmax(crosscor_s) s_S = np.arange(smax-pwidth/4,smax-pwidth/4+pwidth/2+1) polycof = la.lstsq(np.vstack((s_S**2,s_S,np.ones_like(s_S))).T,crosscor_s[s_S])[0] pshift = -(-0.5*polycof[1]/polycof[0] - pwidth/2) s = int(pshift+pwidth)-pwidth sfrac = pshift-s psfsh_orw = np.zeros_like(psf_orw) outrow = np.arange(max(0,s+1),rows-(1+int(abs(pshift)))+max(0,s+1)) psfsh_orw[:,outrow] = (1.-sfrac)*psf_orw[:,outrow-s] + sfrac*psf_orw[:,outrow-s-1] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(psfsh_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('psfsh_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) wt_orw[~badbin_orw] = psfsh_orw[~badbin_orw]/var_orw[~badbin_orw] var_ow = (psfsh_orw*wt_orw*(~badbin_orw)).sum(axis=1) badbin_ow = (var_ow == 0) var_ow[~badbin_ow] = 1./var_ow[~badbin_ow] # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(var_ow.astype('float32')).writeto('var_'+tnum+'_ow.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(target_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('target_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(wt_orw.astype('float32')).writeto('wt_'+tnum+'_orw.fits',clobber=True) sci_ow = (target_orw*wt_orw).sum(axis=1)*var_ow badlim = 0.20 psfbadfrac_iow[i] = (psfsh_orw*badbin_orw.astype(int)).sum(axis=1)/psfsh_orw.sum(axis=1) badbin_ow |= (psfbadfrac_iow[i] > badlim) # cdebug = 39 # np.savetxt("xtrct"+str(cdebug)+"_"+tnum+".txt",np.vstack((psf_orw[:,:,cdebug],var_orw[:,:,cdebug], \ # wt_orw[:,:,cdebug],target_orw[:,:,cdebug])).reshape((4,2,-1)).transpose(1,0,2).reshape((8,-1)).T,fmt="%12.5e") # write O,E spectrum, prefix "s". VAR, BPM for each spectrum. y dim is virtual (length 1) # for consistency with other modes hduout = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdulist[0].header) hduout = pyfits.HDUList(hduout) header=hdulist['SCI'].header.copy() header.update('VAREXT',2) header.update('BPMEXT',3) header.update('CRVAL1',wedge_w[0]+wbin/2.) header.update('CRVAL2',0) header.update('CDELT1',wbin) header.update('CTYPE1','Angstroms') hduout.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=sci_ow.reshape((2,1,wavs)), header=header, name='SCI')) header.update('SCIEXT',1,'Extension for Science Frame',before='VAREXT') hduout.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=var_ow.reshape((2,1,wavs)), header=header, name='VAR')) hduout.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=badbin_ow.astype("uint8").reshape((2,1,wavs)), header=header, name='BPM')) hduout.writeto('e'+outfilelist[i],clobber=True,output_verify='warn') log.message('Output file '+'e'+outfilelist[i] , with_header=False) # np.savetxt("psfbadfrac_iow.txt",psfbadfrac_iow.reshape((-1,wavs)).T,fmt="%8.5f") return