Esempio n. 1
 def test_cgls_skinny(self):
     tol = 1e5
     A = self.A
     x0 = da.ones(A.shape[1], chunks=(A.chunks[1], ))
     b =, x0)
     tol_cgls = tol * da.linalg.norm(b) / da.linalg.norm(x0)
     x, res, iters = cg.cgls(A, b, 0., tol=tol_cgls)
     r =, x) - b
     assert da.linalg.norm(r).compute() < tol * (1 + x.size**0.5)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_cgls_fat(self):
     tol = 1e5
     A = self.B
     x0 = da.ones(A.shape[1], chunks=(A.chunks[1], ))
     b =, x0)
     tol_cgls = tol * da.linalg.norm(b) / da.linalg.norm(x0)
     x_ln, res, iters = cg.cgls(A, b, 0., tol=tol_cgls)
     r =, x_ln) - b
     assert da.linalg.norm(r).compute() < tol * (1 + x0.size**0.5)
     assert (x0 - x_ln).dot(x_ln).compute() < tol * (1 + x0.size**0.5)
Esempio n. 3
def cg_project(A, x, y, tol=1e-8, **options):
    r""" Project (x, y) onto graph G = {(y, x) | y = Ax} via CG

    In particular, form outputs as:

        :math:`x_{out} = (1 + A^TA)^{-1}(A^Ty + x)`
        :math:`y_{out} = Ax_{out}`
    fmt = 'array {} compatible'
    assert A.shape[0] == y.shape[0] and A.shape[1] == x.shape[0], fmt.format(
    assert A.chunks[0] == y.chunks[0] and A.chunks[1] == x.chunks[
        0], fmt.format('chunks')

    token = options.pop(
        'name', 'cg-project-' + dask.base.tokenize(A, x, y, tol, **options))
    nm_b, nm_x, nm_y = map(lambda nm: nm + '-' + token, ('b', 'x', 'y'))

    # b = A'y + x
    b = atoms2.gemv(1, A, y, 1, x, transpose=True, name=nm_b)
    A_hat = linop.DLORegularizedGram(A, transpose=False)
    x_out, res, iters = cg.cg_graph(A_hat, b, tol=tol, name=nm_x, **options)
    y_out =, x_out, name=nm_y)
    x_out, y_out = dask.persist(x_out, y_out)
    return x_out, y_out, res, iters
Esempio n. 4
def cgls_project(A, x, y, tol=1e-8, **options):
    r""" Project (x, y) onto graph G = {(y, x) | y = Ax} via CGLS

    In particular, form outputs as:

        :math:`x_{out} = x + argmin_x 1/2 \|Ax' - (y - Ax)\| + 1/2 \|x'\|_2^2`
        :math:`y_{out} = Ax_{out}`
    fmt = 'array {} compatible'
    assert A.shape[0] == y.shape[0] and A.shape[1] == x.shape[0], fmt.format(
    assert A.chunks[0] == y.chunks[0] and A.chunks[1] == x.chunks[
        0], fmt.format('chunks')

    token = options.pop(
        'name', 'cgls-project-' + dask.base.tokenize(A, x, y, tol, **options))
    nm_b, nm_x, nm_y = map(lambda nm: nm + '-' + token, ('b', 'x', 'y'))

    # b = y - Ax
    # x_cg = argmin \|Ax' - (b)\| + \|x'\|_2^2
    b = atoms2.gemv(-1, A, x, 1, y, name=nm_b)
    x_cg, res, iters = cg.cgls(A, b, 1, tol=tol)
    x_out = da.add(x, x_cg, name=nm_x)
    y_out =, x_out, name=nm_y)
    return x_out, y_out, res, iters
Esempio n. 5
def cg_reduces_residuals(A):
    options = dict(graph_iters=1, maxiter=1000)
    tol = 1e-5
    b = da.ones(A.shape[0], chunks=A.chunks[0])
    x, _, _ = cg.cg_graph(A, b)
    nrm = da.linalg.norm(b -, x)).compute()
    nrm_tol = tol * (1 + da.linalg.norm(b)).compute()
    return nrm < nrm_tol
Esempio n. 6
def cgls(A, b, rho, **options):
    b_hat =, b, transpose=True)
    A_hat = linop.DLORegularizedGram(A, regularization=rho, transpose=False)
    x, _, iters = cg_graph(A_hat, b_hat, **options)
    res = da.linalg.norm(, x) - b).compute()
    return x, res, iters
Esempio n. 7
def dot_matches_expected(matrixlike, vec, expected, transpose=False):
    tol = 1e-15 * (1 + expected.size**0.5)
    output =, vec, transpose=transpose)
    norm = da.linalg.norm(output - expected).compute()
    assert norm < tol, '|Ax - Ax_expected| < tol: {:.2e} < {:.2e}'.format(norm, tol)
    return True